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Knowledge and the

Philosophy of Number
Mind, Meaning and Metaphysics

Series Editors:
Johannes Brandl, University of Salzburg, Austria
Christopher Gauker, University of Salzburg, Austria
Max Kölbel, University of Vienna, Austria
Mark Textor, King’s College London, UK
The Mind, Meaning and Metaphysics series publishes cutting-edge research in
philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, metaphysics and epistemology. The
basic questions in this area are wide-ranging and complex: What is thinking and how
does it manage to represent the world? How does language facilitate interpersonal
cooperation and shape our thinking? What are the fundamental building blocks of
reality, and how do we come to know what reality is?
These are long-standing philosophical questions but new and exciting answers
continue to be invented, in part due to the input of the empirical sciences. Volumes
in the series address such questions, with a view to both contemporary debates and
the history of philosophy. Each volume reflects the state of the art in theoretical
philosophy, but also makes a significant original contribution to it.
Editorial Board
Annalisa Coliva, University of California, Irvine, USA
Paul Egré, Institut Jean-Nicod, France
Olav Gjelsvik, University of Oslo, Norway
Thomas Grundmann, University of Cologne, Germany
Katherine Hawley, University of St. Andrews, United Kingdom
Øystein Linnebo, University of Oslo, Norway
Teresa Marques, University of Barcelona, Spain
Anna-Sophia Maurin, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Bence Nanay, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Martine Nida-Rümelin, University of Freiburg, Switzerland
Jaroslav Peregrin, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Tobias Rosefeldt, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
Anders Schoubye, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Camilla Serck-Hanssen, University of Oslo, Norway
Emily Thomas, Durham University, United Kingdom
Amie Lynn Thomasson, Dartmouth College, USA
Giuliano Torrengo, University of Milan, Italy
Barbara Vetter, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
Heinrich Wansing, Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany
Knowledge and the Philosophy
of Number
What Numbers Are and How They Are Known

Keith Hossack
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
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Copyright © Keith Hossack, 2020

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ISBN: HB: 978-1-3501-0290-3

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Series: Mind, Meaning and Metaphysics

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To my wife

Preface viii

Introduction 1
 1 Properties 9
  2 Frege’s Theory of Concepts 21
  3 The Logic of Quantity 33
 4 Mereology 43
  5 The Homomorphism Theorem 67
  6 The Natural Numbers 85
 7 Multiplication 105
 8 Ratio 115
 9 Geometry 131
10 The Ordinals 151

Notes 191
References 194
Index 199

Number is central in the philosophy of mathematics; less obviously so, knowledge

of number is central in the philosophy of mind. How is it possible for the human
mind to grasp the truths of mathematics? What must the human mind be, if it
can discern the mathematical realm?
A mind is that which knows. There is much we do not know about
knowledge, so there is much we do not know about mind. Consciousness is
knowledge, but we do not know what consciousness is. We delight in a beautiful
scene, and like the impressionists we delight in the experience of the scene. The
experience is conscious: we are aware of the experience, but we do not know
what consciousness is. The first time we look into Euclid’s Elements, we are filled
with wonder at the beauty of the reasoning. We understand the axioms and see
they are true, and we follow the astonishing proofs. We are using our reason,
we know that we are, but we do not know what reason is. Consciousness and
reason are deep philosophical problems where we know that we do not know.
Even to Socrates himself, the oracle found it necessary to explain that sometimes
knowledge of ignorance is philosophical progress.
In this book I have set out to explore just how much of mathematics is
knowledge that can be obtained by reason alone. It has been a long project that I
started twelve years ago. I feared the project had come to a premature end when
I became ill in the summer of 2015. I wish here to record my profound gratitude
to Mr Richard Gullan, consultant neurosurgeon at King’s College Hospital in
London, and to everyone in the Haematology Department at King’s. They not
only saved my life but restored me to the excellent health that has enabled me to
complete my book.
This is also the place to thank the many people who have helped me in my
philosophical journey. I first thank my teacher Dorothy Edgington and my
mentor Mark Sainsbury, who helped me both at the outset and along the way.
I thank my former colleagues at King’s College London, and especially David
Galloway, Jim Hopkins, Andrew Jack, Chris Hughes, M. M. McCabe, David
Papineau, Anthony Savile, Gabriel Segal and Mark Textor. I thank my current and
former colleagues at Birkbeck, especially Salvatore Florio, Alex Grzankowski,
Hallvard Lillehammer, Nils Kürbis, Øystein Linnebo and Ian Rumfitt, and I
Preface ix

was much helped by conversations and correspondence with Bahram Assadian,

Neil Barton, Long Chen, Julien Dutant, Marcus Giaquinto, Simon Hewitt,
Peter Jackson, Jonathan Nassim, Michael Potter and the late and sadly missed
Bob Hale.
I must also thank the two anonymous referees for exceptionally helpful and
detailed comments.
And heartfelt thanks to my beloved Mary, who faithfully saw me through my
illness, and to Alan and Janice, friends in need.

There is knowledge of number. That fact is better known than the premises of
any sceptical argument to the contrary. So if a metaphysics of number is to be
credible, it must make room for our knowledge of number. On the widely held
metaphysical theory that numbers are sets, it is notoriously difficult to avoid
making knowledge of number seem fantastical. The metaphysics proposed here
is that numbers are properties, not sets. Magnitudes are a kind of property, and
numbers are magnitudes. Mass, length and time are fundamental magnitudes
discovered by the science of physics, and the natural, real and ordinal numbers
are fundamental magnitudes discovered by the science of mathematics. There
really are numbers, and we really do have knowledge of them.
An initial hint that numbers are magnitudes comes from their algebra. The
natural numbers, the positive real numbers and the ordinal numbers each
have an associative operation of addition which defines a linear order. I call
a system with that precise algebraic structure a positive semigroup. We find
positive semigroups cropping up not only in mathematics but in the physical
sciences as well. The fundamental physical magnitudes have this same algebraic
structure: for example, mass is a positive semigroup because addition of masses
is associative, and the addition defines a linear order. The same is true for length,
area, volume, angle size, time and electric charge: these and other physical
magnitudes all have the structure of a positive semigroup. This book proposes a
theory of number that accounts for the common algebraic structure of numbers
and the physical magnitudes.

1  Mathematical Knowledge

According to Hume, mathematical truths are ‘discoverable by the mere operation

of thought’. Whatever the empirical facts turn out to be, Hume tells us, ‘the truths
demonstrated by Euclid would for ever retain their certainty and evidence’
(2007: Part 1, §20). But many philosophers have disputed this. According to
2 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

Quine (1951), current total science is only a working hypothesis, and its parts
are all equally subject to revision in the light of future experience. Mathematics
is justified only qua part of total science, so mathematics too is revisable, and
thus it is neither certain nor evident. Quine does, at least, advise us to believe
mathematics for the time being, since he says we should believe our currently
best theory. But Field (1980) says, ‘We should withhold belief: arithmetic is not
an inseparable part of total science, so it derives no support from the empirical
success of physical science.’ According to Field, for all we know, numbers are just
a useful fiction.
This book argues that views such as those of Quine and Field rest on a
category mistake. The phrase ‘category mistake’ was introduced by Gilbert Ryle
to label the error of taking a term to refer to an entity of a certain ‘logical type or
category’, when in fact the term refers to an entity of another logical type. Ryle’s
famous example was the confused tourist, who has visited all the Oxford colleges,
and then asks directions to Oxford University, which he wishes to visit also: the
category mistake is taking the term ‘Oxford University’ to refer to an entity of the
same logical type as the colleges (1963: 17). The concept of a category originates
not with Ryle but with Aristotle, who proposed a metaphysical taxonomy to
divide all the ‘things that are’ into their highest natural kinds. Aristotle begins his
taxonomy with the distinction between subject and predicate: a thing that can
be predicated of a subject he calls predicable (1941a: 1a20). The items that can
be the subject of a judgement are then divided, by Aristotle, into the categories
of individual and quantity. Examples of quantity are a plurality, such as some
leaves, a continuum, such as a stretch of time or space, or a series, such as Plato
and Socrates in that order.1
Quine and Field both take numbers to be objects, i.e. impredicables; I will
argue that this is a category mistake, for in fact numbers are properties and
so belong in the category of the predicable. Frege too takes numbers not to be
predicable. He gives the following argument that numbers are not properties:

In language, numbers most commonly appear in adjectival form and attributive

construction in the same sort of way as the words ‘hard’ or ‘heavy’ or ‘red’, which
have for their meanings properties of external things. It is natural to ask whether
we must think of the individual numbers too as such properties, and whether,
accordingly, the concept of Number can be classed along with that, say, of colour.
Is it not in totally different senses that we speak of a tree as having 1000 leaves,
and again as having green leaves? The green colour we ascribe to each single leaf,
but not the number 1000. If we call all the leaves taken together its foliage, then
the foliage too is green, but it is not 1000. (1968: 27e–28e)
Introduction 3

If numbers are not properties, they can never be predicated in a judgement,

which is why Frege concludes they can only be objects. But his reasoning rests
on the category mistake of taking the term ‘the foliage’ to refer to an individual,
when in fact it refers to something in the category of quantity, namely the
plurality of 1000 leaves. The correct observation that the number 1000 is not
a property of an individual does not exclude the possibility that numbers are
properties of pluralities. But Frege jumped too quickly to the conclusion that a
number is an object, not a property.

2  The Sceptical Consequence

Taking numbers to be objects ensnares us in the sceptical consequence that we

have no knowledge of number. For if numbers are objects, metaphysics cannot
offer us any conception of their nature which makes epistemological sense.
We cannot suppose that numbers are physical objects: the suggestion that the
number 1000 is located somewhere in space and time is absurd. Nor can numbers
be mental objects constructed by our own minds: there exists at most a potential
infinity of mental constructions, whereas the axioms of mathematics require an
actual infinity of numbers. So if numbers are objects, they are neither physical
nor mental. Quine and Field conclude that numbers are ‘abstract’ objects, if they
exist at all. It’s unclear what an abstract object is supposed to be, except that it’s
not physical and not mental either. Perhaps ‘abstract’ objects are timeless objects
that are not spatiotemporal. If so, abstract objects would be causally isolated
from the spatiotemporal realm, so there would be no information channel
connecting us and them, so our beliefs about numbers would not be knowledge.
Frege attempted to do without an information channel by proving the axioms of
arithmetic by logic alone, but his proof foundered on Russell’s paradox of the set
of all sets that are not elements of themselves. Gödel (1964: 483–4) put forward
the theory that the mind has a kind of intellectual perception of the abstract
world, analogous to our perception by the senses of the physical world, but this
suggestion has seemed too fanciful to be taken seriously.
The theory that numbers are objects, therefore, traps us in the sceptical
conclusion that we lack knowledge of number. But according to Moore, every
valid argument for scepticism is a reductio ad absurdum proof that at least one
of its premisses is false. I take the false premiss here to be the assumption that
numbers are objects. Frege’s argument shows that numbers are not properties
of objects, but it does not show that numbers are not properties of Aristotelian
4 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

quantities. I will be suggesting that that is exactly what numbers actually are.
The natural numbers are properties of pluralities, the positive real numbers are
properties of continua, and the ordinal numbers are properties of series. The
reason there are these three different kinds of number is because there are these
three different categories of quantity.

3  The Logic of Quantity

The ‘pure’ predicate calculus has the quantifiers and the propositional connectives
as its only logical constants. There are laws of logic about identity: for example,
there is the law that everything is identical to itself, so we need the identity
predicate ‘=’ as an additional logical constant. On an intended interpretation, the
quantifiers of the predicate calculus range over only individuals. A more general
logic should be able to deal with inferences about any kind of item that can be the
subject of a judgement, so its quantifiers need to range over all the Aristotelian
categories, including quantities. Aristotle gives the following definition:
‘“Quantity” means that which is divisible into two or more constituent parts’
(1020a7, 6a27). So a more general logic needs a predicate to express the relation
of part to whole. There are laws of logic about part and whole: for example, there
is the law that a part of a part of something is a part of it. So we shall need a new
logical constant for the part relation, just as we did for the identity relation.

4 Equality

According to Aristotle, ‘The most distinctive mark of quantity is that equality and
inequality are predicated of it’ (1941: 6a27). Aristotle was aware of the remarkable
axioms, already known to the mathematicians of his day, that connect the
equality of quantities with their structure of part and whole. These axioms were
subsequently systematized by Euclid (Heath 1956: Vol.1, 155) as his ‘Common

1. Quantities which are equal to the same quantity are also equal to one
2. If equals be added to equals, the wholes are equal.
3. If equals be subtracted from equals, the remainders are equal.
4. Quantities which coincide with one another are equal to one another.
5. The whole is greater than the part.
Introduction 5

Equality comes in many varieties, each with its own standard of equality.
In mathematics, pluralities are numerically equal if they tally, continua
are geometrically equal if they coincide when brought into superposition
and series are ordinally equal if they are in order-preserving one-one
correspondence. In the physical sciences, two items are gravitationally equal
if they are in equilibrium in the beam balance, electrostatically equal if they
are in equilibrium in the torsion balance, and so on. Each variety of equality
has its own ‘standard of equality’, a test procedure that determines whether
items are equal. Items will be disposed to give the same result when tested if
and only if they are equal. The philosophical theory of sparse property realism
says that every disposition has some property as its basis: thus if two items
have the same disposition, their shared disposition can have a shared basis.
For example, we recognize sameness of mass as the basis of the disposition of
gravitationally equal items to balance. Mass is a family of properties (i.e. some
properties) such that gravitationally equal things instantiate the same property
of the family. As with gravitational equality, so with other standards of equality:
recognition of each kind of equality allows us to recognize a corresponding
family of properties.

5  The Homomorphism Theorem

Any relation that is an equality in the sense of the Common Notions is an

equivalence relation. It therefore partitions its domain into equivalence classes
of equal quantities. Everything in a given equivalence class is equal to everything
else in the same class, and the classes do not overlap. Each equivalence class
is the extension of a disposition to respond the same way to the same test. So
if quantities with the same disposition share the same basis property, each
equivalence class is also the extension of a basis property. Call the basis property
shared by the quantities in the same equivalence class a ‘magnitude’, and call the
family of all the basis properties for the same equality relation the corresponding
‘system of magnitudes’. Since the equivalence classes are disjoint, the magnitudes
of a given system have disjoint extensions and are, therefore, the determinates of
a determinable. We arrive at the following:

Magnitudes Thesis Whenever there is a standard of equality that satisfies the

Common Notions, there is a corresponding system of magnitudes such that
quantities are equal if and only if they instantiate the same magnitude of the
6 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

Applied to the various categories of quantities, the Magnitudes Thesis tells us

of the existence of various system of magnitudes. Pluralities are numerically
equal if they tally, so the Magnitudes Thesis tells us that numerically equal
pluralities instantiate a single magnitude from some system of magnitudes,
which we recognize as the natural numbers. In the same way, we discover
that geometrically equal lines have the same length and that ordinally equal
series have the same ordinal number. In the physical sciences the Magnitudes
Thesis tells us that gravitationally equal things have the same mass, and
electrostatically equal things have the same charge. It is in this way that we
become aware of the various kinds of magnitudes that underlie the various
kinds of equality.
We can equip a system of magnitudes with an algebra by defining an operation
of addition by ‘addition of representatives’ as follows. Given magnitudes a and b
of the same system, to find their sum a + b, choose a quantity x that instantiates
a and a disjoint quantity y that instantiates b. (It will be shown in subsequent
chapters that this is always possible for pluralities, continua and series.) Denote
by ‘x&y’ the whole whose parts are x and y, in other words, the quantity that is
the logical sum of x and y. Then the sum of the magnitudes a + b is defined to
be the magnitude of the logical sum x&y. (The second Common Notion assures
that this definition is independent of the choice x and y of representatives.)
Because we define addition of magnitudes by logical addition of quantities, a
structural connection arises between the algebra of the logic of quantities and
the algebra of magnitudes. It is proved in Chapter 5 that addition of magnitudes
so defined is associative and defines a linear order on the system of magnitudes.
In other words, the system of magnitudes is a positive semigroup. The argument
is completely general and applies to any species of equality: if the properties
that are the bases of an equality are a system of magnitudes, then that system
of magnitudes is a positive semigroup. The relation between a quantity and
its magnitude projects onto the system of magnitudes an algebraic structure
derived from the algebra of the logic of quantity. Because the projection happens
in the same way for every equality that conforms to the Common Notions, the
same sort of algebra crops up in every case: that is why natural number, length,
ordinal number, mass and charge are all positive semigroups. The structure of
the algebra of a system of magnitudes is a direct projection of the underlying
algebra of the system of quantities they measure. From a knowledge of the
respective systems of quantities we can derive the usual mathematical axioms
for the natural numbers, real numbers and ordinal numbers, and we see why
these axioms must be true.
Introduction 7

That is the strategy of the present book, the plan of which is as follows. Chapter
1 reviews the arguments for property realism and criticizes nominalist attempts
to do without properties. The argument for property realism is especially strong
for magnitude properties, without which quantitative causal explanation would
be impossible.
Chapter 2 criticizes Frege’s attempt to dispense with properties in favour of
his theory of ‘Concepts’. It is argued that Frege’s theory is unsatisfactory because
it fails to tell us which are the natural classes. His theory also obliges us to work
in second-order logic, a logic with many inconveniences and no expressive
advantages over a first-order logic, the variables of which are permitted to range
unrestrictedly over all the ‘things that are’, including properties and quantities.
Chapter 3 endorses Aristotle’s statement in Categories that not only
individuals but also quantities can be the logical subject of judgement. Reference
to quantities and quantification over quantities is a prominent feature of natural
language, and gives rise to the intuitively evident laws of the logic of quantity.
The chapter highlights the striking resemblance between these laws and the
algebra of a positive semigroup.
Chapter 4 discusses Leśniewski’s mereology, which is often misinterpreted
as an ontological theory about individuals. The chapter gives nine axioms
of mereology each of which is a priori when interpreted as laws of the logic
of  pluralities, and nine axioms which are each a priori when interpreted as
laws of the logic of continua. Eight of the nine axioms are common to pluralities
and continua, and the eight Common Axioms are proved to be deductively
equivalent to the two familiar axiom systems of Tarski and of Simons. This
mandates an interpretation of mereology as the pure a priori logic of quantity.
Chapter 5 presents the Magnitudes Thesis that equal quantities have a common
magnitude. The Homomorphism Theorem, which states that the equivalence
classes of equal quantities inherit an algebraic structure from the mereology of
the quantities, is proved. Given the Magnitudes Thesis, this theorem entails that
a system of magnitudes is a positive semigroup.
Chapter 6 defines numerical equality of pluralities by means of the tallying
algorithm. It is shown that pluralities that tally are equal in the sense of the
Common Notions, so we deduce from the Magnitudes Thesis that a natural
number is the common magnitude of pluralities that tally. It follows by the
Homomorphism Theorem that the natural numbers are a positive semigroup.
Every plurality has a mereologically least part, so the numbers are a positive
semigroup with a least member. From this all the axioms of Peano Arithmetic
can be deduced, except the axioms for multiplication.
8 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

Chapter 7 notes that Peano Arithmetic without multiplication is a decidable

theory, but full Peano Arithmetic, including the axioms for multiplication,
is an undecidable theory. Thus multiplication introduces something new.
Multiplication is defined by a second algorithm – Euclid’s axiom of ‘repeated
addition’. By reasoning a priori about this algorithm, we deduce the axioms for
multiplication of natural numbers, thus completing the deduction of all the
axioms of Peano Arithmetic.
Chapter 8 develops the theory of the real numbers out of the theory of
multiplication of a quantity by a natural number. A third Euclidean algorithm,
this time to find the greatest common measure by repeated subtraction, leads
to the positive rational numbers, and hence to Eudoxus’s theory of ratio and
proportion. It is proved that the ratios are a model, unique up to isomorphism, of
the usual axioms for the positive real numbers. The sole new assumption needed
for this proof is that there does exist a system of magnitudes that is complete, in
the sense that it contains representatives of every ratio.
Chapter 9 says that geometry underwrites the completeness assumption,
for Euclidean geometry entails that the lengths are a system of magnitudes that
contains representatives of every ratio. Therefore, we know that the axioms for
the positive real numbers have a model. The real numbers thus find an adequate
a priori foundation in Euclidean geometry. Against this it is commonly objected
that physics has discovered that physical space is non-Euclidean. The objection
is misconceived, for ‘Euclidean space’ means not a physical thing but a shape,
whose properties can indeed be discovered a priori, regardless of the actual
shape of physical space.
Chapter 10 says an ordinal number is the magnitude of a series. A series
has a non-commutative mereology, and every series is well-ordered, so the
Homomorphism Theorem tells us that ordinals are a well-ordered positive
semigroup with non-commutative addition. The existence of the infinite series
of natural numbers entails the existence of an infinite ordinal, and this together
with the reasoning of the Burali-Forti paradox suffices to prove the axioms for
the constructive ordinals.
The upshot is that we need to rely neither on empirical evidence nor on
the dubious authority of set theory for our knowledge of number. The laws
of mereology and Euclid’s Common Notions are evident a priori, and the
Magnitudes Thesis is the product of philosophical reflection, so by reason alone
we can arrive at knowledge of number.


The thesis of this book is that numbers are magnitudes. A system of magnitudes
is by definition a plurality of properties that are determinates of a determinable
and that have a characteristic algebra. The different types of number are different
systems of magnitudes. Magnitudes are properties, and the present chapter
makes the case for property realism – the metaphysical theory that properties
are entities that really exist.
Section 1.1 recalls Aristotle’s doctrine that in a judgement there is a part of
reality that is the subject, and another part of reality which is predicated. Section 1.2
lists the principal theories of predication, including property realism and various
alternatives. Section 1.3 discusses Davidson’s theory that there are no predicables
and that no entities at all need be mentioned in the semantics of predicates. His
theory is criticized on the grounds that it entangles us in the semantic paradoxes.
Section 1.4 makes the case for property realism and criticizes two versions of
nominalism on the grounds that they cannot explain the difference between a
natural class and a merely miscellaneous collection. Section 1.5 argues that there
are many different types of properties. Section 1.6 introduces the type of properties
that are magnitudes. Section 1.7 says that extensive magnitudes have a common
algebraic structure and are needed in the theory of ratio and proportion, which is
indispensable in the physical sciences. Section 1.8 says that many kinds of extensive
magnitudes are known to exist and that numbers are extensive magnitudes too.

1.1 Predicables

If numbers are a part of reality, and numbers are properties, then properties
are a part of reality. But does it even make sense to speak of parts of reality?
Parmenides thought not – he taught that reality is One:

[The One] is now, all at once, one and continuous. … Nor is it divisible, since it
is all alike; nor is there any more or less of it in one place which might prevent
10 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

it from holding together, but all is full of what is. (Frag. B 8.5–6, 8.22–24. In
Cornford 1939: 35–9)

But the doctrine that there is only one thing is absurd. Reality is a many, namely
the totality of what Aristotle calls ‘things themselves’(1941a: 1a20).
Aristotle sees classification as a central task of science. Each special science
taxonomizes the things in the part of reality that fall within its special province;
Aristotle thought that metaphysics, the most general of all sciences, must
taxonomize at the very highest level of generality. He first divides all the ‘things
that are’ into two categories: the predicables ‘such as man or horse’ and the
impredicables, ‘such as the individual man or horse’ (1941a: 1b4).

Definition. An entity is called a predicable if it can be predicated of a


Aristotle’s doctrine is that reality divides into two highest kinds: the category
of things that can be predicated and the category of things that cannot be

1.2  Different Accounts of Predication

Property realism agrees with Aristotle that the category of predicables is needed
in the account of what it is for something to fall under or satisfy a predicate.
For example, according to property realism, the predicable wisdom, ‘wisdom
itself ’ as Plato would say, is a being of a fundamentally different kind from
the individual beings such as Socrates who are instances of wisdom. There are
three versions of property realism: (i) the extremely abundant theory says that
for every class, there is a property which ‘unites the class’ – every member of
the class instantiates the property (Lewis 1983); (ii) the moderately abundant
theory says that for every possible predicate there exists a corresponding

Every meaningful predicate stands for a property or relation, and it is sufficient

for the actual existence of a property or relation that there could be a predicate
with appropriate satisfaction conditions. (Hale 2013: 133)

(iii) the sparse theory says that properties are in much shorter supply, for it is
only the natural classes that have members united by a common property, so
only those predicates express a property whose extension is a natural class. All
realist theories agree that if ‘wise’ predicates the property wisdom, then y satisfies
Properties 11

‘x is wise’ if y instantiates wisdom. Sparse property realism is the theory I shall

be advocating. Alternative theories of predication may be classified as follows.1
1. Davidson’s theory is a nominalist theory that denies the existence of
properties. According to Davidson, the theory of satisfaction does not
need to mention any entities whatsoever: the semantics of a predicate is
given simply by stating the satisfaction condition of the predicate. When
we have given the satisfaction condition for each predicate, we have given
the whole semantics of predication for the language, without needing to
mention any non-linguistic entities.
2. The extension theory is another nominalist theory. It says that there is
indeed a specific part of reality associated with each predicate, but this
is just its extension, in other words the plurality (alternatively, the set) of
things that fall under the predicate. On the extension theory, y satisfies
‘x is wise’ if y is an element of the set of wise persons: there is no need
to invoke a separate category of predicables. To deal with counterfactual
situations, the extension theory may invoke the predicate’s intension, the
supposed function that maps each possible world to the extension the
predicate would have were that world actual.
3. The paradigms theory is a nominalist theory that says the specific part
of reality associated with a predicate is its collection of paradigms, which
can be just a few archetypal instances of the predicate, not its whole
extension. On this account, y satisfies ‘x is wise’ if y relevantly resembles
paradigm wise people, such as Socrates.
4. On Frege’s theory, the entities that can be predicated are categorially
different from other things. Frege calls them Concepts: they are not
properties, but functions from objects to the truth values – the True
and the False. On Frege’s theory, y satisfies ‘x is wise’ if the value of the
Concept presented by ‘x is wise’ is the True for the argument y.

1.3  Criticism of Davidson

According to Davidson, there is no need to postulate predicable entities, for a

semantic theory that conforms to Tarski’s ‘Convention T’ can be ‘enough for
an interpreter to go on’ (1984: xiv). ‘Convention T’ is the requirement that a
semantic theory for a language ℒ must entail for each sentence s a theorem of
the following form:

s is true in ℒ if and only if p.

12 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

where p is the sentence of the metalanguage that translates s. If the semantic

theory of ℒ is given in ℒ itself, Convention T reduces to the disquotational
requirement that the theory prove every instance of the following schema:

‘s’ is true in ℒ if and only if s.

Such a semantic theory should be finitely axiomatizable if it is to serve its

interpretative purpose. A theory might typically include axioms of three types:
axioms of the first type say for each referring term in ℒ what its referent is,
axioms of the second type say for each predicate what its satisfaction condition
is and axioms of the third type are compositional. Such a semantic theory for
English, if given in English, could include the following axioms:

( 1) ‘Snow’ refers in English to snow.

(2) ∀y (y satisfies ‘x is white’ in English ↔ y is white.)
(3) A subject–predicate sentence is true in English if and only if the referent
of the subject term satisfies the predicate.

These three axioms allow the theory to prove the following familiar theorem:

‘Snow is white’ is true in English if and only if snow is white.

Axioms of the first type look outside language: axiom (1) is ontologically
committed to the existence of snow. But axioms of the second type do not commit
us to the existence of any entity outside language. According to Davidson, the
satisfaction relation is fully characterized by the collection of all disquotational
axioms like (2) – one axiom for each predicate of the language: ‘The recursive
definition of satisfaction must run through every primitive predicate in turn’
(1984: 47). Beyond the totality of these axioms there is nothing more that can be
said, or that needs to be said, about what satisfaction is.
But the collection of axioms like (2) cannot be the whole explanation of what
it is for a thing to satisfy a predicate. According to the disquotational theory, for
each one-place predicate A(x) of English, the satisfaction relation must meet the
following condition:

(4) ∀y (y satisfies ‘A(x)’ in ℒ ↔ A(y))

For example, Socrates satisfies ‘x is wise’ in English if and only if he is wise. But
this account of satisfaction cannot be correct, for ‘x does not satisfy x’ is itself a
one-place predicate of English, so substituting it for ‘A(x)’ in (4) yields:

∀y (y satisfies ‘x does not satisfy x’ ↔ y does not satisfy y)

Properties 13

But this entails, absurdly, that

‘x does not satisfy x’ satisfies ‘x does not satisfy x’ ↔ 

‘x does not satisfy x’ does not satisfy ‘x does not satisfy x’.

This contradiction is Grelling’s Paradox, as expounded by McGee (1991: 31).

The paradox is closely related to Tarski’s Theorem about the undefinability of
truth, which may be stated as follows:

A theory in a language ℒ is inconsistent with arithmetic if it entails all instances

of the schema (T) ‘Tr(“ϕ”) ↔ ϕ’, where “ϕ” is a structurally descriptive name (or
Gödel number) of the sentence ϕ of ℒ and Tr is a predicate whose extension on
the intended interpretation is the set of true sentences of ℒ.2

McGee comments as follows:

For some purposes, a sufficient response will be simply to insist that the theory
of truth for a language must never be developed within the language itself, but
rather within an essentially richer metalanguage. But for other purposes one
would like to be able to develop a semantic theory of a language within that very
language; most urgently one would like to be able to talk consistently in English
about the semantics of English. (1992: 235)

McGee goes on to show that we cannot develop a satisfactory account of truth

simply by taking schema (T) as our starting point and restricting it only just
enough to restore consistency. He gives a proof that there are ‘a great many’
mutually incompatible maximal consistent sets of sentences satisfying schema
(T), many of which assert things about truth that are obviously untrue. Without
a more substantive theory to guide us as to which maximal consistent set of
sentences to prefer, reliance on schema (T) cannot issue in a satisfactory theory
of truth: some part of non-semantic reality must, therefore, be brought into the
account of satisfaction. This refutes the following uniqueness claim by Davidson:

Sentences like ‘“Snow is white” is true in English if and only if snow is white’
are trivially true. … [T]he totality of such sentences uniquely determines the
extension of a truth predicate for English. (1984: xv)

1.4  Property Realism

The extension of a predicate is the multitude of things that satisfy the predicate.
According to some nominalists, the extension is the only part of reality that
14 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

needs to be mentioned in the theory of predication. Other nominalists say

we do not even need the whole of the extension: a few well-chosen paradigms
of the predicate will suffice – a thing satisfies the predicate if it resembles the
paradigms. But property realism says that the theory of predication must start
with properties: the fundamental way for a thing to satisfy a predicate is for it to
instantiate the property which the predicate expresses.
There are two classical arguments for property realism: the semantic argument
and the causal argument. The semantic argument says some predicates are
instantiated by a great many things: for example, the extension of the predicate
‘wise’ is the multitude of all wise persons, past, present and future. Every
English speaker uses the word ‘wise’ with exactly the same extension. How is
this remarkable feat of semantic coordination achieved? The semantic argument
concludes that speakers can use ‘wise’ with a common extension because of
their common familiarity with the property wisdom – it is the property not the
speakers that determines the extension.
The semantic argument does not require that every predicate attributes
a property. For example, consider the predicate ‘grue’, which by definition
something instantiates if it is green and examined, or blue and unexamined.
There is no need to postulate a property grue, for our shared grasp of the public
meaning of ‘grue’ is adequately explained by our grasp of the defining properties
green, blue and examined. Indeed, a second argument for realism, the causal
argument, leads to the conclusion that very few predicates express properties.
This argument starts from Plato’s observation that not every predicate is of
equal scientific value. The good scientist, according to Plato, classifies in ways
that respect natural boundaries, by ‘carving nature at the joints’ and bringing
‘a dispersed plurality under a single Form’ (1961: 265d). Plato’s doctrine is that
some things are a natural class only if they fall ‘under a single Form’, in other
words, if there is a single property they all share.
One of Hume’s ‘Rules by which to judge of causes and effects’ is the following:

The same cause always produces the same effect, and the same effect never arises
but from the same cause. (Hume 1738: Book I, Part III, Section XV)

The doctrine ‘same cause, same effect’ is central in the philosophy of causation
and requires the theory of natural classes. Events are ‘the same’ for purposes
of causal explanation if they fall in the same natural class, and Hume’s ‘Rules’
are a first approximation to the process whereby science discovers what natural
classes there are. The causal argument says that we must postulate properties to
explain what distinguishes the natural classes from the rest: a class is natural only
Properties 15

if its members have a property in common. Since there are innumerably many
classes, of which only a few are natural classes, properties must be few if they
are to explain naturalness. Thus the causal argument leads to sparse property
realism, and rules out both extremely abundant and moderately abundant
The existence of laws of nature gives a further argument for property realism.
Consider the law ‘All humans are mortal.’ According to the property realist, this
law is about two properties, namely humanity and mortality, and the nomic
connection between them. If we say with the nominalists that there are no such
entities as humanity and mortality, we shall then be in a difficulty. The truth
stated by the law is not about the extension, the humans who actually exist, all of
whom are indeed mortal. For even if none of the world’s actual humans had ever
been born, and a completely different population had been born in their place,
it would still have been a truth that all humans are mortal. The law states a truth
about properties, not a truth about individuals.
The law that all humans are mortal supports counterfactuals: for example,
the god Apollo is not a human being, but if he had been human, he would have
been mortal. But the exceptionless general truth that all the coins in my pocket
are bronze is not a law, for it does not support counterfactuals. This silver coin
is not a coin in my pocket, but even if it had been a coin in my pocket it would
not have been bronze. Thus not every predicate can feature in a law. How may
we distinguish those that can from those that cannot? Property realism says that
only those predicates can figure in laws that have a property as their semantic
value: there is such a property as humanity, but there are no such properties as
being grue or being a coin in my pocket.
Property realism does better than competing nominalist analyses of causation.
Suppose it is a law of nature that red rags annoy bulls. You wave a red rag at a
passing bull and the bull is annoyed. The annoyance of the bull was caused by
the rag’s being red: all would have been tranquillity had the rag been a different
colour. The property realist says that the rag’s being red is constituted by the rag’s
having the property red. The nominalist’s alternative analysis is that the rag’s
being red is constituted by the rag’s being in the extension of ‘red’. But quantum
entanglement aside, causation is a local matter. Suppose one of the many actually
red things had ceased to be red, perhaps a certain postbox a thousand miles away
had been painted green. Then the extension of ‘red’ would have been different,
but the rag would still have annoyed the bull. That distant postbox is causally
irrelevant, so replacing the property with its extension does not preserve the
correctness of causal explanation.
16 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

On the paradigms theory, x is red if and only if x resembles a paradigm of

redness, for example that red postbox. But the bull’s annoyance was caused
by the rag’s being red; the rag’s resembling that postbox is causally irrelevant.
If the postbox had been painted green, the rag would not have resembled it,
but it would still have annoyed the bull. The paradigms are irrelevant to the
explanation of the bull’s annoyance.
Predicates with the same extension can differ in their explanatory power. The
property realist says this is because coextensive predicates can express different
properties. For example, the cordates (animals with a heart) are all and only the
renates (animals with a kidney) (Quine 1986: 9–10). The predicates ‘cordate’ and
‘renate’ have the same extension, but they have different explanatory power. The
circulation of the blood of a certain animal is explained by its being a cordate:
its being a renate is irrelevant. The realist argues that this shows that cordate and
renate invoke different properties.

1.5  Kinds of Property

Individuals can be arranged in a structure of genus and species, so if Aristotle’s

taxonomic project is on the right track, we should expect his predicables also
to have a structure of genus and species. So if the predicables are properties,
we should expect there to be many genera of properties. And this is exactly
what we do find. For example, there is the genus of sensory properties, the
species of which include colour, musical tone, odour and flavour, and there
is the genus of ethical properties, whose species include the virtues and the
True statements about the genus to which a property belongs pose problems
for the nominalist. Consider the following truths:

( 1) Red is a colour.
(2) Patience is a virtue.

In sentence (1) the property red looks like the subject, and the property of being a
colour looks like the predicate, so the logical form appears to assign the property
red to its species. If nominalists say there are no properties, they need to give
truth conditions for (1) that do not refer to properties. Jackson (1977) discusses
the attempted nominalist paraphrase of (1) as:

(1*) Everything red is coloured.

Properties 17

This has the form ∀x  (red(x)  →  coloured(x)), so ‘red’ occur here only as a
predicate, not as a name of a property. But Jackson observes that sentences that
are to each other as (1) is to (1*) need not be paraphrases. For example:

(1a) Everything red is extended.

is not equivalent to

(1a*) Red is an extension.

Similarly (2) is not equivalent to:

(2*) Everyone patient is virtuous.

(2) is true, but (2*) is false: a person needs more than a single virtue to be
virtuous. Because nominalists deny the existence of properties, they are unable
to parse the truths that assign properties to their kinds.

1.6 Magnitudes

Many properties are ‘determinates of a determinable’. That is to say, they

comprise a plurality of mutually exclusive contraries – if something has one of
the properties of the plurality, it cannot simultaneously have any of the others.
Thus colour is a determinable, for all the colours are contraries. The same surface
cannot be red and green, so red and green are determinates of the determinable
colour. Similarly the same surface cannot be round and square, so round and
square are determinates of the determinable shape. By contrast, flavour is not a
determinable, for the same dish can be both sweet and sour.
The intensity of pain is a determinable: the same pain cannot be both
excruciating and just a twinge. But this determinable has additional algebraic
structure, for some pains are worse than others, so pains have a linear order of
intensity. The intensity of pain is an example of an important kind of property,
the magnitudes.

Definition. A plurality of properties is said to be a system of magnitudes if

they are a determinable and the determinates are linearly ordered.
Definition. A property is said to be a magnitude if it is a determinate of
some system of magnitudes.

Length, area, volume, mass and temporal duration are determinables that are
systems of magnitudes: for example, any two different lengths are contraries, and
18 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

the lengths have a linear order. Not every determinable is a system of magnitudes
in the present sense: for example, colour is a determinable, but not a system of
magnitudes, because the order of the colours in the colour wheel is cyclic, not
Kant distinguishes two sorts of magnitudes: the extensive and the intensive
(Kant 1929: B202–8). A system of intensive magnitudes is one for which addition
of its determinates does not make sense. For example, the intensities of pain are
a system of intensive magnitudes. Suppose A has toothache and B has toothache
too. Because painfulness is a magnitude, either the toothaches are equally
painful, or A’s is worse than B’s or B’s is worse than A’s. Indeed, it is possible to
have an ‘ordinal scale’ to report the intensity of pain, say on a scale of 1 to 10. But
despite such use of numbers, there is no arithmetic of pain, for there is no way to
add the intensity of two pains.
A system of magnitudes is extensive if the determinables not only have an
intrinsic order but are also capable of addition: indeed, their intrinsic order
must arise out of their additive structure. The extensive magnitudes reflect
the mereological ‘extent’ of a quantity – if you extend a quantity by adding a
further quantity, thereby you add to its magnitude. Many species of extensive
magnitudes have already been discovered by science, and more will no doubt
continue to be discovered. A typical example of an extensive magnitude is mass:
the different possible masses are determinates of a determinable, for a given
quantity of matter has at most one mass. Mass is a system of magnitudes, because
the masses have a definite natural order. And mass is an extensive magnitude
because as you add more matter, you add to the mass. Other familiar examples
of extensive magnitude are length, area, volume and temporal duration. We can
add lengths to lengths, areas to areas, volumes to volumes, and so on.
For all these systems of magnitudes we have the following axioms of addition.
If a, b and c are variables ranging over the magnitudes in some one system of
magnitudes, then:

M1. Closure: given a and b, there always exist a magnitude d such that
d = a + b.
M2. Associativity: a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c.
M3. Restricted subtraction: a ≠ b if and only if there exists a magnitude d
such that either a = b + d or b = a + d.

Axiom M1 says that any two magnitudes of the same system have a sum. Axiom
M2 says that given any three magnitudes, summing the first with the sum of
the second and third gives the same result as summing the sum of the first and
Properties 19

second with the third. Axiom M3 says that magnitudes are different if and only
if one of them is the sum of the other plus some third magnitude. This third
magnitude can be thought of as the result of ‘subtracting’ the smaller magnitude
from the larger. On any such system of magnitudes the addition operation is
consistent with the linear order, for the order is defined in terms of the addition
as follows:

Definition. A magnitude a is said to be less than a magnitude b, written

‘a < b’ if there exists a magnitude c such that b = a + c.

The less than relation is irreflexive. For suppose the contrary. Then there exists a
magnitude a such that a < a. So by definition there exists some magnitude c such
that a = a + c, so by M3, a ≠ a. Contradiction. So less than is irreflexive. It is also
transitive, for suppose a < b and b < c. Then by definition there exist magnitudes
d and e, such that b = a + d and c = b + e. So c = b + e = (a + d) + e = a + (d + e) by
M2, so a < c. So less than is transitive. Let a and b be any two magnitudes. Then
by M3, a ≠ b if and only if either a = b + c or b = a + c, i.e. if either a < b or b < a,
so less than is connected. A relation is a linear order if it is irreflexive, transitive
and connected. So less than is a linear order. So every system of magnitudes
that obeys axioms M1 – M3 is linearly ordered. This shows that we can define
extensive magnitude in terms of addition alone, as follows:

Definition. A plurality of properties are said to be a system of extensive

magnitudes if they are a determinable and the determinates can be added
in accordance with the above axioms M1 – M3 of addition.
Definition. A property is said to be an extensive magnitude if it is a
determinate of some system of extensive magnitudes.

1.7 Ratios

A compelling argument for the real existence of properties is that many laws of
nature, especially the laws of physics, involve ratio and proportion. For example,
the length of a fencepost’s shadow is proportional to its height, the magnitude of
a thing’s acceleration is proportional to the magnitude of the applied force, and so
on. As will be shown in Chapter 8, proportionality is a relation that is algebraically
possible only in a system of extensive magnitudes. So if a is to b as c is to d, then
a, b, c and d must all exist. Thus the fact that so many of the laws of nature are
concerned with ratios is evidence that magnitudes are indeed part of reality.
20 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

As is well argued in Peacocke (2015), a nominalist analysis of magnitudes

is even more hopeless than for other properties. Take the law that the length
of a thing’s shadow is proportional to its height. Suppose that the shadow of a
certain fencepost is 1.5 metres in length and that the explanation of this is that
the post is exactly one metre in length. If the post had been shorter, the shadow
would have been proportionally shorter. The shadow is the length it is because
the post is one metre in length. Here the property of being one metre in length
cannot be replaced by its extension. The things that are one metre in length
include not only our post but also many other posts scattered across the world.
If any of them had been a different length, our shadow would still have been
the same length. The world’s other posts are irrelevant to our explanation of the
length of our local shadow. Or suppose we ‘analyse’ being one metre in length
as a matter of exactly matching a paradigm, for example, the standard metre in
Paris. If the standard metre were to suffer an expansion or contraction, the post
would still be one metre high, even though it would no longer exactly match the
standard metre in length. Thus matching the standard metre is irrelevant to the
explanation of the length of the shadow.

1.8 Numbers

It was a great scientific discovery that a length is an extensive magnitude. Many

other such discoveries followed – area, volume, inertial mass, gravitational
mass, temporal duration, electrical charge – all these are systems of extensive
magnitudes discovered by scientific progress. More magnitudes will perhaps
continue to be discovered in the future. The hypothesis of this book is that the
natural numbers are a system of extensive magnitudes, as are the real numbers
and the ordinal numbers. Our knowledge of the magnitudes of physics, such as
mass and charge, depends upon empirical evidence. But our knowledge of the
magnitudes of mathematics rests on evidence that is entirely a priori.

Frege’s Theory of Concepts

According to Frege, what a predicate stands for is what he calls a ‘Concept’, by

which he means a function from objects to truth values. A Concept is ‘essentially
predicative’: it can only be predicated and can never be named, in the sense
of being referred to by a singular term. Frege, therefore, needs an account of
how quantification over Concepts is so much as possible. His account says that
sentences that quantify over Concepts must be formed by replacing a predicate
letter in a sentence with a predicate variable and prefixing a quantifier. Sentences
so formed are said to be second order, because they quantify into predicate
position, whereas in first-order predicate calculus, we quantify only into subject
In this chapter, I criticize Frege’s theory of Concepts. In section 2.1, I argue
that the theory of Concepts has less explanatory power than property realism,
since it fails to account for the special status of the natural classes in causal
explanation. Section 2.2 says we do not need second-order logic to quantify over
predicables: first-order logic suffices, by a restriction of the quantifiers to those
things that are predicable. In section 2.3, I criticize the claim that second-order
logic is needed to rule out non-standard models of arithmetic. It does so only
on ‘standard semantics’, which presupposes set theory. In section 2.4, I criticize
the argument that second-order logic is needed in the proof of ‘Frege’s Theorem’:
plural logic is strong enough to derive the Peano Axioms. In section 2.5, I defend
plural logic against criticisms of it on grounds of its ‘incompleteness’.

2.1  No Explanation of Naturalness

We noted in the last chapter that property realism gives an account of the
metaphysics of natural classes, according to which a class is natural if all its
members share a common property. Since there are fewer properties than
22 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

there are classes, this distinguishes the natural classes from the rest. In contrast,
Frege’s theory of predication does nothing to explain naturalness. His Concepts
are too abundant, since to every class, natural or not, there corresponds a
Concept, namely, the function whose value is the True for arguments in the
class (1980[1892]). Frege, therefore, lacks an account of the metaphysics of the
natural classes.

2.2  Second-Order Logic

According to Aristotle, ‘everything there is’ divide into the predicables and the
impredicables: ‘Of things themselves’, he says, ‘some are predicable’ (1941a:
1a20). Use of the expression ‘everything there is’ allows a natural language to
express general propositions about predicables without ascending to a second-
order language. For since ‘everything there is’ includes the predicables, we
can refer to the predicables as ‘everything predicable’. On this Aristotelian
understanding of the word ‘everything’ we can use a first-order language to
quantify over predicables by a simple restriction of the quantifiers. For example,
suppose a property realist wishes to say that the identical twins Romulus and
Remus are duplicates, in the sense that they have exactly the same intrinsic
properties. Following Aristotle, the realist can write this in first-order logic as

(*) ∀x (predicable (x) → (Romulus instantiates x ↔ Remus instantiates x))

But according to Frege, the predicables are Concepts, which can only be
predicated, never named. Therefore, ‘everything’ is not a name for everything,
for Concepts are excluded. Thus for Frege (*) is trivially true, because there are
no Concepts in the range of the first-order variables. Still, Concepts do exist,
according to Frege, and it certainly makes sense to say that every Concept under
which Romulus falls is a Concept under which Remus falls also. But we cannot
express this in first-order logic by a restriction of the first-order quantifier to
everything that is a Concept, since Concepts cannot be named. Instead we must
express it in second-order logic, by quantifying into predicate position, as in the
following formula:

(**) ∀X (X(Romulus) ↔ X(Remus))

But this is not something that anyone will wish to assert, since it is a theorem of
second-order logic that things that fall under all the same Concepts are identical.
Frege’s Theory of Concepts 23

Thus if (**) is true then Romulus and Remus are identical, but not identical
twins, since they are not two but one.
If we wanted to use Frege’s second-order logic but wished to express what
(*) expresses, namely that the twins are a pair of duplicates, we would need to
introduce a third-order predicate of predicates Nat under which fall only those
Concepts whose extension is a natural class.

(***) ∀X (Nat(X) → (X(Romulus) ↔ X(Remus))

But since Frege’s theory lacks an account of the metaphysics of the natural
classes, it does not have the resources to define such a predicate as Nat.
So Frege’s second-order logic might seem to have little to commend it.
But there are two reasons why second-order logic might be thought to have
advantages over first-order logic. One is that first-order Peano Arithmetic has
non-standard models, whereas second-order Peano Arithmetic characterizes
the natural numbers up to isomorphism. A second reason is that it was second-
order logic that Frege used in proving his remarkable theorem that all of the
Peano Axioms can be derived from Hume’s Principle. I will be suggesting in the
next two sections that neither of these reasons is persuasive.

2.3  Non-standard Models of Arithmetic

It is certainly true that first-order logic is expressively inadequate. We cannot

give a first-order theory that defines the natural numbers up to isomorphism. In
natural language, which unlike first-order logic has the plural, we can characterize
the natural numbers up to isomorphism with the following ten axioms:
Plural Peano Arithmetic

N1. 1 is a number.
N2. Every number has a successor.
N3. No number has two successors.
N4. Different numbers have different successors.
N5. 1 is not a successor.
N6. If there are some things, such that 1 is one of them, and the successor of
any of them is one of them, then every number is one of them.
N7. n + 1 = n′
N8. (n + m)′ = n + m′
N9. n.1 = n
N10. n.m′ = n.m + n
24 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

Call Plural Peano Arithmetic the theory that includes axioms N1-N10 and all
their logical consequences in plural logic.1 Plural Peano Arithmetic is a true
theory when interpreted in the standard model, whose domain is the natural
numbers, and in which ‘1’, ‘′’, ‘+’ and ‘.’ are assigned one, successor, addition and
multiplication, respectively.
Given any predicate A(x), axiom N6 entails that if 1 is one of the As, and
the successor of any of the As is one of the As, then every number is one of the
As. Thus plural Peano Arithmetic proves all the infinitely many formulas of the
following schema:

(Induction) A(1) ∧ ∀n (A(n) → A(n′)) → ∀n A(n)

But since the first-order predicate calculus cannot express the plural axiom N6,
a first-order theory is unable to prove any of these formulas. So working in a
first-order language we must add all the infinitely many instances of Induction
separately, as extra axioms. In other words, we treat Induction as an axiom
scheme. We arrive at the theory known as first-order Peano Arithmetic.
First-order Peano Arithmetic fails to characterize the natural numbers up to
isomorphism. Of course, we cannot expect all the models to be isomorphic, for
it is a first-order theory, and every first-order theory that has an infinite model
has models of every infinite size. But we might reasonably have hoped that all
the countable models would be isomorphic. But here we are disappointed, for
first-order Peano Arithmetic has non-standard models in which after all of
the objects assigned to 1, 1′, 1′′, … come infinitely many further objects. Every
non-standard model has an initial segment isomorphic to the natural numbers,
followed by infinitely many segments each isomorphic to the sequence of all
integers, negative, zero and positive (Boolos and Jeffrey 1974: 195). The non-
standard models fit the axioms of the first-order theory just as perfectly as the
standard model does. Evidently a first-order theory is not able to characterize
the numbers, so we need to extend our logic if we are to give it the expressive
power of English.
Frege introduced second-order logic by offering an explanation of
quantification which is radically different from the Aristotelian theory
that ‘everything’ means everything. On Frege’s account, what the sentence
‘Socrates is wise’ says specifically of Socrates can be said to hold generally
by transforming the sentence in a two-stage process. First, we replace the
name ‘Socrates’ with an individual variable ‘x’ to obtain the open sentence ‘x
is wise’, then we bind the variable with a universal quantifier ‘∀x’ to obtain
the sentence ‘∀x x is wise’. We interpret this as meaning that what the open
Frege’s Theory of Concepts 25

sentence ‘x is wise’ says of x is true generally, i.e. that if something is a

permissible value of the individual variable ‘x’, then it is wise. Second-order
logic uses an analogous process to replace predicates with variables. In our
sentence ‘Socrates is wise’, we replace the predicate ‘is wise’ with a predicate
variable ‘X’ yielding the open sentence ‘X(Socrates)’, and now by again binding
the variable with a universal quantifier ‘∀X’, we arrive at ‘∀X X(Socrates)’.
We interpret this as meaning that the open sentence ‘X(Socrates)’ is true
generally, i.e. that if something is a permissible value of the predicate variable
X, then Socrates falls under it. Instead of taking everything as a single logical
primitive, Frege’s second-order logic analyses it in terms of general truth and
variables. The analysis can be applied to the general truth of open sentences
of any order, that is with variables x, X, X3, … Xn …, of the first, second, third
… nth, … order.
Writing ‘A[α|β]’ for the formula that comes from A on replacing every
occurrence of α with β, we can give a uniform semantics for generality of any
order, along the following lines:

1. ‘∀x A’ is true on a permissible interpretation I if, where a is any singular

term that does not occur in A, A[x|a] is true on every permissible
interpretation that differs from I at most in what it assigns to a.
2. ‘∀X A’ is true on a permissible interpretation I if, where F is any
predicate that does not occur in A, A[X|F] is true on every permissible
interpretation that differs from I at most in what it assigns to F.
3. ‘∀X3 A’ is true on a permissible interpretation I if, where G3 is any
predicate of predicates that does not occur in A, A[X3|G3] is true on
every permissible interpretation that differs from I at most in what it
assigns to G3.

