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Chancellor at Davis ONE SHrELDS AVENUE
DAVIS, CAUFORNIA 95616-85511
TELEPHONE: (530) 752-2065
FAX: (530) 752-2400

OFFICE OF THE CAMPUS COUNSEL Telephone: (530) 754-6295

Facsimile: (530) 752-4931

December 9,2010

Brian Sparks
SENT VIA EMAIL: btsparks@!

RE: California Public Records Act Request

Dear Mr. Sparks,

This letter is to acknowledge your letter dated December 6,2010, requesting records for the period
between July 1, 2010 and the present related to student activism or campus activism. Appropriate
campus offices are being notified of your request and a search for the information is underway. All
information identified as responsive to your request will be reviewed, and made available for your
access, in accordance with relevant law and University policy.

While it is difficult to predict without having yet been able to fully gather and review the requested
information, I anticipate that your request may encompass information that is protected from
disclosure pursuant to Section 6254(k) of the Public Records Act ("PRA") (California Government
Code Section 6250-6270) which does not require public release of "[rlecords, the disclosure of
which is exempted or prohibited pursuant to federal or state law, including, but not limited to,
provisions of the Evidence Code relating to privilege." Among the privileges encompassed by Section
6254(k) that may apply to records responsive to your request include the attorney-client privilege,
and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) which would protect the privacy rights
of individual students. I also antiCipate that some records may be protected under the "deliberative
process" privilege afforded by the "public interest" balancing exemption of the Public Records Act
("PRA") (California Government Code § 6255) and it is possible that the requested material may
contain information exempt from disclosure pursuant to other provisions of the PRA. However, this
is not a determination that the information is necessarily exempt from disclosure. I will provide you
with a status update after the requested information has been thoroughly reviewed. The estimated
date for production ofthe requested records is: February 16, 2011.

As soon as these records become available, I will contact you with the total number of records
identified. The California Public Records Act allows agencies to make records available "upon
payment of fees covering direct costs of duplication." (Government Code section 6253(b)). The
charge is $0.20 per page for copies. Should your total request result in fewer than 25 copies, we will
waive this fee and forward the records to you directly as requested. Should these records total 25 or
more, we will contact you first and give you the opportunity to review the records before incurring
Brian Sparks
December 9, 2010
Page 2

copying fees or ask you to fOlWard a check in the amount of the copying charge prior to our sending
you the records.
If you have any questions prior to my responding further, please let me know.


~ Lynette Temple
Information Practices Coordinator
(530) 752,3949

c; Vice Chancellor Fred Wood

Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2010 2:25 PM
To: Janet Roche; Emily Galindo; Lora Jo Bossio
. Cc: Fred E Wood; Tzveielina Vaskova-Totten; Katie Port; Stacy A Miller
Subject: RE: Call for Agenda Items 11/10

Hi Janet,

I can provide an update on the plans for the November 16 Day of Action and the GGCS 3 this week. When Fred,
returns, I would like to discuss the US Bank Agreement and the Vice Chancellor's Discretionary Fund process. I would
also like to discuss re-naming the "Student Activism Team" per the group's recommendation (if Fred and I don't have a
chance to discuss it before then).

Thank you, Janet.


From: Janet Roche

Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2010 1:23 PM
To: Janet Roche; Emily Galindo; Lora Jo Bossio; Griselda Castro
Cc: Fred E Wood; TZvetelina Vaskova-Totten; Katie Port; Stacy A Miller
Subject: AVe: Call for Agenda Items 11/10
Importance: High

Dear AVC,

Please send any agenda items for next week's meeting (Wednesday November 10,11-12:00) to my attention by Monday
at Spm.

Thank you,

Janet Roche
Student Affairs

Griselda Castro
From: Anne Reynolds Myler
Sent: Monday, August 23, 201011:27 AM
To: Griselda Castro
Cc: Stacy A Miller
Subject: RE: Training Materials for Today
Attachments: Student Activism Response ProtocoI.12.doc; Student Housing Orientation Facilitator
Agenda.3.doc; Student Housing Orientation Handout Agenda.2.doc


Examples of potentially disruptive activity appear earlier under the AVC-Student life section, #7. For today, see if my
revision for #14 under Support Team is okay. If it is, go ahead and have Stacy copy this version to hand outtoday.

Also, I added names of the Student Housing participants to top of attached Facilitator Agenda for you. If there are no
changes to the attached Handout Agenda, Stacy can copy that as well.


Anne Reynolds Myler

Interim Associate Director
Campus Unions-Center for Student Involvement
University of California Davis
----------------.-_ .... _....__.-_._------_.__._----- .... .._-_._-_._---_..._._--_._. -_
_ .. __ ._...•_-_ .......
From: Griselda (astro
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2010 10:50 AM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler
Cc: Stacy A Miller
Subject: RE: Training Materials for Today


For now, under #14, just change the word "confront" to "address" but leave the word "DRAFr' on the final document.
haven't heard back from Fred but would like to talk through the SPAC Director's previous role in this area at an AVC
meeting. I am not quite comfortable with it yet because it doesn't describe the type of activity that might need
intervention ... such as blocking walkways. As you know, at times, civil disobedience is disruptive to the norm ....

One option is to leave the text for number 14 but not included a-h. We can always refer to the University Policy Manual
for the specifics. I can ask Stacy to make copies of the updated PPM 270 policies if you wish. What do you think?

