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The peasant Jean Valjean has just been released from imprisonment. Upon being
released, he is required to carry a yellow passport that marks him as a convict, despite
having already paid his debt to society by serving his time in jail. This means that all
of the townspeople shun him and refuse to give him food or shelter. + Bishop Myriel,
the Bishop of Digne, takes him in and gives him shelter. In the middle of the night, he
steals the bishop’s silverware and runs. He is caught, but the bishop rescues him by
claiming that the silverware was a gift. The bishop then tells him of the promise to use
the silver to make an honest man of himself.

+ Six years later, + Valjean, having assumed the name Monsieur Madeleine to avoid
capture, has become a wealthy factory owner and is appointed mayor of his adopted
town of Montreuil-sur-Mer. Sometime later, Valjean meets the dying + Fantine, who
was fired from her job at his factory. Her young daughter, Cosette, lives with the
Thénardiers, a cruel inkeeper. Fantine is unaware of the constant abuse to her
daughter and continues to try to pay their growing, extortionate demands for her
upkeep. Separated from Cosette, Fantine is slowly dying. Valjean, promises her that
he will take care of Cosette. The town's police inspector, + Javert, is starting to
suspect that Madeleine is in fact Jean Valjean. He pays off the innkeeper, +
Thénardier, to obtain + Cosette, and flees with her to Paris.

Ten years later + . One of the students, Marius Pontmercy, + falls in love with +
Cosette. The Thénardiers, who have also moved to Paris, lead a gang of thieves on a
raid of Valjean’s house while Marius is visiting. However, Thénardier’s daughter, +
Éponine, who is in love with Marius, convinces the thieves to leave. Valjean,
believeing that Javert is following them again, plans to move to London.

The following day, the students revolt + and erect barricades in the narrow streets of
Paris. Marius, believing that Cosette has gone to London with her father and that he
will never see her again, goes to fight with his friends. Valjean, learning that Cosette's
lover is fighting, joins them. + Éponine also joins and ends up taking a bullet for
Marius, but she dies happily because she is in his arms, finally. Valjean carries off
Marius, who was injured in the battle.Valjean escapes through the sewers, carrying
Marius's body on his shoulders. At the exit, he runs into Javert + , whom he persuades
to give him time to return Marius to his family. Javert grants this request, and then
realises he feels he can no longer give Valjean up to the authorities. Unable to cope
with this dilemma, Javert throws himself into the Seine. Marius and Cosette are soon
married. Valjean confesses to Marius that he is an ex-convict. Convinced that Valjean
is evil, he steers Cosette away from him. Valjean loses the will to live and takes to his
bed. Marius finds out that Valjean saved his life on the barricades. But Marius has
learned of Valjean's good deeds too late; he and Cosette rush to Valjean's house but
the great man is dying. Valjean reveals his past to the pair and in his final moments,
he realizes happiness with his adopted daughter and son-in-law by his side. +

• 56 professional company productions

• 38 countries 223 cities
• 21 languages
• 38,000 performances worldwide
• Won over 50 major theatre awards

Les Mis rating: 8.5

Cats: 4.6

Dirty dancing: 4.7

Little shop of horrors: 6

We will rock you: 7.3

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