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The Resurrection

of the USA
A Word of Hope
Prospering in the Midst of Chaos and Disruption

Upda ary
Febr 7
Joseph G. Sweet 201
The Resurrection
of the USA
dedicate this book to the Lord Jesus Christ who bore all my guilt
and shame on the cross, washing me clean in His own precious
blood and redeeming me back to union with God, in whose pres-
ence is “fullness of joy.” Prospering in the Midst of Chaos and Disruption

I also dedicate this book to people everywhere who God loves

with an everlasting love. It is my hope that the words on these pages
will be a warning that will draw the reader closer to the Lord
Jesus Christ and prepare each one to prosper and shine in the days
that are now upon us.

“Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every

Joseph G. Sweet
man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in
Christ Jesus.” Colossians 1:28
Preface 6

Chapter One
Dreams and Interpreting Dreams 9

Chapter Two
Vision of the Future of the USA 20
The Resurrection of the USA
Copyright © 2015 by Joseph G. Sweet. Chapter Three
The Church Must Change First 27
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America.
Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are from the New Chapter Four
King James Version of the Bible (NKJV). Supernatural Provision in the Midst of Judgment 33

Chapter Five
Prospering During Economic Woes 39
For information or to obtain copies of this book contact:
Shekinah Worship Center Chapter Six
42640 10th Street West Be Prepared for a Sudden Financial Crisis 43
Lancaster, CA 93534 Chapter Seven
The Coming Lawlessnes 46

Book design by Shekinah Worship Center Chapter Eight The Second Amendment vs. Gun Control 49

Chapter Nine
Unprecedented Upheaval in Washington D.C. 53
Fourth Edition: February 2017
Chapter Ten
Terrorists Walking Among Us 57

Summary 61
6 | The Ressurection of the USA Preface | 7

to Christ and said, “Yes!” to His call to preach His Word. I have the privi-
lege of continuing to say, “Yes!” to him each day and, by the grace of
God I have been serving Him for the last 38 years.

PREFACE Since that first prophetic dream, through God’s mercies, I have
had innumerable prophetic dreams from the Lord. God has used these
encounters in the night to reveal things to come, to give words of wis-
dom, lead me to prosper, to expose demonic plans, give warnings of
danger, show me things to pray for, and bring revelation that gives
hope and courage. Some words given through these night visions

have been for me personally. Others words from the Lord have been
had a supernatural encounter with the Living God in the fall of
for other individuals or the congregation that we pastor in Southern
California. Still other words have been for the USA or other nations.
It began with a dream of the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus
Many people throughout the earth are having prophetic dreams from
Christ and continued over the next several days. Prior to having this
the Lord Jesus. We are living in the “last days” when God is pouring out
vision in the night I had been unfamiliar with what the Bible said
His Spirit on all flesh.
about the Second Coming of the Lord. However, in that encounter I
saw things supernaturally revealed which were later confirmed to me
In this small book I have written a series of revelations given by
in the Bible. It rocked my world!
the Lord Jesus Christ, concerning the USA, which I received beginning
in 2007. These revelations are prophetic words that contain HOPE for
“For God may speak in one way, or in another, yet man does not
the future of the USA. They include wisdom and counsel on what is
perceive it. 15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep
coming and how to successfully navigate the unprecedented days
falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, 16 Then He opens
ahead. While it is true that we are headed into some of the darkest
the ears of men, and seals their instruction.”
days of our nation’s history, the darkness will not overcome the ap-
Job 33:14-16
proaching and unprecedented glory that will be seen in this nation.
We are entering the most glorious time in church history!
As I awoke the Holy Spirit rested upon me and made me know
that I was not ready for His Second Coming. He also made me realize
that I needed to repent, be washed from my sins by faith in Jesus and
must surrender my life to Him. At that point I irrevocably gave my life
8 | The Resurrection of the USA Preface | 9

In Chapter 1 that follows, we will begin by reviewing a little

bit of what the Bible says about (1 ) dreams and visions, and ( 2 ) inter-
preting dreams. I will share a couple of prophetic dreams in order to
illustrate their impact and how God uses them to speak to us today.
As God has done for thousands of years, He continues today to use
dreams and visions to speak His Word to us, if we are willing to listen.

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will
pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters
shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men
shall dream dreams. And on My menservants and on My maid-
Dreams and Interpreting
servants I will pour out My Spirit in those days; and they shall
prophesy.” - Acts 2:17-18

“But He (Jesus) answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not
live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the
mouth of God.’” Matthew 4:4

G od uses dreams to warn and guide his people. In the first two
chapters of the Gospel of Matthew, four (4) times God spoke
to Joseph through dreams to guide him as he led Mary and the Lord
Jesus Christ when He was a small child.
In Matthew Chapter 1, Herod wanted to find out where the
Christ child was in order to kill him. Through a dream the Lord warned
the wise men from the East not to return to Herod. God did this to
10 | The Resurrection of the USA Dreams and Interpreting Dreams | 11

preserve His Son. “It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh an answer of peace.”
In Genesis 37, the Lord used dreams to speak to Joseph about 17 Then Pharaoh said to Joseph: “Behold, in my dream I stood on the
his destiny. bank of the river. 18 Suddenly seven cows came up out of the river, fine
In Genesis 41 God gave Pharaoh dreams which Joseph inter- looking and fat; and they
preted. These dreams and their interpretations were God’s warnings fed in the meadow. 19 Then
and wisdom to save a nation and the surrounding nations from fam- behold, seven other cows
ine. came up after them, poor
In 1 Kings 3:5-15 God appeared to Solomon in a dream. This and very ugly and gaunt,
was real. Solomon’s answer to the Lord’s question in the dream had such ugliness as I have
real implications and resulted in God blessing Solomon with a gifting Flight Into Egypt never seen in all the land
of unprecedented wisdom. Because the Lord Jesus, saints or angels of Egypt. 20 And the gaunt
appear in dreams does not make it any less real. God speaks through and ugly cows ate up the first seven, the fat cows. 21 When they had
dreams! eaten them up, no one would have known that they had eaten them, for
When God speaks through dreams, He can speak plainly, so they were just as ugly as at the beginning. So I awoke.
that there is no need of interpretation, such as when He told Joseph 22 Also I saw in my dream, and suddenly seven heads came up on one
not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife (Matthew 1:20-21), or when stalk, full and good. 23 Then behold, seven heads, withered, thin, and
God told Joseph to flee with Mary and the Christ child to Egypt (Mat- blighted by the east wind, sprang up after them. 24 And the thin heads
thew 2:13-14). devoured the seven good heads. So I told this to the magicians, but there
was no one who could explain it to me.” 25 Then Joseph said to Pharaoh,
In some dreams the Lord chooses to speak through symbolic “The dreams of Pharaoh are one; God has shown Pharaoh what He is
images, pictures, types and shadows. Dreams like this require inter- about to do: 26 The seven good cows are seven years, and the seven
pretation. Genesis 41:15-36 records two dreams that Pharaoh had. good heads are seven years; the dreams are one. 27 And the seven thin
These dreams could not be interpreted by human reasoning, logic or and ugly cows which came up after them are seven years, and the seven
speculation. They had to be interpreted by Divine revelation. Joseph empty heads blighted by the east wind are seven years of famine.
knew that in himself he did not have the interpretation, but the inter- 28 This is the thing which I have spoken to Pharaoh. God has shown Pha-

pretation was given to him by God. raoh what He is about to do. 29 Indeed seven years of great plenty will
“And Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I have had a dream, and there is no one come throughout all the land of Egypt; 30 but after them seven years of
who can interpret it. But I have heard it said of you that you can under- famine will arise, and all the plenty will be forgotten in the land of Egypt;
stand a dream, to interpret it.” 16 So Joseph answered Pharaoh, saying, and the famine will deplete the land. 31 So the plenty will not be known in
12 | The Resurrection of the USA Dreams and Interpreting Dreams | 13