- - _ •.•..._._._--------_.... .....- - .......... .
From: Anne Reynolds Myler
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2010 8:32 AM
To: Griselda (astro
Cc: Stacy A Miller
Subject: Training Materials for Today

we're addressing all needs for this fast approaching major event. Given the likelihood that there will be some protest
activity in front in front of the Mondavi Center that afternoon/evening, we want to have access to some of our
accessible to provide guidance, if necessary. All COOVC members will likely be invited to the


John Meyer
Vice Chancellor, Administrative and Resource Management
530 752-7941


Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2010 7:21 PM
To: Fred E Wood
Subject: RE: Gubernatorial Debate: Emergency Policy Personnel Staging


At Friday's planning meeting, we talked about the need to be able locate the activism policy leadership team inside the
Mondavi Center (if they are in the audience) should the need arise. So far, we just know of the Nurses' Association
protest and a group that wants to set up an "auction tent' to illustrate we are auctioning off public education. As the
event draws closers, I am sure others will emerge.

I'm at the office now but going home for dinner. Have a good evening@)


From: Fred E Wood

SeJlt: Sunday, September 12, 2010 7:09 PM
To: Griselda Castro
Subject: FW: Gubernatorial Debate: Emergency Policy Personnel Staging


Here we gol


From: Fred E Wood

Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2010 7:08 PM
To: John Meyer
Cc: Peter M. Siegel; Jill Blackwelder Parker; 'Marjorie M. Dickinson'; 'Mitchel Benson'; Annette M Spicuzza
Subject: RE: Gubernatorial Debate: Emergency Policy Personnel Staging


Will do. I had planned to be in the vicinity, but not inside.


From: John Meyer

Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2010 10:51 AM
To: Peter M. Siegel; Fred E Wood
Cc: Jill Blackwelder Parker; 'Marjorie M. Dickinson'; 'Mitchel Benson'; Annette M Spicuzza
Subject: Gubernatorial Debate: Emergency Policy Personnel Staging

Fred, Pete,

As I'm sure you're aware, the campus is hosting the first Gubernatorial debate on Tuesday, September 28 at the
Mondavi Center. Mitchel Benson has been convening a policy planning committee every Friday afternoon to ensure
Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 11:19 PM
To: Karen Hull
Cc: Stacy A Miller; 'Rahim Reed'; Anne Reynolds Myler; John Meyer; Elizabeth Meyer; Marion
Subject: RE: Labor Relations Representative for Activism

Thank you, Karen. We'll set up a meeting with Elizabeth.

From: Karen Hull
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 8:06 PM
To: Griselda Castro
Cc: Stacy A Miller; 'Rahim Reed'; Anne Reynolds Myler; John Meyer; Elizabeth Meyer; Marion
Subject: RE: Labor Relations Representative for Activism
Thank you so much for reaching out to me and including HR in the planning and discussions
regarding activism and labor relations on campus, In this area, Elizabeth Meyer will be the
first point of contact for staff labor relations, Marion Randall and I are also available to
support the effective management of specific issues and/or situations.

Karen Slakey Hull
Associate Vice Chancellor -- Human Resources UC Davis One Shields Avenue Davis, CA 95616
Phone: 530-752-6264
FAX: 530-752-3107

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 9:31 AM
To: Karen Hull
Cc: Stacy A Miller; 'Rahim Reed'; Anne Reynolds Myler; John Meyer
Subject: Labor Relations Representative for Activism
Dear Karen,
I hope you are doing well and enjoyed your vacation. I am writing because I would like to
know who will be the point person for labor union activism this year. Rahim and I would
like to meet with your representative about the new systemwide bias reporting system, Anne
Myler and I would also like to coordinate a meeting in regards to activism planning and share
our protocol for dealing with student activism.
Please let me know who we should be talking to. Thank you.

Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 11:24 PM
To: Claudia M. Morain; Ken Ealy; Matthew Carmichael
Cc: Mitchel Benson; Annette M Spicuzza; Steven Drown; Anne Reynolds Myler; Stacy A Miller
Subject: RE: meeting AFSME3299 guy


You may also want to copy Elizabeth Meyer. Karen has given me her name as the primary point person for labor
relations activism. Although, I believe she is away from campus until Monday.


From: Claudia M. Morain []

senf: Wednesday, September 15, :2010 7:01pM
To: Ken Ealy; Griselda Castro; Matthew Carmichael
Cc: Mitchel Benson; Annette M Spicuzza; Steven Drown
Subject: meeting AFSME3299 guy

Hi all:

I've left a voicemail for Mike Roth of AFSME 3299 proposing a 10 a.m. meeting tomorrow, Thursday, Sept. 16, in the
Vanderhoef quad with the four of us (Ken of labor relations, Griselda of student affairs, Lt. Matt, and me). Mike
represents a coalition of labor folks who at the debate, including CNA, SEIU, Labor Federation, and
"several others," he said.

I'll confirm tomorrow when I've heard back from Mike.


Claudia Morain
News Service Director
University Communications
UC Davis

Desk: (530) 752-9841

Cell: (530) 574-3280
Fax: (530) 752-4068

Twitter: @UCDavis_Morain



Friends -

As we anticipated this morning, GCR has just Proposition 84 Nature Education

Facilitiesreceived an inquiry from a legislator's office asking about the parameters
for activities in Vanderhoef Quad with respect to permitting, sound system, stage,
etc ..

Can you provide me and Jason with exactly what was communicated to AFSCME
rep this morning and our agreed upon "rules of engagement" for Vanderhoef
Quad on September 28.

