Science Parks and The Growth of New Technology-Based Firms-Academic-Industry Links, Innovation and Markets

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Research Policy 31 (2002) 859–876

Science Parks and the growth of new technology-based

firms—academic-industry links, innovation and markets
Hans Löfsten a,∗ , Peter Lindelöf b
a Department of Industrial Dynamics, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
b Department of Business Administration, School of Economics, University of Göteborg, SE-405 30 Göteborg, Sweden

Accepted 16 July 2001

The analysis distinguishes between firms (273 firms) on and off Science Parks in Sweden (1996–1998), in an effort to
identify any element of added value which the park provides for new technology-based firms (NTBFs). The study showed some
differences between the experience of firms on- and off-park in respect to innovation and marketing issues. Firms located in
Science Parks were significantly more likely to have a link with a local university than off-park firms. Performance is examined
under three headings: employment growth, sales growth and profitability. Initiatives to promote NTBFs on Science Parks, will
yield a higher rate of job creation than policies to help NTBFs in general. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Science Parks; New technology-based firms; Growth; Links; Innovation; Policy

1. Introduction for research to more informal contracts as well as the

transfer of personnel between academia and industry
Universities and other higher education institutions (Quintas et al., 1992). Appold (1991) supports the idea
are important sources of new scientific knowledge. In- that a Science Park could have significant regional
dustry can gain access to this knowledge or resources implications. Appold finds that industrial research
by developing formal and informal links with higher laboratories tend to cluster in certain areas—typically
education institutes (OECD, 1981, 1993). Therefore, large urban areas with a good university.
the development of higher education institute links The form of linkages between individual firms and
is assumed to encourage innovation and production higher education institutes might include (Monck
(Westhead and Storey, 1994). Hence, locales with et al., 1988):
highly interlinked higher education institutes are ex-
pected to have enhanced levels of wealth creation and • the transfer of people including founder-members
job generation (Malecki, 1991). The assessing of aca- of firms, key personnel and staff into employment
demic knowledge and expertise by businesses located in firms;
• the transfer of knowledge;
on-site is a key principle of Science Parks. Research
• contract or sponsoring research in the university by
links may take many forms, from formal contracts
researchers and students;
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +46-31-772-12-30; • contract development, design, analysis, testing,
fax: +46-31-772-12-37. evaluation, etc.;
E-mail address: (H. Löfsten). • access to university facilities;

0048-7333/02/$ – see front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 4 8 - 7 3 3 3 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 1 5 3 - 6
860 H. Löfsten, P. Lindelöf / Research Policy 31 (2002) 859–876

• less formal interchange with academics which may joint-stock firms located in the nine target Science
lead to the important change of information. Parks (163 firms). The remainder of the NTBFs were
drawn from off-park locations (100 firms). The study
Science Parks provide an important resource net-
showed a general trend in sales growth (NTBFs on
work for new technology-based firms (NTBFs). The
Science Parks, yearly averages 1994–1996: 45.60%
government and other organisations—Swedish Board
and NTBFs, off-park: 12.93%), employment growth
for Industrial and Technical Development—have in-
(on-park: 27.95% and off-park: 10.17%) and prof-
troduced regionally targeted measures to provide an
itability (on-park: 4.70% and off-park: 9.63%).
appropriate physical infrastructure for the encour-
The collected data covers all 3 years of the NTBFs
agement of economic development in deprived and
operational life. The findings on Science Parks perfor-
depressed localities. Central government has a long
mance suggest that the parks milieu appears to have
history of providing support for R&D, the transfer
a positive impact on their firms growth as measured
of technology and its diffusion into industry. Lo-
in terms of sales and jobs. However, there was no ev-
cal authorities in Sweden have developed a range
idence of a direct relationship between Science Park
of local economic initiatives designed to create new
location and profitability. While this research provided
employment opportunities. One element has been the
several new insights into Science Parks in Sweden,
encouragement of new technology-based firms in or-
numerous questions remain.
der to achieve high rates of growth. Local authorities
To fulfil development ambitions the NTBFs will be
have also played a key role in encouraging universi-
faced with normal management problems associated
ties to take a more active role in the revival of local
with rapid growth. The problem of management de-
economies. Several financial institutions have made
velopment associated with entrepreneurial growth is a
commitments to Swedish Science Parks, although
well-known phenomenon. The conceptual model (see
these may have been prompted more by promotional
Fig. 1) is going to serve as the integrative framework
and social reasons than commercial criteria.
for this study and analysis. These dimensions are pre-
The main purpose of this study is to learn on an
sented in Fig. 1. The application of the framework
aggregate level of any differences (sales, employment
will provide an opportunity to synthesise information
and profitability) between NTBFs that locate on Sci-
from different sources and better understand the Sci-
ence Parks and those that locate elsewhere. This study
ence Parks performance in its context—on the firm-
will therefore explore the performance of firms located
in and off Science Parks in Sweden. The paper also re-
The importance of NTBFs on Science Parks is
views the evidence for statements of higher education
related to their performance: they are expected to
industry links that are assumed to encourage innova-
“perform better” than the average firm. Further, anal-
tion and production. The enthusiasm for a partnership
ysis of the empirical and theoretical basis for Science
between university and industry exists in a range of
Parks, drawing on current understanding of the inno-
areas but, in this study, particular emphasis is placed
vation process and the relationship between academic
on research-related, technology-based linkage.
research and industrial activity, suggests that the Sci-
ence Park model is problematic in itself. Researchers
have missed the important link and interaction be-
2. The framework and setting tween the firm’s resources, innovation/diffusion,
risk and strategy in our Science Park model (en-
In a previous study—the pilot study—Löfsten trepreneurial infrastructure effects). It is important to
and Lindelöf (2001) used a comparative evalua- measure entrepreneurship in economic terms.
tion approach and took into consideration NTBFs There is however, a need for caution. Allen and
in nine Swedish Science Park organisations during Bazan (1990) have commented on the generally
the period between 1994 and 1996. The hypothe- modest perceptions of value-added components by
ses are empirically tested on the basis of 263 new incubator tenants saying that, “entrepreneurs are not a
technology-based firms in Sweden located both on- particularly appreciative group, and their high degree
and off-park. The pilot study endeavoured to cover of autonomy and self-esteem shade their perceptions
H. Löfsten, P. Lindelöf / Research Policy 31 (2002) 859–876 861

