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The Story of An Hour

○●The Plot of the story of An Hour

The story of An Hour which is written by KATE CHOPIN talks about a woman's desire to be free of her
husband. It talks about Mrs. Mallard's surprise reaction to her husband's death reflects the often
complicated feelings women about marriage. The story of An Hour talks about two main aspects which
are the joy of getting freedom and the strong effects of shock reaction.

The first aspect is the joy of getting freedom. Josephine and Richard gently reveal that Mr. Mallard has
been killed in a railroad disaster. They believe, they must break the sad news of Brently Mallard's death
to his wife "Louis" as gently as possible. From the beginning of the story, we can understand that this
event is a part of the plot that is raising the action. When the reader reads such these events, he/she is
given more motivation to know information about the story. When Josephine and Richard tell
Mrs.Mallarl about the sad news, she reacts with clear grief, and although her reaction is perhaps more
violent than others women. This event is a clear evidence of the joy of getting freedom. Mrs.Mallard is
not sad as she reacted. But she is so happy because now she is rid of her husband's control. Louis begins
to realize that she is now an independent woman, a realization that excites her to her new life full of
freedom. Also, this event is a clear evidence of the joy of getting freedom. Because Mrs.Mallard feels
happy and free that now she is going to have her own life and her own freedom.As if before her husband
died, her own life and freedom were controlled by the husband but now no one will control her life. We
can understand that the wife is full of joy because of getting her own freedom and her own life. Now
Mrs.Mallard is thinking and planning of her new life, and as a result of her husband's death she is so
happy and full of joy and happiness. These events can give us the clear idea of the climax of this story.
As we know ,when the woman is controlled by the man in a very bad way, she is going directly to think
to be rid of him and his control. Also this thing gives us the highest emotion in the story that is the reality
of the climax. Finally, the writer used the joy of getting freedom as the first aspect of the plot of this story
and used the features of the plot that are raising the action and the climax.

The second aspect is the strong effects of shock reaction. As we know ,the wife is very happy because
she is now free of her husband's control. This event can be an evidence the effects of the shock reaction
of her husband's death. As soon as she is thinking about her freedom and her new life and walking with
her sister down,Mr.Mallard unharmed by the tragic accident comes through the door. Mrs.Mallard sees
her husband and shocks which makes her die. This event gives us the clear idea of falling the action of
this story. Also,this event is a clear evidence of the story effects of the shock reaction which results of
Mrs.Mallard's death. The death of Mrs.Mallard gives us the idea of the resolution of falling the action
which is the event that brings this story to the end.
○●The Story of An Hour includes two ironic aspects which are situational irony and dramatic irony.
1--Situational Irony:--
The difference between what is expected to happen and what actually happens.
➖While Mrs. Mallard is secretly reveling in the thought of her husband's death in the train accident, he
miraculously walks away from it.

2--Dramatic Irony:--
The reader is more aware of what is happening than a character.
➖Everyone believes Mrs. Mallard died from the "happy" shock that her husband was alive. In truth, her
shock was that of massive disappointment and sadness.
○●The STYLE That the Narrator Used in Writing the Story of An Hour
The story of An Hour which is written by KATE CHOPIN is built on ironic events.Knowing that Mrs.
Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the
news of her husband's death.Her health, the corresponding condition of delicacy, and the danger of
unexpected news are all highlighted. In a twisted way, Mrs. Mallard becomes prepared for her husband's
death, but not his life. You might notice that this sentence is written in the passive voice: "great care was
taken" to tell Mrs. Mallard the news. The people who take care of Mrs. Mallard this way, though, aren't
mentioned until the next paragraph.

Chopin's whole writing style in this story is kind of a tease. She forces the reader to fill in the blanks.
Consider, for example, the way she describes the end of the story. Mrs. Mallard is coming down the stairs
when her husband, who is supposed to be dead, walks in; the couple's friend Richards tries to move
between them to keep her from sustaining a potentially deadly shock. The narrator simply says, "But
Richards was too late". What Richards is "too late" to do, precisely, is left to the reader's imagination.

The next paragraph simply reads, "When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease – of
joy that kills" . Between "too late" and "When the doctors came," Mrs. Mallard has died. Yet the precise
details of her death go unmentioned; the feelings she might have had go undescribed. This is ironic
considering how detailed the narrator has been in sharing with readers the feelings Mrs. Mallard had
been experiencing alone in her room. Now, in the most shocking moment of her life, nobody knows what
Mrs. Mallard feels.