Also, can you provide me w/applicable campus policy statements?



*************** ••***************************.

Marjorie M. Dickinson

Assistant Vice Chancellor

Government and Community Relations

One Shields Avenue

Davis, CA 95616

Phone: (530) 752-2619

Fax: (530) 752-6740

Web: hltp:llgcr.ucdavis.edul

From: Claudia M. Morain

Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 1:48 PM
To: Marjorie M. Dickinson; Steven Drown; Lt. Carmichael; Elizabeth Meyer; Ken Ealy
Cc: Mitchel Benson; Jason W. Murphy; Louise F. Uota; John Meyer; Fred Wood; Anne
Reynolds Myler; Griselda Castro
Subject: RE: Debate: Use of Vanderhoef Quad

That no structures including pop-up tents can be set up in the quad, and no sound
systems. Mitchel compromised on bullhorns as long as they're used in a way that
doesn't generate complaints. Mike Roth said he would recommend the
"anlphitheater"-looking area of the quad just north of the fountain as his group's
gathering spot. We said they could dtive a bus up Old Davis Road and drop
people off at the quad. Sounded like Mike would recommend to his group that
they bring ice chests, blankets, plus their signs and banners, to claim that territory.
Sticking point was podium. Mitchel said no. Mike called his people who called
their lawyers who said podia are a free speech accessory.

-- Claudia

Claudia Morain

News Service Director

University Communications

UC Davis

From: Marjorie M. Dickinson

Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 1:40 PM
To: Steven Drown; Lt. Carmichael; Claudia M. Morain; Elizabeth Meyer
Cc: Mitchel Benson; Jason W. Murphy; Louise F. Uota; John Meyer; Fred Wood; Anne
Reynolds Myler; Griselda Castro
Subject: Debate: Use of Vanderhoef Quad
Importance: High

When will we know about podiwn?

Are we really allowing buses to drive up Old Davis Road to the Vanderhoef Quad
... I thought that traffic was restricted past the kiosk ... and where will the
bus(es) be directed to park after drop off and when will the bus(es) be allowed
back to the Quad.

And, I asswne that possession is 9/10 of the law and that "claiming" prime
territory is OK?

Can we get these "rules of engagement" written down so that they can be shared
by others who may be interested in having activities on the Quad?

Thanks, everybody


•••••••••••• ******••****.******••••• *****.***

Marjorie M. Dickinson

Assistant Vice Chancellor

Government and Community Relations

One Shields Avenue

Davis, CA 95616

Phone: (530) 752-2619

Fax: (530) 752-6740


Griselda Castro

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 9:28 AM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler
Subject: Fwd: Debate: Use of Vanderhoef Quad



Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: <>
Date: September 21,20101:13:51 AM PDT
To: "Marjorie M. Dickinson" <>
Cc: "Claudia M. Morain" <>, Steven Drown <>,
Matthew Carmichael <>, Elizabeth Meyer <>,
Ken Ealy <>, Mitchel Benson <>, "Jason W.
Murphy" <>, "Louise F. Uota" <>, John Meyer
<>, Fred E Wood <>, Anne Reynolds Myler
<>, Joyce Souza <>
Subject: Re: Debate: Use of Vanderhoef Quad


This is a good topic for the policy subcommittee and the activism strategy meeting to be
coordinated by Joyce. I agree with Marj, we will have to be consistent with other student and off
campus groups that may want to stake out some territory on the quad that day. Mike Roth is
expecting a turnout of about 100 for all the unions (including the Nurses) but wants to work on
getting a larger crowd. Mr. Roth talked with me about his interest in seeing the Sac State and
Davis College Democrats out there. I don't know if the Unions plans to reach out to them but we
need to be ready for the possibility of other groups wanting to share the space or counter protest
groups that may develop. Mike plans to set up by llam in order to shape the conversation
during the noon and 5 pm news coverage.


Sent from my iPad

On Sep 20, 2010, at 2:03 PM, "Marjorie M. Dickinson" <>wrote:

Thanks, Claudia -

I haven't heard anything about an event on Sunday. CUE is now affiliated with the Teamsters. Thus far, CUE has not
been involved in any of the union activism and when I talked to them about their role in the debate activities they in fact
said that they were "absolutely not" going to be involved. We have a good relationship with our local CUE. As to the
November 1 possible strike, the University has notified the UAW that such a strike would be illegal because we are still
actively bargaining. I am also told that the negotiations are nearing completion and that there is hope that we will have
a contract soon (i.e., before November 1- of course that is confidential so please don't discuss that piece of info). The
union has an obligation to officially notify the University if they intend to strike, and thus far we have not received
notification. I will undoubtedly learn more on our regular Wednesday call and will pass along any info that is different
from this.

Elizabeth A. Meyer
UCDavis Human Resources
Director. Employee & Labor Relations
530-752-1289 (F;V<)

From: Griselda castro

Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 7:44 PM
To: Elizabeth Meyer
Cc: Anne Reynolds Myler; Fred E Wood; Brett Burns
Subject: October 24 Rally

Hi Elizabeth,

Are you aware of any plans for a "Teamster" event on October 24"'7 If so, what is our relationship with the Teamster
Union? It appears the students who organized the October 7 "Day of Action" are considering a rally at a Teamsters
event on that day. Also, do you know the status of the TA contract? If the negotiations are still in the process, do you
anticipate a strike on November 1n ?