the land because of the famine following, for it will be very severe. dreams like this cannot be interpreted by human logic, reasoning or
32 And the dream was repeated to Pharaoh twice because the thing is speculation. They must be interpreted by Divine revelation.
established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass. 33 “Now there-
fore, let Pharaoh select a discerning and wise man, and set him over the So after Joseph interpreted the dreams for Pharaoh, God con-
land of Egypt. 34 Let Pharaoh do this, and let him appoint officers over tinued speaking to him; giving him Divine counsel and wisdom for the
the land, to collect one-fifth of the produce of the land of Egypt in the situation. This has been my experience innumerable times since 1977.
seven plentiful years. 35 And let them gather all the food of those good Many times when I receive a dream from the Lord, upon awakening
years that are coming, and store up grain under the authority of Pharaoh, the Lord will begin speaking to me. He will walk me back through the
and let them keep food in the cities. 36 Then that food shall be as a re- dream and explain it to me. He will tell me what each person, place,
serve for the land for the seven years of famine which shall be in the land thing, feeling or experience means. Often He will then continue with
of Egypt, that the land may not perish during the famine.” more information, wisdom and counsel as He did with Joseph. The
reason I am saying this is that this is how I received the words from the
From Verse 25 through 36 Joseph tells Pharaoh what God has Lord related to the night visions I am about to share with you. I did
revealed to him. Both dreams are one (the same message). The cows not interpret the dreams myself, but rather the Lord spoke to me and
represent years. The heads ( of grain) are also years. The dream was re- interpreted them. Often, after interpreting the vision He will continue
peated twice to Pharaoh because the thing is established by God and speaking to me with wise counsel.
God will shortly bring it to pass.
A Dream Alerting Me to My Mother’s Death
After interpreting the
dreams Joseph then continues
In 2002 I received a dream from the Lord concerning my moth-
speaking to Pharaoh with words
er. It illustrates how God interpreted the night vision and the words
of wisdom and instruction from
of counsel He spoke afterwards. As you read further in this book, I will
God given to Joseph in regard to
Joseph interpretting Pharaoh’s share some prophetic visions concerning the USA. In those experienc-
the coming years of plenty and dream. Reginald Arthur 1894 es, the Lord spoke to me and then interpreted the dreams as I awoke.
years of famine which the dreams
DREAM: I was with my mother in her Ford van, driving down
spoke about. Where did Joseph get this wisdom and understanding?
a highway toward her home in the town where she lived. It was dark
How would anyone know that a cow represented a year?
outside, about 9:00 pm and raining. She was driving and I was in the
In Genesis 41:16 Joseph said to Pharaoh: “It is not in me; God
front passenger seat. We had been driving along the highway, with-
will give Pharaoh an answer of peace.” As mentioned previously,
out incident, for quite some time. Then she casually slowed down
14 | The Resurrection of the USA Dreams and Interpreting Dreams | 15

and pulled off the highway into the parking lot of a small strip mall. I nor that you should not worry, she will be fine. Just like your mother
thought she was going to stop and maybe go into a store. Instead she thought that she would drive right through what seemed to be a small
kept driving slowly, turned around in the parking lot and was heading puddle and she would pull right back out onto the highway, but in-
back out toward the highway to continue driving home. stead plunged immediately into quicksand, this will not be a minor
Directly in front of us in the parking lot was a puddle of water that medical issue. She will get much worse and die very quickly.
looked like it was about twelve (12) feet in diameter and about three
(3) inches deep. Of course this would be something that she would When you get this phone call
normally just drive right through. As she drove into the puddle, it from your sister, immediately drive to visit
turned out to be very deep quicksand. The van made an immediate your mother. Stay with her. Pray with her,
nosedive and, in only a few seconds, sunk completely beneath the sur- love her and encourage her to trust Me.
face of the parking lot. She will die very soon after you get this
Shocked at this sudden and unexpected turn, I immediately realized call. If you do not go and stay with her,
that there was no hope of recovery for either one of us and we would she will die all alone.”
My mother, Rosemary
soon be dead. I had peace knowing that I would be with the Lord. I Sweet, as a teen in 1942.
then turned and looked at my mother. She was gripped with fear and I told my wife what the Lord had
panic. I leaned over to place my hand on her forearm and spoke calm- revealed. About one year later, I was at home when my younger sister
ly with her. I encouraged her to not fear, but to trust God. I reminded called me. It happened exactly as the Lord had said. She told me that
her of how the Lord Jesus died for her on the cross. I then led her in a my mother had a minor infection and the doctor wanted to keep her
prayer to commit herself, in faith, to the Lord Jesus Christ. overnight in the hospital. She said it would be just for one night so she
could be on antibiotics and that she would be released the next day.
INTERPRETATION: As I awoke, the Lord began speaking I thanked my sister for the call and hung up. I then turned to my wife
with me. He said “Driving at night through the rain for quite a while and told her “That was the phone call the Lord told me about one year
represents the illness (blood disease) your mother has had for several ago. My mother is going to die very soon. I must go be with her. (She
years. It has been manageable.” (She would visit the doctor weekly for lived about 140 miles away).
an evaluation and she would usually receive a shot that would keep
her going almost symptom free). Regarding the pause in the parking I went to see my mother and everything happened just as I
lot and then plunging into the quicksand, the Lord said: “You will get was shown in the dream. She took a sudden turn for the worse and
a phone call from your sister. She will call to tell you that your mother began to die. I stayed with her. I talked to her about forgiving those
has a very minor medical issue. She will tell you that because it is mi- who had offended her. I talked to her about trusting the Lord Jesus
16 | The Resurrection of the USA Dreams and Interpreting Dreams | 17

Christ. I prayed with her, comforted her and held her hand as she took remembered what she did and, by speaking through a dream, sent me
her last breath. to be with her and strengthen her on her way out. We really do reap
what we sow. God does not forget the smallest act of love that we do
I couldn’t have interpreted that dream by human reasoning, (Hebrews 6:10). Praise God for His goodness!
logic or speculation. The Lord interpreted the dream and added more
wisdom and counsel. Thank God for prophetic dreams and His wise A Dream to Keep a Young Man from a Demonic Trap
DREAM: A few years ago I was given a dream from the Lord
I did thank the Lord for giving me this night vision. As I was concerning a young man that I know. Again, there is no way it could
thanking God and pondering how he had forewarned me about my have been interpreted through human wisdom, reasoning, or logic.
mom’s passing, it was then that I remembered what my mother had Afterwards the Lord spoke to me, explaining what it meant and giving
told me about my own birth. She had four miscarriages before she had me further counsel.
me in 1956. When she was carrying me, she started to hemorrhage
and almost lost me. The Lord revealed to me that this young man wanted to train
for and pursue MMA (mixed martial arts) fighting. Through vivid pro-
Back in those days doctors made house calls. The doctor ad- phetic revelation the Lord showed me that it was a satanic trap set for
vised her that the chances of her carrying me to full term were not him to steal his eternal destiny in Christ. Satan made him think it was
good. Her best hope, he advised her, would be to stay in bed for the a harmless and innocent sport. To the contrary, I was shown in the
remaining months of her pregnancy and pray. She did just that. As dream that the MMA culture is infested with all kinds of evil spirits that
she lay in bed for the next several months, she dedicated me to the bind the participants and the spectators.
Lord while I was in her womb. She told the Lord that if I lived she would
name me Joseph after Joseph in the Old Testament. God answered I saw that as he entered into this sport, he literally transformed
her and my father’s prayers. I made it here! When I was a teenager into a “sitting duck”. Then a number of demons surrounded him and
my father bought me a “coat of many colors” and a Bible for Christmas. built a cage or prison around his mind. The prison itself was made out
It would be a few more years (at age 21) until I would read that Bible of demons. He was now incapable of hearing any advice from anyone
and have a life changing awakening, thus beginning the most exciting who knew better and could warn him. He was shown to me in the
journey of fulfilling my eternal destiny in Christ. dream to be deaf and blind. (however in the natural he could hear and
see). I then saw the demons who had built a prison around him carry
I realized that my Mom had “prayed me in” to this world. The Lord him off of a sporting field into the wilderness. As he disappeared into
18 | The Resurrection of the USA Dreams and Interpretting Dreams | 19

the wilderness a great sadness filled my heart. I was made to know About that same time his heart literally became more and
that, if this was allowed to happen, he would never be seen again and, more awakened to the Lord until he began to run after a close walk
having been taken captive to demons, would miss his eternal destiny. with God. Thank God for prophetic dreams! Through that prophetic
warning not only were the enemy’s plans exposed, but God gave the
As I awoke the Lord spoke to me and said: “Satan is luring him wisdom on how to overcome the demonic plot, and spare a young
into MMA fighting. He has already convinced him to pursue this. He man from eternal grief.
will not listen to you or anyone else that tries to warn him. All you can
do is pray. If he goes into MMA fighting he will become bound by the
demonic spirits and deep deception. He will lose his eternal destiny in
Me. You must pray fervently. Do not stop praying until he is free”.

