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1. Should schools produce generalist or specialists? Defend your answer.
(10 points)

When it comes to schools' goal of molding and developing students'

learning and skills to become future professionals, I believe that schools should produce
and cater to both generalists and specialists. In today's society, both generalists and
specialists play critical roles. The two are distinct in terms of their depth of knowledge.
Schools should consider that some students may have a broad range of knowledge and
skills, while others may be able to master only one area of expertise. Keep in mind that
students learn at different rates, so we can't force someone to be a generalist if they
are more comfortable being an expert in a particular field. Producing both will provide
more opportunities for students, allowing them to be more comfortable and at ease in
their surroundings, as well as providing both types of professionals to society.

2. “If you cannot bring the learners to the world, bring the world to the
classroom. “Will this go with John Dewey’s philosophy of education:
explain your answer?(10 points)

Learning through experience is a central theme in John Dewey's educational

philosophy. Bringing the world to the students entails introducing students to our
society, real-life contexts, and challenging them to consider their role as members of
this society. Students learned by implying their experiences in this type of learning,
which relates to John Dewey's notion of learners engaging with the environment and
drawing on their experiences. Anchoring the society and world by teaching it in the
classroom encourages students' engagement and allows them to reflect on their own
personal experiences. After all, Dewey believes that education must integrate students
into society
ACTIVITY 2: Make a table of summary of the philosophies of education. (45 points)
Philosophers and his philosophy Philosophy or Aims and Methods of Education
Classroom/School Application


John Locke The Empiricist Acquired Learners interacting  Recommended the
(1632-1704) Educator knowledge with concrete introduction of
about the experience, comparing contemporary
“The Learner is world through and reflecting on the foreign languages,
an active agent sense-learning same concrete history,
of his own by doing and experience geography,
learning” by interacting economics, math
with the and science.
Herbert Utilitarian Industrialized Not inclined to rote  Curriculum must
Spencer Education society require learning: Schooling be arranged
(1820-1903) vocational and must be related to life according to their
“Survival of the professional and the activities contribution to
fittest” education needed to earn a living human survival
based on and progress
scientific and
utilitarian/prac  Science and other
tical objectives subjects that
rather than on sustained human
the very life and prosperity
general should be
education prioritized

 Promotes
John Dewey Pragmatism Education The school should be  Learners are
(1859-1952) must organized in such a way involve in the
Learning contribute to that the activities of the activity which
Through the personal outer world are he/she is
experience and social reflected. interested.
growth of  Introduce student
individuals to society and
their heritage

 Education focuses
on shaping
students character
and behavior
George Building a new Education is incorporate content of  Teachers are
Counts social order not based on of a socially useful called on to make
(1889-1974) eternal truth nature and problem- important choices
but is relative solving methodology in the controversial
to a particular areas of
society living economics, politics
at a given and morality
time and
Theodore Social School should School should critically  Integrated
Brameld Reconstructionism promote the examine present culture knowledge of and
(1904-1987) fullest and and resolve solution of social
most thorough inconsistencies, problems in the
understanding controversies and regular curriculum
of the world. conflicts to build a new
Paulo Freire Critical Systems must  A democratic
(1921-1997) Pedagogy be change to Teacher must not see relationship
overcome themselves as sole between the
“Problem-Posing oppression possessors of teacher and
education” and improve knowledge student.
human  The child ,the
conditions school and
education is
conditioned by
social and cultural

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