US Internal Revenue Service: Ann96-13

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through (e) of this section, section Retirement payment exclusions. Re- service, the employer may use any
3121(v)(2) and the amendments made tirement payment exclusions are the reasonable method. For example, if a
to section 3121(a)(2), (3), and (13) by exclusions from wages (for FICA tax plan provides that the employee will
the Social Security Amendments of purposes) for retirement payments un- receive benefits equal to two percent of
1983 (Pub. L. 98–21, 97 Stat. 65 der sections 3121(a)(2)(A), (a)(3), and high three-year average compensation
(1983)), as amended by section (a)(13)(A)(iii), as in effect on April 19, multiplied by years of service, and the
2662(f)(2) of the Deficit Reduction Act 1983. employee retires after 25 years of
of 1984 (Pub. L. 98–369, 98 Stat. 494 Transition benefits. Transition bene- service, nine of which are before 1984,
(1984)), apply to amounts deferred and fits are post-amendment payments at- the employer may determine that 9/25
benefits paid after December 31, 1983. tributable to pre-amendment services. of the total benefits to be received
(b) Definitions. For purposes of (c) Transition rules—(1) In general. beginning in 2000 are transition bene-
§31.3121(v)(2)–1 and paragraphs (a) The general effective date described in fits attributable to services performed
through (e) of this section, the follow- paragraph (a) of this section applies to before 1984.
ing definitions apply: post-amendment payments attributable (e) Order of payment. If an
FICA. FICA means the Federal In- solely to post-amendment services, employer determines, in accordance
surance Contributions Act (26 U.S.C. whether or not paid under a March 24, with paragraph (d) of this section, that
§ 3101 et seq.). 1983 agreement or a gap agreement. a portion of the total benefits under a
457(a) plan. A 457(a) plan means an Thus, section 3121(v)(2) applies, and nonqualified deferred compensation
eligible deferred compensation plan of the retirement payment exclusions do plan constitutes transition benefits,
a State or local government or of a tax- not apply, to these benefits. Special then, for purposes of determining the
exempt organization to which section effective dates apply to transition bene- portion of each benefit payment that
457(a) of the Internal Revenue Code fits under a March 24, 1983 agreement constitutes transition benefits—
applies. and transition benefits under a gap (1) For a payment made before the
Gap agreement. Gap agreement agreement. These special effective effective date of this section, the
means an agreement adopted after dates are set forth in paragraphs (c)(2) employer may use any reasonable
March 24, 1983, and on or before and (c)(3) of this section, respectively. allocation method to determine the
December 31, 1983. (2) Transition benefits under a portion of a payment that consists of
March 24, 1983 agreement. March March 24, 1983 agreement. Transition transition benefits, provided that the
24, 1983 agreement means an agree- benefits under a March 24, 1983 allocation method is consistent with the
ment in existence on March 24, 1983 agreement (except for those under a terms of the plan; and
between an individual and a non- 457(a) plan) are not subject to the (2) For a payment made on or after
qualified deferred compensation plan special timing rule of section the effective date of this section, the
within the meaning of §31.3121(v)– 3121(v)(2) and remain subject to sec- employer must treat each payment as
1(b). For this purpose only, any plan tion 3121(a) as in effect on April 19, consisting of transition benefits in the
(or agreement) to make payments that 1983. Thus, transition benefits under a same proportion as the transition bene-
qualify for one of the retirement March 24, 1983 agreement (except for fits that have not been paid (as of the
payment exclusions is treated as a those under a 457(a) plan) are excluded effective date of this section) bear to
nonqualified deferred compensation from wages (for FICA tax purposes) total benefits that have not been paid
plan, regardless of whether the plan (or only if they qualify for any of the (as of the effective date of this
agreement) is treated as a nonqualified retirement payment exclusions (or any section), unless such allocation is in-
deferred compensation plan within the other exclusion provided under section consistent with the terms of the plan.
meaning of §31.3121(v)–1(b). For ex- 3121(a) as in effect on April 19, 1983).
