Function PG 1

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Chapter 1: Functions

SHMth1: General Mathematics

Accountancy, Business and
Management (ABM
Mr. Migo M. Mendoza
Chapter 1: Functions
 Lecture 1: Basic Concepts
 Lecture 2: Basic Types of Functions
 Lecture 3: Operations on Function
 Lecture 4: The Composition of
 Lecture 5: The Piecewise Function
“The Rule” Game
I will input a photo and
using the rule you will give
the output.
“The Rule” Game
Spit out the author of the
My Input:
Your Output:
John Green
“The Rule” Game
Spit out the title of the
My Input:
Your Output:
Fantastic Beasts and Where to
Find Them
“The Rule” Game
Spit out the title of the TV
My Input:
Your Output:
Game of Thrones
“The Rule” Game
Spit out the name of the
famous tourist spot in Rizal.
My Input:
Your Output:
Tinipak River in Tanay, Rizal
“The Rule” Game
Spit out the name of the
Filipino food.
My Input:
Your Output:
“The Rule” Game

f ( x)  4 x  13
My Input:

x  7
Your Output:

f (7)   4(7)  13

f (7)  15
Activity Processing:
From our activity, is it possible
that for every input (that I gave),
you can give two or more
possible output? Why or why
Lecture 1: Basic Concepts

SHMth1: General Mathematics

Accountancy, Business and
Management (ABM
Mr. Migo M. Mendoza
 It is a rule of a relationship
between an input (independent)
quantity and an output (dependent)
quantity in which each input value
uniquely determine one output
The Formal Definition of Function
 Let A and B be sets. A function
from A to B, denoted ƒ : A → B, is a
relation from A to B such that, for
every a ∈ A, there exists a unique b ∈
B such that (a, b) ∈ ƒ.
Take Note:
If ƒ is a function and x is an
element in its domain, then, to
each element x, the function ƒ
associates exactly one value to
be denoted by ƒ(x).
A Very Good Explanation of Function:
Function in Real Life:
Did you know?
Functions are often
denoted by letter of the
English alphabet or Greek
Checking Our Understanding of Function:
An Introduction to
It is the set of inputs
which serves as entry
value to the function
It is the set of
It is the set of
possible outputs.
Something to think about…
What relationship
exists between
codomain and range?
Functions as
Transformations and
SHMth1: General Mathematics
Accountancy, Business and
Management (ABM
Mr. Migo M. Mendoza
Did you know?
Functions are often
describe as mapping of its
domain unto its range.
The Ellipse/ Arrow Diagram
Understanding Function as Transformation
Classroom Task 2:
 Using arrow diagram, which
of the following sets of ordered
pairs are functions?
Example 1:

M  {(1,2), (2,3), (3,4), (4,5),...}

Final Answer:
Using the Ellipse/
Arrow Diagram, set M is
a function.
Example 2:

i  {(1,1), (2,2), (3,3), (4,4)}

Final Answer:
Using the Ellipse/
Arrow Diagram, set i is a
Example 3:

g  {(1,0), (0,1), (1,0), (0,1)}

Final Answer:
Using the Ellipse/
Arrow Diagram, set g is
NOT a function.
Example 4:

o  {(2,4), (1,1), (0,4), (1,1), (2,4)}

Final Answer:
Using the Ellipse/
Arrow Diagram, set o is
a function.
Example 5:
domM  {w, x, y, z}
codomM  {m, e, n, d , o, z, a}

M  {(x, e), ( y, z ), ( z, m), (w, a)}

Final Answer:
Using the Ellipse/
Arrow Diagram, set M is
a function.
Example 6:
1 1
dom  { , ,  ,  , }
2 3
codom  {0.1,0.4,0.8, }
1 
  {( ,0.4),  ,0.8 ,  ,0.1}
3 
Three Classes of Function