It is obvious how to give further clauses for higher orders. But it turns out
that the second order is as far as we need to go to rule out the non-standard
In the first-order language, we have every instance of the Induction axiom

(*) A(1) ∧ (A(n) → A(n′)) → ∀n A(n)

In a second-order language, we replace the infinitely many instances of the

scheme with a single second-order formula:

(**) ∀X (X(1) ∧ (X(n) → X(n′)) → ∀n X(n))

26 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

We make no other changes from the first-order theory. It is straightforward to

prove the categoricity theorem that every model of this second-order Peano
Arithmetic is isomorphic to the standard model.
However, the proof of categoricity works on only one particular assumption
about the semantics of second-order logic. We said that the second-order
formula ∀X A is true on an interpretation I if A[X|F] is true on every permissible
interpretation that differs from I at most in what it assigns to F. Now on the
standard semantics, what a ‘permissible interpretation’ assigns to a monadic
predicate F is some set of the things the first-order variables range over. In other
words, it assigns some subset of the domain. But there are many subsets of the
domain – which of them are assigned by the ‘permissible’ interpretations? We
might very naturally reply – ‘All of them.’
If the permissible interpretations of a predicate do indeed include every
subset of the domain, then second-order Peano Arithmetic is categorical. But
suppose we feel a little cautious about the concept of every subset. Perhaps we
are constructivists and are uncomfortable with any but computable subsets.
Or perhaps we are predicativists, who doubt the existence of sets with no
predicative definition. Or perhaps we are so puzzled by our lack of progress on
the Continuum Hypothesis that we wonder whether the expression ‘every subset’
has a determinate meaning at all. The question how many subsets actually exist
is a substantive metaphysical question, not a question of pure logic. Caution
here may, therefore, lead us to adopt ‘Henkin semantics’ for second-order logic,
which restricts the ‘permissible’ interpretations to some favoured fixed collection
of subsets (Shapiro 1991: 73).
A particularly cautious suggestion would be to postulate the existence of no
more subsets than those whose existence is absolutely required if the deductive
system of second-order logic is to be sound. That would give us a reason from
the logic alone for postulating at least that many subsets. A Henkin semantics is
called faithful if it validates all the axioms of second-order logic (Shapiro 1991:
89). If we supposed that the second-order axioms are logical truths, that would
be a purely logical justification for the assumption that at least all those subsets
exist which a minimal faithful Henkin semantics requires.
But the cautious suggestion is of no assistance to us, for there are faithful
Henkin semantics which use less than the full power set of the domain. A
second-order language with a minimal faithful Henkin semantics is no more
expressively powerful than a first-order language, and, therefore, it cannot
serve to characterize the natural numbers up to isomorphism. The proof of the
categoricity of second-order arithmetic only succeeds if we understand ‘every
Frege’s Theory of Concepts 27

subset’ to mean all the subsets that are required to exist by contemporary set
theory. But if that meaning of ‘every subset’ is available, we don’t need second-
order logic to define the numbers, since we could do the job directly in set
theory, for example by stating Induction as follows:

∀x ((1 ∈ x ∧ ∀n (n ∈ x → n′ ∈ x)) → ∀n n ∈ x)

So could we not just cut out the middle man, forget the second order and use set
theory to define the natural numbers directly?2
But there is the following problem. We could indeed use set theory to define
the natural numbers up to isomorphism, provided we knew it was indeed the
sets we were mentioning in our definition. But what is a set? Here we encounter
essentially the same problem all over again, for a first-order language can no
more pick out the sets than it can pick out the numbers. For suppose some first-
order theory is a correct description of the sets, in the sense that it expresses
as much of the truth about sets as can be expressed in a first-order language.
Then because the theory is true it is consistent, and because it is consistent it
has a countable model. A countable model of the universe of set theory is a
non-standard model, so it contains non-standard sets, and therefore it contains
non-standard numbers. If we are restricted to a first-order language for our set
theory, we cannot rule out non-standard sets, and so we cannot rule out the non-
standard numbers after all.
But we can rule out the non-standard models of set theory by second-order
set theory, so the friend of second-order logic can argue that this shows the
second order is needed after all. But that is going round in circles! Second-order
logic rules out non-standard set theory only on ‘standard semantics’, which itself
presupposes standard set theory, which itself is now being said to presuppose
second-order logic. If we are to define the numbers up to isomorphism, we must
somehow break into this closed circle of presupposition. It looks as if we shall be
trapped in scepticism about our knowledge of number if we insist that predicate
calculus of the first and second orders is all the logic we understand. But such
scepticism is unwarranted. A natural language can break into the explanatory
circle easily enough, as we saw: using plurals, we say that by ‘the numbers’ we
mean those things such that the number 1 is one of them, the successor of any of
them is one of them and nothing else is one of them.3
This suggests the following relations of explanatory dependence: the meaning
of second-order logic is given by its semantics, and its standard semantics
presupposes set theory, so second-order logic rests on set theory. We can rule out
non-standard models of set theory by using the plural constructions of English,
28 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

so set theory rests on the logic of English plurals. So despite appearances, the
superior expressive power of the second order is just a reflection of the set theory
built into its standard semantics.
We can regard the whole theory of higher orders of quantification as a
philosophical figment forced upon Frege by his unfortunate theory that
predicables are Concepts. His insistence that singular terms can refer only to
Objects, never to Concepts, led to his notorious problems with ‘the Concept
horse’ (Textor 2010). Frege was on the right track when he said that only some
things are predicable, but it was overreach to say that some things are only
Apart from the categoricity considerations, there are two other reasons why
some philosophers might wish to endorse second-order logic. Nominalists, who
reject property realism, cannot include properties in the range of their first-order
quantifiers. Some nominalists, therefore, find second-order logic attractive, since
quantifying into predicate position might be regarded as a satisfactory substitute for
quantification over properties, but without the ontological commitment. Another
proposed use for the logics of the second and higher orders is to underwrite the
Theory of Types, which is at least an honest attempt to block the paradoxes, if
not a very successful one. The paradoxes are blocked by saying that one must
quantify only within an order: one must never quantify over absolutely everything.
Discussing the awkward position of any philosopher who attempts actually to
state the Theory of Types in such words, Lewis has the dismissive remark, ‘Lo, he
violates his own stricture in the very act of proclaiming it!’ (1991: 68)

2.4  Frege’s Theorem

One supposed attraction of second-order logic is that it can be used to prove

‘Frege’s Theorem’ – his remarkable result that Peano Axioms4 can all be deduced
in second-order logic from the single second-order axiom which Boolos calls
‘Hume’s Principle’, which states that the number of Fs is identical to the number
of Gs if and only if there is a one-one correspondence between the Fs and the Gs.
The Peano Axioms are equivalent to our axioms N1-N6. Frege (1968) does not
explicitly prove the remaining axioms N7-N10 of Peano Arithmetic, but their
proof is routine in second-order logic from the usual recursive definitions of
addition and multiplication.
Boolos (1996) gives a very clear reconstruction of Frege’s proof of the
theorem.5 The proof begins by a double application of Hume’s Principle to obtain
Frege’s Theory of Concepts 29

the result that the successor relation is a one-one function. The next step is to use
second-order logic to prove that there is a Concept under which nothing falls:
this concept is of course equinumerous with itself, so it has a number, defined
as zero. Frege then wishes to define the natural numbers as zero, the successor
of zero, the successor of the successor of zero and so on. A natural number is
then anything that stands at the end of a finite chain of successors starting from
zero. Frege discovered how to express this using second-order logic. Define a
hereditary Concept as one such that, if a number falls under it, then the number’s
successor also falls under it. Then the ancestral of the successor relation is
defined as follows: m ancestrally precedes n if n falls under every hereditary
Concept that m falls under. Boolos writes ‘P’ for the precedes relation in which
m stands to n if n is the successor of m, and writes ‘P*’ for the ancestral of P. We
can write this in second-order logic as follows:

(*) mP*n ↔ ∀X (Xm ∧ (∀u Xu  → Xu′) → Xn)

Frege’s definition is that the natural numbers are the entities that stand to zero in
the ancestral of the successor relation: n is a number if 0P*n.
Although Frege himself does everything in second-order logic, we can define
the ancestral without its use. On standard semantics, Frege’s above definition (*)
is equivalent to the following definition in set theory:

(**) mP*n ↔ ∀x (m ∈ x ∧ ∀u (u ∈ x → u′ ∈ x) → n ∈ x)

This uses no sets of rank higher than 1 (assuming numbers are not sets). But
plural logic is equivalent to the set theory of sets of rank 1, so a definition
equivalent to Frege’s (*) can be given in plural logic as follows, writing ‘m ε x’ to
mean that m is one of x:

(***) mP*n ↔ ∀x ((m ε x ∧ ∀u(u ε x → u′ ε x)) → n ε x)

Thus this vital step in the proof of Frege’s Theorem can be replicated in plural
logic, without any need to have recourse either to second-order logic or to set
Frege derives the Peano Axioms from Hume’s Principle, which is dyadic
second order and, therefore, cannot be expressed in plural logic. If we renounce
second-order logic we have to renounce Hume’s Principle too, but that is no
great inconvenience, for as Boolos writes: ‘Not only do we have no reason for
regarding Hume’s Principle as a truth of logic, it is doubtful whether it is a truth
at all’ (1996: 216). Moreover, as will be shown in Chapter 6, the axioms can
be derived by replacing second-order logic with plural logic, replacing Hume’s
30 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

Principle with Euclid’s Common Notions and the principle that pluralities that
tally are identical in number. Frege’s proof of the Peano Axioms was a great
advance, because it was the first rigorous proof that there exists a simply infinite
system. Frege proves that each natural number is the number of its predecessors,
from which the actual infinity of the natural numbers follows. But that step of
Frege’s reasoning is replicated in Chapter 6, using plural logic instead of second-
order logic. Thus Frege’s result, impressive as it is, does not show that we need
second-order logic.

2.5  The Incompleteness of Plural Logic

In considering the relative merits of first-order and second-order logic, Quine

observed that first-order logic is complete but that second-order logic is not
complete. The completeness of first-order logic was proved by Gödel, who
showed that every valid formula of first-order logic can be proved from its
axioms and rules of inference. However, second-order logic is not complete,
for there are second-order valid formulas that cannot be proved. Quine
(1986) argues from this that second-order logic is not logic, for how could a
genuine logic fail to prove every valid formula? Quine’s strictures against the
second order might seem to apply equally to plural logic, since it too is
That plural logic is incomplete is shown as follows. Let A be the conjunction
of the axioms of plural Peano Arithmetic, and let q be any truth of arithmetic.
Then q is true in N, the standard model of arithmetic. But N is a model for
the plural Peano Axioms, so A is true in N. But unlike the first-order theory,
plural Peano Arithmetic has no non-standard models, so any two models of A
are isomorphic, and hence any sentence true in any model of A is true in every
model of A. Let M be any model of plural logic. If A is false in M, then A → q is
true in M. But if A is true in M, then M is isomorphic to N. Since q is true in N,
it is true in M, so A → q is true in M. Therefore, A → q is true in every model, and
so it is a valid formula. If plural logic were complete, A → q would be a theorem,
so q would be deducible from A. But q was any truth of arithmetic, so we could
deduce every truth of arithmetic from the conjunction A of the Plural Peano
axioms. But this contradicts the First Incompleteness Theorem, which states that
there is no complete consistent axiomatization of arithmetic. Thus there exist
sentences of the form ‘A → q’ which are logically valid (true in every model) but
not provable. So plural logic is not complete.
Frege’s Theory of Concepts 31

First-order logic is complete, for Gödel’s Completeness Theorem shows that

every valid formula is provable (Mendelson 1987: 72). To prove this, we first
prove the Lemma that every consistent theory has a model. We construct a model
in which the names of the language of the theory are elements of the domain: in
this model, a name is a name of itself. The Completeness Theorem for first-order
logic is a corollary. Suppose there were a valid sentence q that was true in every
model, but which was not a theorem. Then since q is not a theorem, the single
formula ¬ q is consistent, so it has a model, by the Lemma. So in this model ¬ q is
true, and q is true also, since q is true in every model. But this is impossible, since
a contradiction is not true in any model. Hence every valid formula is a theorem,
and so first-order logic is complete. An analogous proof of this Lemma cannot
be given for plural logic, for no language can contain a name for every plurality
of its own names: whatever the cardinality of the set of names of a language, if
there is more than one name then the cardinality of the pluralities of names must
be greater. We cannot construct the analogous model, so the proof of the Lemma
cannot be extended from the singular to the plural case.
But Quine is not right to say that a deductive system that is not complete does
not deserve to be called a logic. The incompleteness of plural logic arises not from
a deficiency in the logic, but from a deficiency in the human users of the logic. We
can see this by considering the rules of inference governing the quantifier.
In first-order logic we have the following familiar rules for the universal
quantifier (assuming no collisions of variables):

Universal Elimination: If you have proved ∀x Fx, you may infer Ft.
Universal Introduction: If you have proved Ft from premises none of
which contain t, you may infer ∀x Fx.

The rules for plural logic are exactly the same, provided one reads the variables
and constants plurally. Neither first-order nor plural logic can prove the whole
of arithmetic truth. Plural logic cannot do it, for its logic is incomplete. First-
order logic cannot do it, because of the expressive inadequacy that prevents it
from ruling out non-standard models. The elusiveness of truth in arithmetic is
not a logical or metaphysical problem: it is only an epistemic problem for us finite
beings who wish to apprehend general truths about an infinite domain. To come to
know a general truth about a domain, one would ideally examine each element of
the domain. So the introduction rule for the universal quantifier should ideally be:

Complete Induction: If for each element x of the domain you have proved
Fx, you may infer ∀x Fx.
32 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

The rule of Complete Induction ends the disconnect between logical truth and
provability, for whatever is true in every model is provable in a logic strengthened
by Complete Induction. In the special case of arithmetic, where we restrict the
domain to the natural numbers, Complete Induction becomes:

The ω-rule: if for each number n you have proved Fn, you may infer
∀n Fn.

The true sentences of arithmetic are precisely the sentences provable under the
ω-rule (Boolos 1993: 189). Plural logic strengthened by Complete Induction is
A rule of inference is a syntactic relation between some premisses and a
conclusion such that it is primitively evident that, if the relation holds then if the
premisses are true, the conclusion is true also. Complete Induction is obviously
a rule of inference in this sense, and plural logic with Complete Induction
is obviously a complete logic. But we human beings have to fall back upon
Universal Introduction as our introduction rule for the quantifiers, as we cannot
use Complete Induction. Of course, if we have proved the formula Ft without
making any special assumptions about t, we are in possession of a method of
proof which applied to any object x yields a proof concerning x that it is F. Thus
there cannot be an object x that fails to be F. So the rule UI is indeed a sound
rule. It is not complete, for it relies on the discovery of a uniform method in every
case of proving for each thing that it is F. But it could happen that everything
is in fact F, by a kind of remarkable chance, and not for any discernible reason.
Or it could be that each thing is F, and for a discernible reason, but in each case
the reason is different, so that it would not be humanly possible to grasp all the
reasons. Thus plural logic is complete, if we count Complete Induction among
its inference rules; but although we cannot use Complete Induction, plural logic
is sound and as complete as an adequately expressive humanly usable logic can
possibly be. We may, therefore, set the Quinean strictures aside, so far as plural
logic is concerned.

The Logic of Quantity

The previous chapter argued that first-order logic is expressively inadequate

and needs to be supplemented with plural quantification. But the resulting
supplemented logic is still inadequate, since it does not include all the logic of
the part–whole relation on quantity in general. This chapter makes a start on this
logic, which has an algebraic structure very similar to the positive semigroup
algebra of the extensive magnitudes. Section 3.1 discusses the range of items
that can be the subject of a judgement. Section 3.2 distinguishes two senses in
which an item can have a ‘part’, an ontological sense and a purely logical sense.
The ontological sense presupposes some or other metaphysical theory about
composite beings. Section 3.3 says the logical sense of ‘part’ requires only the
a priori logic governing the word ‘and’, which on one of its English meanings
joins not sentences but noun phrases, taking a pair of terms to make a term.
Section 3.4 discusses the logic of term-maker ‘and’ and defines ‘part’ in terms
of it. The section lists some axioms of the logic of quantity, noting the striking
resemblance of this logic to the positive semigroup structure of a system of
magnitudes. Section 3.5 highlights the mathematically important property of
completeness of a system of quantities.

3.1  Taxonomizing Logical Subjects

Judgement classifies items. The subject term of an atomic sentence serves to

identify the item being classified, and the predicate effects the classification. For
example, in the sentence ‘Socrates is wise’, the subject term picks out Socrates,
and the predicate classifies him as among the wise. An expressively adequate
language needs to be capable of classifying items of every category that can be
the subject of a judgement. Individuals are not the only category of items that
there are. For example, in the supermarket a shopper might take three items to
34 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

the checkout, perhaps a loaf of bread, half a dozen eggs and a pint of milk. A
fourth item is the queue which the shopper joins at the checkout. The loaf is an
individual, but the six eggs are a plurality, the pint of milk is some liquid stuff,
and the queue is a series. There can be resemblance between items that are not
individuals, so to classify such items, a language needs terms that refer to them.
Pluralities can resemble. Russell and Whitehead collaborated in ground-
breaking scientific research, as did Crick and Watson. So Russell and Whitehead
resemble Crick and Watson. This resemblance between the pluralities is not
the upshot of any individual resemblance between say Whitehead and Crick.
To classify together pluralities that resemble, language needs plurally referring
terms to enable the attribution of collective predicates.
Stuffs can resemble: if this is a pint of milk, and that is another, there is a
resemblance between this milk and that milk, for both are white. The milk is not
an individual, but stuff, the material content of a region: to classify together stuff
that resembles, language needs mass nouns that refer to stuff.
Series can resemble. For example, Adam and Cain in that order resemble
Noah and Ham in that order, for Adam begat Cain, and Noah begat Ham.
This is a resemblance between series. It is not a matter of any individual
resemblance between Adam and Noah, or between Cain and Ham. Nor is it a
matter of collective resemblance, for Adam and Cain have no relevant collective
resemblance to Noah and Ham. To classify together series that resemble,
language needs terms that refer to series.1
A natural language like English has devices for plural reference, mass reference
and serial reference. But a first-order language lacks these devices. The expressive
power of English can be simulated in a first-order language by postulating
“container” individuals that parcel up a quantity into a single individual: the
container individual is postulated to have the quantity as its contents. We can
then introduce predicates that are true of a container if its contents have the
property we wish to report. For example, we can paraphrase English plurals
into a first-order language if we postulate sets: instead of saying that Russell
and Whitehead are two, we say that the set whose elements are Russell and
Whitehead is a pair set. Similarly we can paraphrase English reference to stuff if
we postulate an extra individual composed of the stuff. Instead of saying that the
milk is white, we say that the individual composed of the milk is white. Instead
of saying that Adam begat Cain, we say that the ordered pair <Adam, Cain> is an
element of the set of ordered pairs whose first member fathered its second. But
we can avoid all this extra ontology if following Aristotle we recognize that items
in the category of quantity can be the subject of judgement just as they stand.
The Logic of Quantity 35

3.2  Ontological Parts

Some judgements have an individual as their subject, but others are about items
that are not individuals. According to Aristotle, the subjects of judgement divide
into ‘that which is individual and has the character of a unit’, and ‘that which is
divisible into parts’. The category of items that are ‘divisible into parts’ is called
quantity by Aristotle, who defines it as follows:

‘Quantity’ means that which is divisible into two or more constituent parts, each
of which is by nature a ‘one’ and a ‘this’. A quantity is a plurality if it is numerable,
a continuum if it is measurable. ‘Plurality’ means that which is divisible
potentially into non-continuous parts, ‘continuum’ that which is divisible into
continuous parts. (1941c: 1020a7)

(To avoid a clash of terminology here, I have replaced the translator’s ‘quantum’
with my ‘quantity’, and ‘magnitudes’ with ‘continua’.) Aristotle’s distinctions are
categorial: individuals fall in one category, pluralities in a second and continua
in a third. The categorial difference between individual and plurality surfaces
in English in the grammatical distinction between singular and plural nouns:
Russell is a man, but Russell and Whitehead are men. The categorial difference
between individual and continuum surfaces in the grammatical distinction
between count and mass nouns: ‘this ice cube’ is count and refers to an individual,
but ‘this ice’ is mass and refers to the material content of a spatial region.
What exactly does Aristotle mean by ‘part’ in his definition of quantity? We
must distinguish two senses of ‘part’ in common usage. There is the sense in
which an individual is said to be part of another individual: for example, the tail
is part of a horse, the steering wheel is part of a car and the filling is part of a pie.
But there is a different sense, in which a part is ‘some but not all’ of a quantity:
it is in this sense that the population of London is part of the population of
England, the surface part of a solid and the first few shoppers part of a queue.
Which sense is it that Aristotle has in mind in his definition of ‘quantity’?
Aristotle’s hylomorphic theory of composite material beings deals with part
and whole in the first sense, the sense in which the tail is part of the horse.
The theory distinguishes between a composite individual and the matter it is
made of, saying that the existence of the composite individual depends on its
matter having the appropriate form. For example, an animal exists only while
the matter that constitutes its body has the proper organization, and a machine
exists only while its parts are correctly assembled. Aristotle says that a composite
individual comes into being by ‘generation’ when its matter receives the correct
36 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

form and goes out of existence again by ‘corruption’ when the form is lost (1941c:
If something is a proper part of a hylomorphic being, the matter of the part
is some but not all of the matter of the whole. If the tail is part of the horse, the
matter of the tail is part of the matter of the horse. But the horse itself is one
thing, and its matter another. The hylomorphic theory says that a composite
individual comes into existence only when its matter receives the proper
organization. Thus a difference of arrangement of the matter is enough to make
the difference between the existence and non-existence of the hylomorphic
individual. In the hylomorphic sense of ‘part’, the whole is more than the sum
of the parts.
The hylomorphic theory is a reasonable first approximation to the intuitive
concept of a composite material being. But the theory is not without its
difficulties. For example, the theory says that a broom comes into existence
by ‘generation’ when its parts, namely the stick and the brush, are assembled
properly. But suppose a broom is in the process of being assembled. The process
of assembly takes time: at the start the broom definitely does not exist, at the
end it definitely does exist. However, there are intermediate times when it is
vague whether the parts have been fully assembled – perhaps the stick is already
attached to the brush, but not firmly enough for it to be useful as a broom. The
broom doesn’t definitely exist at this time, but it doesn’t definitely not exist either.
If the assembly process stops at this indeterminate point and never resumes, the
potential broom is a borderline case of existence: it doesn’t definitely exist, yet
it doesn’t definitely not exist. Because ‘fully assembled’ is a vague concept, the
hylomorphic theory has infected existence with the vagueness of the concept of
assembly. But Lewis and others have found it difficult to believe that there can be
something which doesn’t definitely exist, yet doesn’t definitely not exist (Lewis
1986: 212–13).
There are other problems with the hylomorphic theory. Suppose the broom
undergoes refurbishment and has the bristles in its brush replaced. If the bristles
are replaced one at a time, eventually we will have a different brush. But there
will be intermediate stages where the partly refurbished brush is not definitely
identical with the original brush, yet not definitely not identical with it either.
The old brush and the partly refurbished brush are borderline identical, but
according to Evans (1978), identity is not vague.
Despite the difficulties over existence and identity, hylomorphism has found
sophisticated defenders. Something like the hylomorphic theory does seem to
be implicit in our common-sense understanding of composite material beings
The Logic of Quantity 37

such as organisms and artefacts. We seem to use the word ‘part’ in one of its
senses taking some such implicit theory for granted. That is why we so readily
agree that the whole is more than the sum of its parts, in the ontological sense
of ‘part’. In contrast, an Aristotelian quantity is not an extra entity: it is no
more than the sum of the parts, for it is them and they are it. We began this
chapter by noting the need for a theory of the pure logic of the part–whole
relation on quantities: we conclude that the logical relation of part and whole
on quantities is not the ontological relation between an individual and its
component parts.

3.3  The Logic of ‘and’

On Aristotle’s definition, quantity is ‘that which is divisible into two or more

constituent parts’. For example, in the supermarket, the plurality of six eggs is
‘divisible’ into the two eggs at the front and the other four at the back, the milk in
the bottle is divisible into the milk in the top half of the bottle and the milk in the
bottom half, and the queue is divisible into the front few shoppers and the rest.
Thus each of these quantities is indeed ‘divisible into two or more constituent
parts’. However, the wholes in question are nothing more than the sum of the
parts, so the ‘parts’ in question are logical, not ontological.
The relation between a part of a quantity and the quantity as a whole is a
purely logical relation which can be defined in terms of one of the meanings of
the little word ‘and’. On its most familiar meaning, ‘and’ is a sentence connective,
a ‘sentence-maker’ of grammatical category [S/S, S], which takes a pair of
sentences to make a single complex sentence. The sentence-maker meaning is
primitive and indefinable. A semantic theory specifies the contribution sentence-
maker ‘and’ makes to truth conditions by means of a recursive clause which itself
uses the word ‘and’, such as the following:

Sentence-maker ‘and’. For any sentences p and q, a sentence ‘p and q’ is

true if and only if p is true and q is true.

This is not circular, because its purpose is not to define the indefinable, but to
provide a rule to permit calculation of the truth conditions of complex sentences.
In order to use this rule, one must of course already know what ‘and’ means.
For example, consider the sentence ‘Russell is a philosopher and Whitehead is
a philosopher.’ The sentence-maker rule entails that the sentence is true if both
‘Russell is a philosopher’ is true and ‘Whitehead is a philosopher’ is true.
38 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

On its sentence-maker meaning, ‘and’ usually stands between two complete

sentences, as it does in our example. But ‘and’ can also occur between two noun
phrases, as in the sentence ‘Russell and Whitehead are philosophers’, which is
just an abbreviation of our original sentence, and introduces nothing new. But
sometimes when ‘and’ occurs between noun phrases it is not a sentence-maker.
It cannot be a sentence-maker in the true sentence ‘Russell and Whitehead are
two’. If it were, the sentence-maker truth rule would entail that ‘Russell and
Whitehead are two’ is true if and only if Russell is two and Whitehead is two.
But Russell is one, not two, as is Whitehead. This shows that in this sentential
context, ‘and’ is not occurring as a sentence-maker. Instead it is occurring as
a term-maker of category [N/ N, N], a device of conjoint reference taking two
referring terms to make a referring term.
Like sentence-maker ‘and’, term-maker ‘and’ is absolutely indefinable and
primitive. So semantic theory does not seek to define it, but simply provides a
rule to permit calculation of the referent of complex referring terms:

Term-maker ‘and’. For any terms a and b, ‘a and b’ refers to what ‘a’ refers
to and what ‘b’ refers to.

‘Refers’ here must be read collectively.2 The rule tells us that ‘Russell and
Whitehead are two’ is true if what ‘Russell and Whitehead’ refers to, namely
Russell and Whitehead, satisfy the predicate ‘are two’. We duly arrive at the correct
truth condition that the sentence is true if Russell and Whitehead are two.
The reference axiom for term-maker ‘and’ works correctly for masses as well
as pluralities. Let x be a pint of milk, and let y be another pint. Then ‘x and y are a
quart’ is true, but ‘and’ here cannot be the sentence-maker, since ‘x is a quart’ and
‘y is a quart’ are both false. So in this occurrence ‘and’ is a term-maker, so ‘x and y
are a quart’ is true if what ‘x and y’ refers to satisfies ‘are a quart’, which is the case
if x and y are a quart. Thus for masses also we arrive at the correct truth condition
if we take ‘and’ to have its referential sense, not its truth-functional sense.
Since ‘and’ as sentence-maker has a quite different semantics from ‘and’ as
term-maker, we should not use the same symbol for both. I shall reserve the
ampersand sign ‘&’ as the logical symbol for ‘and’ in its term-maker sense. Now
just as the sentence-maker ‘∧’ has its a priori logical axioms in accordance with
its recursive truth condition, so the term-maker ‘&’ too has its own a priori
logical axioms in accordance with its own recursive reference axiom. The axioms
for term-maker ‘and’ bear a striking resemblance to the axioms for a system of
The Logic of Quantity 39

3.4  Comparison with the Magnitudes Axioms

Aristotle defines a quantity as something that is divisible into two or more parts.
He is speaking here of logical parts, not ontological parts. So if x can be ‘divided’
into y and z, this must mean that x just is y and z, which is to say that x = y&z. So
y’s status as a logical part of x arises because there is something, namely z, such
that x = y&z. Similarly the status of z as a logical part of x arises because there is
something, namely y, such that x = y&z. So we can define ‘part’ in terms of the
term-maker sense of ‘and’.

Definition. y is called a part of x if for some z, x = y&z.

Definition. y is called a proper part of x if y is part of x and y ≠ x.
Definition. x and y are said to overlap if they have a common part, and
otherwise to be disjoint.
Definition. A quantity z is called the difference of x and y, written ‘x – y’, if z
is the largest part of x that is disjoint from y.

A full set of axioms for the logic of quantity are set out in the next chapter, but
we can give the following axioms now, where the statements are meant to hold
for all quantities x, y and z:

A1. Closure: Given quantities x and y, there always exists a quantity w such
that w = x&y.
A2. Associativity: x&(y&z) = (x&y)&z
A3. Difference: x ≠ y if and only if there exists a quantity w such that
w = x – y or w= y – x.

From these three axioms it is possible to prove many of the usual axioms
concerning part and whole. For example, we can prove that the relation is a
partial order, and that quantities with the same proper parts are identical. On the
present interpretation, these are not ontological hypotheses, but logical truths of
the a priori logic of quantity.
It is very striking how similar these axioms are to three axioms for magnitudes
which we noted in Chapter 1. If we write ‘d = a – b’ to mean ‘a = b + d’ in the
third axiom of Chapter 1, we can write the magnitudes axioms as follows, where
the statements are meant to hold for all magnitudes a, b, and c:

M1. Closure: Given magnitudes a and b, there always exist a magnitude d

such that d = a + b.
40 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

M2. Associativity: a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c

M3. Difference: a ≠ b if and only if there exists a magnitude d such that
either d = a – b or d = b – a.

These are almost exactly the same axioms. The axioms for magnitudes come from
the axioms for quantity by replacing ‘&’ for logical addition of quantities with ‘+’
for addition of magnitudes, and replacing variables from the end of the alphabet
with variables from beginning of the alphabet. The one significant difference
is that inclusive ‘or’ in the Difference axiom for quantity has been replaced by
exclusive ‘or’ in the Difference axiom for magnitudes. This parallelism between
quantities and magnitudes suggests that there is a common structure. Since
quantity is the more fundamental notion, some relationship between quantities
and their magnitudes may be projecting the structure of quantities onto the
structure of magnitudes.

3.5  The Least Upper Bound Property

In the theory of order, two-place relational predicates are classified as follows,

where the definiens statements are meant to be true for every value of the
variables x, y and z.

R is reflexive if Rxx, irreflexive if ¬ Rxx.

R is symmetric if Rxy → Ryx, asymmetric if Rxy → ¬ Ryx.
R is transitive if Rxy ∧ Ryz → Rxz.
R is connected if x ≠ y → Rxy ∨ Ryx.
R is a partial order if R is irreflexive and transitive.
R is a total order if R is a partial order and R is connected.

For example, the proper subset relation on sets is a partial order: it is not a total
order, for there are pairs of sets neither of which is a proper subset of the other.
Alphabetical order is an example of a total order, for if two words are different,
one alphabetically precedes the other.

Notation. If only one partial or total order R is under discussion, we

write ‘x < y’ to mean that Rxy, and we read ‘x < y’ as ‘x is less than y’, or
equivalently ‘y is greater than x’. We write ‘x ≤ y’ to mean that x < y or x = y.

Let X be some things partially ordered by a given relation, and let A be some
of X. Then an upper bound of A is any member of X than which no member of
The Logic of Quantity 41

A is greater. If an upper bound of A exists, we say A is bounded above. It may

happen that there is a particular upper bound of A that is less than every other
upper bound. If so we say it is the least upper bound or supremum of A. Thus the
least upper bound of A exists if (i) A is bounded above and (ii) one of its upper
bounds is least.

Definition. A partially ordered system is said to be complete if every

collection of its members that has an upper bound has a least upper

Completeness is a property that reveals a further sameness of structure between

a system of quantities and a system of magnitudes. In the previous section we
noted the common structure of the algebra of quantities and the algebra of
magnitudes. There is also a common structure in their order properties. The
proper-part relation on a system of quantities turns out to be a partial order,
as the next chapter will show, and it turns out also to be complete. So every
system of quantities is complete. But every numerical system of magnitudes is
also complete: the natural numbers, the real numbers and the ordinal numbers
are all complete under their natural orderings in order of size.

The natural numbers are complete: every class of natural numbers that is
bounded above has a least upper bound. Mathematical Induction is sound
because the natural numbers are complete.
The real numbers are complete: every class of real numbers that is bounded
above has a least upper bound. The real numbers are continuous because
they are complete.
The ordinal numbers are complete: every class of ordinals that is bounded
above has a least upper bound. Transfinite Induction is sound because the
ordinals are complete.

Subsequent chapters will show that the completeness of each of the various
species of numbers can be deduced from the completeness of the underlying
system of quantities whose magnitudes they measure.


The laws of logic are completely general and apply to all things whatsoever.
Thus the variables of predicate calculus need to range over absolutely all things,
and we must not divide the variables into first order, second order and so on.
Instead we must have a type-free language the variables of which range freely
over properties, individuals, pluralities, continua and series: if we wish to speak
about one category of things in particular, we can do so by simply restricting the
variables to that category. This chapter is concerned with the laws of logic when
the variables are restricted to range over quantities.
By definition, a quantity is an item that is divisible into logical parts, so the
logic of quantity must include the logic of part and whole. Tarski’s mereology
has been interpreted by Quine and Lewis as a single theory about the ontological
part relation. So, interpreted mereology is not a priori. This chapter proposes
a different interpretation, according to which Tarski’s axioms are the highest
common factor of two quite different theories, namely the logic of pluralities and
the logic of continua. The logic of pluralities is a priori and the logic of continua
is also a priori. In the axiomatizations presented here, each is axiomatized by
a set of eight Common Axioms plus a ninth axiom dealing with divisibility,
Atomicity for pluralities and Divisibility for continua. The Appendix proves that
the eight Common Axioms are deductively equivalent to the axioms of Tarski.
Thus the theorems of Tarski’s mereology are precisely the valid formulas that the
logic of pluralities and the logic of continua have in common.
The sections of the chapter are as follows. Section 4.1 discusses Leśniewski’s
mereology and its axiomatization by Tarski. Section 4.2 endorses Quine’s
notational device of virtual classes, which will be used extensively in the rest
of the book. Section 4.3 criticizes the interpretations of mereology of Quine,
Simons and Lewis, who interpret it as a theory about individuals. Section 4.4
subscribes to Aristotle’s division of the quantities into the categories of plurality
and continuum and highlights the interplay between the mereology of quantities
and the Common Notions. Section 4.5 presents axioms for plural quantity that
44 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

are clearly a priori, and section 4.6 presents axioms for continuous quantity
that are also clearly a priori. Section 4.7 says that Leśniewski’s mereology as
axiomatized by Tarski is logically equivalent to the eight Common Axioms that
the logics of plural and continuous quantity share.

4.1 Mereology

Predicate calculus is not an adequate logic, for it deals only with sentences about
individuals. But sentences in mathematics and the physical sciences are often about
items that are referred to not individually but as quantities. A quantity is a whole
of its parts, so an adequately expressive language must extend predicate calculus
to include the theory of whole and part. Leśniewski’s mereology is such a theory:
it is authoritatively described in Simons (1987). The theory is familiar to logicians,
but it has often been interpreted as a controversial metaphysical theory about
individuals. However, if its subject matter is taken to be Aristotelian quantity, there
are interpretations of mereology that are obviously true a priori. So interpreted,
mereology can be seamlessly incorporated into the predicate calculus, to give the
expressively more adequate language that mathematics and science require.
Leśniewski’s own work on mereology was motivated in part by his
metaphysical ‘nominalism’ – the doctrine that everything real is an ‘individual’
– by which he meant a concrete object located somewhere in space and time.
Sets as modern set theory conceives them are not concrete objects, so, for
nominalists, they are an unwanted ontological commitment. Leśniewski wished
to preserve the mathematical benefits of set theory while dispensing with the
ontological commitment. He sought a version of ‘set’ theory which identified
a ‘set’ with the mereological whole of its elements. If the parts are concrete, the
whole will be concrete too.
The mereological theory Leśniewski thus arrived at was expressed in a
forbidding notation with a cumbersome assortment of unobvious axioms.
Leonard and Goodman write: ‘His system is rather inaccessible, lacks many useful
definitions, and is set forth in the language of an unfamiliar logical doctrine and
in words rather than symbols’ (1940: 46). Leśniewski’s mereological discoveries
might never have become widely known had it not been for his pupil Tarski, who
obtained the following much improved axiomatization of the theory, taking the
part-of relation as primitive:

Definition. An individual x is called a proper part of an individual y if x is a

part of y and x ≠ y.
Mereology 45

Definition. An individual x is said to be disjoint from an individual y if no

individual z is a part of both x and y.
Definition. An individual z is called a sum of all elements of a class α of
individuals if every element of α is a part of x and no part of x is disjoint
from all elements of α.
Postulate 1. If x is a part of y and y is a part of z then x is a part of z.
Postulate 2. For every non-empty class α of individuals there exists exactly
one individual x which is a sum of all elements of α (1929: 25).

These axioms of Tarski are now canonical, and I shall use the term ‘mereology’
to refer to this theory.
Tarski himself was no nominalist, but his interest in the foundations of
geometry had led him to question the standard view that a region of space must
be thought of as a class of points. His axiomatization of mereology allowed him
to show that instead of treating spatial regions as classes of points, with all the
attendant difficulties in the theory of continuity, we can instead treat regions as
fundamental and analyse points set theoretically as classes of regions.
Are Tarski’s axioms for mereology a priori? If we assume that the word
‘individual’ has its most natural meaning in English, then Tarski’s Postulates are
not obviously true. But the Postulates can be differently interpreted to express
truths that are a priori. If in Tarski’s axiomatization we interpret ‘individual’
to mean a geometrical solid and interpret ‘part’ as the geometrical relation
in which one solid stands to another if the first is inside the second, then
interpreted thus, Tarski’s axioms are a priori truths of Euclidean geometry. But
so interpreted they have no bearing either way on the question of nominalism
about set theory.
In Tarski’s usage the term ‘individual’ means something that is not a class.
A region of space is an individual in Tarski’s sense, because in his treatment a
region is specifically not a class of points. Similarly, in their paper ‘The Calculus
of Individuals and Its Uses’, it is the distinction between individual and class that
Leonard and Goodman have in mind:

One task of applied logic is to determine which entities are to be construed

as individuals and which as classes when the purpose is the development of a
comprehensive systematic discourse. (1940: 45)

But in subsequent work, mereology has been seen as a theory of individuals in

the more general sense of any sort of object, whether concrete or abstract. This
has led to a good deal of interest in mereology for the light some think it throws
on the metaphysics of continuant material beings.
46 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

4.2  Virtual Classes

Tarski explicitly uses classes, by which he means sets, in his axiomatization.

Does this mean one cannot use mereology without commitment to sets? A
number of authors have produced axiomatizations with no sets. Chapter 2.3 of
Simons (1987) discusses a number of these systems. Where Tarski’s Postulate 2
says, ‘For every non-empty class α of individuals’, these other systems replace
quantification over classes with axiom schemata of the form: ‘If F is any predicate
free for x then the following is an axiom: …Fx… .’ Such a system is deductively
equivalent to Tarski’s, since whenever a particular class α is required in a proof
in Tarski’s system, the existence of the class must be proved by exhibiting some
predicate F which collects the class. Thus a theory with classes is deductively
equivalent to a theory with no classes, so Tarski’s Postulates are no stronger than
the ‘No sets’ systems of Simons (1987).
An axiomatization with sets is notationally much more convenient and
familiar than an axiomatization with cumbersome axiom schemes. But we
can have the notational convenience of set theory without the ontological
inconvenience of the sets themselves by using Quine’s device of a virtual class
(1967: 15–21).
Quine treats a virtual class as a ‘purely notational adjunct’: he introduces
the pair of notations ‘{x: Fx}’ and the class membership sign ‘∈’ jointly by the

Notation. ‘y ∈ {x: Fx}’ means ‘Fy’.

In this notation, the symbol F is a metalanguage variable ranging over any

predicates free for x. (Of course, we need to take the usual precautions to avoid
collisions of variables.) Because F is not a variable of quantification in the object
language, the use of these virtual classes carries no ontological commitment to
any entities beyond the items to which we are already committed.
If the predicate F is well-defined it has an extension, but if it is plural or
mass the extension is the quantities that are the satisfiers of F, so the extension
is not a set. Quine’s virtual class notation is, therefore, a convenient way of
representing symbolically what we can say in natural language when we say the
satisfiers of Fx are the extension. Quine shows that many operations on classes
that are familiar from the notation of set theory make sense also in the context
of merely virtual classes: we have a notation ‘{x: x ≠ x}’ for the empty virtual
class, a notation ‘{x: x = x}’ for the universal virtual class, a union notation
‘{x: Fx}∪{x: Gx}’ for the virtual class {x: Fx ∨ Gx} and an intersection notation
Mereology 47

‘{x: Fx}∩{x: Gx}’ for the virtual class {x: Fx ∧ Gx}. But, as Quine points out, we
must never write ‘{x: x ≠ x} ∈ A, for that would entail commitment to the virtual
class as an entity: a virtual class cannot be an element of a real class. From this
point on in this book, I shall be using the ‘set-maker’ braces notation exclusively
for virtual classes unless the contrary is explicitly stated.

4.3  Mereology Interpreted as about Individuals

(i)  Quine
Goodman and Quine (1947) resumed Leśniewski’s nominalist project of
reducing set theory to mereology. However, Quine discovered that the envisaged
reduction was not an adequate basis for mathematics, so he abandoned
nominalism about sets. He came to the conclusion that although set theory
cannot be proved to be true by logic alone, it ought nevertheless to be believed.
As a pragmatist, Quine held that we ought to believe our best theory: he argued
that set theory is an indispensable part of current total science, that current total
science is our current best theory, so we ought to believe set theory, at least for
the time being (1951: 39–43).
But Quine’s study of mereology led him to a new project of jettisoning
unwanted ontology. The hylomorphic theory says that a material being
is a whole composed of its parts. Quine (1950) proposed to replace the
hylomorphic theory with mereology. He suggests that common-sense
material beings are entities of essentially the same kind as events: they are the
material occupants of regions of space-time. He can then apply the axioms
of mereology, interpreting Tarski’s ‘individuals’ as his material beings. This
gives rise to a semantic theory with an initially encouraging similarity to the
actual semantics of mass nouns in a natural language (1960: 90–1). But this
semantic success is not evidence that mereology is the true logic of material
beings. Tarski’s mereology has a model when its ‘individuals’ are interpreted
as three-dimensional regions of Euclidean space. Similarly, it has a model also
when its ‘individuals’ are interpreted as four-dimensional regions of space-
time. Therefore, it has a certain amount of success when its ‘individuals’ are
interpreted as the material occupants of four-dimensional regions of space-
time. But this throws no light on the nature of material beings: the supposed
‘mereology’ of material continuants is simply tracking the mereology of the
regions of space-time they occupy.
48 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

(ii)  Peter Simons

The important monograph Simons (1987) gave a new axiomatization of Tarski’s
mereology and has served since then as the starting point in discussions of alternative
axiom sets. (I list Simons’s version of the axioms in the Appendix to this chapter.)
Simons calls Tarski’s theory Classical Extensional Mereology (CEM) and attempts
to use it or variants of it to give an account of material beings less unintuitive than
Quine’s. This cannot be easily done, for Tarski’s system entails the Extensionality
Theorem that given any two individuals, if either has a proper part, then they are
identical if and only if they have the same proper parts. The Extensionality Theorem
sits ill with three common-sense intuitions about material beings.

(1) There is the problem of non-unique wholes. A living cat and the matter
of its body seem to be two different things, despite having the same
material parts.
(2) There is the problem of temporal parts: the cat Tibbles lost his tail but
survived: he was still the same cat despite having different parts at
different times (Wiggins 1968).
(3) There is the problem of modal parts: had Tibble been more cautious than
he actually was, he would not have lost his tail. He is the same cat in that
better possible world, despite having different parts at different worlds.

But the suggestion that Tarski’s mereology is on the right lines as a theory of the
part–whole relation on material beings might get round these objections, given
some judicious adjustment of the axioms and supplementation by additional
axioms about the temporal and modal cases. Simons (1987) therefore explores
how Tarski’s axioms might be minimally adjusted and supplemented to achieve
a better fit with common-sense intuitions about material individuals. But in
seeking to adjust the axioms, Simons is precisely not taking Tarski’s mereology
to be evident when interpreted as a theory about continuant material beings.

(iii)  Lewis
Lewis calls logic plus mereology the ‘framework’: he would have liked to call the
whole package ‘logic’, he says, but that name is already taken.

This framework will be topic neutral, as logic is. It will be devoid of set theory, as
logic is. It will be ontologically innocent, as logic is. It will be fully and precisely
understood, as logic is. I would have liked to call it ‘logic’ in fact. But that is not
its name, and, with names, possession is nine points of the law. (1991: 62)
Mereology 49

What Lewis means by ‘mereology’ is a formal theory which proves the same
theorems as Tarski’s, but with a different interpretation. Whereas Tarski’s
‘Postulate 2’ speaks of classes of ‘individuals’ (i.e. non-sets), Lewis instead speaks
of pluralities of ‘things’. He replaces Tarski’s ‘Postulate 2’ with the following two

Unrestricted Composition. Whenever there are some things, then there exists
a fusion of those things.
Uniqueness of Composition. It never happens that the same things have two
different fusions.

Lewis’s formulation is deductively equivalent to Tarski’s. His substitution of

pluralities for classes makes no difference to the deducibility of theorems, but
it does make a difference to their interpretation, for whereas the ‘individuals’
of which Tarski speaks are the non-sets, the ‘things’ of which Lewis speaks are
the non-pluralities, which is to say that they are individual objects, including
sets. Thus Lewis is applying mereology to every sort of individual, concrete or
abstract. He is, therefore, committed to the real existence of the fusion of any two
individuals whatever, including such ‘unheard-of ’ things as the trout-turkey, the
fusion of the front half of a trout and the rear half of a turkey. Lewis says such
‘unheard-of ’ things do really exist: they are ‘scattered’ individuals, partly here,
partly there: in ordinary conversational contexts we properly ignore them, but
they do really exist nevertheless (1991: 80).
Since Lewis’s theory has the same theorems as Tarski’s, Lewis’s also has
the Extensionality Theorem. But since Lewis takes mereology to be ‘evident’,
he addresses the difficulties about temporal and modal parts not by revising
mereology, as Simons does, but by drastically revising the theories of time and
modality, to bring them into conformity with his interpretation of mereology.
Aristotle characterizes substance as that which survives change:

The most distinctive mark of substance appears to be that, while remaining

numerically one and the same, it is capable of admitting contrary qualities.
One and the self-same substance, while retaining its identity, is yet capable of
admitting contrary qualities. The same individual person is at one time white, at
another black, at one time warm, at another cold, at one time good, at another
bad. (1941a, 4a10-16)

But Lewis rejects the Aristotelian conception. He proposes instead that a

continuant being has temporal parts: it is a fusion of thing-stages. Continuants
survive not by ‘enduring’, that is by existing at more than one time, but by
50 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

‘perduring’, that is by having more than one temporal part. Thus Tibbles the
cat is the fusion of many cat-stages, only some of which include a tail-stage.
Different cat-stages can have different parts and still obey the Extensionality
Theorem, so Tibbles himself obeys the Extensionality Theorem, tail or no tail.
To deal with the modal problems, Lewis relies on his theory that possible
worlds are disjoint: every object is world-bound and exists at only its own
possible world. It is true that Tibbles would have had a tail had he been wiser, but
on Lewis’s theory what makes this true is that there is a nearby possible world
at which the counterpart of Tibbles, in other words the fusion of cat-stages at
that world most like Tibbles, does have a tail. The counterpart and Tibbles have
different parts, but that does not contradict Extensionality, because the relation
between Tibbles and his counterpart is similarity, not identity. The introduction
of all this metaphysical apparatus of thing-stages and disjoint possible worlds
allows Lewis to give a mereological theory of individuals that is consistent with
the Extensionality Theorem. But the need for the apparatus does weaken Lewis’s
claim that mereology is ‘evident’ when interpreted as a theory about individuals.
Lewis claims that his mereology of individuals is ontologically innocent. He

I claim that mereology is legitimate, unproblematic, fully and precisely under­

stood. All suspicions against it are mistaken. But I claim more still. Mereology is
ontologically innocent.
In general, if you are already committed to some things, you incur no
further commitment when you affirm the existence of their fusion. The new
commitment is redundant, given the old one. (1991: 81–2)

But suppose you are ‘already committed’ to the natural numbers. You learn from
Lewis that ‘whenever there are some things, then there exists a fusion of those
things’. So you affirm the existence of the fusion of the natural numbers. The
fusion has infinitely many parts, but no natural number has infinitely many parts,
so pace Lewis, you do incur a further commitment when you affirm the existence
of the fusion. But that is only the start of your further commitments. You now
affirm for each plurality of natural numbers the existence of its fusion. But there
are continuum-many pluralities of natural numbers. Your old commitment was
to countably many numbers, but your new commitment is to continuum many
number-fusions, surely a further commitment.
The problem of the continuum crops up not just in arithmetic, but also in
geometry. It is shown in the Appendix that the Tarski sum of some things is their
mereological least upper bound (Lemma 4.9). Thus the fusion of some lines is
Mereology 51

their least upper bound. Suppose you believe that the line is of the order type of
the rationals: you are already committed to all and only line segments of rational
length. Now let AB be a line, and let C be any point in AB such that AC is of
a rational length less than √2. Consider the collection of all such lines AC, to
which you are already committed. If you affirm the existence of their fusion, you
affirm the existence of their least upper bound, which is a segment of length √2,
hence of irrational length, and hence a further commitment.

4.4  The Category of Quantity

Quine, Simons and Lewis all interpret mereology as a theory about individuals.
So interpreted, Tarski’s axioms cannot be said to be evidently true. But a different
interpretation is possible that instead treats mereology as a theory about items
in the category of quantity. As we noted, Aristotle distinguishes two types of
quantity, the plural and the continuous:

‘Quantity’ means that which is divisible into two or more constituent parts, each
of which is by nature a ‘one’ and a ‘this’. A quantity is a plurality if it is numerable,
a continuum if it is measurable. ‘Plurality’ means that which is divisible
potentially into non-continuous parts, ‘continuum’ that which is divisible into
continuous parts. (1941c: 1020a7)

If in Tarski’s axioms we interpret the term ‘individual’ to mean a plurality, and

interpret ‘part’ as the relation in which one plurality stands to another if every
member of the first is a member of the second, then Tarski’s axioms become
logical truths of plural logic and give the laws of plural quantity. If alternatively
we interpret ‘individual’ to mean a solid (in the sense of solid geometry), then
Tarski’s axioms become truths of geometry, and give the laws of continuous
quantity. Tarski’s axioms are expressed in the symbolism of a formal language,
and are neither true nor false until they have received an interpretation: if they
are interpreted about pluralities they express a priori knowledge, as they also
do if interpreted about continua, but they are not a priori if interpreted as being
about individuals.
According to Aristotle: ‘The most distinctive mark of quantity is that equality
and inequality are predicated of it’ (1941a: 6a27). Aristotle is saying that the
logical subject of a predication of equality is always a quantity. Here the relations
of equality and identity must be distinguished: two different things can be equal
but cannot be identical. Magnitudes are properties that equal quantities share, so
52 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

mathematics and the physical sciences rely on our ability to discover and report
instances of equality. They would falter if our variables were unable to range over
The Common Notions of Euclid connect the equality of quantities with their
mereology as follows:

Addition. The second Common Notion says, ‘If equals be added to equals,
the wholes are equal.’ This presupposes the mereological addition of
Subtraction. The third Common Notion says, ‘If equals be subtracted
from equals, the remainders are equal.’ This presupposes the mereological
subtraction of quantities.
Summation. The fifth Common Notion says, ‘The whole is greater than the
part.’ This presupposes the mereological summation of quantities.

