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Binary Number Systems

Understanding Binary
• The binary number system works similarly to the base 10
decimal system we are used to using, except that it is a

base 2 system consis ng of only two digits, 1 and 0.
• The binary numbers system is the basis of computer

func onality. Essen ally binary code uses 1s and 0s to

turn certain processes o or on.
• Binary numbers can be added just as decimal numbers,

and while the process is familiar, adjus ng to the base 2
system can make it a confusing endeavor.
• It is helpful, then, to have a complete understanding of
how place value works in the binary number system

before a emp ng to add binary numbers.
How to set Binary Value
• 1 Draw a place value chart with two rows and four columns.
• Label each column with a place value. The binary system is a base 2
system, so instead of the ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands place
like we use in the decimal (base 10) system, binary has the ones,
twos, fours, and eights place.
• The ones place is the far right column of your chart, and the eights

place is the far le column.
Setting Binary

• You can con nue your
place value chart. Each
place value is determined
by a base 2 exponent. For
• Interpret the twos
place. If there is a 0 in the
twos place, the value is 0.
If there is a 1 in the twos
place, the value is 2.For
example, in the binary
number 1101, there is a 0
in the twos place, so the
value is 0.
• So the binary number 01
is equal to the decimal
number 1, because there
are 0 twos and 1 one: 0 +
• Interpret the fours place. If
there is a 0 in the fours place,
the value is 0. If there is a 1 in
the fours place, the value is
4.For example, in the binary
number 1101, there is a 1 in the
fours place, so the value is 4.
• So the binary number 101 is
equal to the decimal number 5,
because there are 1 four, 0
twos, and 1 one: 4 + 0 + 1 = 5.
• Interpret the eights place. If
there is a 0 in the eights place,
the value is 0. If there is a 1 in
the eights place, the value is
8.For example, in the binary
number 1101, there is a 1 in the
eights place, so the value is 8.
• So the binary number 1101 is
equal to the decimal number
13, because there are 1 eight, 1
four, 0 twos, and 1 one: 8 + 4 +
0 + 1 = 13.
Adding Binary Numbers
Using Place Value

1 Set up the problem ver cally, and add
the digits in the ones place. Since you are
only adding two digits, the possible sum
is either 0, 1, or 2.
If the sum is 0, write a 0 in the answer’s
ones place. If the sum is 1, write a 1 in
the answer’s ones place.
If the sum is 2, write a 0 in the answer’s
ones place, and carry a 1 into the twos
For example, if adding 0111 and 1110, for
the ones column you would add 1 one
plus 0 ones = 1, so place a 1 in the
answer’s ones column
Add the digits in the twos place. The possible
sum is either 0, 1, 2, or 3 (if you carried from
the ones place).
If the sum is 0, write a 0 in the answer’s twos
If the sum is 1, write a 1 in the answer’s twos
If the sum is 2, write a 0 in the answer’s twos
place, and carry a 1 into the fours column.
If the sum is 3, write a 1 in the answer’s twos
place, and carry a 1 into the fours column (3
twos = 6 = 1 two and 1 four).For example, if
adding 0111 and 1110, for the twos column
you would add 1 two, plus 1 two = 2 twos = 4,
so place a 0 in the answer’s twos column and
carry a 1 into the fours column.
Add the digits in the fours place. The
possible sum is either 0, 1, 2, or 3 (if you
carried from the twos place). If the sum is 0,
write a 0 in the answer’s fours place.
If the sum is 1, write a 1 in the answer’s fours
place. If the sum is 2, write a 0 in the
answer’s fours place, and carry a 1 into the
eights column.
If the sum is 3, write a 1 on the answer’s
fours place, and carry a 1 into the eights
column (3 fours = 12 = 1 four and 1 eight).
For example, if adding 0111 and 1110, for the
fours column you would add 1 four, plus 1
four, plus 1 four = 3 fours= 12, so place a 1 in
the answer’s fours column and carry a 1 into
the eights column.
Keep adding the digits in each place

value of the number un l you reach your

nal answer. For simplicity’s sake, you can
remember that 0 = 0, 1 = 1, 2 = 10, and 3
= 11.
For example, if adding 0111 and 1110, for
the eights column you would add up 2
eights, since you carried from the fours
For a sum of 2, place a 0 in the eights
column and carry a 1 into the sixteens
Since there are no other numbers in the
sixteens column, just bring that 1 down to

the nal answer. So 0111 + 1110 = 10101.
Adding Multiple
Binary Numbers
by Pairing 1s
Set up the problem

ver cally. Circle pairs of 1s
(digits) in the ones column.
Remember, the ones column in
binary is the far right column.
For example, if adding 1010 +
1111 + 1011 + 1110, you
should circle 1 pair of 1s.
Interpret the ones column. For each
pair of 1s, carry a 1 into the twos
If there is only one 1, or if there is

one 1 le over a er circling pairs of
1s, then write a 1 in the answer’s
ones place.

If there are no 1s le over, place a 0
in the answer’s ones place. For
example, since you circled one pair
of 1s, you would carry a 1 into the
twos column, and drop a 0 in the
answer’s ones place.
Circle pairs of 1s in the
twos column. Don’t forget
to include any digits you
carried over from the ones
For example, if adding 1010
+ 1111 + 1011 + 1110, you
should circle 2 pairs of 1s,

and have one 1 le over.
Interpret the twos column. For each pair
of 1s, carry a 1 into the fours column and
drop a 0 into the answer’s twos place.

If there is only one 1, or if there is a 1 le

over a er circling pairs of 1s, then place
a 1 into the answer’s twos place.

If there are no 1s le over, place a 0 in
the answer’s ones place.
For example, since you circled 2 pairs of

1s and had one 1 le over, you would
carry a 1 into the fours column twice,
and drop a 1 in the answer’s twos place.
Circle pairs of 1s in the
fours column. Don’t
forget to include any
digits you carried over
from the twos column.For
example, if adding 1010 +
1111 + 1011 + 1110, you
should circle 2 pairs of 1s,
since you carried 1 over
twice from the twos
Interpret the fours column. Carry
over a 1 into the eights column
for each pair of 1s. Don’t forget
to put a 1 in the fours place if you

have one 1 le over, or a 0 in the

fours place if you have no 1s le
over.For example, since you

circled 2 pairs of 1s with none le
over, you would carry a 1 into the
eights column twice, and place a
0 in the answer’s fours column.

Con nue circling pairs of 1s for each place
value. Don’t forget to carry a 1 into the next column
for each circled pair, to place a 1 in the answer if

there is a 1 le over, and to place a 0 in the answer if
only zeros remain in the column.
For example, if adding 1010 + 1111 + 1011 + 1110, for
the eights place you should circle 3 pairs of 1s, since
you carried 1 over twice from the fours column.
So you would place a 0 in the eights place of your
answer and carry three 1s into the sixteens column.
In the sixteens column you have one pair of 1s with

one 1 le over, so you would place a 1 in the sixteens
place of your answer, and a 1 in the thirty-twos
column of your answer.
So 1010 + 1111 + 1011 + 1110 = 110010.

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