SHMth1: General Mathematics

Accountancy, Business and
Management (ABM
Mr. Migo M. Mendoza
Injective Function (One-to-One Function)
A function ƒ : A → B is said to
be injective (or one-to-one) if for
each b ∈ B, there is at most one a
∈ A for which ƒ (a) = b.
Something to think about…
Among the examples we
have on the board, which
do you think is/are
Surjective Function (Onto)
A function ƒ : A → B is said to
be surjective (or onto) if for each
b ∈ B, there exist a ∈ A for which
ƒ (a) = b.
Something to think about…
Among the examples we
have on the board, which
do you think is/are
Bijective Function (One-to-One Correspondence)
A function that is both
injective and surjective is said
to be bijective or a one-to-one
Something to think about…
Among the examples we
have on the board, which
do you think is/are
Something to think about…
What relationship should
exist between codomain and
range before we can say that
a function is onto?
Take Note:
A function is ONTO if
RANGE is equal to
Functions in Real Life
SHMth1: General Mathematics
Accountancy, Business and
Management (ABM
Mr. Migo M. Mendoza
Real Life Situation # 1:
Let's consider bank account information…
Is your balance a function of
your back account? Is your
bank account number a
function of your balance?
Final Answer:
Your balance is a
function of your bank
account number.
Real Life Situation # 2:
 In choosing a smartphone.
Is your iPhone 7 Plus a
function of Apple product?
Or is Apple product a
function of your iPhone 7
Final Answer:
Apple product is a
function of your iPhone
7 Plus.
Real Life Situation # 3:
 At a coffee shop, the menu consists of
items and their prices.
Is price a function of the item?
Is the item a function of the
Final Answer:
Price is a function of
the item.
Classroom Task 1:
Give your own example of a
function you usually experience
everyday. Share to us why do you
think it is a function.
Performance Task 1:
Please download, print
and answer the “Let’s
Practice 1.” Kindly work
Functions as Formulae,
Rules, and Equations
SHMth1: General Mathematics
Accountancy, Business and
Management (ABM
Mr. Migo M. Mendoza
Example 7:
 Identify the domain, the function rule, and the
range of the following:
 The volume of spherical balloon of
radius r is given by:
4 3
V  r
Final Answer (The Domain):
The domain should be
all values of r, r > 0.
Final Answer (The Function Rule):
The function rule is the
equation or the formula:
4 3
V  r
Final Answer (The Range):
 The range should be all values of
volume V that correspond to each
value of radius r.
Example 8:
 Identify the domain, the function rule, and
the range of the following:
 A jeepney passenger pays Php 8.00
for the first 5 km as fare, and an
additional Php0.50 for every succeeding
distance d in kilometer.
Final Answer (The Domain):
The domain is all
possible values of
Final Answer (The Function Rule):
The function rule is the
equation or the formula:
AmountofFare  8  0.5d
Final Answer (The Range):
The range is all amount of
fare that corresponds to
each amount of distance
Example 9:
 Identify the domain, the function rule, and
the range of the following:
The interest earned by a bank
investment depends on the
amount of deposit.
Final Answer (The Domain):
The domain is all
amount of deposit.
Final Answer (The Function Rule):
The function rule is the
equation or formula for
computation of interest:
I  Pr
Final Answer (The Range):
The range is all amount
of interest that
corresponds to each
amount of deposit.
Graphs of Function
SHMth1: General Mathematics
Accountancy, Business and
Management (ABM
Mr. Migo M. Mendoza
The Vertical Line Test (VLT)
 A graph of a mathematical relation
is a function if any vertical line
drawn passing through the graph
intersects the graph at exactly one
Classroom Task 3:
Identify which of the given
graph represents a function:
Example 10:
Final Answer:
Therefore, using Vertical
Line Test (VLT) Example 8
is a function.
Example 11:
Final Answer:
Therefore, Therefore,
using Vertical Line Test
(VLT) Example 9 is NOT a
Example 12:
Final Answer:
Therefore, Therefore,
using Vertical Line Test
(VLT) Example 10 is a
Example 13:
Final Answer:
Therefore, using Vertical
Line Test (VLT) Example
11 is NOT a function.
Example 14:
Final Answer:
Therefore, using Vertical
Line Test (VLT) Example
12 is a function.
Example 15:
Final Answer:
Therefore, using Vertical
Line Test (VLT) Example
13 is a function.
Understanding Vertical Line Test:
The Vertical Line
The Horizontal Line Test (HLT)
• The horizontal line test is a test used
to determine whether a function is
injective (i.e., one-to-one). If any
horizontal line y = c intersects the
graph in more than one point, the
function is not injective.
Something to think about…
• From our previous examples,
can you identify which are
injective functions and which
are surjective functions?
Lecture 2: Basic Types of
SHMth1: General Mathematics
Accountancy, Business and
Management (ABM
Mr. Migo M. Mendoza
Type 1: Constant Function
It is a function of zero-
degree that are of the form:
f x   c;
where c ≠ 0.
For you to Research:
What will happen to
the constant function if
c is equal to zero?
Type 2: Linear Function
It is a function of first-
degree polynomial that is of
the form:
f  x   c1 x  c0 ;
where c1 ≠ 0.
Something to think about…
What will happen to
any linear function if c1
is equal to zero?
Type 3: Quadratic Function
It is a function of the
f x   ax  bx  c