Fig. 1. Framework for studies on the firm-level. Source: Löfsten and Lindelöf (2001, p. 319).

of how much they are really being helped”. How- The notion that networks are important to innova-
ever, we can expect Science Parks to play a role in tion, and that firms will build networks if they are close
innovation and industrial renewal. For the majority seems to satisfy some need for rational argument. We
of Science Park firms undertaking R&D, the ultimate therefore propose the following assertion:
purpose is the launch of new products and markets.
• independent Science Parks (NTBFs) will record a
We will underline that some researchers have argued
higher ability of building networks/links than inde-
that a competitive market is a stimulus to innova-
pendent off-park sample (NTBFs).
tion, whereas others have argued that oligopolistic
conditions are a greater stimulus.
This study is based on measures of output of per-
3. Review of literature
formance of new technology-based firms, such as
growth rates and profitability—the 1996–1998 period.
3.1. Science Parks and incubators
Growth must be seen as employment growth and sales
growth, which leads to increasing resources within
the firm. To confirm the “added value” of a Sci- There is no uniformly accepted definition of a Sci-
ence Park location the innovativeness of independent ence Park, and there are several similar terms used
technology-based Science Park firms are compared to describe similar developments, such as “Research
with the levels recorded by a comparable group of Park”, “Technology Park”, “Business Park”, “Innova-
firms not located in a Park. Expanding sales are a tion Centre”, etc. (Monck et al., 1988). Currie (1985)
central element in a successful innovation process, and Eul (1985) have attempted to distinguish between
but it is also important to measure profitability (profit Innovation Centres, Science Parks and Research Parks.
margin), a sort of relative performance measure (the MacDonald (1987) says that each of these terms is
“business” perspective). We therefore propose the used interchangeably to describe the following pack-
following assertions: age: (1) a property-based initiative close to a place of
learning, and (2) one which provides high quality units
• independent Science Parks (NTBFs) will have in a pleasant environment. Westhead (1997) claims
a higher entrepreneurial capability—growth and that Science Parks reflect an assumption that techno-
profitability, than independent off-park sample logical innovation stems from scientific research and
(NTBFs), and that parks can provide the catalytic incubator environ-
• independent Science Parks (NTBFs) will record ment for the transformation of “pure” research into
higher levels of product and market innovation than production. Some researchers have questioned policies
independent off-park sample (NTBFs). encouraging the clustering of technology-based firms
862 H. Löfsten, P. Lindelöf / Research Policy 31 (2002) 859–876

in locales because they may not be in the best inter- and economic activity (Bleaney et al., 1992; Brown-
est of the regional economy (Bezdek, 1975; Galbraith, rigg, 1973). Roure and Keely (1989) presented the fol-
1985). lowing factors as important facilitators of technology
Considerable resources are being devoted to Sci- availability or market opportunities in the process of
ence Parks as policy instruments aimed at promoting creating NTBFs:
research-based industrial and innovative activity. The
• the presence of “incubator” type companies in the
concept of linkage between commercial enterprises
and academic research is central to the US and UK Sci-
• attractive potential market, preferably nearby;
ence Park model (Quintas et al., 1992). Findings show
• universities with a strong interaction with firms;
that current UK experience does not demonstrate high
• government purchase contracts, research projects
levels of such linkages. Lorenzoni and Ornati (1988)
and incentives or subsidies to innovation.
have suggested that firms located in “constellations”
are more willing to seek information from outside The incubator is an organisation—private or
sources such as higher education institutes, consul- public—which provides resources that enhance the
tants and community entrepreneurs than other types of founding of new small business, and are assumed—
firms. They also assert that a supportive environment directly or indirectly—to support corporate spin-offs,
with a leading organisation, e.g. higher education in- such as new technology-based firms. As depicted
stitute/Science Park is crucial not only to new firm for- in Fig. 2, the proposed model for the incuba-
mation but also to organisational survival and develop- tion process is based on management policies and
ment. Universities have been shown to be significant their effectiveness. The key elements include: (i)
actors in their regions both in terms of employment services provided; (ii) financing; (iii) goals and

Fig. 2. The role of national systems, resources and firms. Source: Löfsten and Lindelöf (2001, p. 310).
H. Löfsten, P. Lindelöf / Research Policy 31 (2002) 859–876 863