I thanked God for this dream and began to pray, never saying
a word about it to the young man. Surprisingly, the very next day he
came to tell me, excitedly, that he and a friend were making plans to
train to become MMA fighters. Wow! What a confirmation to what the
Lord had just told me.

I prayed fervently, day and night, over the next several weeks.
After a few weeks of prayer this young man said that he and his friend
had changed their minds and were not, after all, going to become
MMA fighters. Thank God for answering prayers in the Name of Jesus!

Remember Galatians 5:6, “faith works by love”. It is love that fuels

the furnace of intercessory prayer. Moved by love, I continued to pray
for him to be drawn close to the Lord Jesus. I asked God to give him a
prophetic dream that would speak to his heart. The next day he came
and told me how he had woken up crying because he had a dream
about getting a new heart.
20 | The Resurrection of the USA Vision of the Future of the USA | 21

ing my wife to oversee things in my absence. While I was gone from

the ranch, I saw a nineteen year old young man who had grown up in
the inner city who came to visit the ranch. He was being given an op-
portunity to visit the ranch so he could experience another kind of life

CHAPTER TWO besides inner city ghetto.

Vision of the Future of the USA This young man, upon seeing the beautiful ranch, the coun-
tryside and the forest that bordered the property, told my wife that
Received August, 2009 he wanted to go hunting. He had never hunted before. He had no
training, no experience and no hunting license. However, my wife,

*** being naïve herself regarding hunting, felt compassion for the inexpe-
rienced youth, and she gave him my high powered hunting rifle. He
took the rifle, thanked her and told her that he was headed out into
the nearby forest to go hunting. However, he had lied to her. Instead
of going out hunting in the forest, he went over to a corral where we
kept a large, handsome, prize bull. He shot the prize bull. He did not
make a shot to the vital organs that would have made a quick, clean
kill. He shot it in the gut. It appeared that his shot inflicted a mortal

wound but because it was in the gut, the bull was suffering a slow,

ost of the time, whenever I receive a dream from the Lord, painful death.

as I awake He begins to speak to me. That is how it was

when I received the following prophetic dreams. I will share the dream Just then I returned to the ranch and arrived on the scene. I

first and then tell you what the Lord Jesus Christ said to me. saw the bull lying in the corral on its side. It was trembling with its legs
twitching, as if in death throes. It was a pathetic sight. I was very an-
gry at this foolish, lying, inexperienced teenager for what he did. Be-
cause it looked certain that the bull was dying, I told him to shoot the
bull in the head. I felt it was the only humane thing to do at this point.
DREAM: My family lived on a large ranch in the rolling hills
The teen took aim but was such a poor shot he completely missed the
away from the city. I had been away from the ranch for a while leav-
22 | The Resurrection of the USA Vision of the Future of the USA | 23

As he walked toward me I saw that it was a man of God: John

Still angry at him for what he did I forcibly took the rifle away Kilpatrick! This man was a former leader of a revival of righteousness
from him. As I held my rifle I noticed that he had seriously abused it. in America. As he walked up to me he put his teeth back in his mouth,
Although the rifle had been given to him in very good condition, now wiped some blood from his face and was now 100% healed. He boldly
it had deep scratches on it in several places. I proceeded to attempt and resolutely declared “I was NOT giving up to die. I was believing
to put the bull out of its misery so I aimed at the bull’s head. However, God for a miracle!” Then with love and tenderness he said “I forgive
just as I was pulling the trigger, the bull morphed into a man! Because you”.
the bull changed shapes into a man, I missed. I was shocked. I was
greatly relieved but at the same time I felt terrible that I had just tried INTERPRETATION: This is what the Lord communicated
to shoot a wounded man in the head. I looked at this man lying in the to me after I awoke from the prophetic dream: The young man was
corral. His body was bleeding and seemed mangled as if he had not Barack Obama. (In the dream I saw Obama’s face on the teenage boy.)
only been shot but trampled. His intestines were spilled out on the As I was initially absent from the ranch, I represented those people
ground. It was a gruesome sight as he was covered with blood and in the church in the US who were absent from their moral and civic
dust. responsibility as salt and light. My wife who gave the teen my rifle
represented those who foolishly voted for Obama out of misguided
Then something very miraculous happened: the resurrection compassion (for race issues, the poor, welfare, etc.) Their votes gave
power of God fell on him! The man began to pull himself together in a the teenager (Obama) the authority (gun). They wanted to give the
matter of seconds. He reached out and put his guts back into himself. poor or minorities a chance to do something they always wanted to
Instantly his abdomen healed over. Then the rest of his body started do. However Obama is an illegitimate person (in the dream he was
healing up in a moment. He was miraculously and almost instanta- untrained and had no license) in the office of president and has no real
neously healed. He stood up and it seemed that he was about 98% executive experience or qualifications for what he is doing. Pretend-
healed. I was stunned! He looked a bit shaken and there was some ing like he is going hunting he is willfully using the authority given
blood and dust that remained on him but it was absolutely miracu- to him to shoot the bull (destroy the US and its economy). The bull
lous. It was an astounding resurrection! represented the United States, its strength and also a strong economy
(bull market).
He then turned to walk toward me. Feeling badly that I had
just tried to shoot him, I was afraid he was going to be angry at me for (What the Obama administration has done and is doing is
trying to shoot him. shooting the guts out of our nation. The enormous federal bail outs,
24 | The Resurrection of the USA Vision of the Future of the USA | 25

unprecedented escalation of national debt, massive printing of fiat worse than it presently is (August 2009). The US will be knocked down,
currency and the HealthCare Act imposed against the will of the ma- seriously wounded in her “guts”, bleeding and trembling, as if in the
jority are essentially “gutting” our economy. Obama’s anti-Israel, anti- death throes. We will have lost our teeth (military strength). I was told
Christian, pro-homosexual, pro-abortion and liberal socialist agenda that things in the USA will get so bad that nearly everyone within and
has promoted the increasing spread of moral darkness in our nation). without the USA (unless they have revelation from God) will believe
Obama could have been prevented from receiving presidential power that it is “all over” for the USA; that our nation will not survive. Yes, it
(the gun) but he was not because there were those in our nation (rep- will get that bad.
resented in the dream by myself ) who were absent, not fulfilling their
calling and responsibility to pray, vote and stand for righteousness. The Lord spoke Hosea 13:11 to me about Obama: “I gave you
That left others (with misguided & misinformed “human compassion”) a king in My anger, and took him away in My wrath.” The Lord gave
to give him the rifle (power). Human compassion can be as contrary to Obama as a judgment to our nation. However, Obama is not the root
God’s will as human oppression. (Remember when Peter, moved with problem. He is only a symptom of a wayward nation that, for the most
human compassion, tried to prevent the Lord Jesus Christ from going part, has turned its back on God. The USA was given a president in ac-
to the cross. Jesus rebuked him saying: “Get behind Me satan. You cordance with her ungodly desires. The real root problem in the USA is
are an offense to Me for you are not mindful of the things of God, a people who have turned their backs on the Lord Jesus Christ.
but the things of men.” Matthew 16:23)
Most in our nation, including in the church, still do not even
After Obama shot the bull, the rife (presidential power) was know that the USA is now in the midst of Divine judgment. The USA
angrily taken from him by force. The rifle had been severely abused. is about to suffer economic devastation. This will lead to severe civil
Obama has been abusing the authority that was given to him. Just as unrest in many parts of the USA. (Long after I received this dream I
he was only a teenager in the dream and had no experience or hunting heard revelation from trusted and proven prophetic men that I know
license, Obama is truly unqualified. I had previously erroneously inter- personally, that this will lead to martial law in parts of our nation, and
preted this part of the dream (where the rifle was taken from Obama) ultimately to invasion of foreign military powers for a season.) It will
thinking that Obama would be impeached or that he wouldn’t finish look like it is “all over” for the USA. It is not! God will allow this divine
his term in office. But the Lord did not say that Obama would not fin- chastisement to awaken our nation and help us turn back to Him.
ish his term I just saw the rifle, which was the power to harm the USA,
taken from him by force and with anger. When it seems all is lost, there will be transformation, resurrection
and re-birth of this republic. An UNPRECEDENTED NATIONAL
The Lord said that the condition of the US is going to get much REVIVAL OF RIGHTEOUSNESS will come to our land. We must pray,
26 | The Resurrection of the USA The Church Must Change First | 27