where a ≠ 0.
Something to think about…
What will happen to
any quadratic function
if a is equal to zero?
Type 4: Rational Function
 It is the quotient of two
polynomial functions that are of the
f x  
g ( x)
h( x )
where h(x) ≠ 0.
Something to think about…
What will happen to
any rational function if
h(x) is equal to zero?
Type 5: Power Function
It is a function of the form:

f x   x n

where n is any real number.

Type 6: Absolute Value Function
It is a function of the form:

f x   x .
Type 7: Polynomial Function
It is any function f(x) of the
f  x   cn x  cn 1 x
n n 1
 ...  c1 x  c0 .
Something to think about…
What are the conditions that
we need to satisfy before we
can say a function is a
Not a Polynomial Function:
This is NOT a polynomial
function because the variable
has a negative exponent.
f ( x)  21 x
Not a Polynomial Function:
This is NOT a polynomial
function because the variable
is in the denominator.
f ( x)  4
Not a Polynomial Function:
This is NOT a polynomial
function because the variable
is inside a radical.

f ( x)  x
Type 8: The Greatest Function
It is any function f(x) of the
form: f x   x . The value x  is
the greatest integer that is less
than or equal to x.
The Greatest Integer or Floor Function
 The symbol d  denotes the greatest
integer or floor function applied to d.
The floor function gives the largest
integer less than or equal to d.
 Example:

4.1  4.9  4
Understanding the Greatest Function:
Evaluate the following:
a.2.7 
b. 1.4 
Final Answer:
Evaluate the following:
a.2.7   2
b. 1.4  2
c.8  8
Classroom Task 3:
Determine the type of
function of the
Example 16:
Determine the type of
function of:
x 3
f ( x) 
Example 17:
Determine the type of
function of:
f ( x)  3x  8 x  4 x  2
4 3 2
Example 18:
Determine the type of
function of:
f ( x)  x 4
Example 19:
Determine the type of
function of:
f ( x)  18
Example 20:
Determine the type of
function of:

f ( x)  3x  11
Example 21:
Determine the type of
function of:

f ( x)  2x 1
Example 22:
Determine the type of
function of:

f ( x)  x  5 x  6.
Example 23:
Determine the type of
function of:
f ( x)  x .
Domain and Range of
Different Functions
SHMth1: General Mathematics
Accountancy, Business and
Management (ABM
Mr. Migo M. Mendoza
Set of Ordered Pairs:

{( x1 , y1 ), ( x2 , y2 ), ( x3 , y3 ),...}
Domain and Range of Set of Ordered Pairs:
dom  x1 , x2 , x3 ,...

range  y1 , y2 , y3 ,...
Example 24:
Determine its type, domain
and range:
{(1,2), (3,5), (6,7)}.
Something to think about…
 If any constant function is
of the form: f  x   c. What is
its possible domain and
Domain and Range of Linear Function:
dom  x | x  

range  y | y  c
Example 25:
Determine its type, domain
and range:
f ( x)  7.
Something to think about…
 If any linear function is of
the form: f  x   c1 x  c0 . What
is its possible domain and
Domain and Range of Linear Function:
dom  x | x  

range  y | y  
Example 26:
Determine its type, domain
and range:
f ( x)  2 x  9.
Something to think about…
 If any quadratic function is
of the form: f x   ax  bx  c .