Thus a logic of quantity that is to serve the purposes of mathematics needs to

provide for mereological addition, subtraction and summation.
The term-maker sense of ‘and’ (‘&’) in Chapter 3 already provides addition
and subtraction of quantities, so it remains only to define ‘whole’ as the term is
used in the Common Notions. Aristotle is careful to distinguish ‘whole’ in the
logical sense from the ontological sense in which a hylomorphic individual such
as a living creature or an artefact is said to be a whole of its parts. Concerning
such individuals, he writes:

In the case of all things which have several parts and in which the totality is not,
as it were, a mere heap, but the whole is something besides the parts, there is a
cause. (1941c: 1045a7)

In contrast, for quantities a logical whole is precisely ‘a mere heap’, not ‘something
besides’ the parts. It is a quantity just big enough to include all the parts, but not
so big as to include ‘something besides’. Thus the whole is an upper bound of the
parts, and since it is nothing besides the parts, there is no smaller upper bound,
so the whole is the least upper bound of the parts.
We can define the least upper bound in terms of term-maker ‘and’, by using
‘and’ to define an order on quantities. So defined, the ‘proper part’ relation is a
partial order (Appendix, Lemma 4.14), so we may write ‘x ≤ y’ for ‘x is part of
y’. Because quantities are ordered by the part relation, we can define an upper
bound of some quantities as a quantity such that all of them are part of it. Then
a least upper bound is an upper bound that is part of every upper bound. Thus
term-maker ‘and’ provides all we need for the logic of quantity employed by
Mereology 53

the Common Notions. We arrive at the following definitions and axioms for
pluralities and continua alike.


x is called a part of y if y = x&y.

x is called a proper part of y if y = x&y and x ≠ y.
x and y are said to overlap, written ‘x o y’, if they have a common part, and
otherwise they are said to be disjoint.
x is called a unit if x has no proper part.
u is said to be one of x, written ‘u ε x’, if u is a unit and u is a part of x.
A quantity z is called the least upper bound of some quantities if it is the least
quantity such that each of them is part of it.

The Eight Common Axioms

The justification for the following axioms is given in section 4.5 for pluralities
and in section 4.6 for continua. The statements are meant to be true for all
quantities x, y and z:

A1. Closure: Given x and y, there always exists a quantity w such that w = x&y.
A2. Idempotent law: x&x = x.
A3. Commutative law: x&y = y&x.
A4. Associative law: x&(y&z) = (x&y)&z.
A5. Remainder: If y is a proper part of x there always exists a quantity w
disjoint from y such that x = y&w.
A6. Overlap: If z overlaps x&y then z overlaps x&y or z overlaps y.
A7. Universe: There is a quantity of which every quantity is a part.
A8. Least upper bound: Every non-empty virtual class of quantities that has
an upper bound has a least upper bound.

4.5  The Axioms of the Mereology of Pluralities

The above eight Common Axioms are all a priori for pluralities. Axioms A1–A5 are
primitive and A6–A8 are proved in the Appendix from premises that are a priori.

A1. ∀x ∀x ∃w = x&y. For example, given these apples and those pears, there
exist some things that are these apples and those pears.
A2. x&x = x. In its term-maker sense, ‘and’ is idempotent: these apples and
these same apples are these same apples.
54 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

A3. x&y = y&x. These apples and those pears are those pears and these apples.
A4. x&(y&z) = (x&y)&z. Brackets are redundant with term-maker ‘and’:
‘The apples and the pears and the oranges’ is not ambiguous, with or
without brackets.
A5. y < x → ∃w(x = y&w ∧ ¬ y o w). If these apples are some but not all of
the fruit, then the fruit are these apples and the remainder of the fruit.
A6 is Lemma 4.18.
A7 is Lemma 4.20.
A8 is Lemma 4.21.

The proof of A6 in the Appendix requires the following primitively evident


P6. u ε x&y → u ε x ∨ u ε y

Axiom P6 is primitive: if this is one of the apples and pears, then it is either one
of the apples or one of the pears. The proofs of A7 and A8 require the following
axiom scheme of plural logic:

Plural Comprehension. If F is any predicate that is free for u, then the

following is an axiom: ∃u Fu → ∃z (u ε z ↔ Fu).

This says that given any predicate, if there is at least one thing that falls under
the predicate, then there is a plurality whose members are all and only the things
that fall under the predicate. Every instance of this axiom scheme is primitively
evident. Lewis’s example: if there is at least one cat, then there are some things
that are all and only the cats (1991: 63).
To complete the mereology of pluralities, we need only supplement the
Common Axioms A1–A8 with the following axiom of plural divisibility:

P9. Atomicity: ∀x ∃u (u ≤ x ∧  w ≤ u → w = u)

This says that every plurality has a part that it is a unit. The axiom is analytic, for
what we mean by a plurality just is one or more units.

4.6  The Axioms of the Mereology of Continua

Aristotle characterizes continuous quantity by the existence of a boundary:

A line, on the other hand, is a continuous quantity, for it is possible to find a

common boundary at which its parts join. In the case of the line, this common
Mereology 55

boundary is the point; in the case of the plane, it is the line: for the parts of
the plane have also a common boundary. Similarly you can find a common
boundary in the case of the parts of a solid, namely either a line or a plane.
(1941a: 6a27)

The eight Common Axioms are all a priori for continua. Axioms A1 – A6 are
primitive, A7 is proved below and A8 is proved in the Appendix from Aristotle’s
above definition of a continuum (Figure 4.1).

Figure 4.1  Sums of regions.

A1: ∀x ∀y ∃w w = x&y. For example, triangle ABC is a continuum, as is

ACD, and ABC & ACD = ABD
A2: x&x = x. ABC & ABC = ABC.
A3: x&y = y&x. ABC & ACD = ACD & ABC
A4: x&(y&z) = (x&y)&z. (ABC & ACD) & ADE = ABC & (ACD & ADE) =
A5: y < x → ∃w (x = y&w ∧ ¬ y o w). ABC is a proper part of ABD, so ABD is
ABC and ADC, the remainder of ABD.
A6: w o x&y → w o x ∨ w o y Let x and y be continua with boundaries as
in the diagrams below. Then by x&y we mean the shaded region in the
diagrams (Figure 4.2).

x y x y y

Figure 4.2  Overlapping a sum.

56 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

If w moves so as to overlap the shaded region on the left of the diagram,

it must move so as to overlap x or to overlap y or to overlap both. This
remains the case even if y moves so as to be partially included in x, as in the
centre of the diagram, or even if y moves to be totally included in x, as on
the right. Since exclusion, partial inclusion and total inclusion exhaust the
possibilities for the relation of x and y, it is evident that if w overlaps x&y,
then w overlaps at least one of x and y.
A7: ∃z ∀y y ≤ z. The existence of the single all-inclusive spatial continuum is
proved a priori as follows. Let z be any geometrical solid. Every solid has an
interior, a boundary and an exterior, so let z' be the exterior of z. Choose any
solid w. Then there are four possible cases: (i) w = z; (ii) w is inside z; (iii) w
is partly inside z, partly outside; and (iv) w is outside z. In cases (i), (ii) and
(iii), w overlaps z. In case (iv), w overlaps z'. So w overlaps z or w overlaps z'.
So w overlaps z&z'. So w ≤ z&z' by Lemma 4.16. So every solid is part of z&z'.
A8, the least upper bound axiom, is Lemma 4.21 of the Appendix.

To complete the mereology of continua, we need only supplement the Common

Axioms A1–A8 with the following axiom of infinite divisibility:

C9. Divisibility: ∀x ∃y y < x

The Divisibility axiom says that every quantity has a proper part. It follows that
every quantity satisfying Divisibility contains an infinitely descending chain of
proper parts. Thus the Divisibility axiom is analytic for continua, for a continuum
is infinitely divisible by definition.

4.7  Equivalence of the Various Axiomatizations

The Appendix proves that the axioms of Simons are relatively interpretable as
theorems of Tarski’s system, that the Common Axioms are relatively interpretable
as theorems of the system of Simons, and that the axioms of Tarski are relatively
interpretable as theorems of the system of the eight Common Axioms. The
three sets of axioms are, therefore, essentially the same theory. Tarski’s axioms
are a masterpiece of economy, the axioms of Simons are easier to understand,
but the Common Axioms have the advantage of being clearly a priori. In
subsequent chapters it is shown that the a priori mereology of pluralities is the
foundation of the natural numbers, and that the a priori mereology of continua
is the foundation of the real numbers. Chapter 10 presents a non-commutative
mereology, the mereology of series, which is the foundation of the ordinals.
Mereology 57

Appendix to Chapter 4
Tarski’s definitions and axioms, which take part as primitive, are as stated in
section 4.2.
Simons’s definitions and axioms, which take proper part as primitive, are as

Notation. ‘x < y’ means that x is a proper part of y.1

SD1 Definition. x is called a part of y, written ‘x ≤ y’, if x is a proper part of
y or x = y.
SD2 Definition. x o y = df ∃w (w ≤ x ∧ w ≤ y).
SD3 Definition. x and y are disjoint = df ¬ x o y.
SA1 Transitivity. x < y ∧ y < z → x < z
SA2 Asymmetry. x < y → ¬y < x
SA5 Strong supplementation. ¬x ≤ y → ∃z (z ≤ x ∧ ¬ z o y)2
SA24 General sum. If F is any predicate that is free for x, then the following
is an axiom: ∃xFx → ∃z ∀w (w o z ↔ ∃x(Fx ∧ w o x)).

The Common Axioms and definitions, which take term-connective ‘and’ as

primitive, are as stated in section 4.6.

From Tarski’s Axioms to the Axioms of Simons

Note: in the proofs of Lemmas 4.1 to 4.5 the ‘set-maker’ notation {x:Fx}
exceptionally denotes a set, or Tarskian ‘class’.

Lemma 4.1. Tarski’s axioms entail x ≤ y ↔ sum{x, y} = y.

Proof. If x ≤ y, then each of {x, y} is a part of y. No part of y is disjoint from y,

so y has no part disjoint from x and y. So y = sum{x, y} by TD3. Conversely, if
y = sum{x, y} then each of x and y is part of the sum y, so x ≤ y.

Lemma 4.2. Tarski’s axioms entail Simons’s axiom SA1 (Transitivity).

Proof. Suppose x < y and y < z. Then x ≤ y and y ≤ z. So x ≤ z by Tarski’s Postulate

1. Now x = sum{w: w ≤ x}, since each element of {w: w ≤ x} is a part of x, and no
part of x is disjoint from every element of {w: w ≤ x}. Similarly y = sum{w: w ≤ y}
and z = sum{w: w ≤ z}. Since x < y, x ≠ y, so y ∉ {w: w ≤ x}, so {w: w ≤ x} is a
proper subset of {w: w ≤ y}. Similarly, {w: w ≤ y} is a proper subset of {w: w ≤ z}.
58 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

So {w: w ≤ x} is a proper subset of {w: w ≤ z}. So {w: w ≤ x} ≠ {w: w ≤ z}, so z has

a part that is not a part of x, so sum{w: w ≤ x} ≠ sum{w: w ≤ z}, so x ≠ z, so since
x ≤ z, x < z.

Lemma 4.3. Tarski’s axioms entail the ‘Weak Separation Principle’ SA3
x < y → ∃w (w ≤ y ∧ ¬ w o x).

Proof. Suppose x < y. Then x ≠ y. But by TD3, x = sum{w: w ≤ x}

so y ≠ sum{w: w ≤ x}. Each w ≤ x is part of y; since y nevertheless fails to be the
sum of {w: w ≤ x}, TD3 entails that some part of y fails to overlap any element of
{w: w ≤ x}. So some part of y does not overlap x. Hence x < y → ∃w (w ≤ y ∧ ¬w o x).

Lemma 4.4. Tarski’s axioms entail that w o sum α if and only if there exists some
x ∈ α such that w o x.

If w o sum α, then w has a part w' that is also part of sum α, and which hence
is not disjoint from every x in α. So for some x ∈ α, w' o x. So w' and x have a
common part w''. But w'' ≤ w' ≤ w, so w'' ≤ w by 4.2, so w o x. Conversely, if
w overlaps some x ∈ α, then w and x have a common part w'. So w' ≤ x ≤ sum α,
so w' ≤ sum α, so w' is a common part of w and sum α, so w o sum α.

Theorem 4.5. Each of the axioms of Simons is a theorem of the system of Tarski,
if we define ‘x < y’ as ‘x ≤ y ∧ x ≠ y’.

SA1 (Transitivity) This is 4.2.

SA2 (Asymmetry) If x < y, sum{x, y} = y. Since x < y, x ≠ y, so sum{x, y} ≠ x. So

¬ y ≤ x by 4.1, so x < y → ¬ y < x.

SA5 (Strong Supplementation) ¬ x ≤ y → ∃w (w ≤ x ∧ ¬w o y).

Suppose ¬ x ≤ y. Then by 4.1, y ≠ sum{x, y}. But y ≤ sum{x, y} by TD3, so

y < sum{x, y}. So by 4.3, sum{x, y} has a part w disjoint from y. But w < sum{x, y},
so w o sum{x, y}, so by 4.4, w o x or w o y. But w is disjoint from y, so w o x. So
for some w' ≤ w, w' ≤ x. Suppose w' o y. Then for some w'', w''≤ y and w'' ≤ w'. But
w' ≤ w, so w'' ≤ w by Postulate 1, so w o y, contradicting the disjointness of w and
y. So ¬ w' o y, so w' is a part of x disjoint from y.

SA24 (The General Sum Principle)

Let F be any predicate free for x, and let α be the class {x:Fx}. If ∃x Fx, then α is not
empty. So ∃z z = sum α by Postulate 2. Then sum α is Simons’s general sum. For
suppose w o sum α. Then some w' is a part of w and a part of sum α. But no part of
Mereology 59

sum α is disjoint from every element of α, so w' overlaps some x such that Fx, so
∃x (Fx ∧ w o x). So w o sum α → ∃x (Fx ∧ w o x). Conversely, if ∃x (Fx ∧ w o x)
then since Fx, x ≤ sum α, so w o sum α. So ∃x (Fx ∧ w o x) → w o sum α. Thus
∃x (Fx ∧ w o x) ↔ w o sum α, so sum α is Simons’s general sum.

From the Axioms of Simons to the Common Axioms

Definition. z is called an upper bound of the virtual class {x:Fx} if every element
of {x:Fx} is part of z.

Definition. z is called the supremum of {x:Fx}, written ‘z = sup{x:Fx}’ if (i) z is

an upper bound of {x:Fx} and (ii) if z' is an upper bound of {x:Fx}, then z is a
part of z.

Lemma 4.6. The following are theorems of Simons’s system:

(i) (w o x → w o y) → x ≤ y; (ii) (w o x ↔ w o y) → x = y.

Proof. Assume w o x → w o y. Suppose ¬ x ≤ y. Then by Strong Supplementation SA5,

∃w (w ≤ x ∧ ¬ w o y), contradicting the assumption. So (w o x → w o y) → x ≤ y.
So (w o y → w o x) → y ≤ x. So by asymmetry, (w o x ↔ w o y) → x = y.

Notation. ‘sum A’ for the sum of the virtual class A.

Lemma 4.7. It is a theorem of Simons’s system that sum{x:Fx} = sup{x:Fx}.

Proof. Let A be any non-empty virtual class: then A has a sum z by SA24. Then
by definition of the sum, w o z ↔ ∃x (x ∈ A ∧ w o x). Let y ∈ A. Then w o y → w o z.
So y ≤ z by 4.6, so z is an upper bound of A. Let z' if possible be a smaller upper
bound. Then z' < z, so ¬ z ≤ z', so by SA5, ∃w ≤ z such that ¬ w o z'. Since w ≤ z,
w o z, so w o y for some y ∈ A. But z' is an upper bound of A, so y ≤ z'. Since
w o y, there is some w' such that w' ≤ w and w' ≤ y. But y ≤ z', so w' ≤ z'. So w' is
a common part of w and z', contradicting the disjointness of w and z'. So z is the
least upper bound of A, so every sum of A is a supremum of A and hence the sum
of A is the unique supremum.

Definition. A quantity is called the difference of x and y, written ‘x – y’, if it is the

largest part of x disjoint from y.

Lemma 4.8. It is a theorem of Simons’s system that ¬ x ≤ y → E!(x – y).

60 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

Proof. Suppose ¬ x ≤ y. By SA5, ∃w (w ≤ x ∧ ¬ w o y), so the virtual class

{w: w ≤ x ∧ ¬ w o y} is not empty, so by SA24 it has a sum z. If w' o z, then for
some w ∈ {w: w ≤ x ∧ ¬ w o y}, w' o w, so w' o x. So z ≤ x by 4.6. If y o z, then y
overlaps some element of {w: w ≤ x ∧ ¬ w o y}. Contradiction. So z ≤ x ∧ ¬ z o y.
But z = sum {w: w ≤ x ∧ ¬ w o y} = sup{w: w ≤ x ∧ ¬w o y} by 4.7. So every part
of x that is disjoint from y is part of z, so z is the largest such part, so z = x – y.

Definition. z is called a binary sum of x and y if w o z ↔ w o x ∨ w o y

Lemma 4.9. It is a theorem of Simons’s system that any two quantities have a
unique binary sum.

Proof. Let y and y' be quantities, and let Fx be the predicate ‘x = y ∨ x = y'  ’.
Then by SA24, ∃z ∀w (w o z ↔ ∃x(Fx ∧ w o x)), that is w o z ↔ ∃x((x = y ∨
x = y') ∧ w o x), that is w o z ↔ w o y ∨ w o y'. So z is a binary sum of y and y',
and the sum is unique by 4.7.

Notation. ‘x + y’ for the binary sum of x and y.

Lemma 4.10. It is a theorem of Simons’s system that (x – y) + y = x + y

Proof. w o (x – y) + y
↔ w o (x – y) ∨ w o y
↔ (w o x ∧ ¬ w o y) ∨ w o y
↔ w o x + y.
So (x – y) + y = x + y by 4.6

Theorem 4.11. Each of the Common Axioms is a theorem of the system of

Simons, if we define x&y as x + y.

A1. Closure: ∀x ∀y ∃z z = x&y

∀x ∀y ∃z z = x + y is 4.9

A2. Idempotent law: x&x = x

By definition of the binary sum, w o x + x ↔ w o x ∨ w o x ↔ w o x, so x + x = x

by 4.6

A3. Commutative law: x&y = y&x

w o x + y ↔ w o x ∨ w o y ↔ w o y ∨ w o x ↔ w o y + x, so x + y = y + x by 4.6
Mereology 61

A4. Associative law: x&(y&z) = (x&y)&z

w o x + (y + z)
↔ w o x ∨ w o (y + z)↔ (w o x ∨ w o y ∨ w o z)
↔ w o (x + y) ∨ w o z
↔ w o (x + y) + z.
So x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z by 4.6

A5. Remainder: y < x → ∃z (x = y&z ∧ ¬ y o z)

Suppose y < x. Then ¬ x ≤ y by SA2. So E!(x – y) by 4.7. Then (x – y) is the required

z. For (x – y) + y = x + y by 4.10, and since y < x, x + y = x, so x = (x – y) + y,
and ¬ y o (x – y).

A6. Overlap: w o x&y → w o x ∨ w o y

By definition of the binary sum, w o x + y → w o x ∨ w o y

A7. Universe: There is a quantity of which every quantity is a part.

Let z = sum{x: x = x}. Choose any quantity y. Then y ∈ {x: x = x}. Suppose w o y.
Then w o z by SA24. So y ≤ z by 4.6.

A8. Least upper bound: Every non-empty virtual class has a least upper bound.

Let {x:Fx} be any non-empty virtual class. Since {x:Fx} is non-empty, ∃x Fx.
Then by SA24, ∃z ∀w (w o z ↔ ∃x (Fx ∧ w o x)), so z = sum{x: Fx}. But sum
{x: Fx} = sup{x: Fx} by 4.7, so sum{x:Fx} is the required least upper bound.

From the eight Common Axioms to the Axioms of Tarski

Lemma 4.12. The eight Common Axioms entail that the part relation is a partial

Proof. Suppose x is a proper part of y and that y is a proper part of x. Then

since x is a proper part of y, x = x&y and x ≠ y. Since y is a proper part of
x, y = x&y and y ≠ x. But x = x&y and y = x&y, so x = y. Contradiction. So if x
is a proper part of y then y is not a proper part of x, so the proper-part relation
is irreflexive. For transitivity, suppose x is part of y and y is part of z. Then
y = x&y, and z = y&z. So z = y&z = (x&y)&z = x&(y&z) by A4, so x is part of z.
Thus ‘part’ is a partial order, so we may appropriately write ‘x ≤ y’ for x is part of y.
62 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

Lemma 4.13. The Common Axioms entail that (i) x ≤ y ∧ y ≤ x → x = y and (ii)
w o x&y ↔ w o x ∨ w o y.

Proof. (i) Assume x ≤ y ∧ y ≤ x. Then x ≤ y. Suppose x ≠ y. Then x < y, so

y = x&y by AD1. Since x ≠ y, x ≠ x&y, so x ≠ y&x by A3, so ¬ y ≤ x, contradicting
the assumption. So x = y.

(ii) w o x&y → w o x ∨ w o y by A6. For the converse direction, suppose

¬ w o x&y. Suppose w o x. Then for some w', w' ≤ w and w' ≤ x, so w'&x = x, so
by A4, w'&(x&y) = (w'&x)&y = x&y, so w' ≤ x&y, so w' o x&y. Contradiction.
So ¬ w o x. Similarly if w o y, then for some w', w' < w and w' ≤ y, so w'&y = y,
so since by A3 and A4, w'&(x&y) = w'&(y&x) = (w'&y)&x = y&x = x&y, so
w' ≤ x&y, so w o x&y. Contradiction. So ¬ w o y. So w o x ∨ w o y → w o x&y.

Lemma 4.14. The Common Axioms entail that (w o x → w o y) → x ≤ y

Proof. Assume that for every w, w o x → w o y. Suppose ¬ x ≤ y. Then x&y ≠ y, but

y ≤ x&y, so y < x&y. So by A5, for some z disjoint from y, x&y = y&z. So by A3 and
A4, z&(x&y) = z&(y&x) = (z&y)&x = (y&z)&x = (x&y)&x = (x&x)&y = x&y
by A2. So z < x&y by AD1, so z o x&y. So by 4.13, z o x or z o y. But z is disjoint
from y, so z o x, so z and x have a common part z', so z' o x, so by our assumption
z' o y, so z o y, contradicting the disjointness of z and y. So x ≤ y.

Corollary 4.15. The Common Axioms entail that ¬ x ≤ y → ∃z (z ≤ x ∧ ¬ z o y).

Proof. Suppose ¬ x ≤ y. Then by 4.14, for some w, w o x ∧ ¬ w o y. Since w o x, for

some z, z ≤ w and z ≤ x. Since ¬ w o y, ¬ z o y. So z ≤ x ∧ ¬ z o y.

Lemma 4.16. The Common Axioms entail that for any non-empty virtual class
A, w o sup A↔ ∃x (x ∈ A ∧ w o x).

Proof. Let A = {x:Fx}. If A is non-empty then it has a supremum sup A by A7 and A8.
Choose any w and let x be an element of A. Suppose w o x. Since x ∈ A, x ≤ sup A,
so w o sup A. Conversely, suppose w o sup A but that ∀x (x ∈ A → ¬ w o x).
Since w overlaps sup A but does not overlap any x, it follows that w has a part
w' that it shares with sup A but not with any x. We may rule out that w' = sup A,
since w' overlaps no x but the supremum overlaps every x. So w' is a proper
part of sup A, so for some z, sup A = z&w', and z and w' are disjoint by A5, so
z < sup A. Let x ∈ A. Suppose ¬ x ≤ z. Then x has a part y disjoint from z by 4.15.
But y ≤ x ≤ sup A, so y o sup A, so y o z&w', so y o z ∨ y o w' by A6. But y o w'
is impossible since y ≤ x and ¬ x o w'. So y o z, contradicting the disjointness of
Mereology 63

y and z. So x ≤ z. So z is an upper bound of A. But z is less than sup A, the least

upper bound. Contradiction.

Theorem 4.17. Each of Tarski’s Axioms is a theorem of the Common Axioms, if

we define Tarski’s ‘x ≤ y’ as y = x&y.

Proof. Tarski’s Postulate 1 is 4.12. To prove Postulate 2, the existence of the Tarski
sum, let α be any non-empty class, and define F by the condition Fx ↔ x ∈ α.
Since α is non-empty, ∃x Fx. So by A7 and A8, ∃z ∀w ((Fx → x ≤ w) ↔ z ≤ w), so
z = sup{x:Fx}. Then sup{x:Fx} is a Tarski sum of α. For (a) x ∈ α → x ≤ sup {x:Fx}
and (b) if y ≤ sup {x:Fx}, y o sup {x:Fx}, so by 4.16, ∃x ∈{x:Fx}such that y o x. So
∃x ∈ α such that y o x. Thus sup{x:Fx}is a Tarski sum of α.

Let z' be another Tarski sum of α. Suppose w o z'. Then for some w', w' ≤ w
and w' ≤ z'. Since w' ≤ z', ∃x x ∈ α such that w' o x. So for some w'', w'' ≤ w' and
w'' ≤ x. Since z is a Tarski sum, w'' ≤ z. But w'' ≤ w' ≤ w, so w o z. So z' ≤ z by 4.14.
Similarly z ≤ z'. So z = z' by 4.12. So there is exactly one Tarski sum.

Lemma 4.18. The Common Axioms A1–A5 plus axiom P6 entail Common
Axiom A6.

Proof. A6 states that w o x&y → w o x ∨ w o y. Suppose w o x&y. Then w and

x&y have a common part w'. By P9, for some individual u, u ε w', so u ≤ w' ≤ w,
so u ≤ w by 4.12. Also u ≤ w' ≤ x&y, so u ≤ x&y, so u ε x&y, so u ε x ∨ u ε y by
axiom P6. Suppose u ε x. Then u ≤ x, so since u ≤ w, w o x. Similarly if u ε y then
w o y. So w o x&y → w o x ∨ w o y.

Lemma 4.19. The Common Axioms A1–A6 entail that x ≤ y ↔ ∀u (u ε x → u ε y)

Proof. Suppose x ≤ y and u ε x. Then u ε x&y by 4.12. Since x ≤ y, y = x&y, so

u ε y. For the converse direction, suppose that ∀u (u ε x → u ε y) but that it is not
the case that x ≤ y. Then by 4.15, there exists some part z of x such that z and y
are disjoint. Then z has a member u by P9. u is a member of z, hence a part of z,
hence a part of x, hence a member of x, hence a member of y, hence a part of y.
But u is a part of z, so z o y, contradicting the disjointness of z and y.

Lemma 4.20. The plural comprehension axiom scheme (section 4.5) entails
Common Axiom A7 for pluralities.

Proof. Let Fu be the predicate ‘u = u’. ∃u Fu, so by plural comprehension, there

is a plurality z such that u ε z if and only if u = u. Let y be any plurality, and let
u ε y. Then since u = u, u ε z, so y ≤ z by 4.19. So ∃x ∀y y ≤ x, so A7 is proved.
64 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

Lemma 4.21. The plural comprehension axiom scheme entails Common Axiom
A8 for pluralities.

Proof. Let A be any non-empty virtual class of pluralities. Let Fu be the predicate
‘∃x x ∈ A ∧ u ε x’. Then ∃u Fu since A is not empty. So by plural comprehension,
there is a plurality z such that u ε z ↔ Fu. Let x ∈ A. If u ε x, then Fu,
so u ε z. So x ≤ z by 4.19. So x ∈ A → x ≤ z, so z is an upper bound of A. Let z' be
another upper bound of A. Then x ∈ A → x ≤ z'. Let u ε z. Then Fu, so for some
x ∈ A, u ε x. But x ≤ z' since z' is an upper bound of A, so since u ε x, u ε z. So
u ε z → u ε z', so z ≤ z' by 4.19, so z is the least upper bound of A.

Proof of Axiom A8 for Continua

Lemma 4.22. Common Axioms A1–A7 and the Divisibility axiom C9 entail the
least upper bound axiom A8 for continua.

Proof. Aristotle says:

A line is a continuous quantity, for it is possible to find a common boundary at

which its parts join. In the case of the line, this common boundary is the point.
(1941a: 5a)

Let A be a class of points lying on a line AB, all of which lie left of some point E in
AB. Then for each point C in A, AC is part of AE, so AC < AE. So the virtual class
{AC: C ∈ A} is bounded above by AE. So we may divide the points of AB into
two classes L and R by the rule that a point H is in L if for some C ∈ A, AC < AH,
and that otherwise H is in R. There are points in R, since E is in R. Every point
in L lies to the left of every point in R, so by Aristotle’s above remark, there is
a point D that is the boundary between the part L and the part R ( Figure 4.3).


A C1 C2 C3 C4......Cn....... D E B
Figure 4.3  Continuity of the line.
Mereology 65

Then AD is an upper bound of {AC: C ∈ A}. Also AD is the least upper

bound, for if AD' is a smaller upper bound, then by C9 (Divisibility) we may
choose D'' such that AD' < AD'' < AD. Since AD' is an upper bound of {AE:E ε X},
then since AD < AD'', AD'' is greater than the upper bound AD' of {AE:E ε X},
so AD'' is a strict upper bound of {AE:E ε X}, so AD'' is greater than every AE,
so D'' ∈ R. But D'' is left of the boundary D. Contradiction.

The Homomorphism Theorem

In this chapter a start is made on deriving the algebra of a system of magnitudes

from the algebra of a system of quantities. The two are connected by the
relation of equality, which partitions a mereology into equivalence classes.
The Homomorphism Theorem proved in the Appendix shows that an equality
transfers the structure of a mereology onto its equivalence classes under equality.
The principle that equal quantities are the same size allows us to conclude that a
system of sizes is a positive semigroup and hence a system of magnitudes.
The plan of the chapter is as follows. Section 5.1 reviews Euclid’s Common
Notions, and deduces from them the four a priori Equality Axioms. Section 5.2
explores what it is for a pair of systems to possess a ‘common structure’. Section
5.3 discusses the familiar principle that the size of the sum of some quantities
is the sum of their sizes. This principle entails that a system of quantities and
a system of magnitudes have a common structure. Sections 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6
illustrate how the Equality Axioms can be used to project the structure of a given
algebra onto an algebra on its equivalence classes. Section 5.4 shows that just
one of the Equality Axioms is sufficient to project the structure of a semigroup,
section 5.5 shows that two are sufficient to project the structure of a group, and
section 5.6 shows that three are required to project the structure of a positive
semigroup. Section 5.7 presents the Homomorphism Theorem, which states that
equality projects the structure of a mereology onto a quotient algebra that is
a positive semigroup. Section 5.8 deduces from the Homomorphism Theorem
that every system of magnitudes has the structure of a positive semigroup.

5.1  The Equality Axioms

Quantity and equality are inextricably linked. According to Aristotle:

The most distinctive mark of quantity is that equality and inequality are
predicated of it. Each of the aforesaid quantities is said to be equal or unequal.
68 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

For instance, one solid is said to be equal or unequal to another; plurality, too,
and time can have these terms applied to them, as indeed can all those kinds
of quantity that have been mentioned. That which is not a quantity can by no
means, it would seem, be termed equal or unequal to anything else. … Thus it is
the distinctive mark of quantity that it can be called equal and unequal. (1941a:

We must distinguish equality from identity, and distinguish both these relations
from the perfect similarity of “identical” twins; they are two people, hence not
numerically identical.

Notation. ‘x = y’ for x and y are identical.

Notation. ‘x ≈ y’ for x and y are equal.

Aristotle mentions various kinds of quantity – pluralities, angles, lines, planes,

solids and times. These all have a part–whole structure, so they all obey the eight
Common Axioms of mereology. We get plural logic if to these eight axioms we
add the atomicity axiom P9, which asserts that everything has a unit part; we
get the logic of continua if instead we remove all mention of units and add the
Divisibility axiom C9, which asserts that everything is divisible.
Aristotle criticizes earlier mathematicians, who gave separate proofs for what
was essentially the same argument, repeated time after time for the separate
cases of pluralities, angles, lines, surfaces and solids. His criticism was that all
this repetition overlooked the common structure shared by the different types of
quantity. Therefore, he argued that a well-organized presentation of mathematics
should distil what is ‘commensurately universal’ from the various species of

Alternation used to be demonstrated separately of numbers, lines, solids, and

durations, though it could have been proved of them all by a single demonstration.
Because there was no single name to denote that in which numbers, lengths,
durations, and solids are identical, and because they differed specifically from
one another, this property was proved of each of them separately. To-day,
however, the proof is commensurately universal, for they do not possess this
attribute qua lines or qua pluralities, but qua manifesting this generic character
which they are postulated as possessing universally. (1941b: 74a18-25)

There are axioms of equality that apply to all these species of quantity. They
were already known to Aristotle, who frequently cites them as examples of the
primitively evident propositions that he calls ‘first principles’. Recognizing this
common structure of the various species of quantity, Euclid begins the Elements
The Homomorphism Theorem 69

with the five axioms that he calls the Common Notions (κοινά έννοια) (Heath
1956: Vol. 1, 155).

1. Things which equal the same thing also equal one another.
2. If equals are added to equals, then the wholes are equal.
3. If equals are subtracted from equals, then the remainders are equal.
4. Things which coincide with one another equal one another.
5. The whole is greater than the part.

The ancient discovery of the Common Notions was a remarkable mathematical

achievement, for they hold the key to the theory of number, as this chapter will
In what follows I have supplemented the Common Notions with a needed
further axiom, Trichotomy, which is used in various proofs in the Elements
without being explicitly stated separately by Euclid. With the addition of
Trichotomy the third Common Notion can be omitted. The following four
Equality Axioms entail Common Notions 1, 2, 3 and 5, as Theorem 5.4 of the
Appendix proves.

Equality Axioms

E1. Quantities equal to the same quantity are equal to one another.
E2. If disjoint equals are added to equals, the wholes are equal.
E3. Trichotomy: Two quantities are unequal if and only if either the first is
equal to a proper part of the second or the second is equal to a proper part
of the first.
E4. The whole is not equal to the part.

5.2  Common Structure

Things that are superficially very different may have a common structure.
According to Wittgenstein’s picture theory, language and the world have a
common structure which is what makes it possible for language to depict the

4.014 A gramophone record, the musical idea, the written notes, and the sound-
waves, all stand to one another in the same internal relation of depicting that
holds between language and the world. They are all constructed according to a
common logical structure. (1961: 39)
70 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

Norman Malcolm records the following story of how the idea of language as a
picture of reality occurred to Wittgenstein.

Wittgenstein was reading in a magazine about a law-suit in Paris concerning

an automobile accident. At the trial a miniature model of the accident was
presented before the court. The model here serves as a proposition. It had
this function owing to a correspondence between the parts of the model (the
miniature-houses, -cars, -people) and things (cars, houses, people) in reality. It
now occurred to Wittgenstein that one might reverse the analogy and say that a
proposition serves as a model or picture. (1958: 7)

The courtroom model succeeds as a representation because there is a rule that

defines a function ϕ mapping parts of the model onto things in reality. To serve
the purposes of representation, ϕ must ‘preserve structure’: if parts of the model
stand in a certain relation in the model, their images under ϕ must stand in the
corresponding relation in reality. For example, if two model cars are adjacent in
the model, the corresponding real cars must be adjacent in reality. Generalizing,
if R is a relation between parts of the model, and R* is the analogous relation
between things in reality, then if parts x1 and x2 of the model stand in R, then the
things ϕ(x1) and ϕ(x2) must stand in R*.

Definition. If R is an n-ary relation on a virtual class A and R* is an

n-ary relation on a virtual class B, then a mapping ϕ: A → B is called a
homomorphism if Rx1…xn entails R*ϕ(x1)…ϕ(xn).

A homomorphism is a structure-preserving mapping. The courtroom

mapping ϕ is a homomorphism because it satisfies the defining condition
Rx1x2 → R*ϕ(x1)ϕ(x2), where R is adjacency in the model and R* is adjacency
in reality. The ‘picture theory’ of Wittgenstein 1961 can be summed up in the
slogan that if a sentence is true, there is a homomorphism from the words of the
sentence to the things the words stand for.
The logical addition operation ‘&’ gives algebraic structure to a mereology, and
the addition operation ‘+’ gives algebraic structure to a system of magnitudes.
To compare the two structures we need the structure-defining relations R
and R* for the systems. Let ‘Rx1x2x3’ mean that x3 = x1&x2, where x1 and x2 are
disjoint, and let ‘R*a1a2a3’ mean that a3 = a1 + a2. By our definition, the mapping
ϕ is structure-preserving if Rx1x2x3 entails R*ϕ(x1)ϕ(x2)ϕ(x3). In other words,
if x1 and x2 are disjoint then if x3 = x1&x2 then ϕ(x3) = ϕ(x1) + ϕ(x2). Thus ϕ is
structure-preserving if ϕ(x1&x2) = ϕ(x1) + ϕ(x2). Thus a mereology and a system
The Homomorphism Theorem 71

of magnitudes have a common structure if and only ‘the size of the sum is the
sum of the sizes’. We arrive at:

The Sum Principle: If x1 and x2 are disjoint, then ϕ(x1&x2) = ϕ(x1) + ϕ(x2)

5.3  The Common Structure of a Mereology

and Its System of Magnitudes

The Sum Principle is important in the theory of measurement. For example, the
size of a plurality is its number, so the principle allows us to solve the following
problem: if there are six apples in the bowl, and seven oranges, can we tell how
many fruit there are altogether, without counting them all? The fruit ‘altogether’
are the apples and the oranges in the bowl, so we seek the number of their plural
mereological sum. The Sum Principle tells us this number is the sum of the
number of apples, namely six, and the number of oranges, namely seven. So the
number of the sum is 6 + 7 = 13, so now without having to count we know that
there are 13 fruit. This relation holds generally. The number of the mereological
sum is the arithmetical sum of the numbers of the disjoint parts: if x are some
things that are m in number, and y are some other things that are n in number,
then x&y are m + n in number. Define a correspondence ϕ from pluralities to
natural numbers as follows: if x are m in number, then ϕ(x) = m. Suppose x are
m in number, y are n in number and that x and y are disjoint. Then ϕ(x) = m,
ϕ(y) = n and ϕ(x&y) = m + n = ϕ(x) + ϕ(y). Thus ϕ is a homomorphism from
the pluralities to the natural numbers. We see the same pattern with other
magnitudes: for example, the length of the mereological sum of disjoint lines is
the sum of their lengths, the area of the sum of disjoint planes is the sum of their
areas and the volume of the sum of disjoint solids is the sum of their volumes.
In each case, we find a homomorphism from a system of quantities to a system
of magnitudes. So quantities and their magnitudes have a common structure. As
we shall see, the reason for the common structure is the equality relation that
relates the quantities.

Definition. A relation is called an equality if it satisfies the Equality

Axioms of section 5.1.

An equality sorts a mereology into classes of equal quantities. The Equality

Axioms guarantee that it also projects the structure of the mereology onto the
72 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

system of classes. All the elements of a class of equal quantities have the same
magnitude, so in this way the structure of the system of quantities is transferred
to the system of magnitudes.

5.4  Congruence Relations on Semigroups

This section and the next two illustrate how a relation that is an equality projects
structure from a simple algebra onto its equivalence classes. This section deals
with projecting the structure of semigroups.
A semigroup <G,+> is a set G equipped with a binary operation + such that
the following hold for all elements a, b, c of G:

1. (Addition) Given elements a and b, there always exists an element d such

that d = a + b
2. a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c

Two semigroups <G,+> and <G',⊕> are homomorphic if there is a mapping

ϕ: G → G' such that ϕ(x + y) = ϕ(x)⊕ϕ(y). (Here ‘+’ is the symbol for addition
in G, and ‘⊕’ the symbol for addition in G'.)
An important technique for obtaining new semigroups from old is by using
equivalence relations.

Definition. A relation R is called an equivalence relation if R is reflexive,

symmetric and transitive.
Definition. The set {y ∈ G: Rxy} is called the equivalence class of x under
R. (Here where we are following the textbook definitions, the set-maker
notation really does denote a set, not a virtual class.)
Notation. In a context where only one equivalence relation R is under
discussion, ‘[x]’ denotes the equivalence class of x under R.

The equivalence classes under R are a partition of the semigroup, in other words
a sorting of the set’s elements into disjoint non-empty subsets. Every element
of the semigroup is included in exactly one of the subsets. (Proof: x ∈ [x], so
[x] is not empty. If x ∈ [y] then [x] and [y] have a common member, so all their
members are in common by the transitivity of R, so [x] = [y], so x is in only one
equivalence class.)
The diagram represents an equivalence relation R partitioning the set A into
non-empty subsets S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5 (Figure 5.1).
The Homomorphism Theorem 73

Figure 5.1  Partition.

The equivalence classes are new mathematical objects derived from the
semigroup with which we started. We can define an addition operation ‘⊕’ on
the equivalence classes by addition of representatives as follows. If we wish to
‘add’ the two subsets S1 and S2 in the above diagram, we pick x in S1, y in S2, and
say that S1⊕S2 = [x + y]. But there was nothing special about x and y: we might
equally have chosen instead x' in S1 and y' in S2 so that we would have obtained
S1 ⊕ S2 = [x' + y'] But unless we can guarantee that [x + y] = [x' + y'], the definition
of the operation ‘⊕’ may be inconsistent.
If the relation R is quite unconnected with the addition operation of the
parent semigroup, nothing prevents this sort of trouble afflicting our attempted
definition. However, if R is an equality then the Common Notions come to our
assistance. The second says, ‘If equals are added to equals, then the wholes are
equal.’ Now the problem of potential inconsistency goes away, for if x and x'
are equal, and y and y' are equal, then x + y and x' + y' are ‘equals added to
equals’ and hence equal, so x + y ≈ x' + y', so [x + y] = [x' + y']. Thus whenever
the second Common Notion is true of a relation, we can consistently define a
new operation on equivalence classes. But the second Common Notion does
still more for us, for by allowing the consistent definition of an operation on
equivalence classes, it projects the structure of G onto a new semigroup whose
elements are the equivalence classes. Let G' be the set {S1, S2, S3, S4, S5} and let
‘⊕’ be the operation on equivalence classes defined above. Then <G', ⊕> is a
semigroup, for if Si and Sj are elements of G', Si ⊕ Sj is an element of G', so G'
74 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

is closed under ⊕. And ⊕ is associative, for [x]⊕([y]⊕[z]) = [x]⊕([y + z]) =

[x + (y + z))] = [(x + y) +z)] = ([x]⊕[y])⊕[z].
Thus an equality projects the algebraic structure of a semigroup onto the
equivalence classes.

Definition. An equivalence relation on an algebra is called a congruence

if each operation of the algebra always yields equivalent elements when
applied to equivalent elements.

An equality is a congruence with respect to semigroup addition, which is why

equality projects the structure of a semigroup onto its equivalence classes.

5.5  Congruences on Groups

Groups are the mathematical systems with structure par excellence.

Definition. A group <G,+> is a set G equipped with a binary

operation + such that the following hold for all elements a, b, c of G:

1. (Addition) Given elements a and b, there always exists an element d such

that d = a + b
2. a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c
3. (Identity element) There exists an element 0 of G such that for all
elements a, 0 + a = a + 0 = a.
4. (Inverses) Given an element a there always exists an inverse element d
of G such that a + d =d + a = 0.

Two groups < G, + > and < G', ⊕ > are homomorphic if and only if there is a
mapping ϕ from G to G' such that ϕ(x + y) = ϕ(x)⊕ϕ(y)
A group is commutative if x + y = y + x for all values of x and y. For
commutative groups, an elegant alternative axiomatization can be given (Scott
1974: 3), which replaces axioms 3 and 4 with a single third axiom as follows:

1. (Addition) Given elements a and b, there always exist an element d such

that d = a + b.
2. a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c
3. (Subtraction) Given elements a and b, there always exist an element d
such that b = a + d.

A commutative group can, therefore, be regarded as a set on which are defined

two operations: addition and subtraction. Now an equivalence relation is a
The Homomorphism Theorem 75

congruence only if each operation of the algebra always yields equivalent

elements when applied to equivalent elements. So the question arises
whether an equality is a congruence with respect to both of the operations for
commutative groups. This time as well as the second Common Notion we need
also the third: ‘If equals are subtracted from equals, then the remainders are
equal.’ So the second Common Notion projects addition onto the equivalence
classes, and the third projects subtraction. It is then straightforward to prove
that the equivalence classes are a commutative group. We see that every
equality projects the algebra of a commutative group onto its equivalence

5.6  Congruences on Positive Semigroups

Although our subtraction axiom for commutative groups does entail the existence
of identity and inverses, we can see it as primarily asserting the reversibility of
addition. If we already had a, what did we add to obtain b? The answer, d, is the
result of subtracting a from b.

Definition. If a + d = b, then d is called the result of subtracting a from b.

The operation that we call subtraction is just this process of reversing addition,
which is always possible in a group. So the integers are a group and the real
numbers are a group, but the natural numbers, the positive real numbers
and the ordinals are not groups, because in them subtraction of b from a
is possible only if b is less than a. But there is a sense in which restricted
subtraction of these numbers is indeed possible for, provided a and b are
different numbers, then the lesser can be subtracted from the greater, so either
a can be subtracted from b, or b can be subtracted from a. So although these
latter three kinds of numbers are not groups, they are quite similar to groups,
differing from groups only in that subtraction is possible if and only if a and
b are not identical.
We therefore define a positive semigroup < G,+> as a set G equipped with a
binary operation + such that the following hold for all elements a, b and c of G:

1. (Addition) Given elements a and b, there always exists an element d such

that d = a + b
2. a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c
3. (Restricted subtraction) a ≠ b if and only if there is an element d such
that either b = a + d or a = b + d.
76 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

If we start with a positive semigroup and take equivalence classes, will we get
a new positive semigroup homomorphic to the first? The second and third
Common Notions constrain equality sufficiently to preserve addition and
subtraction. But in a positive semigroup we have the Restricted Subtraction
axiom instead of Subtraction, and this introduces the new structural feature of
order. In a positive semigroup a linear order can be defined by the condition
that a precedes b if a can be subtracted from b, that is, if for some d, a + d = b.
Because in a group the difference between a and b always exists, this definition
does not yield an order in a group. So despite lacking an identity element and
inverses, a positive semigroup in fact has extra structure compared with a group,
for it has the additional feature of order.
For a congruence relation, the operations of the algebra must be well-
defined on the equivalence classes, so on a positive semigroup we require
that the equality respects order. So the second and third Common Notions
are insufficient on their own, for they do not deal with order. What we need
instead is the third Equality Axiom, Trichotomy, for then we can prove that
if x and x' are equal, and if y and y' are equal, then if x precedes y then x'
precedes y'. Thus an equality is a congruence with respect to not only addition
and subtraction but also order. It is then straightforward to prove that the
equivalence classes are a positive semigroup. From these mathematical results
we observe that an equality is a powerful means of projecting structure from
one algebra to another.

5.7  The Homomorphism Theorem

An algebra is said to give rise to a quotient algebra when its elements are
partitioned into equivalence classes by a congruence relation. Every relation
that is an equality in the sense of the Equality Axioms is a congruence relation
and gives rise to quotient algebras: as just discussed, a semigroup gives rise to a
semigroup quotient, a group to a group quotient and a positive semigroup to a
positive semigroup quotient. In all these cases, the quotient algebra has exactly
the same structure as the original algebra.
The axioms of mereology are formally the same as the axioms for a semigroup
with a partial order. The mereological addition operator ‘&’ is closed by our
Common Axiom A1 and associative by A4, and moreover we can define a
partial order on a mereology in terms of addition: x ≤ y if and only if there is
some quantity z such that x&z = y. So we can regard a mereology as an algebra,
The Homomorphism Theorem 77

specifically, we can think of it as a partially ordered semigroup. A mereology is

a system of quantities, and ‘the mark of quantity is that equality and inequality
can be predicated of it’. So since an equality is such a powerful generator of new
algebras from old, we can expect an equality on a mereology to give rise to a
quotient algebra. The Appendix proves that if the mereology is partitioned by
an equality we do indeed obtain a quotient algebra that satisfies the axioms of a
positive semigroup.
Because we are working with quantities not individuals, there are two initial
obstacles to the treatment of a mereology as an algebra. The first obstacle is the
problem of overlap: care is needed in the interpretation of the second Common
Notion, which says that ‘if equals are added to equals the wholes are equal’. In
generating the quotient algebras of sections 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6, we proceeded as if
the axiom could be written symbolically as (*) below.

Notation. ‘x ≈ y’ means that x and y are equal.

(*): If x ≈ x' and y ≈ y' then x + y ≈ x' + y'

The proposition (*) is true in the context of an abstract algebra. The ‘operation’
of the algebra is a function from the set to itself. We have ‘abstracted’ away from
the intrinsic natures of the elements of the set, so the question of whether they
overlap does not arise. But if in the proposition (*) we interpret the abstract
addition operation ‘+’ to mean logical addition ‘&’, we obtain:

(**): If x ≈ x' and y ≈ y' then x&y ≈ x'&y'

But (**) is not an a priori truth – indeed, it is not a truth at all, for we must allow
for the possibility of overlap. For example, in the case of pluralities, suppose x
are two apples, y are two fruit, x' are two oranges and y' are two fruit. Then x ≈ x'
and y ≈ y', but we do not know whether x&y are numerically equal to x'&y' until
we know whether any of apples x is one of y, or any of x' is one of y'. Similarly,
for continua, if x and x' are equal and y and y' are equal, we do not know if x&y
and x'&y' are equal until we know if there is a common segment of x and y or of
x' and y'.
The second axiom of equality says that if equals are added to equals the wholes
are equal. However, if the equal addends overlap this need not be true, as there
would be double counting of the common parts. So the second axiom must be
understood to mean that a fresh quantity is being added. Then the second axiom
does not say what (**) says, but says rather that if x and y are disjoint, and x' and
y' are disjoint, then if x and x' are equal, and y and y' are equal, then x&y and
x'&y' are equal. In symbols:
78 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

(***) (¬ x o y ∧ ¬ x' o y') → (x ≈ x' ∧ y ≈ y' → x&y ≈ x'&y')

Euclid only ever applies the second Common Notion to the addition of disjoint
quantities, so it seems clear that (***) is the meaning of the axiom.
The second obstacle to the treatment of mereology as an algebra is that
in the usual theory of quotient algebras, the original algebra is a set, and the
quotient algebra a set of sets. But set theory does not provide for sets whose
elements are quantities, and in any case our project is to avoid the use of set
theory entirely. But we do have the resource here of Quine’s notation of virtual
classes, as discussed in section 4.2. Quine’s notation {x: Fx} is a convenient way
of representing the extension of a predicate F whose instances are pluralities or
continua. So following Quine, in our quotient algebra, we can dispense with
equivalence classes conceived of as sets and replace them with equivalence
classes conceived of as virtual classes. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, from
now on I shall use the notation ‘{w: w ≈ x}’to denote not the set of items equal to
x, but the virtual equivalence class of these items, which are the satisfiers of the
predicate ‘equal to x’. We have the following notational conventions, understood
this time in terms of virtual classes:

Notation. ‘[x]’ for the equivalence class {w: w ≈ x}

Definition. y is called a representative of [x] if y ∈ {w: w ≈ x}
Definition. [s + t] is called the disjoint sum of [x] and [y] if s and t are
disjoint, and x ≈ s, y ≈ t.
Notation. ‘[x] + [y]’ for the disjoint sum of [x] and [y]
Definition. A mereology is said to be rich in representatives if for every x
and y, there exist disjoint s and t such that x ≈ s and y ≈ t.

