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OLYMPIAD CHAMPION EDUCATION CENTRE 3 Te, Kawoon. Hong Kong SAR. CHINA Fax (952) 3183 Website wow > Ema olymovadchampion@ara Vv. VIMO THAILAND INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICAL OLYMPIAD 2017 __ Secondary 2 Time allowed: 90 minutes Question Paper Instructions to Contestants: 1. Each contestant should have ONE Question-Answer Book which CANNOT be taken away. >, There are 5 exam areas and 5 questions in each exam area, There are a total of 25 questions in this Question-Answer Book. Each carries 4 marks. Total score is 100 marks. No points are deducted for incorrect answers. 3, All answers should be written on ANSWER SHEET. 4. NO calculators can be used during the contest. 5, _ All figures in the paper are not necessarily drawn to scale. 6. This Question-Answer Book will be collected at the end of the contest. ‘THIS Question-Answer Book CANNOT BE TAKEN AWAY. DO NOT tum over this Question-Answer Book without approval of the examiner. Otherwise, contestant may be DISQUALIFIED. \Write down the answer inthe simplest form. Ihe caleulation results 8 eaction, please write down the answer see apape oe mixed fraction decimal Figure i also accepted. Marks wil NOT be given for incomes unit A Open-Ended Que enon the ANSWER SHEET answers should be ns (1 ~25") (4 points for correct answer, no penalty point for wrong answer) Logical Thinking ero digits and the 3-digit numbers formed by these two digits have the Given A and C are two non following properties: 1. CAC is divisible by 9: 2. CCA is divisible by 7; 3. ACC has an odd number of factors. Find the 3-digit number “ACA ‘ike diketahui A dan C adalah dua angka bukan nol dan bilangan 3-angka yang dibentuk ketiganya ‘mempunyai properti sebagai berikut: 1. CAC dapat diba; 2. CCA dapat dibagi 7; 3. ACC mempunyai jumlah faktor ganjil. Carilah bilangan 3-angka ACA. Split 7, 34, 51, 64, 69, 70, 92 and 720 into 2 groups af 4 numbers such that the produets af numbers in Both groups are equal. Find the sum of the numbers of the group that contains 7 Pieahkan 7,34, 51, 64, 69, 70, 92 dan 720 menjadi 2 kelompok yang terdiri dari 4 bilangan sehingga hasil kali bilangan-bilangan di masing-masing kelompok adalah sama. Carilah jumlah dari bilangan-bilangan dalam kelompok yang mengandung bilangan 7. 430-children, mobered 1 to 30, sit around a cirele in order. Each child has an imeger in hand. The child jumbered I has the integer 1. The child numbered 2 has the integer 2. Given that the sum of the integers of any 21 consecutive children is equal to 7. What isthe integer held by the child mumbered 30? $0 anak, diberi nomor urut | sampai dengan 30, duduk melingkar berurutan. Masing-masing anak ‘memegang sebuah nomor bilangan bulat. Anak bemomor urut 1 memegang nomor bilangan 1 ‘Anak bernomor urut 2 memegang nomor bilangan 2. Jika diketahui jumlah dari bilangan dari 21 anak berurutan sama dengan 7. Berapa nomor bilangan yang dipedang oleh anak bernomor urut 30? There are 20 problems in a mathematics competition. The scores of each problem are allocated in the {allowing ways: 2 marks will be given fora correct answer, 0 marks wil be given for blank answer oF ‘rrong answer. Find the minimum number of candidate) to ensure that 3 candidates will have the same scores in the competition. ‘Ada 20 soal dalam sebuah kompetisi matematika. Nilai dari masing-masing soal dialokasikan sebagai berikut: 2 poin akan diberikan untuk jawaban yang benar, 0 poin akan diberikan untuk jawaban yang osongkan atau jawaban yang salah, Carilah jumlah minimum peserta untuk memastikan bahwa ada 3 peserta yang akan mempunyai nai yang sama dalam kompetsi tersebut. fraction, please write down the answer ‘Write down the answer inthe simplest form. Ifthe calculation result is {OT be given for incorect unit ta proper or mixed faction, decimal figure i elso accepted, Marks Ail answers should be written on the ANSWER SHEE 5. There are 3 pieces of white chopsticks, 4 pieces of yellow chopsticks and 5 pieces of brown chopsticks mixed together. Close your eyes. If you want to get a pair of yellow chopsticks, at least how many piece(s) of chopstick(s) is / are needed to be taken? ‘Ada 3 pasang sumpit putih, 4 pasang sumpit kuning and 5 pasang sumpit coklat dicampur bersamaan. Dengan matamu tertutup. Jika kamu ingin mendapatkan sepasang sumpit kuning, setidaknya berapa sumpit yang perlu kamu ambil? Algebra 6. Find the value of x if |x+7|-|x-4|=9 Carilah nilai dari x jika |xt 7 \x-4|=9. 7. Factorize x*-y'+2y-1. Fakt ikan x?-y?+2y-1. 8. How many integral solution(s) is / are there for x if -24<7x+4<18? Berapa banyak solusi bilangan bulat untuk x jika —24 < 7x+4<18? 9. Itisknown that x#4,5,6,7. if —2—t__ (x56 Diketahui bahwa x # 4,5,6,7. Jika find the value of x . carilah nilai dari x. 10. Given thar ais a negative real umber and a 2-1. If a+ ——=-3, find the value ofa ae Jika diketahui bahwa a adalah sebuah bilangan riil negatif dan a #—1. Jika at 3 carilah nilai a+ dari a, Number Theory LL. Find the remainder when 2017" is divided by 16. Carilah sisa dari 2017°"” ketika dibagi 16. 