What is its possible domain

and range?
Domain and Range of Quadratic Function:
Condition 1:
f ( x)  ax  bx  c; a  0

dom  x | x  
 4ac  b 
range   y | y  , y  
 4a 
Example 27:
Determine its type, domain
and range:
f ( x)  x  2 x  1
Domain and Range of Quadratic Function:
Condition 2:
f ( x)  ax  bx  c; a  0

dom  x | x  
 4ac  b 
range   y | y  , y  
 4a 
Example 28:
Determine its type, domain
and range:
f ( x)  7 x  33 x  21 .
Something to think about…
 If any rational function is
of the form: f x   g ( x) ; where
h( x )
h(x) ≠ 0. What is its possible
domain and range?
Domain and Range of Rational Function:
dom  x | x  , h( x)  0

range  y | y  , h( y)  0
Example 29:
Determine its type, domain
and range:
f ( x)  .
How to determine the domain and the range?
Focus on the denominator.
Solve for x in terms of y.
Something to think about…
 What are the possible domain and
y n f ( x)
 n is an odd integer,
 n is an even integer,
Domain and Range of Radical Function:
 Condition 1: n is an odd integer
 Domain:
dom  x | x  
 Range:
range  y | y  
Example 30:
Determine its type, domain
and range:
f ( x)  x  5.
Domain and Range of Radical Function:
 Condition 1: n is an even integer
 Domain:
dom  x | x  , f ( x)  0
 Range:
range  y | y  , y  0
Example 31:
Determine its type, domain
and range:
f ( x)  x  8.
Something to think about…
 If any absolute value function
is of the form: f x  x .
What is its possible domain
and range?
Domain and Range of Absolute Value Function:
dom  x | x  

range  y | y  , y  0
Example 32:
Determine its type, domain
and range:
f ( x)  x  3 .
Performance Task 2:
Please download, print
and answer the “Let’s
Practice 2.” Kindly work
Lecture 3: Operations on
SHMth1: General Mathematics
Accountancy, Business and
Management (ABM
Mr. Migo M. Mendoza
A Short Recap…
Find the sum of
1 2
and .
x3 x 5
Something to think about…
How do we add
two or more
Step 1: Adding or Subtracting Fractions
Find the least common
denominator (LCD) of both
Step 2: Adding or Subtracting Fractions
Rewrite the fractions as
equivalent fractions with
the same LCD.
Step 3: Adding or Subtracting Fractions
The LCD is the
denominator of the
resulting fraction.
Step 3: Adding or Subtracting Fractions
The sum or difference of
the numerators is the
numerator of the resulting
Final Answer:
The sum is:
3x  11
x  8 x  15
A Short Recap…
Find the product of
x  4x  5
x  5x  6
and .
x  3x  2
x  3x  10
Step 1: Multiplication of Fractions
Rewrite the numerator
and denominator in terms
of its prime factors.
Step 2: Multiplication of Fractions
Common factors in the
numerator and denominator
can be simplified as (this is
often called cancelling).
Step 3: Multiplication of Fractions
Multiply the numerators
together to get the new
Step 4: Multiplication of Fractions
Multiply the denominators
together to get the new
Final Answer:
The product is:

x  2x  3

x  x2
Classroom Task 4:
Given the functions below, determine
the following functions on next slides:
 g ( x)  x  2 x  8

 p ( x)  2 x  7  f ( x )  x  3  h ( x ) 
2 x
 v( x)  x  5 x  4
2 x2
 t ( x) 
Example 33:
Determine the following function:

v  g (x)
The Sum of Two or More Functions
Let f and g be functions:

Their sum, denoted by f + g, is the

function defined by
 f  g ( x)  f ( x)  g ( x)
Final Answer:

v  g ( x)  2 x 2
 7x  4
Example 34:
Determine the following function:

f  h (x)
Final Answer:
x  13
 f  h ( x) 
Example 35:
Determine the following function:

 f  p (x)
The Product of Two or More Functions
Let f and g be functions:

Their product, denoted by f ⦁ g, is

the function defined by
 f  g ( x)  f ( x)  g ( x)
Final Answer:

 f  p ( x)  2 x 2
 x  21
Example 36:
Determine the following function:

 p  f (x)
The Difference of Two or More Functions
Let f and g be functions:

Their difference, denoted by f - g,

is the function defined by
 f  g ( x)  f ( x)  g ( x)
Final Answer:

 p  f ( x)  x  10
Example 37:
Determine the following function:

 (x)
 
The Quotient of Two or More Functions
Let f and g be functions:

