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Quarter 1 Weeks 3 and 4 (September 27 – October 8, 2021)

Name of Student: ___________________________________ Grade 11/Section: ___________________ Score: ____
Purok and Address: ___________________________________ Contact Number: ___________________
General Instructions: Please read the questions below thoroughly and write the letter of your
answer on the space before each number.
____1. Which of the following refers to the heat left over from the formation of the Earth?
a. Primordial heat b. solar heat c. frictional heat d. radiogenic heat
____2. What layer of the earth stores magma?
a. Crust b. Mantle c. Inner core d. Outer core
____3. What term refers to the movement and formation of magma beneath the Earth's crust?
a. subduction b. magmatism c. volcanism d. convection
____4. Which of the following is/are the source/s of Earth's internal heat?
a. Leftovers of primordial heat from the formation and accretion of the Earth.
b. Heat produced from the decaying radioactive elements.
c. Frictional heat produced when plate tectonic occurs.
d. All of these
____5. Which of the following is produced when radioactive isotopes decay?
a. Primordial heat b. solar heat c. frictional heat d. radiogenic heat
____6. Which of the following is the outermost layer of the Earth?
a. Crust b. Mantle c. Core d. Asthenosphere
____7. Which of the following are driven by the activities in the mantle?
a. seafloor spreading b. formation of volcanoes c. plate tectonic d. all of these
____8. What kind of process by which heat energy is transmitted through collisions between
neighboring atoms or molecules?
a. conduction b. convection c. insulation d. radiation
____9. Which of the following terms is used to refer to the origin of magma that lies in the lower part
of the Earth's crust and in the upper portion of the mantle?
a. Lithosphere b. Mesosphere c. Asthenosphere d. Stratosphere
____10. Which of the following is true about the viscosity of the mantle?
a. The viscosity of the mantle are affected by the temperature of the crust.
b. The viscosity of the mantle varies in different regions.
c. The rock materials make the mantle viscous.
d. All of these.
____11. Which of the following is used to refer to the solid, outer part of the Earth that extends to a
depth of about 100 kilometers (62 miles)?
a. Lithosphere b. Mesosphere c. Asthenosphere d. Stratosphere
____12. What are the two factors that affect the conduction on the Earth’s surface?
a. Radioactive decay and nuclear disintegration of elements.
b. The radiation that the Earth receives from the Sun as well as the heat from the Earth's core.
c. The magnetic force produced in the core and the heat it generated.
d. The magma in the mantle and the existence of volcanoes.
____13. Which of the following is the main driving force of plate tectonic?
a. subduction of plate b. convection current
c. the heat from the mantle d. seafloor spreading
____14. Which type of metamorphism is associated with mountain building?
a. contact b. burial c. regional d. foliated
____15. The pressure and heat that drive metamorphism result from which three forces?
a. The internal heat of the Earth, the weight of overlying rocks, and horizontal pressures
developed as rocks become deformed
b. The weight of the overlying rocks, solar heating, and nuclear fusion
c. Horizontal pressures developed as rocks deform, bonding, heat released during
d. Internal heat of the Earth, nuclear fission, heat released during chemical weathering
____16. A non-foliated contact metamorphic rock is called a ______.
a. phyllite b. schist c. hornfels d. gneiss
____17. Which of the following sequences describes the metamorphic changes in a shale with
increasing metamorphic grade?
a. gneiss -> slate -> schist c. schist -> gneiss -> slate
b. gneiss -> schist -> slate d. slate -> schist -> gneiss
____18. In regional metamorphism the source of increased temperature and pressure is
a. a local intrusive heat source
b. impact metamorphism
c. the increase in temperature with increasing depth of burial
d. due to increased rate of radioactive decay
____19. What would you expect to find in rocks formed through contact metamorphism?
a. Minerals that are stable at high temperatures and low pressures
b. Minerals that are stable at low temperatures and high pressures
c. Rock that has experienced only low-grade metamorphism throughout
d. Rock over widespread areas that has experienced similar degrees of metamorphism
____20. A geologist concludes that a particular metamorphic rock formed at high pressure. Which
feature of the rock most likely led to this conclusion?
a. It contains dense minerals.
b. Its parent rock contained large sediments.
c. Its layers have been pulled and lengthened.
d. It was found in close association with intrusive igneous rock.
____21. A type of rock that forms from the cooling of molten rock at or below the surface of the earth
a. Metamorphic rock b. Igneous rock c. Sedimentary rocks d. Minerals
____22. Igneous rock that forms from lava on Earth's surface
a. Extrusive rock b. Sedimentary rock c. Intrusive rocks d. Minerals
____23. Granite is a light-colored igneous rock with grains large enough to be visible with the unaided
eye is an example of _____.
a. Extrusive rock b. Sedimentary rock c. Intrusive rocks d. Minerals
____24. This type of textures occur during some volcanic eruptions when the lava is quenched so
rapidly that crystallization cannot occur. The result is a natural amorphous glass with few or
no crystals. Examples include obsidian and pumice.
a. Glassy or vitreous b. Porphyritic c. Pegmatitic d. Aphanitic
____25. Occurs when explosive eruptions blast the lava into the air resulting in fragmental, typically
glassy material which fall as volcanic ash, lapilli and volcanic bombs.
a. Glassy or vitreous b. Pyroclastic c. Pegmatitic d. Aphanitic

Name and Signature of Learner: __________________________________________ Date: _______________

Name and Signature of Parent: ____________________________________________ Date: ______________

Name and Signature of Teacher: JESSA SUMAYANG – MONICIT Date: _________________

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