structure; (iv) resources and support to NTBFs, and tivated group of entrepreneurs than off-park locations.
(v) creation of an entrepreneurial milieu. The per- When comparing differences between Science Park
formance outcomes are assessed using three cate- and off-park firms, observed differences could reflect
gories: (i) NTBFs survived and growth; (ii) program the motivations of the firms as well as the benefits
growth and sustainability, and (iii) community-related of a Science Park location. It is also “clear” that, in
impacts. terms of NTBF performance, whether or not a firm is
Westhead (1997) says that there is a growing lit- in the high technology sector is maybe of greater im-
erature surrounding the relationship between a firm’s portance than whether or not it is located in a Science
environment and its ability to innovate (Davelaar and Park.
Nijkamp, 1989; Kleinknecht and Poot, 1992; Feld- Felsenstein (1994) examines the role of Science
man, 1994; Goss and Vozikis, 1994; Pfirrmann, 1994, Parks as “seedbeds” for innovation. Felsenstein makes
1995; Leung and Wu, 1995). From the incubation the distinction between spatial and behavioural con-
business literature reviewed (Allen, 1985; Allen and ceptions of the seedbed metaphor, the paper surveys
Levine, 1986; Smilor and Gill, 1986; Campbell et al., the evidence related to the limited interaction effects
1988; Mian, 1991; Rice, 1983) it is clear that most between Science Park firms on the one hand, and
of the incubator-related knowledge does not have a their neighbouring Park firms, local universities and
sound theoretical base of its own and is by and large off-park firms on the other. This suggest that Sci-
anecdotal in nature (Mian, 1996). Amirahmadi and ence Parks might be functioning as “enclaves” of
Saff (1993) found, in a review and critique of Science innovation rather than seedbeds. Felsenstein claims
Park literature, wide ranging motivations for govern- that the “seedbed” hypothesis is only supported
ment support of Science Parks. A common motiva- under certain conditions. The level of interaction
tion was the belief that a Science Park would pro- between firms located in Science Parks and local
mote economic growth at a regional and/or national universities is, in common with other empirical evi-
level. dence (Massey et al., 1992; MacDonald, 1987; Steed
and De Genoa, 1983; Joseph, 1989) generally low.
3.2. The added value of Science Parks Survey evidence from firms located in Dutch and
Belgian Science Parks indicates that only 37% of
It is difficult to appraise the effectiveness of Sci- firms in the former, and 16% in the latter, attribute
ence Parks because the objectives of the different their origins to universities (Van Dierdonck et al.,
partners in the parks may differ considerably (Monck 1991).
et al., 1988). A university may be interested in achiev- To confirm the “added value” of a Science
ing a satisfactory level of income from the park by Park location the innovativeness of independent
promoting business activities closely linked to its technology-based Science Park firms are compared
own research interests. Private sector organisations, with the levels recorded by a comparable group of
such as banks, are likely to have a more strictly com- firms not located in a Park (Westhead, 1997). Monck
mercial set of objectives towards investments in the et al. (1988) showed that when a direct comparison
park or its constituent firms. Monck et al. (1988) was made, and taking into account the different ages
say that despite the performance and contribution of of the firms, those in Science Parks had achieved
NTBFs to the economy, the survey identified several somewhat lower levels of employment by a given age
constraints on the ability of NTBFs, in general, to than otherwise comparable firms located off-park.
fulfil their economic potential. These included man- This might suggest that parks were actually hinder-
agement capacity, finance and weakness in sales and ing the development of such firms. Further analysis
marketing. indicated a more plausible explanation, which was
The extent to which Science Parks can help NTBFs that almost one-fifth of businesses in Science Parks
to overcome these constraints depends partly on the was founded by academics and ex-academics, and
quality of the on-site management resources, and it was those businesses which under-performed—in
partly on access to appropriate sources of equity and terms of employment growth—compared with other
loan funds. Science Parks probably attract a more mo- businesses.
864 H. Löfsten, P. Lindelöf / Research Policy 31 (2002) 859–876

4. Methodology and sample of comparable off-park firms was a time-consuming

project and off-park selection problems were com-
4.1. Data collected pounded due to name changes, changes of loca-
tion and business closures. Science Park firms were
The total number of “Science Parks” in Sweden is “matched” with a similar group of off-park firms
23 (see Swedepark; the Swedish Science Park Associ- based on the selection criteria (Westhead and Storey,
ation). We initially chose to limit our study to 10 Sci- 1994): industry, ownership type of the firm, age of
ence Parks. The main participants establishing Science the firm and location of the firm.
Parks in Sweden, such as universities, local authori- A survey study was selected in order to give
ties and development agencies, have encouraged the information about the factors that explain any dif-
formation of a heterogeneous group of parks. We ex- ferences in performance (on- and off-park). Ques-
cluded 13 of the Parks in this study because the parks tionnaire responses were collected from independent
are brand new or acting as a “firm hotel”. The total organisations (respondent: manager/director) during
number of firms in the 10 parks with a technologi- early 1999 and in the middle of 1999. After two
cal base was 477. However, defining what is and what remainders—and one remainder by telephone—in
is not high technology is problematic. Much empha- springtime, 283 firms had responded to the survey. Of
sis is placed on high technology industries, and so a those firms that had responded to the survey, about 10
workable definition would seem to be essential. These were wrongly classified. Of the firms that had not re-
include (Monck et al., 1988): new knowledge-based, sponded to the survey, some could not be localised or
leading edge, and R&D intensive industry. Science had no activity and some said they did not have time to
Parks not only contain independent, entrepreneurially answer the questionnaire. The questionnaire included
managed firms but also firms which may be part of questions about, for example, customers/marketing,
a group and where the ultimate ownership is outside forecasting and planning, co-operation with universi-
the park. In order to make valid comparisons between ties, the environment, products and patents, etc.
this and other studies, only single-plant independent
firms are included—joint-stock firms, trading compa- 4.2. Matching criteria
nies, limited partnership companies, etc. As expected,
the new and emerging technologies such as informa- Weiss (1972) has suggested three conditions that
tion and software technology and electronics domi- experience suggests particularly recommend the use
nated the 10 Science Parks. of comparative evaluations: (1) when the issues are
The on-park sample (N = 265 NTBFs) is a random real and policy-makers are faced with vital decisions
sample of 477 independent NTBFs located in Science among alternative strategies for action; (2) when the
Parks in Sweden, and were drawn on a stratified ba- alternative programs are relatively well-defined, with
sis from the total number of on-park from locations. substantially similar aims, and (3) when there is pre-
To identify the off-park NTBFs CD-ROM business liminary evidence that programs have the viability
data bases were used and a database of new, Swedish, and strength to offer some likelihood of success.
technology-based firms that were developed within the However, the use of “matched samples” has become
CREATE group at the Department of Industrial Dy- widely appreciated and utilised in the small firms and
namics at Chalmers University of Technology. The entrepreneurship research fields—according to Peck
database includes all Swedish firms that fulfil certain (1985), O’Farrell and Hitchens (1988), and Westhead
criteria of size, year of foundation, independence at (1995).
start and industry (Rickne and Jacobsson, 1999). The One rational way of assessing the performance of
1126 firms were identified as fulfilling these criteria. Science Parks is to compare the performance of their
The off-park random sample consists of 500 inde- tenants to similar firms not located there. Previous re-
pendent firms and was drawn on a stratified basis— search has shown that this approach has its limitations
branches, according to weights from Science Park (Mian, 1991): (1) there is no reliable and cost-effective
firms, step-by-step. The 200 firms were excluded ac- way to identify a comparison group because of poor
cording to technology base, etc. The identification data sources on small start-up firms; (2) there is no
H. Löfsten, P. Lindelöf / Research Policy 31 (2002) 859–876 865