The Homomorphism Theorem (Theorem 5.9 of the Appendix) states that if M is

a mereology that is rich in representatives, and if x, y and z range over quantities
in M, then:

1. Given quantities x and y, there always exists a quantity w such that

[w] = [x] + [y]
2. [x] + ([y] + [z]) = ([x] + [y]) + [z]
3. [x] ≠ [y] if and only if there exists a quantity w such that either
[x] = [y] + [w] or [y] = [x] + [w]

These statements should be compared with the axioms for a positive semigroup
at section 5.6. With addition defined as the disjoint sum, the virtual equivalence
classes of a mereology under equality have the (formal) structure of a positive
The Homomorphism Theorem 79

semigroup. Thus an equality is a congruence that projects the structure of a

mereology onto a corresponding virtual positive semigroup.

5.8  Sizes of Quantities

A natural class is a class that figures in the laws of nature, a class that ‘carves
nature at the joints’. According to property realism, if a class is a natural class
then there exists a property that unites its members, in the sense that something
is a member of the class if and only if it instantiates the property. So when the
physical sciences discover a previously unknown natural class, we are entitled to
infer the existence of a previously unknown property that unites the class. This
knowledge of the existence of the new property is partly empirical and partly
a priori: the discovery of the new natural class is an empirical discovery, but
the inference from the natural class to its uniting property rests on a principle
arrived at by a priori philosophical inquiry.
The theory of equality expressed by the Common Notions has been known
since classical Greece. It is a theory of the highest scientific value, for it is the
foundation of the mathematics on which physical science rested then and still
rests today. The theory is a priori, so it is certainly true. So the laws of the theory
of equality must be counted among the laws of nature, and, therefore, the virtual
classes determined by the laws of equality are natural classes. So given a quantity
x, there exists the class of all those quantities equal to x, and we may take it that
every such class is a natural class. Therefore, for each such class there exists a
property that unites the class. Call such a property a size. Then equal quantities
are the same size, so we have:

Equality. Quantities are equal if and only if they are the same size.

Pluralities are equal if they tally, so pluralities that tally are the same size, and
therefore we can identify the natural numbers with the sizes of pluralities. Lines
are equal if they coincide, so lines that coincide are the same length, and hence
we can identify the lengths with the sizes of lines. Similarly, areas are the sizes
of plane figures, and volumes are the sizes of solids. Knowledge of the existence
of these properties is a priori, for the laws of equality are a priori, and a priori
philosophical reflection justifies the inference to the property that unites the
members of a class of equal quantities.
It is a disputed question among property realists whether there are any
uninstantiated properties. But the definition of ‘size’ entails that there can be no
80 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

uninstantiated size properties, since by definition a size is a property that unites

the members of some equivalence class of equal quantities. But no equivalence
class is empty, since each is the virtual class of quantities equal to some given
quantity. So every size property unites the members of some equivalence class,
and hence has any member of that class as a representative. We deduce the
following principle:

Representatives. Every size has some quantity as a representative.

Subsequent chapters will use the principles of Equality and Representatives to

develop the theory of the natural numbers, the lengths and the ordinals.
We may define a mapping from equivalence classes to size properties by
setting φ([x]) = a if w ∈ [x] and a is the size property of w. We define addition
of size properties by the disjoint sum operation on equivalence classes: if
a = φ([x]) and b = φ([y]), set a + b = φ([x] + [y]). Then it is immediate from the
Homomorphism Theorem that in a mereology that is rich in representatives the
size properties with addition so defined are a positive semigroup. As we shall
see, this is the reason why the natural numbers are a positive semigroup, why
the positive real numbers are a positive semigroup and why the ordinals are a
positive semigroup.
The Homomorphism Theorem 81

Appendix to Chapter 5

Definition. y is said to be greater than x, written ‘x ≺ y’ if x is equal to a proper

part of y.

Lemma 5.1. (w o x ↔ w o y) → x = y.

Proof. This mereological lemma was proved as 4.6(ii) of the previous chapter.

Definition. A quantity is called the difference of x and y, written ‘x – y’, if it is

the largest part of x disjoint from y. (Lemma 4.8 states that the difference always
exists if x is not a part of y.)

Lemma 5.2. If x < y, then y = x&(y – x)

Proof. Suppose x < y. Then ¬ y ≤ x, so y - x exists by 4.8. If w o x&(y - x), then

by 4.13(ii), w o x ∨ w o (y - x). If w o x, then since x < y, w o y. And if w o (y - x),
then again w o y. So w o x&(y - x) → w o y. Conversely suppose w o y. Then if
w o x, w o x&(y - x). But if ¬ w o x, then since w o y, w o (y - x). So either way,
w o y → w o x&(y - x). So w o y ↔ w o x&(y - x) So y = x&(y - x) by 5.1.

Lemma 5.3. If x and y are disjoint, then y = (x&y) - x.

Proof. Assume that x and y are disjoint. By definition, (x&y) - x is the largest part
of x&y disjoint from x. So (x&y) - x and x are disjoint. Let w o (x&y) - x. Suppose
w and y are disjoint. Since w o (x&y) - x, there exists w' such that w' ≤ (x&y) - x
and w' ≤ w, so w' and y are disjoint. w' ≤ (x&y) - x, so w' is part of the largest part
of x&y that does not overlap x; w' is part of x&y, so w' is not disjoint from both x
and y by A6. Thus, since w' and y are disjoint, w' o x. So for some w'', w'' ≤ x and
w'' ≤ w'. But w' ≤ (x&y) - x, so w'' ≤ (x&y) - x, so x o (x&y) - x, so x overlaps the
largest part of x&y disjoint from x. Contradiction. So w and y are not disjoint.
So w o (x&y) - x → w o y. Conversely, suppose w o y. Then for some w', w' ≤ w
and w' ≤ y, so w' ≤ (x&y), but w' does not overlap x, since x and y are disjoint by
our assumption. So w' is a part of x&y that does not overlap x, so w' is part of the
largest such part, so w' ≤ (x&y) - x, so w o (x&y) - x. So w o y → w o (x&y) - x.
So y = (x&y) x by 5.1.

Theorem 5.4. The Equality Axioms entail Common Notions 1, 2, 3 and 5.

Proof. Common Notion 1 is E1, and Common Notion 2 is E2. For Common
Notion 3, assume y < x, y' < x', x ≈ x' and y ≈ y'. We must prove x - y ≈ x' - y'.
82 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

Suppose they are unequal. Then by trichotomy E3, either x - y ≺ x' - y' or x' - y' ≺ x - y.
But the former is impossible, for if x - y ≺ x' - y' then for some w, w < x' - y' and
w ≈ x - y. Now y and x - y are disjoint, and w and y' are disjoint, so y&(x - y) ≈ y'&w
by E2 (equals added to equals). But since y < x, y&(x - y) = x by 5.2, so x ≈ y'&w.
Let z o y'&w. Then z o y' or z o w. But if z o w then z o x' - y', since w < (x' - y'). So
z o y' or z o (x' - y'), so z o y'&(x' - y') by 4.13 (ii). So y'&w < y'&(x' - y') by 4.14. But
y'&(x' - y') = x' by 5.2. So (y'&w) < x' so since x ≈ y'&w, x is equal to a proper part
of x', so ¬ x ≈ x' by E3, contradicting the assumption. We may similarly exclude
the possibility that x' - y' is equal to a proper part of x - y, so x - y ≈ x' - y' by E3.
So if equals are subtracted from equals, the remainders are equal. For Common
Notion 5, assume x < y. Then ¬ x ≈ y by E4. Suppose y ≺ x. Then for some w,
w < x and w ≈ y. Then x < y so w < y. But this contradicts E4, since w ≈ y.
So x ≺ y by E3. So the whole is greater than the part.

Lemma 5.5. Equality is an equivalence relation.

Proof. We must prove that equality is reflexive, symmetric and transitive.

Suppose it is not reflexive. Then for some x, ¬ x ≈ x. So x is greater than x or x
is greater than x by E3. So some proper part of x is equal to x. But the whole is
greater than the part by 5.4. Contradiction. So equality is reflexive. So x ≈ x, so if
y ≈ x, then x ≈ y by E1, so equality is symmetric. If x ≈ y and y ≈ z, then y ≈ x by
symmetry, so x ≈ z by E1. So equality is reflexive, symmetric and transitive, so it
is an equivalence relation.

Definition. If x is a quantity, {y: y ≈ x} is called the virtual equivalence class of x.

Notation. ‘[x]’ for ‘{y: y ≈ x}’.

Definition. y is called a representative of [x] if y ∈ [x].

Definition. [z] is said to be a disjoint sum of virtual classes [x] and [y], written
‘[x] + [y]’, if there exist disjoint s and t such that x ≈ s, y ≈ t, and z = s&t.

Lemma 5.6. If a disjoint sum [x] + [y] exists, it is unique.

Proof. We must prove that if x ≈ x' and y ≈ y' then [x] + [y] = [x'] + [y']. By
definition, [x] + [y] = [s&t] for some disjoint s and t such that x ≈ s and y ≈ t.
Suppose that x ≈ x' and y ≈ y'. Then s ≈ x ≈ x', t ≈ y ≈ y', so x' ≈ s, y' ≈ t by 5.5. So
[x] + [y] = [s&t] = [x'] + [y'] .

Definition. A system of quantities M is said to be rich in representatives if for

every x and y in M, there exist disjoint s and t such that x ≈ s and y ≈ t.
The Homomorphism Theorem 83

From now on in this Appendix we assume that M is rich in representatives. On

that assumption, the unique disjoint sum [x] + [y] always exists for all quantities
x and y.

Definition. [x] is said to precede [y], written ‘[x] < [y]’, if there exists w such
that [y] = [x] + [w]

Lemma 5.7. [x] < [y] if and only if x ≺ y.

Assume [x] < [y]. Then for some w, [x] + [w] = [y]. Choose disjoint s and t
such that s ≈ x and t ≈ w. Then [x] + [w] = [s&t] = [y], so s&t ≈ y. Since s and
t are disjoint, t < s&t. Suppose t ≈ y. Then t ≈ s&t by transitivity, so the whole
s&t is equal to the proper part t, contradicting E4. So either t ≺ y or y ≺ t
by E3. Suppose y ≺ t. Then t has a proper part t' equal to y. But y ≈ s&t, so
t' ≈ s&t. But t' < t, so t' < s&t, contradicting E4. So t ≺ y, so y has a proper part
y' equal to t. So s < s&t, y' < y, y ≈ s&t and y' ≈ t, so (s&t) – t ≈ y – y' by 5.4. But
(s&t) – t = s by 5.3. So s ≈ y – y'. So x ≈ y – y'. But y – y' is a proper part of y,
so x ≺ y. For the converse, suppose x ≺ y. Then x is equal to a proper part y' of
x. So since y' < y, y = y'&(y – y') by 5.2, so [y] = [y'] + [y – y'] = [x] + [y – y'],
so [x] < [y].

Lemma 5.8. If x and y are disjoint, then [x] + [y] = [x&y]

Proof: Let w ∈ [x] + [y]. Then there exist disjoint s and t such that x ≈ s, y ≈ t,
and w = s&t. So since x and y are disjoint, x&y ≈ s&t by E2. So s&t ∈ [x&y], i.e.
w ∈ [x&y]. Conversely, suppose w ∈ [x&y]. Then w ≈ x&y, so since x and y are
disjoint, w ∈ [x] + [y]. Virtual equivalence classes are identical if they have the
same elements (Quine 1967: 18). So [x] + [y] = [x&y].

Theorem 5.9. (The Homomorphism Theorem). Let M be a system of quantities

that is rich in representatives. Then if x, y and z range over quantities in M, then

1. Given x and y, there always exists some w in M such that [w] = [x] + [y]
2. [x] + ([y] + [z]) = ([x] + [y]) + [z]
3. [x] ≠ [y] if and only if there exists some w such that either [x] = [y] + [w]
or [y] = [x] + [w].

Proof. (1) Addition. Given x and y, since M is rich in representatives, choose

disjoint s and t such that x ≈ s, y ≈ t. So there exists a quantity w = s&t by A1.
Then [x] + [y] = [w].
84 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

(2) Associativity. We must prove ([x] + [y]) + [z] = [x]+([y] + [z]). Choose
disjoint p and q such that p ≈ x and q ≈ y. Then [x] + [y] = [p&q]. So
([x] + [y]) + [z] = [p&q] + [z]. Choose r disjoint from p&q such that r ≈ z. Then
[p&q] + [z] = [(p&q)&r] = [p&(q&r)] by A4. Since r and p&q are disjoint, p and
r must be disjoint. But p and q are also disjoint, so p and (q&r) are disjoint. So by
5.8, ([x] + [y]) + [z] = [p&(q&r)] = [p] + [q&r] = [x] + [q&r] = [x] + ([y] + [z]).
So ([x] + [y]) + [z] = [x] + ([y] + [z]), and + is associative on the virtual
equivalence classes.

(3) Restricted subtraction. Suppose [x] ≠ [y]. Then ¬ x ≈ y. So by E3, either

x ≺ y, or y ≺ x. If x ≺ y, then [x] < [y] by 5.7, so there exists some w such
that [x] = [y] + [w]. Similarly if y ≺ x, then there exists some w such
that [y] = [x] + [w]. So there exists some [w] such that either [x] = [y] + [w] or
[y] = [x] + [w]. For the converse direction of the biconditional, suppose for some
[w], [x] = [y] + [w]. Then [y] < [x], so y ≺ x by 5.7, so ¬ y ≈ x by E3, so [x] ≠ [y].
Similarly, if [y] = [x] + [w], then [x] ≠ [y]. So if for some [w] either [x] = [y] + [w]
or [y] = [x] + [w], then [x] ≠ [y].

Theorem 5.10. Let M be a rich mereology with equality. Then

(i) If M satisfies the commutativity axiom A3, then [x] + [y] = [y] + [x].
(ii) If M satisfies the atomicity axiom P9, then if u is a unit, no equivalence
class [x] precedes [u].
(iii) If M satisfies the Divisibility axiom C9, then for all x in M, there is a y
such that [y] < [x].

Proof: (i) [x] + [y] = [s&t] for some disjoint s and t such that x ≈ s, y ≈ t. So if M
is commutative then s&t = t&s, so [x] + [y] = [s&t] = [t&s] = [y] + [x].

(ii) If M satisfies the atomicity axiom P9, then M has a unit u. Suppose [x] < [u].
Then there exists [z] such that [x] + [z] = [u]. So there exist disjoint s and t such
that x ≈ s, y ≈ t, and u = s&t, so s < u. But u is a unit. Contradiction.

(iii) If M satisfies the Divisibility axiom C9, let x be in M. Then x has a proper
part y, so for some z disjoint from y, x = y&z by A5, so [x] = [y] + [z]. So
[y] < [x].

The Natural Numbers

Aristotle taught that quantities are the items capable of equality and inequality.
Quantities in the same category are equal if they stand in a relation that satisfies
the Equality Axioms of section 5.1. The categories of quantity are plurality,
continuum and series. Each has its own equality relation: for pluralities,
numerical equality; for continua, geometric equality; for series, ordinal equality.
Hume tells us that pluralities are numerically equal if ‘the one has always
an unite answering to every unite of the other’. Equal quantities are the same
size, according to property realism, so numerically equal pluralities are the
same numerical size. We can define a natural number as a property that is a
numerical size. The Appendix shows that each natural number is the number
of itself and its predecessors, from which it follows that infinitely many
natural numbers exist, and hence that the mereology of pluralities is rich
in representatives. This allows us to apply the Homomorphism Theorem to
deduce that the natural numbers are an infinite system of magnitudes with the
algebraic structure of a commutative positive semigroup with a least member.
From this follow all the axioms of Peano Arithmetic, except those dealing with
Section 6.1 introduces Hume’s ‘standard of equality’ and criticizes Frege’s
interpretation of it as a ‘criterion of identity’. Section 6.2 gives an alternative
interpretation of Hume’s ‘standard’ as the thesis that tallying is an equality.
Section 6.3 argues by considerations about decidability and algorithms that
tallying is indeed an equality. Section 6.4 says that it is synthetic a priori that
tallying is an equality. Section 6.5 says that the axioms of Peano Arithmetic entail
the existence of an actual infinity: we are now in a position to prove this. Sections
6.6 and 6.7 say that the number 1 is the smallest natural number, and ‘zero’ can
be anything you please that is not a number. Section 6.8 says every number has a
successor, from which it follows that the finite pluralities are a mereology that is
rich in representatives. The Appendix applies the Homomorphism Theorem to
deduce that the natural numbers are a positive semigroup.
86 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

6.1  Numerical Equality

Hume writes in the Treatise:

We are possest of a precise standard by which we can judge of the equality

and proportion of numbers; and according as they correspond or not to that
standard, we determine their relations, without any possibility of error. When
two numbers are so combin’d as that the one has always an unite answering to
every unite of the other, we pronounce them equal. (1738: 71)

Frege quotes Hume approvingly, saying:

This opinion, that numerical equality or identity must be defined in terms of

one-one correlation, seems in recent years to have gained widespread acceptance
amongst mathematicians. (1968: 73)

Frege took Hume to mean identity by ‘the equality … of numbers’, and to mean
‘are in one-one correspondence’ by ‘the one has always an unite answering to
every unite of the other’. Frege goes on to say that in his own usage:

The expression ‘the Concept F is equal to the Concept G’ is to mean the same as
the expression ‘there exists a relation φ which correlates one to one the objects
falling under the Concept F with the objects falling under the Concept G’.
(1968: 85)

He then states the assumption from which he goes on to derive the Peano Axioms
as follows: ‘The Number which belongs to the concept F is identical with the
Number that belongs to the Concept G if the Concept F is equal to the Concept G’
(1968: 85). Wright symbolizes this as Nx:Fx = Nx:Gx ↔ ∃R(Fx 1 – 1R Gx),
explaining the notation as follows: ‘This says that the number of Fs is the
number of Gs … just in case there is a 1 – 1 correlation between these two
concepts’ (1983: 104). Boolos symbolizes what he calls ‘Hume’s Principle’ slightly

Let ‘#F’ abbreviate ‘the number of objects falling under the concept F’ and ‘F ~ G’
express the existence of a one-one correspondence between the objects falling
under F and the objects falling under G. Then Hume’s Principle may be written:
∀F ∀G(#F = #G ↔ F ~ G). (1996: 209)

As Wright and Boolos show, this so-called Hume’s Principle allows us to

prove all the axioms of Peano Arithmetic. But an initial objection is that the
proofs require full second-order logic, not just plural logic, since the existential
The Natural Numbers 87

quantification is over binary relations. But as discussed in Chapter 2, second-

order logic has sufficient expressive power to develop arithmetic only on
standard semantics, which is equivalent to set theory. So if ‘Hume’s Principle’ is
to serve Frege’s purpose, it needs to be ‘set theory in disguise’.
A second objection is ontological. The ‘Principle’ says that if the number of
Fs is identical to the number of Gs, then there exists a one-one correspondence
between the Fs and the Gs. It is, of course, straightforward to say what it is for
a given relation R to be a one-one correspondence. But what is a relation? Do
relations exist in the abundance Frege requires? The ontology of sparse property
realism includes only those external relations that figure in the laws of nature.
But we are looking for a notion of relation that has the following consequence:
for any two pluralities whatsoever, if they are the same in number, then there
is a one-one correspondence between them, i.e. some relation in which each
of x stands to each of y. The Fregean is obliged to suppose that there exists a real
relation between every chance pair of pluralities that happen to be the same in
number. Of course relations will be sufficiently abundant if we define them set-
theoretically, as classes of ordered pairs. But that would deepen our commitment
to the ontology of set theory.
A third objection to ‘Hume’s Principle’ is that it is false. It is false that if there
is a bijection from x to y, there is a number that x and y share. For example, the
identity map is a bijection from everything to itself: but there is no number that
numbers everything. The sets are in one-one correspondence with themselves, as
are the ordinals, but neither the sets nor the ordinals have a number. Heck (1997)
suggests that we should restrict Hume’s Principle, and assert it only for finite
pluralities. That would indeed rest arithmetic on a principle that was actually
correct. However, we now have to incorporate the difficult concept of finitude
into a proposition that is supposed to be the conceptual basis of arithmetic. The
more natural order of explanation is to say that a plurality are finite if some
natural number numbers them. But if we introduce the concept of number via a
presupposed concept of finitude, we have to rely on other notions that arguably
go beyond arithmetic itself. Heck argued that Frege gives a definition of finitude
that could be incorporated as a restriction of Hume’s Principle. But Frege defines
finitude by means of the ancestral, which is not first-order definable. Indeed in
view of the Compactness Theorem, finitude is not first-order definable at all
(Shapiro 1991: 101). Thus taming Hume’s Principle by inserting a restriction to
Concepts with a finite extension only works in second-order logic on standard
88 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

6.2 Tallying

Here are two different alternative interpretations of Hume’s assertion about the
‘standard of equality’:

(i) Hume asserts that the number of Fs is the number of Gs if there is a one-
one relation R between the Fs and the Gs.
(ii) There is a one-one relational predicate concerning which Hume asserts
that the Fs and the Gs are numerically equal if that predicate is true of the
Fs and the Gs.

Frege, Wright and Boolos all affirm interpretation (i). But interpretation (ii)
avoids the difficulties we have just seen, and makes more sense of Hume, who
explicitly states the relational predicate in question as follows: ‘When two
numbers are so combin’d as that the one has always an unite answering to every
unite of the other, we pronounce them equal.’ (1738: 71) What Hume means by a
‘number’ is a plurality, so the relational predicate that he intends is that ‘x always
has a unite answering to every unite of y’. Hume is telling us that if pluralities x
and y satisfy this predicate, then they are numerically equal.
But do Hume’s words in fact define a relational predicate? Abbreviate Hume’s
‘x always has a unite answering to every unite of y’ as ‘x and y tally’. We can define
tallying by the following definition, which has three clauses:


(i) If x is a unit and y is a unit, then x and y tally;

(ii) If x is a unit and y is not a unit, or if y is a unit and x is not a unit, then x
and y do not tally;
(iii) If neither x nor y is a unit, then if a unit u is subtracted from x and a unit v
is subtracted from y, then x and y tally if and only if (x – u) and (y – v) tally.

Notation. ‘x ≈ y’ means that x and y tally.

It might be objected that the definition is circular, because the definiendum ‘tally’
occurs in the definiens. But this is a recursive definition of a kind that is standard
in mathematics. Set theory is used in the usual proof that a function defined by
a recursive definition is well-defined, but there is no need for set theory here. A
relational predicate R is well-defined if its definition ensures that for every x and y,
the sentence Rxy is determinately either true or false. So every decidable relational
predicate is certainly well-defined. Our relational predicate ‘x ≈ y’ is decidable, for
given x and y there is an effective method to determine whether x ≈ y: one just keeps
The Natural Numbers 89

applying clause (iii) until either x or y is reduced to a unit, and then one applies
clause (i) or (ii) accordingly. So tallying is a well-defined relational predicate.

6.3  Is Tallying an Equality?

Tallying is decidable. That is to say, a Turing machine can determine whether two
pluralities tally. The word ‘computer’ is today usually used to mean a machine,
but in Turing’s own use it means a human being who is following a set of very
simple instructions. Turing writes:

We may compare a man in the process of computing a real number to a machine

which is only capable of a finite number of conditions. … The behaviour of the
computer at any moment is determined by the symbols he is observing and his
‘state of mind’ at that moment. … Let us imagine the operation to be performed
by the computer to be split up into ‘simple operations’ which are so elementary
that it is not easy to imagine them further divided. Every such operation consists
of some change of the physical system containing the computer and the tape. …
The operation actually performed is determined … by the state of mind of the
computer and the observed symbols. … We may now construct a machine to do
the work of the computer. (1936: 250)

Turing here gives an exact meaning to the vague intuitive idea of effective
decidability: a problem is decidable if it can be solved by a human computer
carrying out ‘simple operations’ that bring about observable physical changes
in the spatiotemporal world. A Turing machine is computing machinery that
‘does the work’ of a human computer. An algorithm is given by a sequence of
instructions that can be obeyed by a Turing machine. But anything a Turing
machine can do, a human computer could in principle do too, if they lived long
enough. So if one could in principle carry out the instructions of an algorithm,
one can imagine doing so. By imagining carrying out an algorithm one may
come to understand better what it involves, and thus arrive at new knowledge.
Hume’s assertion is that pluralities are equal ‘when the one has always an
unite answering to every unite of the other’. We are interpreting this to mean that
pluralities are equal if they tally. To see that pluralities that tally are indeed equal
in the sense of the Common Notions, we need to imagine stepping through the
following algorithm:

The continual subtraction algorithm: While neither x nor y have been reduced
to a unit, continually subtract a unit from x and a unit from y. If at last the
90 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

remainders of x and y have both been reduced to units then x and y tally,
otherwise they do not tally.

By imagining stepping through this algorithm, we see that tallying conforms to

all the axioms E1–E4, so Hume’s ‘standard of equality’ is indeed equality in the
sense of the Equality Axioms. This can be checked as follows.
E1. Quantities equal to the same quantity are also equal to one another.

If x ≈ y and x ≈ z, then continual subtraction of a unit from y, a unit from z and

a unit from x, until x is reduced to a unit, will terminate with y reduced to a unit,
since x ≈ y, and with z reduced to a unit, since x ≈ z. So continual subtraction of
a unit from y and a unit from z until y is reduced to a unit has terminated with z
reduced to a unit, so y ≈ z.

E2. If disjoint equals are added to equals, the wholes are equal.

Suppose x and y are disjoint, x' and y' are disjoint and that x ≈ x' and y ≈ y'.
Applying the continual subtraction algorithm to x&y and x'&y', one repeatedly
removes a unit from x and a unit from x'; eventually both x and x' are reduced
to units, since x ≈ x'. Removing the last remaining units of x and x' leaves just y
and y', since by disjointness, nothing has been subtracted from either y or y'. But
y ≈ y', so by clause (iii) of the recursive definition, x&y and x'&y' tally.

E3. Two quantities are unequal if and only if either the first is equal to a proper
part of the second or the second is equal to a proper part of the first.

The continual subtraction algorithm for x and y will terminate either with both
x and y reduced to a unit, in which case x and y are equal, or with x reduced to a
unit before y, in which case x has been tallied with a proper part of y, or with y
reduced to a unit before x, in which case y has been tallied with a proper part of x.

E4. The whole is not equal to the part.

Repeated subtraction from the proper part is repeated subtraction from the
whole. But repeated subtraction from the proper part will reduce it to a unit
without reducing the whole to a unit, so the whole is not equal to the part.

6.4  Is It a priori that Tallying Is an Equality?

Our reasoning in the previous section that tallying is an equality was not ‘by
logic alone’. To follow the reasoning we have to imagine carrying out the steps of
The Natural Numbers 91

an algorithm. Does the intrusion of the imagination undermine the reasoning?

Does it undermine the claim that the axioms E1–E4 are a priori for tallying? A
proposition that is not a priori under one mode of presentation may be a priori
under a different mode of presentation. For example, consider the proposition
concerning the planet Venus and the planet Venus, that the former is identical
with the latter. One of its modes of presentation is expressed by the sentence
‘Hesperus is Phosphorus’, another by the sentence ‘Hesperus is Hesperus’. The
proposition is not a priori under the first of these modes of presentation, but it
is a priori under the second.
A conception is a mode of presentation that can be expressed in words.
Conceptions are not the only way to think of a proposition: there are also
experiential modes of presentation. So a proposition that is not conceptually a
priori might be a priori when presented from an experiential perspective. Kant
claims that there are indeed propositions that cannot be proved conceptually,
but which can be proved by imagining the operations one would carry out
in the construction of a diagram: such consideration can make evident what
is not evident by conception alone. He illustrates this in his example of the
mathematical knowledge that he calls synthetic a priori:

Suppose that the conception of a triangle is given to a philosopher and that he

is required to discover, by the philosophical method, what relation the sum of
its angles bears to a right angle. He has nothing before him but the conception
of a figure enclosed within three right lines, and, consequently, with the same
number of angles. He may analyse the conception of a right line, of an angle, or
of the number three as long as he pleases, but he will not discover any properties
not contained in these conceptions.
But, if this question is proposed to a geometrician, he at once begins by
constructing a triangle. He knows that two right angles are equal to the sum of
all the contiguous angles which proceed from one point in a straight line, and
he goes on to produce one side of his triangle, thus forming two adjacent angles,
which are together equal to two right angles. He then divides the exterior of
these angles, by drawing a line parallel with the opposite side of the triangle, and
immediately perceives that he has thus got an exterior angle which is equal to
the interior.
Proceeding in this way, through a chain of inferences, and always on the
ground of intuition, he arrives at the clear and universally valid solution of the
question. (1929: A716, B744)

Here Kant is referring to Euclid’s proof that the Parallels Postulate entails that the
angle sum is two right angles.
92 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

How are such proofs possible? As well as ‘knowledge-that’, there is also

‘knowledge-how’, so there must also be practical modes of presentation. If S is an
instruction to carry out some maximally simple physical operation Φ, to comply
with the instruction one must know how to Φ. Let P be the proposition expressed by
the instruction S. In knowing how to make P true, one must be thinking of P from
an agent’s perspective. One’s seeing the truth of a general proposition may depend
on one’s considering the proposition from the perspective of an agent. An algorithm
is given by a sequence of instructions that can be obeyed by a Turing machine. But
anything a Turing machine can do, a human computer could in principle do too.
So if one could in principle carry out the instructions of an algorithm, one can
imagine carrying them out, and hence by stepping through the instructions in one’s
imagination, one can consider them from an agent’s perspective, and hence come
to synthetic a priori knowledge of how the algorithm would play out.

6.5  Are the Axioms of Peano Arithmetic True?

If the Peano Axioms are true then there exists an actual infinity of numbers.
The existence of numbers as real entities seems not to have been asserted by
mathematicians or philosophers prior to the work of Dedekind, Peano and Frege.
Certainly it was never asserted by Hume himself, who uses ‘number’ to mean
not a natural number but a plurality. Hume did not need the natural numbers
to count with, for numerals are all we need for counting. I have not found in
Euclid’s Elements an explicit ontological commitment to anything beyond
pluralities and numerals, so even very sophisticated calculations with numerals
do not require us to regard a numeral as referring to an actual entity. There is
a potential infinity of numerals, because we can always extend the system of
numerals as far as we please. But only a finite number of numerals have ever
been tokened by humanity, or ever will be, so the axioms of Peano Arithmetic
are false if we interpret them as speaking about numerals.
The question of whether there are numbers as well as numerals was taken
up seriously in the nineteenth century, when the work of Peano and Dedekind
rigorously axiomatized arithmetic. Their work led to the axioms of Peano
Arithmetic, so a natural philosophical question is whether we can know that
the axioms are true. Frege proposed logicism: he suggested that every truth of
arithmetic is an analytic truth, so our knowledge of arithmetic rests on logic alone.
But as we have argued, Frege’s second-order logic does not prove the existence of
numbers unless it cloaks some set theory. Dedekind, who discovered the ‘Peano’
axioms independently, obtained the axioms easily enough from the assumption
The Natural Numbers 93

that there exists a system which is in one-one correspondence with a proper

part of itself. But how can that assumption be justified? Dedekind provided a
psychologistic argument, as follows: he could think a thought, he could think
a second thought about the first thought, he could think a third thought about
the second thought, and so on ad infinitum(1901: 64). But at best this proves the
existence only of a potential infinity, and, therefore, does nothing at all to prove
that the Peano axioms are true.
In the previous chapter we arrived at the conclusion that given a quantity x,
there exists the class [x] of all those quantities equal to x, and that every such
class is a natural class. Therefore, for each such class there exists a size property
that unites the class. We arrived at the following two axioms:

Equality. Quantities are equal if and only if they are the same size.
Representatives. Every size has some quantity as a representative.

Finite pluralities are equal if they tally, so pluralities that tally are the same size.
We can therefore identify the natural numbers with the sizes of pluralities.

Definition. A property is called a natural number if it is the size property

which unites a virtual class of pluralities that tally.

Applied to the natural numbers, the axioms of Equality and Representatives of

Chapter 5 become the axioms NN1 and NN2 below:

NN1. [x] = [y] if and only if the number of x is identical to the number of y.
NN2. Given any number n, there always exists some plurality x such that n
is the number of [x].

In conjunction with the Homomorphism Theorem, NN1 and NN2 tell us

that the natural numbers are magnitudes. For (1) they are determinates of a
determinable, since their extensions partition the pluralities; (2) they have an
intrinsic order: a < b if the extension of a is [x], the extension of b is [y] and [x] < [y].
Moreover, (3) they have an addition operation, for a = b + c if the extension
of a is [x], the extension of b is [y], the extension of c is [z] and [x] = [y] + [z].

6.6  Zero Is Not a Number

We shall need one more axiom, which can be arrived at by philosophical


NN3. Not everything is a number.

94 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

The technical reason we need this axiom is to carry through the proofs in the
Appendix. We need to give it as a separate axiom because our theory says that
the first number is the number 1. This is because on our understanding a natural
number is the size of a plurality, and there is no such thing as the empty plurality.
Set theory allows the existence of an empty set, which is of size zero. But what
is the empty set? A set is best defined as anything that has an element, so the
so-called empty set is mis-named, since having no element it is not a set. This
difficulty can be resolved by supposing that there is something that is not a
set. As Lewis shows, if you choose whatever non-set you like, this one non-set
can very capably do everything that set theory asks the empty set to do (1991:
10–15). Our axiom NN3 plays a corresponding role in the present theory: zero
is whatever you like that is not a number. This non-number can very capably do
everything that zero is supposed to do.

6.7  The Natural Number 1

We can use our axioms to prove the existence of numbers. First, we need to
prove that something exists. But this is a logical truth, for if nothing exists, then
nothing is identical to itself, contradicting the law of logic that everything is
identical to itself. So it is not the case that nothing exists, so something exists,
so in particular some unit u exists. Then u ≈ u, so the virtual equivalence class
[u] of all units is not empty. Axiom NN1 entails that this equivalence class is the
extension of some number, which we call the number 1.
Now we can prove the existence of further numbers. If u and v are different
units, there exists the equivalence class [u&v], which by NN1 must be the
extension of some number. This number cannot be 1, for 1 is the number of [u],
but u&v is not a unit, so it does not tally with the unit u. So [u&v] has a number,
but its number cannot be 1, so it is a new number. Call the new number 2. In the
same way we arrive at 3, 4 and so on.
However, we cannot prove the existence of an infinity of numbers in this way.
Suppose there are only a finite number of units altogether. If there are only 100 units,
then we cannot prove the existence of the number 101 for lack of a representative. It
might look, therefore, as if we need more axioms in order to obtain the whole series
of natural numbers. But in fact this is not so: for by our hypothesis that numbers
are entities, we find that each time we prove the existence of a new number, that
number itself becomes available as an additional unit that we know of, that can
now be used to prove the existence of the next number and so on.
The Natural Numbers 95

6.8  Every Number Has a Successor

Let a be any number, and let its extension be [x]. Then if u is any unit not in x,
[x] + [u] ≠ [x], so [x] + [u] is the extension of some greater number b. The
relation between b and a is of special importance:

Definition. The number b is said to succeed the number a in the number

series if there exists a finite plurality x and a unit u disjoint from x such
that the extension of a is [x] and the extension of b is [x] + [u]

The definition is independent of the choice of x and u.

The Appendix proves from our assumptions that every number has a
successor. It follows that there is no greatest number, so there are infinitely
many numbers. This guarantees that addition of natural numbers is always
possible. Let a and b be any two numbers. Let x be the plurality of the first a
numbers in the number series, and let y be the plurality of the next b numbers:
we can always find x and y, since there are infinitely many numbers. Then x
is a representative of a, y is a representative of b, and x and y are disjoint, so
a + b = [x] + [y] = [x&y], so addition of numbers is always well-defined. Since
there are infinitely many numbers, the numbers themselves make the mereology
of plurals rich in representatives. So the Homomorphism Theorem applies,
allowing us to prove that the natural numbers are a positive semigroup. Then
the Peano Axioms N1–N6 and also the axioms N7 and N8 of Peano Arithmetic
that deal with addition can be deduced from the Homomorphism Theorem and
the axioms NN1–NN3. However, the axioms of Peano Arithmetic that deal with
multiplication cannot be derived yet: they are derived in Chapter 7.
96 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

Appendix to Chapter 6
Definition. The language of arithmetic is the plural predicate calculus, with the
numeral ‘1’ and the function symbols ‘ ′ ’, ‘ + ’ and ‘ . ’.

Notation. ‘u ε x’ for u is one of x, i.e u is a unit and u is part of x.

Definition. The Peano Axioms are the following formulas of the language of

N1. ∃n n = 1 (1 is a number)
N2. ∀m ∃n n = m′ (Every number has a successor)
N3. m = n → m′ = n′ (No number has two successors.)
N4. m′ = n′ → m = n (Different numbers have different successors)
N5. ∀n ¬ 1 = n′ (1 is not a successor)
N6. 1 ε x ∧ (∀m (m ε x→ m′ ε x) → ∀n n ε x (If there are some numbers, then
if 1 is one of them, and the successor of any of them is one of them, then
every number is one of them.)

Definition. Peano Arithmetic is the theory whose axioms are the Peano Axioms
plus the following additional axioms:

N7. n + 1 = n′
N8. m + n′ = (m + n)′
N9. m.1 = m
N10. m.n′ = (m.n)′

Definition. x are said to be finite if x are a plurality that can be exhausted by

continual subtraction of a unit.

Definition. x are said to be more than y, written ‘x ≻ y’, if x and y are finite, and
y are equal to a proper part of x.

Definition. x are said to be fewer than y, written ‘x ≺ y’, if y are more than x.

Definitions. If R is a partial order then:

a is said to be an R-minimal member of a plurality x if b ε x → ¬ Rba

a is said to be the R-least member of a plurality x if b ε x → (b ≠ a → Rab)
R is said to be well-founded on a plurality x if for all pluralities y ≤ x, y has an
R-minimal member.
The Natural Numbers 97

R is said to be a well-order on a plurality x if R is a well-founded total order.

Axioms of equality
When the Equality Axioms E1–E4 of section 5.1 are cited in this Appendix,
‘quantity’ means ‘finite plurality’, ‘equals’ means ‘tallies’ and ‘greater than’ means
Property realism says that the virtual equivalence classes under equality are
the extensions of a family of magnitudes, namely the natural numbers. Thus
there will be a one-one correspondence between the equivalence classes and
the numbers – each equivalence class is the extension of exactly one number,
and each number has exactly one equivalence class as its extension. So if [x]
is a virtual equivalence class, then some number n is its number. And if n is a
number, then there is some finite plurality x such n is the number of [x]. Finally,
since we do not consider zero to be a number, to prove that every number has a
successor, it is necessary to assume that not everything is a number. So we adopt
the three Axioms of Number below.

NN1. [x] = [y] if and only if the number of x is identical to the number
of y.
NN2. Given any number n, there always exists a finite plurality x such that n
is the number of [x].
NN3. Not everything is a number.

The Homomorphism Theorem 5.9 entails that the natural numbers are a positive
semigroup if the mereology of finite pluralities is rich in representatives. To
prove it is indeed rich in representatives, we first prove that there are infinitely
many natural numbers. We show that the natural numbers are well-ordered.
This validates the Principle of Mathematical Induction, which we then use to
prove that a is the number of the numbers less than or equal to a. We then prove
that every number has a successor, so there is no greatest number. Consequently
given any two numbers a and b, we can find a finite plurality of a numbers and a
disjoint finite plurality of the next b numbers.

Lemma 6.1. If x ≈ y and x ≺ z then y ≺ z.

Proof. If x ≺ z, then for some z' < z, x ≈ z'. So y ≈ z', so y ≺ z.

98 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

Lemma 6.2. If x ≈ y and z ≺ x then z ≺ y.

Proof. Assume x ≈ y and z ≺ x. Suppose z ≈ y. Then z ≈ x by E1. But this

contradicts E3. So ¬ z ≈ y. Suppose y ≺ z. Then x ≺ z by 6.1, contradicting E3. So
¬ y ≺ z. So z ≺ y by E3.

Theorem 6.3. Every non-empty virtual class {x: Fx} of finite pluralities has a
≺-minimal member.

Proof. Let F be any predicate, and suppose {x: Fx} is not empty. Let w be a finite
plurality such that w ∈ {x: Fx}. If w is ≺-minimal in {x: Fx} then {x: Fx} has a
minimal member. Otherwise there exists some y1 ∈ {x: Fx} such that y1 ≺ w.
So for some w1 < w, y1 ≈ w1. If y1 is minimal in {x: Fx} then {x: Fx} has a
minimal member. Otherwise there exists some y2 ∈ {x: Fx} such that y2 ≺ y1.
So since y1 ≈ w1, y2 ≺ w1 by 6.2, so y2 are equal to some proper part w2 of w1. If
y2 is minimal in {x: Fx} then {x: Fx} has a minimal member, but otherwise we
similarly find y3 ≺ y2 and w3 < w2 . Proceeding in this way we obtain a descending
series w1, w2, w3, …, wi, … of proper parts of w, and a corresponding series
y1, y2, y3, …, yi, … of members of {x: Fx}. But since w is a finite plurality, it can be
exhausted by continual subtraction of a unit, so it does not have infinitely many
proper parts. So for some n, wn is the last member of the descending series. So
by the construction, yn is a minimal element of {x: Fx}.

Lemma 6.4. If x1 ≈ x2 and y1 ≈ y2, then x1 ≺ y1 → x2 ≺ y2.

Proof. Assume that x1 ≈ x2, y1 ≈ y2 and x1 ≺ y1. Then x2 ≺ y1 by 6.1, so x2 ≺ y2

by 6.2.
We can, therefore, define an order on the natural numbers induced by the
order of their representatives:

Definition. a is said to be less than b, written ‘a < b’, if and only if there are
representatives x of a and y of b such that x are fewer than y.

Lemma 6.5. The relation < on the numbers is independent of the choice of

Proof. Suppose there are representatives x of a and y of b such that x are fewer
than y. Let x' be another representative of a and let y' be another representative
of b. Since a numbers both x and x', x ≈ x'. Similarly y ≈ y'. Therefore, since x are
fewer than y, x' are fewer than y' by 6.4, so ‘<’ is consistently defined.

Notation. ‘#x’ means the number of x.

The Natural Numbers 99

Lemma 6.6. The relation < on the numbers is well-founded.

Proof. Let z be any plurality of natural numbers. We must show z has a minimal
member. Let B be the virtual class {x: ∃n (n ε z ∧ n = #x)}. Then B is non-empty
by NN2. So by 6.1, there is a plurality y that is ≺-minimal in B. So if x ∈ B, x are
not fewer than y. Since y ∈ B, some number a ε z numbers y. We prove that a is
minimal in z. Let b ε z. For any x, if b = #x, then x ∈ B, so x are not fewer than y
by the minimality of y. So there do not exist representatives x of a and y of b such
that x are fewer than y, so ¬ b < a, so a is a minimal member of z.

Notation. ‘[v: Fv]’ denotes the plurality of all those units that fall under the
predicate F. The axiom scheme of plural comprehension (section 4.5) assures
that [v: Fv] exists if at least one thing satisfies F.

Lemma 6.7. The relation < on the natural numbers is connected, irreflexive,
asymmetric and transitive, and hence a total order.

Proof. < is connected if given a and b, a ≤ b or b ≤ a. So let a and b be any numbers

and let x be a representative of a and let y be a representative of b (NN2). Since
a = #x and b = #y, x and y are both finite pluralities, so either they are equal or one
is fewer than the other by E3. So x ≈ y or ∃w (x ≈ w ∧ w < y) or ∃w (y ≈ w ∧ w < x)
(E3) If x ≈ y, a = b (NN1). If ∃w (x ≈ w ∧ w < y) then a < b by the definition of <.
If ∃w (y ≈ w ∧ w < x) then b < a. Since these exhaust the possibilities, a = b or
a < b or b < a, i.e. the relation < on the natural numbers is connected.
The plurality [v: v = a] has a minimal member, since < is well-founded by 6.6.
So ¬ a < a, so the relation < on the numbers is irreflexive.
Suppose a < b and b < a. Then [v: v = a ∨ v = b] has no minimal
member, contradicting well-foundedness. So the relation < on the numbers is
Suppose a < b and b < c. If a = c or c < a, then [v: v = a ∨ v = b ∨ v = c] has
no minimal member. So a < c, since < is connected. So the relation < on the
numbers is transitive.

Theorem 6.8. The relation < on the numbers is a well-ordering.

By definition, every well-founded total order is a well-order. So the relation < is

a well-order by 6.6 and 6.7
100 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

Lemma 6.9. unit(x) ∧ unit(y) → x ≈ y.

Proof. Let x and y be units. Then if they are unequal then x has a proper part
equal to y or y has a proper part equal to x. But these are alike impossible since
no unit has a proper part. So x ≈ y by E3.

Definition. A number n is called the number one, written ‘n = 1’, if there exists a
unit u such that n is the number of u.

Theorem 6.10. ∃n n = 1

Proof. By NN1 and 6.9, any two units share a unique number. So there exists
exactly one number that is the number of every unit, so ∃n n = 1.

Theorem 6.11. ∀n ¬ n < 1

Proof. Suppose n < 1. Then there are representatives x of n and y of 1 such that
x are fewer than y, so x is equal to a proper part of y. But #y = 1, so y is a unit by
6.9, so y has no proper part. Contradiction.
Axiom E2 assures that the following definition of the sum is independent of
the choice of representatives.

Definition. A number a is called the sum of b and c, written ‘a = b + c’, if there are
disjoint representative x and y of b and c, respectively, such that a is the number
of x&y.

Theorem 6.12. If a = b + c, then b < a.

Proof. If a = b + c, then there are disjoint x and y such that b =#x, c = #y and
a = #(x&y). Since x and y are disjoint, x < x&y, so x are fewer than x&y, so b < a.

Theorem 6.13 (Principle of Induction). For all pluralities x, if 1 is one of x, and

if whenever n is one of x, then n + 1 is also one of x, then every number is one
of x.

Proof. Suppose 1 ε x. Suppose also that n ε x → (n + 1) ε x. Suppose there are

numbers not in x, and let a be the least such (6.8). Then a ≠ 1, since 1 ε x. Let
x be a representative of a (NN2). Let u be a unit of x; since a ≠ 1, x ≠ u (6.9), so
(x – u) exists. Let b = #(x – u). Then x – u and u are disjoint, and b = #(x – u) and
1 = #u, so a = b + 1. But then b < a by 6.12. So b ε x, so b + 1 ε x, i.e. a ε x. But a
is the least number not in x. Contradiction.
The Natural Numbers 101

Theorem 6.14. Every number is the number of itself and its predecessors.

Proof. Induction: Let x be the plurality of all the numbers a such that
a = #[n : n ≤ a]. No number is less than 1, so 1 = #[n: n ≤ 1], so 1 ε x. For the
induction step let m ε x. Then m = #[n: n ≤ m]. Since m + 1 = m + 1, m < m + 1
by 6.12. So m + 1 is not one of [n: n ≤ m]. The natural number m + 1 is a unit,
so 1 = #[n: n = m + 1] by 6.9. So since m = #[n: n ≤ m] and 1 = #[n: n = m + 1],
therefore m + 1 = #[n: n ≤ m + 1]. So m + 1 ε x. So every number is one of x by
6.13. So every number numbers itself and its predecessors.

Definition. If n = m + 1, then n is called the successor of m.

Notation. ‘m'’ for the successor of m.

Theorem 6.15. Every number has a successor.

Proof. Let m be any number. Let 0 be any individual that is not a number (NN3).
Then 1 = #[v: v = 0]. Also [v: v = 0] and [n: n ≤ m] are disjoint, since 0 is not a
number. So since m = #[n: n ≤ m] by 6.14, #([n: n ≤ m]& [v: v = 0]) = m + 1, so
m has a successor.

Lemma 6.16. (a + b) + 1 = a + (b + 1)

Proof. Nested induction on a and b.

If a = 1, then if b = 1, let u1, u2 and u3 be disjoint units.
Then 1 + (1 + 1) = #u1 + (#u2 + #u3) = #u1 + #(u2&u3)) = #(u1&u2&u3)
= #((u1&u2)&u3) = (#u1 + #u2) + #u3 = (1 + 1) + 1.

Assume that (n + 1) + 1 = n + (1 + 1). Let x be a representative of n, and let u1, u2

and u3 be units disjoint from each other and from x. Such representatives can always
be found, since by 6.14 the numbers up to and including n are a representative of n,
so n + 1, n + 2 and n + 3 can be taken as further disjoint units. Then ((n + 1) + 1) + 1 =
(#(x&u1) + #u2) + #u3 = #(x&u1&u2&u3) = #(x&u1) + #(u2&u3) = (n + 1) + (1 + 1).
So (a + 1) + 1 = a + (1 + 1) by induction on a.
Assume that (a + n) + 1 = a + (n + 1). Then (a + (n + 1)) + 1 exists, since
it is the successor of (a + n) + 1, which exists by the assumption. So there
exist disjoint y and z, and units u and v such that a = #y, n = #z, 1 = #u = #v.
So (a + (n + 1)) + 1 = #(y&(z&u))&v) = #(y&z&u&v). But #(y&z&u&v) =
#(y&((z&u)&v) = (a + ((n + 1)) + 1). So for all a and b, (a + b) + 1 = a + (b + 1)
by induction on b.
102 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

Lemma 6.17. b = #[n: (a + 1) ≤ n ≤ (a + b)]

Proof. Induction on b: If b = 1, then [n : (a + 1) ≤ n ≤ (a + b)] = [n: (a + 1) ≤ n ≤ (a + 1)] =

[n: n = (a + 1)], which is a unit class, so 1 = #[n: (a + 1) ≤ n ≤ (a + 1)],
so the theorem is true if b = 1. Suppose the theorem is true if b = m.
Then m = #[n: (a + 1) ≤ n ≤ (a + m)]. Then [n : (a + 1) ≤ n ≤ (a + m)] and
[n : n = (a + m) + 1] are disjoint, so (m + 1) = #([n: (a + 1) ≤ n ≤ (a + m)]&[n: n =
(a + m) + 1]), i.e. (m + 1) = #[n: (a + 1) ≤ n ≤ (a + m) + 1)]). But (a + m) + 1 =
a + (m + 1) by 6.16. So (m + 1) = #[n : (a + 1) ≤ n ≤ (a + (m+ 1)]). So, by
induction, for all b, b = #[n: (a + 1) ≤ n ≤ (a + b)].

Lemma 6.18. The mereology of finite pluralities is rich.

Proof. A mereology is rich if for each x and y there exist disjoint s and t such that
x ≈ s and y ≈ t. So suppose x and y are finite pluralities. Then there are numbers a,
b such that a = #x and b = #y. Then a = #[n: n ≤ a] by 6.14, so x ≈ [n: n ≤ a]. Also
b = #[n: (a + 1) ≤ n ≤ (a + b)] by 6.16, so y ≈ [n: (a + 1) ≤ n ≤ (a + b)]. So since
[n: n ≤ a] and [n: (a + 1) ≤ n ≤ (a + b)] are disjoint, they are the required s and t.

Theorem 6.19. The natural numbers are a commutative positive semigroup.

Proof. By the Homomorphism Theorems 5.9, 5.10 and 6.18.

Notation. ‘m′’ for the successor of m.

Theorem 6.20. The following axioms of plural Peano Arithmetic are true:

N1 ∃n n = 1; N2 ∀m ∃n n = m′; N3 m = n → m′ = n′; N4 m′ = n′ → m = n
N5 ∀n ¬ 1 = n′; N6 1 ε x ∧ (∀m (m ε x→ m′ ε x) → ∀n n ε x; N7 n + 1 = n′;
N8 m+ n′ = (m + n)′

Proof. By 6.19, the following are theorems of our theory:

(1) ∀m ∀n ∃k k = m + n
(2) (m + n) + k = m + (n + k)
(3) m ≠ n ↔ ∃k (m = n + k ∨ n = m + k)
(4) m + n = n + m

This allows us to prove that the first eight axioms of plural Peano Arithmetic are
theorems of our theory, as follows:

N1 is 6.10.
N2 is 6.15.
The Natural Numbers 103

N3 follows from the definition of the successor.

