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Ge et al.

BMC Geriatrics (2018) 18:213


Technology-based cognitive training and

rehabilitation interventions for individuals
with mild cognitive impairment: a
systematic review
Shaoqing Ge1* , Zheng Zhu2,3, Bei Wu4,5 and Eleanor S. McConnell1,6

Background: Individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) are at heightened risk of developing dementia.
Rapid advances in computing technology have enabled researchers to conduct cognitive training and rehabilitation
interventions with the assistance of technology. This systematic review aims to evaluate the effects of technology-
based cognitive training or rehabilitation interventions to improve cognitive function among individuals with MCI.
Methods: We conducted a systematic review using the following criteria: individuals with MCI, empirical studies,
and evaluated a technology-based cognitive training or rehabilitation intervention. Twenty-six articles met the criteria.
Results: Studies were characterized by considerable variation in study design, intervention content, and technologies
applied. The major types of technologies applied included computerized software, tablets, gaming consoles, and virtual
reality. Use of technology to adjust the difficulties of tasks based on participants’ performance was an important
feature. Technology-based cognitive training and rehabilitation interventions had significant effect on global cognitive
function in 8 out of 22 studies; 8 out of 18 studies found positive effects on attention, 9 out of 16 studies on executive
function, and 16 out of 19 studies on memory. Some cognitive interventions improved non-cognitive symptoms such
as anxiety, depression, and ADLs.
Conclusion: Technology-based cognitive training and rehabilitation interventions show promise, but the findings were
inconsistent due to the variations in study design. Future studies should consider using more consistent
methodologies. Appropriate control groups should be designed to understand the additional benefits of cognitive
training and rehabilitation delivered with the assistance of technology.
Keywords: Technology, Cognition, Cognitive training, Cognitive rehabilitation, Systematic review

Background significant cognitive complaints, yet do not exhibit the

Due to the aging of the world’s population, the number functional impairments required for a diagnosis of
of people who live with dementia is projected to triple to dementia. These people typically have a faster rate of
131 million by the year 2050 [1, 2]. Development of progression to dementia than those without MCI [5],
preventative strategies for individuals at higher risk of but the cognitive decline among MCI subjects has the
developing dementia is an international priority [3, 4]. potential of being improved [7, 8]. Previous systematic
Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is regarded as an reviews of cognitive intervention studies, both cognitive
intermediate stage between normal cognition and training and cognitive rehabilitation, have demonstrated
dementia [5, 6]. Individuals with MCI usually suffer with promising effects on improving cognitive function
among subjects with MCI [3, 7, 9, 10].
Recently, rapid advances in computing technology
* Correspondence: have enabled researchers to conduct cognitive training
Duke University School of Nursing, 307 Trent Drive, Durham, NC, USA and rehabilitation interventions with the assistance of
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver
( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Ge et al. BMC Geriatrics (2018) 18:213 Page 2 of 19

technology. A variety of technologies, including virtual search strategy is available in Additional file 1. The
reality (VR), interactive video gaming, and mobile tech- literature search was limited to empirical studies among
nology, have been used to implement cognitive training human subjects. We did not set boundaries on age since
and rehabilitation programs. Potential advantages to MCI can occur among middle aged to older adults. The
using technology-based interventions include enhanced literature search was completed on December 1, 2017.
accessibility and cost-effectiveness, providing a user ex-
perience that is immersive and comprehensive, as well Inclusion and exclusion of publications
as providing adaptive responses based on individual Two authors (SG and ESM) independently reviewed the
performance. Many computerized cognitive intervention list of articles found in the literature search. Inclusion
programs are easily accessed through a computer or criteria were: 1) participants were diagnosed with MCI;
tablet, and the technology can objectively collect data 2) a technology-based cognitive training or rehabilitation
during the intervention to provide real-time feedback to intervention was evaluated; and 3) an empirical study
participants or therapists. Importantly, interventions was conducted. Exclusion criteria were: 1) the effect of
delivered using technology have shown better effects the intervention on MCI participants could not be
compared to traditional cognitive training and rehabilita- extracted from effects among healthy or dementia par-
tion programs in improving cognitive function and ticipants, and 2) the publication was not in English.
quality of life [11–13]. The reasons for this superiority Titles were first reviewed for obvious exclusions. Then,
are not well-understood but could be related to the us- for those retained from the first-round title screening,
ability and motivational factors related to the real-time abstracts were screened. A third-round of full-text
interaction and feedback received from the training sys- screening was then conducted. Any uncertainties or
tem [13]. discrepancies between the two authors (SG and ESM)
Three recent reviews of cognitive training and rehabili- were discussed and resolved.
tation for use with individuals with MCI and dementia
suggest that technology holds promise to improve both
Quality assessment
cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes [14–16]. The re-
The quality of studies identified as relevant was assessed
views conducted by Coyle, et al. [15] and Chandler, et al.
by two independent reviewers (SG and ZZ) using the
[14] were limited by accessing articles from only two
Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) critical appraisal checklist
databases, and did not comprehensively cover available
for randomized controlled trials (RCT) and JBI checklist
technologies. Hill, et al. [16] limited their review to
for quasi-experimental studies [19]. Any disagreements
papers published until July 2016 and included only older
that arose were resolved through discussion, or with a
adults aged 60 and above. More technology-based inter-
third reviewer (BW). The studies were generally meth-
vention studies have been conducted since then, and
odologically sound with some variations in quality across
only including studies with older adults 60 and above
studies (see Additional file 1: Table S2 and S3).
could limit the scope of the review given that adults can
develop early-onset MCI in their 40s [17]. Therefore, the
purpose of this review is to 1) capture more studies Data extraction and synthesis
using technology-based cognitive interventions by con- Two reviewers (SG and ZZ) independently extracted
ducting a more comprehensive search using additional information from each article into the Tables 1 and 2.
databases 2) understand the effect of technology-based Disagreements on data extraction were resolved by
cognitive interventions on improving abilities among indi- consensus with the assistance of a third author. A
viduals with MCI; and 3) examine the effects of multi- meta-analysis of the 26 articles was inappropriate due to
modal technology-based interventions and their potential the large variability between the study designs, interven-
superiority compared to single component interventions. tion contents, outcomes measured, and population
samples across different studies [20, 21]. We selectively
Methods calculated effect sizes for a pair of studies that used the
Search strategy same intervention materials [22, 23]. All data syntheses
PRISMA guidelines were followed for conducting this were conducted by using Revman 5.3 [24]. The forest
systematic review [18]. Based on the research aims and plot is presented in Additional file 1: Figure S1.
key words, an experienced librarian searched five data-
bases: PubMed (Medline), PsychoINFO (EBSCOhost), Results
CINAHL (EBSCOhost), Embase, and Cochrane Library Based on the strategy and criteria described above, 26 of
(Wiley). The search strategy used a combination of 411 studies identified were deemed eligible for review.
subject headings and key words for these main concepts: The PRISMA flowchart in Fig. 1 presents the decision
technology, MCI, training, and rehabilitation. The full pathway for final inclusion of studies.
Table 1 Sample characteristic of included studies
First author Year of Location Setting/context Sample sizea Ageb (year) MCI Criteria Baseline cognitive
publication characteristicb
Cipriani, 2006 [29] 2006 Italy Dayhospital 10(AD) + 10(MCI) 70.6 Not specified MMSE: 28.0
Rozzini, 2007 [40] 2007 Italy Medical centers 59 63–78 Petersen criteria MMSE: IG1:26.4
IG2:26.0 CG:26.8
Talassi, 2007 [36] 2007 Italy Community-dwelling 37(MCI) + 29(AD) IG:76.2 CG:76.1 Not specified MMSE: IG:27.5
Barnes, 2009 [22] 2009 US Medical centers 47 IG:74.1 CG:74.8 IWG criteria BRANS: IG:85.2
Ge et al. BMC Geriatrics (2018) 18:213