12. Find the minimum value of x +6x+25. Carilah nilai minimum dari_x° +6x+25. Write down the answer inthe simplest form. Ifthe calculation result is fraction, please write down the answer 18a proper or mixed fraction, decimal figure is also accepced, Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit. ¢ ANSWER SHEET All answers should be written oF 13. Find the last digit of A if A=1+3~-3' + Carilah angka satuan dari bilangan 4 jik 1221x—c). Find the value of 15. If (x-1) isa factor of polynomial (2017x° 1221x~c). Carilah nilai dari c. Jika (x1) adalah faktor dari polinomial (2017x7 Geometry 16. In the figure below, AB = AC. D is a point on AB, E is on the extension of AC. DE intersects BC at F. If FC_1 AB_3 DE Se =-, 2 =. Find the value of — ind the value of BF 8 AE 4 Pada gambar di bawah, AB = AC. D adalah sebuah titik pada AB. E adalah perpanjangan dari AC. DE berpotongan dengan BC di F. Jika = ; a 3. carla nil dai a 4 D B FE Cc 2 17. For three points on a coordinate plane A (1, 3), B (3, 2) and C (7, 4), find the area of the triangle formed by using those three points as vertices. Terdapat 3 titik pada koordinat A (1, 3), B (5, 2) dan C (7, 4), carilah luas segitiga yang dibentuk oleh 3 titik tersebut sebagai titik sudut. 18. The lengths of 3 sides of a right-angled triangle are also integers. The length of one of the right-angled sides is 2017. Find the length of the other right-angled side. Panjang dari 3 sisi sebuah segitiga siku-siku adalah bilangan bulat. Panjang dari salah satu sisi siku segitiga tersebut adalah 2017. Carilah panjang dari sisi siku-siku yang lain. \Write down the answer in the simplest form, If the calculation result is a faction, please write down the answer ‘3. proper or mixed fraction, decimal figueis also accepted, Marks will NOT he given for incoreet unit written on the ANSWER SHEET All answers should be 19. ABCDEF is an equiangular hexagon. AB = 2015, BC = 2016. CD = 2017. DE = 2018. Find the perimeter of ABCDEF. ABCDEF adalah sebuah segienam ekuiangular/sama sudut. AB = 2015. BC = 2016. CD = 2017. DE= 2018. Carilah keliling dari ABCDEF. 20. How many diagonal(s) does a convex nonagon(9-sided polygon) have? Berapa banyak diagonal dimiliki oleh segisembilan beraturan? Combinatorics 21. Find the number of the combination(s) arranging 3 boys and 4 girls in a row. Carilah jumtah kombinasi untuk menyusun 3 anak laki-laki dan 4 anak perempuan dalam satu baris 22. Four boys Bobby, Benson, Benny, Benjamin and three girls Grace, Gloria, Georgia are to be seated in a row according to the following rules 1. A boy will not sit next to another boy and a girl will not sit next to another girl, 2. Benny must sit next to Gloria. Find the number of the combination(s) satisfying the above condition. Empat anak laki-laki, Bobby, Benson, Benny, dan Benjami dan tiga anak perempuan, Grace, Gloria dan Georgia, akan diberi tempat duduk dalam sebuah baris menurut aturan: 1) anak laki-laki tidak dapat duduk berdampingan dengan anak laki-laki lainnya dan anak perempuan tidak dapat duduk berdampingan dengan anak perempuan lainnya. 2) Benny harus duduk di samping Glori Carilah jumlah kombinasi yang memenuhi syarat di atas, 23. A fair 6-face die is thrown 2 times. Find the probability that the sum of numbers obtained is 4 or 7. Sebuah dadu bersisi 6 dilempar 2 kali. Carilah peluang jumlah dari bilangan yang diperoleh adalah 4 atau 7 24, 20 cards are marked from 1 10 20 and 2 are drawn at random. Find the probability that two cards drawn are both multiples of 5 20 kartu ditandai dengan | sampai 20 dan 2 kartu di antaranya dipilih secara acak. Carilah peluang dua kartu terpilih dua-duanya adalah kelipatan 5. Write down the answer in the simplest frm. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer {88 proper or mixed fraction, decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be piven for incorrect unit, Ail answers should be written on the ANSWER SHEET 25. If Anna goes from point A to point B, each step can only move up or move right. How many method{s) is are there? Jika Anna pergi dari titik A ke titik B, dan tiap langkahnya hanya dapat bergerak ke atas atau ke kanan Ada berapa rute yang bisa ditempuh? ~ End of Paper ~ \Write down the answer i the simplest form. Ifthe calculation result isa fraction, please write down the answer asa proper or mixed fraction, decimal figure is also accepted, Marks wil NOT be given for incorect unit. OLYMPIAD CHAMPION EDUCATION CENTRE 4 GE NOO rman: ie sn nen #olymoiagcna Weosite: aww olympiadchampion Ti M cS Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad iS VIMO? THAILAND INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICAL OLYMPIAD 2017 Answer Sheet Instructions to Contestants: 1, Bach contestant should have ONE Question Book & ONE Answer Sheet which BOTH CANNOT be taken away. 2. There are S exam areas and 5 questions in each exam area. There are a total of 25 questions. Each carries 4 marks. Total score is 100 marks. No points are deducted for incorrect answers 3. All answers should be written on ANSWER SHEET. 4. NO calculators can be used during the contest, Alll figures in the paper are not necessarily drawn to scale. \-Answer Book will be collected at the end of the contest. 6. This Questi THIS Answer Sheet CANNOT BE TAKEN AWAY. DO NOT tum over Question-Answer Book without approval of the examiner. Otherwise, contestant may be DISQUALIFIED. Ec | Maske’ Code | sakersate Sasa [aes T t T A | B/C i |#] ° | l

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