reliable way to identify a comparison group because of The NTBF characteristics in our study refer to the
a strong selection bias of university technology busi- firm’s number of patents, licenses and education level.
ness incubator; (3) lack of control on firm variables, Patents are often used as an indicator of technolog-
and (4) the effects of university technology business ical development, although the propensity to patent
incubators are not limited to their tenant firms. It is varies between sectors, firms and countries (Taylor
difficult to say if the combined on and off-park sample and Silberston, 1973). Over the years, there have been
can be regarded as being a representative sample of a number of surveys of entrepreneurs which have
all NTBFs in Sweden (1996–1998). The Science Park investigated the question of whether higher levels of
sample was however, reasonably representative of all education are associated with smaller firms that have
NTBFs located in parks. a better performance than otherwise comparable firms
which are owned by less educated individuals. How-
4.3. New technology-based firms—characteristics ever, the results have been somewhat inconsistent. See
of surveyed firms Gudgin et al. (1979) and Pickles and O’Farrell (1987).
The tracking of NTBFs in Swedish Science Park
According to Monck et al. (1988), the first compar- organisations was successfully achieved because in-
ative study of NTBFs was undertaken by Little (1979). formation was more extensive from Science Park
They compared the growth of NTBFs in the US with managers surrounding organisation name changes
those in the UK and in Germany, and encountered and/or organisation changes. The main difference be-
problems concerning definition. Little settled for the tween the groups—Science Park and off-park—could
following characteristics of an NTBF: be apparent with regard to stated technology structure
and R&D intensity. A number of firms are leading
1. It must not have been established for more than 25
edge firms undertaking R&D. Others are less sophis-
ticated, undertaking little R&D, and are essentially
2. It must be a business based on potential invention
involved in downstream commercial activities.
or one having substantial technological risks over
and above those of normal business.
4.4. Measurement of performance—the business
3. It must have been established by a group of
individuals—not as a subsidiary of an established
4. It must have been established for the purpose of Growth in this study is not analysed as a separate
exploiting an invention or technological innovation. employment element. Growth must be seen as employ-
ment growth and sales growth (see also the pilot study,
Studies of new technology-based industry include a Löfsten and Lindelöf, 2001), which leads to increasing
section intended to define high technology (Markusen resources within the firm. Expanding sales are a cen-
et al., 1986; Hall et al., 1987). These indicators fall tral element in a successful innovation process, but it
into two groups (Monck et al., 1988): measures of is also important to measure profitability (profit mar-
resource inputs to high technology activity, such as gin), a sort of relative performance measure. Growth
R&D effort, R&D expenditure and the employment dimensions are expressed as sales growth (turnovers)
of qualified personnel and measures of output or per- and employment growth (number of employees):
formance of high technology firms, such as growth
(xn+1 /xn ) − 1 + (xn+2 /xn+1 ) − 1
rates, patent records and technological innovations. ḡgrowth %/year =
A range of questions in the survey were intended to 2
provide an indication of the technological capabil- where xn = value year n, and n = year (base).
ity of the NTBFs. These include information on the The profitability (profit margin) is calculated as:
inputs to R&D, percentage of staff employed—and
net income + financial costs
founders—by firms that are qualified scientists and re- profitability =
search links with universities. Other measures of tech- sales
nological level focus on measures of outputs, such as Many will argue that among all the single valued
patents and the launch of new products. parameters of a population, the average contains the
866 H. Löfsten, P. Lindelöf / Research Policy 31 (2002) 859–876

most information. Of course, this statement is judg- 4.5. Descriptive statistics—means and frequencies
mental and is conceivably open to argument. The
population’s average is also known as the population’s This section is devoted to a description of the
mean. Note that the arithmetic average calculated broad characteristics of the firms involved. A total of
from grouped data is an approximation, since the 273 NTBFs were surveyed, of which 134 were on a
use of the midpoint for each class-interval is only Science Park and 139 were not on a park. It will be
an estimate of the true class-interval average. When recalled that the objective of the off-park sample was
the number of classes is large and each class-interval to identify primarily high-tech independent firms. In
is relatively narrow, as in our case—small firms in terms of employment (firm start), the off-park firms
different business sectors, etc.—the approximation are somewhat larger than the Science Park sample
is good. (see Table 1). It is necessary to subdivide the firms

Table 1
Means and frequencies of surveyed high technology organisations over the 1996–1998 period
On-park sample Off-park sample

Response rate
N 265 300
n 134 139
No valid firms 5 5
Response rate (%) 52.1 48.0

On-park sample Off-park sample

Response (R) No response (NR) Response (R) No response (NR)

Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D.

