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Lesson Plan #1: Soccer Dribbling

Subject and Generic Physical Education/6-8 grades

Lesson Focus: Skill to be taught: Dribbling

Lesson Plan
NASPE Standard(s) Standard 1 The physically literate individual demonstrates
competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
Standard 2 The physically literate individual applies knowledge of
concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement
and performance.
Standard 3 The physically literate individual demonstrates the
knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing
level of physical activity and fitness.
Standard 4 The physically literate individual exhibits responsible
personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
Standard 5 The physically literate individual recognizes the value
of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression
and/or social interaction.
Specific Learning Psychomotor Objective: TSWBAT dribble a soccer ball with the
Outcome(s) proper form and different movements.
Cognitive Objective: TSWBAT explain what kind of dribble would
be more effective in maneuvering out of a situation.
Affective Objective: TSW cooperate with their partners as they
help each other with the movement and as they serve as a
defender to help their partner have a sense of the real situation in a
Focus Statement or I can dribble the ball using the outside of my foot
“I Can” Statement I can change direction while dribbling the soccer ball.
I can keep the ball close.
I can keep my head up while dribbling the soccer ball.
Academic Vocabulary CUES: Dribble
(content specific) Outside foot
Inside foot
Procedures Get Ready to Learn
 TTW set up a 4-coned rectangular boundary for the playing
field. The area will be approximately 30 ft by 30 ft long. The
soccer balls will be scattered in the middle of area. TTW explain
a quick soccer tag game for warm up.
 TSW listen to the directions of the game to be played and
perform the game for warm up.
 TTW explain all the stations that the students will be working in
throughout class. TTW instruct the students on how each
station is going to work and the different aspects of dribbling in
each one. TTW begin demonstrating each different task for the
students to see, also check for understanding after
demonstrating all of the tasks.
 TSW ask questions if needed or show any concerns they may
have with the activity.
Guided Practice
 TTW explain to the students that there are five different
dribbling stations around the gym. Everyone will have the
chance to go at his or her own pace to advance from station to
station. When the teacher says GO, they may take their soccer
ball to their designated station.
 TSW use the inside or outside of their foot to dribble and
change direction. They will work on keeping their head up so
that they know where their defender is at all times. They will
keep the ball close so that the defender cannot easily take the
soccer ball away.
Guided Independent Practice
 TTW move from station to station to see if everything is going
smoothly without interfering with the student’s moves. TTW give
cue words as “right foot” “left foot” “inside of foot” “outside of
foot”. TTW ask questions like “see how many tasks you can
complete successfully” or “make sure to complete each task
before moving onto the next task.”
 TSW be aware of each other’s movement and be the judge if
their fellow teammate can move to the next station they will say
 TTW ask the students questions like “can anyone tell me one of
the helpful hints we learned today to help us advance past our
defender and score a goal?” Teacher will give last advices to
the students like “remember to change direction to get past
your defender when the defender is directly in front of you.
Also, remember to keep your eyes up so that you can see your
defender and more easily move past him. Now we can use
these moves to help us become better soccer players and have
more fun while playing soccer.” Teacher will also give a proper
cooldown hitting the muscles the students worked followed by a
good stretch.
 TSW answer questions about the lesson on what they have
learned. TSW perform the proper cooldown instructed by the
Materials include Materials needed for the lesson include the Resource:
Resource  Soccer balls (amount will differ with size of the class)
 Mini cones (blue and red cones)
 3 pinnies
 Lesson adapted from
Assessment · Teacher Observation
· Post assessment sheet where teacher will grade to himself the quality
of the dribbles each student performed.

Differentiated Enrichment (For those who DO “get it”; then what?

 TTW use a computer to show the students a short-detailed
video made by a professional soccer player in the art of
 TSW assist others who may be having difficulty understanding
the skill.
Accommodation/Modifications (IEP, ELL)
 TTW provide one on one instruction, if needed, and provide
variations of the stations for example if student uses a
wheelchair, allow him to hold ball on his lap while pushing the
wheelchair. TTW provide a variation on equipment like using a
deflated ball, nerf ball, beeper ball, brightly colored ball for
 TSW according to the situation listen to the teacher’s variation
ideas and try it out.
Remediation/Reteach/Intervention (For those who DO NOT
“get it”; then what?
· TTW give one on one instruction to help demonstrate.
 TSW move closer to the computer so they can get a better view of the
video and receive more one instruction.
Reflection of lesson (Only if lesson is taught for videos).

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