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ACTIVITY (Technology, a life-changer)


Technology according to Martin Heidegger is technically a means to an end otherwise known as to

instrumental and human activity otherwise known as the anthropological but for us to adequately
comprehend what technology really is we need to have a relationship to it. Technology is a mode of
revealing in the sense that technology comes to presence in the realm where revealing and
unconcealment take place, where aletheia, truth happens. On Heideggers philosophical side he asserts
that wherever there is effect there is a cause. Technology isn’t instrumentum so wherever
instrumentality regns there reigns causality this is why the four causes first are the causa materialis
“material/matter”, secondly we have the causa formalis “logos/form”, thirdly the causa efficiens “the
process” and last but not the least the fourth cause which is the causa finalis “final effect” are related to
analyzing the technology. Technolody does not equal to technology’s essence. When we discover
technology’s essence, we discover the commonality that all technology share. Standing reserve is when
we see the trees as a means to produce fire and to processed cow into foods. Standing reserve is
“enframing” and it is the essence of modern technology. Enframing as our standing reserve is the means
that it causes the danger of technology “Where enframing reigns, there is danger in the highest sense”


The film teaches me that we as humans who originally came from nature should not exploit it buy using
it to make inventions for the modern development. It teaches me that living the life that our ancestors
used to live in the past is a lot fulfilling rather than living in the present where most people are driven by
the inventions of science. The part of the film that struck me the most is part where in the old man said
how people have forgotten that we are just a part of nature yet we destroyed the nature which our life
depends. That they always think they can make something better especially scientists. The old man says
that scientist may be smart, but most do not understand the heart of nature, they only invent things
that in the end make people unhappy and yet they are still proud of their achievements what makes it
worst is that most people are too. They worship them without knowing they are losing nature they
never realize that they are going to perish with what they are doing. This words from the old man is
ended true and it has impact me because as I see to it as time passes by we tend to appreciate more the
inventions of science not realizing that they are exchanging those with the importance of nature who
has been there all our lives. I don’t have anything to disagree in whichever part of the video because it
all makes a sensible and realistic point. And yes, I will consider living with that kind of village because
although everything is not supported with the advancement of technology that life is kind of simple but
will be very fulfilling for most people who only want peace. Basing on the film technology and nature are
related in the sense that nature is main conductor of technology and that whatever invention is made
comes from the aid of technology. As a student my stand on the matter is that I totally agree with the
point that the old man has because it is indeed better to live with the life that is simple rather than live
the life that makes use of the discoveries of science but with the extent of exploiting the nature.

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