Finn, 2011 [25] 2011 Australia Medical center 27 IG:69.00 CG:76.38 IWG criteria MMSE: IG:28.5
Rosen, 2011 [23] 2011 US Community-dwelling 12 IG:70.67 CG:78.00 IWG criteria MMSE: IG:29.33
Gagnon, 2012 [43] 2012 Canada Medical centers 24 IG:68.42 CG:67.00 Petersen criteria MMSE: IG:27.83
Herrera, 2012 [42] 2012 France Medical center 22 IG:75.09 CG:78.18 Petersen criteria MMSE: IG:27.36
Man, 2012 [13] 2012 Hong Kong Community service setting 44 IG:80.30 CG:80.28 Petersen criteria MMSE: IG:21.05
Gonzalez-Palau, 2014 [33] 2014 Spain Community centers 39(HE) + 11(MCI) 74.60 Petersen criteria MEC 35: 29.61
Han, 2014 [30] 2014 Korea Medical center 10 72.1 IWG criteria MMSE: 26.7
Hughes, 2014 [45] 2014 US Community setting 20 IG:78.5 CG:76.2 MYHAT Cognitive MMSE: IG:27.2
Classification CG:27.1
Fiatarone Singh, 2014 [26] 2014 Australia Community-dwelling 100 70.1 Petersen criteria ADAS-Cog: IG1:8.79
IG2:8.29 IG3:8.02
Manera, 2015 [32] 2015 France Medical Center and research unit 9(MCI) + 12(AD) 75.8 National Institute on MMSE: 27.2
Aging and Alzheimer
Association group
clinical criteria
Styliadis, 2015 [34] 2015 Greece Medical facility 70 IG1:71.21 IG2:70.42 IG3:72.71 Petersen criteria MMSE: IG1:25.85
CG1:71.07 CG2:67.64 IG2:26.21 IG3:25.14
CG1:26.21 CG2:25
Barban, 2016 [39] 2016 Italy, Greece, Medical centers 114(HE) + IG:74.4 CG:72.9 Petersen criteria MMSE: IG:27.3
Norway and Spain 106(MCI) + 81(AD) CG:28.1
Gooding, 2016 [35] 2016 US Medical center 74 75.59 Petersen criteria mMMSE: IG1:51.25
IG2:50.29 CG:50.39
Heyer, 2016 [28] 2016 US Community-dwelling 68 IG:75.1 CG:75.2 IWG criteria MMSE: 26
Klados, 2016 [37] 2016 Greece Not specified 50 IG:69.60 CG:67.92 Petersen criteria MMSE: IG:26.04
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Table 1 Sample characteristic of included studies (Continued)
First author Year of Location Setting/context Sample sizea Ageb (year) MCI Criteria Baseline cognitive
publication characteristicb
Lin, 2016 [44] 2016 US Community-dwelling 24 IG:72.9 CG:73.1 Albert criteria MoCA: IG:24.4
Vermeij, 2016 [31] 2016 Netherlands Community setting 25(HE) + 22(MCI) 68.4 Petersen criteria MMSE > 27.1
Not specified
Bahar-Fuchs, 2017 [27] 2017 Australia Community-dwelling 9(MCI) + 74.8 National Institute on GDS: 2.9
11(MrNPS) + Aging and Alzheimer
25(MCI+MrNPS) Association group
clinical criteria
Ge et al. BMC Geriatrics (2018) 18:213

Delbroek, 2017 [47] 2017 Belgium Residential care center 20 IG:86.9 CG:87.5 Not specified Moca: IG:17.5
Hagovská, 2017 [12] 2017 Slovakia Outpatient psychiatric clinics 60 IG:67.8 CG:68.2 Albert criteria MMSE: IG:25.6
Mansbach, 2017 [38] 2017 US Community-dwelling 38 78.08c Petersen criteria BCATc: IG:38.65
Savulich, 2017 [41] 2017 UK Research and medical center 42 IG:75.2 CG:76.9 Albert criteria MMSE: IG:26.6
IG Intervention group, CG Control group
HE Healthy elderly with no history of neurological or psychiatric deficits, MrNPS Mood-related neuropsychiatric symptoms
Data only included elderly with MCI
Demographic data included both MCI and AD
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Table 2 Overview of included studies
First author Study Intervention and Control Technology description Sessions/ Follow-up Cognitive outcome Other outcome Key findings
and year design Technology Duration measures measures
Cipriani, Pre- Computer NA TNP software: delivers 2 * 16 * 13– 3 months MMSE Depression (GDS); MCI: Only significantly
2006 [29] post based-Cognitive individualized cognitive 45 min Attention: Visual search; Anxiety: STAI-X1, STAI- improved in memory
study Rehabilitation rehabilitation exercises in sessions for Executive function: Trail X2; ADL: AADL; QOL: SF- (RBMT)
(cb-CR) programs the following cognitive 8 weeks Making test A and B; 12
domains: attention, Behavioral Memory:
memory, perception, RBMT; Psychomotor
visuospatial cognition, learning: digit symbol
language, and non-verbal test; Verbal fluency:
intelligence phonemic and semantic
Ge et al. BMC Geriatrics (2018) 18:213

verbal fluency
Rozzini, RCT TNP + ChEIs CG1: ChEIs TNP Software 20 * 1 h/ 1 yr MMSE Mood: depression: GDS; IG: significant
2007 [40] CG2: No session, five Memory: Short story anxiety, apathy improvement in memory,
treatment days/week recall; Executive function: Behavioral disturbances: abstract reasoning, and
for four Rey’s figure copy and NPI Activities of daily depression
weeks recall, Raven’s colored living: BADL CG1: no improvements
matrices; Verbal fluency: on any cognition but
Letter verbal fluency, benefit in depression
Semantic verbal fluency CG2: no improvement in
any outcome measures
Talassi, CCT TNP + OT + BT PR + OT + BT TNP Software 30–45 min/ Interven- MMSE Mood: depression GDS; MCI subjects in IG
2007 [36] session, tion end Working memory: anxiety (Stai-Y1,Stai-Y2; improved in executive
4 days/week forward and backward ADL: BADL, IADL, PPT; function, visuospatial
for 3 weeks digit span; Executive memory, anxiety,
function: Rey’s figure depression, and PPT but
copy; Verbal fluency: not IADL
phonemic and semantic MCI subjects in CG: no
verbal fluency; CDT; improvements
Episodic Memory:
episodic memory subset
of RBMT; Verbal fluency:
Phonemic and semantic
verbal fluency; Attention:
visual search, processing
speed: digit symbol test
Barnes, RCT cb-CT Passive Computer-based IG: 100 min/ Interven- Global cognitive function: Mood: depression (GDS) IG showed greater
2009 [22] computer cognitive training day five days/ tion end RBANS total score, 5 improvement on RBANS
activities software developed by week for RBANS index score total scores but no
Posit Science Corporation 6 weeks CG: Memory: CVLT-II significant between
(San Francisco, CA), 90 min/day, Language: COWAT, BNT group difference.
involving seven exercises 5 days/week Executive function: Effect sizes for verbal
including primary and for 6 weeks California Trail Making learning and memory
working auditory memory Test measures tended to favor
tasks to improve Attention: Design Fluency IG.
processing speed and test; Working memory: Effect sizes for language
accuracy in the auditory Spatial Span test and visuospatial function
cortex measures tended to favor
CG (control group).
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Table 2 Overview of included studies (Continued)
First author Study Intervention and Control Technology description Sessions/ Follow-up Cognitive outcome Other outcome Key findings
and year design Technology Duration measures measures
Finn, 2011 RCT Computerized No intervention Lumosity software on a 30 sessions, Interven- Executive function: IED; Mood: Depression IG had significant
[25] Cognitive Training computer contains four 4–5 sessions/ tion end Attention: RVP Anxiety and Stress Scale improvement in visual
Package or five cognitive exercise week Subjective memory attention but not
that targeted four impairment: MFQ processing speed, visual
cognitive domains Visual memory: PAL memory, nor mood
Rosen, RCT cb-CT listening to Computer-based IG: 24 Interven- Global cognitive function: Not specified IG > CG: improvement in
2011 [23] audio books, cognitive training sessions, 100 tion end RBANS verbal memory and left
reading online software developed by mins/day, Neuroimaging: fMRI hippocampal activation
newspapers, and Posit Science Corporation 5 days/week CG: declined in VM
Ge et al. BMC Geriatrics (2018) 18:213