Their quotient, denoted by f ⦁ g, is

the function defined by
f f ( x)
 ( x)  .
g g ( x)
Final Answer:

v x  5x  4
 ( x)  2
g x  2x  8
Performance Task 4:
Please download, print
and answer the “Let’s
Practice 4.” Kindly work
A Story of A Famous Burger
Equation for Cooking a Sumptuous Angel’s Burger
 Equation for Patty:
f ( x)  x  1
 Equation for Bread:
g ( x)  x  11 x  96
Lecture 4: The Composition
of Functions
SHMth1: General Mathematics
Accountancy, Business and
Management (ABM
Mr. Migo M. Mendoza
Formal Definition of Composition of Function
 Let f and g be functions. The
composite function, denoted by (f ○ g), is
defined by:
 f  g ( x)  f g ( x)
The process of obtaining a composite
function is called
function composition.
Composition of Function
 It is another way of combining
functions. This method of combining
functions uses the output of one
function as the input for the second
The Domain of the Composite Function
The domain of (f ○ g) is the
set of all numbers x in the
domain of g that g(x) is in
the domain of f.
Classroom Task 5:
 Given the following functions, find and simplify
the given composite functions on the next slides:
 f ( x)  2 x  1  g ( x)  x  1
 q ( x)  x  2 x  2
 F ( x )  x   1
2x 1
 r ( x) 
x 1
Example 38:
Find and simplify:

g  f (x)
Final Answer:

g  f ( x)  2x  2
Example 39:
Find and simplify
q  f (x).
Is it the same with
 f  q (x) ?
Final Answer:
The function
q  f ( x)  4 x 2
 f  q ( x)  2 x 2
 4 x  5.
Thus, they are not the same.
Example 40:
Find and simplify

 f  r (x).
Final Answer:
5x  1
 f  r ( x)  .
x 1
Example 41:
Find and simplify

F  r (5).
Final Answer:

F  r (5)  3
Performance Task 5:
Please download, print
and answer the “Let’s
Practice 5.” Kindly work
Something to think about…
 Have you encountered this type of function
before? What does this type of equation tell
 x  2 if x 1
f ( x)  
( x  1) if x 1
Lecture 5: The Piecewise
SHMth1: General Mathematics
Accountancy, Business and
Management (ABM
Mr. Migo M. Mendoza
Piecewise-Defined Function
Also called as Hybrid Function, is a
function which is defined by multiple
sub-functions where each sub-function
applied to a certain interval of the main
functions domain (a sub-domain).
Classroom Task 6:
 What will be the value of:
(a) x  7 (c) x0
(b) x  5 (d ) x 1
 x  2 if x 1
f ( x)  
( x  1) if x 1
Final Answer:
The value are:
(a ) f (7)  5 (c) f (0)  2
(b) f (5)  16 (d ) f (1)  0
Example 42:
 Given the function:
 x  2 if x 1
f ( x)  
( x  1) if x 1

Find f(x) at x = -6, -3, -1, 0, 2, 3 and 4. Sketch

the graph of the piecewise function.
(Cartesian Coordinate Plane)

La Salle College Antipolo

Example 43:
 Given the function:
1 if x 1

f ( x)  2 if 1 x  3
3 if x3

Find f(x) at x = 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. Sketch the
graph of the piecewise function.
(Cartesian Coordinate Plane)

La Salle College Antipolo

Example 44:
 Madam Lily Mangipin is charged P300.00 monthly
for a particular mobile plan, which includes 100 free
text messages. Messages in excess of 100 are
charged P1.00 each. Represent the amount a
consumer pays each month as a function of the
number of messages in excess m sent in a month.
Final Answer:
 The amount a consumer pays each month
as a function of the number of messages m
sent in a month is:

 300 if 0  m  100
t (m)  
300  m ifm  100
Example 45:
 A jeepney ride costs P8.00 for the first
4 kilometers, and each additional
integer kilometer adds P1.50 to the fare.
Use a piecewise function to represent the
jeepney fare in terms of each additional
distance d in kilometers.
Final Answer:
 The piecewise function that represents the
jeepney fare in terms of the distance d in
kilometers is:

 8 if 0  d  4
F (d )  
8  1.5d  ifd  4
Performance Task 6:
Please download, print
and answer the “Let’s
Practice 6.” Kindly work

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