Control Questions, PP, 15-16

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Control Questions 2016

1. The main historical stages of pediatrics world development in XIX - XX

2. Methods of clinical examination in pediatrics. What is the role of observation in
pediatric practice?
3. Methods of clinical examination in pediatrics: auscultation of lungs and heart.
The role of the auscultation of the chest in the diagnosis of children diseases.
4. Growth and development of а child.
5. The intrauterine period of child’s development, its phases, duration.
6. Morpho-functional peculiarities of fetus. Critical periods of organogenesis.
Teratogenic factors.
7. Periods of childhood, their morpho-functional characteristic.
8. Morpho-functional peculiarities of newborn.
9. The periods of childhood: puberty. Morphological and functional features of the
organism during puberty.
10.Physical development of children of different age, the main its indexes (weight,
height, head and chest circumference). Variety of physical development
(acceleration, retardation). Factors which are determined the physical
11.Assess the weight and high of 3 years-old child by using centile tables and
12.Assess the weight and high of 9 months old child by using centile tables and
13.State clinical and paraclinical methods of investigation of physical development
and it’s evaluation in different age.
14.Main clinical and paraclinical methods of examination for assessment of the
physical development in children.
15.The technique of palpation of child in different age. What is the role of
palpation in pediatric practice?
16.Name the main clinic and paraclinic methods of investigation of psychomotor
and emotional development of child.
17.Breast-feeding. Nutritional and energetic requirements. Technique of breast-
feeding. Methods of control of sufficiency and effectiveness of breast-feeding,
correction of breast-feeding.
18.Nutrition of newborn. The Program of the keeping of breast-feeding.
19.How should the baby after birth be fed? Timing of breastfeeding after birth.
Contraindications for breastfeeding. The amount of breast milk for the newborn
at the age of three days.
20.Mixed feeding, its reasons. Principles and technique of mixed feeding.
Nutritional and energy requirements in mixed feeding.
21.Artificial feeding (AF), causes of AF, the principles and methods of its
implementation. Requirements for energy and food ingredients. Methods of
control for AF adequacy and its correction.
22.Feeding of children after 1 year. Nutritional and energy requirements. Methods
of control of sufficiency and effectiveness of feeding of children after 1 year,
correction of feeding.
23.Morphological and functional features of the sensory organs in children at
different age.
24.Morphological and functional features of the nervous system in children at
different age.
25.Semiotics of disorders of psychomotor and emotional development of the child.
26.The semiotics of diseases of the nervous system. Down syndrome.
27.Semiotics of diseases of the nervous system in children, liquor hypertensive
28.State the main clinical and paraclinical methods of examination of the nervous
system in children.
29.Semiotics of the nervous system disorders.
30.Convulsive syndrome.
31.Meningeal syndrome.
32.Hydrocephaly syndrome.
33.Morpho-functional peculiarities of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in the
different age period.
34.Name the main clinic and paraclinic methods of investigation of the skin and
subcutaneous tissue in children.
35.Morphological and functional features of the bones system in children at
different age.
36.Name the main clinical and paraclinical methods of examination of the bone
37.Semiotics of the bone system diseases in children.
38.Morphological and functional features of the muscular system in children at
different age.
39.Name the main clinical and paraclinical methods of examination of the muscle
system in children.
40.Semiotics of the muscle system disorders in children.
41.Morpho-functional peculiarities of the respiratory system in the different age
period of child.
42.The main clinical and paraclinical methods of examination of the respiratory
system in children. Percussion and auscultation.
43.Name the main clinical and paraclinical methods of examination of the
respiratory system in children.
44.Methods of clinical examination in pediatrics – percussion of the lung. Describe
the technique of percussion depends on the age. What is the role of percussion
of the lungs for diagnosing of their disorder (in pediatric practice)?
45.Methods of clinical examination in pediatrics – auscultation of the lung.
Describe the technique of auscultation depends on the age. What is the role of
auscultation of the lungs for diagnosing of their disorder (in pediatric practice)?
