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Unit 5 PAST ¨ USED TO¨

Used to / Direct and Indirect to objects

I used to be a little strange.
Ian Bennett knows that he used to be a little strange. I would only sleep a few hours every night,
He says. He wouldn’t sleep till all the books line up on shelf perfectly, even if he hadn’t touched them from the
night before. ¨And I would get out of bed several times to check if I had locked the front door Then I’d check all
the windows in the entire house. My blanket had to lie on top of me at an exact 90-degree angle from the wall
and I would only get into bed by lifting my right leg first. And then I`d notice that the door to my bedroom wasn’t
open at a perfect 45- degree angle and I would get up and fix that. then, of course, my blanket wasn’t straight
anymore and I would wonder if I really locked the door.
Many people have rituals or actions that are important to them. For example, basketball star Michael Jordan
used to wear his team shorts from college under his professional uniform. Some people tap their pencils on the
desks three times before taking a test or count the number of stairs they climb as they go to the next floor.
However, Ian suffered from a more serious problem. Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

OCD is an anxiety disorder in which a person has repetitive obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior–littler
rituals- to help deal with these thoughts. People with OCD know that their thoughts and behaviors are silly and
irrational but they can’t stop themselves from having them. For example, a person might worry about getting
sick. As a consequence, he will wash his hands repetitively throughout the day- people with severe OCD will
wash their hands up to 100 times a day They know that their concern about sickness is irrational but they feel
they must wash their hands anyway.

Psychologist Dawn Foster explains; ¨A lot of people suffers from mild cases of OCD. Most of them don’t have
severe problems at all. It’s just something that happens to certain people when they feel anxious or
overwhelmed by stress¨. Treatment of mild cases includes talking to others with the same disorder and learning
to find new ways to handle anxiety. In severe cases, psychiatric help and medicine are recommended. And
Ian? ¨I got over it. It took about three years but now I check the doors and windows once and call it a night.
Who has time for all that other stuff?

Read the text and underline six examples of obsessive -compulsive disorder.

Discuss these questions in groups.

1. What kind of pre-games habits or superstitions have you heard about in professional athletes?

2. Do you have any habits or ritual that you feel you must perform every day?

3. Do you know someone who has some form of OCD? What is the person like?

Conversation 10

Listen to the interview with Dr. Foster. Then, check the items that she would
probably consider symptoms of OCD.

1.dr 1. drinking too much wine with dinner………… 2. Checking several times if the door is locked………….
3. arranging books next to your bed…… 4. Living on a busy street……….

5. turning the bathroom light on and off se veral times 6.Watching TV while sitting on the couch……….
7.touching items a certain way or over and over 8. Making sure the furniture is a certain position……

Conversation 11
Practice the pronunciation of these sentences. Notice how use to both have the same sound.
1. Did you use to watch TV?
2. No, I didn’t use to have a computer.
3 I used to listen to the radio.


Practice these conversations.

Ned: Look at those kites! Did you use to fly a kite when you were a child?

Polly: No, I didn’t. I didn`t use to play in the street. My mother didn`t use to let me do much. You know.

Ned:: I’m sorry to hear that. I used to play in the street every afternoon when I was a kid. I used to think

I was the king of the world.

Complete the chart with the correct forms of words, Use a dictionary if necessary.

noun verb adjective adverb





Choose words from the box above and write three sentences about your habits
now or in the past.


*We use used to, to talk about:

A past habit that is no longer true:

I used to bite my fingernails but I don’t bite them now

A past state that has changed:

He used to be indecisive. (but now he is more


*To talk about a single action, you must use the past

simple: I used to go to London in 2001.

I went to London in 2001.

Write sentences with this structure :subject -used to-infinitive (without to)

Look at this!

used to + infinitive

Affirmative John used to work in the movie industry.

Negative They didn`t use to watch romantic movies.

Question forms Where did you use to live?

Did you use to have long hair?


1. You_________________________ (work- sleep- eat) very hard.

2. (Do- Does –Did she _______________________ live in Japan?

3. They (don´t-didn´t-doesn´t) _____________ swim on weekends.

4. He _________________________________(walk-study-talk) to school.

5. Mr. Green ______________________ (have-write- work) with my uncle.

6. You_____________________(read- study- watch) television every night.

7. They ________________________________ (eat-talk –clean) for hours.

8. He _________________________________(bring-live-cook) in Boston.

9. We ___________________ (listen-write-buy) music until ten o’clock last night.

10. She________________________ (stay-visit-live) London.

Fill in the blanks with used to and one of the verbs below .
Listen share have help

Mark: What was your family life when you were a kid, Grandma?
Grandma: Life was very different. Families were bigger and children _______________ (not) their own bedrooms.
I____________________________________ my bedroom with my three sisters.
We didn’t have a TV but we _______________________to the radio after dinner, and we___________
Our parents much more
Mark: I think I prefer life now.