Griselda Castro

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Monday, October 18, 20101 :35 PM
To: Anne Myler
Cc: Stacy A Miller
Subject: RE: October 24 Rally

HI Anne,

I have an opening on my calendar at 4:30, are you available for a phone call at that time?


From: Anne Reynolds Myler

Sent: Monday; October 18, 2010 12:02 PM
To: Griselda Castro
Subject: RE: October 24 Rally

Hi Griselda,

What have you heard about student involvement in the Oct. 24 activity and is it taking place on campus? FYI, I will be
out on Monday, Oct. 25.


Anne Reynolds Myler

Associate Director
Campus Unions Center for Student Involvement
University of California Davis

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 11:41 AM
To: Elizabeth Meyer
Cc: Anne Reynolds Myler; Fred E Wood; Brett Burns; Karen Hull; HR-Employee-&-Labor-Relations
Subject: RE: October 24 Rally


Thank you for your response. This is very helpfull Have a great day.


From: Elizabeth Meyer

Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 8:56 AM
To: Griselda Castro
Cc: Anne Reynolds Myler; Fred E Wood; Brett Burns; Karen Hull; HR-Employee-&-Labor-Relations
Subject: RE: October 24 Rally


This event is part of a statewide CUE-Teamster effort to infonn the public of our struggle
and to encourage each UC Chancellor to demand that the UC Regents negotiate a fair
contract - one that gives us the dignity and respect we deserve!

Bring family and friends!

Remember, your contract will only be as good as YOU help make


In Solidarity,

CUE-Teamsters Local 2010, Division 7, Davis Executive Board

Discrimination at UC ;;7f1ii:.

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From: UC Davis CUE-Teamsters [mailto:!oshuasma80@comcast.netl
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 20109:52 AM
Subject: IHS:Ask Chancellor Katehi about your wages and your contract!


Why have we not had a raise since 200n

Why have we been working without a contract since 2008?

Why should we have our pay cut to fund others' pensions?

Join us outside the Parent and Family Weekend Brunch to ask UC Davis Chancellor Linda
Katehi these questions at an informational leafleting on:

Sunday, October 24, 2010


The ARC Pavilion

Meet at 9:30 a.m. in front of the Pavilion's main entrance

Press conference to follow leafleting

Griselda Castro

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Thursday, October 21,201010:38 PM
To: Fred E Wood
Cc: Anne Reynolds Myler; Lora Jo Bossio; Emily Galindo
Subject: Re: Union activity expected at Sunday Parent/Family Brunch


Thank you for forwarding this to Elizabeth. Since this is a union activity, I am not planning to activate the
student activism team. However, I am willing to be on call if Elizabeth needs help with student involvement.


Sent from myiPad

On Oct 21, 2010, at 2:52 PM, "Fred E Wood" <>wrote:


I sent this to Elizabeth Meyer.


From: Maril Stratton [mailto:mrstratton@ucdavis.edul

Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2010 2:4S PM
To: Linda Katehi; 'Babs Sandeen'; 'Richard Engel'; Annette M Spicuzza; John Meyer; Karen Hull; Freel E
Wood; 'Mitchel Benson'; Robert Loessberg-Zahl
Cc: Carmen Raycraft; Lisa Kay Chance; Lori Hubbard
Subject: Union activity expected at Sunday Parent/Family Brunch

Colleagues, fyi. ...

Annette and Karen, I wanted to make sure that you, in particular. were aware and could take appropriate
precautionary steps.


I hope this helps.


•.-- ._-----
From: Robert Loessberg-Zahl [mailto:dloessb@ucdavis.edul
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2010 9:10 PM
To: Fred E Wood; Griselda castro
Subject: November 1 demonstrations?

Dear Fred and Griselda,

Is there any new wisdom about UAW -related activity on Monday?

Thank you.

Robert J. Loessberg-Zahl

Assistant Executive Vice Chancellor

Offices of the Chancellor and Provost

University of California, Davis

1 Shields Avenue

Davis, CA 95616

Phone: (530)752-6550

Fax: (530)752-2400

Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro il
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 8:49 AM ,~

To: Robert Loessberg-Zahl i!

Cc: Fred EWood '~"
Subject: Re: November 1 demonstrations?
Dear Bob, s
Fred is correct, since contract negotiations are extended to November 15, we don,'t anticipate much activity

before Then. I am a little worried about this issue coming together during the Day of Action (on the fee
increases) planned for November 16---the same day the Governor is on campus for the GGeS 3 conference. I

am activating our student activism team for that day. We'll keep you posted as things unfold.

Sent from my iPad ,

On Oct 31, 2010, at 9:12 AM, "Robert Loessberg-Zahl" <>wrote: ~

Fred, I

Yes it does. Thank you!


From: Fred E Wood [mailto:fewood@ucdavis.edul

Sent: Sunday, October 31, 20108:05 AM
To: Robert Loessberg-Zahl
Cc: Griselda Castro
Subject: RE: November 1 demonstrations?


Here is the last information that I had late last week, but let's see if Griselda has anything to add.

We are hopeful that the planned activity on Nov I will be delayed due to the contract extension
to Nov 15. We do worry about all of the issues that seem to be focused on the Regents Meeting
(e.g., labor contracts, fee increases, and retirement benefits). We could be in for some tough
days in mid-November.

Hi Matt,

The Student Activism Team is aware of the statewide efforts and we are trying to keep up with plans for
UCD but info is sketchy at this point.