Variables—means and frequencies

Growth (%)
Sales 38.75 66.62 31.31 43.35 11.19 31.01 12.54 31.11
Employment 27.94 66.19 25.76 65.06 4.20 25.21 6.84 20.60
Profitability 2.97 21.99 1.56 24.85 6.51 12.71 6.07 15.26
Salesa 9292.4 16360.7 10658.8 16540.2 11532.7 16054.5 12101.0 13023.4
Employment 10.37 19.19 10.35 13.96 11.72 14.67 11.49 12.77
Branchb 3.29 2.06 3.31 2.00 3.42 2.02 3.28 2.02
Age 7.19 2.94 8.37 2.19 9.00 1.83 9.17 1.55
Regionc 120.40 256.77 101.13 224.89 123.94 217.06 74.55 140.26
On-park sample Off-park sample

Response No response Response No response

Branch—frequencies (%)
Software/information technology 34.3 30.0 29.7 30.7
Technology consultants 25.4 23.6 26.1 24.8
Electronics/electrical 11.9 16.4 13.0 13.9
Pharmacology and pharmaceutical preparation 14.2 15.5 13.0 13.9
Mechanics 9.7 10.9 11.6 11.9
Industrial chemistry/plastics industry 4.5 3.6 6.5 5.0
Sum 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
a Sales (1000 SEK).
b Branch (6 branches), different weights.
c Region (10 regions), different weights.
H. Löfsten, P. Lindelöf / Research Policy 31 (2002) 859–876 867

not solely between those located in and off the Sci- areas in which NTBFs are concentrated also experi-
ence Park, but also in a number of other ways—such ence an “above-average” performance in their con-
as branch, whether or not they are located in the ventional sectors which can be explained in two ways
north of Sweden (region), etc. The branches are soft- (Monck et al., 1988). The first is that the high-tech
ware/information technology, technology consultants, sector “leads” economic development and that the
electronics/electrical, pharmacology and pharmaceu- conventional sectors benefit from the additional pur-
tical preparation, mechanics and industrial chem- chasing power generated. The second explanation is
istry/plastics industry. that the type of “environment” which includes the
The table indicates that despite efforts to match establishment and growth of NTBFs is also one that
on- and off-park firms, in terms of employees and is likely to lead to growth amongst conventional
turnovers, it is not possible to achieve this perfectly. business.
Most of the businesses are somewhat recent (mean;
7.19 and 9.00 years), probably reflecting the fact 4.6. Relationship between sales, employment and
that small firms tend to be newer than medium or other variables
large-sized firms. When comparing the performance
of small firms, it is of importance to recognise the The forthcoming analysis (regression analysis is
importance of age. It is easy to observe illusory differ- used, see Tables 2 and 3) is made for two sets of
ences in growth amongst a group of small firms over relationships: (1) the relationship between sales level
time if one group is younger than the other, since—in of the firm (a) Science Park or off-park (group), (b)
proportionate terms—younger firms grow faster than branch/business sector, (c) age, (d) region, (e) sales
older firms. (start), and (f) Science Park (individual), and (2)
Monck et al. (1988) say that it is strange that data the relationship between employment level of the
on profitability performance of high-tech firms is firm and (a) Science Park or off-park (group), (b)
very different from that of other measures of per- branch/business sector, (c) age, (d) region, (e) em-
formance. The low proportion of firms in a Science ployment start, and (f) Science Park (individual). Type
Park making profits in their early years of life is of business sector, region, Science Park (individual)
attributable to the fact that many actually start with- and sales (start) were hypothesised as exerting an
out any product to sell. There is some conflicting influence of sales level. The model shows that only
evidence of differential performance of firms in a the variable group (Science Park and off-park) is sig-
Science Park. This should not come as a surprise nificant. There are no relationships between sales and
since off-park firms were specifically chosen to be business sector, age, region, sales (start) and Science
“comparable” with those on the park. The fact that Park (individual).

Table 2
Relationship between sales and other variablesa
1b 2 3 4

Groupc 0.249∗∗∗ 0.231∗∗∗ 0.242∗∗∗ 0.053

Business sector 0.029 0.087 0.054 0.007
Age −0.026 −1.08 −0.032 −0.028
Region 0.008 −0.027 0.033 0.052
Sales (start) −0.031 −0.017 −0.020 −0.091
Science Park (individual) – – – 0.071
nd 437 (0.065) 235 (0.087) 202 (0.063) 214 (0.021)
a Dependent variable: sales (growth).
b 1—(on-PR, on-PNR), (off-PR, off-PNR); 2—(on-PR, off-PR); 3—(on-PNR, off-PNR); 4—(on-PR, on-PNR).
c On-park or off-park.
d Number of observations.
∗∗∗ P < 0.001.
868 H. Löfsten, P. Lindelöf / Research Policy 31 (2002) 859–876

Table 3
Relationship between employment and other variablesa
1b 2 3 4

Groupc 0.217∗∗∗ 0.151∗ 0.200∗∗∗ 0.003

Business sector −0.039 0.036 −0.125 −0.123
Age −0.039 −0.303∗∗∗ −0.047 −0.038
Region 0.066 0.042 0.026 0.168∗∗
Employment (start) −0.032 −0.021 −0.006 −0.078
Science Park (individual) – – – 0.017
nd 437 (0.055) 235 (0.149) 202 (0.056) 214 (0.041)
a Dependent variable: employment (number of employees, growth).
b 1—(on-PR, on-PNR), (off-PR, off-PNR); 2—(on-PR, off-PR); 3—(on-PNR, off-PNR); 4—(on-PR, on-PNR).
c On-park or off-park.
d Number of observations.
∗ P < 0.05.
∗∗ P < 0.01.
∗∗∗ P < 0.001.