fight and believe GOD for this. It is the Word of the Lord. It will
certainly come!

God forgives us for our foolish choices when we repent. God

deeply loves His people and has a plan to awaken and redeem this na-
tion. What happened in Brownsville, Florida under the leadership of
John Kilpatrick will eventually happen all over our nation. Multitudes,
even the majority of our entire nation, will turn to the Lord in true,
The Church Must Change First
humble repentance. We will see demonstrations and manifestations Received August, 2009
of the kingdom of God that have never been seen before. Everyone
will know that the only way the U.S.A. survived and was resurrected is
by the grace of God through Jesus Christ.

D REAM: I saw myself praying on my knees in my bedroom.

During my prayer someone walked in my room and told me I was in-
vited by President Obama to a function at the White House to pray and
speak a few words at an official function. I was encouraged thinking
that I would perhaps be able to bring the influence of the Lord, which
is so desperately needed, to the White House.

I agreed to go and President Obama sent his driver to pick me

up and bring me to the function. The driver was an immigrant from
28 | The Resurrection of the USA The Church Must Change First | 29

Mexico. He was a terrible driver! Continually breaking traffic laws, he the Lord Jesus Christ and become a red-hot House of Prayer.
had a total disregard for everyone else on the road. He even drove up
on the sidewalk to bypass traffic disregarding any pedestrians. At one The church in America must return to her first love: the Lord
point he almost ran into a semi-truck parked on the side of the road. Jesus Christ. We need fresh revelation of Jesus Christ as the Holy One.
I wasn’t sure we would make it to the White House function alive. His The church in the USA must recover true holiness, love, humility, con-
reckless disregard for everyone but himself made me very nervous. As secration, prayer and obedience to God’s Word. When the church
I was sitting in the front seat with this driver, I thought “How arrogant, awakens and turns wholeheartedly to the Lord then God will heal this
lawless and disrespectful”. Yet he seemed oblivious. land.

As we were getting nearer to the White House I noticed I wasn’t Jesus said “My House shall be called a House of Prayer”. Matthew 21:13
wearing proper attire for such a function. My shirt and pants did not Presently, prayer meetings are the least attended meetings in the
match. I told the driver “I need to go back. I must change before I American church. We must pray that Christians will repent and begin
can come to the White House.” to truly love God, deny their flesh, take up the cross and follow Him; We
must pray that there will be such a change in the American church so
INTERPRETATION: The driver of the car which was sent by that Christians will pursue holy lives of prayer, love and joyful service
the White House represents the lawlessness and disregard for righ- to God. Laziness, compromise and mixture must be replaced with
teousness in the present administration. In the dream I represented clean hands and pure hearts. When the church turns wholeheartedly
the church who is praying for change in our nation’s government. Be- to the Lord and burns with “first love” we will be the “House of Prayer”
fore we can see the nation changed THE CHURCH MUST CHANGE. The that God intends and will then have power to affect the nation.
Lord then said:
Churches Everywhere Must Become HOUSES OF PRAYER
“If My people, which are called by My Name, will humble them-
selves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked What the Lord Jesus Christ did in Matthew 21:12-16 will be
ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and done again in our nation.
heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
“Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all those
The primary focus of the praying church must not be on pray- who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables
ing for the White House to change. We must make it a top priority to of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves.
pray for the lukewarm church in America to wake up to the beauty of 13 And He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called
30 | The Resurrection of the USA The Church Must Change First | 31

a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a ‘den of thieves.’” who do not obey the gospel of God?” 1 Peter 4:17-18

14 Then the blind and the lame came to Him in the temple, and The shakings that are now upon us are for the purpose of driv-
He healed them. 15 But when the chief priests and scribes saw ing out of the church everything that hinders love for God and love
the wonderful things that He did, and the children crying out for His will. When the first commandment (loving God with the whole
in the temple and saying, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” they heart) is first place in the church, we will see the Lord Jesus releasing
were indignant 16 and said to Him, “Do You hear what these unprecedented miracle and healing power. This will bring in an un-
are saying?” precedented harvest of people to the Lord Jesus Christ. It will result in
the young ones praising God. Yes, God will pour out His Spirit on all
And Jesus said to them, “Yes. Have you never read, flesh, and even nursing babes will praise Him.
‘Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have per-
fected praise’?” The pressures coming on the earth, and in our nation specifi-
cally, are designed to drive us to prayer; to seek the Lord; to give up
Notice the prophetic progression: our idols (of entertainment, lukewarmness, selfish ambition, pride,
1. The Lord Jesus cleaned His house. He was not subtle. He was pleasure seeking, lust of the eyes, fleshliness, prayerlessness, etc.) We
direct and abrupt. He severely disrupted the status quo. He will will see the fear of God restored. Holiness will become the “norm” and
do the same in our day. God will raise up a people who find their joy in loving and serving Him.
2. He declared that His house would be a “House of Prayer”. The He will heal our land.
judgments and disruptions will help the church wake up and be-
come a “House of Prayer”.
3. The sick and lame came to Him and were miraculously healed.
As the church seeks God’s face in prayer, His grace and redemptive
power will be released in unprecedented ways.
4. The little children began to praise Him. A revival broke out
among the youth and so will it be throughout our land.

“For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of
God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those
32 | The Resurrection of the USA Supernatural Provision in the Midst of Judgment | 33

farther and then saw a small pile of rainbow trout. There were three or
four of them that had also been caught and left on the bank to dry out
until they looked like jerky. As I continued walking I then came upon
a rainbow trout lying on the bank of the lake that had been recently

CHAPTER FOUR caught. It was still fresh and wet from the lake.