For N4, suppose m′ = n′. Then m + 1 = n + 1 by definition of ‘successor’.
So 1 + m = 1 + n by (4) above. Suppose m ≠ n. Then either m + k = n or
n + k = m by (3). Suppose m + k = n, then (1 + m) = 1 + n = 1 + (m + k) =
(1 + m) + k by (2), so (1 + m) ≠ (1 + m) by (3) above. Contradiction.
We may similarly exclude the possibility that n + k = m. So m = n.
So m′ = n′ → m = n.
N5 is 6.11.
N6 is 6.13.
For N7, n + 1 exists for every n by (1), and n + 1 = n′ by definition.
For N8, m+ n′ = m + (n + 1) = (m + n) + 1 = (m + n)′ by (2) above.


This chapter presents an a priori justification of the two remaining axioms of Peano
Arithmetic, the two that deal with multiplication. The chapter criticizes Quine’s
view that axioms can be justified only a posteriori by their empirical success in
total science. Quine reduces the axioms for the various kinds of number to set
theory, and justifies set theory on empirical grounds. But bundling up everything
in set theory blurs the inner detail of the various system of numbers, and gives
us no insight into why a particular combination of axioms has been empirically
successful in total science. Multiplication is a case in point. Multiplication is a
very powerful new idea, for it makes arithmetic so rich as to be undecidable.
As later chapters will show, multiplication is the essential prerequisite of the
theory of ratio and proportion, on which rests the theory of the real numbers.
All this mathematics has its source in Euclid’s ‘repeated addition’ algorithm for
multiplying a plurality by a plurality. By imaginative reflection on this algorithm
we can arrive at knowledge of the axioms of multiplication.
Section 7.1 distinguishes the contemporary meaning of ‘axiom’ in formal
logic from its earlier use to mean an evident a priori truth. Section 7.2 discusses
the cascade of formal ‘axioms’ that lead step by step from the natural numbers
to the real numbers, and the corresponding step-by-step identification by set
theorists of structures within the universe of sets that verify these ‘axioms’.
Section 7.3 argues that addition and multiplication must be less similar to each
other than the set-theoretic reduction makes them appear, for adding addition
without multiplication to the Peano Axioms yields a decidable theory, but
adding multiplication without addition yields an undecidable theory. Section
7.4 describes Euclid’s ‘repeated addition’ algorithm for multiplying a plurality by
a plurality. Section 7.5 uses that algorithm to define multiplication of quantities
by numbers, hence multiplication of magnitudes by numbers, and hence
multiplication of numbers by numbers. Section 7.6 uses the definition to derive
the final two axioms of Peano Arithmetic that deal with multiplication.
106 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

7.1  What Is an ‘Axiom’?

The natural numbers, the positive real numbers and the ordinals are magnitudes,
but it is customary in mathematics to apply the term ‘number’ to systems that
are not pure magnitudes. For example, the term is also applied to the positive
and negative integers, the positive and negative rational numbers, the positive
and negative real numbers and to the complex numbers as well. None of these
are pure magnitudes, so none of them are numbers in our sense: all of them are
vectors, which is to say, they are mathematical entities having both magnitude
and direction. The topic of direction belongs to the mathematics of orientation,
which is not our concern here. However, the axioms for these further systems of
‘directed numbers’ are closely related to the axioms for a system of magnitudes.
Formal axioms for further systems can be developed by starting from the axioms
for a commutative positive semigroup and adding extra axioms piecemeal, as

Axioms for a commutative positive semigroups: closure axiom, commutative

law, associative law and axiom of restricted subtraction of the lesser from
the greater.
Natural numbers: axioms for a commutative positive semigroup plus axioms
for multiplication.
Integers: axioms for the natural numbers plus an axiom of unrestricted
Rationals: axioms for the integers plus axioms for unrestricted division by
non-zero divisors.
Real numbers: axioms for the rationals plus an axiom of the least upper

With what justification do we add all these extra axioms? This raises the issue of
what we mean by an ‘axiom’.
According to Aristotle, an axiom is a ‘first principle’, a proposition that is
primitively evident. Rationalists say that mathematics is an a priori science that
advances from primitively evident axioms to theorems by steps of deductive
reasoning that apply logical rules, the validity of which is primitively evident.
On this account, every proved theorem is an addition to our store of a priori
knowledge. But contemporary formal logic gives ‘axiom’ a meaning orthogonal
to the rationalist’s meaning of the term. Formal logic defines a theory as a set of
sentences – any set of sentences. The axioms of a theory are said to be any set A
of sentences such that each sentence in the theory is a logical consequence of the
Multiplication 107

sentences in A. A theory is said to be axiomatic if it is decidable whether or not a

given sentence is an axiom, that is if there is an effective method of determining
whether a given sentence is an axiom. The logical consequence relation of a
theory is said to be decidable if given any decidable set Γ of sentences of the theory
and any sentence s of the language of the theory, there is an effective method of
determining whether s is or is not a logical consequence of Γ. A theory is said to
be decidable if it is axiomatic and its logical consequence relation is decidable, in
which case there is an effective method of computing whether a given sentence
is or is not a sentence of the theory. Thus a theory is decidable if a computer
program can be written to test sentences for theoremhood (Mendelson 1987:
28). The sentences that are called ‘axioms’ in the sense of formal logic need have
no special epistemic status: not only may they lack all warrant, they need not
even be true.

7.2  Set-theoretic Constructions

Axiomatic set theory is the set of sentences that are logical consequence of the
decidable set of sentences that are axioms in the symbolic logic sense of the
term. For example, the set theory ZFC is the set of all the logical consequences
of the familiar axioms. A computer can tell whether a given sentence is an axiom
of ZFC, but it cannot tell whether the axiom is true.
If the axioms of ZFC on an intended interpretation are true then they have
a model, which must include a vast ‘universe’ of sets. Within this model we can
find various substructures which verify the various axioms of the various kinds
of numbers of section 7.1. Thus the Axiom of Infinity of ZFC says:

∃x (∅ ∈ x ∧ ∀y(y ∈ x → y ∪ {y} ∈ x)

Given this set ω, we can interpret the natural numbers N as the elements of
this set, defining 0 as ∅, 1 as {∅}, 2 as {0, 1} = {∅, {∅}} and so on, where each
number is identified with the set of its predecessors. Set theory allows us to give
an inductive definition of operations of addition and multiplication of elements
of this set, and set theory proves that the definitions do in fact define functions.
This structure N, namely the set ω with addition and multiplication defined on
it, is a model of the axioms of the natural numbers, so set theorists propose
to identify the natural numbers with N. The set Z of all integers, positive,
negative and zero, can then be constructed by means of an equivalence relation
on ordered pairs of elements of N. Define an equivalence relation ~1 on N as
108 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

follows: <a, b> ~1 <c, d> if the difference between the first and second members
of the two ordered pairs is the same, i.e. if a + d = b + c. We obtain an infinite set
of infinite equivalence classes of ordered pairs of elements of N and we identify
the equivalence classes under ~1 with the integers Z. The set Z is a model of
the axioms for the integers. Set theory allows us to give inductive definitions of
addition and multiplication of integers, so we may define an equivalence relation
~2 on ordered pairs of integers as follows: <a, b> ~2 <c, d> if a is to b as c is to d,
i.e. if b≠ 0 and c ≠ 0 and a.d = b.c. We identify the set of rational numbers Q with
the set of infinite equivalence classes under ~2 of ordered pairs of elements of Z.
Q is a model of the axioms for the rationals. With the rational numbers obtained
in this way, we next define a Cauchy sequence as an infinite sequence {an} whose
members become arbitrarily close to each other as n increases. We define a
third equivalence relation ~3 on Cauchy sequences of rationals: {an}~3{bn} if the
members of {an} and the members of {bn} become arbitrarily close to each other
as n increases. Addition and multiplication of equivalence classes of Cauchy
sequences can be defined by operations on representatives. The set R of real
numbers is identified with the set of equivalence classes under ~3 of Cauchy
sequences of elements of Q. It can then be verified that the elements of R are a
model of the usual axioms for the real numbers.1
Thus if ZFC has a model, then within that model the axioms of ZFC are
true, as are also the axioms for the natural numbers, the integers, the rational
numbers and the real numbers. So if the numbers had to be taken to be these set-
theoretic constructions, then whether the number axioms are true or not would
depend on whether the axioms of ZFC are true. But we don’t know a priori that
the axioms of ZFC are true. In the absence of a priori knowledge of the truth
of the axioms, we lack understanding of why these particular axioms have to
be adopted. Why exactly do we define the integers in terms of unrestricted
subtraction, the rationals in terms of unrestricted division and the reals in terms
of Cauchy sequences? Of course, we do know a posteriori that the definitions
work excellently in practice, in applications in the sciences. But knowing from
experience that something works is not the same as understanding why it works.
According to Quine (1951), science has no need of the concept of knowledge
– all that we need, and the most that we can aspire to, are good beliefs. The best
beliefs are those that work best in practice, and what in fact works best in practice
is our current total science, so any belief that is part of our total science is a best
belief according to Quine’s pragmatism. Mathematics is an indispensable part of
total science, set theory is an indispensable part of mathematics, so the axioms of
set theory are best beliefs, according to Quine. This book argues on the contrary
Multiplication 109

that higher set theory is not an indispensable part of total science: given the
numbers, applicable science can manage perfectly well with far fewer sets than
ZFC requires. Our knowledge of number does not depend on set theory, and can
be justified a priori, which allows us to understand why the axioms are true. The
present chapter shows how the axioms for multiplication of natural numbers can
be arrived at a priori by imaginative reflection on an algorithm of Euclid’s.

7.3  Mysterious Multiplication

Multiplication of the natural numbers presents something arithmetically new.

Chapter 6 showed that the natural numbers have the algebraic structure of a
commutative positive semigroup, but multiplication gives them important further
structure. Multiplication is repeated addition, but the idea of multiplication is
not a repetition of the idea of addition.
It is sometimes said that the Peano Axioms are all we need for the whole of
arithmetic. This is true in the sense that any system that is a model of the axioms
is isomorphic to the natural numbers. But the isomorphism here is very thin, for
it preserves structure only with respect to the successor operation. The thinness
of the isomorphism is evident from the fact that if X is any set such that there is
a one-one correspondence f between X and X – {a}, where a is some member of
X, then < X, f, a> is a model of the Peano Axioms, with a playing the role of the
number 1 and f playing the role of the successor function. So to tell the full story
of the natural numbers we need to supplement the Peano Axioms with the laws
of addition and multiplication. For this reason, ‘Peano Arithmetic’ adds to the
Peano Axioms explicit axioms N7–N10 on addition and multiplication.

N7. m + 1 = m′
N8. m + n′ = (m + n)′
N9. m.1 = m
N10. m.n′ = (m.n) + n

N7 and N8 give the axioms for addition; in the Appendix to the previous chapter
we had already obtained these axioms from the proof that the numbers are a
positive semigroup. But the axioms N9 and N10 for multiplication go beyond
anything we have obtained hitherto.
There really is something quite mysterious about multiplication of natural
numbers. Arithmetic with addition but without multiplication is a decidable
theory, but when we add multiplication arithmetic becomes undecidable. Define
110 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

‘the language of arithmetic’ as the predicate calculus with the numeral ‘1’ and
the function symbols ‘ ′ ’, ‘ + ’ and ‘ . ’. Define ‘arithmetic’ as the sentences of the
language of arithmetic that are true when ‘1’ is interpreted as the number 1, and the
function symbols ‘ ′ ’, ‘ + ’ and ‘ . ’ are interpreted as the successor function, addition
and multiplication, respectively. Define ‘arithmetic without multiplication’ as the
true sentences of the language of arithmetic that do not contain ‘ . ’, and define
‘arithmetic without addition’ as the true sentences of the language of arithmetic
that do not contain ‘ + ’. Arithmetic with addition but without multiplication is
decidable (Boolos and Jeffrey 1974: 219–27). But arithmetic with multiplication
but without addition is undecidable.2
So multiplication must somehow be a more powerful operation than mere
addition: it must involve some further aspect of the numbers over and above
their structure as a positive semigroup. This comes to light in connection with
Gödel’s First Incompleteness Theorem, which says that arithmetic is incomplete.
The proof of the theorem shows that even theories much weaker than full Peano
Arithmetic are incomplete. For example, the theory Q whose axioms are just N1–
N5 and N7–N10 is also incomplete, even though Q is a very weak theory, since
it lacks the Principle of Induction (Boolos and Jeffrey 1974: 157–69). But the
theory Q does have the three relations successor, addition and multiplication. The
presence of multiplication makes Q powerful enough to express every recursive
function. The proof of the Incompleteness Theorem shows how to arithmetize
syntax, by representing syntactic properties by recursive functions. Because Q
can represent every recursive function, it can be interpreted as speaking about
its own formulas. In particular, there is a formula of Q that is true in the standard
model if and only if that very formula has no proof in Q. It follows that if Q is
consistent then neither this formula nor its negation is provable.
Since the axioms N9 and N10 have such striking effects, rationalists need
to justify adopting them. We can simply assert as an axiom that there is a
certain relation, the multiplication relation, which conforms to the two axioms.
Moreover, we can show that any other relation that satisfies them will exactly
coincide with multiplication in its extension. Thus postulation of the relation
would be one way to arrive at the axioms, but it would scarcely justify them.
Can we abstain from postulation and rely on definitions alone to justify the
axioms? We can certainly give the following familiar recursive definition of

m.1 = m
m.(n + 1) = m.n + m
Multiplication 111

The two clauses of this definition certainly closely resemble axioms N9 and
N10. But the familiarity of the recursive definitions should not obscure their
circularity, or at least, quasi-circularity. Here multiplication, the definiendum,
itself occurs in the second clause of the definiens. A question must, therefore,
arise as to whether such definitions are satisfactory from the point of view of
justifying axioms.
The recursive definition does allow us to assign truth conditions to sentences
containing numerals, so the definitions do allow one to determine, in principle
at least, the truth conditions of specific numerical formulas such as ‘12 = 4.3’.
For some purposes that would count as ‘knowing what multiplication means’.
The reason this works is that the recursive definition allows us to eliminate the
defined symbol ‘ . ’ after a finite number of applications of its clauses. But the
recursive definition does not help us in determining the truth conditions of
sentences containing numeric variables. In a sentence such as ‘∀m ∀n m.n = n.m’,
the definition leaves us unable to eliminate the symbol ‘ . ’, so it gives us no
guidance as to how we are to determine the truth condition of the sentence. Of
course the sentence is true, and is easily proved to be true from N9, N10 and the
Induction Schema. But the easy proof is successful only because we are treating
N9 and N10 as axioms and not as definitions.
Adding the axioms N9 and N10 takes us from a weak, decidable theory to
a strong, undecidable one. It would be very strange if we could justify such
powerful axioms just ‘by definition’. The definitions themselves need to be
justified, in view of their quasi-circularity. To justify them, we could appeal to
the theorem of definition by induction in set theory, which assures that there
exists one function, and only one, that satisfies the two clauses of the recursive
definition. But we are trying to dispense with reliance on set theory. That is one
reason for us to reject the explanation of multiplication by recursive definition.
Another reason is that if we approach the matter via set theory and recursive
definitions, we obscure the difference between addition and multiplication:
given the successor relation, both can be defined by exactly the same kind of
recursive definition. That would suggest that addition and multiplication are
conceptually on a par: just add the idea of definition by recursion to the idea of
successor to arrive at both the idea of addition and the idea of multiplication.
But as we saw, addition leaves arithmetic decidable, but multiplication makes it
How do we stand if we do not appeal to set theory to justify our recursive
definitions? The intuitive conception is that one magnitude may be ‘contained’
in another a certain number of times. If b = a + a, we say a is contained in b
112 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

twice, so b is twice a. If c = a + a + a, then c is thrice a, and so on. In the general


m.a = a + a + … + a (m terms ‘a’)

This is a good ‘explanation’, in the sense that it will allow a novice to learn how to
do multiplication sums. But really it is just a different way of giving a recursive
definition by counting ‘terms’ in the metalanguage, so we cannot appeal to it to
prove general facts about multiplication without some additional assumptions.
Multiplication is sometimes explained by using single items to encode
pluralities. If we have m baskets, we say, and if we have a items in each basket,
then we have m.a items altogether. This explanation is limited by the physical
supply of baskets, so for a general explanation we replace the baskets with sets.
Then m.a is indeed the number of elements in the union of m disjoint sets with
a elements each. So this style of explanation is just a variant of the approach
through set theory.

7.4  Euclid’s Definition of Multiplication

We cannot easily define multiplication of numbers by operations on the numbers

themselves, but we can make intuitive sense of the idea of multiplying a plurality.
We can double a plurality x, and hence ‘multiply’ it, by ‘adding x to itself ’, that
is to say, by adding to x a fresh plurality equal to x. By doing this repeatedly, we
can multiply x as much as required. Euclid accordingly defines multiplication
of a plurality by a plurality as follows: ‘A plurality is said to multiply a plurality
when that which is multiplied is added to itself as many times as there are units
in the other, and thus some plurality is produced.’ (Heath (1956): Vol. 2, 278. I
have substituted ‘plurality’ for ‘number’ in Heath’s translation.) The following
algorithm of repeated addition computes the product of pluralities x and y in
accordance with Euclid’s definition:

Repeated Addition. Clear a location, then while y is not exhausted, add a

fresh quantity equal to x to the location and subtract a unit from y.

The plurality that has accumulated in the location when the algorithm halts is
the product of the pluralities x and y.
Euclid himself did not do so, but we have taken the natural numbers to be
entities, namely, the size properties that numerically equal quantities share. So
we shall regard his algorithm as a definition of what it is to add x to itself as
Multiplication 113

many times as the number of units in y. So we can define multiplication of a

quantity x by a natural number n as follows: it is addition of x to itself n times,
in the sense of the repeated addition algorithm. The definition succeeds not
only for the multiplication of pluralities by a number but equally for any kind
of quantities. To multiply a line AB by a number n we add AB to itself n times,
which is to say we lay n disjoint copies of AB end to end. Euclid’s repeated
addition algorithm also works for multiplication of surfaces and solids by a
natural number.
As well as multiplying a quantity by a number, we can multiply a magnitude
by a number, again by the method of representatives. To define the result
of multiplication of the magnitude a by the natural number n, we take a
representative quantity x of a, multiply x by n and define n·a as the magnitude
of n·x. For example, we define multiplication of the length a by the number n as
the length ‘produced’ by n times adjoining disjoint lines of length a. In general, it
makes sense to double or treble a length, an angle, an area or a volume.
Since we can multiply magnitudes by numbers, then since numbers are
magnitudes we can multiply numbers by numbers. Thus we define multiplication
of the number m by the number n by multiplication of representatives: taking
a representative x of m, we define n.m as the number of n·x, where x is any
representative of x.

7.5  The Multiplication Axioms of Peano Arithmetic

Axioms N9 and N10 are as follows:

N9. 1.n = n
N10. (m + 1).n = m.n + n

We can now justify these. To calculate 1.n, the definition tells us that if x is a
representative of n, then 1.n is the number of 1·x. But by the repeated addition
algorithm, 1·x is the result of clearing a location and adding a copy of x to it
exactly once. So when the algorithm halts the location contains some plurality y
which is a copy of x. So by definition, 1.n is the number of y, which is the number
of x, since x ≈ y. But x is a representative of n, so the number of x is n, so 1.n = n,
just as N9 says. (The argument is independent of the choice of the representative
x, for if x' is another representative of n then adding a copy of x' to z just is adding
a copy of x to z, since x' ≈ x.) Similarly, to multiply n by m + 1, the definition tells
us to multiply some representative x of n by m + 1. Then the repeated addition
114 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

algorithm tells us to clear the location and then (m + 1) times to add a fresh
copy of x to it. But to do that comes to the same as clearing the location, then m
times adding a fresh copy of x, and then once more adding a fresh copy of x. So
(m + 1).n = m.n + n, and we have justified axiom N10. Thus without using set
theory we have been able to prove all the axioms of Peano Arithmetic and to see
why they must be true.


This chapter extends the theory of multiplication by considering the ‘Euclidean

Algorithm’. Euclid proves that when applied to finite pluralities, this algorithm
always finds the greatest common measure, a fact that lays the foundation for the
theory of fractions. But there are pairs of quantities, such as the side and diagonal
of a square, for which the Euclidean Algorithm never halts: such quantities are
called incommensurable. The theory of ratio and proportion given by Eudoxus
allows us to define ratios even of such incommensurable quantities. We can
define operations of addition and multiplication for ratios of commensurable
quantities using just the arithmetic of fractions, but for incommensurables
we have to assume, in addition, that there exists a system of magnitudes that
is complete in the sense that it contains representatives of every possible ratio.
We can then define addition and multiplication for all ratios, commensurable
and incommensurable alike. This gives a structure to the algebra of ratios that
is isomorphic to the positive real numbers. So the axioms for the positive real
numbers will be true provided there exists a complete system of magnitudes.
This conclusion looks ahead to the proof in Chapter 9 that a complete system of
magnitudes does indeed exist, namely the lengths.
Section 8.1 introduces the idea of the relative size of two quantities and shows
how the Euclidean Algorithm gives rise to the entire arithmetic of fractions.
Section 8.2 discusses the problem of incommensurables and gives Eudoxus’s
definition of sameness of ratio of incommensurable quantities. Section 8.3
extends Eudoxus’s definition to magnitudes also, and section 8.4 shows that
sameness of ratio can be treated as an equivalence relation on ordered pairs of
magnitudes. Section 8.5 says that ratios of commensurable quantities can be
identified with the fractions of section 8.1, so the algebra of these ratios just is
the arithmetic of fractions. This algebra turns out to be a model for the axioms
for the positive rational numbers. Section 8.6 shows how the assumption that
there exists a complete system of magnitudes allows us to extend the algebra of
116 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

ratios to obtain categorical axioms for the positive real numbers. Following Scott
(1974), the Appendix gives a proof of the fundamentally important theorem that
any system of continuous magnitudes is complete.

8.1  Relative Size

Given two quantities, we may compare them in two ways. One way is the relation
of greater and lesser, when the lesser is equal to a proper part of the greater. The
difference in their magnitudes is a measure of their difference of absolute size.
Another way is to compare the relative size, for example, when we say that one
quantity is double another. Absolute and relative size can vary independently:
two large quantities may be similar in relative size despite a large difference in
their absolute size, and two small quantities can be very different in relative size
despite the difference in absolute size being small.
In Euclid’s discussion in Book VII, he speaks of one quantity ‘measuring’
another. We can give the following definition:

Definition. One quantity is said to measure another if when multiplied it

can equal the other.

Thus x measures y if when x is ‘added to itself ’ enough times, in the sense of

the repeated addition algorithm of the previous chapter, eventually the ‘plurality
produced’ is equal to y. Thus x measures y if there exists a number n such that
n.x ≈ y. For example, a unit measures every plurality, every plurality measures
itself, a duo measures a quartet and a sextet, a trio measures a sextet and a nonet,
and so on. To make comparisons of relative size, we need a ‘common measure’.

Definition. A quantity is called a common measure of two quantities if

it measures them both. It is called the greatest common measure if it is
greater than every other common measure.

We can compare the relative size of y and z by saying how many common
measures each contains. Thus if x is a common measure of y and z, then there
exist numbers m and n such that y ≈ m·x and z ≈ n·x, and the pair of numbers
(m, n) gives complete information about the relative size of y and z. By
convention, the number pair is written as the fraction m/n. For example, a sextet
is two trios, a nonet is three trios, so the relative size of sextet and nonet is given
by (2, 3), i.e. a sextet is 2/3 of a nonet. But a sextet is 6 units and a nonet is 9 units,
so the relative size of nonet and sextet can also be given as (6, 9), and thus as the
Ratio 117

fraction 6/9. So the fractions 6/9 and 2/3 are equivalent. If we give the relative
size by counting how many greatest common measures each quantity contains,
then the pair of numbers (m, n) we arrive at will correspond to a fraction m/n
which is in its ‘lowest terms’.
At Book VII, proposition 2, Euclid gives a famous algorithm, now called the
Euclidean Algorithm, to find the greatest common measure of two pluralities x
and y.

If the lesser measures the greater, it is the greatest common measure.

Otherwise continually subtract from the greater a part equal to the lesser
until a plurality is left that measures the one before it.
This plurality that is left is the greatest common measure.

For example, to find the greatest common measure of pluralities of 35 and 21

units, respectively, from the greater 35 subtract a part equal to the lesser 21,
leaving 14 and 21 units; from the greater 21 subtract a part equal to the lesser 14,
leaving 7 and 14 units; the plurality of 7 that is left ‘measures the one before it’
14, so the 7 units are the greatest common measure.
At Proposition 4 of Book VII, Euclid proves the fundamental theorem of the
subject: ‘Any plurality is either a part or parts of any plurality, the less of the
greater.’ (When Euclid says that x is parts of y, he means that x is a proper fraction
of y.) The theorem rests on his proof that for any two pluralities, the Euclidean
Algorithm always returns a greatest common measure. So given pluralities y and
z, there always exists their greatest common measure x, so there exist m and n
such that y ≈ m·x and z ≈ n·x, so y = m/n of z, and the fraction m/n will be proper
if m < n, that is, if y is the lesser. The Euclidean Algorithm will always succeed
in giving us exact information about the relative size of finite pluralities, since at
latest it will terminate when either y or z has been reduced to a unit, when the
greatest common measure is a unit, and y and z are prime to each other. The
algorithm will also often succeed for lengths and other continuous quantities, in
cases where the remainders finally become equal.

Definition. Quantities y and z are said to be commensurable if there exists

a quantity x and numbers m and n such that y ≈ m·x and z ≈ n·x.

Some quantities are incommensurable. For example, there are pairs of lines for
which the Euclidean Algorithm never terminates. If we apply the algorithm to the
side y and the diagonal z of the same square, the algorithm will never terminate,
so side and diagonal have no common measure, so there is no fraction m/n such
that the side is equal to the fraction m/n of the diagonal. For practical purposes
118 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

this matters little, since the remainders will become as small as we please as the
algorithm repeats, allowing us to obtain indefinitely many fractions m/n that are
‘too big’, in the sense that y is less than m/n of z, and indefinitely many fractions
m/n that are ‘too small’, in the sense that y is greater than m/n of z. With each
cycle of the algorithm the largest of the fractions that are ‘too small’ grows ever
closer to the smallest of the fractions that are ‘too large’, yielding better and better
approximations. But a limiting value is never attained: there is no fraction m/n
that is ‘just right’, so there is none such that the side y is equal to m/n of the
diagonal z.

8.2  Eudoxus’s Definition of Proportion

Suppose we wish to know whether the pair of quantities y and z are the same
relative size as the pair y' and z'. If both pairs are commensurable then there are
‘just right’ m and n such that y is equal to m/n of z and ‘just right’ m' and n' such
that y' is equal to m'/n' of z'. So y and z are the same relative size as y' and z' if
m/n = m'/n'. But if either pair are incommensurable we cannot apply this test:
we can get better and better approximations, but we never get an exact answer.
However, the solution to this problem was known to the Greeks.1
First, we need Definitions 3 and 4 of Elements Book V:

A ratio is a sort of relation in respect of size between two quantities of the

same kind.
Quantities are said to have a ratio to one another which can, when
multiplied, exceed one another.

Thus x and y have a ratio on Euclid’s definition if x when multiplied can exceed
y, in other words, if there is some n such that y ≺ n·x. The infinitesimal quantities
of Newton and Leibniz such as dy and dx are said not to have a ratio because
if x is finite there is no n such that x ≺ n·dx. If we assume that there are no
infinitesimals, we can adopt the following Axiom of Archimedes:

Axiom of Archimedes. For any quantities x and y of the same kind there
is a natural number n such that y ≺ n·x

The Archimedean axiom allows us to compare the relative size of any two
quantities of the same kind. If we already know that x ≺ y, we acquire more
information about their relative size if we learn that y ≺ 2·x for then we know
that x is more than half y: if we learn that 3·x ≺ 2·y, we know that y is more than
Ratio 119

half as much again as x. The more such inequalities we are given, the fuller the
information we have concerning the relative size of x and y. So as we test the
truth value of statements of the form m·x ≺ n·y for more and more pairs of
numbers m and n we gain increasingly exact information about the relative size
of x and y. So if for another pair of quantities x' and y' the same tests give the
same results for all natural numbers m and n, it seems fair to say that x and y
have the same relative size as z and w. Here is Eudoxus’s definition as stated by
Euclid in Book V, Definitions 5 and 6:

Quantities are said to be in the same ratio, the first to the second and the
third to the fourth, when, if any equimultiples whatever are taken of the
first and third, and any equimultiples whatever of the second and fourth,
the former equimultiples alike exceed, are alike equal to, or alike fall short
of, the latter equimultiples respectively taken in corresponding order.
Let quantities which have the same ratio be called proportional.

Given x, y, x' and y' as the four quantities in question, Eudoxus says that x and y
are in the same ratio as x' and y' if for all m and n, either (i) m·x ≻ n·y and
m·x' ≻ n·y' or (ii) m·x ≈ n·y and m·x' ≈ n·y' or (iii) m·x ≺ n·y and m·x' ≺ n·y'. Thus
x, y, x' and y' are proportional if the same fractions which are ‘too small’, ‘just
right’ or ‘too large’, respectively, for the relative size of x and y, are also ‘too small’,
‘just right’ or ‘too large’, respectively, for the relative size of x' and y'.
The definition of ratio would fail if we could not get x to exceed y, and x'
to exceed y', by taking large enough multiples, which is why we need the
Archimedean axiom. Note that while x and y must be quantities of the same
kind, as must x' and y', it is not required that all four be of the same kind. So
we could have two pluralities standing in the same ratio as two lines, or two
surfaces, or two solids, or two angles.

8.3  Ratios of Magnitudes

As we saw in the last chapter, a magnitude can be multiplied by a natural number.

Definition. A system of magnitudes S is said to be Archimedean if for all

magnitudes a and b in S, there always exists a natural number n such that
a < n·b

It follows from the Homomorphism Theorem 5.9 that if a species of quantity is

Archimedean, the corresponding magnitudes are also Archimedean. So we can
120 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

define proportionality of magnitudes also by Eudoxus’s method. Just as there

can be proportional quantities, there can also be proportional magnitudes. We
can have proportionality of magnitudes to magnitudes, and proportionality
of quantities to magnitudes. The Homomorphism Theorem 5.9 entails that if
quantities are proportional, their magnitudes are also proportional.

8.4  Proportionality as an Equivalence Relation

Proportionality is a natural property of great scientific importance. It crops up

in many places, whenever we wish to compare two quantities in relative rather
than absolute size. In geometry, it allows us to distinguish shape from size:
two figures of different size can still be the same shape, if their corresponding
parts are proportional. In physics, proportion crops up everywhere – mass is
proportional to volume, acceleration is proportional to applied force, expansion
is proportional to temperature, and so on. In chemistry, reacting weights are
proportional, and in medicine, the right dose of a drug is proportional to the
weight of the patient.
Grammatically, proportionality is a tetradic relation, but formally it is
interesting to treat it as a dyadic relation on ordered pairs of magnitudes.

Notation. ‘a:b = c:d’ for ‘a and b are proportional to c and d’.

In this notation, we have:

(i) a:b = a:b

(ii) If a:b = c:d and c:d = e:f then a:b = e:f
(iii) If a:b = c:d then c:d = a:b

These are immediate consequences of Eudoxus’s definition of sameness of ratio.

So proportionality is formally reflexive, transitive and symmetric, so formally
it is an equivalence relation on ordered pairs of magnitudes. Set theorists will
go on to define a ratio as an equivalence class of ordered pairs, but the symbol
‘a:b’ for the ratio need not at this stage be supposed to make sense on its own.
We might regard the sign ‘a:b’ as a sort of Russellian ‘incomplete symbol’ which
incurs no ontological overhead: it is an incomplete symbol in the sense that it
does not have a referent: however, it is not meaningless, because in the context
‘a:b = c:d’ it expresses the proposition that a is to b as c is to d. For our purposes,
it will be convenient to treat the symbol ‘a:b’ as if it were the name of a ratio, but
to leave unsettled for the moment what sort of entity, if any, a ratio is.
Ratio 121

8.5  Ratios of Natural Numbers

We saw in section 8.1 that y is the fraction p/q of z if there is a quantity x such
that y ≈ p . x and z ≈ q . x. It follows that y:z = p:q. For if m·y ≺ n·z then writing ‘mp’
for the product of natural numbers m and p, mp·x ≺ nq·x, so mp < nq. Similarly,
if m·y = n·z, then mp = nq, and if m·y ≻ n·z then mp > nq. So if y is the fraction
p/q of z, then y:z = p:q. We can, therefore, identify the fraction p/q with the ratio
p:q. This result is the basis of the arithmetic of ratios and leads directly to the
algebra of the rational numbers, which is the topic, though not under that name,
of Book VII of the Elements. What is called a ‘fraction’ in the school classroom is
called a ‘rational number’ in the university classroom.

Definition. A rational number is any ratio m:n of natural numbers m

and n.

Since fractions have an arithmetic, rational numbers also have an arithmetic.

So to obtain the arithmetic of the rational numbers, we need only recall the
arithmetic of fractions. The rule for addition of fractions is:

m/n + p/q = (mq + np)/nq

The addition rule allows solution of the following problem: if you take a slice of
pie, and then a second slice, how much of the pie do you take altogether? The
correctness of the addition rule is proved as Theorem 8.2 of the Appendix.
The rule for multiplication of fractions is:

(m/n).(p/q) = mp/nq

The multiplication rule solves this problem: if you cut a slice of pie, but take
only a slice of the slice, how much of the pie do you take? The correctness of the
multiplication rule is proved as Theorem 8.3.
We can now introduce operations of addition, multiplication and division
of ratios of commensurable magnitudes as follows. Let a and b be ratios of
commensurable magnitudes. Choose magnitudes a, c, a' and c' such that a = a:c
and b = a':c'. Then for some m and n, a:c = m:n and for some p and q, a':c' = p:q, so
we may define a + b by the rules of fractional addition as the ratio (qm + pn):nq.
A routine exercise in ‘cancelling down’ fractions proves that the definition does
not depend on the choice of a, c, a' and c'. To define multiplication of ratios, let a
and b be ratios of commensurable magnitudes. Choose magnitudes a, c, a' and c'
such that a = a:c and b = a':c'. Then for some m and n, a:c = m:n and for some p
and q, a':c' = p:q. So we may define a.b by the rule for multiplication of fractions
122 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

as the ratio c = pm:qn. Again routine ‘cancelling down’ proves that the definition
does not depend on the choice of a, c, a' and c'.

Definition. A ratio 1 is called the unit ratio if there exists a magnitude a

such that 1 = a:a.
Definition. A ratio a-1 is called the inverse of the ratio a if there exist
magnitudes a and b such that a = a:b and a-1 = b:a.

Given these definitions, we can now verify from the known properties of the
natural numbers that our commensurable ratios, the rational numbers, satisfy
the following axioms for a dense ordered semifield Q+, where the statements are
intended to be true for all ratios a, b and c:

Q For all ratios a and b, there always exists a ratio d such that d = a + b
Q2. a+b=b+a
Q3. a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c
Q4. a ≠ b if and only if there exists a ratio c such that either a + c = b or
Q For all ratios a and b, there always exists a ratio d such that d = a.b
Q6. a.b = b.a
Q7. a.(b.c) = (a.b).c
Q8. 1.a = a.1 = a
Q9. For all ratios a there always exists an inverse ratio a-1 such that a.a-1 = 1
Q10. a.(b + c) = a.b + a.c

8.6  The Positive Real Numbers

The algebraic operations on rational ratios are induced by operations on the

magnitudes that represent them. So we can consider using the same methods to
obtain the algebra of the system of all ratios, rational and irrational alike. We would
like to add and multiply ratios by defining operations on their representatives, just
as we did for the rational ratios. Let a and b be ratios of magnitudes of any type,
commensurable or incommensurable. Choose magnitudes a, c, a' and c' such
that a = a:c and b = a':c'. Then in the commensurable case, we defined a + b by the
rules of addition of fractions. If it were always possible to multiply magnitudes
by magnitudes, we would try defining a + b as the ratio (c'·a + a'·c):c·c'. Numbers
are magnitudes, and we can multiply any magnitude by numbers. But there
are many types of magnitude where multiplication is not defined: for example,
Ratio 123

it makes no sense to multiply a volume by a volume. However, we can define

multiplication of ratios of magnitudes by taking a hint from a special case of our
definition for commensurables. The rule that a + b is the ratio (mq + np):nq
has a special case when there is a ‘common denominator’. If n = q then a + b
simplifies to the ratio (m + p):n, which does not require any multiplication. We
can imitate this for incommensurable magnitudes. If we can find magnitudes a,
b and c such that a = a:c and b = b:c , we can define a + b as (a + b):c.
To define multiplication of ratios a and b, the rule for fractions says that if
a = a:c and b = a':c', then a.b = mp:nq, where a:c = m:n and a':c' = p:q. In the
special case where n = p, this simplifies to a.b = m:q, which does not involve any
multiplication. We can imitate this for incommensurable magnitudes. If we can
find magnitudes a, b and c such that a = a:c and b = b:c , we can define a·b as a:c
(Scott 1974: 31).

Definition. A ratio c is called the sum of two ratios a and b if there exist
magnitudes a, b and c such that a = a:c, b = b:c and c = a + b:c
Definition. A ratio c is called the product of two ratios a and b if there exist
magnitudes a, b and c such that a = a:b, b = b:c and c = a:c
Definition. A ratio 1 is called the unit ratio if there exists a magnitude a
such that 1 = a:a.
Definition. A ratio c is called the inverse of the ratio a if there exist
magnitudes a and b such that a = a:b and c = b:a.

Theorem 8.5 of the Appendix proves that these definitions of addition,

multiplication, identity and inverse are independent of the choice of
representatives. However, it remains to show that the required representatives
always exist, for as we are now allowing incommensurables, we can no longer
use the Euclidean Algorithm to guarantee that representatives exist. Given a
ratio a, there must exist in some system of magnitudes S1 members a and c such
that a = a:c. And given a ratio b, there must exist in some system of magnitudes
S2 magnitudes a' and c' such that b = a':c'. But since we have no guarantee that
S1 = S2, c and c' need not be identical. Similarly, given that a = a:b, we need to find
c such that b = b:c, but we have no guarantee that a system containing suitable
a and b will also contain a suitable c. Therefore, we can define addition and
multiplication of irrational ratios by these methods only if we assume that there
is a system of magnitudes that is complete in the following sense.

Definition. A system of magnitudes S' is said to be complete if given any

system S of magnitudes and any members a, c of S and c' of S', there
always exists an element a' of S' such that a:c = a':c'.
124 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

We have been assuming that given any ratio a there always exists some system
of magnitudes S and magnitudes a and b such that a = a:c. Completeness is the
much stronger assumption, reversing the quantifiers, that there exists a single
system S' such that for any ratio a, S' contains magnitudes a' and c' such that
a = a:c. Then given magnitudes a and c in any system S, and given a magnitude
c' in the complete system S', there always exists a magnitude a' in S' such that
a:c = a':c'. This strong assumption is what we need in order to arrive at the
theory of the positive real numbers.

Completeness Assumption. There exists a complete system of


Given the completeness assumption, we can prove that given any two ratios a and
b there always exists both their sum a + b and their product a·b. If a = a1: a2
and b = b1:b2 then given c' in S', there exist a' and b' in S' such that a1:a2 = a':c'
and b1:b2 = b':c'. Then since a' and b' are in S', a' + b' is in S', so c = a' + b':c'. The
existence of the required ‘common denominator’ c' is, therefore, guaranteed by
the existence of the complete system of magnitudes. And if a = a1: a2 and b = b1: b2
then given c' in S', there exists a' in S' such that a1: a2 = a':c' and there exists b' in S'
such that b1: b2 = b':c'. The existence of the required ‘mean proportional’ c' is thus
similarly guaranteed by the existence of the complete system of magnitudes.
It can be shown (Scott 1974: 28–36) that any complete system of magnitudes
satisfying Q1 to Q10 and the Archimedean axiom is isomorphic to the positive
real numbers. Not only is there an isomorphism, but the isomorphism is unique,
for if X and X' are models, we may define a mapping f: X → X' by (i) setting
f(e) = e', where e and e' are chosen arbitrarily; then set f(a) = a' if and only if
e:a = e':a'. Then f is the unique isomorphism between X and X'. Thus we have a
categorical axiom system that is equivalent to the usual axioms for the positive
real numbers, without having used set theory at any point.
This deduction of the axioms depends on the Completeness Assumption that
there exists a complete system of magnitudes. It is proved in the Appendix that
any commutative system of magnitudes that additionally satisfies the Density
and Dedekind axioms is complete. Thus if we can prove that such a system of
magnitudes actually exists, we can derive the axioms for the real numbers. The
next chapter shows that the lengths are such a system of magnitudes and that,
therefore, the axioms for the real numbers can be derived.
Ratio 125

Appendix to Chapter 8

Lemma 8.1. If x and y are quantities of the same category, and p and q are natural
numbers, then x:y = p:q if and only if q·x ≈ p·y

Assume x:y = p:q. Then for all m and n, either (i) m·x ≺ n·y and mp < nq, or (ii)
m·x ≈ n·y and mp ≈ nq or (iii) n·y ≺ m·x and nq < mp. If q·x ≺ p·y then by (i),
qp < pq, which is impossible, so we may rule out q·x ≺ p·y. We may similarly rule
out p·y ≺ q·x by (iii). So q·x ≈ p·y by E3. For the converse, suppose q·x ≈ p·y. If
(i) m·x ≺ n·y, then qm·x ≺ qn·y. But mq·x ≈ mp·y, so mp·y ≺ qn·y, so mp < nq. If
(ii) m·x ≈ n·y, then qm·x ≈ qn·y, so mp ≈ qn·y, so mp = nq. If (iii) n·y ≺ m·x, then
pn·y ≺ pm·x, so nq·x ≺ mp·x, so nq < mp. So x:y = p:q.

Theorem 8.2. m/n + p/q = (mq + np)/nq

Proof. If x is the fraction m/n of z, then if w is the greatest common measure

of x and z, then x is m out of n common measures, so x is w ‘added to itself ’
m times, and z is w ‘added to itself ’ n times, so x ≈ m·w and z ≈ n·w. So
n·x ≈ nm·w ≈ mn·w ≈ m·z. Similarly, if y is a fraction p/q of z then q·y ≈ p·z Since
m·z ≈ n·x, qm·z ≈ qn·x. Since p·z ≈ q·y, np·z ≈ nq·y. The quantity (qm + pn)·z is
z ‘added to itself ’ qm times, and then a further pn times. After adding z to itself
qm times, a quantity qm·z is produced, which is equal to qn·x. After adding z
to itself a further pn times, an additional quantity pn·z is added, equal to nq·y.
So (qm + pn)·z ≈ nq·x&nq·y. But since x and y are disjoint, nq·x&nq·y ≈ nq·(x&y).
So nq·(x&y) ≈ (qm + pn)·z. So (x&y):z = (qm + pn):nq by 8·1, so x&y is the
fraction (mq + np)/nq of z.

Theorem 8.3. (m/n).(p/q) = mp/nq

Proof. If x is the fraction m/n of z and y is the fraction p/q of z, then n·x ≈ m·y
and q·y ≈ p·z. So qn·x ≈ qm·y and qm·y ≈ pm·z, so qn·x ≈ pm·z, so x:z = pm:qn by
8.1, so x is the fraction pm/qn of z.

Lemma 8.4. If x:y = x':y', then y:x = y':x'.

Proof. Assume m·y ≺ n·x. Suppose ¬ m·y' ≺ n·x'. If m·y' ≈ n·x', then y':x' = m:n = y:x,
so m·x = n·y, contradicting m·y ≺ n·x. But if n·x' ≺ m·y' then since x:y = x':y',
n·x ≺ m·y, again contradicting m·y ≺ n·x. So m·y' ≺ nx'. It can be shown similarly
126 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

that m·y' ≺ n·x' entails m·y ≺ n·x. Finally, if m·y ≈ n·x, then x:y = m:n by 8.1. So
x':y' = m:n, so m·y' ≈ n·x'. So y:x = y':x'.

Theorem 8.5. The definitions in section 8.6 of addition, multiplication, identity

and inverses of ratios are independent of the choice of representatives.

Proof. A ratio c is called the sum of two ratios a and b if there exist magnitudes
a, b and c such that a = a:c, b = b:c and c = a + b:c. Euclid proves that
if x and y are disjoint, and x' and y' are disjoint, then if x:z = x':z' and y:z = y':z'
then x&y:z = x'&y':z'. (Elements, Book V, Proposition 24). Letting a, a', b, b',
c and c' be the magnitudes, respectively, of x, x', y, y', z and z', we deduce
by the Homomorphism Theorem 5.9 that if a:c = a':c' and b:c = b':c' then
(a + b):c = (a' + b'):c'. (The same result is proved purely algebraically as Theorem
3.7 (ii) in Scott (1974).) Thus the definition of the sum is independent of the
choice of a, b and c.
A ratio c is called the product of two ratios a and b if there exist magnitudes
a, b and c such that a = a:b, b = b:c and c = a:c. Euclid proves that if x:y = x':y',
and if y:z = y':z', then x:z = x':z' (Elements, Book V, Proposition 24). Letting a, a',
b, b', c and c' be the magnitudes, respectively, of x, x', y, y', z and z', we deduce
by 5.9 that if a:b = a':b' and if b:c = b':c', then a:c = a':c'. (The same result is
proved algebraically as Theorem 3.6(i) in Scott (1974).) Thus the definition of
the product is independent of the choice of representatives.
A ratio 1 is called the unit ratio if there exists a magnitude a such that 1 = a:a.
It is immediate from the definition that for all x and x', x:x = x':x'. Letting a and
a' be the magnitudes, respectively, of x and x', we deduce by 5.9 that for all a and
a', a:a = a':a'. Thus the definition of the unit ratio is independent of the choice
of representatives.
A ratio c is called the inverse of the ratio a if there exist magnitudes a and c
such that a = a:b and c = b:a. Lemma 8.4 proves that if x:y = x':y', then y:x = y':x'.
Letting a, a', b and b' be the magnitudes, respectively, of x, x', y and y', we deduce
by 5.9 that if a:b = a':b', then b:a = b':a'. (The same result is proved algebraically
as Theorem 3.5(iii) of Scott (1974).) Thus the definition of the inverse is
independent of the choice of representatives.

Complete Systems of Magnitudes

In a commutative system of magnitudes the following statements hold for all
magnitudes a, b and c:

M1. There always exists a magnitude d such that d = a + b.

Ratio 127

M2. (a + b) + c = a + (b + c).
M3. a ≠ b if and only if there exists a magnitude d such that a = b + d or
b = a + d.
M4. a + b = b + a.

We prove that a commutative system of magnitudes that additionally satisfies

the following two axioms is complete.

M5. (Density): Given any magnitude a, there always exists a magnitude d such
that d < a.
M6. (Dedekind completeness axiom): Every bounded plurality of magnitudes
has a least upper bound.

Lemma 8.6. A commutative system of magnitudes that satisfies the Dedekind

completeness axiom is Archimedean.

Proof: Let S be such a system. Suppose S is not Archimedean. Then for some
magnitudes a and b in S, for every n, n·a ≤ b. If n·a = b then b < (n + 1)·a,
contradicting the hypothesis. So for every n, n·a < b. Let x be the plurality
of all the magnitudes in S every multiple of which is less than b. Then
x = [c: ∀n n·c < b]. Then x exists since ∀n n·a ≤ b, so a ε x, and x is bounded
above, for c ε x → 1·c < b, c < b, so b is an upper bound of x. Since S satisfies the
Dedekind completeness axiom, x has a least upper bound d. Suppose d ε x. But
d < 2·d, so since d is an upper bound of x, ¬ 2·d ε x, so for some n, b < n·(2·d),
so b < 2n·d so ¬ d ε x. Contradiction. So ¬ d ε x. Choose c ε x. Then c < d, so for
some e, d = c + e. If e ≤ c, then 3·c = c + c + c ≥ c + e + c = d + c. Thus 3·c is greater
than d. Since ¬ d ε x we can choose m such that m·d > b. Then m·(3·c) > m·d > b
so (3.m)·c > b, so c is not a member of x. Contradiction. Similarly if c < e we
arrive at a contradiction by considering 3·e = e + e + e. So given any c, c is not a
member of x. But a ε x. Contradiction.

Lemma 8.7 (After Scott 1974: 48). Let S be a commutative system of magnitudes
that satisfies the Density axiom. Then given any magnitude a in S and any
number m, there is a b such that m.b < a.

Proof. By Density, we can construct a series b1, b2, ... bm-1, bm such that bm < bm1 < ... < b2 < b1.
Define c1, c2, … c m-1, cm by b1 + c1 = a and for 2 ≤ i ≤ m, let bi + ci = bi-1. Let b be least
of the ci. Then m·b ≤ c1 + c2 + ... + cm-1+ cm < c1 + c2 + ... + cm-1 + bm-1, since cm < bm-1.
So m·b < c1 + c2 + ... + (c m-1 + bm-1) = c1 + c2 + ... + cm-2, since b + cm = bm-1. In
this expression we may repeatedly replace each bi + ci by bi-1, so we finally obtain
m·b < c1 + b1 = a. So m·b < a.
128 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

Lemma 8.8. Let S be a commutative system of magnitudes that is Archimedean.

Then if for all m and n, m·a < n·b ↔ m·c < n·d, then a:b = c:d.

Proof. Assume that for every m and n, m·a < n·b ↔ m·c < n·d. Suppose there
exist p and q such that p·a > q·b but ¬ p·c > q·d. Since p·a > q·b, there exists a
magnitude e such that p·a = q·b + e. If p·c < q·d then by assumption p·a < q·b.
Contradiction, so ¬ p·c < q·d. So p·c = q·d. Let N be any natural number. Then
Np·c = Nq·d, so Np·c < (Nq + 1)·d, so by assumption Np·a < (Nq + 1)·b, so
Np·a < Nq·b + b. But p·a = q·b + e, so Np·a = N(q·b + e) = Nq·b + N·e < Nq·b + b
so N·e < b. But since N was any number, this contradicts the assumption that S is
Archimedean. So m·a > n·b ↔ m·c > n·d. Since m·a < n·b ↔ m·c < n·d, it follows
that m·a = n·b ↔ m·c = n·d. So a:b = c:d.

Theorem 8.9 (After Scott 1974: 49–50). Let S' be a commutative system of
magnitudes that satisfies the Density axiom and the Dedekind completeness
axiom. Then S' is complete.

Proof. Let S' be such a system of magnitudes. Then S' is Archimedean by 8.6. Let
S be any Archimedean system of magnitudes. Let a and c be given in S and let
c' be given in S'. We must show there is a fourth proportional a' in S' such that
a':c' = a:c. By 8.8 it suffices to find some magnitude a' in S' such that for every
m and n, m·a < n·c ↔ m·a' < n·c'. If a' is in S', then the following cases are
possible. It may be that (i) for some m and n, m·a' < n·c' but ¬ m·a < n·c. In that
case a' is too small to be the fourth proportional. Or it may be that (ii) for some
m and n, m·a < n·c but ¬ m·a' < n·c', in which case a' is too big to be the fourth
proportional. Or it may be that (iii) for every m and n, m·a < n·c ↔ m·a' < n·c',
in which case a' is just right. Let x be the plurality of all those members b' of S'
which are too small, that is x = [b': ∃m ∃n m·b' < n·c' ∧ ¬ m·a < n·c]. We prove
that x has a least upper bound a' which is neither too big nor too small, and
which is, therefore, the required fourth proportional.