Can you, Joyce or Matt join the conference call of the Student Affairs Student Activism Team on Monday
at 9:30 am? Anne Myler, Andrew, Elizabeth from Labor Relations and I check in on Mondays to see
wherethingsstandand we knowthus far. If so, please let me know who can jOin the conference call
and Stacy will send the phone number.



From: Matthew carmichael

Sent: Thursday, November 04, 20108:52 AM
To: Griselda castro; Linaflor Layiktez; Marjorie M. Dickinson; 'Louise F. Uota'
Cc: Annette M Spicuzza; Joyce Souza
Subject: FW: UCSC Demonstration set for Tuesday, Nov. 16th

Check out this link for a planned strike on the 16th •

http://ucrebelradio. wordpress.coml20 1011 0/22/call- for-uc-general-strike-nov-


Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Friday, November 05, 20tO 2:41 PM
To: Annette M Spicuzza
Cc: Matthew Carmichael; Linafior Layiktez; Marjorie M. Dickinson; Louise F. Uota; Joyce Souza;
Matthew Carmichael; Joyce Souza; Stacy A Miller; Anne Reynolds Myler; Elizabeth Meyer
Subject: Re: UCSC Demonstration set for Tuesday, Nov. 16th

Thank you. Stacy will send them the number.


Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 5, 2010, at 2:37 PM, "Annette M Spicuzza" <> wrote:


Sorry, but I will be at court. I will make sure to 'cc' both Lt. Carmichael and Captain Souza to notify them
of the call.


Annette M. Spicuzza

Chief of Police

UC Davis Police Department

One Shields Ave.

Davis, CA 95616

530-752-3113 Office

530-752-0176 Fax


From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Friday, November OS, 2010 2:07 PM
To: Matthew Carmichael; Unaflor Layiktez; Marjorie M. Dickinson; 'Louise F. Uota'
Cc: Annette M Spicuzza; Joyce Souza; Stacy A Miller; Anne Reynolds Myler; Elizabeth Meyer
Subject: RE: uese Demonstration set for Tuesday, Nov. 16th

On Nov 5, 2010, at 2:37 PM, "Annette M Spicuzza" <> wrote:


Sorry, but I will be at court. I will make sure to 'cc' both Lt. Carmichael and Captain Souza to notify them
of the call.


From: Griselda castro

Sent: Friday, November OS, 2010 2:07 PM
To: Matthew carmichael; Unatlor Layiktez; Marjorie M. Dickinson; 'Louise F. Uota'
Cc:Annette M Spicuzza; Joyce Souza; Stacy A Miller; Anne Reynolds Myler; Elizabeth Meyer
Subject: RE: UCSC Demonstration set for Tuesday, Nov. 16th

Hi Matt, the Student Activism Team is aware of the statewide efforts and we are trying to keep up with
plans for UCD but info is sketchy at this point.

Annette, can you, Joyce or Matt join the conference call of the Student Affairs Student Activism Team on
Monday at 9:30 am? Anne Myler, Andrew, Elizabeth from Labor Relations and I check in on Mondays to
see where things stand and we know thus far. If so, please let me know who can join the conference call
and Stacy will send the phone number.



From: Matthew carmichael

Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2010 B:S2 AM
To: Griselda castro; Linatlor Layik!ez; Marjorie M. Dickinson; 'louise F. Uota'
Cc: Annette M Spicuzza; Joyce Souza
Subject: FW: UCSC Demonstration set for Tuesday, Nov. 16th

Check out this link for a planned strike on the 16'h.


Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Monday, November OB, 2010 B:46 AM
To: Joyce Souza; Stacy A Miller
Cc: Matthew Carmichael; Annette M Spicuzza
Subject: RE: UCSC Demonstration set for Tuesday, Nov. 16th

Joyce and Matt,

Great! Thanks for joining us at 9:30 this morning.


From: Joyce Souza

Sent:-MendaYiNevemberOB, 20107:56 AM
To: Stacy A Miller
Cc: Matthew Carmichael; Joyce Souza; Griselda Castro; Annette M Spicuzza
Subject: Re: UCSC Demonstration set for Tuesday, Nov, 16th

Good morning just getting some this infonnation and wanted to let you all know that Matt or I will be on the

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 5, 2010, at 2:43 PM, "Stacy A Miller" <>wrote:

Conference call Monday, November 8 @ 9:30am (30 minutes)

Call in nUllllb,er access c o d e _

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Friday, November 05,20102:41 PM
To: Annette M Spicuzza
Cc: Matthew Carmichael; Linafior laylktez; Marjorie M. Dickinson; Louise F. Uota; Joyce Souza; Matthew
Carmichael; Joyce Souza; Stacy A Miller; Anne Reynolds Myler; Elizabeth Meyer
Subject: Re: UCSC Demonstration set for Tuesday, Nov. 16th

Thank you. Stacy will send them the number.


Sent from my iPhone

Can you, Joyce or Matt join the conference call of the Student Affairs Student Activism
Team on Monday at 9:30 am? Anne Myler, Andrew, Elizabeth from Labor Relations and
I check in on Mondays to see where things stand and we know thus far. If so, please let
me know who can join the conference call and s.tacy will send the phone number.



from: Mattnew CarmichaeL

Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2010 8:52 AM
To: Griselda Castro; Linaflor Layiktez; Marjorie M. Dickinson; 'louise F. Uota'
Cc: Annette M Spicuzza; Joyce Souza
Subject: FW: UCSC Demonstration set for Tuesday, Nov. 16th

Check out this link for a planned strike on the 16th •

http://ucrebelradio. wordpress.coml20 1011 0/221call-for-uc-general-strike-nov-


On Nov 5, 2010, at 2:37 PM, "Annette M Spicuzza" <>wrote:


Sorry, but I will be at court. I will make sure to 'cc' both Lt. Carmichael and Captain
Souza to notify them of the call.


