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Lesson 4.



Humanity has evolved from the essence that separates humans from beasts: the ability to use the
mind for reason. Reason is the ability to analyze, create, deduce, and formulate. It is reason that
enables human beings to strive to invent; it is through invention that mankind has developed society
and created a better world. We could say that science and technology is the sum total of
instrumentally useful and culturally transmissible information. Thus, S&T collectively describe or
portray the advancements, abilities, creations, undertakings, views, and knowledge of a singular
group of persons – humankind. This lesson highlights the impact of science and technology on
human condition.


At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

A. analyze the present human condition that is influence by S&T and
B. create your definition of “good life” in the S&T driven society


Relationship of S&T with Humanity

When we speak about the relationships between S&T and humanity, it is evident that we have to deal
with the interrelationships between some very complex phenomena: technology, science, society or
systems of societies, and systems of rights of a universal nature. The discovery and development of a
large number of powerful energy sources have enabled humanity to conquer the barriers of nature.
All this has facilitated the growth of fast modes of transportation which in turn has transformed the
world into a global village.

Here are few minute examples that 90s-born people might understand the best:

 Back then we used to remember numerous phone numbers. With the advent of mobiles and
smartphones, this practice of improving human memory has become almost obsolete.
 Back then friendship used to mean emotionally enriching conversational compatibility,
independent of time. Today, if your BFF ignores your Facebook message for 5 minutes, it
makes you mad.
 Physical activity of humans overall has decreased as compared to the last century. More
people spend time in stagnant positions that lead to negative body conditions like obesity and
diabetes (the numbers of those afflicted rises each day).
 The dependence on technology makes us ignore nature and natural growth. A modern mother
uses distractive principles to feed their children like showing them anime on an iPad rather
than indulging in the learning art of parenting.

S&T and Humanity: A Positive Side

As the old adage states "Necessity is the Mother of Invention", necessities tend to spawn inventions
and each invention is annexed with the need of betterment. Newer and newer advances are
happening by the day.

All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, and the
computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness.
Mark Kennedy

Scientific and technological change is in large part responsible for many of the secular trends in such
basic parameters of the human condition as the size of the world population, life expectancy,
education levels, material standards of living, nature of work, communication, health care, war, and
the effects of human activities on the natural environment. Other aspects of society and our individual
lives are also influenced by S&T in many direct and indirect ways, including governance,
entertainment, human relationships, and our views on morality, mind, matter, and our own human
As technology advances, it reverses the characteristics of every situation again and again. The age
of automation is going to be the age of "do it yourself".

Scientific and technological development has provided human history with a kind of directionality.
1. Without the needed S&T, a lot of people would struggle with their health. In addition, it saves
many innocent lives.
2. The advanced S&T improves industry by making it more effective and, what is vital today,
safer for environment. Thus the speed of improvement is huge and unpredictable.
3. Advancements have shown a substantial growth concerned with each and every field whether
it be the communication systems, astronomy, automobiles, electronic devices of daily usage,
bio-electronic devices, and others.
4. Systems which are further extended to mobile communications drastically reduced the bulk of
the aborigine (primitive) materials. The advancements are also accompanied by the reduction
in the time, effort and cost for production of any material. Needless to add that these
advancements also invigorate economic development as the effective use of technology
reduces the material production cost and the overhead charges which generate savings in the
economy and thus lead to national development.
Technology... is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the
back with the other. C.P. Snow

Advancement in S&T: A Darker Side

Problems and potentials often go hand in hand; problems can be turned into opportunities. Every
element of the universe exhibits two faces, one is constructive side and other is destructive side.
Society has become more and more dependent on technology. So much so that we sometimes
lack the willingness to think before we act. We become impatient if it takes more than a few
seconds to download a copy of the morning newspaper. We expect immediate responses to our
email, and we expect someone to answer their cell phone whenever and wherever we call.
Technology is making us so busy that we cannot even find time to spend with our loved ones. It
would be surprising to know that people are in contact through chat and online messaging though
they are in same city because they think it’s faster and effective but they are forgetting that
meeting personally can never replace online chatting.

As the saying goes in political parlance that “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts
absolutely”, the same can be applied in the case of the power given by the science and
technology. The gift of science and technology have been deliberately abused by the “powerful
humanity, time and again. Human greed, selfish interest, lack of planning and myopic vision has
all led to the abuse of science and technology.

Weapon Engineering

On the minus side, there is weaponry which is the inseparable issue of the new technologies.
Nevertheless, weapon engineering propels and provides a huge advance. Rivalry between the
countries may also be ascribed to technological advancements, as the countries compete for the
development of new warfare techniques and equipment. On the other hand, while many people
live in horrible conditions and famine, governments spend a lot of money on developing weapon
industry. Is it the right way? Maybe the modern technology should either stop or prevent social

Artificial Intelligence

Some people argue that science can destroy mankind. Robots will be built to replace human
beings in the workplace. However, robots are unable to feel human emotions. It should be noted
that technology is only created by our minds, with our imaginations. Without imaginations, no
technology would have been created. Technology has made people rely heavily on the new
advancements thus making them lethargic. People prefer riding a car rather than traveling in a
bicycle or a bus or any other means of public transport. They don't care about the environment or
the harm they do to the atmosphere by smoking out hazardous gases thereby depleting the ozone
layer and leading to overall global warming. Further, people prefer to use calculators even for
small calculations which can be easily done manually. Additionally, technology has become a part
of their glitz and pride, and their greed has aggrandized. Do machines displace people from
workplace? What are your thoughts?
The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like men, but that men will begin to think
like computers.

Sydney J. Harris

One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one
extraordinary man.
Elbert Hubbard

Present Scenario

Internet Technology

Another prominent technological innovation that well represents our humanity today is the
Internet. The Internet is the worldwide, publicly accessible network of interconnected computer
networks that transmit data between themselves. The Internet allows for us to, in some ways
make the world smaller. In contemporary times, financial infrastructure, global news organizations,
powerful militarization, strong governments and big corporations, and instantaneous
communication are assets we cannot afford to lose. The Internet allows for our humanity in
modern day times to interconnect and promote globalization and information sharing.

Medical Technology

Perhaps, one of the most vital technological advances in our society today is in the field of human
medicine and health sciences. This field deals with the maintenance, prolongment, and restoration
of human health through the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease and injury.
Today, modern medicine is practiced within a well-developed framework of healthcare
infrastructure. Research in the field of medicine has allowed for the development of many new
treatments, drugs, medicines, and solutions that have allowed for the dramatic prolongment of the
human lifespan. Today, with the influence of medicine, the lifespan of the average human is only
increasing. Medicine in today’s world provides the most vital of all services; it ensures the survival
of the humanity as a whole.

We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we
can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special.
Stephen Hawking


Needless to say that like any other aspect of development, scientific and technological
developments are similar to a double edged sword which on one side can kill someone and on the
other side can lead to one’s own protection. However, the decision to use it proficiently in proper
perspective is one’s’ own decision and choice. Technology has changed and will change the
moral fabric of humanity; it is up to the present generation to heed this warning and not allow such
societal travesties of immense proportions ever to occur again. Scientific and technological
advancements will continue to advance rapidly as we move into the next millennium. What is
important is to ensure that these advances benefit humanity as a whole.

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