○●The Main Theme of the Story of An Hour

--The main theme of the story of An Hour which is written by KATE CHOPIN is freedom."Knowing that the end of the paragraph".From this introduction we know that Mrs.Mallarl is a round
character. Because in the beginning how she reacted and the end what happened to her.We can also
understand from the introduction,that people who are around her deal with her gently because of her
heart trouble she is so sensitive. No body wants to hurt her. The reason behind is that she is sick. She
has a special way to be dealt."It was her sister Josephine bearing the sad message".The whole
paragraph is talking about how Richard and her sister tried to tell the bad message. They were thinking
how they will tell Mrs.Mallarl because she is so sick and has a disease in her heart. So we have to choose
the best way to tell her. Richard who is the friend of the husband, he made sure about this news and so the
name of the Brently Mallard ,in the list of killed people. He thought directly to tell the wife. So we can
understand that Richard is not wise at all because how he knows that the wife is so sick and thinks
directly to tell her. Also, we can understand that Richard way not successful in the way of telling the wife
about the news."She did not hear the story as many...its significance"This line is telling us that
Mrs.Mallard is not sad. The writer is telling us that there is something is hidden in the character of
Mrs.Mallard. We can understand from the beginning of this quotation that Mrs.Mallard does not love her
husband."She wept at once" this quotation means that the wife cried just one time and not more. Also, it
means she is lier and she pretended that she is sad but in reality she is not. Here also we have an ironic
sentence when the writer tries to tell us that Mrs.Mallard tried to act that she is sad but as we know she is
in reality not sad. Also, we have a dramatic irony because Josephine and Richard don't know that she is
not sad but as readers we know that she is happy and not sad."with sudden,wild abandonment"She huged
her sister tightly and strongly. The word " means that she is happy. As if the writer is telling us that she
is so happy because now she is th thinking about her freedom in the arms of her sister. Also, we can
understand that the arms of her sister symbol of freedom. As if Mrs.Mallard is catching her freedom and
we can understand how much the wife wants the freedom by catching the arms of her sister
strongly."When the storm of alone" These lines are talking about after the play that the wife
did. After the storm of grief the writer is trying to tell us there is no storm in reality of grief. Also,we can
state, it is a verbal irony according to the writer. "No one will follow her" the writer is trying to tell us that
from now no one will control her. From now it is the beginning of her freedom and new life. Also, from
this quotation we can understand that the husband was following her everywhere to control her,and he
was a tough and awful person."There stood,facing the open window,a comfortable, roomy
the end of the paragraph." Open window is a symbol of new life that means is a symbol of a freedom. She
is symbolizing her freedom by the open window. The writer is trying to tell us that window was closed,
but now after the husband died,the window is opened. The word "Armchair" also is symbol of freedom,
relation,and happiness. Also,we can understand that the wife is so tired physically and mentally and this
can bring to the mind of the reader that maybe the husband was beating the wife by slapping her or doing
other things."She could see in the open square..."The writer is trying to tell us that there is a contrast
between her life before and now. Because now no body controls her and no more restriction ."The
delicious breath of rain was in the air." The writer is telling us that the wife started to feel and taste the
freedom. Also, the writer is trying to tell us that the freedom has a taste."In the steet below a peddler was
crying his wares." The writer tells us that the wife was looking at the street as if she had not the right to
do so before. And thia reflects how was the wife controlled by her husband."The notes of a distant song
which someone was singing reached the end of the sentence." The writer is trying to tell us that
the wife was listening to the song as if the song is about how to get freedom. Also, the wife is
symbolizing hreslf to the kind of bird Which is sparrow and she will give good things to people but not
bad things as her husband did to her."She sat with her the end of the paragraph." We can
understand from this paragraph how much the wife anxious to get her freedom by thinking about her life
from now after no one will control her. She feels happy to live her life without controlling and without
sorrow but living her life full of happiness and joyfulness. Also, the wife remembers her life before when
she was a young and remembering her youth."There was somthing coming to her and she was waiting
for the end of the paragraph" The writer is trying to tell us that Mrs.Mallard is telling us how she
feels and how she is going to be happy from now. Also, the wird "air" is a symbol of freedom."Now
her bosom rose and fell the end of the paragraph." The writer is trying to tell us that the
wife wanted her freedom with her husband and she wanted from him to protect her and be next her all the
time. From these lines we can understand that the wife has a few love forward her husband but the
husband does not have and feeling forward his wife.

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