Supernatural Provision in the Then I looked to my right and saw a blanket that was spread on
the grass, near this recently caught fish, as if there had been a person
Midst of Judgment previously sitting on it. Next to the blanket was an abandoned fishing
Received in 2007 pole. I then looked into the lake water and saw that it was teeming
with thousands of beautiful rainbow trout. I was puzzled as to why

*** people would catch fish and then just abandon them. I thought it was
strange that no one was at this lake fishing.
I thought I should go get my five children and bring them here
to go fishing. I knew they would all catch a lot of fish. As I was think-
ing this I looked up and the grassy expanse to my right had changed.
It was now a large ocean bay. I was standing on a green peninsula
with the beautiful rainbow-trout filled lake to my left. As I looked to

my right, across the bay, on the other side was a thick wooded forest.
I watched as an extremely large grizzly bear came out of the woods.
It looked as if it was twenty feet tall and ten feet around. It quickly
REAM: I found myself walking along the bank of a beau- slipped into the water and very rapidly began swimming directly to-
tiful lake to my left. To my right was a wonderful expanse of open ward me. It was submerged in the water and approaching me stealth-
green grass with a few trees sprinkled near the bank of the lake. There ily but moving very fast. Only it’s ears, eyes and nose were above wa-
were beautiful amber colored leaves from the trees on the ground. As ter.
I was walking, looking down at the grass in front of me, I saw a rain- I knew it was headed toward me to devour me and it was com-
bow trout that had been caught; presumably by a fisherman at the ing so quickly I didn’t think I had time to run to safety. Just then I heard
lake. This trout had been abandoned on the grassy bank of the lake the voice of the Lord say “Jump into the lake.” I dove in and swam un-
and had dried out so that it looked almost like jerky. I walked a little der the surface so that I was about three feet under the water. I then
34 | The Resurrection of the USA Supernatural Provision in the Midst ofJudgment | 35

heard the Lord say again “You must dive deep into the water. Those the fall.”
who stay on the surface will be devoured by the bear.” Obeying again,
I swam down to the bottom of the lake and sat there. I was about 15 I was given this dream and word in 2007. I shared this open-
to 20 feet below the surface of the lake. I asked the Lord “How will I live ly with the congregation that we pastor in Lancaster, California. We
down here?” He immediately replied “I will keep you alive.” The dream know that in the fall of 2008 the stock market dropped 777 points and
ended. recession hit the USA. Many people in real estate and construction
industries were especially affected. This was only the beginning of this
INTERPRETATION: This is what the Lord said: “This dream economic judgment. Very soon economic woes in the USA will be-
is about the coming economic judgment on the USA. Just as Elisha come much more pronounced. This is the counsel of the Lord to sur-
called bears out of the woods as a judgment on those who mocked vive and prosper. Get into the Word of God. Live by His Word and His
the prophet, judgment is coming on the USA for rejecting the Lord promises. He will sustain you. Here are just a few of the promises that
(2 Kings 2:23-24). The bear coming out of the woods is larger than any we can live by.
bear you have ever seen. This speaks of the intensity of the financial
woes coming upon your nation. The lake that is filled with rainbow Matthew 4:4 “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but
trout speaks of the water of My Word that is filled with thousands of by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’”
promises. Those who will survive and even prosper in the days that Matthew 6:31-33 Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall
are now at hand must dive wholeheartedly into My Word. They must we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32
not be shallow in their walk with Me but immerse themselves in My For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly
Word and surround themselves with My promises. I will keep them Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the
alive. Those who only have a “surface” knowledge of My Word will be kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things
devoured by the turbulent days ahead.” shall be added to you.
Psalm 34:10 The young lions lack and suffer hunger; but those
“The dried fish left on the bank of the lake, and the absence of who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.
people fishing in a lake teeming with fish speaks of the lack of inter- Hebrews 13:5-6 Let your conduct be without covetousness; be
est and lack of hunger for God’s Word by many Christians. The cares content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said,
of life and other loves draw them away and they are neglecting My “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” 6 So we may boldly
Word. The water of My Word is rich with thousands of promises that say: “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do
will sustain anyone who dives into it. The amber leaves you saw on the to me?”
ground speak of the autumn of the year. This judgment will begin in Psalm 86:5 For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, and
36 | The Resurrection of the USA Supernatural Provision in the Midst of Judgment | 37

abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You. the knowledge of God.
Psalm 84:11 For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord will
give grace and glory; no good thing will He withhold from those Understanding the fear of the Lord comes from storing up the
who walk uprightly. Word of God in a hungry heart that truly wants to know the Lord. The
Psalm 33:18 Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear fear of God always precedes the true knowledge of God.
Him, On those who hope in His mercy.
Psalm 103:11, 17 For as the heavens are high above the earth, Psalm 25:14 The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him
So great is His mercy toward those who fear Him;. . . But the Luke 17:26 “And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also
mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those in the days of the Son of Man”.
who fear Him, And His righteousness to children’s children. Hebrews 11:7 By faith Noah, being divinely warned of things not
Psalm 37:25 I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have yet seen, moved with godly fear, prepared an ark for the sav-
not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging ing of his household, by which he condemned the world and
bread. became heir of the righteousness which is according to faith.

Don’t Just Quote the Word – Commune with God!

Noah was told what was coming and what to do about it. Those who
fear God will likewise be given the secrets of the Lord. Noah was not
God’s awesome promises in His Word aren’t “things” that we
taken away from the earth, but into the ark, which is a type of Christ.
“use” to get what we want. They are expressions of His love toward
Noah was here on earth during the judgments. The church will be
you and me. We must develop a close relationship with the Lord Jesus
here. We are to abide in Christ. HE is the Secret place of the Almighty
Christ. This starts by believing in Him, believing His Word and purpos-
in Whom we take refuge under His wings (Psalm 91). The same event
ing to love Him back. We love Him back when we keep His Word in our
(flood) that brought calamity to others, in the days of Noah, was the
hearts with the intention of obeying.
means of lifting Noah’s family higher and higher. While the ungodly
perished, the righteous were exalted. Walking in the fear of God made
Proverbs 2:1-5 My son, if you receive my words, and treasure
the difference for Noah and his family.
my commands within you, 2 So that you incline your ear to wis-
dom, and apply your heart to understanding; 3 Yes, if you cry
Proverbs 14:27 The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, To turn
out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding, 4
one away from the snares of death.
If you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden trea-

sures; 5 Then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and find
John 14:21, 22,24 He who has My commandments and keeps
38 | The Resurrection of the USA Prospering During Economic Woes | 39

them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be

loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to
him.” . . . .“If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My
Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our
home with him. 24 He who does not love Me does not keep
My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the
Father’s who sent Me. Prospering During Economic Woes
Psalm 91:14-16 Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore Received January, 2011
I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known
My name. 15 He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will
be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. 16 With ***
long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation.

1 Timothy 4:15 Meditate on these things; give yourself entirely

to them, that your progress may be evident to all.

Psalm 1:1-6 Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of
the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners nor sits in the seat
of the scornful; 2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in
His law (Word) he meditates day and night. 3 He shall be like a
D REAM: In this dream I was witnessing the effects of a col-
lapsed economy in the USA. I had walked in past the entrance of a

tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its very large gated country club community that was comprised of thou-

season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does sands of homes, golf courses, tennis courts, swimming pools, a luxury

shall prosper. 4 The ungodly are not so, but are like the chaff hotel and even a hunting club. As I was walking through the section

which the wind drives away. 5 Therefore the ungodly shall not of the country club that was the hunting club, I saw turkeys that were

stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the depressed. They were weak and sick looking. I remember feeling real

righteous. 6 For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but compassion for the animals. I looked up and kept walking toward the

the way of the ungodly shall perish. center of the club.