The other model below (relationship between em- importance of academic-owned business on a Science
ployment and other variables, Table 3) illustrates Park having significant consequences as it is likely
that the variables group, age and region are signi- that such firms will perform less well than those
ficant. owned by “professional” businessmen.
NTBFs in the off-park sample have significantly—
see Appendix A for an independent sample tests
for on-parks, NTBFs, and off-parks, NTBFs—lower 5. Market characteristics and
growth of employment and lower growth of sales academic-industry links
turnover (see also Löfsten and Lindelöf, 2001, em-
ployment growth and sales growth during 1994 and 5.1. Market characteristics
1996). Monck et al. (1988) and Westhead and Storey
(1994) claim that some firms have moved to Sci-
The markets in which small high-tech firms op-
ence Parks simply because of the “image and overall
erate are competitive. Marketing is often especially
prestige of the site” rather because of “access to fa-
difficult for technologically innovative firms, particu-
cilities of the higher education institute (HEI)/centre
larly when they are addressing new needs and mar-
of research” and the “prestige of being linked to the
kets. Independent technology firms have a much wider
HEI/centre of research”. To maintain rental income
market distribution throughout the UK and abroad
some park managers have relaxed their “selection”
criteria for tenants (Westhead, 1997). However,
Monck et al. (1988) found that performance in terms Table 4
of employment size, sales turnover and profitability Age and other variables
depends upon the age of the firm and show that there n Significancea
is no significant difference between the performance,
Sales growth 259 0.138
in terms of employment, of firms on and off Science High profits 259 0.451
Parks. Employment growth 259 0.303
The absence of statistically significant differences in
profitability between Science Park and off-park firms Mean S.D.
cannot be viewed as an unexpected result. NTBFs Means—geographical markets
in the off-park sample have a significantly lower Region 35.19 37.89
growth of employment and lower growth of sales Other markets 64.81 37.89
turnover. Monck et al. (1988), however, underlines the a Chi-square test.
H. Löfsten, P. Lindelöf / Research Policy 31 (2002) 859–876 869

Table 5
Group (on- or off-park) related to other variables
Economic activity Significancea Customers Significance

Branch/business sector 0.931 Large firms 0.831

Production type 0.693 Small firms 0.765
Finishing level 0.658 Public sector 0.092
Other 0.486
Postgraduate studies 0.145 Field of application (products/services)
Undergraduate studies 0.266 Private consumption 0.368
R&D 0.085
Internal (group of firms) 0.203
nb 273
a Chi-square test.
b Number of firms.

Table 6
Significant variablesa
Significant variables Mean F Significance P-value S.D. Scaleb

1c 0d 1 0

Location, importance (new customers) 2.14 2.79 20.56 0.00 0.00 1.33 1.68 1–5
Marketing of products to new customers (last 12 months) 1.00 1.36 85.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.05 1–5
The environment
Firm actions: cautiousness—rapidity 3.13 2.72 0.04 0.85 0.01 1.23 1.20 1–5
Geographical markets
Global 12.39 7.07 5.98 0.15 0.03 20.9 17.1 Procent
Market research/R&D
Long-term forecasting 2.25 1.77 13.50 0.00 0.03 1.41 1.14 1–5
Focus on R&D, innovation and technology 3.23 2.54 5.57 0.02 0.00 1.70 1.53 1–5
Change of products/services last 12 months 2.59 1.99 0.20 0.89 0.00 1.57 1.53 1–5
Time interval between changes of products 12.24 14.93 4.03 0.05 0.03 10.7 8.49 Months
Long-term forecasting (markets) 2.40 1.91 9.45 0.00 0.00 1.39 1.18 1–5
Marketing research 2.17 1.71 6.85 0.01 0.00 1.28 1.04 1–5
Analysis of competitors 2.64 2.20 5.37 0.02 0.00 1.33 1.16 1–5
Co-operation with universities/links 0.67 0.51 15.81 0.00 0.01 0.47 0.50 Yes/no
Doctoral candidates, research projects, etc. 1.64 0.98 18.67 0.00 0.00 1.67 1.30 1–5
Doctoral candidates, consulting, etc. 1.38 0.91 5.21 0.02 0.00 1.45 1.24 1–5
Discussions with doctoral candidates 1.82 1.33 2.78 0.09 0.02 1.80 1.63 1–5
Jointly-owned R&D projects 1.34 0.97 2.80 0.09 0.03 1.43 1.29 1–5
Transfer of R&D documents 1.26 0.86 4.35 0.04 0.01 1.37 1.13 1–5
R&D equipment 1.43 0.94 7.24 0.01 0.01 1.51 1.31 1–5
Recruitments 1.85 1.29 4.19 0.04 0.01 1.82 1.59 1–5
Basic research 1.07 0.77 0.00 0.98 0.04 1.19 1.12 1–5
Applied research 1.46 0.98 7.98 0.00 0.01 1.57 1.32 1–5
a Significance at the 5% level (P < 0.05).
b 1: very poor; 5: very high. Yes: 1; no: 0.
c On-park.
d Off-park.
870 H. Löfsten, P. Lindelöf / Research Policy 31 (2002) 859–876