Annette M. Spicuzza

Chief of Police

UC Davis Police Department

One Shields Ave.

Davis, CA 95616

530-752-3113 Office

530-752-0176 Fax

<imageOO 1.git>

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Friday, November 05, 20102:07 PM
To: Matthew Carmichael; Linaflor Layiktez; Marjorie M. Dickinson; 'Louise F. Uota'
Cc: Annette M Spicuzza; Joyce Souza; Stacy A Miller; Anne Reynolds Myler; Elizabeth
Subject: RE: UCSC Demonstration set for Tuesday, Nov. 16th

Hi Matt,

The Student Activism Team is aware of the statewide efforts and we are trying to keep
up with plans for UCD but info is sketchy at this point.


Griselda Castro

From: Griselda Castro

Sant: Monday, November OB, 2010 9:12 AM
To: Fred E Wood
Cc: Janet Roche; Maril Stratton; Stacy A Miller
SubJact: FW: Nov, 16 Teach Out flyer
Attachmants: Teach_ Out_Petition.pdf


Attached is the flyer for what is being proposed for November 16-an all day 'Teach Out" at the Quad. I have arranged
for a 9:30 am conference call this morning with our Student Activism Team Coordinators, Elizabeth Meyer, Matt
Carmichael and Joyce Souza. At this point, I will plan for staff coverage at multiple locations:

• Quad-all day
• Mrak Hall and Mondavi Center (following noon time rally)

However, this is subject to change as the event unfolds.


Griselda Castro

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Friday. November 12.20104:00 PM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler; Matthew Carmichael; ·Elizabeth Meyer; Joyce Souza
Cc: Annette M Spicuzza; Roger M Harper; Fred E Wood
Subject: FYI--Activism Info for Nov 16-18 Regent's Meeting

FYI--Focus of activism at UCSF site


Schedule for November 16-18 Regent's Meeting

Once agaih, the Regertfs will meefto increasefees,decrease access t()theUC andgivetheinseives big bonuses.
Let's stop them!

Nov. 16: Early morning picket of California Hall. Be there at 6:30 AM so we can greet the senior
administrators as they come in to work. We're demanding that they actively oppose the fee increase, abandon
Operational Excellence and its 200 layoffs, end the repression of student protesters via the widely-criticized
Office of Student Conduct, and endorse and help negotiate a fair contract for GSls and other staff in contract
negotiations. Please arrive at 6:30 AM. We will be there all morning. Rally @ 12 noon.

Nov. 17: Early AM protest at the Regents' Meeting (UCSF, Rutter Center). Let's shut it down! We need as
many people as possible at the Regents Meeting as early as possible. From the East Bay, take BART to the
downtown San Francisco Embarcadero Station and then transfer to the MUNI T-Line; There are some buses
leaving from UC Berkeley. You can reserve a seat here.

Finally, here are links to some inspiring news from London, where 52,000 people have mobilized in defense of
education and against austerity. It's nice to be reminded that we are part of a global anti-austerity movement:

http://www. guardian. co. ukluklblog/20 I O/nov/l 01demo-20 I O-s1udent-protests-live

http://www.cnn.coml20 I O/WORLD/europe/I 1/1 0/uk.protesllindex.html?hpt=T2
Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 4:14 PM
To: Claudia M. Morain
Cc: Mitchel Benson;; Anne Reynolds Myler
Subject: Activism Plans for November 16

Hi Claudia,

I know you will all be busy with the GGCS3 event but I wanted to keep you in the loop about the "Teach-Out" plans for
November 16. At this point, the activity is focused on the quad. The Student Affairs "Activism Team" will be on site-and
will monitor the day's events as they unfold.


"Defend Public Education"

Speakers at Noon
A teach out event to bring broader awareness to our current crisis in public education has been
scheduled for November 16th at UC Davis. Concerned graduate and undergraduate students
will come together on the quad to create a different kind of classroom space - one that is
collaborative, communal, and public. TA's and AI's will be able to bring their classes to
workshops and discussions or to cover their normal course material in public and in solidarity
and unity with others. UC undergrads are facing another fee increase, and grad students
continue to work without a contract and are preparing for a potential strike! Let's make it clear
that we share this struggle; that our working conditions and our learning conditions are the
same! And that together: WE ARE THE UNIVERSITY!

If you'd like more info or would like someone to facilitate a discussion for your class, please
contact: ucd-in-defense-of-pu blic- ed

Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 8: lOAM
To: Fred E Wood
Cc: Maril Stratton; Robert Loessberg-Zahl
Subject: Re: Schedule Question

I will send an update via email following today's noon "gathering",

sent from my iPad

On Nov 18, 2010, at 7:50 AM, "Fred E Wood" <> wrote:

> Maril,
> As you know I am at the California Student Aid Commission today, but I will return to
campus if problems arise. Griselda will have the Student Activism Team on the ground
starting around noon and she will keep Bob and you informed as things develop. Assuming the
Chancellor is returning to campus today, I want to be sure that the Chancellor does not
return to Mrak when we have protesters there. Could you please contact Bob and/or Griselda
with information about her ETA? Thank you.
> Fred