40 | The Resurrection of the USA Prospering During Economic Woes | 41

I saw several hundred people evacuating the community due

to the drastic economic downturn. They were all walking on foot to- INTERPRETATION: For years we have been warned about
ward the exit. Many were carrying with them a few of their personal this economic collapse by the Holy Spirit, It is now upon us. This will
items that they could salvage. Many, if not most of the people of that mean a significantly changed lifestyle for the vast majority of Ameri-
community, had already evacuated before I got there. As I continued cans, even those who have lived the “country club” life. It has been
walking into the club I noticed I was the only person that I could see said before: “the party’s over”.
walking in. Everyone else was walking out or already had walked out.
I approached and entered a beautiful building that looked like Rather than hoarding in fear, one of the primary ways to pros-
the hotel lobby or clubhouse entrance. The atmosphere was eerie be- per is to share, in love, as the Lord Jesus taught. This is what the early
cause the clubhouse or hotel lobby was high quality and elegant, yet believers did as recorded in Acts 11:28-30.
it was almost completely abandoned. I noticed one woman working
behind the check-in counter. Down the counter from me I saw a good “Then one of them, named Agabus, stood up and showed by
friend who happens to be financially substantial. I knew he had seen the Spirit that there was going to be a great famine throughout
this economic collapse and had prepared for it. The lady behind the all the world, which also happened in the days of Claudius
counter handed me a card that looked like some sort of a credit card. Caesar. 29 Then the disciples, each according to his ability,
She said “You will need this while you are here.” determined to send relief to the brethren dwelling in Judea.
30 This they also did, and sent it to the elders by the hands of
“Thank you. What is it?” I replied. Barnabas and Saul.”
“It’s a giving card. You will need it.”
“What is it for?” When the disciples learned there was going to be a famine,
“You use it to put other people’s needs on your account”. rather than hoarding motivated by fear, they gave to others in need,
motivated by faith and love. If we have this heart to share, not only will
Somewhat puzzled, I looked at my friend standing a short dis- we abide in love, we will never lack.
tance away at the counter. I knew that he had been here in the coun-
try club a little while before me. He seemed to be more familiar with “Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down,
what was going on so I asked him “Is she right? Do I need to have one shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom.
of these cards?” For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured
back to you.” Luke 6:38
“Yes, you do” he positively affirmed.
42 | The Resurrection of the USA Be Prepared for a Sudden Financial Crisis | 43

“There is one who scatters, yet increases more; and there is

one who withholds more than is right, But it leads to poverty.
25 The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will
also be watered himself.” Proverbs 11:24-25

As difficult times approach, let us resist fear and hoarding. Let

us have faith in God. Knowing that we can trust His bountiful provi- Be Prepared for a Sudden
Financial Crisis
sion for those who love and honor Him, we can have open hearts and
open hands. That is the “giving card” that we need in order to prosper.
We can then fulfill the Lord’s command to walk in love according to
Received January, 2014
Galatians 6:2: “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of

A man of God I know who walks very close to the Lord Jesus
Christ was told by the Lord in an encounter: “For whoever stores up
food and provisions in faith, with a motive of love to share with
and help others, I will multiply their resources as they give it away.

They will not lack.”

REAM: I found myself with two other men, who were guests
visiting from out of town. While they were visiting, they had asked me
to take them golfing. I haven’t played golf for years, but I agreed and
took them to play a round of golf. In the next scene we were stand-
ing inside the clubhouse of a posh golf course country club waiting to
sign up for a round of golf. There was one man at the counter paying
for a round ahead of us and a couple of others waiting behind us to
sign up for a game.

While we were waiting for the man at the counter ahead of us

44 | The Resurrection of the USA Be Prepared for a Sudden Financial Crisis | 45

to finish paying, we were looking around the golf shop. I noticed that as he said “You were ahead of us in line. Please take your place.” His
the golf balls they were selling were fake. They were hollow, plastic, wife became irate that her husband was polite. She also began to use
phony golf balls! But the golf shop had them packaged and were profanity and become upset at her husband and the employee. Now
selling them as if they were genuine golf balls. Turning to my guests I the golf pro shop was filled with strife and chaos.
warned them “These golf balls are not real. You need to get some real
golf balls.” Immediately the scene changed. My entire field of vision, from
top to bottom and from left to right, was filled with gears as if I was
One of the two guests with me looked outside the large pan- looking at the back of a giant clock. It reminded me of seeing a pocket
oramic glass panes of the golf shop onto the beautiful, expansive, watch in a department store that had a glass back. You could see all
green golf course. He then asked the other man with him “Do you the gears turning. But this was about forty feet high and forty feet
think we still have enough time to play a round of golf?” His friend wide. It was huge! As I watched the gears, they were turning slowly
looked up at the sun in the sky. Seeing the position of the sun indi- and then came to a grinding halt. The teeth on one large gear crum-
cated that it was still early afternoon. “Yes, it’s only about two o’clock. bled as the gear broke and fell out of the clock to the ground. Then I
We have plenty of time to play” he replied. watched as the teeth on one gear after another began to crumble and
fall to the ground. As the clock was crumbling and falling apart I heard
Just a brief moment later, we again looked out the large pan- the firm, authoritative voice of the Lord say “Bank Of America is
oramic windows of the golf shop again and it was completely dark shutting down”.
outside! It went from early afternoon sunshine to very dark in less
than five seconds. One of my guests then said “No, we can’t play. It’s INTERPRETATION: The Lord said: The entire dream has to
dark outside” do with the collapse of the economy in the USA. The golf balls rep-
resent the United States fiat currency (paper money not backed by
Just then the man at the counter who had just finished pay- gold). It is hollow. It has no real value. You must get real currency
ing to play a round of golf became upset that he couldn’t play and (silver and gold). The natural indicators will say that there is still time
demanded his money back. The employee behind the counter apolo- “to play a round”. There is not! The dollar will collapse suddenly and
gized saying that he could not refund the money because he could become worthless overnight. Many will be totally unprepared for this.
not get the cash register open. The customer became irate and be- People will not be able to get their money out of the banks. This will
gan using profanity. The other couple, who had been waiting behind cause panic, anger and strife among many in your nation. Be pre-
me and my two guests, had somehow gotten in line ahead of us. The pared. Have real wealth on hand. Have food, water and other neces-
husband politely turned to me and asked me to step in front of them sary supplies.
46 | The Resurrection of the USA The Coming Lawlessness | 47

ing lot designated for returning carts. After returning the cart I turned
around to walk back to my car and saw two young men walking away
from my car with my stereo! I shouted to them “Stop!”

CHAPTER SEVEN When they turned back to look at me, I noticed that the two
cars parked next to mine were each full with four or five young men
The Coming Lawlessness that were what I would call “lawless punks”, “thugs” or “gang-bangers”.
They all perked up and looked at me. I was now looking at about a
Received October, 2014 dozen young thugs. Then one young man leaned out the window of
his car and with a very arrogant attitude, seeing that I was unarmed
and outnumbered, said to me with his arms outstretched in a taunting
*** tone “What are you going to do about it?”

Then the scene changed and a second dream began. I was

driving down a street in my city. I drove past a small strip mall. One of
the units in the mall had an all glass front in it so that I could see inside.
I could see about a hundred people meeting in one of the units. It

looked like it was part of a school and it seemed to be an after-school,
he following two dreams were to show me the kinds of lawless- parent-teacher meeting. As I looked into the meeting I saw anger and
ness that is coming due to the imminent financial decline in strife break out. An exchange of heated words had been flowing for
the USA. a while but then it escalated to shoving and finally fist fighting. Soon,
among the one hundred or so people in the room, there were about
The Coming Lawlessness - October 2014 four or five fist fights going on. The air was demonically charged with
hatred and strife. I felt grieved for what was happening and compas-
DREAM: I was walking out of a large electronic store (Best sion on the people who were being caught up in a demonic frenzy. I
Buy). I had just purchased a portable stereo and was pushing the knew that there were so many incidents of crime and civil unrest that
shopping cart with the stereo out to my car in the parking lot. I un- the law enforcement (sheriff and police) were spread very thin and
locked my car, put the stereo in the back seat, closed the door and unable to keep up with all that was going on. I was wishing that I
turned around to take the shopping cart over to the spot in the park- had some bear spray (pepper spray), knowing that if I did, I could have
48 | The Resurrection of the USA The Second Amendment vs. Gun Control | 49

quickly dispersed the crowd and prevented further strife and poten-
tial serious injury or death.
INTERPRETATION: When I awoke from these two dreams
here is what the Lord said to me. “Due to the economic trouble com-
ing on your nation, roving groups of rogue thugs will be common. It
will be common for them to be waiting outside of grocery stores and
other stores, just waiting to take the goods and even the entire shop- The Second Amendment vs. Gun Control
ping carts from women especially and anyone else who appears to be
Received in 2012
unarmed or unable to defend themselves. You must be prepared for
Due to the economic trouble, there will be strife, debate and
tension breaking out among those who do not know or trust Me. You
must be prepared for this. Be ready to defend the weak and defense-
less. Be ready to help. Churches must cultivate night and day prayer
over their communities which will build a canopy of My presence and
influence there. My body must be the salt and the light.”

