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Joshua Kevin Solamo EDUC108

What is performance-based assessment and how is it effective in measuring

the readiness of the students in employment and academic world?

Performance-based assessment is a type of assessment that measures and

evaluates the abilities of the students in applying the skills and knowledge they
learned from a certain subject matter. In accordance to the source given, there are
two types of performance-based assessment--- the product-oriented PBA which is
more concern on the output or product of an activity instead of the actual task
performance and the process-oriented PBA which evaluates exactly the opposite of
the former mentioned. Both are effective as a measurement of the readiness of the
students in employment as it serves as a preparatory avenue for students in
improving their skills, talents and knowledge which could possibly be useful in their
future workforce. While on the academic world, this assessment helps the teachers
understand who are the students and what are they capable of, so when crafting an
activity or an evaluation, teachers would know the right approach in doing so and by
that, they could measure the skills of the students in a justful manner.

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