> starting to do mass mobilizations. With this said, SPEAK along with
> everyone's help and support wants to put up a rally at the Quad for
> the DREAM ACT to pass this year. We will be wearing our caps and
> gowns, have banners/posters and hopefully have people talk why the
> DREAM ACT needs to pass this year. The reason why it is going to be on
> Dec. 2nd is because there is a Statewide DREAM Caravan that will start
> at Palm Springs on Nov. 29 and end here at Davis Dec. 2nd.
> This caravan will be stopping at various locations in order to go to
> key representatives offices and urge them to support the DREAM ACT
> when it comes to a vote.
> Attached is the flyer for the caravan. I hope many of you can come out
> and show your support.
> If anyone has any questions or wants to know more about this, feel
> free to email me back or go to our next SPEAK meeting, which will be
> on Tuesday Nov. 3Bth at 7pm in Olson 144.
> Thank-You all so much for all the support!!!
> --
> <Statewide DREAM Caravan Nov 2B1B.png> <message-footer. txt>


stage a simulation of a graduation ceremony as they have peacefully done in the past to get
the message across.


-----Original Message-----
From: Fred E Wood
Sent: Wednesday, December 91, 2919 19:99 AM
TO: Griselda Castro
Cc: Anne Reynolds Myler; Lora Jo Bossio i
Subject: Re: DREAM ACT Rally at UCD I,
Griselda, I
on this rally? Thank you •
Sent from my iPhone i

On Nov 313, 2919, at 9:92 AM, "Griselda Castro" <> I
> Anne,
> FYI-I will be the fall quarter Student Life systemwide AVC meeting 0 n
> Thursday but I suspect this will be a peaceful rally.
> Griselda
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> Please Forward Widely
> Hello Community,
> I am emailing this message to all organizations/clubs at UCD in order
> to spread the word about Thursday's (December 2nd) Rally for the DREAM
> ACT in the Quad from 12-2pm.
> As some of you may know the DREAM ACT is a piece of legislation that
> will allow undocumented students become citizens in order to pursue a
> higher education and/or to join the military. This is a huge issue in
> our community and it will definitely benefit many people if it passes.
> Education is a Right not a Privilege, and no one has the right to take
> away someone's education based on a person's status, race, gender,
> class, etc. Organizations from different campuses in California as
> well as from allover the nation have been actively fighting to pass
> the DREAM ACT, which was first introduced in 213131.
> It has been 9 years already and we are still continuing the fight for
> justice and will continue until the DREAM ACT passes. S.P.E,A.K.
> (Scholars Promoting Education, Awareness, and Knowledge) is just one
> of these organizations that advocate for the DREAM ACT.
> This coming up week, there is a high possibility that Senator Reid of
> NV will put the DREAM ACT into a vote in Congress. This is our last
> push before the year ends, and so organizations from allover are
Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 12:42 PM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler
Subject: RE: DREAM ACT Rally at UCD

Hi Anne,

I am meeting with liliiii but will

use the time to talk with for the

On another note, I was wondering if you have an updated version of the Student Activism
Response Protocol. The one we used for the training was listed as a "working draft" and I am
m>-t...s_ure you incoJ"poJ"ated . any.changes...s uch ... as .adding.. the.Assist antViceChancel-lorfo r
Communication (Mitchel) to the "Leadership Team". I would like to share the protocol with my
counterparts at tomorrow's DOS/AVC meeting. If you have an updated version, can you please
send it my way? Thanks Anne.


-----Original Message-----
From: Anne Reynolds Myler
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 11:50 AM
To: Griselda Castro
Subject: RE: DREAM ACT Rally at UCD

Thanks, Griselda. I'll look forward to what you learn from IIIIIIII
Anne Reynolds Myler
Associate Director
Campus Unions Center for Student Involvement University of California Davis

-----Original Message-----
From: Griselda Castro
Sent; Wednesday, December 01, 2010 10:14 AM
To; Fred E Wood
Cc; Anne Reynolds Myler; Lora Jo Bossio
Subject; RE; DREAM ACT Rally at UCD
Hi Fred,

Not yet. However, I have a meeting with liliiii at 3;30. I will know more after that.
As you may have heard on the morning news, the Republican Senators have unanimously submitted
a letter to the President saying they will block the Dream Act, the Don't Ask Policy, and an
extension on unemployment benefits until the tax cuts to high income earners are extended.
That is their priority and they are determined to play "hard ball". This may leave students
feeling discouraged by the time the rally gets underway. At this point, the plan is to

From: Matthew Carmichael
Sent: Monday, November 15/ 2010 1:16 PM
To: Griselda Castro
Cc: Fred E Wood
Subject: RE: Web Information

Agreed. So far, the fact that students are attending the Summit is probably positive in the fact they may not want to
disrupt an event their peers are attending. We will continue to monitor and for tomorrow we will have added resources.
It would be an absolute shame if protestors disrupt the Summit which so far has been a wonderful positive event.

I will be here all day and night up until tomorrow night so let me know if you need anything.



Sent: Monday, November 15/ 2010 12:26 PM
To: Matthew Carmichael
Cc: Fred E Wood
Subject: RE: Web Information

Hi Matt,

I don't think they have connected the dots yet but things can change very quickly if a march gains momentum and they
want to deliver a message to the Chancellor.


From: Matthew Carmichael

Sent: Monday, November 15/ 2010 12:12 PM
To: Griselda Castro; Anne Reynolds Myler; Joyce Souza; 'Wells, Andrew'
Subject: RE: Web Information

I have reviewed this site and noted no mention of the Summit.