(1) We prove that x, the plurality of magnitudes that are too small, has an
upper bound. Let b' ε x. Then b' is too small, so there are m and n such
that m·b' < n·c' but ¬ m·a < n·c. Since S is Archimedean, we can choose a
natural number p such that a < p·c Then n·c ≤ m·a ≤ mp·c, so n·c < mp·c,
so n < mp. Since m·b' < n·c', m·b' < mp·c', so b' < p·c'. But b' was any
element of x, so p·c' is an upper bound of x, so x is bounded above.
(2) Let a' be the least upper bound of x. Suppose a' is too small. Then for
some m and n, m·a' < n·c' but ¬ m·a < n·c. Then a' ε x. Since m·a' < n·c',
Ratio 129

there exists some d' such that m·a' + d' = n·c'. By 8.7, choose e' such that
m·e' < d'. Let b' = a' + e'. Then m·b' = m·(a' + e') = m·a' + m·e', so since
m·e' < d', m·b' < m·a' + d' = n·c', so m·b' < n·c'. But ¬ m·a < n·c, so b' is
too small, so b' ε x. But a' is the least upper bound of x, so b' ≤ a'. But
b' = a' + e'. Contradiction. So a' is not too small. So for every m and n,
m·a' < n·c' → m·a < n·c.
(3) Suppose a' is too large. Then for some m and n, m·a < n·c
but ¬ m·a' < n·c'. Since m·a < n·c, for some d, m·a + d = n·c. Choose a
natural number q such that c < q·d. Then qm·a + q·d = qn·c. Since
c < q·d, n·c < nq·d, so qm·a = qn·c - q·d < qn·c - c, so qm·a < (qn - 1)·c.
Now n·c' ≤ m·a', so qn·c' ≤ qm·a'. So (qn - 1)·c' < qn⋅c' < qm·a'. So
for some e', (qn - 1)·c' + e' = qm·a'. Choose d' such that qm·d' < e'.
Then qm·d' < qm·a', so d' < a', so for some a'', a'' + d' = a'. So
(qn - 1)·c' + qm·d' < qm·a'. But qm·a' = qm (a'' +d'), so (qn - 1)·c' + qm·d'
< qm·(a'' + d'), so (qn - 1)·c' < qm·a''. Now let b' ε x. Then there are
natural numbers M and N such that M·b' < N·c' but ¬ M·a < N·c. We
have established that (qn - 1)·c' < qm·a'' and qm·a ≤ (qn - 1)·c. It follows
that Nqm·a < N(qn - 1)·c ≤ M(qn - 1)·a, so Nqm ≤ M(qn - 1). So since
M·b' < N·c', it follows that Mqm·b' < Nqm·c' < M(qn - 1)·c' < Mqm·a'', so
Mqm·b' < Mqm·a'', so b' < a''. So a'' is an upper bound for x. But a'' < a',
the least upper bound of x. Contradiction. So a' is not too large. So for
every m and n, m·a < n·c → m·a' < n·c'. So a' is just right, because for
every m and n, m·a < n·c ↔ m·a' < n·c'. So for every a, c in S and c' in S',
there is some a' in S' such that a:c = a':c'. So S' is complete.


The previous chapter showed that, given the assumption that there exists
a complete system of magnitudes, the axioms for the real numbers can be
obtained. The present chapter shows that a complete system of magnitudes does
indeed exist. Geometrical congruence is an equality in the sense of the Common
Notions, so we deduce by the Magnitudes Thesis that since equal lines are the
same size, they are the same length. The Homomorphism Theorem then tells us
that the lengths are a commutative system of magnitudes that obey the Density
axiom. The Appendix proves they also obey the Dedekind completeness axiom,
so by Theorem 8.9 of the previous chapter the lengths are a complete system of
magnitudes. What is more, we can define multiplication and division of lengths
by the elementary methods of Descartes, and hence prove that all the axioms for
the real numbers hold for the lengths. The theory of the real numbers can thus be
founded on arithmetical and geometrical intuition alone, without dependence
on set theory.
This account of the reals presupposes that geometrical intuition is sound. But
few would now accept Kant’s doctrine that we know the properties of physical
space a priori, for the General Theory of Relativity (GTR) shows that Euclid’s
Parallels Postulate is not true of actual physical space-time. But geometry is the
science of shape, not the science of the shape of space-time. So the GTR does
not call in question Hume’s doctrine that geometry deals with a priori ‘relations
of ideas’. The chapter ends with the suggestion that geometrical intuition may be
the real motivation for the Power Set axiom of set theory.
The chapter is divided as follows. Section 9.1 discusses congruence, the
standard of geometric equality. Section 9.2 shows congruence is an equality in
the sense of the Common Notions. Section 9.3 deduces by the Homomorphism
Theorem that the lengths are a system of magnitudes: the Appendix proves that
the lengths are complete and contain representatives of every possible ratio.
Section 9.4 shows that multiplication and division of lengths can be defined
132 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

by Descartes’s methods, so the lengths are a model of the axioms for the real
numbers. Section 9.5 discusses the abundance of the real numbers and why
‘almost all’ are ‘transcendental’ like π and e. Section 9.6 considers whether the
discovery that physical space is non-Euclidean stymies a geometric foundation
for the real numbers. Section 9.7 argues that since it is a presupposition of the
GTR that space-time is locally Euclidean, the GTR is not inconsistent with Euclid.
Section 9.8 says that the Parallels Postulate is not about the shape of space, but
about a relation between two properties, namely the property a line has if it is
straight and the property a surface has if it is plane. Section 9.9 discusses the
problems set theory has with the Continuum Hypothesis and suggests that the
geometrical intuition of the continuum is mathematically indispensable.

9.1  Geometrical Equality

The fourth of Euclid’s ‘Common Notions’ says that ‘quantities that coincide
are equal’. The other Common Notions are axioms that give information about
equality, but the fourth seems concerned more with defining equality than with
giving information about it. Euclid is saying that the ‘standard of equality’ is
coincidence. This standard cannot be applied immediately to quantities that are
separated in space. Euclid, therefore, speaks of ‘applying’ one figure to another,
by which he means moving it to superpose it on the other: the figures are
congruent, and hence geometrically equal, if they coincide upon application.
Euclid uses this proof technique in the congruence proof of Book I, Proposition
4. Some commentators have suggested that since congruence is a specifically
geometrical standard of equality, the ‘coincidence’ spoken of in the fourth
Common Notion is not a genuinely common standard of equality.1 But if
movement of items is permitted in the definition of ‘coinciding’, then the fourth
Common Notion can be interpreted as applying to pluralities also, since tallying
can be implemented by an algorithm for bringing corresponding members of a
plurality into coincidence, for example, by aligning units side by side.
The theory of several species of magnitudes can be derived from the
definition of geometrical equality: equal lines have the same length, equal angles
have the same angular measure, equal surfaces have the same area, and equal
solids have the same volume. Of these, the straight line and its length are by far
the simplest case. A straight line is a linearly ordered continuum, which may
have two endpoints, or one, or none at all. The unterminated infinite straight
line is important for our theory, as is the infinite ‘half line’, a straight line with
Geometry 133

just one endpoint. But the Axiom of Archimedes fails for infinite lines: given a
terminated line, it cannot ‘when multiplied’ exceed an infinite line, no matter
how often it is ‘added to itself ’. Thus it is only terminated lines that can have a

Definition. A straight line x is called finite if it is terminated, that is if there

are points A and B such that x is the line AB.
Definition. Finite lines x and y are said to be equal, written ‘x ≈ y’, if x and y
coincide when brought into superposition.
Definition. x is said to be greater than y, written ‘x ≻ y’, if y is equal to a
proper part of x.
Definition. x is said to be less than y, written ‘x ≺ y’, if x is equal to a proper
part of y.

9.2  Congruence Is an Equality

Two figures are congruent if one can be superposed on the other, i.e. if one can
be moved so as to coincide with the other. The practical procedure of bringing
shapes into coincidence is an algorithm that we understand how to carry out. In
Chapter 6 we confirmed the Equality Axioms E1–E4 for the case of numerical
equality by imagining carrying out the tallying algorithm. By imagining carrying
out the ‘application’ algorithm, we can similarly confirm E1–E4 for the case of
geometrical equality.

E1. ‘Quantities equal to the same quantity are equal to one another.’ (Figure 9.1)

Figure 9.1  Things equal to the same thing.

Justification: If x, y and z are lines, then if y equals x then y can be applied to x,

so it can be moved to coincide with x. If z equals x then z can be applied to x, so
it can be moved to also coincide with x, and hence to coincide with y. So y and z
coincide upon superposition, so y equals z.
134 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

E2. ‘If disjoint equals are added to equals, the wholes are equal.’ (Figure 9.2)



Figure 9.2  Equals added to equals.

Justification: if x and y are lines, then x&y is the region that is their mereological
sum. So if x' equals x then x' can be moved up to coincide with x. And if y' equals
y then y' can be moved up to coincide with y. Since x and y are disjoint and x'
and y' are disjoint, then since y' equals y, one can apply y' to y without disturbing
the coincidence of x and x' just effected. But then this pair of applications has
brought the sums x&y and x'&y' into coincidence, so x&y equals x'&y'.

E3. ‘Two quantities are unequal if and only if either the first is equal to a proper
part of the second or the second is equal to a proper part of the first.’

Justification: Let AB and CD be any two terminated lines. Apply CD to AB so that

A and C coincide: then three mutually exclusive cases exhaust the possibilities
(Figure 9.3).

Case 1: AB = CD, B = D

Case 2: AB < CD, B between A and D

Case 3: CD < AB, D between A and B

Figure 9.3  Trichotomy – the three cases.

Either (case 1) B and D coincide, in which case AB equals CD; or (case 2)

D lies to the right of B, in which case AB coincides with a part of CD, so AB is
equal to a part of CD, so CD is greater than AB; or (case 3) B lies beyond D, in
which case CD coincides with a part of AB, so CD is equal to a part of AB, so AB
is greater than CD.
Geometry 135

E4. ‘The whole is not equal to the part.’ (Figure 9.4)


Figure 9.4  Whole greater than part.

Justification: If B is a point within the line AC, then AB cannot be brought into
coincidence with AC, so the whole AC is not equal to the proper part AB. That
the whole is greater than the part is justified as follows. If B is a point within the
line AC, then AB is a proper part of AC, and the part AB coincides with itself, so
AB is equal to a proper part of AC, so the whole AC is greater than the part AB.

9.3  The Lengths Are a Complete System of Magnitudes

The four axioms of equality E1–E4 are a priori laws when the equality is
congruence. It was argued in section 5.8 that a class of items all of which are
equal in the sense of the axioms of equality is a natural class. The Magnitudes
Thesis says that a magnitude is the kind of property that unites a natural class
of equal items: the magnitude property that geometrically equal lines have in
common is their length. Thus there will be a one-one correspondence between
the equivalence classes of congruent lines and the lengths – each equivalence
class is the extension of exactly one length, and each length has exactly one
equivalence class as its extension.

Definition. A property is called a length if it is the magnitude which unites a

virtual class of congruent finite lines.
Notation. ‘|x|’ for the length of the finite line x.

From our considerations about natural classes and property realism in section
5.8, we arrived at the following two generic Magnitude Axioms:

Equality. Quantities are equal if and only if they have the same magnitude.
Representatives. Every magnitude has some quantity as a representative.

When we applied these generic axioms in Chapter 6 to pluralities, with tallying

as the equality relation, we arrived at the Axioms of Number NN1 and NN2. We
can now apply the generic axioms to finite lines, with congruence as the equality
relation, to arrive at a corresponding pair of Axioms of Length:

L1. |x| = |y| ↔ x ≈ y

136 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

(The length of x is identical with the length of y if and only if x and y are equal.)

L2. ∀a ∃x a = |x|

(Every length has a line as a representative.)

The Appendix deduces by the Homomorphism Theorem 5.9 that the lengths
are a positive semigroup. Let L be this semigroup. By Theorem 5.10 it follows
that L is commutative and satisfies the Density axiom.
It is proved in the Appendix to this chapter that L is a complete system of
magnitudes. The proof relies on Aristotle’s characterization of continuous

A line is a continuous quantity, for it is possible to find a common boundary at

which its parts join. In the case of the line, this common boundary is the point.
(1941a: 5a1-2)

Aristotle’s insight into the nature of continuity was rediscovered by Dedekind:

The problem is to indicate a precise characteristic of continuity that can serve as

the basis for valid deductions. For a long time I pondered over this in vain, but
finally I found what I was seeking. This discovery will, perhaps, be differently
estimated by different people. The majority may find its substance very
commonplace. It consists of the following. In the preceding section attention
was called to the fact that every point p of the straight-line produces a separation
of the same into two portions such that every point of one portion lies to the left
of every point of the other. I find the essence of continuity in the converse, i.e.,
in the following principle.
‘If all points of the straight line fall into two classes such that every point of the
first class lies to the left of every point of the second class, then there exists one
and only one point which produces this division of all points into two classes,
this severing of the straight line into two portions.’
As already said I think I shall not err in assuming that everyone will at
once grant the truth of this statement; the majority of my readers will be very
much disappointed in learning that by this commonplace remark the secret of
continuity is to be revealed. To this I may say that I am glad if everyone finds the
above principle so obvious and so in harmony with his own ideas of a line. For
I am utterly unable to adduce any proof of its correctness, nor has anyone the
power. The assumption of this property of the line is nothing else than an axiom
by which we attribute to the line its continuity, by which we find continuity in
the line. (Dedekind 1901: 11–12)

I think we must agree with Dedekind that his continuity axiom is indeed a
primitively evident first principle. Theorem 9.5 of the Appendix uses Dedekind’s
Geometry 137

continuity axiom to prove that the lengths satisfy the Dedekind completeness
axiom, from which it follows by Theorem 8.9 that L is a complete system of
magnitudes, in the sense of Chapter 8.

9.4  Multiplication and Division of Lengths

Can we just go ahead and identify the positive real numbers with this system
L of the lengths? One reason to hesitate is that the positive reals are a semifield
with multiplication and division, whereas multiplication of magnitudes is not in
general well-defined. As we noted in Chapter 8, it makes no sense to multiply a
volume by a volume, so how can it make sense to multiply a length by a length?
A second difficulty is that the field of real numbers has a natural unit, the real
number 1, which is the multiplicative identity. But there seems to be nothing to
pick out a natural unit when we are dealing with continuous magnitudes: there
is no natural unit of length.
However, Descartes long ago showed how to overcome these difficulties. The
unit element of a field is usually defined to be that element e such that given any
element x, e.x = x.e = x. Thus we are accustomed to define the unit in terms of
multiplication. But instead we could reverse the usual order of definition, and
define multiplication in terms of the unit e. We can arbitrarily choose some
particular magnitude e as the unit, then relative to e we use proportionality
to define an operation of multiplication: the product of a and b is the unique
‘fourth proportional’ c, such that e:a = b:c. Since the fourth proportional always
exists in the complete system L we can indeed extend this positive semigroup of
lengths to a positive semifield.
This approach to multiplication was adopted by Descartes to define
multiplication of lines by lines. He chose one line arbitrarily to be the ‘unity’ or
multiplicative identity, and then defined the product by the fourth proportional.

Just as arithmetic consists of only four or five operations, namely addition,

subtraction, multiplication and division … so in geometry to find required lines
it is merely necessary to add or subtract other lines; or else taking one line which
I shall call unity in order to relate it as closely as possible to numbers, and having
given two other lines, to find a fourth proportional which shall be to one of
the given lines as the other is to unity (which is the same as multiplication); or
again to find a fourth line which is to one of the given lines as unity is to the
other (which is the same as division) … I shall not hesitate to introduce these
arithmetical terms into geometry for the sake of greater clearness (Figure 9.5).
138 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number


Figure 9.5  Multiplication of lines.

For example, let AB be taken as unity, and let it be required to multiply BD by

BC. I have only to join the points A and C, and draw DE parallel to CA. Then BE
is the product of BD and BC. If it be required to divide BE by BD, I join E and D,
and draw AC parallel to DE: then BC is the result of the division.2

Descartes’s method of multiplying and dividing lines will allow us to define

multiplication and division of lengths by representatives. Thus to find the
product of lengths a and b, choose an arbitrary length e as the unit, draw AB
such that |AB| = e. On the line BA extended choose D such that |BD| = a. Choose
a point C not in BD such that |BC| = b. Join AC. Construct E on BC extended
such that DE and AC are parallel. Then c = |BE| is the required product of the
lengths a and b, because BA:BD = BC:BE, so e:a = b:c.
Descartes was able to use the Parallels Postulate as a handy practical way
of computing products of real numbers. But we don’t need the Parallels
Postulate to prove that multiplication in L is always well-defined. According to
Theorem 8.9 of the previous chapter, any commutative system of magnitudes
that satisfies the Density axiom and the Dedekind completeness axiom is
complete. Theorems 9.4 and 9.5 of the Appendix tell us that L is a complete
system of magnitudes. By definition of a complete system of magnitudes,
given any two magnitudes a and c in an Archimedean system of magnitudes S,
and any magnitude c' in a complete system S', there is a fourth proportional a'
in the complete system such that a:c = a':c'. So here let S = S' = L. Then since
L is complete, it is Archimedean (Lemma 8.6). So by Theorem 8.8, given any
three lengths e, a and b of L there always exists a fourth length c such that
a:e =c:b. So now we can define multiplication and division in L by Descartes’s
technique. Choose arbitrarily some length to be the unit length e: for example,
we could define e to be the current length of the standard metre in Paris. Write
‘1’ for the selected unit length, and define a.b as the fourth proportional c of
1, a and b.

Definition. A length c is called the product of a and b if c is to b as a is to 1.

Geometry 139

For the inverse of a, we have that 1 is to a as the inverse of a is to 1. So 1:a = a-1:1,

so a:1 = 1:a-1, so we are assured of the existence of a-1 provided it is guaranteed
that for any length a there always exists a length b such that a:1 = 1:b. But this
is guaranteed by the completeness of L. So we can now routinely verify that L
satisfies all the axioms for a complete positive semifield, and hence that it satisfies
the axioms for the positive real numbers. Any other such semifield is not only
isomorphic to L but the isomorphism is unique (Scott 1974: 35). We thus have
a categorical axiom system for the real numbers: if we know by philosophical
reasoning that the Magnitudes Thesis is true, then we know that the lengths are
a system of magnitudes that really exist.

9.5  Transcendental Real Numbers

The proof that the lengths are a complete system of magnitudes assures us that
our axioms for the real numbers are true. But it leaves important questions
unsettled. We know that the side and diagonal of a square are incommensurable,
so since the real numbers will include every ratio, the positive semifield L must
include not only the whole positive semifield of the positive rationals Q+, but
some extension of them. But there are a great many positive semifields that extend
the positive rationals. For example, the constructible numbers are the rational
numbers plus all the real numbers of the form m + n√2 that can be constructed
as Descartes does with straight edge and compass as instruments. Descartes
was also willing to allow the use of more complex instruments based on conic
sections. This gives a great many more numbers, but takes us no further than the
algebraic numbers, i.e. the numbers that are solutions of polynomial equations
of the form anxn + an1xn-1 + … + a1x + a0 = 0. But even the algebraic numbers do
not begin to exhaust all the real numbers there are. The problem of squaring
the circle is the problem of finding √π, and this cannot be solved by Descartes’s
methods of constructing ingenious mechanical instruments, because √π is
not an algebraic number. Numbers like √π, which are not algebraic, are called
‘transcendental’. It turns out that nearly all real numbers are transcendental.
But how many real numbers are there altogether? Eudoxus has given us the way
to find out. If we wish to know the ratio of real numbers x and y, we imagine asking
for every pair of natural numbers m and n whether m.x is less than n.y. This
infinite sequence of questions generates an infinite sequence of Yes–No answers.
If we code the answer ‘Yes’ by 1 and the answer ‘No’ by 0, then each ratio x:y
will generate an infinite sequence {vp} of 1s and 0s. Then working within set
140 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

theory we could regard {vp} as an infinite binimal fraction for the ratio x:y.
(In base 2 arithmetic, a ‘binimal fraction’ is the binary equivalent of a decimal
fraction in base 10.) Corresponding to each binimal will be the set of natural
numbers {p: vp = 1}, which is an infinite subset of the set of natural numbers.
Thus every ratio is paired with an infinite subset of the natural numbers, and
every subset of the natural numbers is paired with a ratio: so the ratios are in
one-one correspondence with the set of sets of natural numbers. We arrive at
Cantor’s epoch-making conclusion that the real numbers are equinumerous with
the power set of the natural numbers. Cantor’s Theorem says that no set is in
one-one correspondence with its own power set. An infinite set is uncountable
if it is not in one-one correspondence with the natural numbers. So the ratios
are uncountable, and, therefore, the real numbers are uncountable. Since the
rationals are countable, only countably many reals are rational: so ‘nearly all’ real
numbers are not rationals. The constructible and algebraic numbers are countable.
Therefore, ‘almost all’ real numbers are not algebraic but transcendental.

9.6  Doubts about Euclidean Geometry

The axioms for the real numbers can be proved from the axioms of geometry, but
the axioms of geometry are no longer universally accepted as a priori truths. The
discovery that non-Euclidean geometry is not the true geometry of the physical
world has led some to conclude that geometry is an empirical science which
discovers contingent truths about physical space. A common contemporary
suggestion is that the reals should, therefore, be founded in set theory, rather than
Euclidean geometry. A model for the axioms of the real numbers is standardly
obtained by identifying the real numbers with Dedekind cuts of the rationals
(Dedekind 1901: 12–13). A cut is the earlier half of any partition of the rationals
into two sets, the elements of the first of which precede every element of the
second. We can add and multiply cuts by appropriate addition and multiplication
of representatives. It can be shown that the system of cuts satisfies the Dedekind
completeness axiom, so they have the least upper bound property. Thus the cuts
with the defined operations are a complete dense commutative positive semigroup,
so they provide representatives of every ratio in the sense of Eudoxus. So if we were
leery of overreliance on Euclidean geometry we could propose instead to identify
the set of real numbers with the set of Dedekind cuts, supposing such a set exists.
With the real numbers available from set theory, any desired n-dimensional
geometry can be realized as a set of n-tuples of reals, on which is defined a
Geometry 141

real-valued distance function, the metric. We regard the n-tuples of reals as

coordinates, and by varying the metric we vary the geometry accordingly; on
the empiricist view, the true geometry is the one whose metric best fits actual
physical measurements. For three-dimensional Euclidean space, the metric is
given everywhere by Pythagoras Theorem: ds2 = dx2 + dy2 + dz2. However, the
GTR says that the true metric of space-time takes a different form, and varies
locally from place to place. According to Wheeler, space-time is a dynamic
physical entity: ‘Spacetime tells matter how to move; matter tells spacetime how
to curve’ (2000: 235). On cosmic scales space-time is not correctly described
by Euclidean geometry, so some conclude that Euclidean geometry is not true,
hence not known, and therefore not known a priori.
But we find traces of Euclidean geometry alive and kicking inside GTR, for
the very topology of the space-time presupposed by GTR is inherited from the
topology of Euclidean space. This can be illustrated by considering the Euler
characteristic of polyhedra, which is a topological invariant. According to Book
XIII of the Elements, the five Platonic solids – the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron,
dodecahedron and isocahedron – are the only regular solids in Euclidean space.
That is because the Parallels Postulate forces the sum of the angles of a triangle
in Euclidean space to be 180 degrees. The Euler characteristic of a polyhedron is
the number F + V – E, where F is the number of faces of the polyhedron, V is the
number of vertices and E is the number of edges.3 In Euclidean space F + V – E = 2
for every regular solid. So if we take something that has the shape of a cube in
the local Euclidean space of our home planet, and bend and stretch it a bit, it
will be misshapen and no longer be a cube, but it will still be a polyhedron, and
its Euler characteristic F + V – E will still be 2. If instead we take the cube to a
region near a moderately massive star where the local space-time has a moderate
curvature that similarly bends and stretches the cube, its Euler characteristic
will be unchanged. The thought experiment suggests that although the local
geometry near the star is different from Euclidean space, the topology is the
same. The reason it is the same is because the non-Euclidean geometry of GTR
is a construction out of Euclidean geometry, as the next section shows.

9.7  Euclid Presupposed in Non-Euclidean Geometry

What mathematicians call ‘Euclidean space’ is in one dimension an infinite line

that is straight, in two dimensions an infinite surface that is plane, and in three
or more dimensions an infinite solid that is ‘flat’. These so-called spaces are better
142 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

regarded as shapes, and each is the simplest of its dimension. Now as well as the
straight line, there are infinitely many other one-dimensional shapes. How are
we to study these other shapes?
The differential calculus is the great mathematical discovery that allows the
systematic description of complex shapes in terms of simpler shapes. The key
observation is that any ‘smooth’ curve has at each of its points a tangent line,
which has the same direction as the curve itself has at that point. So such a
curve is fully described by giving the tangents at each of its points. If we draw
enough of the tangents we see that they form an outline of the curve itself. Thus
the discovery is this: we can describe the shape of an arbitrary smooth curve in
terms of just one particularly simple shape, the straight line.
We can adopt the same idea with surfaces. Just as a smooth curve can be
described by giving at each point the Euclidean straight line that is tangent to it,
a smooth surface can be described by giving its Euclidean tangent plane at each
point. Just as the tangent lines twist and turn in the ambient space to follow the
space curve, so the tangent planes in the ambient space twist and turn to follow
the surface. The twisting and turning of the tangent plane in the ambient space
describes the shape of the smooth surface (Figure 9.6).

Figure 9.6  Tangent plane.

The differential calculus can cope with surfaces as well as curves. It teaches
us how to calculate the ‘differential’ of the function that describes the surface.
The differential ‘knows’ all the tangent planes and thus embodies a description
Geometry 143

of the shape of the surface. But Gauss taught us how to calculate the shape as an
intrinsic feature of a space, without reference to any ambient Euclidean space
and the tangent planes that live within it. Indeed, there are three-dimensional
shapes which can never be found in Euclidean three-space, but whose shape
can be adequately described by the methods of Gauss (O’Neill 1966: 316). Does
this mean that the mathematical description of the surface has broken free of its
origins in Euclidean geometry, which can now be discarded?
But we are still not rid of Euclidean space! For before we can obtain the shape
by Gauss’s methods we need the real-number coordinates of the points of the
surface. But just as we used the flat Euclidean plane as a tangent plane to help us
describe how a surface was tilting and slanting, we use it also to put coordinates
onto parts of the curved surface. We bend the plane to fit the surface; if it doesn’t
fit perfectly at first, we stretch it a bit here, and shrink it a bit there, until it
finally does fit perfectly. Labelling the original plane ‘D’ and the fitted plane
‘f(D)’, O’Neill writes: ‘If we think of D as a thin sheet of rubber, we can get f(D)
by bending and stretching D in a not too violent fashion’ (1966: 125). We thus
can give coordinates to every neighbourhood of every point on the surface, for
each point simply inherits the coordinates of the point on the plane that we
have fitted it to. We use the Euclidean plane as a chart of a part of the surface
(Figure 9.7).

Figure 9.7  Coordinate chart.

Some surfaces can be given coordinates from a single chart, but not every
surface can be fitted to the plane in this way. For example, there is no way to
smoothly distort a plane so that it covers an entire sphere. The solution is to use
144 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

another Euclidean plane. We fit one plane to the north hemisphere and a bit of
the south, and a second plane to the south hemisphere and a bit of the north.
We glue the two copies smoothly together where they overlap, and now every
point on the sphere has coordinates. Points near enough to the north pole have
coordinates only from the first plane; points near the south pole have coordinates
only from the second. Points sufficiently near the equator have coordinates from
both planes, but because the two planes have been glued together smoothly, no
problems of inconsistency arise. Our pair of charts are an atlas of the surface.
A shape that can be given an atlas in this way is called a differentiable manifold
(Bröcker and Janich 1982: 4).
To calculate the shape by Gauss’s methods and describe the intrinsic shape
of our manifold, we need to know how to determine the distance between
pairs of points from their coordinates. If we are given the coordinates of two
points in Euclidean space, it is straightforward to apply Pythagoras Theorem
to obtain the distance between them. In a differentiable manifold, however, we
must refer to our atlas. Each chart in the atlas has been fitted to a piece of the
manifold by bending and twisting a Euclidean space to match the manifold.
Thus the coordinate mesh has been bent and stretched, and we cannot read off
the distances from the coordinates, as we can in Euclidean space. To obtain the
shape of the manifold, we need to know the functions that give the ‘warping
functions’ of our chart.4 Since we then know exactly how the mesh has been
warped at each point, we can calculate distances on the surface by calculating
the distance on the Euclidean chart, and then correcting to take account of the
Thus a differentiable manifold incorporates a Euclidean geometry three times
over. First, we need Euclid to provide the coordinate charts to fit to the surface.
Second, we need Euclid in order to define the ‘smooth’ gluing together of the
charts by the chart transformations. Bröcker and Janich write:

If one were to consider the whole manifold as being formed by a gluing process
from the chart domains, which one knows as well as one knows the open subsets
of Euclidean space, then it is precisely the chart transformations that show how
different chart domains are to be glued together. (1982: 2)

Third, we need Euclid in order to define local distances on the manifold.

Euclidean space has not gone away when we move to a manifold, for every
manifold is a construct out of Euclidean spaces. The theory of the differentiable
manifold is founded in the theory of Euclidean space, and in no way replaces
Euclidean geometry, much less falsifies it.
Geometry 145

9.8  What Is a priori in Euclid?

A shape is a kind of property, the kind a spatial continuum can have. I suggest
that Euclidean geometry is best regarded as the a priori mathematical science
of certain particularly simple shape properties, and the laws that connect
them. A two-dimensional continuum can have the property of being plane,
and a boundary within that continuum can have the property of being straight.
These shapes allow us to define distance: if two points lie in the same plane, the
distance between them is the length of the straight line connecting them. If no
straight line in the plane connects the points, the definition allows the distance
to be determined by the methods of the differential calculus. Thus Euclid’s
Parallels Postulate is best regarded as a statement of one of the laws that connect
these shape properties. The following proposition is equivalent to the Parallels
Postulate (Heath 1956: Vol.1, 220):

In a plane, given a line and a point not on it, at most one line parallel to the
given line can be drawn through the point.

This does not assert that anything actually instantiates the property plane or
the property straight. Even if nothing actually instantiated them, the properties
would still exist, and the general laws that connect them would still hold good.
We cannot tell a priori whether a two-dimensional continuum exists: but we do
know that if it did, then if it were plane, then given any straight line in it and
any point of the continuum not lying in the line, there would exist at most one
parallel through the point. We can interpret Euclid as being concerned with the
relations between the shapes, not with the question whether these shapes have
instances in nature.
This is the way that Hume interprets Euclid in the Enquiry. He says that the
business of geometry is the a priori determination of the relation of shapes,
which he calls ‘figures’:

All the objects of human reason or enquiry may naturally be divided into two
kinds, to wit, Relations of Ideas and Matters of Fact. Of the first kind are the
sciences of Geometry, Algebra and Arithmetic; and in short every affirmation
which is either intuitively or demonstratively certain. That the square of the
hypothenuse is equal to the square of the two sides, is a proposition which
expresses a relation between these figures. … Propositions of this kind are
discoverable by the mere operation of thought, without dependence on what is
anywhere existent in the universe. Though there never were a circle or triangle
146 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

in nature, the truths demonstrated by Euclid would for ever retain their certainty
and evidence. (Hume 2007: 20, emphasis original)

I conclude that the a priori status of geometry is not undermined by the GTR.

9.9  Should We Base the Reals on Set Theory?

Set theory purports to provide a structure, as discussed in section 7.2, within

which we can find the real numbers and also the real-valued functions of several
real variables. So set theory can define a variety of distance functions that can
be interpreted as the metrics of a variety of ‘geometries’. Thus set theory offers to
supplant geometrical intuition as the foundation of geometry. But so far from being
a foundation for geometry, set theory may itself need a geometric foundation.
We do not seem to be in possession of an agreed single conception of set that
can meet all the needs of mathematical theory. Naive set theory says that whenever
there is a many, a plurality of things, there exists the set of these things: the theory
collapses when dealing with the Russell set of the sets that are not members of
themselves. The leading alternatives to the naive theory are ZFC and NBG. (ZFC is
named after its inventors Zermelo and Fraenkel, with ‘C’ for the Axiom of Choice,
and NBG is named after its inventors von Neumann, Bernays and Gödel.) ZFC
is based on the iterative conception of set, but NBG is based on the ‘limitation of
size’ conception.5 The iterative conception says that only those sets exist which are
reached by an iterative process of successively taking power sets and unions: the
paradoxes are avoided because it cannot be proved in ZFC that the Russell set is
ever reached. The limitation of size conception says that sets are classes, and that
classes exist without having to be reached by any iterative process: however, not
all classes are sets, but only those that are not ‘too big’. A class is too big if it has as
many elements as there are ordinal numbers, in which case it is called a ‘proper
class’. According to NBG, a proper class cannot be an element of a set: the Russell
class of sets that are not members of themselves exists in NBG, but it is not a set, so
paradox is prevented.
These two conceptions of set are inconsistent with each other: the iterative
conception conceives of sets as being ‘formed’ from other sets stage by stage,
whereas the limitation of size conception of NBG pictures classes as pre-existing
en masse, one class for every many: the sets are simply those of the classes
whose elements happen to be not too many. The iterative conception justifies
the Axiom of the Power Set but cannot justify a satisfactory theory of the von
Geometry 147

Neumann ordinals, so ZFC appropriates the Axiom of Replacement from NBG.

The ‘limitation of size’ conception justifies Replacement but cannot justify
Power Set, so NBG appropriates the Power Set axiom from ZFC. Neither the
iterative conception nor the ‘limitation of size’ conception is able simultaneously
to justify both Power Set and Replacement, so we have no single conception of
set that underwrites all the axioms of standard set theory.
According to Gödel:

Cantor’s continuum problem is simply the question: How many points are there
on a straight line in Euclidean space? An equivalent question is: How many
different sets of integers do there exist? (1964: 470)

The Continuum Hypothesis (CH) states that the cardinal number of the
continuum is aleph1 – the cardinal number of the first uncountable ordinal. As
we have seen, the continuum is equinumerous with the set of real numbers, which
is equinumerous with the set of subsets of the natural numbers. Thus, CH says
how the set of real numbers compares in size with sets arrived at by the processes
that generate the sets in the iterative hierarchy. It is now known that neither CH
nor its negation can be proved from the current axioms of set theory. The proof
that the negation of CH is unprovable was discovered by Cohen, who writes:

A point of view which the author [Cohen] feels may eventually come to be
accepted is that CH is obviously false. The main reason one accepts the Axiom
of Infinity is probably that we feel it absurd to think that the process of adding
only one set at a time can exhaust the entire universe. Similarly with the higher
axioms of infinity. Now aleph1 is the set of countable ordinals and this is merely
a special and the simplest way of generating a higher cardinal. The set C is, in
contrast, generated by a totally new and more powerful principle, namely the
Power Set Axiom. It is unreasonable to expect that any description of a larger
cardinal which attempts to build up that cardinal from ideas deriving from
the Replacement Axiom can ever reach C. This point of view regards C as an
incredibly rich set given to us by one bold new axiom, which can never be
approached by any piecemeal process of construction. (2008: 151)

According to Cohen, the continuum is an incredibly rich set which cannot be

given to us by iterating our way up through the ordinals. However, as we have
seen, the real numbers are given to us with certainty by Dedekind’s continuity
axiom and Eudoxus’s theory of proportion. Thus so far from geometry resting on
set theory and empirical physical facts, we might conjecture that the postulation
of the axiom of the power set in set theory is motivated by our geometrical
intuition of the continuum.
148 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

Appendix to Chapter 9
Notation. In this Appendix, variables from the end of the alphabet such as ‘x’, ‘y’ and
‘z’ range over finite lines. Variables from the beginning of the alphabet such
as ‘a’, ‘b’ and ‘c’ range over lengths. The symbol ‘<’, therefore, has two different
meanings, depending on the flanking variables: ‘x < y’ means that the line x is a
mereological part of the line y, while ‘a < b’ means that the length a is less than
the length b.
Axioms of Length

L1. ∀x ∀y |x| = |y| ↔ x ≈ y

(The length of x and the length of y are identical if and only if x and y are

L2. ∀a ∃x a = |x|
(Every length is the length of some line.)

We define an order on the lengths by the order of their representatives:

Definition. a is said to be less than b, written ‘a < b’, if there are representatives x
of a and y of b such that x is less than y.

Lemma 9.1. The less than relation on the lengths is independent of the choice
of representatives.

Proof. Suppose a < b. Then there are representatives x of a and y of b such

that x is less than y. Let x' be another representative of a and let y' be another
representative of b. We must show that x' is less than y'. Since a = |x| and a = |x'|,
x ≈ x' by L1. Similarly, y ≈ y'. Therefore, since x is less than y, there is some w that
is a proper part of y such that x ≈ w. Then w cannot be equal to y' or greater than
y', else y would be equal to its own proper part. So w is equal to some proper
part w' of y'. So x' ≈ x ≈ w ≈ w', so x' ≺ y', since x' is equal to w', which is a proper
part of y'.

Definition. A length a is called the sum of b and c, written ‘a = b + c’, if there are
disjoint representative x of b and y of c such that a is the length of x&y.

Theorem 9.2. If a = b + c, then b < a.

Proof. If a = b + c, then there exist disjoint x and y such that b = |x|, c = |y| and
a =|x&y|. Since x and y are disjoint, x < x&y, so x ≺ x&y, so b < a.
Geometry 149

Theorem 9.3. The mereology of lines is rich in representatives.

Proof. A mereology is rich in representatives if given x and y there always exist

disjoint s and t such that x equals s and y equals t. So let x and y be any finite
lines. Let AB be any line, and from AB extended if necessary, cut off a segment
s ≈ x and a disjoint segment t ≈ y. This is always possible by Postulates 2 and 3 of
Book I of the Elements.

Theorem 9.4. The lengths are a dense commutative positive semigroup.

Proof. Equality of lengths satisfies the axioms of equality E1–E4, so by 9.3 and
the Homomorphism Theorem 5.9, the lengths are a positive semigroup. By
Theorem 5.10, they are commutative and satisfy the Density axiom.

Theorem 9.5. Dedekind’s continuity axiom (section 9.3) entails that the lengths
satisfy the Dedekind completeness axiom.

Proof. Let x be a plurality of lengths bounded above by a length l. Let AB be any line
of length greater than l. Now divide the points of AB into two virtual classes L and R,
such that L = {C: for some a in x, |AC| ≤ a} and R = {C: for all a in x, a < |AC|}. Then
R is not empty, since B is in R. Let P be any element of L and let Q be any element
of R. Then for some a in x, |AP| ≤ a. But a < |AQ|, so |AP| < |AQ|, so AP < AQ, so P
is left of Q. Thus every point in L lies left of every point in R. Dedekind’s continuity
axiom states that if a line is divided into two classes in such a way that any point
in one class is left of every point in the other class, then either the first class has a
rightmost point or the second class has a leftmost point. Therefore, there is a point
E in the line AB which is either rightmost in L or leftmost in R (Figure 9.8).

Figure 9.8  Completeness of the lengths.

Let |AE| = d. Then d is an upper bound of the lengths in L. For let a be any
length in x, and let |AC| = a. Then C is in L, so if E is in R then C is left of E, but if
E is in L then E is rightmost in L, so either way AC ≤ AE. So a = |AC| ≤ |AE| = d,
so a ≤ d, so d is an upper bound of x. Let f if possible be a smaller upper bound,
let |AF| = f, and let G be any point in FE. Then since f < |AG|, then since f is an
upper bound of x, for every a in x, a < |AG|, so G is in R. But G is to the left
of E, so E is not leftmost in R. But f is an upper bound of x and f < |AE|, so |AE|
is not in x, so E is not in L. So E is neither rightmost in L nor leftmost in R.
Contradiction. So d is the least upper bound of x.

The Ordinals

A series is a plurality of things referred to serially, in a particular order. This

chapter presents an axiomatization of serial mereology – the logic of serial
reference. Series are Aristotelian quantities, so equality can be predicated of
series, just as it is of pluralities and continua: the standard of equality for series
is one-one order-preserving correspondence. The Magnitudes Thesis entails that
equal series are the same size, so the Homomorphism Theorem allows us to
conclude that the sizes of series are a positive semigroup. The ordinal numbers
are a positive semigroup, so the chapter proposes that an ordinal number is the
size of a series. This does not yield ordinals in their full set-theoretic abundance,
for it entails the existence only of those transfinite ordinals to which we can build
up from below: it gives us only those ordinals that are constructive in the sense
of Church and Kleene.
The sections of the chapter are as follows. Section 10.1 reviews the discovery
of the ordinals by Cantor, who conceives of the ordinals as order types, but does
not discuss what order itself is. Section 10.2 criticizes Fraenkel’s set-theoretic
account of order, which attempts to reduce order to the membership relation.
Section 10.3 criticizes Russell’s view that order and series have their source in
the nature of relations. Section 10.4 argues that it is logic, not metaphysics, that
is the true source of order. A relational predication refers to its subject serially,
a series is the subject of a relational predication and the logic of serial reference
is the mereology of series. Section 10.5 says that since there are predicates
of large finite and even infinite adicity, a series can be of large finite or even
infinite length. Section 10.6 defines similarity as order-preserving one-one
correspondence, which is proved to be an equality in the sense of Euclid. Section
10.7 presents the thesis that an ordinal number is the size of a series. By reasoning
that skirts the Burali-Forti paradox, the Homomorphism Theorem allows us to
deduce that the ordinals are a positive semigroup. Section 10.8 says our theory
proves the existence only of ordinals that are constructive in the sense of Church
152 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

and Kleene. Section 10.9 notes that contemporary set theory postulates von
Neumann ordinals far larger than the constructive ordinals. Section 10.10 says
that no such ordinals are needed in the rest of contemporary mathematics: the
constructive ordinals are sufficient, when coupled with a set theory founded in
property realism.

10.1  The Discovery of the Ordinals

Cantor discovered that after all the natural numbers 1, 2, 3, … comes yet another
number – an infinite number this time – the first of infinitely many ‘transfinite’
numbers. Cantor was initially led to these transfinite ordinals by thinking about
the process of taking the derived set of a set. (The derived set of a set is the
set of all its limit points.) Cantor proved that there exist infinite decreasing
series P1 ⊃ P2 ⊃ … Pn ⊃ Pn+1 … where each P i is the derived set of its predecessor.
Although the P i are infinitely many, we can quantify over them all, and consider
the set of those points that are in every P i . Cantor defined P ∞ as the intersection
of all the P i and continued the series by taking the derived set of P ∞. So the series
continues P ∞ ⊃ P  ∞+1 ⊃ P  ∞+2 … . If we define P  ∞+ ∞ as the intersection of all the
P  ∞+i we can continue with P  ∞+ ∞ ⊃ P  ∞+ ∞+1 … and so on.1 We can conceive of
this process continuing for a great many iterations, until a fixed point is reached,
when we arrive at a ‘perfect’ set, i.e. a set identical with its own derived set.
Extraction of the derived set is only one example of a process that can be
infinitely iterated. The transfinite ordinal numbers have proved their worth
in many other applications: in formal logic they are important in the theory
of proofs, and they are essential in the theory of recursive functions and
computability. Mathematics would be incomplete without the transfinite ordinal
numbers: but what are they, and do we need set theory to obtain them?
In Cantor’s own treatment, the theory of the ordinals was grounded in ‘naive’
set theory. According to Cantor, we arrive at the ordinal numbers by abstraction,
a mental act whereby we supposedly abstract from the intrinsic character of the
members of a class. Given any class, we can consider what happens if we replace
each item in the collection with a qualitatively different item, without disturbing
their order. The class arrived at by such a process of orderly replacement has a
feature in common with the class with which we began: both classes have the
same type of order. Cantor suggested that in this way we arrive by abstraction at
the concept of an order type. The orderly replacement process sets up a one-one
correspondence between the original class and their replacements that preserves
The Ordinals 153

the original order. Classes in order-preserving one-one correspondence, and

which thus are of the same order type, are said to be similar.
Finite pluralities that are in one-one correspondence are similar, since
every one-one correspondence between them is order-preserving. Not so if
the pluralities are infinite: the positive integers and the negative integers are
in one-one correspondence, but there is no one-one correspondence between
them that preserves order, for the positive integers have a least member but
the negative integers do not. The rational numbers and the integers are also in
one-one correspondence, but between any two rationals lies a third, whereas no
third integer lies between successive integers, so no correspondence between the
rationals and the integers is order-preserving.
Cantor conceived of the ordinal numbers as an extension into the transfinite
of the natural numbers with which we count. Counting is a process which
begins with a first item, and in which every item is followed by an immediately
next item. Cantor sought an analogue of counting in the infinite case. But not
every ordered infinite set is suitable to be counted: for example, the negative
integers are unsuitable because they have no first member, and the rationals are
unsuitable because a rational is not followed by an immediately next rational.
Cantor, therefore, added a special condition on the character of the relation
ordering a suitable set.

By a well-ordered aggregate Cantor understood any well-defined aggregate

whose elements have a given definite succession such that there is a first element,
a definite element follows every one (if it is not the last), and to any finite or
infinite aggregate a definite element belongs which is the next following element
in the succession (unless there are no following elements in the succession).2

On Cantor’s account, an ordinal number is the order type of a well-ordered class.

Cantor’s abstractionist theory relied on a background theory of sets that he
took to be quite independent of the ordinals. However, the paradoxes show that
a less ‘naive’ set theory is required, and contemporary set theories generally
build the ordinals in one way or another into the very idea of a set. According
to the iterative conception of set of ZFC, sets are ‘formed’ in ‘stages’ that are
indexed by the ordinals. Then according to this conception, the universe of all
sets is arranged in a ‘cumulative hierarchy’ indexed by the ordinals as follows:
a stage at a successor ordinal is the power set of the stage at the previous
ordinal, and a stage at a limit ordinal is the union of all earlier stages.3 Thus
the iterative conception cannot be so much as formulated without a theory of
the ordinal numbers. The alternative set theory NBG rests on the ‘limitation of
154 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

size’ conception and incorporates the ordinals even more directly. It avoids the
paradoxes by distinguishing classes that are sets from so-called proper classes,
which supposedly are classes that are not sets. A class is not a set if it is ‘too big’,
and on this conception it is too big if it is in one-one correspondence with the
ordinal numbers. Thus the ordinals are fundamental on the limitation of size
conception also.

10.2  The Set-theoretic Account of Order

The theory of the ordinal numbers presupposes the theory of order, and so
raises the question what order is. According to the Kantian philosophy, our
knowledge of geometry derives from our intuition of space, and our knowledge
of arithmetic derives from our intuition of time. Spatial and temporal relations
are orders. But if the Kantian approach is set aside and it is desired to rely on set
theory alone as the foundation of mathematics, then set theory must be freed
from all dependence on the spatiotemporal. The only relation dealt with in set
theory is the membership relation between a thing and a set of which it is an
element. Fraenkel writes:
The reduction of order to membership is also remarkable beyond the limits of
mathematics, for it shows that the concept of order is independent of temporal or
spatial ingredients, contrary to views sometimes expressed. (Fraenkel 1966: 132)

But order does not reduce immediately to membership, for membership is

neither transitive nor connected. However, a relation that is not an order when
unrestricted may be an order if its field is suitably restricted. We can reduce
order to membership, by restricting the membership relation to sets of a special
kind, supposing enough of them exist. The special sets we need are the von
Neumann ordinals.
A set is called transitive if every element of it is a subset of it, and it is called
a von Neumann ordinal if it is a transitive set and the membership relation is
connected on its elements. From these definitions it follows that every element
of a von Neumann ordinal is a von Neumann ordinal.4 Since membership
is transitive on any transitive set every element of which is a transitive set,
membership is transitive when restricted to a von Neumann ordinal. So
membership is a linear order on a von Neumann ordinal. To prove that it is a
well-ordering the Axiom of Regularity is postulated, which says that every non-
empty set contains an element from which it is disjoint.5 Regularity seems to
make no contribution to the rest of set theory, apart from the theory of the von
The Ordinals 155

Neumann ordinals. Indeed, there are interesting and consistent set theories in
which the negation of Regularity is a theorem (Aczel 1988). If Regularity is true
then every von Neumann ordinal contains an element from which it is disjoint,
which is, therefore, its ∈-least element. Therefore, membership is indeed a well-
ordering when its domain is a von Neumann ordinal.
But this reduction of order to set theory is premised upon the actual existence
of enough von Neumann ordinals. It follows trivially from the definition alone
that every empty set is a von Neumann ordinal. We can also prove the following
two ‘generating principles’ from the definition: (i) if α is a von Neumann ordinal,
then its successor α ∪ {α} is also a von Neumann ordinal (Johnstone 1987: 69);
and (ii) the union of any set of von Neumann ordinals is a von Neumann ordinal
(Johnstone 1987: 70). Taking these three theorems together, we will get ‘enough’
von Neumann ordinals if we duly postulate enough sets.
The axioms of set theory postulate enough sets. First, the Axiom of the
Empty Set postulates that an empty set does indeed exist, and the Axiom of
Extensionality tells us it is unique. Since every ordinal has a successor, repeated
application of the first generating principle to the empty set and its successors
yields the finite von Neumann ordinals ∅, {∅}, {∅, {∅}}, …, or 0, 1, 2 … as they
are usually written. To get further we postulate the Axiom of Infinity, which states
that there exists a set of which every finite von Neumann ordinal is an element.
There is, therefore, a smallest such set, call it ω. But ω is the union of the set of the
finite von Neumann ordinals, so ω is itself a von Neumann ordinal. After ω, the
principle that every ordinal has a successor takes us to ω + 1, ω + 2 … and so on.
This gives us infinitely many transfinite von Neumann ordinals, but not nearly
enough for Fraenkel’s reductive purposes, for the only ordinals we have so far
are of the form ω + n, where n is finite. But the set of even numbers followed by
the odd numbers is of an order type which has no representative among the von
Neumann ordinals we have yet obtained. It is, therefore, necessary to postulate a
yet higher ‘axiom of infinity’, the Axiom Scheme of Replacement (Johnstone 1987:
60). Given this axiom it becomes a theorem that every well-ordered set is similar
to some von Neumann ordinal (Johnstone 1987: 65). Thus Replacement ensures
that set theory can in effect classify the type of every possible well-ordered set,
since given any well-ordering it can exhibit an isomorphic von Neumann ordinal.
The postulates about the existence of the von Neumann ordinals allow ZFC
and NBG to sidestep the question what an ordinal type is. Cantor had said
that an ordinal number is a type of well-ordering arrived at by abstraction, but
the equivalence classes of similar well-orderings do not exist in ZFC and are
proper classes in NBG. Thus order types cannot be reduced to sets. But with the
156 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

von Neumann ordinals we can dispense with the equivalence classes. The von
Neumann ordinals form a system of representatives for the isomorphism classes
of well-ordered sets: thus the unique ordinal isomorphic to a given well-ordered
set can replace the order type of the set, just as for nominalists the standard
metre in Paris can replace the property of being one metre long.
Postulating the Axiom of Replacement in addition to the other axioms entails
the existence of an exorbitantly large set-theoretic universe. Concerning the
ordinal κ, defined as the least cardinal λ such that λ = ℵλ, Boolos writes that
although κ is ‘teensy’ by the standards of ‘those who study large cardinals’, it is
still improbably gargantuan:

To the best of my knowledge nothing in the rest of mathematics or science

requires the existence of such high orders of infinity. The burden of proof should
be, I think, on one who would adopt a theory so removed from experience and
the requirements of the rest of science (including the rest of mathematics). κ is
such an exorbitantly big number (by ordinary standards) that we would seem to
need more reason than we now have to think a theory true that tells us there are
κ things in existence. (1988: 122)

In light of this scepticism, a theory of order that does not require such ontological
extravagance would be welcome.

10.3  Are Relations the Source of Order?

Russell’s 1903 account of order, which relies on the metaphysics of relations, not
the metaphysics of sets, is less ontologically extravagant. According to sparse
property realism, some predicates – those that ‘cut nature at the joints’ – stand
for predicable entities. A predicable entity is called a quality if it is expressed by
a one-place predicate, a relation if it is expressed by a relational predicate, i.e.
a predicate of adicity two or more. (The adicity of a predicate is the number of
noun phrases that require to be added to it to complete a sentence: for example,
the predicate ‘red’ is of adicity one, ‘loves’ is of adicity two and ‘between’ is of
adicity three.) Without relational predicates, propositions about order could not
be expressed. But are there really any such entities as relations?
Leibniz thought not. His logical theory said that the subject of a judgement
is always an individual substance and that a judgement is true if the ‘accident’
expressed by its predicate is ‘in’ its subject. Leibniz raised the following objection
to the suggestion that a ratio is a relation between two lines L and M:
The Ordinals 157

But which of them will be the subject …? It cannot be said that both of them, L
and M together, are the subject of such an accident: for if so, we should have an
accident in two subjects, with one leg in the one, and the other leg in the other;
which is contrary to the notion of accidents. (Leibniz 1956: 71)

But Russell rejects Leibniz’s assumption that every judgement is of subject–

predicate form. He says that propositions expressed by subject–verb–object
sentences typically contain two ‘terms’ and a relation.