ample, §31.3121(v)–1(b)(4)(v) provides
(3) Transition benefits under a gap Margaret Milner Richardson,
that certain benefits established in
agreement. The payor of transition Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
connection with impending termination
do not result from the deferral of benefits under a gap agreement must
choose to either— (Filed by the Office of the Federal Register on
compensation and thus are not consid- January 19, 1996, 12:52 p.m., and published in
ered deferred under a nonqualified (i) Take the transition benefits into the issue of the Federal Register for January
deferred compensation plan. However, account as wages when paid; or 25, 1996, 61 F.R. 2194)
a plan that provides such benefits and (ii) Take the amount deferred
that was in existence on March 24, (within the meaning of §31.3121(v)– TEST OF EMPLOYMENT TAX EARLY
1983 is treated as a nonqualified 1(c)) with respect to the transition REFERRAL PROCEDURES FOR APPEALS
deferred compensation plan for pur- benefits into account as wages under
poses of this paragraph (b) to the section 3121(v)(2) (as if section
extent it provides benefits that would 3121(v)(2) had applied before its gen- Announcement 96–13
have satisfied one of the retirement eral effective date).
payment exclusions had the benefits (d) Determining transition benefit TABLE OF CONTENTS
been paid on April 19, 1983. portion. For purposes of determining
Post-amendment. Post-amendment the portion of total benefits under a SECTION. 1. SUMMARY
means after December 31, 1983. nonqualified deferred compensation
Pre-amendment. Pre-amendment plan that represents transition benefits, SECTION. 2. PURPOSE AND SCOPE
means on or before December 31, if, under the terms of the plan, benefits
1983. are not attributed to specific years of .01 In general

33 1996– 24 I.R.B.
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.02 Appropriate issues for early referral Service’s strategy designed to improve §§ 1401–1403) are income taxes, rather
employment tax administration for all than employment taxes, issues arising
SECTION. 3. HOW TO REQUEST EARLY taxpayers, including those who are under these sections are not included in
REFERRAL small business owners. The purpose of this early referral procedure.
early referral for employment tax issues
SECTION. 4. PROCESSING AN EARLY is to resolve them more expeditiously SECTION 3. HOW TO REQUEST EARLY
REFERRAL REQUEST through simultaneous action by the REFERRAL
District and Appeals. This Announce-
SECTION. 5. TRANSFERRING THE ISSUE ment describes the method by which a An early referral request must follow
FROM THE DISTRICT TO APPEALS taxpayer requests early referral of one the requirements set forth in section 3,
or more unagreed employment tax is- Procedures For Requesting Early Refer-
.01 In general sues from the District to Appeals. A ral, in Rev. Proc. 96–9. A request for
taxpayer may request early referral of early referral must be submitted in
.02 District issues Employment Tax
any developed, unagreed employment writing by the taxpayer to the case
tax issue that is under the jurisdiction manager. The case manager may sug-
.03 Taxpayer response to Employment of the District Director arising from an
Tax Report gest that a taxpayer make such a
audit. The District will continue to request. For purposes of this announce-
.04 Early referral file sent to Appeals develop other issues arising in the ment, ‘‘case manager’’ includes Com-
audit. pliance, Examination, Collection, and
SECTION. 6. RESOLVING THE EARLY Early referral for employment tax EP/EO group managers. See section
REFERRAL ISSUE(S) issues is: 3.02 regarding Statement of Issues and
● optional; Position; section 3.03, Perjury State-
.01 In general ● initiated by the taxpayer; ment; and section 3.04, Signatures.