playing a CG:24
visuospatial sessions,
oriented 90 min/day,
computer game 5 days/week
Gagnon, RCT Computer-based VP AC: Computer- Computer-based divided 6 * 1 h/ Interven- Attention: dual task (digit QOL: Well-Being Scale VP showed significant
2012 [43] based FP attention dual-task train- session, 3 tion end span task, visual detection Divided attention: advantage over FP in
ing: VP: performing both times/week task); Executive subtest of Divided Attention improving accuracy and
tasks concurrently and for two TEA Questionnaire reaction time
varying allocation prior- weeks Attention: Trail Making FP and VP both produced
ities across the series of Test A; Executive function: improvements on
blocks, feedbacks are pro- Trail Making Test B; focused attention, speed
vided; FP: perform both of processing, and
tasks concurrently and to switching abilities
allocate 50/50 attentional No reliable advantage for
resources to each task, no VP over FP
feedbacks provided
Herrera, RCT Computer –based Stimulating Computer-based 24 * 60 min/ 6 months MMSE-recall; Memory: N/A Significant improvement
2012 [42] Memory and Cognitive cognitive training that session the forward and in memory, both episodic
attention training activities involved a memory task twice/week backward digit span test, recall and recognition
and an attention task for 12 weeks. BEM-144 12-word-list re-
call, the 16-item free and
cued reminding test, sub-
score recall of the MMSE,
visual recognition subtest
from the Doors and
People memory battery,
the DMS48 test; executive
function: Rey–Osterrieth
Complex Figure recall test
Man, 2012 CCT VR-based memory Therapist-led VR: participants use either 10 sessions, Interven- Memory: MMQ; Episodic ADL: Lawton IADL VR: significant
[13] training program program the joystick or the 30 min/ tion end Memory: FOME improvement in total
direction buttons of the session 2–3 encoding, total recall,
keyboard to control the times/week delayed recall and MMQ-
navigation action and strategy
give responses to a Therapist-led: significant
memory task improvement in total
recall, delayed recall and
Page 6 of 19
Table 2 Overview of included studies (Continued)
First author Study Intervention and Control Technology description Sessions/ Follow-up Cognitive outcome Other outcome Key findings
and year design Technology Duration measures measures
VR > therapist in
improving objective
memory; Therapist > VR
in subjective memory
Gonzalez- Pre- LLM included CTC NA CTC: Gradior Software: a CTC: 40/ Interven- Global cognitive function: Mood: depression(GDS) For MCI subjects:
Palau, 2014 post and PTC multi-domain cognitive session, three tion end The Mini Examen Significant improvement
[33] study training program includ- times/week Cognitivo (MEC 35) in global cognitive
ing attention, perception, for 12 weeks Memory: Logical Memory function, verbal
episodic memory and PTC: one- subtests of the WMS III memory,episodic
Ge et al. BMC Geriatrics (2018) 18:213

working memory tasks. hour session Attention: The Color Trail memory, and decrease in
Principles of feedback of FFA, three Test 1 and 2 symptoms of depression.
and difficulty adaptation times/week Verbal learning and
are used for 12 weeks memory: HVLT-R
PTC: FFA: an innovative,
low-cost game platform.
Work our intensity grad-
ually increases
Han, 2014 Pre- Ubiquitous Spaced NA USMART program app on 24 face-to- Interven- CERAD-K-N including: N/A Significantly improved
[30] post Retrieval-based IPad face sessions tion end verbal fluency: the only in memory (WLMT);
study Memory Advance- Categorical Fluency test, number of training
ment and Rehabili- the Modified BNT; MMSE; sessions correlated with
tation Training memory: WLMT, WLRT, WLMT scores
USMART Program the Word List Recognition
Test, CRT; visuospatial:
Constructional Praxis Test;
Attention: Trail Making
Test A; executive function:
Trail Making Test B
Hughes, RCT Interactive video Healthy aging Nintendo Wii gaming 24 * 90 min, 1 year Global cognition: CAMCI; Mood/social functioning: IG: No significant
2014 [45] games (Wii) education console for interactive 1 session/ Processing speed/ CSRQ-25; improvement in any of
program video gaming (bowling, week for Attention: Tracking A; ADL: TIADL the outcome measures.
golf, tennis, and baseball) 24 weeks Executive function: Medium effect size
Tracking B; Subjective estimates were found for
cognitive ability global cognition,
subjective cognition,
executive function, and
gait speed
Fiatarone RCT IG1: CT + Sham Sham exercise + COGPACK program: CG: 60 min 18 months Global cognition: ADAS- ADL: B-IADL CT prevented memory
Singh, exercise Sham cognitive computer-based multi- IG: 75 min Cog decline only up until
2014 [26] IG2: PRT + Sham intervention modal and multi-domain PRT/CT Executive Function: WAIS- 6 months
cognitive exercises targeting mem- groups, III; Verbal fluency: COWAT, PRT improved global and
intervention ory, executive function, 100 min animal naming; Memory: executive function until
IG3: CT + PRT attention, and speed of combined BVRT-R, auditory Logical 18 months; PRT was
information processing, 2–3 days/ Memory I and II, subsets better than CT + PRT in
including 14 progressively week for of WMS-III, List Learning improving global and
more difficult exercises 6 months subsection of ADAS-Cog; executive function
Attention: SDMT
Page 7 of 19
Table 2 Overview of included studies (Continued)
First author Study Intervention and Control Technology description Sessions/ Follow-up Cognitive outcome Other outcome Key findings
and year design Technology Duration measures measures
Manera, Pre- ‘Kitchen and NA Computerized Kitchen 4 weeks Interven- Attention: Trail Making ADL: IADL, ADL Significant improvement
2015 [32] post Cooking’ Game and Cooking’ serious tion end Test A in executive function.
Study game which challenges Visual Memory: the Visual Improvement in MCI >
attention, executive Association Test AD. Longer time played
function, and praxis Executive function: the correlated with better
Victoria Stroop Test executive function
Styliadis, CCT IG1: Long-Lasting CG1: Active LLM training system CT 8 weeks Interven- Electroencephalogram N/A A significant training
2015 [34] Memories (LLM) Control (AC) and PT as follows: CT: LLM group: tion end (EEG) measures of Cortical effect was identified in
Intervention: com- (documentaries Greek adaptation of Brain Up to 10 h/ activity for delta, theta, the LLM group revealed
Ge et al. BMC Geriatrics (2018) 18:213

