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The University of the South Pacific

School of Biological and Chemical Sciences

CH101 – Chemical Principals

Determination of available chlorine in bleach by iodometry

Experiment 3

Name: Kartik Pillay (S11186179)

Lab session: Tuesday (2-5)

1.0 Introduction

Chlorine was first discovered in the year 1774 by Carl Wilhelm Scheele who mistook it for
oxygen but later it was given the name chlorine and was included in the periodic table as it
was said to be an element. The color of chlorine is green as its name “chloro” means green
[ CITATION Che \l 1033 ]. Chlorine has many types to it, one of which is sodium hypochlorite.
Sodium hypochlorite is another word for bleach [ CITATION Jam16 \l 1033 ]. The other types
of chlorine are namely: Lithium hypochlorite, Calcium hypochlorite, Dichlor and Trichlor
[ CITATION Jen13 \l 1033 ]. Each has unique and different uses even though they may be
similar, environmental factors make them different. Iodometry is a method of titration in
which a species is directly titrated with iodine solution, volumetric chemical analysis. Using
this method brings about new knowledge as its end point is not determined by the color
change but rather by the appearance and disappearance of iodine. This process allows the
quantification of oxidizing agents [ CITATION Ash19 \l 1033 ]. Iodometry is used to determine
how much hypochlorite in bleach is used in order to cause bleaching [ CITATION Iod \l 1033 ].
A hypochlorite solution is widely used for bleaching and water purification. Bleaching
solutions has pH of 4-7 because it has chlorate (OCl̵) and chlorine (Cl₂) present in large
amounts and they both are oxidizing agent.

In this experiment Starch is being used which acts an indicator. Chlorine that is present in
bleach solution incidentally used in liberation of iodine from a standard iodine solution. This
liberated iodine forms a violet colored solution with starch. When it reaches end point the
iodine that was consumed by sodium thiosulphate (usually taken as titrant), the color of the
solution changes from violet to colorless. Iodide is a reducing agent which can be used in the
titrant oxidants while adding an iodide solution into a chlorinated water iodide is oxidized by
the free chlorine to iodine (yellowish color appears) whereas chlorine is reduced to chloride.

This experiment aims to calculate the moles of chlorine in bleach solution, determine the
mass of chlorine and evaluate the percentage mass of available chlorine in the bleach
solution. This experiment will use iodometry and express the toughness of chlorine.

2.0 Experimental

2.1 Standardization of S2O32-Solution

0.3 g of KBro3 was weighed correctly and transferred into a 250 ml volumetric flask. This
substance was dissolved and was filled up to the mark with distilled water. 25 ml of the
KBro3 was pipetted in the 25o ml conical flask and 10 ml of the 5 M H 2SO4 was added with
the 10 ml of 5% KI solution using the measuring cylinder. The liberated iodine was titrated in
the mixture with approximately 5 ml of the thiosuplahte. After added 5ml starch indicator
was dropped in the solution and titration was continued until successive titers agreed to ±
0.05 ml

2.2 Determination of Available Chlorine

50 ml of the diluted bleach solution was transferred by a measuring cylinder into a stoppered
flask. Approximately 10 ml of the solution was pipetted in the 250 ml conical flask, 10ml of
ethanoic acid was also added afterwards followed by the addition 10 ml of the 5% of KI
solution using the measuring cylinders and the liberated iodine was titrated using the
standardized thiosulphate and starch indicator. This process if titration was repeated until
successive titers agreed to ± 0.05 ml.

3.0 Results

Mass of KBrO3 transferred: 32.512 ± 0.0001 g

Volume of solution prepared: 0.25 dm3
Titration results Aliquot of KBrO3 pipetted: 0.025 dm3

Titration Results

Trial Volume (cm3)

Initial Burette Reading Final Burette Reading Titer

1 22.00 ± 0.05cm3 42.00 ± 0.05 cm3 20.00 ± 0.05 cm3

2 26.30 ± 0.05 cm3 46.00 ± 0.05 cm3 22.70 ± 0.05 cm3

3 24.00 ± 0.05 cm3 44.00 ± 0.05 cm3 20.00 ± 0.05 cm3

Average titer (Mean of closest THREE titers; ask your demonstrator if unsure): 20.90 ± 0.05

Note the bleach has been diluted, and that the volume of the diluted sample taken is 10 cm3.

Titration results
Trial Volume (cm3)
Initial Burette Final Burette Titer
Reading Reading
1 18.00 ±0.05 cm3 8.40 ± 0.05cm3 8.40± 0.05 cm3

2 5.40 ± 0.05cm3 10.75 ± 0.05cm3 7.35 ± 0.05cm3

3 15.75 ± 0.05cm3 23.15 ± 0.05cm3 7.40 ± 0.05cm3

Average titer (of closest THREE titers): 6.47 ± 0.05cm3

4.0 Discussion

The distinction in the hypothetical and trial worth can be because of certain mistakes that
may have been directed during the examination. The efficient blunders that may have
happened can be because of the erroneous adjustment of the dishes. It is additionally
imperative to consider that it is difficult to distinguish the specific time the proportionality
point with the natural eye, slight postponements happen. The human blunder can be because
of an inappropriate reagent utilized and furthermore incorporate the off-base measure of
marker dropped in the arrangement.

Most bleaches contain about 6%-5% Chlorine in its solution. Bleach is for the most part made
of water and a modest quantity of salt so as to keep the chlorine from gas state and keep up
the fluid state. Be that as it may, contrasting the exploratory estimation of 0.0766% of
chlorine to the 5% of chlorine present in the detergent has about 4.9234% distinction. The
weakening element compared to 0.766 %. The distinction in values happen during the
exploratory methods.

5.0 Conclusion

In a nutshell, the point of the investigation was accomplished by getting the sum, mass and
the mass level of Chlorine. The means used in this trial contributed the information to decide
the accessible chlorine specifically arrangements, for example, bleach. The qualities may
have likewise been accomplished because of test blunders that may have happened during the
examination. Overall, the experiment was successfully and the aim was achieved as students
were precise thus chlorine is a part of bleach and vice versa.

6.0 Reference
Ashfaq. (2019). What is the difference between iodometry and iodimetry. Quora.

Chemical Properties Of Chlorine-Health Effects Of Chlorine-Environmental Effects Of Chlorine. (n.d.).


Iodometry. (n.d.). Wikipedia.

Lockard, J. (2013). Chlorine,by any other name, is not the same. Water Safety Magazine.

Semper, J. (2016). How do Chloro bleach and pool chlorine differ? Quora.

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