Circle the correct alternative. Use would where possible.

Chris: So. Ted. What can you tell me about your childhood?

Ted: Life used to / would be tough. We didn’t use to / wouldn’t have all the things you have
nowadays. Chris: But do you miss those days?
Ted: Sometimes I do. For example, I used to / would spend lots of time with my friends and we used to

/ would go out a lot. Nowadays. I spend most of my days alone.

Conversation 12

Ryan and Troy are at their high school reunion. Listen to the conversation and write T (true) or F (false).

1. Ryan’s nickname in high school was T-REX………….

2. Ryan didn’t know that Troy and Anny were married……….
3. Ryan and Anny used to date when they were in high school……….
4. Ray was embarrassed about what he said…………

Conversation 13
Listen and practice this conversation. Ryan: Fat man!
Milo: Are you talking to me?
Ryan: Yes, You`re Fat Man O`Reilly, Aren`t you?
Milo: Well, I used to be. People don`t call me that anymore.
Ryan: Oh, what do they call you now?
Milo: Dr. O`Reilly.
Ryan: ¡Oh! I`m impressed. What`s your specialty?
Milo: I`m Brain surgeon. How about you?
Ryan: I`m a journalist. I mostly do freelance work.
Milo: Well, nice seeing you.
Ryan: Nice seeing you, too. Fat – Dr. O`Reilly.

Discuss these questions in groups.

1. Where did you go to high school?

3. Did you have any clear career plans at that time?
3. What happened to those plans?
4. What’s your most treasured memory of your high school days?

Talk about personal communication

Verbs with direct and indirect objects.

In a sentence, a verb may have both a direct object (the object the action is done to) and an
indirect object (the person for whom the object is done).

Two different patterns are possible. The direct object can also come first, with the indirect
object preceded by for or to.
I sent an email to I baked a cake for
her her.

Conversation 14.
Ken: Hey! Chris, I sent you an email yesterday and you didn’t answer.
Chris: Email? What email? you didn`t send me an email.
Ken: Come on! you got it. Then I sent you a text message.
Chris: Text message? what text message? you didn`t send me a text
message either, honest!
Ken: OK. Well you’ve got no excuses now. where is the $15 you owe me?
Chris: $15? What $15?

Practice the conversation and change the underlined words.

Ken: Hey! Chris, I sent you an email yesterday and you didn’t answer.
Chris: Email? What email? you didn’t send me an email.
Ken: Come on! you got it. Then I sent you a text message.
Chris: Text message? what text message? you didn’t send me a text message either, honest!
Ken: OK. Well you’ve got no excuses now. where is the $15 you owe me?
Chris: $15? what $15?

email – TV – letter - fax – text message – phone – Blackberry – newspaper ad.

Word Bank: Email vocabulary: sender – recipient – Cc (courtesy copy) – header – body –
attachment 7
– send – reply – signature file.
Unscramble the words to write sentences.

1. sent – a – I – fax - Barbara. ____________________________________________________

2. sent _ My _ brother and me _+email. ____________________________________________

3. address _ me _ his _ find _ email._________________________________________________

4. new _ Jim _ a computer _ I _ bought._______________________________________________

5. a _ your mom _ Give _ call________________________________________________________

Read the situations and make requests. Use the verbs in parentheses.

Situation Request

1.You lost your friend’s phone number (send) __Please send me your phone number.

2.You want your friend to call you. (give)________________________________

3.You want your parents to buy you a printer. (buy)_________________________________

4.You ask if you can pay someone by check. (write) ________________________________

5.You want your friend to fax you a chart. (fax) _------------------------------------------------------

Conversation 15,
Listen to the conversation and complete the chart.

Telephone number
Fax number
Email address
Text message
Mailing address



Dolphins are sea mammals that live in shallow parts of the oceans near land. They range in size from 4-30 feet (1.2-

9.5 meters). Dolphins eat smaller animals like fish and squid. Scientists believe that they are one of the most

intelligent animals; Dolphins live together in groups of about 12 called pods. They swim together and help other

member of their pod if they are sick or injured. They communicate with other dolphins by using sounds like whistles

and clicks. because of their friendly appearance and playful behavior, dolphins are very popular in movies and

cartoons, and they are the most popular exhibits at aquariums around the world.


A mother dolphin talks to her baby . by telephone!