bined cognitive viewing) Fitness Software: 6 self- week beta 1 and beta 2 bands by EEG measures but no
training (CT) and CG2: Passive paced exercises focused PT group: Up training effects on the
physical training Control on categories: Attention to 5 h/week MMSE
(PT) and Auditory Processing CT group: Up
IG2: CT alone Speed. to 5 h/week
IG3: PT alone PT: FFA game platform AC group: Up
incorporating Nintendo to 5 h/week
WII balance games
Barban, RCT Process-based- Reminiscence SOCIABLE software on a 24 * 1 h Interven- MMSE IADL pb-CT: Significant training
2016 [39] Cognitive Training therapy (RT) + touch screen computer treatment tion end Memory: RAVLT; Executive effects on memory in MCI
(pb-CT) plus pb-CT containing 27 games sessions, 2 function: Rey–Osterreith subjects and the effect
reminiscence designed to improve sessions/ Complex Figure Test, was maintained after
therapy (RT) + rest function in 7 cognitive week for a Phonological Verbal reminiscence period;
domains: attention, about Fluency Test; Executive Significant training effect
executive function, 3 months function: Trail Making Test on MMSE was not
memory, logical maintained during
reasoning, orientation, reminiscence period;
language, and Medium effect sizes
constructional Praxis
Gooding, CCT IG1: Computer Active Control cb-CT: Brain Fitness: 30 * 60 min/ 4 months Intellectual functioning: Mood: CVT and cb-CT groups
2016 [35] based Cognitive Group (ACG) repeated drill-and- session, WRAT-3; mMMSE; Verbal depression had improvements in glo-
Training (cb-CT) practice exercises involv- twice/week learning and Memory: the (BDI-II) bal cognition, verbal
IG2: Cognitive ing memory, attention, for 16 weeks BSRT, the WMS-R LM I learning, and verbal
Vitality Training and executive functions and II subtests memory; CVT and cb-CT
(CVT: cb-CT + within domain-specific Visual learning and had significantly greater
Neuropsychological training modules that memory: the WMS-R Vis- improvements than ACG
and Educational Ap- allow for adaptive train- ual Reproductions (VR) I in global cognition, verbal
proach to Remedi- ing with titrated difficulty and II subtests memory, and verbal
ation (NEAR) levels. learning; No significant
Same CT exercises difference between cb-CT
delivered within a and CVT; Largest mood
framework that allows for improvement in CVT, sig-
personalization, individual nificant difference be-
control, and tween CVT and ACG but
contextualization of not between CVT and cb-
exercises CT
Page 8 of 19
Table 2 Overview of included studies (Continued)
First author Study Intervention and Control Technology description Sessions/ Follow-up Cognitive outcome Other outcome Key findings
and year design Technology Duration measures measures
Hyer, 2016 RCT Computerized CT Sham cognitive Cogmed computer 25 * 40 min 3 months Working Memory: WMS-III ADL: the Functional Significant improvement
[28] program training training program: Uses /day for over Span Board subtest, Activities Questionnaire of executive function,
multiple rotating 5 to 7 weeks WAIS-III Letter Number verbal and non-verbal
exercises daily that are Sequencing subtest; At- working memory in both
designed to train working tention: Trail Making Test CG and IG; Significant im-
memory. Part A; Executive function: provement of subjective
Trail Making Test Part B); memory in IG but not CG.
Subjective memory: CFQ Significant between
group difference in
working memory (Span
Ge et al. BMC Geriatrics (2018) 18:213

Board) and in adjustment

Klados, CCT Long Lasting Active Control Brain Fitness Software CT: 1 h/day, Interven- Cortical Activity, Cortical Not specified IG showed beta band
2016 [37] Memories (LLM) (AC): watching FitForAll 3–5 days/ tion end Functional Connectivity: functional connectivity of
Intervention documentary week for beta band MCI patients
(Cognitive Training and answering 8 weeks
(CT) + Physical questionnaire PT: 1 h/day,
Training (PT)) 3–5 sessions/
week for
8 weeks for
8 weeks
Lin, 2016 RCT VSOP MLA Software INSIGHT: online 1 h/day Interven- Processing speed: The ADL: TIADL IG > CG: improvement in
[44] program designed by 4 days/week tion end Useful Field of View Neuroimaging data: trained (processing speed
Posit Science, included for 6 weeks Executive function: The magnetic resonance and attention) and
five training tasks: eye for EXAMINER imaging untrained (working
detail, peripheral memory) cognitive
challenge, visual sweeps, domains, IADL, CEN and
double decision, and DMN
target tracker
Vermeij, Pre- WM training NA Cogmed computer 25 sessions, 3 months Working memory: WAIS-III N/A IG: Significant
2016 [31] post program program 45 min per Digit Span forward and improvement in trained
study session for backward, WMS-III Spatial verbal and visuospatial
5 weeks Span forward and back- working memory tasks as
ward; Verbal memory: well as executive
Dutch equivalent of function. Training gain
RAVLT; Figural Fluency: was larger in the healthy
RFFT; Cognitive impair- elderly (HE) and was only
ment: CFQ maintained among HEs.
Improvements in non-
trained near-transfer tasks,
maintained after 3 months
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Table 2 Overview of included studies (Continued)
First author Study Intervention and Control Technology description Sessions/ Follow-up Cognitive outcome Other outcome Key findings
and year design Technology Duration measures measures
Bahar- RCT home-based AC CogniFit Software: a 2 sessions/ 12 weeks Composite score global Mood MCI in IG: greater
Fuchs, individually-tailored computer-based program day, 3 days/ cognition improvement in memory,
2017 [27] and adaptive cb-CT involving 33 tasks de- week, for 8– Memory: L’Hermitte learning, and global
signed to train a broad 12 weeks Board, Logical Memory, cognition.
range of cognitive RAVLT No training effect in
abilities Verbal fluency: SydBat mood, self-reported
Processing speed: the memory
Trails A and B tasks Training gains in MCI
Self-reported cognitive (including ADL) were
function consolidated over time
Ge et al. BMC Geriatrics (2018) 18:213

