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T -5-

1. The figure below shows a set of dual tires, each having a contact radius of 115mm and a
contact pressure of 483kPa. The center to center spacing of the dual tires is 343mm.
Layer 1 has a thickness of 152mm and an elastic modulus of 690MPa. Layer 2 has an
elastic modulus of 69MPa. Determine the vertical deflection at point A.

2. From the 3-layer system below, with a=4.8in, q=120psi, h1=6in, h2=6in, E1=400000psi,
E2=20000psi, E3=10000psi, determine the stresses and strains at the 2 interfaces on the
axis of symmetry.
3. Laboratory maximum density of the soil is 1900kg/m3. Specification requires 95%
compaction. In the field, dry condition of the soil is found to be 1810kg/m3 . A visual
check of the soil in the field indicates that it contains about 20% gravel size. Check for
4. A soundness test is conducted on coarse aggregate. The original mass of the sample was
2125g. After completion of the test, the dry mass of the particles that have not broken
down is found to be 1849g. Find the percent loss. React on the answer.
5. Combine the 3 aggregates to give a gradation falling approximately in the center of the
gradation specifications

Passing (mm) A B C Specs

25 100 100

19 92 90-100
9.5 41 100 100 72-88

4.75 19 77 96 45-65

2.36 7 60 79 30-60

0.6 4 42 40 16-40

0.3 2 36 16 8-25

0.075 1 28 3 3-8

By: Abubakir J. (Msc in HIGHWAY ENGINEERING) Page 2

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