than is typical of other small firms (Monck et al., and personnel categories. There are formal and in-
1988). The “typical” pattern of heavy dependence on formal contacts with academics, i.e. student project
a limited number of customers or geographical mar- links, employment of graduates, research projects,
kets was not demonstrated in our study. Almost 65% etc. One measure of output is the level of patenting
of the NTBFs customers were “other markets” (see activity in firms. For the majority of NTBFs under-
Table 4). taking R&D, the ultimate purpose is the launch of
Information on the location of customers shows new products, although some firms undertake contract
whether firms are linked to local, national or in- R&D for client firms. The typical development pat-
ternational markets, and thereby their potential for tern for new firms has been typified as an initial heavy
growth. One significant variable is geographical mar- dependence on contract research and development
kets (global market). NTBFs (on-park) have much activities.
wider market distribution throughout Sweden and
abroad than is typical for small firms. Market re-
search and market planning are important. Table 5
6. Conclusions and implications for policy
illustrates the two different groups (on- and off-park)
related to branch variables and there is no significance
The results obtained in earlier sections show that
at the 5% level. Given the short product life-cycle
NTBFs on Science Parks have a rate of job cre-
of many technology-based products and services,
ation which is substantially higher than that for
there is a requirement to reach a large international
NTBFs in general. Initiatives and policies to pro-
market quickly to exploit the profit potential of the
mote NTBFs on Science Parks, will yield higher
rates of job creation than policies to help NTBFs in
general or conventional small firms. Because of the
5.2. Significant variables high employment growth of NTBFs, Science Parks
fulfil an important objective of regional policy. How-
Some significant differences can be seen between
ever, the purpose of this study was not to directly
Science Park firms and the off-park firms. Science
estimate the role which Science Parks play in re-
Park firms tend to be more involved in co-operation
gional development. There are four key conclusions
with universities. Firms located in a Science Park,
(assertions 1–3) that have emerged from this sur-
in 1998, were significantly more likely to have a
vey, which have crucial implications for government
link with a local university. Science Park managers
have an important role not only establishing links,
but also encouraging the development of more for- 1. The first is that Science Parks NTBFs stand out
mal links over time. Westhead and Storey (1995) as a special group of small firms in terms of
believe higher education institutions should appre- performance, i.e. employment and sales growth.
ciate the necessity of having an effective manage- Profitability measures of performance do not fol-
rial structure designed to “add value” to tenant low the same pattern. On the basis of firms sur-
firms. veyed, there is no evidence of a direct relationship
The linkage between Science Park NTBFs and the between Science Park location and profitability.
university is fundamental to the concept of Science It is curious that the data on profitability per-
Parks. In different universities certain institutes or formance of NTBFs is very different from that
departments strongly relate to industry. Table 6 (see on other measures of performance. The com-
Appendix A for non-significant variables) shows the mercial pressures—sales growth and employment
nature and extent of linkages between Science Parks growth—upon Science Park managers may have
firms and the university/higher education institute. influenced the presented results. It is likely to be
There are differences, which is expected, between many years before such firms achieve high profi-
Park and off-park firms—in some cases, significance tability.
at the 1% level. Park-based firms also appear to place 2. The second is that the survey makes it clear that
greater emphasis upon access to equipment, R&D the proportion of NTBFs on Science Parks with
H. Löfsten, P. Lindelöf / Research Policy 31 (2002) 859–876 871

links with universities is comparatively high. There The analysis distinguishes between firms on and
is also evidence that Science Park location has in- off Science Parks in Sweden in an effort to identify
creased the formal relationships between NTBFs any element of added value which the park provides
and universities. Complementing this picture is the for the NTBFs. The responses appear very similar be-
evidence pointing to the generally low level of links tween the two groups, with the most-often-mentioned
between Science Park NTBFs and local universi- categories being products and services, planning,
ties. Most accessing of academic resources relates customers and export (see Appendix A). This re-
to low-level contacts based on recruiting university search has explored the formal linkages made by
graduates or informal contacts. However, no single high-technology-based firms located in and off Sci-
university will provide the full range of scientific ence Parks in Sweden. Firms located in Science Parks
or management skills required by the park NTBFs. were significantly more likely to have a link with a
There may be park-based firms which have the local university than off-park firms. The growth of
majority of their formal links with universities. NTBFs can be enhanced if managers, decision-makers
Science Parks are a particularly suitable location as well as academics in universities, appreciate the
for new businesses and opportunities exist for potential benefits of university co-operation. It should
Park Managers to develop training and business be noted that, even if local linkage structures are
placing programs to assist potential entrepreneurs. weak, this does not mean that the total impact of
Opportunities also exist for Park Managers to the Science Park on the local economy is negligi-
develop “added value” networks with similar ble. Universities are beginning to develop innovative
organisations. new forms of relations with industry such as lim-
3. One significant finding from this research is that ited partnerships, R&D seed funds, etc. The Science
Science Park NTBFs are not able to channel this Park is just one of a collection of policy instruments
resource investment into greater R&D “outputs” that aim to encourage the development of firms of
(patents, etc.) than comparable off-park NTBFs. innovation.
Further research should explore whether the lack
of difference in R&D “output” levels is due to
the management activities of Science Park Man-
agers. R&D activity is notoriously difficult to Appendix A
measure. Small firms usually do not have clearly
demarcated R&D departments or functionaries. A.1. Independent sample tests
Examples of other types of indicators are R&D
effort and R&D expenditure. Here, additionally Differences between firms in the two groups—
more refined research is needed here to iden- on- and off-park—are apparent with regard to stated
tify R&D input and output differences between sales—turnovers—and employment—number of em-
independent firms located in and off Science ployees. There was no significant difference with
Parks. regard to profitability. Hypotheses H01, H02, H04,
4. This study showed some differences between the H06 and H08 cannot be supported (P > 0.05,
experience of firms on-park and off-park in respect F -test > 1.43). No statistically significant differ-
of innovation and marketing/market research is- ence was recorded (H08) between Science Park
sues. Science Parks are probably attracting a more firms and off-park firms with regard to profitability
motivated group of entrepreneurs than off-park lo- (P > 0.05).
cations. On-park firms clearly place a greater em- Independent sample tests for on-parks (NTBFs) and
phasis on market research. There does not appear to off-parks (NTBFs).
be any clear relation between market research/R&D H01: There is no difference in frequencies of
and new products launches. Turning to actual prod- branches between Science Park (NTBFs) and off-park
ucts and services, it is striking how the responses (NTBFs).
of off-park NTBFs are similar to those of Science H02: There is no difference in age between Science
Park NTBFs. Park (NTBFs) and off-park (NTBFs).
872 H. Löfsten, P. Lindelöf / Research Policy 31 (2002) 859–876

Branch Age

F Significance P-value F Significance P-valuea

On-PR, off-PRb 0.22 0.64 0.60 70.67 0.00 0.00∗∗

On-PNR, off-PNRc 0.03 0.87 0.99 3.30 0.07 0.39
On-PR, on-PNRd 0.38 0.54 0.97 3.68 0.06 0.21
Off-PR, off-PNRe 0.11 0.74 0.65 2.69 0.10 0.35
a F-test; Levene’s test for equality of variances; F, 2-tailed (F-test > 1.43).
b On-park response, off-park response.
c On-park no response, off-park no response.
d On-park response, on-park no response.
e Off-park response, off-park no response.
∗∗ P < 0.01.