large effect sizes of

intervention at the
follow-up assessments in
learning, delayed mem-
ory, and global cognitive
function, medium effect
size in non-memory
Delbroek, RCT VR dual task No intervention BioRescue Software: nine Gradually Interven- The Dutch version of Motivation: The Dutch IG significantly improved
2017 [47] training with the exercises to train balance, increased tion end MoCA version of IMI on balance, but not on
BioRescue weight bearing, memory, from 18 min emotions: OERS global cognitive function
attention and dual in week 1 to or cognitive-motor dual
tasking. Led by a 30 min in tasking or gait
therapist, participants week 5 performance
stand on a platform,
adjustable difficulties
based on performances
Hagovská, RCT Cb-CT Classical group- CogniPlus program: on a 20 *30 min, 2 10 weeks Self-reported functional QOL: Spitzer QOL index IG demonstrated larger
2017 [12] based cognitive computer, includes five sessions/ activities: FAQ Global Functional activities: The improvements in QoL
training sub-programs that in- week for cognition: ACE Functional Activities and attention than CG.
volved activities that are 10 weeks Attention: The Stroop Questionnaire The transfer to functional
similar to everyday activ- Test activities was the same
ities, targets attention, between groups
working memory, long-
term memory, planning
of everyday activities, and
visual-motor abilities.
Mansbach, CCT cb-CR No intervention Memory Match online 9*30 min/ Interven- Global cognitive Attitudes about their IG > CG in global
2017 [38] cognitive rehabilitation session tion end functioning: BCAT cognitive abilities: SRI cognition at post-
module: designed to AD8 Dementia Screening Mood: depression: GDS- intervention assessment
improve attention and Interview, KPT SF
visual memory, requires
the participant to visually
pair “matching pictures”
by remembering their
Page 10 of 19
Table 2 Overview of included studies (Continued)
First author Study Intervention and Control Technology description Sessions/ Follow-up Cognitive outcome Other outcome Key findings
and year design Technology Duration measures measures
Savulich, RCT CT No intervention Game Show on iPad: a 8 sessions, Interven- MMSE; GDS-SF IG > CG: significantly
2017 [41] novel learning and 1 h/session tion end Episodic memory and Anxiety and depression: better performance in
memory game, target to for new learning: HADS; Apathy: AES episodic memory,
improve episodic 4 weeks CANTAB PAL; Visual/ visuospatial abilities,
memory spatial abilities: BVMT-R; MMSE, and less apathy
Processing speed: CAN-
Pb-CT = Process-based cognitive training, Cb-CR = computer-based cognitive rehabilitation, Cb-CT = computer-based cognitive training, TNP = Neuropsychological Training, WLMT = memory Word List Memory Test,
USMART = Ubiquitous Spaced Retrieval-based Memory Advancement and Rehabilitation Training, MSS = Memory Support System, PT = Physical training, CT = cognitive training, LLM = long lasting memories,
Ge et al. BMC Geriatrics (2018) 18:213

CCT = clinical controlled trials, or, computerized cognitive training, WM = working memory, ACG = Active Control Group, CVT = Cognitive Vitality Training, NEAR: motivational therapeutic milieu based on
Neuropsychological and Educational Approach to Remediation (NEAR) model, FFA = FitForAll, PRT = Progress resistance training, VR = virtual reality, PR = Physical rehabilitation, OT = Occupational therapy, BT = Behavioral
training, ChEIs = cholinesterase inhibitors, VP = Variable Priority, FP = Fixed Priority, VSOP = Vision-based speed-of-processing, MLA = mental leisure activities, TIADL = The Timed Instrumental Activities of Daily Living,
QOL-AD = The Quality of Life-AD, PTC = physical training component, CAMCI = The Computerized Assessment of Mild Cognitive Impairment, CSRQ-25 = Cognitive Self-Report Questionnaire-25, RAVLT = the Rey Auditory
Verbal Learning Test, AADL = advanced activity of daily living, RBMT = Rivermead behavioral memory test, RBMT = Rivermead behavioral memory test, CERAD-K-N the Korean version of the CERAD Neuropsychological
Assessment Battery, DRS-2 = Dementia Rating Scale-2, E-Cog = The Everyday Cognition, WAIS-III = Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Third Edition, WMS-III = Wechsler Memory Scale-Third Edition, CFQ = Cognitive Failures
Questionnaire, RFFT = the Ruff Figural Fluency Test, SCWT the Stroop Color-Word Task, IADL = Instrumental Activities of Daily Living scale, ADL = the Independence in Activity of Daily Living index, WRAT-3 = Wide Range
Achievement Test–3rd Edition, BSRT = Buschke Selective Reminding Test, MFQ = Memory Functioning Questionnaire, IED = Intra−/extra-dimensional set shifting, RVP = a mea Rapid visual information processing,
MFQ = Memory Functioning Questionnaire, PAL Paired-associates learning, SDMT = Symbol Digit Modalities Test, BVRT-R = Benton Visual Retention Test-Revised 5th Edition, B-IADL Bayer Activities of Daily Living,
ADAS-Cog = Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale-cognitive subscale, MoCA = the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, IMI = Intrinsic Motivation Inventory, OERS = Observed Emotion Rating Scale, NPI = Neuropsychiatric
Inventory, BADL = Basic Activities Daily Living, CDT = clock-drawing test, PPT = physical performance test, TEA = Test of Everyday Attention, GDS = Geriatric Depression Scale, GAI = Geriatric Anxiety Scale, AES = Apathy
Evaluation Scale, MMQ Multifactorial Memory Questionnaire, FOME = Fuld Object Memory Evaluation, CVLT-II = California Verbal Learning Test – II, COWAT = Controlled Oral Word Association Test, BNT = Boston Naming
Test, BCAT = The Brief Cognitive Assessment Tool, FAQ = Functional Activities Questionnaire, ACE = Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination, EXAMINER = Executive Abilities: Measures and Instruments for Neurobehavioral
Evaluation and Research, BCAT = The Brief Cognitive Assessment Tool, SRI = self-rating inventory of Cognitive Ability, KPT = Kitchen Picture Test of Practical Judgment, GDS-SF = Geriatric Depression Scale-Short Form,
CANTAB PAL = Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery Paired Associates Learning, BVMT-R = Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised, CANTAB CRT = Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated
Battery Choice Reaction Time, AES = Apathy Evaluation Scale, HADS = Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, CEN = central executive network, WLRT = Word List Recall Test, MN = mode network, CRT = Constructional
Recall Test, VTA = Visual Association Test
Page 11 of 19
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Fig. 1 PRISMA Flow Chart

Quality of the studies convenience samples or sampling methods that were not
Additional file 1: Tables S2 and S3 summarize the clearly described. Quasi-experimental studies which
quality assessment of the 26 eligible studies using the JBI lacked randomization also were limited by a potential
criteria, which included both randomized controlled allocation bias.
trials and quasi-experimental studies. Of these, 15 were
randomized controlled trials (Table 2), 6 were controlled Sample characteristics of the included studies
clinical trials, 5 were pretest-posttest studies (Table 2). The sample and design characteristics of each study are
Among the RCT studies, only four articles [12, 25–27] summarized in Table 1. More than 40% of the included
reported the procedure for randomization. Two studies studies were published from 2016 to 2017 (n = 11).
allocated the participants by utilizing computer-generated Studies were conducted in different countries: United
random numbers [26, 27], while the other two studies States (n = 7), Italy (n = 3), Australia (n = 3), France (n = 2),
[12, 25] randomized participants by having an independ- Greece (n = 2), Canada (n = 1), Hong Kong (n = 1), United
ent person use sealed envelopes. The remaining 11 articles Kingdom (n = 1), Belgium (n = 1), Slavonia (n = 1), Spain
did not report the randomization procedure used for allo- (n = 1), South Korea (n = 1), and Netherlands (n = 1). Only
cating participants. Only three studies [26–28] reported one study [39] reported recruitment across multiple
that they were double-blinded sham-control trials. countries.
In the quasi-experimental studies, five studies [29–33] The total number of the participants with MCI included
utilized pretest-posttest design. The convenience in this systematic review was 1040. Seven studies included
samples and limited sample sizes (n = 10; n = 10; n = 22; both participants living with MCI and those with other
n = 9; n = 11) restricted their generalizability. Six studies cognitive statuses (either individuals who were cognitively
utilized a controlled clinical trial design [13, 34–38]. All normal or individuals who had dementia), and reported
the studies lacked external validity due to use of intervention effects for groups of MCI individuals. The
Ge et al. BMC Geriatrics (2018) 18:213 Page 13 of 19

