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Review Booklet H18 for ADELLA

?What is a sentence

Sentences are made up of clauses: groups of words that express a single idea. There are
two types of clauses: independent clauses and dependent clauses. 

Independent clauses means a clause that can stand alone and carry meaning(s)

e.g. Lissie and Joa eat pizza every morning.

Sentence Identification:
- Independent clause

e.g. Lissie dances beautifully

Sentence Identification
- Independent clause

Dependent Clauses means a clause that cannot stand alone and carry meaning(s)

One signal of dependent clause is “conjunction” (when, as soon as, until, unless, etc)

e.g when it is raining, I drink hot chocolate

Sentence Identification:
- Dependent clause

Types of Sentences
Simple sentences consist of just one independent clause. It requires only one
punctuation mark at the end (a period, exclamation or question mark).

The bell didn't ring on time.

My father is a hero.

Compound sentences are made by joining simple sentences. We join sentences which
are closely related in content. We can join simple sentences with a comma and a word
such as: and, but, so, yet.

The bell didn't ring on time, so we missed the lecture.

I am going to meet my friend, but it is raining now.

1. Before
to Bob,
the exam,
was fromuntilstage fright.
2. Until for his
you finish lesson.
your work, b. she realized she didn't want to be there.
as Booklet
soon as H18 for ADELLA
before when if lights off. whereas
3. Because the weather was too hot, c. turn the
Complex He took
4. When sentencesa long time driving
are made
they called him to
to thewhen the party,
stand,we combineso they
d. heanwaswere very late.
constantly clause withof.
made fun a
clause. We I
5. As soon as you finish studying,driving,
these I saw many
following new billboards.
conjunctions to glue
e. the car overheated. the clauses;
3. I need you to blow the whistle when you see the flag.
6. While she was walking on the beach, f. stay inside and be quiet!
because, although, because, while , after, until, as soon as, before, when, if,
4. Both Jane etc.
whereas, and Jim ate pasta and went shopping.

5. IThe
can dependent
imagine you wearing
clause that
in the jacket and
following running
example away
is in like
Because the bell didn't ring on time, we missed the lecture.
6. Would you rather take the Jeep or the Lexus?
When the dependent clause comes first, it is separated from the independent clause with
7. I think Anne
a comma. When thewas talkingbegins
sentence about with
a ski trip with Michael.
clause, no comma is needed in
the sentence.
8. I remember taking that exam although it was a long time ago.
We missed the lecture because the bell didn't ring on time.
9. As soon as you're ready, we'll go.

10. The visitors complained loudly about the heat, yet they
Underline the to play golfcircle
subjects, every day.
the verbs and box the objects. Then decide if
the sentence is simple (S), compound (C) or complex (CX).

1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. ____
5. ____
6. ____
7. ____
8. ____
9. ____
10. _____

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