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Tyler VanderWeele in his article argued that if the intention is to asses’ complete human well-being or

human flourishing with a composite measure, features beyond psychological well-being should be
considered in which I have reflected that it is only right to give importance to all the features that
constitutes the human being may it be the physical attributes or the psychological attributes of human
being. The concept of well-being, which originates from the theoretical model of human flourishing
understood as a state in which all aspects of a human life are good, has been proposed. VanderWeel’s
concept in his article “On the Promotion of Human Flourishing” includes not only the commonly agreed
domains of flourishing (e.g., happiness, life satisfaction, affect, meaning and purpose, and social
relationships) but also those that are often neglected in other measures. The conceptions of what
constitutes flourishing will be numerous and views on the concept will differ but although there are
particular differences in understanding flourishing requires being well in the following five broad
domains of human life (i) happiness and life satisfaction; (ii) health both mental and physical; (iii)
meaning and purpose; (iv) character and virtue; and (v) close social relationships. VanderWeele argued
that all five domains are what constitutes the meaning of flourishing. In VanderWeele’s article he has
fully conceptualized the five domains to fully satisfies the two criteria which is (i) Each domain is
generally viewed as an end in itself, and (ii) each domain is nearly universally desired. As I have observed
in VanderWeele’s article he has fully explained the promotion of human flourishing by providing a
cocept with a complete sets of ideas in order for us to fully grasp the context in which human flourishing
arise. Indeed humans are a complete set of the five domains and it is given proof by assessing its whole
being as a well-being capable of desires.

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