A relational proposition may be symbolised by aRb, where R is the relation and a

and b are the terms: and aRb will then always, provided a and b are not identical,
denote a different proposition from bRa. That is to say, it is characteristic of a
relation of two terms that it proceeds, so to speak, from one to the other. This is
what may be called the sense of the relation, and is, as we shall find, the source
of order and series. … We may distinguish the term from which the relation
proceeds as the referent, and the term to which it proceeds as the relatum. The
sense of a relation is a fundamental notion, which is not capable of definition.
(1903: 96)

Russell’s view at this time was that order arises because it is the nature of a relation
to impose a direction on its relata, ‘from’ the subject ‘to’ the object. But since
every relational predicate orders its terms, this account of order can succeed
only on the assumption that every relational predicate expresses a relation.
However, according to sparse property realism, this assumption is incorrect,
since not every relational predicate ‘cuts at the joints’.
Russell later abandoned the 1903 theory because of the problem of converse
relations. The relational predicate R* is said to be the converse of R if aRb and
bR*a are mutually entailing. For example, ‘before’ is the converse of ‘after’, for a
is before b if and only if b is after a. These are two different predicates with two
different extensions, but are there really two different predicable entities of the
sort that Russell has in mind? Russell was driven to the conclusion that there is
really only one relation in this sort of case. He became persuaded that a’s being
before b and b’s being after a are one and the same circumstance: there is a single
fact of succession here, which can be reported in alternative ways as convenient.
Russell concluded that ‘before’ and ‘after’ both express the same relation, which
he suggested might be called the sequence relation (1984: 85–9). I conclude that
the reason we need two predicates is not to express two different relations, but
to indicate the order in which the relation is being said to relate its relata. Since
there can be difference of order without difference of relation, the nature of
relations is not the source of order.
158 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

10.4  Serial Reference

The previous sections examined two accounts of order: one using the metaphysics
of sets and one using the metaphysics of relations. Neither seemed entirely
convincing, so in this section I develop the suggestion that it is logic rather than
metaphysics that is the true source of order and series.
Although Russell in 1903 had argued that the sense of a relation is the source
of order, he did consider the alternative suggestion that mereology, the logic of
part and whole, might allow us to retain a subject–predicate analysis of relational
predications. He observed that a sentence of the type ‘a and b are two’ can be
taken to be of subject–predicate form, the subject being the ‘whole’ (ab) and
‘two’ being the predicate. In a sentence of the type ‘aRb’, might the subject be
taken to be the ‘whole’ (ab) with R as the predicate? But if R is asymmetric then
a’s standing in R to b entails b’s not standing in R to a, and Russell writes:

In order to distinguish a whole (ab) from a whole (ba), as we must do if we are

to explain asymmetry, we shall be forced back from the parts to their relation.
For (ab) and (ba) consist of precisely the same parts, and differ in no respect
whatsoever save the sense of the relation between a and b. (1903: 224)

The ‘whole’ (ab) is the mereological sum of a and b, whereas the ‘whole’ (ba)
is the sum of b and a. Russell’s claim that (ab) and (ba) ‘differ in no respect
whatever’ shows he is assuming that mereological addition is commutative, for
he assumes that a and b are identical with b and a. But this assumption will be
wrong if there is an order-sensitive sense of the word ‘and’.
We noted in Chapter 3 that ‘and’ has two meanings in English: it can be the
sentence-connective ‘∧’ or it can be the term-connective ‘&’. In either of these
meanings, ‘and’ is order-indifferent: if one puts on one’s hat and coat, thereby one
puts on one’s coat and hat. But the sentence-connective ‘and’ also has an order-
sensitive meaning, when it means something like ‘and then’. We teach young
children to try to put on their socks and shoes: we teach them not to try to put
on their shoes and socks. In its term-connective sense, ‘and’ can also be order-
sensitive. If it’s true that the queue is Jean and John, it’s not true that the queue
is John and Jean: in a queue, order matters. To avoid ambiguity, we sometimes
append the phrase ‘in that order’ when we mean order-sensitive addition: the
queue is Jean and John, in that order. We can use the symbol ‘⊲’ for serial logical
addition, writing ‘a⊲b’ to mean ‘a and b in that order’, or for short, ‘a then b’. Just
as ‘a and b’ mentions a plural subject, ‘a then b’ mentions a serial subject. And
just as the plural term-connective ‘&’ should be seen as a logical constant and
The Ordinals 159

primitive, so the serial term-connective ‘⊲’ should be seen as a logical constant

and primitive also.
We can apply this as follows. The relational predication that Russell writes as
‘aRb’ would be written in prefix notation as ‘Rab’. Given serial reference, we may
analyse the sentence ‘Rab’ as expressing a subject–predicate judgement in which
‘R’ is the predicate and ‘ab’ refers to the serial subject a⊲b. On this view, every
relational predication has a subject–predicate structure: for example, ‘a before b’
is true if the predicate ‘before’ is true of a then b.
If ‘⊲’ is a logical constant, there must be laws of logic governing it. In Chapter
4 we axiomatized the mereology of both pluralities and continua as laws of logic
governing the commutative addition operator ‘&’. The axioms diverged only in
respect of divisibility: we had the Atomicity axiom for discrete quantity, but the
Divisibility axiom for continua. Since the other axioms are common to both,
we are justified in classing together pluralities and continua as Aristotelian
quantities with a mereological structure of part and whole. A series is the referent
of a serial term, so it is just a plurality referred to in a certain order. So we can
expect series to inherit the mereological structure of pluralities, differing only to
accommodate the total ordering of a series.
The laws of plural mereology were given in Chapter 4. We obtain a non-
commutative discrete mereology, which we can regard as serial logic, if we
replace the plural addition sign ‘&’ with the serial addition sign ‘⊲’ in the
definition given there:

Definition. A series y is called a proper part of a series x if there exists a

series z such that x = y⊲z.

We make the following three changes to the axioms. (1) The Closure axiom
A1 must be restricted to disjoint summands to ensure that no series contains
repeats. (2) The Universe axiom A7 must be dropped – there is no series of
which every series is a part. (3) To introduce the element of order we must add
the axiom of Comparability below. We arrive at the following statements, which
are intended to be true for all series x, y and z.

S1. (Closure): Given disjoint series x and y, there always exists a series w = x⊲y.
S2. (Associative law): x⊲(y⊲z) = (x⊲y)⊲z.
S3. (Subtraction): y < x → ∃w (x = y⊲w ∧ ¬ y o w).
S4. (Atomicity): Every series has a part that has no parts.
S5. (Completeness): Every bounded virtual class of series has a least upper
160 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

S6. (Comparability): Two parts of the same series are different if and only if
one is a proper part of the other.

It is the Comparability axiom S6 that ensures that serial logical addition is not
commutative. Let u and v be any two different individuals. By definition, u ≤ u⊲v
and v ≤ v⊲u. But if u⊲v = v⊲u, then also v ≤ u⊲v. So by S6, since u ≠ v, u < v or
v < u. But these are alike impossible for individuals. So adding S6 makes serial
logic non-commutative.

10.5  Longer Series

Our proposal is that the referent of the subject term in a relational predication is
a series, not an individual. Some series are very short: ‘before’ is predicated of a
series of just two individuals, and ‘between’ is predicated of a series of just three
individuals. Can we establish a priori whether we need signs for longer series?
Wittgenstein thought not:

5.5541 It is supposed to be possible to answer a priori the question whether

I can get into a position in which I need the sign for a 27-termed relation in
order to signify something.

5.5542 But is it really legitimate even to ask such a question? Can we set up
a form of a sign without knowing whether anything can correspond to it?
(Wittgenstein 1961: 113)

But the theory of order gives rise to predicates of large adicity, and we can know
that there are interpretations on which these predicates have instances. For given
any binary predicate R that expresses a partial order, a family of new predicates
S3, S4, … Sn, … may be defined in terms of R as follows:

S3v1v2v3 ↔ (Rv1v2 ∧ Rv2v3)

S4v1v2v3v4 ↔ (S3v1v2v3 ∧ Rv3v4)

Sn+1v1v2v3 … vn+1 ↔ (Snv1v2v3 … vn ∧ Rvnvn+1)

S3 expresses R-betweenness, S4 expresses R-separation, and each Sn is true of any

R-increasing series of length n. Introduction of this family of new predicates
brings no more ontological commitment than does the diadic predication Rv1v2
with which we began.
The Ordinals 161

In the formula Snv1 … vn the predicate Sn is concatenated with the serial term
v1 … vn. On a permissible interpretation this serial term refers to some finite
series u1 … un, where each ui is the referent of the corresponding vi, and all the ui
are different. A finite series is the referent of a finite serial term. The virtual class
of all finite series is a serial mereology: it is straightforward to check that axioms
S1–S6 are true for finite series. For S1, suppose x = u1 … um and y = u'1 … u'n
are disjoint series named, respectively, by the serial terms t1 … tm and t'1 … t'n.
Then u1 … um⊲u'1 … u'n is the referent of t1 … tmt'1 … t'n and hence by relettering
it is the referent of t1 … tmtm+1 … tm+n, so x⊲y is a finite series. S4 is true because if
x is the referent of t1 … tm, then the atom of x is the referent of t1. S2, S3, S5 and S6
are true because series inherit associativity, the restricted subtraction property,
the least upper bound property and comparability from the corresponding
properties of the natural numbers.
Could there be a relational predicate of infinite adicity? Our construction
defines each Snv1 … vn as the conjunction of all the formulas Rvivi+1 for 1 ≤ i ≤ n.
We could introduce a predicate S  ∞ of infinite adicity by defining S  ∞v1 … vn …
as the conjunction of all formulas Rvivi+1 for 1 ≤ i < ∞. Any series u1 … un …
of which S ∞ is true is an R-increasing series order-isomorphic to the natural
It might be objected here that no one can utter an infinitely long sentence, so
the definition of S ∞ outruns the languages human beings can actually use. If this
objection were compelling, it would apply also to sentences where the predicate
is Sn, where n is a very large finite number. But the objection is not compelling in
either case: when we speak about these predicates we are discussing a language
whose sentences we can mention but not use. It is our constant practice in
mathematics to rely on finite representations of infinite objects, and we can do
so confidently here.
Can we continue the series of predicates beyond S ∞ into the transfinite? A
formula that predicates S ∞ needs to have infinitely many individual variables,
one variable vi for each natural number i. That uses up all the vi, but we are not in
danger of running out of variables, for we can use ‘v∞’ next. Let A be the infinite
conjunction of all formulas Rviv∞ for every i. Then A says that v∞ comes after
every vi in the order R, and we continue the series by defining S ∞+1v1 … vn … v∞
as the conjunction S ∞v1 … vn … ∧ A. So defined, the predicate S ∞+1 is true of
any R-increasing series of length ∞. We can continue, defining S ∞+2v1 … v∞+1 as
(S ∞+1v1 … v∞ ∧ Rv∞v∞+1). Then we obtain S ∞+3, … S ∞+∞, S ∞+∞+1, … and so on.
Here the symbol ‘∞’ is merely a notational adjunct: it does not stand for
anything. It was the symbol initially used by Cantor for the transfinite, but he
162 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

later introduced the familiar notation of ‘exponential polynomials in ω’. Kleene

gives the diagram below to ‘suggest the manner of generation and the notations
up to a certain point’ of this system of notation (1952: 477):

0,1,2 …; ω, ω + 1, ω + 2, …; 2ω, 2ω + 1, 2ω + 2, …; …; …;
ω2, ω2 + 1, ω2 + 2 …; ω2 + ω, ω2 + ω + 1, ω2 + ω + 2, …;
ω2 + 2ω, ω2 + 2ω + 1, ω2 + 2ω + 2 …; …;
2ω2, 2ω2 + 1, 2ω2 + 2, …; 2ω2 + ω, 2ω2 + ω + 1, 2ω2 + ω + 2, …;
2ω2 + 2ω, 2ω2 + 2ω + 1, 2ω2 + 2ω + 2, …; …; … ; ; ; ω3, ….

The way the successive notations are built up is intuitively clear from Kleene’s
diagram. After all the finite numerals comes ω, the first transfinite notation.
Then comes a succession of new notations ω + 1, ω + 2, …, after the infinity of
which comes another notation 2ω. Repeating this process, after all these infinite
sequences of notations starting, respectively, with 1, ω, 2ω …, comes still another
notation ω2 and so on: after all of the infinite sequence ω2, 2ω2, 3ω2 … comes ω3,
later comes ω4 and so on. In this system, if κ is a notation preceding ω n+1 then κ
will receive a notation of the form anω n + an-1ωn-1 + … a1ω1 + a0, where all the
‘coefficients’ ai are natural numbers.
These exponential polynomial expressions are mere notations: they import no
new ontology or theory. The notations can be ordered, added and subtracted, by
the usual formal rules for operations on the coefficients of polynomials. Because
of the recursive manner of generation, the notations are well-ordered, so we
can prove things by transfinite induction over them. This introduces nothing
mathematically new, for anything we can prove by transfinite induction up to a
given polynomial notation can be proved by ordinary mathematical induction
instead. For example, transfinite induction ‘up to ω2’ is equivalent to a double
ordinary induction on pairs of natural numbers. The reason is that all notations
up to ω2 in the polynomial system are of the form a1ω+ a0, where a1 and a0 are
natural numbers, so a proof by transfinite induction can be replaced by a nested
double induction over a1 and a0. Similarly, for induction up to ω n+1 we can use
ordered n-tuples and n-fold nested ordinary induction. Thus anything that can
be proved by transfinite induction on notations less than ω n+1 can be proved by
n-fold nested ordinary induction (Kleene 1952: 477–8).
According to Rogers:

Much of the traditional theory of ordinals can be formulated as a theory of

notations for ordinals. For example, consider ordinals expressible by exponential
polynomials in ω. These form an important and inclusive class. In a natural way,
The Ordinals 163

results about this class can be formulated as results about the corresponding
exponential polynomial expressions. (1987: 205)

As we shall see, the theory of the ordinals and the theory of notations for ordinals
parallel each other. But the theory of exponential polynomial expressions is not
yet a theory about the ordinals. In fact the entire theory of these expressions
can be developed without mentioning the ordinals at all, for we can code
each polynomial expression ‘anω n + an-1ω n-1 + … a1ω1 + a0’ by the n-tuple of
its coefficients (an, an-1 … a1, a0). The n-tuples can then in turn be coded by
natural numbers, using Gödel numbering: thus a pair (a, b) is coded by the
Gödel number 2a3b, a triple (a, b, c) by the Gödel number 2a3b5c and an n-tuple
is coded correspondingly by means of powers of the first n primes. Thus the
theory of exponential polynomial expressions does not exceed the resources of
the arithmetic of Chapters 6 and 7: the exponential polynomial notations do not
presuppose the ordinal numbers.
However, the polynomial notations do allow us to broaden our definition of
a serial term to include any term consisting of a string of constants indexed by
polynomial notations. If the term has a last constant it is of the form c1 … cκ,
but if it has no last member it is of the form c1 … cκ …, where in either case the
constants are indexed by notations 1 ≤ κ < λ for some notation λ. We now define
a series to be the referent of a serial term that contains no repeats: that is, where
the referent of cκ is the referent of cκ' only if κ = κ'. The series that are referents
of serial terms indexed by polynomial notations are a serial mereology. It will be
seen later that the definition of series can be broadened further to admit serial
terms indexed by notations that go beyond the polynomial notations.

10.6  Equality of Series

It is proved in the Appendix that the axioms of serial mereology entail that the
parts of a series are linearly ordered by the proper-part relation (Theorem 10.9).
Thus the parts of a series have a position relative to each other, which means that
series are quantities of a sort distinguished by Aristotle:

Quantity is either discrete or continuous. Moreover, some quantities are such

that each part of the whole has a relative position to the other parts: others have
within them no such relation of part to part. (1941a: 4b20)

In Aristotle’s terms, a series is a discrete quantity whose parts have a relative

position. The order of the parts allows us to define the order of precedence of the
164 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

members: u is said to precede v in the series x if for some y and z, x = y⊲z, u is

member of y and v is a member of z. The Appendix proves at Theorem 10.18 that
precedence is a well-ordering of the members of a series.
According to Aristotle: ‘The most distinctive mark of quantity is that equality
and inequality are predicated of it’ (1941a: 6a27). The axioms that anciently
dealt with equality for every kind of quantity are Euclid’s ‘Common Notions’,
the fourth of which says ‘quantities which coincide with one another are equal
to one another’. Discrete quantities whose parts have a relative position coincide
if they are aligned in order side by side. When so aligned their members are
in order-preserving one-one correspondence. This suggests that the standard
of equality for series is a one-one correspondence that preserves the order of
precedence of the members.

Definition. Two series are said to be similar if they are in one-one order-
preserving correspondence.

The Appendix proves at Theorem 10.20 that similarity is indeed an equality in

the sense of the Equality Axioms of section 5.1. We conclude that similarity is
the correct standard of equality for series.
But what do we mean by one-one correspondence? Can we define it without
using set theory? It can be defined in terms of precedence by the following
inductive definition:

Definition. A member u of x is said to correspond to a member v of y if v

is the first member of y that does not correspond to any member of x that
precedes u.

The inductive definition determines the meaning of ‘corresponds’ in the following

way. First, it settles that the first member of x corresponds to the first member of
y: then if for all members of an initial segment of x it has been settled to which
members of an initial segment of y each corresponds, the definition settles that
the first member of the remainder of x corresponds to the first member of the
remainder of y and so on: intuitively it is clear that the definition continues to
determine corresponding members until either x or y is exhausted.
Unlike definitions which are a mere abbreviation of the definiens and which
are everywhere eliminable in favour of the definiens, a term defined by induction
is ineliminable. So our inductive definition of correspondence may look
suspiciously like definition by ‘transfinite recursion’ in set theory. Cantor himself
used transfinite recursion very freely to define functions, and it was only later
that it was realized that a proof is required of the correctness of such definitions.
The Ordinals 165

The proof requires the Axiom of Replacement, which is the axiom that gives the
von Neumann ordinals in such great abundance.6 So if our inductive definition
of correspondence relied on transfinite recursion, it would in effect presuppose
the von Neumann ordinals.
In set theory, transfinite recursion is used to prove the actual existence of
a function, by which is meant a set of ordered pairs. Our inductive definition
does not purport to establish the existence of a set, but only to give a precise
meaning to the relational predicate ‘corresponds’. A relational predicate R is
well-defined if its definition ensures that for every x and y, the sentence Rxy is
determinately either true or false. Lemmas 10.2 and 10.19 of the Appendix prove
by transfinite induction that the predicate ‘corresponds’ is well-defined by our
inductive definition, since for every member u of x and v of y it is determinately
true or determinately false that u corresponds to v. The Axiom of Replacement
is not required in the proof. Lemma 10.3 states further that if we define f by
setting f(u) = v if Ruv, then f is a well-defined functional predicate that preserves
order. So we can define similarity of series as follows: x and y are similar if the
correspondence function f between them is a bijection.
With similarity defined, we can investigate the connection between well-
ordered pluralities and series. The members of any series are a well-ordered
plurality, but we cannot assume that the members of every well-ordered plurality
are the members of some series.

Definition. If X is a plurality well-ordered by a relation R, then x is called

the series consisting of X in the order R if x has the same members as X,
and u precedes v in x if and only if Ruv.

Given a plurality X and a relation R that well-orders them, a series consisting of

X in the order R is not guaranteed to exist. For example, as we shall see shortly
the ordinals are well-ordered in order of size, but there is no series consisting of
the ordinals in order of size.
We can extend the notion of an order-preserving one-one correspondence
in the obvious way to include similarities between two well-ordered pluralities,
and between a well-ordered plurality and a series. So suppose there is a one-
one order-preserving correspondence f between the well-ordered plurality X
in the order R and some series y. Since y is a series, there is some serial term
t and interpretation I on which the individual constants in t refer in order to
members of y. Therefore, the product of I and the one-one correspondence f is
an interpretation I' on which the individual constants in t refer to the members
of X in the order R, so the referent of t on the interpretation I' is a series, which
166 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

clearly is the series consisting of X in the order R. We may, therefore, assert the
following axiom:

S7. If there exists a series similar to the well-ordered plurality X in the order R,
then there exists the series consisting of X in the order R.
Our final axiom of serial mereology asserts the existence of an infinite series.
From the discussion in section 10.5 we know that there is an infinite serial
term c1 … cn … . We know from Chapter 6 that the natural numbers are well-
ordered by size and infinite in number. Therefore, there is an interpretation on
which c1 … cn … refers to the natural numbers in order of size. This justifies our
final axiom about series.

S8. There exists a series consisting of the natural numbers in order of size.

10.7  The Ordinals Are a System of Magnitudes

Theorem 10.20 of the Appendix states that similar series are equal in the sense
of the axioms of equality of section 5.1. Similarity is, therefore, an equivalence
relation, so it partitions the virtual class of all series into virtual equivalence
classes. The series in the same equivalence class are similar and hence equal; so
since equal quantities are the same size, the Magnitudes Thesis entails that each
equivalence class is the extension of a magnitude.

Definition. A property is called an ordinal number if it is the magnitude

which unites a virtual class of similar series.
Notation. ‘ord(x)’ for the ordinal number of x.

From our considerations about natural classes and property realism in section
5.8, we arrived at the following two generic Magnitude Axioms:

Equality. Quantities are equal if and only if they have the same magnitude.
Representatives. Every magnitude has some quantity as a representative.

We applied the generic axioms to pluralities in Chapter 6 and to lines in Chapter

9. We now apply the generic axioms to series, with similarity as the equality
relation, to arrive at a corresponding pair of Axioms of Ordinal Number:

O1. x ≈ y ↔ ord(x) = ord(y)

(Series are similar if and only if they have the same ordinal number.)
O2. Given any ordinal α, there always exists a series x such that ord(x) = α.
(Every ordinal has some series as a representative.)
The Ordinals 167

To define addition of ordinals and obtain their resulting algebra, we require

the assistance of the Burali-Forti paradox. Cantor had postulated that every
set can be well-ordered and that every well-ordered set has an ordinal number.
Naive set theory assumes that whenever there are some things, there exists the
set of those things. On that assumption there is a set of all ordinals, which can,
therefore, be well-ordered, so the set of all ordinals has an ordinal number,
which naive set theory thus proves to be the greatest ordinal of all. But naive
set theory also proves that every ordinal has a greater successor. Because of
this contradiction, contemporary set theory inverts the reasoning and refrains
from the assumption that whenever there are some things, there is a set of those
Our axioms too would lead to the Burali-Forti paradox if we ‘naively’
supposed that for every well-ordered plurality there exist the series consisting
of its members. Contraposing, the Appendix uses the reasoning of Burali-Forti
to deduce as Theorem 10.24 that there is no series consisting of all the ordinals
in order of size. Therefore, no single series exhausts the ordinals, and no pair
of series exhausts them either. It follows that any two ordinals have disjoint
representatives. Given any ordinals α and β, let x be the series of the first α
ordinals and let y be the series of the next β ordinals starting from α. Then x
and y are disjoint series, so their sum x⊲y is a series too (Lemma 10.27). This
allows us to define addition of magnitude ordinals without using transfinite

Definition. An ordinal γ is said to be the sum of ordinals α and β if x and

y are disjoint representatives of α and β, respectively, and γ is the ordinal
number of x⊲y.

The definition is independent of the choice of representatives, so we are able

to apply the Homomorphism Theorem to conclude as Theorem 10.28 that
the ordinals have the algebra of a positive semigroup. We therefore have the
following laws of the algebra of the ordinals for all ordinals α, β and γ :

1. Closure. Given any ordinals α and β, there always exists an ordinal δ such
that δ = α + β.
2. Associativity. α + (β + γ) = (α + β) + γ.
3. Restricted subtraction. α ≠ β ↔ for some δ, either α = β + δ or β = α + δ.

The addition of ordinal numbers is non-commutative, so we can have

α + β ≠ β + α. This is because serial addition is non-commutative, since
x⊲y ≠ y⊲x.
168 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

10.8  How Many Ordinal Numbers Are There?

Axioms O1 and O2 allow us to prove that the magnitude ordinals are well-
ordered (Theorem 10.21). But what ordinals actually exist? How abundant are
they? We can use axioms O1 and O2 to deduce the existence of a great many
ordinals. A series with just one member is similar to itself, so by axiom O1
it has an ordinal number, namely the magnitude ordinal 1, which is the least
magnitude ordinal. (By O2, there is no magnitude ordinal zero.) To obtain more
ordinals we use the ‘generating principle’ supplied by Theorem 10.23:

Successor Principle. Every magnitude ordinal has a successor.

Using this, we can prove the existence of the successor of 1, the successor of
the successor of 1 and so on. Thus the existence of every finite ordinal could in
principle be proved by this method: a computer program could be written which
would print out successively for each finite magnitude ordinal α a proof using
the successor principle of the existence of α. In this sense we can build up to
every finite ordinal from below, for there is an effective method of deducing the
existence of each of them from the axioms.
The successor principle takes us only to finite ordinals. Axiom S8 of section
10.6 states that there exists a series consisting of the natural numbers in order of
size. Since this series is similar to itself, axiom O1 entails it has an ordinal number,
which cannot be one of the finite ordinals. This new ordinal is ω – the smallest
infinite magnitude ordinal. ω is our first example of a limit ordinal, i.e. an ordinal
other than 1 that is not a successor. Given ω, the successor principle now allows
us to prove the existence of infinitely many new ordinals ω+1, ω+2, ω+3, … . We
can prove the existence of any ordinal of the form ω + n, but we cannot prove the
existence of an ordinal greater than all of them, so we cannot yet reach the limit
ordinal ω+ω. Our first generating principle can take us no further.
The reasoning of the Burali-Forti showed that there is no series of all
magnitude ordinals (Theorem 10.24). This negative conclusion has a positive
outcome, for it entails that every increasing series of ordinals has an ordinal
upper bound, and hence a least upper bound or supremum, as Theorem 10.25 of
the Appendix proves. If we define an ω-sequence as a series of ordinal length ω,
Corollary 10.26 is the following:

Limit Principle. Every increasing ω-sequence of magnitude ordinals has a

limit magnitude ordinal as its least upper bound.

The successor principle and the limit principle are together sufficiently
powerful to prove the existence of a vast but countable succession of magnitude
The Ordinals 169

ordinals. Using ordinary mathematical induction and the successor principle,

we deduce the existence of all the ordinals in the well-ordered plurality ω+1,
ω+2, ω+3 … . This well-ordered plurality is similar to the series of natural
numbers in order of size, so by axiom S7 we deduce that ω+1, ω+2, ω+3, … is
an ω-sequence, so by the limit principle we deduce the limit magnitude ordinal
2ω. Similarly we deduce that the ω-sequence 2ω+1, 2ω+2, 2ω+3, … has limit 3ω.
Continuing in this way we obtain the ω-sequence ω, 2ω, 3ω, …, which has the
limit ω2. We similarly have the ω-sequence ω, ω2, ω3, …, the limit of which is ωω.
Then we can continue: (Figure 10.1)

ω ωω
ω, ωω , ωω , ωω ,...
Figure 10.1  Onwards and upwards.

For the limit of this ω-sequence we need a new system of notation,

since the capacity of the ω-notation is exhausted. The new supremum is ε0.
Then the successor principle tells us that there is a new cascade of successors
ε0+1, ε0+2, ε0+3, … so we can carry on onwards and upwards. Eventually the
ε-notations will be exhausted too, but further systematic notation systems are
possible. With each extension of the system of notations we extend the collection
of ordinals whose existence we are proving by a step-by-step process. How long
can we go on doing this? We can continue as long as we can generate notations,
but notations beyond ε0 become increasingly difficult to visualize. Thus the
question how many ordinals can be proved to exist using our generators may
seem hazy. However, discoveries by Church and Kleene gave a mathematically
exact answer.
Church divided the ‘second number class’, i.e. the countable von Neumann
ordinals, into two parts: an initial segment, which he calls the constructive
countable ordinals, and the non-constructive remainder. He writes:

The existence of at least a vague distinction between what I shall call the
constructive and the non-constructive ordinals of the second number class, that
is, between the ordinals which can in some sense be effectively built up to step
by step from below and those for which this cannot be done (although there may
be existence proofs), is, I believe, somewhat generally recognized. (1938: 224)

Church defines the ‘second number class’as follows:

On this basis, the second number class may be described as the simply ordered
set which results when we take 0 as the first (or least) element of the set and
170 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

allow the two following processes of generation: (1) given any element of the set,
to generate the element which next follows it (the least element greater than it);
(2) given any infinite increasing sequence of elements, of the order type of the
natural numbers, to generate the element which next follows the sequence (the
least element greater than every element of the sequence). (1938: 225)

Thus the ‘constructive’ ordinals of Church, that is the countable ordinals that can
be ‘built up to from below’, are those the existence of which can be effectively
deduced from his two ‘processes of generation’ for countable von Neumann
Church proposes to identify the von Neumann ordinals that can ‘be built
up to from below’ with the ordinals that receive a notation in some system of
notation. His proposal is justified because the process of building up to a new
ordinal parallels the process of extending a system of notation. To build up to
a new ordinal, we either deduce the successor of the last ordinal previously
deduced or, given a previously deduced ω-sequence of increasing ordinals, we
deduce its upper limit. To extend a system of notation to a new ordinal, we either
supply a notation for the successor of the last ordinal previously given a notation
or, given a notation for an ω-sequence of increasing ordinals previously given
notations, we supply a notation for its upper limit. Building up to ordinals and
supplying them with notations go hand in hand.
So given Church’s identification, we can ascertain how many constructive
ordinals there are by determining how far a system of notation can be extended.
Since a notation is a string of symbols, the arithmetization of syntax allows every
notation to receive a Gödel number, so we can use natural numbers as notations
for ordinals. The following definition, given by Kleene (Rogers 1987: 205), fits all
known systems of ordinal notations.

Definition. A mapping φ from a subset of the natural numbers to the

von Neumann ordinals is called a system of notations if (1) there is a
computable function k(n) that determines for every n whether φ(n) is
zero, a successor or a limit; (2) there is a second computable function
p(n) such that if φ(n) is a successor, p(n) is a notation for the predecessor
of φ(n); (3) there is a third computable function q(n) such that if φ(n)
denotes a limit ordinal, q(n) is the Gödel number of a computer program
that outputs an increasing ω-sequence of ordinals with φ(n) as limit.

For example, section 10.4 described the exponential polynomial system of

notations for ordinals less than ω2. Each such notation aω + b can be given
a Gödel number 2a3b, and these Gödel numbers are a system of notations
The Ordinals 171

according to Kleene’s definition. (1) Given a notation n = 2a3b, if a = b = 0, then

φ(n) is zero; if b > 0 then φ(n) is a successor; if a > 0 and b = 0 then φ(n) is a limit.
(2) If φ(n) is a successor, p(n) = 2a3b-1, which is the notation for the predecessor
of φ(n). (3) If φ(n) is a limit, q(n) is the Gödel number of a computer program
that outputs the sequence 2a–131, 2a-132, 2a-133, … .
By definition, an ordinal is constructive if there is a system of notation S in
which it receives a notation. Only ordinals less than ω2 receive a notation in
the 2a3b system. But there are more complex systems of notations that extend
the system far beyond ω2 and still conform to Kleene’s definition (Rogers
1987: 205). A system of notation S' is said to be maximal if every ordinal that
receives a notation in some system S receives a notation also in the maximal
system S'. Kleene (1938) proved that a maximal system exists. So an ordinal is
constructive if some system assigns it a notation, and hence if a maximal system
does. But a maximal system maps a subset of the natural numbers onto the set
of all constructive ordinals, which is therefore countable. So since set theory
says there are uncountably many countable ordinals, it says that there exist some
countable ordinals that are not constructive. The least of these is the Church–
Kleene ordinal ω1CK.
Clearly ω1CK is not a successor, else its predecessor would receive a notation,
and hence ω1CK would receive a notation too. But ω1CK is the von Neumann ordinal
of the set of its predecessors, which are an increasing ω-sequence, so there exists
an increasing ω-sequence the upper limit of which is ω1CK. But no computer
program outputs a fundamental sequence for ω1CK: if one did, we could use it to
supply a notation for ω1CK. Now it can be proved that a von Neumann ordinal is
constructive if and only if it is the ordinal of a recursive well-ordering (Rogers
1987: 212). Since ω1CK is not constructive, we deduce that the relation that orders
the constructive von Neumann ordinals is not recursive.
Our theory of the ordinals as magnitudes is quite different from the
theory of the constructive von Neumann ordinals, but the theory of ordinal
notations sets up a correspondence between them. Every magnitude ordinal
has a successor: this corresponds to Church’s first ‘process of generation’. Every
increasing ω-sequence of magnitude ordinals has a limit: this corresponds to
his second ‘process of generation’. Church saw that deducing the existence of a
von Neumann ordinal and supplying it with a notation go hand in hand. Just so,
deducing the existence of a magnitude ordinal and supplying it with a notation
go hand in hand. Therefore, the magnitude ordinals that can receive a notation
are all and only the magnitude ordinals whose existence can be deduced from
the Magnitudes Thesis, so every such magnitude ordinal is constructive.
172 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

10.9  Stopping at the Constructive Ordinals

The Magnitudes Thesis entails the existence of the collection of all the ordinals
that are constructive in the sense of Church and Kleene. But are the constructive
magnitude ordinals all the magnitude ordinals there are? The Magnitudes Thesis
is silent on this question, so it may look as if we could consistently extend the
collection by postulating a non-constructive ordinal. Then our two generating
principles would allow us to infer non-constructively that every countable
series of countable ordinals has a countable limit. We arrive at a collection of
magnitude ordinals analogous to and no less numerous than Cantor’s ‘second
number class’ of countable infinite ordinals.
But once we begin the process of postulating further ordinals, there seems no
natural stopping place. We could continue now beyond the countable ordinals
by postulating an uncountable magnitude ordinal, which would lead to a
collection of magnitude ordinals no less numerous than Cantor’s ‘third number
class’ and so on. Each time we expand the collection of ordinals by postulation,
there seems nothing to stop a further expansion by a subsequent postulation. We
would thus replicate within the theory of the magnitude ordinals the same kind
of indefinite extensibility which according to Dummett characterizes set theory
and the theory of the von Neumann ordinals. (1991: 317).
Is there a way to remove the indefiniteness and arrive at a determinate totality
of all the magnitude ordinals? We can argue as follows that the constructive
magnitude ordinals are all the magnitude ordinals there are. The existence of a
non-constructive ordinal would entail, by axiom O2, that there is a series of non-
constructive length. Now it is known that a von Neumann ordinal is constructive
if and only if it is a recursive ordinal, that is, if it is the ordinal of a recursive well-
ordering (Rogers 1987: 211–12). By adapting the proof, we could show that a
magnitude ordinal is constructive if and only if it is the ordinal of a series whose
precedence relation is recursive. Therefore, if a non-constructive magnitude ordinal
did exist, by O2 it would have some series as a representative, and the precedence
relation of this series would not be recursive. A relation is decidable if and only if it
is recursive, so this series would have an undecidable precedence relation.
But that is not consistent with the conception of ‘series’ on which the present
account rests. We have defined a series as the kind of item that can be classified
by a relational predicate. The classification is effected by means of a sentence
with a serially referring subject term – it is not sufficient for the subject term
merely to refer plurally to the members of the series. Our theory of series
envisaged an infinite language. We can describe such a language, though we
The Ordinals 173

cannot use it. Thus the conception of series requires us to abstract away from the
finiteness of language, but it cannot require us to abstract away from language
altogether. Every language must have a syntax, and every syntactic property
must be decidable. So an expression is a serial term only if for all symbols t and t'
that occur in the expression, it is decidable in what order they occur, i.e. whether
t precedes t': if we removed this restriction, the notion of a serially referring
term would lose all connection with the theory of reference, and could only
be some set-theoretic construct. Therefore, no series in our sense can have an
undecidable order of precedence. Since a representative of a non-constructive
magnitude ordinal would have an undecidable order of precedence, there can be
no such magnitude ordinal.
These considerations about serial reference are one reason to think that the
constructive magnitude ordinals are all there are. A second reason to think so is
that the Magnitudes Thesis treats the ordinal numbers as magnitudes. Property
realism infers the existence of magnitudes from the dispositions and casual powers
of physical things. That is how in previous chapters we inferred the existence
of the natural numbers and the geometrical lengths. Therefore, if the ordinal
numbers are a system of magnitudes, they too should have some connection with
the dispositions of physical things. Computers are physical things, but only the
constructive magnitude ordinals are connected with the dispositions of computers.
The ordinal length of a series is a measure of its computational complexity, which
determines the physical resources of time, hardware and memory storage that
have to be devoted to computation of the order of its terms. Since higher ordinals
seem to have no tangible connection with computers or other physical things, the
property realist will see no reason to postulate them into existence.

10.10  The Existence of Sets

This book has argued that numbers are not sets and that set theory is not needed
to justify the axioms for the numbers. I do not, however, mean to suggest that set
theory is not needed in mathematics at all. On the contrary:

Set theory pervades modern mathematics. Some special branches and some
special styles of mathematics can perhaps do without, but most of mathematics
is into set theory up to its ears. If there are no classes, then there are no Dedekind
cuts, there are no homeomorphisms, there are no complemented lattices, there
are no probability distributions, … for all these things are standardly defined as
one or another sort of class. (Lewis 1991: 58)
174 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

We need sets in mathematics, but how do we know that sets exist?

The intuitive conception of sets is the ‘naive’ theory that whenever there
are a plurality x of things, there exists a single individual σ(x), the set of those
things. The things x are said to be the elements of the set σ(x), and the set is
said to combine its elements. In view of the paradoxes, the iterative conception
more cautiously says that whenever some things have been formed, there is next
formed a set that combines them. The limitation of size conception says that
whenever there are not too many things, there exists a set of those things. What
these various conceptions have in common is that they think of a set as a complex
unity, namely a single individual σ(x) standing in a distinctive constitutive
relation to a plurality x.
We can arrive at knowledge that sets exist if philosophical reflection can
assure us that suitable complex unities exist. Sparse property realism supplies
suitable complex unities. It explains resemblance in terms of instantiation: two
items resemble, according to sparse realism, if they instantiate the same property.
But what is instantiation? It cannot be explained by postulating an instantiation
relation, on pain of Bradley’s regress (1893: chapter 3). Sparse property realism
connects instantiation with truth: if an item instantiates a property then a belief
that attributes the property to the item is true.
A theory of truth that is substantive and not merely disquotational requires
the existence of complex unities, and so supplies entities that accord with the
conception of set. For example, Russell’s correspondence theory of truth says
that a belief is true if there exists the corresponding fact. According to Russell,
the fact that corresponds to a true belief is a complex unity, which ‘knits together
into one complex whole’ the things the belief is about. Russell writes:

If we take such a belief as ‘Othello believes that Desdemona loves Cassio’, we

will call Desdemona and Cassio the object-terms and loving the object relation.
If there is a complex unity ‘Desdemona’s love for Cassio’ consisting of the
object terms related by the object-relation in the same order as they have in
the belief then this complex unity is called the fact corresponding to the belief.
(1967: 75)

Applied to a sentence that expresses a belief, Russell’s theory entails that a

sentence is true if there exists the corresponding fact, the complex unity which
‘knits together’ the things the sentence is about. In Hossack (2013), I used
Russell’s correspondence theory to give the following account of instantiation:
some things instantiate a predicable if there exists the Russellian fact whose
constituents are the things and the predicable.
The Ordinals 175

Of course the correspondence theory of truth is not the only possible account
of sentential truth. But alternative accounts, if they are substantive, also require
the existence of complex unities. Thus according to the theory of propositions, the
proposition expressed by a sentence is a complex unity composed of the things
mentioned in the sentence: a sentence is true if it expresses a true proposition.
According to the theory of states of affairs, the state of affairs represented by a
sentence is a complex unity composed of the things mentioned in the sentence:
a sentence is true if the state of affairs it represents is actual. From each of these
substantive theories of sentential truth we can deduce the existence of complex
unities, be they facts, propositions, or states of affairs.
This immediately gives a model for the axioms of a theory of sets, as follows.
In plural logic just as in singular logic, the law of identity is a logical truth:
whenever there are some things, they are identical with themselves. So given
some individuals x, it is true that x are identical to themselves, so a substantive
theory of truth tells us that there exists a complex unity σ(x) standing in a
distinctive constitutive relation to the plurality x, namely the Russellian fact,
proposition or state of affairs that x = x. This complex unity σ(x) consists of the
plurality x and the identity relation. We can now identify the set whose elements
are x with the complex unity σ(x), and we say an individual u is an element of the
set σ(x) if u is one of x. Given the nuanced assumptions in the set theory NFU7
about when one may consistently assert the existence of the set of things that fit
a given description, it can be proved that the axioms of NFU are true when ‘set’
and ‘elementhood’ are so defined (Hossack 2014).
Thus if facts exist or if propositions exist or if possibilities (states of affairs)
exist, then there exists a model of the axioms of NFU, which can be seen as
a sophisticated version of naive set theory. If we then import the constructive
ordinals of this chapter into NFU, we obtain sets of every constructive rank.
Those are quite enough sets for all the needs of ordinary mathematics, which
outside set theory itself has no need for very large ordinal numbers. We noted in
section 10.2 that Boolos writes concerning κ, the least cardinal λ such that λ = ℵλ,
that to the best of his knowledge there is nothing in the rest of mathematics that
needs so large a number. Michael Potter states that ‘the overwhelming majority
of 20th century mathematics is straightforwardly representable by sets of fairly
low infinite ranks, certainly less than ω + 20’ (Potter 2004: 220; Potter n.d.). Thus
given the theory of numbers of this book, and given the set theory NFU, we
obtain all the sets we need for the whole of ordinary contemporary mathematics,
which is all of mathematics apart from those branches of the subject that explore
the consequences of axioms as ontologically unrestrained as Replacement.
176 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

Appendix to Chapter 10

In this Appendix, the notation ‘{x:Fx}’ means the virtual class of satisfiers of ‘F’,
where F is any predicate free for x. Upper case letters from the beginning of the
alphabet abbreviate notations for virtual classes, upper case variables from the
end of the alphabet range over pluralities, lower case variables from the end of
the alphabet range over series and lower case variables from the beginning of the
Greek alphabet range over ordinals. The sign ‘ <’ varies in meaning according
to the variables that flank it: thus ‘X < Y’ means that the plurality X are some
but not all of Y, ‘x < y’ means that the series x is a proper part of the series y, and
‘α < β’ means that the ordinal α is less than the ordinal β.

Section 1: Well-ordered Pluralities

Definition. A relational predicate R is said to well-order a plurality X if R is a
linear order and whenever Y are some of X, one of Y is R-least.

Notation. ‘(X, R)’ means the plurality X, well-ordered by R. ‘(X, R) = (Y, S)’
means that X = Y and that for all members u and v of X, Ruv ↔ Suv.

Definition. (Y, R) is called an initial segment of (X, R) if Y are some of X and for
some member u of X, every member of Y is R-less than u.

Notation. ‘seg(X, R)(u)’ denotes the initial segment of (X, R) consisting of

all members of X that are R-less than u. We omit the subscript ‘(X, R)’ when
ambiguity cannot arise.

Theorem 10.1 (Transfinite induction). If (X, R) is a well-ordered plurality, then

if for every v in X the truth of F(u) for each member of the segment seg(X, R)(v)
entails the truth of F(v), then F(u) is true for all members of X.

Proof. Let (X, R) be a well-ordered plurality that satisfies the hypothesis of the
theorem. Then if the theorem is not true there exists some member of X for
which F(u) is not true. Let v be the R-least such. Then F(u) is true of every
member of x that is R-less than v. But then the members of seg(X, R)(v) satisfy F,
so v also satisfies F. Contradiction.

Definition. If (X, R) and (X', R') are well-ordered pluralities, then u in X is said
to correspond to u' in X' if and only if u' is the R'-least member of X' that does not
correspond to any member of X that is R-less than u.
The Ordinals 177

Lemma 10.2. Correspondence is (i) a well-defined and (ii) a functional predicate.

Proof. (i) Correspondence is well-defined if for every member u of (X, R) and u'
of (X', R') the above definition determines whether u corresponds to u'. Suppose
that for every member u of seg(X, R)(v) it is determined for all u' in X' whether u
corresponds to u'. Then either (1) every member u' of X' corresponds to some
member u of seg(X, R)(v) or (2) there is a member of u' to which no member of
seg(X, R)(v) corresponds. In case (1), v does not correspond to any u' in X', so
for every member u' of X' it is determined whether v corresponds to u'. In case
(2) let v' be the least member of X' that does not correspond to any member
of seg(X, R)(v). Then the definition determines that v corresponds to v', so it
determines that v corresponds to u' if and only if u' = v'. Hence in case (2) also,
for every member u' of X' it is determined whether v corresponds to u'. Hence
by 10.1, it is determined for every u in X and u' in X' whether u corresponds to
u'. So correspondence is well-defined.
(ii) Suppose u corresponds to u' and u corresponds to v'. Since u corresponds
to u', u' is the R'-least member of X' that does not correspond with any member
of X that is R-less than u. But u corresponds to v', so v' also is the R'-least member
of X' that does not correspond with any member of X that is R-less than u. So
u' = v'. So the member of X' that corresponds to u is uniquely determined, so
correspondence is a function.

Definition. φ is called the correspondence function from (X, R) to (X', R') if and
only if φ(u) = u' if u corresponds to u'.

Lemma 10.3. The correspondence function φ:(X, R) → (X', R') is one-one and
order-preserving on its domain of definition.

Proof: To prove φ is one-one, suppose φ(u1) = φ(u2) = u'. Then u' corresponds
to u1 and u' corresponds to u2. Suppose u1 is R-less than u2. Then since u'
corresponds to u2, u' does not correspond to anything R-less than u2, so u' does
not correspond to u1. Contradiction. We may similarly exclude the possibility
that u2 is R-less than u1, so u1 = u2, so φ is one-one. And φ is order-preserving.
Suppose u1 is R-less than u2: we must prove that φ(u1) is R'-less than φ(u2). Now
since φ(u2) corresponds to u2, φ(u2) does not correspond to any member of
X that is R-less than u2, hence not to any member of X that is R-less than u1,
since u1 is R-less than u2. But φ(u1) is the R'-least member of X' that does not
correspond to any member of X that is R-less than u1, so φ(u2) is not R'-less than
φ(u1). So either φ(u1) is R'-less than φ(u2) or φ(u1) = φ(u2). But u1 is R-less than u2,
178 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

so u1 ≠ u2, so since φ is one-one φ(u1) ≠ φ(u2), so φ(u1) is R'-less than φ(u2). So φ is


Definition. Well-ordered pluralities (X, R) and (X', R') are called similar if there
is an order-preserving bijection f: (X, R) → (X', R')

Notation. ‘(X, R) ≈ (Y, S)’ means that (X, R) and (y, S) are similar.
The following proofs in this section are mostly just transpositions to the plural
idiom of standard proofs in the older set theory textbooks, such as the excellent
Stoll 1961: 103–4.

Lemma 10.4. If f: (X, R) → (X, R) is a similarity of X into itself, then for each u
in X, f(u) is not R-less than u.

Proof: Suppose there is a member u of (X, R) such that f(u) is R-less than u. Let
Y =[u: f(u) is R-less than u], and let v be R-least in Y. Then f(v) is R-less than v,
so by the order-preserving property of f (10.3), f(f(v)) is R-less than f(v). So f(v)
is a member of Y. But f(v) is less than v, so f(v) is less than the least member of
Y. Contradiction.

Lemma 10.5. No well-ordered plurality is similar to any of its initial segments.

Proof. Let u be a member of (X, R) and suppose f is a similarity from X into

seg(X, R)(u). Then f(u) is a member of seg(X, R)(u). But by 10.4, u is R-less than f (u),
so f(u) is not a member of seg(X, R)(u). Contradiction.

Corollary 10.6. If u and v are members of (X, R) and seg(X, R)(u) ≈ seg(X, R)(v),
then u = v.

Proof: Suppose seg(X, R)(u) ≈ seg(X, R)(v) but u ≠ v. Then either u is R-less than v or
v is R-less than u. Suppose u is R-less than v. Then every member of seg(X, R)(u) is
a member of seg(X, R)(v), so seg(X, R)(u) is an initial segment of seg(X, R)(v). But this
contradicts 10.5, since the segments are similar. Similarly the assumption that v
is less than u entails a contradiction. So u = v.

Lemma 10.7. If (X, R) and (X', R') are similar, the correspondence function
φ:(X, R) → (X', R') is the unique similarity between them.

Proof. Let g and h be similarities from (X, R) to (X', R'). Since g is a similarity,
g-1 is a bijection. Suppose g-1 is not order-preserving. Then for some v'1 and v'2,
v'1 is R'-less than v'2 but g-1(v'1) is not R-less than g-1(v'2). Since g-1 is one-one
The Ordinals 179

g1(v'2) ≠ g-1(v'1), so g-1(v'2) is R-less than g-1(v'1). Then since g is order-preserving,

g(g-1(v'2)) is R'-less than g(g-1(v1)), so v'2 is R'-less than v'1. Contradiction. So g-1
is order-preserving. So since g-1 and h are order-preserving bijections, f = g-1h
is an order-preserving bijection of (X, R) into itself. So f = g1h is a similarity of
(X, R) into itself, so by 10.4, for every u, g-1(h(u)) is not R-less than u, so g(u) is
not R-less than h(u). Similarly h(u) is not R-less than g(u), so h(u) = g(u), since R
is a total order. So for every u, g(u) = h(u), so g = h. So since the correspondence
function is a similarity from (X, R) to (X', R'), it is the unique similarity between

Theorem 10.8. If (X, R) and (X', R') are well-ordered pluralities, then exactly
one of the following holds: (i) (X, R) ≈ (X', R'); (ii) for some proper part Z' of X',
(X, R) ≈ (Z', R'); (iii) for some proper part Z of X, (X', R') ≈ (Z, R).

Proof. Suppose that some u is a member of X which does not correspond to any
member of X' and some u' is a member of X' which does not correspond to any
member of X. Let v' be the least member of X' which does not correspond to any
member of X. Then v' is the least member of X' that does not correspond with
any member of X less than u, and, therefore, v' corresponds to u. Contradiction.
Therefore, every u in X corresponds to some u' in X', or every u' in X' corresponds
to some u in X.

Suppose that for every u in X there is a corresponding u' in X'. Let φ:(X, R) → (X', R')
be the correspondence function. Then φ(u) = u' if and only if u' corresponds
to u. Suppose there is no member u' of X' such that for all u in X, φ(u) ≠ u'. Then φ
is onto, so X ≈ X'. Otherwise let Y = [u' is a member of X': for all u in X, φ(u) ≠ u'].
Let u' be the least member of Y. Then every member of seg(X', R')(u') is less
than the least member of Y, so no member of seg(X', R')(u') is a member of Y,
so every member of seg(X', R')(u') is φ(u) for some u in X, so φ is onto seg(X', R')(u'),
so X ≈ seg(X', R')(u'). So either X ≈ X' or X ≈ seg(X', R')(u').

Suppose that for every u' in X' there is a corresponding u in X. Let φ' be the
correspondence function φ': (X', R') → (X, R) defined by φ'(u') = u if and only
if u' in X' corresponds to u in X. Then as in Case 1 we prove that φ'(u') maps
X' either onto X, or onto some segment seg(X, R)(u) of X. So either X' ≈ X or
X' ≈ seg(X, R)(u).
So at least one of the following is true: (i) either X ≈ X' or X ≈ seg(X', R')(u'));
(ii) either X' ≈ X or X' ≈ seg(X, R)(u)). So if X ≈ X' then X ≈ seg(X', R')(u') and
X' ≈ seg(X, R)(u) are both false. If X ≈ X' is false, then at least one of X ≈ seg(X', R')(u')
and X' ≈ seg(X, R)(u) is true. Suppose both are true. Then there are similarities
180 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

f: X → seg(X', R')(u') and g: X' → seg(X, R)(u), so gf: X → seg(X, R)(u) is a similarity,
contradicting 10.5. Therefore, exactly one of the following is true: (i) X and X'
are similar; (ii) X is similar to a proper part of X' (iii) X' is similar to a proper
part of X.