D REAM: I was observing an outdoor “gun control” rally. A

man stood on a platform with a microphone. Behind him was a large
billboard advocating “gun control”. A crowd of a few hundred people
had gathered in front of him to hear what he had to say. I watched
as he passionately spoke into the microphone how we needed gun
control for a safer society. After speaking for a few minutes he then
drew a pistol from his side, put it to his temple and shot himself dead.

Immediately another man stood up on the platform with a mi-

crophone and continued promoting gun control to the crowd stand-
ing in front of him. Then after a few minutes, he too, like the first man,
50 | The Resurrection of the USA The Second Amendment vs. Gun Control | 51

drew a loaded pistol from his side and shot himself in the head, falling
Once a society is disarmed, and only the “government” has arms, it is
dead on the platform. very
easy to have a police state that oppresses the people.

Then I watched, incredibly, as a third man stood up and re- We would do well to exercise our Second Amendment rights.
peated what the first two men did. He spoke about gun control, then Own a firearm or two or three. Have ammunition. Know how to safely
shot himself dead. use your firearms. Be prepared to use them to defend yourself, or an-
other person, if necessary.
As I awoke the Lord said: “Promoting Gun Control is Suicide”.
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: “A
well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free This truly happened. In the spring of 2014 my wife and I were
State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be awakened about 1:30 AM to the sounds of a profanity and hate-filled
infringed.” screaming crowd on our street. This was alarming and unusual be-
cause we live in a generally peaceful neighborhood. The sounds we
The Second Amendment was wisely incorporated into our Bill of heard were awful. It literally sounded as if someone was being killed.
Rights, not primarily so that we could hunt ducks, but so that we Jumping out of bed I quickly retrieved my loaded .357 magnum from
would be armed and able to maintain our freedom against criminals, my safe and headed out my front door to see what was going on.
an oppressive government, or foreign invasion.
I saw a crowd of about sixty beer-drinking college-age youths
It has been said that “If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will on the street screaming profanity and shoving one another. It was
have guns”. Global and national statistics prove that violent crime is dark and was hard to see what was going on. With my loaded pistol
reduced in direct proportion to a well-armed populace. The opposite hidden under my arm, I cautiously walked closer to the crowd to get a
is also true: the stricter the gun control, the higher the violent crime better look. Just then, my wife, who was standing on our front lawn,
rate rises. This has been proven in every state in the USA. Conversely, about 75 feet behind me, screamed “Stop it! Stop it!” Whirling around
the states and counties that issue more concealed carry permits have to see what she was screaming about, I saw three young men, near the
significantly lower violent crime rates. sidewalk in front of my house, kicking and punching another young
man who was on the ground and unable to defend himself. They were
History proves that before dictators can rule and oppress a na- ruthlessly and violently kicking him in the head.
tion, they first disarm the populace, all in the name of a “safer society”.
52 | The Resurrection of the USA | 53

The cowardice I saw exhibited in front of me made me angry.

Standing about 60 feet from them, I drew my pistol and shot it into the
lawn. In that clear desert night, it sounded like a cannon! Everyone
on the street froze as they did not know where the shot came from. I
watched the three young men who had been mercilessly beating the
man on the ground. They froze, but they did not leave. They were
looking around, sizing up the situation, hoping to resume their beat-
ing. This time I walked toward the three youth and shouted “GET OUT
OF HERE!” as I fired my .357 magnum pistol into the lawn a second
time. Immediately every single youth on the street scrambled as fast
as they could to get in their cars and drive away. The entire street was
literally cleared in less than 45 seconds.

We approached the young man who had been beaten and

helped him up. His friend had been sitting in a car down the street
afraid to help because he was vastly outnumbered. His friend drove
up and helped him in the car and they drove off. I am pretty sure that
if we had not showed up with a loaded pistol and exercised our Sec-
ond Amendment rights, the young man would have been beaten to
We are going to need to exercise our Second Amendment rights in the
days ahead as darkness and chaos increase in our land. Be wise. Now
is the time to be prepared.
54 | The Resurrection of the USA | 55
56 | The Unprecedented
Resurrection of the USA in Washington D.C. |
Upheaval 56 57 | The Resurrection of the USA | 57

Chavez Day and/or when it was. After this experience I discovered that
there is a Caesar Chavez Day and it falls on March 31. Doing further
study I was amazed to find that Barack Obama used Caesar Chavez’s
slogan “Yes, we can!” as his campaign slogan! The irony in this is that

CHAPTER NINE Caesar Chavez labored for a righteous cause; for a better wage for the
farm workers who were being exploited by the growers. Obama, on
Unprecedented Upheaval the other hand, has unrighteous agendas while pretending to pro-
mote what is righteous. I saw that Obama’s regime was crumbling
in Washington D.C. on the day that Caesar Chavez is celebrated, the man whose slogan
he used. We must prepare, with a rock-solid faith in God, for UNPREC-
Received in the Fall of 2014
EDENTED upheaval in the USA.

*** The GOODNESS of GOD in releasing His judgments on the USA

Yes, it is God’s goodness that is seen in His judgments. Con-

sider this portion of Psalm 107.

Psalm 107:21-32 Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord

for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of
men! 22 Let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and de-
clare His works with rejoicing. 23 Those who go down to the sea in
REAM: I found myself standing on the perimeter of Wash-
ships, who do business on great waters, 24 they see the works of
ington D.C. Although I have never been there before, I recognized it
the Lord, And His wonders in the deep.
by the skyline and the capitol building. There was smoke in the air.
To my right was a military tank in the street. I was seeing historically
For He commands and raises the stormy wind, which lifts up
UNPRECEDENTED upheaval in Washington. I asked the Lord “When is
the waves of the sea. 26 They mount up to the heavens, they go
this happening?” He said to me: “This is happening on Caesar Chavez
down again to the depths; their soul melts because of trouble. 27
They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at
their wits’ end. 28 Then they cry out to the Lord in their trouble,
I did not even know, at the time, if there was such a thing as Caesar
58 | The Unprecedented USA in Washington D.C. |
Resurrection of the 58 59 | The Resurrection of the USA | 59

and He brings them out of their distresses. 29 He calms the storm, of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying: “Great and marvelous
so that its waves are still. 30 Then they are glad because they are are Your works, Lord God Almighty! Just and true are Your ways,
quiet; so He guides them to their desired haven. O King of the saints! 4 Who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify
Your name? For You alone are holy. For all nations shall come
Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, and worship before You, For Your judgments have been mani-
and for His wonderful works to the children of men! 32 Let them fested.
exalt Him also in the assembly of the people; praise Him in the
company of the elders. This is called the song of Moses and of the Lamb (the Lord Je-
sus Christ). In Moses’ day God released judgments that dismantled
It is God who sent the storm. The purpose of the storm is to the evil power structures of Egypt which had been oppressing God’s
bring proud men to their wits end. Only when men are at their wits peoples. God used plagues and death to do this. The end result was
end will they cry out to the Lord. This is what we in our nation should good: The evil oppressors were stopped. The people of God were lib-
have been doing all along. But God, in His goodness, allows these se- erated and not only all of Egypt and Israel, but the surrounding na-
vere storms to bring us to our wits end until we cry to Him. When we tions learned to recognize and fear the One, True, Living God.
cry to Him in desperation, God will intervene and bring us where we
need to go! Isaiah 26:9 For when Your judgments are in the earth, The
inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.
As soon as the men in this Psalm cry out to God, then the Lord
calms the storms. Once we turn to God wholeheartedly there is no Psalm 19:8-11 The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing
longer a need for a storm to help drive us to God. When we give up the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the
on our own ability, schemes and plans, and cry out to God, then His eyes; 9 The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; The judg-
Divine help and guidance come. This is the goodness of God!! ments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. 10 More to
be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold; sweeter
Think of this: IF God did not allow storms to come which drive also than honey and the honeycomb. 11 Moreover by them Your
men to seek Him, then many men would perish eternally. A temporary servant is warned, and in keeping them there is great reward.
storm that saves a man from eternal destruction and brings him into
God’s best is a blessing from a good God!