mean age ranged from 67.8 and 87.5. All but three studies Overview of technologies
reported the criteria used to diagnose MCI. Peterson The studies reviewed used the following types of
criteria were used in 12 studies, International Working technologies: traditional keyboard computers (n = 16),
Group (IWG) criteria were used in five studies, Albert touch screen computers (n = 4), gaming consoles or plat-
criteria were used in three studies, National Institute on forms (n = 5), and tablets (n = 3). Gonzalez-Palau, et al.
Aging and Alzheimer Association workgroup clinical [33] and Styliadis [34] used both computer and gaming
criteria were used in two studies, and Monongahela- platforms in their interventions. Since 2014, technologies
Youghiogheny Healthy Aging Team (MYHAT) Cognitive that are more interactive and immersive (virtual reality,
Classification criteria were used in one study. gaming console, exergaming platform) have been intro-
duced in cognitive intervention studies.
Compared to traditional therapist-led or pen and
Characteristics of interventions
paper cognitive interventions, technologies are “smarter”
Single-component interventions
in tracking participants’ performances and adjusting the
The majority of the studies (n = 18, or 69%) involved
intervention difficulty. By applying technologies as a
single-component technology-based cognitive interven-
delivery method, researchers were able to record the
tions (Table 2). Characteristics of the interventions
participants’ performance throughout the intervention
varied widely. Seventeen different interventions were
process. Thirteen studies tracked participants’ perform-
utilized in the cognitive training programs studied (see
ance as one of the outcome variables. Twelve studies
details in Table 2).
used intervention programs that could adjust the inter-
vention difficulties to keep challenging the participants’
Multimodal interventions abilities, as well as avoid distressing them with too many
Eight studies utilized multimodal interventions (Table 2). training failures.
One approach was cognitive training combined with
different types of therapies [35, 36, 39, 40]; another Effects of interventions
approach was cognitive training combined with physical Cognitive outcomes
training [26, 33, 34, 37]. Global cognitive function Twenty-two studies assessed
the effects of the interventions on global cognitive
function (Table 2). Various instruments were used,
Cognitive training plus therapy Four studies combined
including MMSE, Repeatable Battery for Assessment of
the technology-based cognitive training with other
Neuropsychological Status (RBANS), Computerized
therapies as intervention, specifically reminiscence ther-
Assessment of Mild Cognitive Impairment (CAMCI),
apy [39], Neuropsychological and Educational Approach
Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment scale-cognitive subscale
to Remediation (NEAR) [35], occupational therapy [36],
(ADAS-Cog), Brief Cognitive Assessment Tool (BCAT),
and medications (cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs)) [40].
Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination (ACE), Montreal
Two types of software were involved in the cognitive
Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), Spanish version MMSE
intervention component, including SOCIABLE [39], and
(MEC35), and composite score from measured cognitive
NeuroPsychological Training (TNP) [36, 40]. The train-
ing sessions lasted for a minimum of 3 weeks [36] to a
Out of the 22 studies, eight studies found their inter-
maximum of 16 weeks [35].
vention significantly improved global cognitive function
among individuals with MCI. These studies used
Cognitive training combined with physical training different cognitive interventions, all but one [20] of
Four studies examined the combined effects of them were interventions targeting multiple cognitive
technology-based cognitive and physical training. Two domains. Five studies used an active control group, and
studies used the Long-Lasting Memories (LLM) interven- three of them found a significant between-group
tion to provide integrated cognitive and physical training difference in global cognition improvement. Barban, et
[34, 37], and the physical component was delivered using al. [39] reported a significant treatment effect of a com-
the FitForAll platform. Gonzalez-Palau, et al. [33] also puterized multi-domain process-based cognitive train-
used the FitForAll platform to provide physical training, ing combined with reminiscence therapy in MMSE
but used Gradior program to deliver the cognitive mean scores (Cohen’s d = 0.44). Gonzalez-Palau, et al.
training. Singh and colleagues used Pneumatic resistance [33] reported a significant improvement in global
machines (Keiser Sports Health Equipment, Ltd) to cognitive function (MEC35) among MCI individuals
provide progressive resistance training [26]. The length of who went through a multi-domain cognitive training
these physical trainings lasted from 6 weeks [34] to program including both cognitive and physical training
6 months [26]. components. Gooding, et al. [35] compared the
Ge et al. BMC Geriatrics (2018) 18:213 Page 14 of 19

computerized cognitive training and cognitive vitality priority training, and vision-based speed-of-processing
training to an active control group, and reported sig- training. Significant improvements were found in digit span
nificantly larger improvements in both intervention forward ability (η2p = .14, p < .05) [42], accuracy (p = 0.001),
groups than the active control group in mMMSE mean reaction time (p < .01) [43], spatial span (p = .003) [22] and
score [F (2, 71) = 11.56, p < 0.001, η2p ¼ 0.25] with a working memory ( η2p = .28, p = .01) [44]. However, three
medium effect size (Cohen’s d = 0.30 – 0.53). However, other studies that measured attention using digit span did
this training effect was not maintained at 3-month not report significant results [23, 33, 36].
follow-up. Bahar-Fuchs, et al. [27] reported a signifi- In terms of technologies used among the eight studies,
cantly greater improvement in global cognition com- all of them applied computerized programs to deliver
posite score in the training group than the active the interventions. Specifically, they all used a keyboard,
control with a large effect size (Cohen’s d = 0.80). On not a touch screen, to record the test responses.
the other hand, Barnes, et al. [22] found significant
RBANS total score improvement in the intervention
Executive function Sixteen studies assessed the effect
group after an auditory processing speed and accuracy
of technology-based cognitive intervention on executive
training, but the between-group difference compared
function. Among them, six studies used the Trail
to the active controls was not significant (SD = 0.33).
Making Task B, six studies used the phonemic and se-
All the other three studies that did not use an active
mantic fluency test, four studies used the Rey-Osterreith
control found significant between-group differences in
Complex Figure Test. Other measures included: WAIS
changes in global cognitive function [26, 38, 41].
Matrices, Ruff Figural Fluency Test, Test of Everyday
Two studies that compared the computer-based cogni-
Attention (TEA), the intra−/extra-dimensional set
tive training with listening to audio books, reading on-
shifting, and Executive Abilities: Measures and Instru-
line newspapers, and playing a visuospatially-oriented
ments for Neurobehavioral Evaluation and Research
computer game met the requirement for meta-analysis
[22, 23]. The design of study, content of intervention,
Out of the 16 studies, nine studies reported significant
duration and length of follow-up were similar. A total
improvement in executive function [22, 26–28, 31, 32,
of 59 individuals were included in the meta-analysis.
36, 40, 44]. The interventions used in these studies in-
In Additional file 1: Figure S1, the pool weighted
cluded both multi-domain cognitive training, specific
standard mean difference score of RBANS total score
training tasks, and gaming. The length of interventions
was 1.62 (95% CI: -1.63 - 4.87). This result indicated
ranged from 3 [36] to 24 weeks [26]. Interestingly, three
that there was no significant difference in the effect-
studies used TNP software as an intervention compo-
iveness for computer-based cognitive training in im-
nent [29, 36, 40]; although the intervention length
proving RBANS total score for individuals with MCI
varied, two out of the three studies found significant im-
after intervention.
provement in executive function but used different mea-
sures [36, 40]. Talassi [36] found that TNP integrated
Attention and working memory Eighteen studies with occupational therapy and behavioral therapy had a
assessed the effects of technology-based cognitive train- significant improvement in the Rey-Osterreith Complex
ing or rehabilitative programs on attention/working Figure Test. Rozzini and Costardi [40] found that MCI
memory, which are required for storage of new infor- individuals receiving cognitive training and ChEIs
mation. The most commonly used measures were the reported significant improvements in Ravens Coloured
digit span test. Other measures included the spatial Progressive Matrices post-intervention (p < 0.02). This
span test, Trail Making Test A and B, visual search, beneficial effect was not found when using TNP only
spanboard, dual task (digit span task + visual detec- [29]. However, both Talassi [36] and Rozzini [40] failed
tion task), subscale of Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Exam- to report an effect size for their intervention effect.
ination, and Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT). Other studies that demonstrated significant improve-
Out of 18 studies, eight studies reported significant ments in executive function varied greatly in terms of
improvement in attention/working memory. Two studies sample size, intervention content, total intervention
compared computerized training programs (Cogmed time, and executive function measures.
Software) with no intervention or a sham cognitive
intervention [28, 31]. Significant improvements on span- Memory Nineteen studies assessed memory. Sixteen out
board (p = .01) [28], digit span (p < .01) [31], and spatial of the 19 studies found a significant effect on memory.
span (p < .05) [31] performance were observed at a The measures of memory varied greatly. Major measures
3-month follow-up in the intervention group. Other inter- included the Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS) and Rey
ventions included memory and attention training, variable Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT). Four studies
Ge et al. BMC Geriatrics (2018) 18:213 Page 15 of 19