Section 2: Series
Notation. ‘xy’ means ‘x then y’, i.e. ‘x and y in that order’.
(Here we imitate the theory of groups, where it is a common practice to use
‘x + y’ when the group operation is commutative, but simply ‘multiplicative
notation’ ‘xy’ with no explicit symbol for the group operation when it is not
commutative. We use multiplicative notation here simply to improve readability,
but ‘xy’ has exactly the same meaning as the notation ‘x⊲y’ of Section 10.4.)
SD1 Definition. y is called a proper part of x, written ‘y < x’ if for some z, x = yz.
SD2 Definition. y is called a part of x, written ‘y ≤ x’, if y is a proper part of x or
y = x.
SD3 Definition. x is called an individual if x has no proper part.
SD4 Definition. An individual e is called an atom of x if e is a part of x.
SD5 Definition. An individual u is called a member of x if u = x or there
exist y1, y2, y3, and y4 such that x = uy1 or x = y2uy3 or x = y4u.
SD6 Definition. An individual u is said to precede an individual v in x, written
u ≺x v, if there exist y and z such that x = yz and u is a member of y and v is a
member of z. (We omit the subscript x when there is no ambiguity about which
series is in question.)

SD7 Definition. x and y are said to overlap, written x o y, if x and y have a

common member.

SD8 Definition. x and y are said to be disjoint if they do not overlap.

We adopt the following axioms of serial mereology, where the statements are
meant to be true for all series x, y and z and all individuals e.

S1. Closure: Given disjoint series x and y, there always exists a series w = xy.
(Disjoint series can be added.)
S2. Associativity: x(yz) = (xy)z
(Addition is associative.)
S3. Remainder: y < x → ∃w (x = yw ∧ ¬ y o w)
(If a proper part is subtracted from a series, a disjoint series remains.)
The Ordinals 181

S4. Atomicity: ∀x ∃e (e ≤ x ∧ ¬ ∃z z < e)

(Every series has a part that is an individual.)
S5. Completeness: Every bounded virtual class of series has a least upper
S 6. Comparability: ∃z (x ≤ z ∧ y ≤ z) → (x ≠ y ↔ either x < y or y < x).
(Two parts of the same series are different if and only if one is a proper
part of the other.)
S7. If a well-ordered plurality is similar to a series, there exists a series
corresponding to the well-ordered plurality.
S8. There exists a series corresponding to the natural numbers in
arithmetical order.

Lemma 10.9. The parts of a series are linearly ordered by the serial part relation.

Proof. If x < y and y < z, then for some w and some w', y = xw and z = yw'. So
z = yw' = (xw)w' = x(ww') by S2, so x < z. So < is transitive. Since x = x, x ≤ x, so
x ≠ x ↔ x < x ∨ x < x by S6. So ¬ x < x, so < is irreflexive. Thus < is irreflexive, and
transitive, and hence a partial order. If z is a series of which x and y are different
parts, then by S6 either x < y or y < x, so < is a linear order on the parts of z.

Lemma 10.10. The remainder upon serial subtraction is unique.

Proof. Suppose x = yz = yz'. Let A = {w: yw ≤ x}. Then if z < s, then for some
t, s = zt, so ys = yzt = xt, so since x < xt, s ∉ A. So z < s → s ∉ A, so z is an upper
bound of A. But z ∈ A, so no upper bound of A is less than z. Similarly z' is an
upper bound of A, and no upper bound of A is less than z'. So z ≤ z' and z' ≤ z.
So z = z'.

Lemma 10.11. An individual occurs at most once in a series.

Proof. An individual u occurs in x if u = x or there exist y1, y2, y3 and y4 such that
x = uy1 or x = y2uy3 or x = y4u. If x = uy1, then u < x, so by subtraction (S3), for
some z, x = uz and u and z are disjoint. So y1 = z by 10.10, so u and y1 are disjoint,
so u does not occur in y1, so u occurs only once in x. Similarly, if x = y2uy3 or
x = y4u, then u occurs only once in x.

Lemma 10.12. If x is a series and u is an individual, there is no y such that

x < y < xu.
182 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

Proof. Suppose the contrary. Then for some y, x < y < xu. Then since x < y, by S3
there is some w such that y = xw. And since y < xu, there is some w' such that
xu = yw'. So xu = yw' = (xw)w' = x(ww') by S2. So xu = x(ww'), so u = ww' by
10.10, so w < u. But u is an individual. Contradiction.

Corollary 10.13. If yu = y'u, then y = y'.

Proof. Assume yu = y'u. Suppose y ≠ y'. Then if y' < y then y' < y'u, so y' < yu. So
y < y' < yu, contrary to 10.12. We may similarly exclude the possibility y < y'. So
y = y' by S6.

Theorem 10.14. Every virtual class of parts of a series has a least element.

Proof. Let x be a series and let A be a non-empty virtual class of parts of x.

(i) By S4, let e be an atom of x. If v is also an atom of x, then since e < v and
v < e are alike impossible for individuals, it follows by S6 that e and v are
identical, so e is unique. Let y be any part of x. Then y has an atom v by
S4 again, so v ≤ y. But y ≤ x, so v ≤ x by 10.9, so since v is an individual, v
is an atom of x, so v = e, so e ≤ y. So for all y ≤ x, e ≤ y, so e is the smallest
part of x. So if e ∈ A, e is the least element of A.
(ii) If e ∉ A, let B = {w: ∀y y ∈ A → w < y}. B is the virtual class of all strict
lower bounds of A, so e ∈ B, so B is not empty. Let y ∈ A. Then y is an
upper bound of B, so B is bounded above, so B has a least upper bound
sup(B) by S5. Choose s < sup(B). Then s is not an upper bound of B, so
for some b ∈ B, s < b. But b is a strict lower bound of A, so b is less than
every element of A. So since s < b, s is less than every element of A, so
s ∉ A. So for every s, s < sup(B) → s ∉ A. (*) So if sup(B) ∈ A, then by (*),
sup(B) is the least element of A.
(iii) Suppose sup(B) ∉ A. Suppose x = sup(B). Then for any part s of x, if s < x
then s ∉ A by (*), and if s = x then s ∉ A. So A is empty. Contradiction.
So sup(B) ≠ x, so sup(B) < x. So by S3, for some y, x = sup(B)y (i.e.
sup(B)⊲y). Let u be the atom of y by S4. Since sup(B) is an upper bound
of B and sup(B) < sup(B)u, it follows that sup(B)u ∉ B, so sup(B)u
is not a strict lower bound of A. So for some w ∈ A, w ≤ sup(B)u.
But sup(B) ∉ A, so w ≠ sup(B). By (*), if w < sup(B) then w ∉ A, so
¬ w < sup(B), so sup(B) ≤ w. But sup(B) ∉ A, so w ≠ sup(B), so
sup(B) < w. So sup(B) < w ≤ sup(B)u. So by 10.12, w = sup(B)u,
so sup(B)u ∈ A. If s < sup(B)u, then s ≤ sup(B). If s = sup(B), then s ∉ A.
If s < sup(B) then by (*) s ∉ A. So sup(B)u is the least element of A.
The Ordinals 183

Definition. y is called a u-segment of x if yu ≤ x.

Lemma 10.15. If y and y' are u-segments of x then y = y'.

Proof. Suppose y and y' are u-segments of x. Then yu ≤ x and y'u ≤ x. If yu = x

and y'u = x, then yu = yu' so y = y' by 10.13. Otherwise if yu < x, suppose y'u = x.
Then y ≠ y'. So y < y' or y' < y by S6. If y < y' then for some s, y' = ys, so since
yu < x, for some t, yut = x, so y(ut) = x = y'u = (ys)u = y(su), so ut = su by 10.10.
By S4, u is the atom of ut, and ut = su, so if u' is the atom of su, u' = u, since the
atom is unique. So u is the atom of su, so for some w, su = uwu, contradicting
10.11. So ¬ y < y'. So y' < y, so for some z, y = y'z. So x = yut = y'zut = y'u, so
zut = u, so z < u. But u is an individual. Contradiction. So y'u < x.
So yu < x and y'u < x, so for some s and t, x = yus = y'ut. Suppose y < y'. Then
for some w, y' = yw, so ywut = yus, so wut = us by 10.10. But u is the atom of
us, so u is the atom of wut, so for some w', wut = uw'ut. But u occurs more than
once in uw'ut, contradicting 10.11. So y' ≤ y. Similarly, if y' < y, then y = y'w for
some w, so x = yus = y'wus = y'ut, so wus = ut, so for some w', uw'us = ut, again
contradicting 10.11. So y = y'.

Notation. Since 10.15 establishes that x has only one u-segment, we write
‘y = segx(u))’ to express that y is the u-segment of x. We omit the subscript ‘x’
when ambiguity cannot arise.

Lemma 10.16. If u and v are members of x then u precedes v in x if and only if

v is not the atom of x and either (i) u is the atom of x or (ii) u is not the atom of
x and seg(u) < seg(v).

Proof. Suppose u ≺x v. Then for some y1, y2, y3, y4 and y5 (one or more of which
may be ‘null’) x = y1uy2vy3. Then seg(u) = y1 and seg(v) = y1uy2, so seg(u) < seg(v).
Conversely, if seg(u) < seg(v), then seg(v) = seg(u)y3 = seg(u)uy4, so x = seg(v)vy5
= seg(u)uy4vy5, so u ≺x v.

Theorem 10.17. The precedes relation ‘≺’ on the members of a series is a well-

Proof. Let u and v be members of a series x. If u ≺ v and v ≺ s, then neither v

nor s is the atom of x. So if u is the atom of x, u ≺ s. If u is not the atom of x then
seg(u) < seg(v), and seg(v) < seg(s), so by 10.9, seg(u) < seg(s), so u ≺x s. So ≺x is
transitive. Suppose u ≺ u. Then if u is the atom of x then u ≠ u. Contradiction.
So u is not the atom of x, so if u ≺x u, seg(u) < seg(u), contradicting 10.9.
184 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

So ¬ u ≺ u. So ≺ is irreflexive, so ≺ is a partial order. Also ≺ is connected. For

let u and v occur in x. Since u occurs in x, there exist y1, y2, y3 and y4 such that
x = uy1 or x = y2uy3 or x = y4u. Since v also occurs in x, then if u ≠ v then v occurs
in y1 or y2 or y3 or y4, so u ≺ v if v occurs in y1 or y3, and v ≺ u if v occurs in y2
or y4. As these exhaust the possibilities, ≺ is a linear order.
Let X be any plurality of members of x. Let e be the atom of x. If e is a member
of X then e is least in X. Otherwise let B be the virtual class {y: ∃u u is a member
of X and y = segx(u)}. Since e is not a member of X, there is some member u of
X such that u ≠ e, so seg(u) exists, so B is not empty, so B has a least element by
10.14. Let seg(u) be least in B. Then u is least in X, for if v is in X, then v ≠ e, so
seg(v) exists, so seg(u) ≤ seg(v), so u ≼ v. So ≺ is a well-order.

Definition. If a series x and a well-ordered plurality (X, R) have the same

members, and if the order of precedence of the members of the series is the same
as the order R of the plurality, then x is called the series corresponding to (X, R),
and (X, R) is called the well-ordered plurality corresponding to x.

Notation. ‘(x, ≺x)’ denotes the well-ordered plurality corresponding to the

series x.

Definition. If x and x' are series, then u in x is said to correspond to u' in x' if and
only if u' is the ≺x'-least member of x' that does not correspond to any member
of x that is ≺x-less than u.

Lemma 10.18. Members of series correspond if and only if they correspond as

members of the corresponding well-ordered pluralities.

Proof. u in x corresponds to u' in x' if and only if u' is the ≺x'-least member of x'
that does not correspond to any member of x that is ≺x-less than u, which is the
case if and only if u' is the ≺x'-least member of (x', ≺x') that does not correspond
to any member of (x, ≺x).

Section 3: The Equality Axioms

Definition. A relation ≈ is said to be an equality relation on the quantities in a
serial mereology if and only if it satisfies conditions E1–E4 below.

E1. x≈y∧x≈z→y≈z
(Equality is euclidean – quantities equal to the same quantity are also
equal to one another.)
The Ordinals 185

E2. ¬ x o y ∧ ¬ x' o y → (x ≈ x' ∧ y ≈ y' → xy ≈ x'y')

(If disjoint equals are added to equals, the wholes are equal.)

E3. ¬ x ≈ y if and only if for some z, either (z < x ∧ y ≈ z) or (z < y ∧ x ≈ z)

(Two quantities are unequal if and only if either the first is equal to a proper
part of the second or the second is equal to a proper part of the first.)
E4. The whole is not equal to the part.

Theorem 10.19. Similarity is an equality relation on series.

Proof. E1. If x ≈ y and x ≈ z, then there are similarities f: x → y and g: x → z.

Since f is a similarity, its inverse f–1 is also a similarity. So gf–1 is a bijection
from y to z. Also gf–1 is order-preserving. For suppose u, u' are in y and u ≺ u'.
Then f-1(u) ≺ f-1(u'), so gf–1(u) ≺ gf–1(u'). So gf–1 is a similarity, so y ≈ z. So
similarity is euclidean.
E2. Suppose that x and y are disjoint, x' and y ' are disjoint and that x ≈ x' and
y ≈ y'. Let f : x → x' and g : y → y ' be the relevant similarities, and define h: xy → x'y'
by h(u) = f(u) if u is in x, and h(u) = g(u) if u is in y. Then since f and g are order-
preserving bijections, h is an order-preserving bijection also, so xy ≈ x'y'.
E3 is immediate from 10.8 and 10.18.
E4 is immediate from 10.4, 10.5 and 10.18.

Section 4: Axioms for the Ordinal Numbers

Definition. A property is called an ordinal number if there is a series of which it
is the magnitude.

Notation. ‘α = ord(x)’ for α is the ordinal number of x.

We adopt the following two Axioms of Ordinal Number:

O1. x ≈ y ↔ ord(x) = ord(y)

(Series have the same ordinal number if and only if they are similar.)
O2. ∀α ∃x ord(x) = α

(Every ordinal has some series as a representative.)

Definition. 1 =df ord(u), where u is an individual. (O1 assures the existence of

the ordinal number 1.)
186 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

Definition. ω =df ord(x), where x is the series corresponding to the natural

numbers in arithmetical order. (O1 and S8 assure the existence of ω.)

Definition. α is called a successor ordinal if there is a series y and an individual

u such that α = ord(yu).

Definition. α is called a limit ordinal if α ≠ 1 and α is not a successor ordinal.

Definition. The ordinal α is said to be less than the ordinal β, written ‘α < β’,
if for some x and some y, α = ord(x), β = ord(y) and x is similar to a proper
part of y.

(This definition is independent of the choice of representatives.)

Theorem 10.21. The ordinals are well-ordered.

Proof. Suppose α < β and β < γ. Let x, y and z be representatives of α, β and γ,

respectively. Then there is a similarity f mapping x into a proper part f(x) of y,
and a similarity g mapping y into a proper part g(y) of z. So gf is a similarity
mapping x into the proper part g(f(x)) of z, so α < γ. So < is transitive. That < is
irreflexive and connected is immediate from 10.8, 10.18 and 10.19, E3. So < is
a linear order. So let X be any plurality of ordinals. We must prove one of X is
least. Choose any ordinal α in X. If α is least in X, then X has a least member.
Otherwise let Y be the plurality of ordinals in X that are less than α. Choose x
such that ord(x) = α by O2. Since every ordinal β in Y is less than α, every β in Y
has a representative that is equal to a proper part of x. Let C = {w: w < x ∧ ∃β (β
is in Y ∧ ord(w) = β)}: C is the virtual class of all those parts of x that are equal to
some representative of some ordinal in Y. C is not empty, so C has a least element
z by Theorem 10.14. Let γ = ord(z), and let δ be any ordinal in X. Then if α ≤ δ,
then since z < x, γ < α, so γ < δ. But if δ < α then δ has a representative w in C, so
z ≤ w, so γ ≤ δ. So for every δ in X, γ ≤ δ. So γ is least in X.

Definition. α is called a finite ordinal if α < ω, and otherwise α is called


Lemma 10.22. For each infinite ordinal α, there is a series of ordinal length α
whose members are the ordinal numbers less than α.

Proof. Let α be an infinite ordinal, let S(α) be the plurality of all the ordinals
less than α, and let (S(α), <) be the well-ordered plurality S(α) in order of size.
Let x be a representative of α. Let R be a binary relational predicate true of
The Ordinals 187

β and u in that order if β is in S(α) and u is the member of x defined as follows:

let w be a representative of β, let y be the proper part of x that is similar to w,
let z be the remainder upon serial subtraction of y from x by 10.10, and let u
be the atom of z. Define f(β) = u if R is true of β and u. Then f so defined is one-
one, for if f(β) = f(β') = u, then β has a representative y such that x = yz and the
atom of z is u, and β' has a representative y' such that x = y'z' and the atom of z'
is u. So yu ≤ x and y'u ≤ x, so y = y' by 10.15, so y = y' = segx(u), so β = β'. Also
f is onto, for given u in x, ord(segx(u)) is an ordinal less than α, so ord(segx(u))
is some β in S(α), so f(β) = u. And f is order-preserving, for if β < β', then if
f(β) = u and f(β') = v, then segx(u) < segx(v), so u ≺ v. Thus we have proved that
f is a similarity, so (S(α), <) ≈ x, so by S7 there exists the series corresponding to
(S(α), <). Call this series seg(α). By definition seg(α) ≈ (S(α), <), so seg(α) ≈ x. But
ord(x) = α, so ord(seg(α)) = α.

Definition. ‘seg(α)’ denotes the series corresponding to the well-ordered

plurality of ordinals less than α in order of size.

Definition. If α is an ordinal, the least ordinal greater than α is called the

successor of α.

Theorem 10.23. Every ordinal has a successor.

Proof. Let α be an ordinal. If α is finite it is less than ω, so there is an ordinal

greater than α. If α is infinite, then α = ord(seg(α)) by 10.22. Then the series seg(α)
is a proper part of the series seg(α)α (i.e. seg(α)⊲α), so ord(seg(α)α) is greater
than α. So there is an ordinal greater than α, and hence a least such by 10.21.

Notation. ‘α+’ denotes the successor of α.

Note that for any α, α+ is a successor ordinal by 10.12.

Lemma 10.24 (Burali-Forti ‘paradox’) There is no series of all ordinals.

Proof. Suppose there is a series On corresponding to the well-ordered plurality

of the ordinal numbers in order of size. Let Ω = ord(On). Then Ω must be an
infinite ordinal, so by 10.22, seg(Ω) is a series and ord(seg(Ω)) = Ω. So seg(Ω) is
similar to On by O1. But seg(Ω) is an initial segment of On, contrary to 10.5 and
10.18. So there is no series of all ordinals.
188 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number

Definition. A series x of ordinals is said to be increasing if their order of

precedence is the same as their order of size, i.e. if α ≺x β if and only if α < β.

Notation. ‘Ord’ denotes the plurality of all ordinals.

Theorem 10.25. Every increasing series of ordinals has an ordinal upper bound.

Proof. Let x' be an increasing series of ordinals. If x' has only one member, that
member is the upper bound. Otherwise suppose for reductio that x' is unbounded.
By 10.3, let φ:(Ord, < ) → (x', ≺x') be the correspondence function from the well-
ordered plurality of the ordinals in order of size to the well-ordered plurality
of the members of x' in order of precedence in the series. By definition, φ(α) = α'
if α' is the first member of x' that does not correspond with any β < α. Suppose
x' is similar to some initial segment of Ord. Let γ be the least member of Ord
not in that segment. Then there is no β' in x' such that β' = φ(γ). Then γ is a
successor ordinal or a limit ordinal. If γ is a successor then for some δ, γ = δ+ and
φ(δ) is a member of x' . Suppose some member of x' succeeds φ(δ) and let δ' be
the first such by 10.17. Then φ(γ) = δ', contradicting the definition of γ. So no
member of x' succeeds φ(δ), so since x' is an increasing series, no member of x'
is ordinally greater than φ(δ), so φ(δ) is an ordinal upper bound of the members
of x', contradicting the unboundedness of x'. But if γ is a limit ordinal, suppose
there is a member β' of x' such that for every β < γ, φ(β) precedes β'. Let δ' be the
first such, then φ(γ) = δ', contradicting the definition of γ. So no member of x'
succeeds every φ(β), so since x' is increasing, no member of x' ordinally exceeds
every φ(β), so some β in Ord is such that for every member β' of x', β' ≤ φ(β).
So φ(β) is an ordinal upper bound of x', again contradicting the unboundedness
of x'. So for every ordinal β in Ord there is some β' in x' such that β' = φ(β),
contradicting the definition of γ. So x' is not similar to an initial segment of Ord,
so by 10.8 either Ord is similar to x' or Ord is similar to an initial segment of x' .
So since x' is a series, Ord is similar to a series, so by S7 there is a series of all
ordinals, contradicting 10.24. So x' has an upper bound.

Definition. A series of ordinal length ω is called an ω-sequence.

Corollary 10.26. Every increasing ω-sequence of ordinals has a limit ordinal as

its least upper bound.

Proof. Every increasing ω-sequence of ordinals is an increasing series of

ordinals, so by the theorem it has an upper bound, and hence a least upper
bound α. Suppose α is a successor. Then for some β, α = β+. Then since β < α, β is not
The Ordinals 189

an upper bound, so there is a member γ of the ω-sequence greater than β, and

hence α ≤ γ, since α is the least ordinal greater than β. Since no ω-sequence has a
last member, there is a member of the increasing ω-sequence that succeeds γ, and
hence is greater than γ, so α is not an upper bound. Contradiction. So since α ≠ 1,
α is a limit ordinal.

Lemma 10.27. Any two ordinals have disjoint representatives.

Proof. Let α and β be ordinals. Then α = ord(seg(α)) and β = ord(seg(β)) by

10.22. Let X be the well-ordered plurality of all ordinals γ such that α ≤ γ. Then
X and seg(α) are disjoint. Suppose that (X, <) is similar either to seg(β) or to
some proper part of seg(β). Then (X, <) is similar to a series, so there is a series
x corresponding to (X, <) by S7. Since (X, <) and x are similar, x is an increasing
sequence of ordinals. But X is unbounded, so x is unbounded, contradicting
10.26. So (X, <) is similar neither to seg(β) nor to any proper part of seg(β). So
seg(β) is similar to some proper part Y of X by 10.8. So by S7 there is a series y
corresponding to the well-ordered plurality (Y, < ). So seg(α) and y are disjoint,
seg(α) is a representative of α, and y is a representative of β.

Definition. The ordinal γ is said to be the sum of ordinals α and β if there exist
disjoint x and y such that α = ord(x), β = ord(y) and γ = ord(xy).

Theorem 10.28. The ordinals are a positive semigroup.

Proof: Let x and y be any two series, and let α = ord(x) and β = ord(y). Then α
and β have disjoint representatives x' and y', respectively, by 10.27, and x ≈ x' and
y ≈ y'. A mereology is said to be rich in representatives if for every x and y there
exist disjoint x' and y' such that x ≈ x' and y ≈ y'. So the mereology of series is
rich in representatives. So by the Homomorphism Theorem 5.9, the ordinals are
a positive semigroup under ordinal addition.


1 Aristotle has a number of further subdivisions in his taxonomy.

Chapter 1

1 Trope theory need not be seen as an alternative to property realism. If ‘tropes’ are
predicables conceived of as particulars rather than universals, property realism can
be neutral on the question whether properties are particulars or universals (Cumpa
2 See Theorem 1.3 of McGee (1991: 25). By ‘arithmetic’ McGee means the very weak
theory that he calls ‘Robinson’s R’.

Chapter 2

1 For plural logic see Boolos (1984), Boolos (1985), Lewis (1991: 62-71), Hossack
(2000), Oliver and Smiley (2013) and Linnebo (2017).
2 Shapiro (2012) addresses this issue.
3 A referee points out that one strategy here for friends of the second order would
be to use higher-order logic rather than set theory to do the semantics. A second-
order language has the means not only to state but also to prove its own categoricity
(Button and Walsh (2018)). It is not clear to me why we should believe a theory that
proves its own categoricity, unless we are somehow able to identify in thought the
entities that are the subject matter of the theory and which make the theory true.
The suggestion that plural logic breaks the explanatory circle is resisted in Florio
and Linnebo (2016). They suggest that a Henkin semantics can be given not only
for a second-order language but also for a plural language. Their semantics employs
quantification over pluralities of pluralities in the metalanguage. The vernacular
does have some plurally plural constructions, and indeed subsequent chapters of this
book rely on Quine’s notational device of ‘virtual classes’ as a way of representing
the extension of a plural predicate. But this falls considerably short of allowing
192 Notes

quantification over pluralities of pluralities. As Quine (1967: 20) makes clear, ‘The
virtual theory of classes … does not invoke classes as values of variables.’
4 The Peano Axioms are equivalent to our axioms N1-N6. Frege (1968) does not
explicitly prove the remaining axioms N7-N10 of Peano Arithmetic, but their proof
is routine in second-order logic from the usual recursive definitions of addition and
5 Boolos (1996).

Chapter 3

1 Hewitt (2012) makes a case for serial reference in natural language. For discussion
and criticism, see Florio and Nicolas (2015).
2 Oliver and Smiley (2008) discuss how exactly such semantic clauses should be read.

Chapter 4

1 Here, for readability, I deviate from the notation of Simons (1985: 10–11).
2 Simons (1985) states that SA5 can be dispensed with in favour of the weaker axiom
SA3. But this is a slip, for without SA5 one cannot prove the Extensionality Theorem
that things with the same proper parts are identical. See Pontow (2004) for more

Chapter 7

1 Potter (1990: 67–86) gives an elegant alternative construction of Q and R from ω.

2 Proof. Multiplication cannot be defined in terms of successor and addition, else
‘arithmetic without multiplication’ would be undecidable after all. But addition can
be defined in terms of successor and multiplication, since a + b = c iff (a.c)´.(b.c)´
= ((a.b)´.(c.c))´. (Boolos and Jeffrey 1974: 219) It is true that arithmetic with just
multiplication is also decidable. But by this is meant arithmetic without not only
addition, but also without successor, which is a very weak theory. Hence we should
suppose that minimal arithmetic includes the Peano Axioms, and hence includes
successor. Then if we add addition to the Peano Axioms we get a theory that is
decidable, but if we add multiplication to the Peano Axioms we get a theory that is
undecidable. In consequence, it would appear that multiplication is a bigger addition
to the basic Peano Axioms than is addition.
Notes 193

Chapter 8

1 For a most valuable discussion, see Stein (1990).

Chapter 9

1 For the history of both ancient and more modern discussion of this,
see Heath (1956): Vol. 1, 224–8.
2 Descartes (1954: 2).
3 Lakatos (1976) is a fascinating discussion of this theorem.
4 ‘E, F and G are the ‘warping functions of the patch f: They measure the way f distorts
the flat region in E2 in order to apply it to the curved region f(D).’ O’Neill (1966:
5 For the iterative conception, see Boolos (1971). For the limitation of size conception,
see Hallett (1984).

Chapter 10

1 The notation here is that of Cantor (1955: xxi).

2 Cantor (1955: 60–1). I have quoted here the account given by Jourdain in his preface
to Cantor (1955). Cantor’s own account, which is rather long-winded, may be found
on pages 137–8.
3 Cf. Pollard (1990), Chapter VIII.
4 Johnstone (1987: 69). The proof requires the Axiom of Regularity.
5 Regularity seems to make no contribution to the rest of set theory, apart from the
theory of the von Neumann ordinals. Indeed, there are interesting and consistent set
theories in which the negation of Regularity is a theorem. See Aczel (1988).
6 Transfinite recursion is an alternative to Replacement in an axiomatization of set
theory. See Rin (2015).
7 NFU (New Foundations with Urelements) is the set theory set out in Jensen (1968).
For its development as an alternative to ZFC and NBG, see Holmes (1998).

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abstraction  152, 155 on hylomorphism  35, 49, 52

addition on quantity  4, 34–5, 39, 67–8, 85,
algebraic  6, 72–7 164
of Dedekind cuts  140 arithmetic  2–3, 13, 18, 31, 50, 87, 111,
of fractions  121–3, 126 145, 154, 191 n.2, see also Peano
of lines  137 Arithmetic
logical  40, 70, 72 of fractions  115, 121, 137
of magnitudes  1, 6, 18–19, 80, 83, 93 associative  1, 6, 53, 74, 76, 84, 106, 159,
of natural numbers  24, 28, 95, 105, 180
110, 192 n.4, 192 n.2 asymmetric relation  40, 57–9, 99,
of ordinals  167 158
of quantities  8, 52, 78, 158–60, 180 atlas  144
of ratios  120, 123–4 atom  161, 180–4, 187
adicity  151, 156, 160, 161 axiom
algebra  1, 6–9, 33, 67, 74–7, 121–2 of Archimedes  118, 133
algorithm  7, 8, 89–92, 105, 109–18, Comparability  159–61, 181
132–3 Dedekind completeness  127, 131,
Euclidean  117–18, 123 136–8, 140, 147, 149
ancestral  29, 87 Density  124, 127–8, 131, 136, 138,
and 140
plural term-maker ‘&’  33, 38–9, of Equality (see under Equality
52–4, 57, 158 Axioms)
sentence-maker ‘∧’  37–8 of Infinity  107
serial term-maker ‘⊲’  158–9 Length  135, 148
a priori knowledge of mereology  44–5, 53–6, 57
of arithmetic  20, 85, 90–1, 105, 106, of number  93, 97
109 of ordinal number  166
of axioms  7, 33, 67, 77, 108, 135 Power Set  146–7
of evidence  20 in rationalist sense  106
of geometry  8, 131, 140–1, 145–6 Regularity  154–5, 193
of logic  33, 38 Replacement  147, 152, 155–6, 165,
of mereology  7, 39, 43–5, 51, 53, 175, 193
55–6 Representatives  80, 93, 135
of outcome of algorithm  8 in syntactic sense  107
in philosophy  79, 160
synthetic  85, 91–2 binary sum  60–1
Archimedean  118–19, 124, 127–8, Boolos, G.  28–9, 86, 88, 110, 156, 175,
138 191
Aristotle boundary  54–6, 64, 136, 145
on categories  2, 10, 22 bounded above  64, 127–8, 149, 159,
on common structure  68 181–2, 188
on continuity  51, 54, 67, 74 defined  41
200 Index

Cantor, G.  140, 147, 151–5, 161, 164, congruence

167, 172, 193 n.2 algebraic  72, 74–6, 79
categorical  26, 116, 124, 139 geometric  131–5
category  2, 3, 10, 11, 33–5, 43, 51, 85, connected relation  19, 40, 99, 154, 184,
125 186
CEM, see Classical Extensional Mereology consistent  13, 27, 30–1, 73, 110, 155,
CH, see Continuum Hypothesis 175, 193
chart, coordinate  143–4 constructive ordinal  8, 151, 152, 169–73,
Church, A.  151, 169–70, 171–2 175
class continuity  45, 136–7, 147, 149
equivalence  5, 72, 78, 80, 120 continuum  2, 35, 43, 51, 55–6, 145
natural  9, 10, 14, 23, 79, 93, 135 Continuum Hypothesis  26, 132, 147
proper  146 Convention T  11–12
virtual  46–7, 53, 59, 60–4, 70, 80, 93, converse relation  157
98–9, 159, 161, 166, 176 coordinates  141, 143–4
Classical Extensional Mereology  48 correspondence function  165, 177–9,
closure  18, 39, 53, 60, 106, 159, 167, 180 188
Cohen, P.  147 counting  71, 92, 112, 117, 153
coincidence, spatial  132–5
Common Axioms (of mereology)  7, Davidson, D.  9, 11–13
43–4, 53–64, 68 decidable  8, 88–9, 105, 107, 109–11
Common Notions  4, 52, 69 Dedekind, R.  92–3, 136
and algebraic congruence  6 Dedekind cut  131, 173
as a priori  8, 30 definition, see also transfinite, recursion
and equality  5, 6, 7, 8, 131–2, 164 inductive  117, 174–5
and equivalence classes  5 recursive  12, 88, 90, 110–12
and homomorphism  67, 69, 73, dense  122, 140, 149
78–9 Descartes, R.  131–2, 137–9, 193 n.2
commutative determinable  5, 9, 17–19, 93
group  74–5, 180 determinate  26, 36, 88, 165, 172
mereology  8, 53, 60, 84, 158 of determinable  5, 9, 17–19
non-commutative  8, 159–60, 167, difference  39, 40, 59, 76, 81, 108, see also
180 subtraction
positive semigroup  85, 102, 106, 109, differential calculus  142, 145
140, 149 disjoint  45, 50, 53, 69, 70, 77–8
system of magnitudes  126–8, 131, disjoint sum  78, 80, 82–3
136, 138 divisibility  43, 54, 56, 64, 68, 84, 159
Dedekind  127–8, 131, 137–9, 140 effective method  88, 107, 168
of a logic  8, 21, 30–1, 33, 110 equality  4–7, 72–82, 84–6, 89–90, 185
of an ordered system  41, 159, 181 of continua  131–3, 135
of a system of magnitudes  8, 33, 41, of pluralities  5–6, 86, 88–91, 132
124, 127–8, 131, 137, 139 of quantities  51–2, 67, 149, 151
complex unity  174–5 of series  164, 166
composite being  33, 35, 36 standard of  5, 85, 88, 90, 132, 151
comprehension, plural  54, 63, 64, 99 virtual equivalence classes under  67,
computer  89, 92, 107, 168, 170–1 71, 82, 84, 97, 135, 166
Concept (Fregean)  11, 21–2, 28–9, Equality Axioms  67, 69, 71, 76, 81, 85,
86 90, 97, 164, 184
Index 201

equal remainders  4, 52, 69, 75, 82, 90, group  67, 74–6, 180
117–18 GTR, see General Theory of Relativity
equivalence relation  5, 72, 74, 82, 107,
115, 120, 166 Heck, R.  87
Euclid  52, 68–9, 78, 112, 115, 126, 132, Henkin, L.  26, 191 n.3
141, 144–5, 151 homomorphism  70–1
Elements  4, 68, 117, 119, 144–5, 146, homomorphism theorem  5, 7, 8, 67–80,
151 83, 120, 126
endorsed by Hume  1, 146 and lengths  131, 136, 149
Euclidean and natural numbers  85, 93, 95, 97
algorithm  115, 117, 123 and ordinals  151, 167, 189
geometry  8, 45, 132, 140, 145 Hume, D.  1, 14, 85–6, 88, 92, 145–6
space  47, 140–4, 147 Hume’s Principle  23, 28–9, 86, 87
Eudoxus  8, 115, 118–19, 120, 139, 140, hylomorphic theory  35–6, 47
Euler characteristic  141 idempotent law  53, 60
Evans, G.  36 identity  4, 36, 49–51, 68, 87, 175
extension criterion of  85–6
of Concept  23, 87 element of algebra  74–6, 123, 126,
of predicate  11, 13, 14–16, 20, 46, 78, 137
110, 157, 192 impredicable  2
of property  5, 93–5, 97, 135, 166 incommensurable  115, 117–18, 122–3,
field  137, 154 indefinite extensibility  172
Field, H.  2, 3 individual  45, 51, 161, 165
finite non-set  45
line  133 substance  52, 156
number  89, 92, 94, 111, 161 unit  49, 63, 101, 160, 174–5, 180–3,
plurality  95, 97–8 186
series  161 induction, see also definition
first principle  96, 136 complete  31–2
flat  141, 143, 193 n.4 mathematical  24–5, 27, 41, 97, 100,
fraction  115–19, 121–3, 125, 140 110–11, 162, 169
Fraenkel, A.  146, 151, 154–5 nested  101, 162
Frege, G. proofs using  101–2
on Concepts  7, 11, 21–31 transfinite  41, 162, 165, 176
on natural numbers  3, 85–8, 92, infinity  94, 156, 162
192 n.4 actual  3, 30, 85, 92
Frege’s Theorem  21, 28–9 axiom of  107, 147, 155
fusion  49–51 potential  3, 92–3
instantiation  174
General Theory of Relativity  131–2, 141, integer  24, 75, 106–8, 147, 153
146 inverse  74–6, 122–3, 126, 139
geometry  8, 45, 50–1, 120, 137, 149, see of function  185
also Euclidean irrational  51, 122–3
a priori status of, 131, 140, 145–7, 154 isomorphism  8, 23–7, 109, 124, 139,
Gödel, K.  3, 30, 31, 110, 147 156
Gödel number  13, 163, 170–1 iterative conception of set  146–7, 153,
Grelling, K.  13 174, 193 n.5
202 Index

Kant, I.  18, 91, 131, 154 McGee, V.  13, 191 n.2
Kleene, S.  151–2, 162, 169–72 magnitudes  9, 17–20, 33, 38, see also
knowledge  viii, 6, 51, 79, 89, 91, 105, system of magnitude
108, 156, 175, see also a priori defined  17
knowledge extensive  9, 18–20, 23
of arithmetic  92, 154 intensive  18
empirical  20 kind of property  1, 5, 135
of mereology  51 magnitudes thesis  5–8, 131, 135, 139,
of number  1, 3, 8, 27, 109 151, 166, 171–3
of sets  174 Malcolm, N.  70
manifold  144
language of arithmetic  96, 110 measure  6, 173, 193 n.4
law greatest common  8, 115–17, 125
associative  53, 61, 159 member
commutative  53, 60 of class  10, 79, 98
idempotent  53, 60 of plurality  7, 40, 51, 63, 96, 99, 127,
of logic  4, 43, 94, 159 153, 176–80, 184, 186
of nature  15, 19–20, 79, 87 of series  163–5, 168, 184, 188–9
least upper bound  40–1, 50–1, 106, of set  7, 34, 72, 85, 109
see also supremum of virtual class  98
defined  41 membership
of magnitudes  127–9, 149 of set  151, 154–5
of ordinals  168, 188 of virtual class  46
property  31, 140, 161 Mendelson, E.  31, 107
of quantities  50–3, 56, 59, 61, 63–5, mereology  7, 8, 43–65, 67–8, 70–1,
159, 181–2 76–80, 84
Leibniz, G.  118, 156–7 of continua  54–56, 149, 159
length of pluralities  53–4, 85, 95, 97, 102,
of line  51, 68, 71, 79, 113, 117, 131, 159
136, 145, 173 of series  151, 158, 161, 163, 166, 180,
multiplication and division of  137–9 184, 189
as physical magnitude  1, 19, 20 metaphysics  1, 3, 10, 21–3, 45, 151, 156,
of series  6, 151, 160–1, 168, 172–3, 158
186, 188 minimal  26, 96, 98–9, 192 n.2
as system of magnitudes  8, 17, 18, 80, model  24, 31–2, 70, 115
115, 124, 132, 135, 148–9 countable  27
Leśniewski, S.  7, 43–4, 47 of mereology  47
Lewis, D.  10, 28, 36, 43, 48–51, 54, 94 of natural numbers  8, 26, 30, 107–10,
limit 115
ordinal  153, 169, 170, 186, 188–9 of real numbers  8, 124, 132, 140
point  152 of sets  27, 107–8, 175
principle  168–9 standard  21, 23–4, 26–7, 30, 110
upper  170–2 mode of presentation
logic conceptual  91
first order  7, 21–3, 30, 31, 33 experiential  91
plural  30–2, 51, 54, 68, 86, 175, practical  92
191 n.1, 191 n.3 multiplication  105–14
second order  21, 28–30, 86–7, 92, of fractions  115, 121, 123, 126
192 n.4 of magnitude  105, 122, 140
serial  159–60 of number  7–8, 24, 28, 85, 95, 105–14
Index 203

of quantity  105, 113, 131, 137–8 partial  40, 52, 61, 76, 96
of ratios  123, 126 well-order  8, 97, 99, 155–6, 165–9,
171–2, 176, 186–9
naive set theory  146, 152–3, 167, 174, ordered pair  34, 87, 107–8, 115, 120, 165
175 order type  51, 151, 170
natural class  9, 10, 14, 23, 79, 93, 135 ordinal number, see also number, ordinal
NBG, see von Neumann, Bernays, Gödel constructive  8, 152, 169–72, 175
set theory recursive  172
negative number  24, 106–7, 153 overlap  5, 53, 56, 58–62, 77, 81, 144
New Foundations with Urelements  175, defined  39, 180
193 n.7
NFU, see New Foundations with paradigm  11, 14, 16, 20
Urelements paradox
nominalism  9, 44, 45, 47 Burali-Forti  8, 151, 167–8, 187
notation  43–4, 46–7, 72, 78, 86, 159, Grelling  13
180, 191 n.4 Russell  3, 146, 153–4, 174
ordinal  161–2, 169–71 semantic  9, 28
number Parallels Postulate  91, 131–2, 138, 141, 145
complex  106 Parmenides  9
natural  6–8, 29–30, 50, 85, 87, 92–4, part  4, 6, 9, 10–11, 13, 19, 33, 35–7,
101, 113, 118, 128–9 108–9
ordinal  1, 4, 6, 8, 20, 41, 146–7, of continuum  51, 55–6, 133–5, 148
151–3, 163, 166–76, 185 (see also defined  39, 53
von Neumann ordinal) of individual  35–7, 49–50
rational  8, 51, 106, 108, 115, 121, logical  39, 43–65, 158
139–40, 153 mereological  7, 33, 39, 43–65, 67–9,
transcendental  132, 139–40 81–4, 116
of plurality  51, 54, 93, 117, 179
ω (the ordinal number)  186 proper  39, 44, 48, 52–57, 69, 81–4,
ω-rule  32 90–6, 116, 133–5, 159–60, 176, 179,
ω-sequence  168–71, 188–9 181
one of (‘ε’)  29 of series  35, 159, 160, 163, 176,
one-one correspondence  5, 28, 86–7, 93, 180–2, 185–7, 189
97, 109, 135, 140 temporal  50
order-preserving  5, 151–4, 164–5, partition  5, 67, 72, 76–7, 93, 140, 166
177–9, 185 Peano, G.  92
ontological  7, 35, 37, 39, 43, 50, 52 Peano Arithmetic  8, 28, 85–6, 92, 95–6,
commitment  12, 28, 44, 46, 87, 92, 109–10, 113–14
120, 160, 175 first-order  23
ontology  34, 47, 87, 162 plural  24, 30, 102, 105
operation  1, 70, 145 second-order  26, 192 n.4
on algebra  72–7, 109, 180 Peano Axioms  21, 23, 28–30, 86, 92–3,
physical  89, 92 95–6, 105, 109, 192 n.4, 192 n.2
on system of magnitudes  6, 80, 110 plane  55, 68, 79, 91, 132, 141–5
order  1, 18, 41, 76, 93, 98, 119, 122, Plato  10, 14
154, 174, see also one-one plurality  2, 14, 31, 34–5, 63–4, 88, 92,
correspondence, order-preserving 99, 169
isomorphic  161 of leaves  3
linear  6, 17, 19, 132, 162 a many  3, 132, 146, 151, 174–6, 178
logical  2, 34, 157–60, 163, 173 number as size of  71, 87, 93–8
204 Index

of properties  9, 17, 19, 127, 149 discrete  159, 163

as quantity  7, 37, 43, 50, 51, 54, 68, logic of  7, 33–41, 43–65
85, 105, 112–13, 116–17 serial  163–4
and series  165–7, 181, 184, 186–9 size of  80
point  51, 55, 64, 91, 135–6, 138, 142–9 Quine, W.  2–3, 16, 43, 105, 108
positive semigroup  1, 6–8, 33, 67, 75–80 on completeness  30–2
of lengths  136–7, 140, 149 on mereology  43, 48, 51
of natural numbers  85, 95, 97, 102, on virtual classes  46–7, 78, 83,
106, 109–10 192 n.3
of ordinal numbers  151, 167, 189 quotient algebra  67, 76–8, see also
Potter, M.  175, 192 n.1 number, rational
precede  29, 40, 76, 140 as fraction  121
in series  163–5, 173, 180, 183–4, 188 inverse  122–3, 126
of virtual class  83–4 ratio  8–9, 19, 105, 115–29, 139–40,
predicate  2, 21–8, 33, 60, 63–4, 158–61, 156
191 n.4 sameness of  119
in axiom schemata  46, 54, 57–8, 78, unit  122–3, 126
98–9, 176
functional  165, 177, 187 realism, see property realism
relational  40, 88–9, 151, 156–61, 165, real number  6, 20, 41, 56, 75, 89, 105–8,
172, 176 137, 140–1, 146
semantics of  10, 11–17 positive  1, 4, 8, 75, 80, 106, 115–16,
predicate calculus  4, 21, 24, 27, 43–4, 122, 124, 137–9, 147
96, 110 as set  108, 146
principle recursion, transfinite  164–5, 167,
limit  168–9 193 n.6
successor  168–9 recursive  162, 171–2
program  107, 168, 170–1 definition  12, 28, 38, 88, 90, 111–12,
property realism  13–16, 79, 85, 97, 135, 192 n.4
152, 191 n.1 function  110, 152
abundant  10, 15, 22, 87 ordinal  172
arguments for  7, 9–10, 21, 28, 166, reference  34
173–4 mass  34
sparse  5, 11, 87, 156–7 plural  38
proportion  8–9, 86, 105, 115, 118, 147 to quantities  7
proportional  19, 119–20, 137 serial  151, 158–9, 173, 192 n.1
fourth  128, 138 singular  28
mean  124 reflexive  40, 72, 82, 120
proposition  68, 70, 91–2, 106, 156, 175 region  10, 35, 47, 55–6, 71, 134, 141,
193 n.4
quantification  46 relation
over Concepts  21, 24, 28, 87 as predicable entity  10, 156, 159
over properties  28 as source of order  158
over quantities  7 remainder  53–5, 61, 164, 180–1, 187
plural  33, 191 n.3 representative
quantifier  21–2, 24–5, 31 choice of  98, 148
quantity  18, 67–9, 76–80, 85, 119, 133, of class  78, 82, 155
135, 164 of magnitude  80, 93–5, 99, 100–1,
as category  2–4 113, 136, 166, 172–3, 186–9
continuous  136, 159, 163 resemblance  34, 174
Index 205

rich in representatives  78, 80–5, 95, 97, size

102, 149, 189 and equality  67, 79, 85, 131
rule of inference  32 limitation of  146–7, 154, 174
Russell, B.  146, 157–9, 174 of line  120, 131
Ryle, G.  2 of plurality  94, 112
relative  115–19
satisfaction, of predicate  10, 11–14, 178 of series  151
scepticism  1, 3, 27, 156 solid, geometrical  35, 45, 51, 55–6, 68,
schema  12–13, 24, 46, 111 113, 119
science  14, 18, 106, 108–9, 131, 145, 156 volume of  71, 79, 132
physical  1, 5–6, 9, 44, 52, 79, 140 space  2, 3, 44–5, 140, 142, 154
special  10 Euclidean  8, 131–2, 143–4, 147
total  2, 47, 105 spacetime  47, 141
Scott, D.  74, 116, 123–4, 126–8, 139 standard metre  20, 138, 156
segment  24, 169, 176, 178 standard model, see under model
of line  51, 77, 149 state of affairs  175
u-segment  183 straight
of well-ordered plurality  176, 178–9, edge  139
187 line  91, 132–3, 136, 142, 145, 147
semantics  9, 11, 13, 25, 38 structure  4, 67–8, 71–3, 76, 78–9, 107,
Henkin  26, 191 n.3 110, 115, 146
standard  21, 26–9, 87 algebraic  1, 6–9, 17–18, 33, 70, 74,
semifield  122 85, 109
positive  137, 139 common  40–1, 67–9, 71
semigroup  67, 72–4, 76 structure preserving  70
positive (see under positive semigroup) stuff  34
series  4–6, 8, 34, 43, 85, 94–5, 157–61, subject  16, 33–5, 51
163–9, 180–9 of judgement  2, 4, 7, 9–10, 151,
descending  56, 98, 127 156–7
set -position  21
iterative conception (see Zermelo- -predicate  12, 157–9
Fraenkel theory with Choice) series  151, 159–60, 172
limitation of size conception (see subset  26–7, 40, 57–8, 140, 154, 170–1
Neumann, Bernays, Gödel set substance  49, 156
theory) subtraction  52, 74–6, 108, 137, 159,
naive theory (see New Foundations 181, 187
with Urelements) repeated  8, 89–90, 96
set theory  8, 21, 27–9, 78, 87–8, 92, 94, restricted  18, 84, 106, 161, 167
107–14, 131–2, 171–3, 178 successor
and geometry  140, 146–7 function  109–11, 192 n.2, 193 n.2
‘ontologically extravagant’  44, 46, of natural number  23–4, 27, 29,
152, 156, 175 85, 95–7, 101–3
whether indispensable  47, 105, of ordinal  153, 155, 167–71,
108–9, 124, 164–5, 173, 175 186–7
Shapiro, S.  26, 87, 191 n.2 principle  169
similarity, see under one-one sum
correspondence, order-preserving binary  134
Simons, P.  7, 43–4, 46, 48–9, 51, 56–60, disjoint  78, 80, 82–3
192 n.1 of lengths  148
singular term  21, 25 of magnitudes  19, 91, 141
206 Index

mereological  6, 18, 36–7, 45, 50, mereological  53–4, 68, 84, 88–90,
57–61, 63, 158 94–6, 98, 100–2, 112, 116–17
of natural numbers  100 (see also individual)
of ordinal numbers  167, 189 ratio  123, 126
of ratios  123–4, 126 universal
Sum Principle  58, 67, 71 predicable  191 n.1
supremum  41, 59, 62, 168–9 quantifier  24–5, 31–2
surface, geometrical  35, 68, 113, 119, virtual class  46
132, 141–4 universe  145, see also least upper bound
symmetric relation  40, 72, 82, 99, 120 of mereology  53, 61, 159
syntax  110, 170, 173 of set theory  27, 105, 107, 147,
system of magnitudes  5–8, 9, 17–20, 38, 153, 156
41, 67, 70–2, 85, 106, 123 upper bound  52, 63–5, 149, 168, 181–2,
Archimedean  119, 128, 138 188–9
commutative  124–8, 131, 138 u-segment  183
complete  115, 123–8, 131, 135–9
defined  17 variable  21, 24–5, 46, 161
ordinals as  166, 173 von Neumann, Bernays, Gödel set
theory  146–7, 153, 155,
tally  5–7, 30, 79, 88–90, 93–4 193 n.7
tallying  85, 132–3, 135, see also equality von Neumann, J.  146
algorithm  7 von Neumann ordinal  146–7, 154–6,
definition of  88–91 165, 169–72, 193 n.5
line  142 well-defined  46, 88–9, 95, 137–8, 153,
plane  143 165, 177
Tarski, A. well-founded  96–7, 99
on mereology  7, 43–51, 56–58, 61, 63 well-order  97, 99, 176, 184
on truth  11, 13 well-ordered  97
Textor, M.  28 plurality  165–6, 168–9, 176, 178–9,
then (serial term-maker ‘⊲’)  158–9, 180 181, 184, 186–9
Theory of Types  28 series  8, 165, 184
topology  141 set  153, 155–6, 167
transfinite  161 Wheeler, J.  141
induction  41, 162, 165, 176 whole
ordinal  151–3, 155 in Common Notions  69, 73, 77,
recursion  164–5, 167, 193 n.6 82–3, 134–5, 185
transitive relation  19, 61, 72, 82, 99, 120, mereological  4, 6, 33, 37, 39, 43–4,
154, 181, 183, 186 68, 158–9, 163
defined  40 ontological  35–6, 47–8, 52
transitive set  154 of plurality  90
trichotomy, axiom of  69, 76, 82 Wittgenstein, L.  69–70, 160
trope  191 n.1 Wright, C.  86, 88
trout-turkey  49
Turing, A.  89 Zermelo-Fraenkel theory with
Turing machine  89, 92 Choice  107–9, 146–7, 153, 155,
type-free language  43 193 n.7
zero  24, 29, 106–7, 170–1
uncountable  140, 147, 172 not a number  93–4, 97, 168
unit  35 ZFC, see Zermelo-Fraenkel theory with
of length  137 Choice

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