H03: There is no difference in region between Science Park (NTBFs) and off-park (NTBFs).
H04: There is no difference in sales (start) between Science Park (NTBFs) and off-park (NTBFs).

Region Sales (start)

F Significance P-value F Significance P-value

On-PR, off-PR 0.04 0.64 0.90 0.36 0.55 0.29

On-PNR, off-PNR 5.09 0.03 0.31 0.87 0.35 0.60
On-PR, on-PNR 1.10 0.30 0.56 0.33 0.57 0.52
Off-PR, off-PNR 15.10 0.00 0.05 0.96 0.33 0.87

H05: There is no difference in sales (growth) between Science Park (NTBFs) and off-park (NTBFs).
H06: There is no difference in employment (start) between Science Park (NTBFs) and off-park (NTBFs).

Sales (growth) Employment (start)

F Significance P-value F Significance P-value

On-PR, off-PR 16.97 0.00 0.00∗∗ 0.02 0.88 0.54

On-PNR, off-PNR 6.32 0.01 0.00∗∗ 0.44 0.51 0.55
On-PR, on-PNR 3.30 0.07 0.37 0.10 0.75 0.98
Off-PR, off-PNR 0.16 0.69 0.74 0.81 0.37 0.93
∗∗ P < 0.01.

H07: There is no difference in employment (growth) between Science Park (NTBFs) and off-park (NTBFs).
H08: There is no difference in profitability between Science Park (NTBFs) and off-park (NTBFs).
H. Löfsten, P. Lindelöf / Research Policy 31 (2002) 859–876 873

Employment (growth) Profitability

F Significance P-value F Significance P-value

On-PR, off-PR 17.56 0.00 0.00∗∗ 4.62 0.03 0.51

On-PNR, off-PNR 11.97 0.00 0.01∗ 6.44 0.01 0.13
On-PR, on-PNR 0.25 0.62 0.83 0.25 0.62 0.30
Off-PR, off-PNR 0.52 0.47 0.44 0.16 0.69 0.82
∗P < 0.05.
∗∗ P < 0.01.

Chi-square test gives a significant difference between growth of employment and employment (start) (Chi-square
test, P < 0.05). For an analysis of sales and other variables—on- and off-park, branch/business sector, age, region,
employment start, Science Park individual, etc. and employment and other variables.
Relationship (Chi-square test) between sales growth and sales (start) and employment growth and employment
H09: Sales growth is independent of sales (start).
H10: Employment growth is independent of employment (start).

Sales growth—sales (start) Employment growth—employment (start)

n Significance n Significance

On-PRa 112 0.240 112 0.000∗∗∗

On-PNRb 102 0.240 102 0.000∗∗∗
Off-PRc 123 0.243 123 0.000∗∗∗
Off-PNRd 101 0.240 101 0.000∗∗∗
a On-park response, off-park response.
b On-park no response, off-park no response.
c On-park response, on-park no response.
d Off-park response, off-park no response.
∗∗∗ P < 0.001.

A.2. Non-significant variables similar between the two groups (on and off-park).
A higher rate of on-park firms valued access to
The Table below compares those firms that university—co-operation with universities/links, gen-
have launched new products in the last 12 months eral development—than did other high-tech firms
with those that have not—yes or no, no signifi- (off-park). It is striking how similar the responses
cance between on and off-park NTBFs—in terms are of off-park firms to those of on-park firms re-
of their assessment of where their competitive garding export, turnovers, planning and products/
advantage lie. The responses appear to be very services.
874 H. Löfsten, P. Lindelöf / Research Policy 31 (2002) 859–876

Non-significant variables Mean P-value Scale

1a 0b

Same or similar customers last 12 months 3.32 3.68 0.08 1–5
Changed marketing of products 2.06 1.99 0.65 1–5
Products/services (finished) 43.27 44.36 0.85 Procent
Subcontractor 1.93 4.76 0.15 Procent
Licenses 4.53 4.20 0.89 Procent
Joint-ventures 2.24 0.36 0.08 Procent
Facilities 2.36 2.00 0.84 Procent
Other 1.97 2.86 0.60 Procent
Turnover (three biggest customers) 3.68 3.60 0.65 ca. 60% (1–6)
Turnover generated from products >3 years 3.63 4.03 0.05 ca. 60% (1–6)
Purchasing (three biggest firms) 3.14 3.48 0.06 ca. 50% (1–6)
Importance of business rumour 4.09 4.22 0.40 1–5
Importance of earlier business experience (for sales) 2.55 2.58 0.90 1–5
Co-operation with universities/links
General development 1.43 1.10 0.08 1–5
Long-range planning of investments 1.80 1.57 0.09 1–5
Long-range planning of technology development 1.94 1.77 0.24 1–5
Analysis of consumer behaviour 2.54 2.66 0.49 1–5
Changed products (last 12 months) 0.80 0.74 0.42 Yes/no
Patents 0.32 0.36 0.56 Yes/no
New products (before competitors) 0.62 0.68 0.34 Yes/no
Products and services
Excluding products and services 0.23 0.25 0.76 Yes/no
Licenses 0.23 0.18 0.33 Yes/no
Patents 0.04 0.07 0.25 Yes/no
Franchising 0.03 0.04 0.70 Yes/no
Other 0.02 0.02 0.99 Yes/no
Share of turnovers (licenses, patents, franchising and others) 7.39 4.23 0.13 Procent
a On-park.
b Off-park.
H. Löfsten, P. Lindelöf / Research Policy 31 (2002) 859–876 875

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