.02 Agreement reached ● subject to the approval of both the
.03 Agreement not reached District Director and the Assistant SECTION 4. PROCESSING AN EARLY
Regional Director of Appeals (ARDA); REFERRAL REQUEST
● not limited to Coordinated An early referral request will be
SECTION. 8. EFFECTIVE DATE Examination Program (CEP) taxpayers. processed in the manner described in
.02 APPROPRIATE ISSUES FOR section 4 of Rev. Proc. 96–9, Process-
SECTION 1. SUMMARY EARLY REFERRAL. Appropriate issues ing An Early Referral Request. Included
for early referral include those that if in section 4 are: section 4.01, Approv-
Early referral procedures were resolved can reasonably be expected to ing or Denying the Request for Early
published in Rev. Proc. 96–9, 1996–2 result in a quicker resolution of the Referral; section 4.02, Notification of
I.R.B. 15. This Announcement applies entire case; and that both the taxpayer Action; and section 4.03, No Appeal.
the provisions of the revenue procedure and District Director agree should be
to employment tax issues, as described referred to Appeals early. Therefore, SECTION 5. TRANSFERRING THE
below, on a one-year test basis. early referral may not be available for ISSUE FROM THE DISTRICT TO
Taxpayers whose returns are being every employment tax issue. APPEALS
examined can request early referral of Examples of appropriate employment
one or more employment tax issue(s) tax issues for early referral include: .01 In general. If an issue is ap-
from district compliance functions 1) Worker Classification Issues, proved for transfer from the District to
(‘‘the District’’) to Appeals. Early including whether a worker is an Appeals, the procedures described in
referral of the employment tax issue(s) employee or independent contractor section 5 of Rev. Proc. 96–9 generally
does not alter the District Director’s under the common law; whether a will apply. The following specifically
authority to audit the returns of a worker is a statutory employee or apply to employment tax issues:
taxpayer nor limit or expand the statutory non-employee; whether .02 The District issues an employ-
District Director’s authority to resolve Section 530 of the Revenue Act of ment tax report. The District will
any issues, including the authority in 1978 applies; whether I.R.C. § 3509 prepare an employment tax report for
Delegation Order No. 236, 1991–1 C.B. rates are appropriate; and whether the each approved early referral issue. The
313. taxpayer qualifies for an interest-free report must identify the amount of
These procedures are effective for adjustment. employment tax(es) in dispute; fully
requests for early referral made during 2) Other Issues, including whether describe the issue(s); and explain the
the one-year test period beginning on certain payments are excepted from the District’s position. This report will be
March 18, 1996, the date this an- definition of ‘‘wages’’ (e.g., a fringe sent to the taxpayer.
nouncement is published in the Internal benefit that would be excludable from .03 Taxpayer response to District’s
Revenue Bulletin. the employee’s gross income under report. The taxpayer must respond in
I.R.C. § 132); and whether certain writing to the District’s report. The
SECTION 2. PURPOSE and SCOPE services are excepted from the defi- response must contain an explanation
nition of ‘‘employment.’’ of the taxpayer’s position regarding the
.01 In general. This Announcement Because taxes under the Self- issue(s), similar to that which would be
is part of the Internal Revenue Employment Contributions Act (I.R.C. provided in an Appeals protest, and

1996– 24 I.R.B. 34
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satisfy the declaration and signature no features that affect subsequent to maintain their status as public
requirements in sections 3.03 and 3.04 years. A closing agreement generally charities or as operating foundations.
of Rev. Proc. 96–9. will be prepared for issues where a Accordingly, grantors and contributors
The taxpayer’s response must be settlement is complex or affects subse- may not, after this date, rely on
submitted to the case manager within quent years. See I.R.C. § 7121 and also previous rulings or designations in the
30 days of the date of the report. This Rev. Proc. 68–16, 1968–1 C.B. 770, Cumulative List of Organizations (Pub-
30-day requirement may be extended which describes the preparation of lication 78), or on the presumption
by the case manager. If the taxpayer’s closing agreements. Appeals will coor- arising from the filing of notices under
response with respect to an issue is not dinate effects on subsequent years with section 508(b) of the Code. This listing
received within the time provided, the the District and District Counsel. does not indicate that the organizations
taxpayer’s early referral request will be .03 If agreement of the early refer- have lost their status as organizations
considered withdrawn regarding that ral issue(s) is not reached. If an described in section 501(c)(3), eligible
particular issue(s) without prejudice to agreement is not reached with respect to receive deductible contributions.