The special call was made in an aquarium in Hawaii, where the mother and
her two years – old baby swam in separate tanks.
¨It seemed clear that they knew who they were talking to ¨, says Don White.
But what did they say? Scientists are studying dolphins all over the world to
understand their secret
language. They don’t understand everything yet, but they`re
listening……and learning. Scientists think dolphins talk about everything.
Even such things as their age and how they are feeling. Scientists think
that dolphins say things like ¨there are some good fish over here¨, or
´watch out for that shark because he’s hunting. ¨¨sometimes one dolphin
will speak and then another will seem to answer, says Sara Waller, who
studies bottlenose dolphins off the California coast. Sometimes they all talk
at the same time- like people at a party.
It is difficult to study dolphin speak in the sea because dolphins swim very
quickly. Also, it seems that one sound can mean many different things. For
example, when they are fighting, dolphins clap their mouths to say ¨go
away¨! But they make the same sound when they are playing. It’s like
humans. When you raise a hand, it might mean hello, good. bye, or stop.
Scientists still don’t understand everything dolphins say but one day, who
knows, maybe
you’ll get a phone call from a dolphin

Taken from: WorldEnglish1b

Read the article and find out

1. What senses do dolphins use to communicate?

2. What do dolphins talk about?
3. Why is difficult to understand dolphin communication?
4. Do Scientists understand everything that dolphins say
5. How do other animals communicate?


To be able to means the same as can to talk about abilities. However, while can is only used to talk about the
present or future, to be able to can be used in other verb tense.

present am / is / are able to

past Was / were able to

Present perfect Have been able to

future Will be able to

I am able to use my car.

I have been able to swim since I was four.


Listen to the Ashley Osgood interview people on the street. then mark the
statements T (true) or F (false) based on the opinions of those interviewed.

1. Electronic books will save storage space…( T_F )………

2. Cell phones will have become obsolete…( T_F )………
3. People will be able to watch movies projected by their glasses…( T_F )……….
4. The stove will be able to order food from the supermarket ( T _F )……………

Listen again and complete the sentences with the correct form of be able to and the verb in

1. We (buy) any book we like as a new-book.

2. We (buy) things using credit cards on our cell phones.
3. I`d love ______________________ (send)a message to my stove so that the food could start cooking now.

fill in the blanks with be able to. use the correct verb tense.

1 I ___________________ swim ten miles without stopping when I was a teenager.

2 Jesse _______________ work as an account when he graduates from college next year.
3. Chase ______________ stay in bed late every day because of his flexible working hours.
4. Lou_______________( neg). digitalize all the files yet. He finish next week.
5. We ________________ (neg). deliver your new computer before next Tuesday OK?
Evan and Kate are talking about vacation plans. Fill in the blanks with the correct
form of can or be able to. Use can whenever possible.

Evan: I’m thinking of taking some French classes in France. If I sign up now, I will
_________________ get a good deal on a flight. Also, this week I ____________
(get) a special discount on the course I want to take.
Kate: Sounds interesting. How long ______________ you stay there?
Evan: Well, that depends on Mr. Murphy. I know I _________________ have two
weeks of vacation with no problem, but the course I`m interesting in lasts three weeks.
Kate: What you have to do is convince Mr. Murphy that you must learn French to _______
________ do your job better.
Evan: Yeah, that should be easy, since we merged with L Image last month, headquarters said
that employee who were ____________________ speak French would have
more opportunities.

Kate: Right, and don’t forget the other benefits of taking a course in France
Evan: like what?
Kate: You __________ practice your French all day with French girls and you will
____________________eat delicious food.
Evan: This is an opportunity I ________ (neg) miss. I’m going to find Mr. Murphy Right now

Kate wants to go abroad to study Spanish. Look at the chart and then write four things that
she will or won’t be able to do in each place.

Spain Mexico
Visit other countries in Europe Take a shorter, less expensive flight

Eat tapas Visit the pyramids

Visit El Prado museum Eat tacos

Visit historical cities Visit the second largest city in the

Go to the beach Go to the beach

In Spain, Kate will be able to visit historical cities/ She won’t be able to visit the pyramids

Choose three cities you would like to take an English course in. Write a sentence about
you will be able to do in each city.


Complete with can or be able to.

Anna: I (neg). wait to leave home and go to the college.

Bob: Why? What will you ___________________ do there that you can’t do at home?

Anna: Well, for one, I will ___________________ stay out as late as I like, and I won’t

Have to go to class if I don`t feel like it.

Bob: True, but when you’re at home, you ______________ always depend on your family

To wake up and make sure you don’t oversleep on test day.

In Spain, Kate will be able to visit historical cities / she won’t be able to visit the pyramids

Choose three cities you would like to take an English course in. Write a sentence about
You will be able to do in each city.


Complete with can or be able to.

Anna: I _________________ (neg). wait to leave home and go to the college.

Bob: Why? What will you ________________ do there that you can’t do at home?

Anna: Well, for one, I will _______________ stay out as late as I like, and I won’t

Have to go to class if I don`t feel like it.

Bob: True, but when you’re at home, you ___________ always depend on your family

To wake up and make sure you don’t oversleep on test day


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