used the WMS-III and three out of the four studies out of these four studies used a multimodal interven-
found significant improvements in memory after inter- tion that also integrated physical trainings [33, 36].
vention. The intervention used in the three studies in- Five studies assessed anxiety [25, 29, 36, 40, 41]. The
cluded Cogmed computer program [31], Game show on most often used measure was the State Trait Anxiety
iPad [41], and LLM including both cognitive and physical Inventory (STAI) [29, 36] used in two studies. Only one
training components [33]. The intervention period ranged study showed a significant reduction in anxiety for indi-
from 5 to 12 weeks and significant improvement in mem- viduals with MCI. Talassi used a multimodal interven-
ory was reserved until end of the three months’ follow-up tion including cognition, behavioral, and occupational
[31]. The other study used GOPACK multi-domain cogni- training compared to its control group that had phys-
tive training program to conduct a 6-month intervention ical rehabilitation, occupational, and behavioral train-
but did not find a significant improvement in memory ing, and found that the intervention group had
measured by subsets of WMS-III [26]. Three studies used significant decrease in anxiety but not the control
RAVLT to measure verbal memory and all of them found group participants [36].
significant benefit of the cognitive interventions being
used [27, 31, 39]. The interventions included SOCIABLE, ADL Eleven studies assessed ADL as a secondary out-
Cogmed, and CogniFit software programs, with the inter- come. The Basic Advanced and Instrumental Activities
vention lengths ranged from 5 to 12 weeks and follow-up of Daily Living scales were used in 5 studies [29, 36, 40,
period up to 3 months [27, 31]. Among the three training 44, 45]. Other measures included the Functional Activ-
software programs, Cogmed targeted on working memory, ities Questionnaire [28], B-IADL scale [26], and HK
while the other two targeted on multiple cognitive Lawton IADL [13]. Two out of nine studies reported a
domains. statistically significant improvement in ADL [27, 44].
Other studies that studied memory as an outcome However, only one study found a significant
variable each used various measures including the between-group difference with a small to medium effect
12-word-list recall test from the BEM-144 memory bat- size (η2 = 0.21) [44].
tery, the 16-item free and cued reminding test, Buschke
Selective Reminding Test, Hopkins Verbal Learning Quality of life Three studies assessed quality of life [12,
Test, Auditory Logical Memory, Short story recall, 29, 43]. Measures included SF-12 [29], Well-Being Scale
WMS-R Visual Reproductions I and II subtests, Pattern [43] and Spitzer-QOL [12]. Only one study reported
recognition memory, Benton Visual Retention Test, significant results. Hagovská, et al. [12] found that
short story recall, Rivermead behavioral memory test, technology-based cognitive training produced a larger
and Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised. The inter- improvement in QoL than classical group-based cogni-
ventions of these studies lasted for 3 [36] to 16 weeks tive training with a medium effect size (r = 0.69).
[35] with the follow-up time up to 6 months. All but
one [32] of these studies demonstrated significant Discussion
improvements in memory. Manera et al. [32] found the In the past decade, technology-based cognitive interven-
4-week “kitchen and cooking game” intervention had no tions have gained increased research interest worldwide.
significant effect on improving memory. Almost half (42%) of the studies reviewed were pub-
In terms of technologies, all but two studies used lished in 2016 and 2017, suggesting the growth in the
computer to deliver the interventions and used importance of technology-based interventions. The vast
keyboard to collect the data. Only two studies used majority of the studies were conducted in developed
iPad [41] and VR technology [38] to deliver their countries, which may be associated with the limited
memory training programs. availability of and familiarity with technology among
older adults in lower income countries.
The types of technology used varied across studies and
Non-cognitive outcomes included computers, tablets, VR, and gaming consoles.
Mood Nine studies assessed depression. The most Computers were the most widely used technology with
commonly used measures were Geriatric Depression 77% using computers to assist delivery of cognitive inter-
Scale (GDS) and its short form GDS-SF [22, 29, 33, ventions. The majority utilized commercially available
36, 38, 40, 41], other inventory used included Beck’s software or programs, with only nine of the studies used
Depression Inventory [35] and Depression Anxiety training programs developed by the study researchers
and Stress Scale [25]. Four studies reported significant for the specific study purpose. Therapists or coaches
reduction of depression among individuals with MCI were used to teach, assist, or even supervise the use of
[33, 35, 36, 40]. None of these studies reported effect technologies along the intervention process. In nearly
sizes for their interventions reducing depression. Two half of studies (n = 12) therapists provided instructions
Ge et al. BMC Geriatrics (2018) 18:213 Page 16 of 19