the taxpayer’s right to an administrative to an early referral issue(s), see section Former Public Charities. The fol-
appeal at a later date. But see section 8 6.03 of Rev. Proc. 96–9, Agreement lowing organizations (which have been
of Rev. Proc. 96–9, Withdrawal from Not Reached. See also generally, sec- treated as organizations that are not
the Early Referral Process, regarding tion 7, of Rev. Proc. 96–9, Effect of private foundations described in section
withdrawal after Appeals has taken Conclusion of Examination. The fol- 509(a) of the Code) are now classified
jurisdiction over the early referral lowing specifically apply to early refer- as private foundations:
issue(s). ral of employment tax issues: If no
.04 Early referral file sent to Ap- issues in the case remain unagreed Academic Boosters of Breathitt
peals. After the taxpayer has responded except for an early referral employment County, Jackson, KY
in writing to the report, the District tax issue that could not be settled by AIDS Research Foundation Inc.,
compliance function will send the early Appeals and has been returned to the Toms River, NJ
referral file to Appeals. The file should District, no 30-day letter will be issued. Akron Youthquake Ministries Inc.,
include copies of: Rather, the District will process the Akron, OH
● applicable portions of tax returns case for assessment of tax due from the Alexandria Band Boosters Inc.,
and workpapers; taxpayer. Alexandria, IN
● the approved early referral Arlington Elder Care Corp.,
request; SECTION 7. NO USER FEE Arlington, VA
● the District’s report; Asbury Male Youth Project Inc.,
There is no user fee for an early Washington, DC
● the taxpayer’s written response to referral employment tax request.
the report; and Association for Americans Outdoors
● the District’s response to the Inc., Bloomington, IN
SECTION 8. EFFECTIVE DATE Atlantic Reef Builders Inc., Margate,
taxpayer’s position, if any.
Appeals has jurisdiction over the NJ
These procedures are effective for
issue(s) accepted for early referral. All Berkeley County Schools Foundation,
requests for early referral made during
other issues in the case remain in the Inc., Martinsburg, WV
the one-year test period beginning on
District’s jurisdiction. March 18, 1996, the date this an- Biblical Institute for Social Change,
nouncement is published in the Internal Washington, DC
SECTION 6. RESOLVING THE EARLY Revenue Bulletin. Black Hills Citizens for a Better
REFERRAL ISSUE(S) Community, Grand Rapids, MI
DRAFTING INFORMATION Black Managers Association Inc.,
.01 In general. The taxpayer’s writ- Indianapolis, IN
ten response to the District’s report Brunswick Housing Development
The principal author of this an-
generally serves the same purpose as Corp., Medina, OH
nouncement is Thomas C. Louthan,
an Appeals protest. Established Ap- Bryan Elementary Parent Teacher
Director, Office of Dispute Resolution
peals procedures, including those gov- Organization, Bryan, OH
& Specialty Programs, National Office
erning submissions and taxpayer con-
Appeals. For further information re- Campbell Lodge a Home for Boys
ferences, apply to early referral issues.
garding this announcement, please con- Alumni Association Inc., Park
See § 601.106 et seq. of the Statement
tact Mr. Louthan at (202) 401-4098 Hills, KY
of Procedural Rules. See generally
(not a toll-free number). Carolyn Steinhoff Smith, Inc., Tulsa,
section 6 of Rev. Proc. 96–9. The
following specifically apply to early OK
referral of employment tax issues: Center Grove High School Choir,
.02 If agreement of the early refer- Foundations Status of Certain Greenwood, IN
ral issue(s) is reached. If an agree- Organizations Center School Association, Mayfield
ment is reached with respect to an Village, OH
early referral issue(s), an agreement Announcement 96–14 Charles W. Bissinger & Associates
Form 2504 or 2504 AD, labelled Inc., Arnold, MD
‘‘Partial Agreement,’’ may be used for The following organizations have Childrens Hospice of New Jersey
factual or non-complex issues that have failed to establish or have been unable Inc., Union, NJ

35 1996– 24 I.R.B.

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