Revelation 15:3-4 They sing the song of Moses, the servant

60 | The Resurrection of the USA Walking Among Us |
Terrorists 60 61 | The Unprecedented
Resurrection of the USA in Washington D.C. |
Upheaval 61

We drove a short distance further and then I saw a very large tiger
walking free on the street, but, like the wolf, it slipped quickly away
from view. Then I saw another large tiger. Both were definitely tigers,
but the stripes on them were different so I knew they were a foreign
or different species. Then I also knew that these wild animals had
CHAPTER TEN been let loose out of the zoo and that there were many others who
had been freed from the zoo and were walking among us. I began to
Terrorists Walking Among Us passionately urge this lady to use her phone to call and warn people
so those who were walking on the streets could flee to safety. I also
Received June 19, 2015
urged her to call the authorities, but, dismissing my warnings because
she didn’t think it was real, she kept driving.

*** As we drove a short distance further I saw two people who I knew,
a middle aged woman and her young adult son, walking on the street.
Being extremely concerned for them, I now yelled at the lady to stop
the car so we could pick them up. Finally realizing the danger of the

situation, the lady stopped her car to help these two. This woman and
her son had heard about the loose wild animals, were glad to see us
stop for them, and ran to the car. However, because the lady’s car was
REAM: In this prophetic experience, I was an observer, rid-
filled with so much paper, junk and clutter, they had difficulty getting
ing along in a car with a white-haired woman, about 65 years old. As
into the vehicle. The young man was also carrying the driver’s seat of
we were driving through an average sized US city, I saw a very large
his car, as that is all he had left. He had a hard time getting the car seat
wolf quickly and subtly cross the street and slip behind some trees. I
into the vehicle, but he finally did. We all fit in the car safely and then
was shocked and told the lady, “There is a huge wolf walking free on
started to drive on.
the streets. It is trying not to be seen, but I saw it. That is extremely
dangerous. Please use your phone to call and warn people. Whoever
INTERPRETATION: This is what the Lord said to me: The wild ani-
is not in a car, and walking, is in danger.” She dismissed what I said and
mals I saw that had been let out of the zoo are criminals and terrorists,
kept driving.
both foreign and domestic, among us. They were released from prison
(zoo). They, and others with them, are here in the USA walking among
62 | The Resurrection of the USA Walking Among Us |
Terrorists 62 | 63

now, plotting evil. (AFTER this experience I discovered that the US

us And from the perilous pestilence.
Dept. of Homeland Security has routinely released thousands of illegal 4 He shall cover you with His feathers,
aliens with criminal records back onto our streets.) And under His wings you shall take refuge;
His truth shall be your shield and buckler.
The lady driving the car represents many Americans who live clut- 5 You shall not be afraid of the terror by night,
tered lives and are so distracted that they do not give heed to pro- Nor of the arrow that flies by day,
phetic warnings. There are also those people who are not in cars. Be- 6 Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness,
ing in a car represents being in one’s Divine calling, while not being in Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.
a car represents being out of one’s Divine calling. Those who are not 7 A thousand may fall at your side,
engaged in fulfilling God’s will for their lives are in danger. In order to And ten thousand at your right hand;
be safe from the terror that is being planned now, each person must But it shall not come near you.
make sure that he/she is in God’s will; in the place God has ordained to 8 Only with your eyes shall you look,
serve Him. Let every person find God’s will for their life, accept And see the reward of the wicked.
it and be doing it. This is the place of immunity from terror. 9 Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
The devil had stolen most of God’s destiny from the young man. All 10 No evil shall befall you,
he had left of his car was the driver’s seat, but he was still holding on to Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
that. There was hope for these two (mother and son) to recover being 11 For He shall give His angels charge over you,
in God’s destiny as they finally realized the danger and ran to get into To keep you in all your ways.
the car (God’s calling for their life). 12 In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.
Abiding in Christ and doing His will is the Secret Place of the 13 You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra,
Almighty. The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.
Psalm 91 14 “Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name.
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 15 He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him;
2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him.
My God, in Him I will trust.” 16 With long life I will satisfy him,
3 Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler[a] And show him My salvation.”
65 | The Resurrection of the USA | 65

is called to be a House of prayer! We must be engaged with a

heart that is motivated by love for God and love for people. “Faith
works by love” and with faith in God mountains will be moved!
(Galatians 5:6)

*A miraculous resurrection of righteousness is coming to the

USA. A resurrection can only come after a death. The USA will
face dark days ahead, but the admonition of the Lord is this: “Do
SUMMARY not give up hope. Do not throw in the towel. When things look
bleak and the prognosticators are saying that ‘It’s all over for the
USA’, this nation will experience a supernatural re-birth and a res-

*** urrection of righteousness.”

*Financial woes will come suddenly upon our nation. The dollar
is currently nearly worthless. In the near future its worthlessness
will be revealed. Be prepared with silver and gold. Be prepared
for sudden changes.

* God speaks today through dreams and visions. *When financial ruin comes to many in our nation, do not give
in to a “self-centered survivalist mentality”. Have faith in God! Be

* It is important that we take heed to the word of the Lord. We ready and willing to share. “Bear one another’s burdens and so

are to live by every word that comes from His mouth. Making light fulfill the law of Christ”. Those who prepare with a mentality of

of words from God could lead to unnecessary disaster. Heeding faith and who are ready to be generous toward those in need, they

the word of the Lord can thwart the plans of the enemy and bring will see supernatural provision.

great mercy, grace and blessings to those who obey.

*Preparing for the financial distress that is at the door involves

*Some words from God require that we pray so that what He cultivating a closer walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. He must be

has shown us will or will not come to pass. We cannot be passive our First Love. We must seek Him and His righteousness first.

and expect automatic blessings or automatic victory. The church We must immerse ourselves in the water of God’s Word and sur-
66 | The Resurrection of the USA Summary | 66 | 67

ourselves with His exceedingly precious promises. “Man
shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from
the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4

*As we find ourselves in days of seeming chaos and turmoil,

we are to shine as lights in the darkness. We must be prepared to
deal with civil unrest, crime and escalating fear in society. Above
all, churches must become night and day Houses of Prayer, cov-
ering their communities with intercessory prayer. We would do
well to exercise our Second Amendment rights. We must be pre-
pared to defend the weak and share with those in need. We must
manifest the fruit of peace and righteousness.

*Terrorist and criminals released from incarceration are among

us now and are plotting evil. The safest place in the world is not a
geographical place, but it is being in the will of God, serving Him To obtain a free E-Book copy of The Resurrection of the
as He has called each one of us to do. Find the will of God for USA in PDF format or to acquire printed copies please visit
your life, accept it, and serve the Lord in that place with gladness.
Abiding in Christ IS the Secret place of the Almighty (Psalm 91).

*We must hold out the hope of Jesus Christ to others around
us who become paralyzed with fear. We must hold out hope for
this nation.

*Most of all, we must love the Lord with all of our heart, soul,
mind and strength, never giving in to fear, for God has promised,
“I will never leave you or forsake you”. Hebrews 13:5
68 | The Resurrection of the USA

Joe Sweet was born again in 1977 after receiving a

profound prophetic dream of the Second Coming of the
Lord Jesus and a visitation of the
Holy Spirit in which he was called to
preach the gospel. He has been
ministering since 1978. In 1991 Joe
and Melinda, his wife of 30 years,
planted Shekinah Worship Center in
Lancaster, California. It has since
become an oasis of the Presence of the Lord for all who
are hungry. Joe Sweet has been called by God to equip
and help “make ready a people prepared for the Lord”.
Joe and Melinda have five adult children: Elijah, Jana,
John, Joshua, and Jessica and five grandchildren.

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