46.Semiotics of respiratory diseases in children. Croup syndrome.
47.Semiotics of respiratory diseases in children. Respiratory distress syndrome.
48.Semiotics of respiratory diseases in children, determined by percussion.
49.Semiotics of respiratory diseases in children - bronchial obstruction.
50.State the main clinical and paraclinical methods of examination of respiratory
system in children.
51.Semiotics of the respiratory system disorders. Broncho obstructive syndrome.
Croup syndrome. Syndrome of the respiratory insufficiency.
52.Morpho-functional peculiarities of the cardiovascular system in the different
age period of a child.
53.Methods of clinical examination in pediatrics: percussion of the heart: the
technique of percussion and it features depends on the age. What is the role of
percussion of the heart for diagnosing of their disorder ( in pediatric practice)?
54.Methods of clinical examination in pediatrics: auscultation of the heart: the
technique of auscultation of the heart and it features depends on the age of
child. What is the role of auscultation of the heart for diagnosing of their
disorder (in pediatric practice) ?
55.Name the main clinical and paraclinical methods of examination of the
cardiovascular system in children?
56.Semiotics of the cardiovascular system disorders determined by percussion.
57.Semiotics of cardiovascular system diseases determined by auscultation.
58.Morpho-functional peculiarities of the digestive system in children.
59.What is the role of palpation in pediatric practice? What are peculiarities of
palpation of children? What is the role of palpation of abdominal cavity for
diagnoses of diseases?
60.The main clinical method of investigation in pediatrics: auscultation of the
abdominal cavity in children of different age, its methodology and features. The
role of auscultation of the abdominal cavity in diagnostic processes.
61.The main clinical method of investigation in pediatrics: percussion, it
methodology and features in children. Percussion of the abdominal cavity in
children of different age. The role of percussion of the abdominal cavity in
diagnostic processes.
62.Semiotics of the digestive system disorders. Name the typical symptoms of the
gall bladder disorder.
63.Semiotics of the of the digestive system disorders. Acute abdomen syndrome.
64.A chronic disease of the stomach is suspected by clinical examination of the
child. What additional methods of the examination are necessary to carry out?
65.Morpho-functional peculiarities of the kidney and the urinary tract in the
different age period.
66.Semiotics of kidney diseases in children.
67.Semiotics of urinary tract diseases in children.
68.State the main clinical and paraclinical methods of urinary system examination
in children.
69.Main clinical and paraclinical methods of examination of blood system.
70.Semiotics of the blood system disorders. Anemia syndrome.
71.Morphological and functional features of the immune system in children at
different age.
72.Name the main clinical and paraclinical methods of examination of the immune
system in children?
73.Semiotics of diseases of the immune system in children. AIDS.
74.Morpho-functional peculiarities of the adrenal gland and the pancreas in the
different age period.
75.Name the main clinical and paraclinical methods of examination of the
endocrine function of the thyroid gland and adrenal gland in children?
76.Morpho-functional peculiarities of the hypophysis and thyroid gland in the
different age period of child.
77.Semiotics of the parathyroid gland disorders: hypoparathyroidism,
78.Sexual maturation in adolescence. Semiotics of the sexual maturation disorders.
79.Semiotics of the hypophysis and adrenal gland disorders.
80.Metabolism and its peculiarities in children in different age periods.
Metabolism of vitamins, proteins.
81.Semiotics of the protein’s metabolism and vitamins metabolism disorder in
82.Semiotics of the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats diseases in children.
83.Water-electrolites and acid-base balance in the different age period of child..
84.Semiotics of water-electrolyte metabolism and acid-base balance disorders.
Dehydration syndrome.
85.Metabolism of lipids and vitamins and its peculiarities in children in different
age periods.
86.Semiotics of disorders of body temperature in children.
87.Assess the blood test.
88.Assess the urinary analysis.
89.Assess the coprogram
90.Assess the Zemnitsky test.
91.Assess the Nechiporenko test.
92.Assess the immunogramm
93.Assess the cerebral spinal fluid test.
94.Assess the blood analysis for calcium.
95.Assess the blood glucose test
96.Assess the cerebrospinal fluid analysis
97.Assess the level of bilirubin in the blood.

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