at the beginning of the intervention, or provided help those with MCI. Vermeij, et al. [31] found that healthy
throughout the intervention. All but two studies were participants had a larger gain in both trained working
conducted using only one type of technology, so no con- memory tasks and untrained executive function tasks
clusions can be drawn regarding the effect of different than those with cognitive impairment. However, the
types of technology on intervention results. Comparing findings are not conclusive. Barban, et al. [39] found that
effects of technology across studies was not possible due process-based cognitive training improved verbal mem-
to the variability among interventions. With the rapid ory among MCI participants and improved executive
development of technologies, we can anticipate new function among healthy participants. On the other hand,
types of technologies being utilized to assist cognitive participants with MCI seem to gain a larger cognitive
training and rehabilitation interventions in the future. benefit than those with Alzheimer’s disease (AD).
Overall, technology-based cognitive training and Cipriani, et al. [29] fount that the TNP program signifi-
rehabilitation have demonstrated promising beneficial cantly improved memory and global cognition among
effects on various domains of cognition with moderate to participants with MCI, but only improved memory
large effect sizes. Most studies (e.g., [28, 31, 44]) assessed among those with AD. Similarly, Manera, et al. [32]
participants on different cognitive domains that were not found that the serious cooking game significantly im-
limited to the trained task, but also in other non-trained proved executive function among participants with MCI
tasks and other cognitive domains, suggesting a transfer- but not those with AD.
able beneficial effect of cognitive training and rehabilita- Measures of physical function and mood were used in
tion. For example, Hyer, et al. [28] found that working most studies, but unfortunately most of these were
memory training also improved executive function among used to ensure non-biased randomization assignment
trained MCI participants, and the impact was preserved at baseline rather than as outcome measures, so we
until the end of the 3-month follow-up. This transferabil- have limited understanding of the effects of
ity is consistent with previous systematic reviews [14, 15]. technology-based cognitive interventions on these out-
However, the training gain and transferability of the train- comes. Nine studies evaluated mood (e.g., depression,
ing gain varied by intervention (e.g., [22]) and delivery anxiety) as an outcome, and eleven studies included
method (e.g., [13]). Therefore, future studies are still ADL as an outcome variable. Among these, four studies
needed to understand which intervention would benefit found technology-based cognitive interventions had
various cognitive domains most efficiently. beneficial effect on mood and two studies found benefi-
Only one study included in this review examined cial effect on functional activity. Technology-based cog-
whether applying technology as the delivery method nitive training studies included in this review may have
would have a stronger effect on the intervention out- limited impact on mood and functional activity.
comes, in comparison to the use of a traditional manual Two studies of technology-based cognitive training
delivery. Man, et al. [13] compared the training effect of a and one study of technology-based cognitive rehabilita-
memory training program delivered with a non-immersive tion examined the effect of their interventions on quality
VR-based system versus with color-print images that of life [12, 29, 43]. However, only one of the four studies
matched the VR images. This study found that the VR reported significant result. Hagovská, et al. [12] found
group showed greater improvement in objective mem- that technology-based cognitive training produced a
ory but the non-VR group reported greater content- larger improvement in QoL than classical group-based
ment with memory performance, highlighting the cognitive training. This lack of effect of cognitive inter-
potential importance of receiving verbal and emo- vention on QoL is consistent with previous systematic
tional support from training therapists on improving review on the efficacy of cognitive interventions on QoL
participants’ satisfaction with their memory perform- [14]. However, each study used a different QoL instru-
ance. This study shows that depending on the out- ments, and various research designs (e.g., types of inter-
comes that an intervention targets, technology-based ventions, lengths of follow-up, and types of control
and manual trainings may have their own strengths groups). Given the limited number of studies conducted,
and weaknesses. No conclusions can be made whether future studies using comparable designs are still needed
one type of intervention is generally more effective to further understand the effectiveness of the interven-
than the other. tion on quality of life.
The effect of the same technology-based cognitive A previous systematic review suggested that multimodal
intervention seems to vary between groups with different cognitive inventions were a promising research area [15].
level of cognitive decline. Some but still limited evidence In our review, we found eight studies that applied multi-
suggested that participants without cognitive impair- modal interventions combining technology-based cogni-
ment seem to obtain a larger cognitive improvement tive training and physical exercise or other therapeutic
from technology-based cognitive interventions than methods. We expected to see the findings of these studies
Ge et al. BMC Geriatrics (2018) 18:213 Page 17 of 19

would provide support for speculation that multimodal frequently used among the MCI population (e.g., CES-D,
cognitive interventions would produce a greater impact MMSE, QOL-AD, etc.). Neuroimaging techniques have
on improving cognitive function as well as mood and emerged to be more widely used to obtain information on
functional abilities. However, the eight reviewed articles how technology-based cognitive interventions would
provided insufficient evidence to support this conjecture. affect neural connectivity [37], activation [23], and brain
Five out of the eight studies were not designed to compare atrophy [31].
the efficacy of multimodal cognitive intervention com- We conducted a comprehensive search of literature on
pared to cognitive intervention alone [33, 34, 36, 37, 39], the topic area using five major databases. However, this
and it was difficult to draw any conclusions from the systematic review should be considered in light of its
remaining three studies remained due to the great vari- limitations. We only reviewed articles in English
ability in the designs across studies. According to one language. There may be other relevant studies that were
study, customized technology-based cognitive training published in other languages. We also need to be aware
produced additional benefit, and technology-based cogni- that technology is developing rapidly so that promising
tive intervention plus ChEIs was superior to ChEIs technology-based cognitive training and rehabilitation
alone [35]. Interestingly, Fiatarone-Singh, et al. [26] programs may exist that have not yet been published
found that progressive resistance training produced due to concerns about protecting participants.
more improvement in executive function and global
cognition than both cognitive training and multimodal Conclusion
intervention including cognitive training and progres- The findings from this systematic review suggest that
sive resistance training. Findings from this study sug- technology-based cognitive training and rehabilitation
gest that physical exercise may particularly benefit programs show promise for improving cognitive function,
executive function, but that implementing multimodal with some interventions showing moderate to large effect
cognitive and physical interventions may be too sizes. Computers, tablets, gaming consoles and platforms,
challenging for people with MCI. Previous systematic and VR systems were the common types of technologies
review on the efficacy of combined cognitive and used. Both general and domain-specific cognitive training
exercise intervention in older adults with and without have led to improved cognition, primarily in memory, but
cognitive impairment did not find sufficient evidence with some evidence that executive function may also be
to confirm the beneficial effect among older adults positively affected. Studies that examined the impact of
with cognitive impairment [46]. Taken together, more cognitive training on improving mood and functional abil-
studies are needed to understand the advantages of a ities, have generated less convincing evidence. Multimodal
multimodal cognitive intervention in individuals with intervention programs integrated technology-based
MCI. Future studies should design appropriate control cognitive intervention and other therapies have produced
groups to understand the additional value produced inconsistent findings on the superiority over only applying
by a multimodal cognitive intervention than a single technology-based single model cognitive intervention.
model intervention. Additionally, researchers should Overall, technology-based cognitive training and rehabili-
also bear in mind the possibility that older adults with tation are promising intervention methods to improve
MCI may not be able to manage the cognitive chal- cognitive function. Future studies should put effort to clar-
lenge associated with multimodal interventions. ify whether the added benefits of implementing multi-
The studies reviewed generally had small sample sizes, modal interventions exist, and carefully consider the
ranged widely from 10 [13] to 301 participants [39]. The potential extra burden caused to individuals with MCI.
average sample size across studies was 54; 39% of the Additionally, future studies should aim to lessen the vari-
studies had sample sizes of less than 30. The small sam- abilities in intervention design and measures applied.
ple sizes may be related to the complicated diagnostic
criteria of MCI, the ethical challenges of conducting
intervention studies in older adults with MCI, and the Additional file
limited availability of some technology-based cognitive
intervention programs. More importantly, potential Additional file 1: Table S1. Searching Strategy. Table S2. Results of
quality assessment based on JBI critical appraisal checklist for randomized
beneficial effects of an intervention could be diminished controlled trials*. Table S3. Results of quality assessment based on JBI
due to a small sample size. critical appraisal checklist for quasi-experimental studies*. Figure S1.
The measures applied varied greatly across studies, Forest plot - RBANS score (computer-based intervention VS. Control).
(DOCX 34 kb)
which created challenges in the comparison and
generalizability of the study findings. Future studies
should consider using measures that have been shown to ACE: Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination; AD: Alzheimer’s disease; ADAS-
have good validity and reliability as well as have been Cog: Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment scale-cognitive subscale; BCAT: Brief
Ge et al. BMC Geriatrics (2018) 18:213 Page 18 of 19

Cognitive Assessment Tool; CAMCI: Computerized Assessment of Mild systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.
Cognitive Impairment; ChEIs: cholinesterase inhibitors; GDS: Geriatric Br J Sports Med. 2016;50(23):1443.
Depression Scale; GDS-SF: Geriatric Depression Scale short form; 9. Belleville S. Cognitive training for persons with mild cognitive impairment.
IWG: International Working Group; JBI: Joanna Briggs Institute; LLM: Long- Int Psychogeriatr. 2008;20(1):57–66.
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