From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Monday, November 15/ 2010 9:40 AM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler; Joyce Souza; Matthew Carmichael; 'Wells, Andrew'
Subject: FW: Web Information

FYI-from today's Aggie:

Griselda Castro
From: Matthew Carmichael
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 10:03 AM
To: Griselda Castro
Cc: Fred E Wood; Anne Reynolds Myler
Subject: RE: Web Information


I wanted to take a moment to personally thank you for your help yesterday. The G3 was a wonderful event for our
campus and concluded with no serious issues. We were prepared for protesters, but your interaction and direction with
protest leaders was a great success and helped to avert any protest activities at the G3.

Thank you,

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 11:19 AM
To: Matthew Carmichael
Cc: Fred E Wood; Anne Reynolds Myler
Subject: RE: Web Information

Thanks for the update, Matt. Ann reports that a large banner has now gone up at the MU but is not blocking the
entrance. It reads something like "Our Education, Our Workers, Our University".' Still, only about 6 groups of students
attending class in the quad.


From: Matthew Carmichael

Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 11 :04 AM
To: Griselda Castro
Cc: Fred E Wood; Anne Reynolds Myler
Subject: RE: Web Information

UC Berkeley PD reports about 50 students this morning trying block entrances to California Hall but were not successful
due to lack of students. All quiet there with around 25 to 50 students stili being active.

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 10:47 AM
To: Matthew Carmichael
Cc: Fred E Wood; Anne Reynolds Myler
Subject: RE: Web Information


Hope you got some rest last night. So far, so good, some of our more active students may have gone to UCB today and
plan on going to the Regents' meeting tomorrow. There is a slight chance that we may have some further activity on
campus following the Regent's meeting on Thursday.


Griselda Castro
From: Fred E Wood
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 12:20 PM
To: Griselda Castro
Subject: FW:


From: An nette M Spicuzza

Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 11:57 AM
To: John Meyer; ''; ''; ''; Fred E Wood
Subject: Fw:


From: Joyce Souza

Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 11 :42 AM
To: Annette M Spicuzza
Subject: FW:

FYI we continue to monitor the situation.

From: Matthew Carmichael

Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 11:25 AM
To: Joyce Souza; John Pike; Nader Oweis

large banner has now gone up at the MU but is not blocking the entrance. It reads something like "Our
Education, Our Workers, Our University". Still, only about 6 groups of students attending class in the quad.

5. Financial Aid Office (Front Desk) must be open from 9-Spm, Monday- Friday, for student
support services. In addition, the phone call cap must be eliminated.
-Currently the Financial Aid Office is open from 19-2pm M-F and could only answer 299 calls
per day. The Financial Aid Office must service the students during normal university hours to
ensure that finances are not an obstacle to students' education.

6. Have University and City of Davis officials review leasing contract policies that conflict
with financial aid distribution.
-Students are expected to pay rent on September 1st regardless of their financial situation.
We are asking for administration to work with the City of Davis to create a housing contract
policy that will allow students to not have to pay rent until financial aid has been

7. Have UC Davis officials pressure the UC Regents to appoint a peer elected student
representative per campus to be a voting member of the UC Regents.
-Currently there is only one UC student representative for the entire UC system while the
majority of the other 18 Regent members are CEOs of major corporations which are one of the
t_ea_s_o.n fog .for t he.p~ivatizationof .the.UCsystem. We·need-morestudent- representation ·in _. a
system of education where the interests of the students are met and not the interest of the
people running the UC system.

For more information:

Facebook Event title: Defend Public Education-Gathering of Students Against Fee Increases

Griselda Castro
From: Claudia M. Morain [cmmorain@ucdavis.eduj
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 2:16 PM
To: Griselda Castro
Subject: RE: Today's Activity

Thank you so muchl

Claudia Morain
News Service Director
UC Davis
(530) 752-9841

From: Griselda Castro []

·Sent-: ·TtiiirsaaY;Nov-emoerfS;20fa···1I: 0S-Af.f-
To: Annette M Spicuzza; 'Robert Loessberg-Zahl'; Rahim Reed
Cc: Claudia M. Morain; Mitchel Benson
Subject: Today's Activity

FYI-Expected to be a peaceful gathering, will keep you posted

Defend Public Education I

Gathering of Students Against Fee Increases

Let your voice be heardl!!


Speakers & Silkscreen t-shirts

Today Thursday Nov. 18th @12pm (MU)

List of Demands:
1. No to the 8% increase

2. Fully fund the WRRC's JOy Fergoda Library -Due to lack of funding, the library will be
shut down by the end of the school year
3. T.A. contracts must be extended permanently reflecting T.A.'s demands [Update: T.A.'s and
their union UAW have settled an agreement with the university] -T.A.'s are in the process of
renewing their contract. The T.A.s are demanding a fair pay and better benefits.

4. All outside corporations at UC Davis must fund full ride scholarships for AB540 students
in order to operate on campus.
-UC Davis allows for big corporations to come onto campus and make billions of dollars off of
students. AB 540 students are hurt the most during these tuition fee increases because they
must fully fund their education without financial aid and without being able to "legally'
work. This demand requires for these on-campus corporations to have to fund AB 540
scholarships as a requirement to be on-campus.

Griselda Castro

From: Tzvetelina Vaskova-Totten []

Sent: Thursday, November 18, 20104:59 PM
To: ''
Subject: FW: Police asking employees to leave the building

From: Cheryl Davis []

Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 5:02 PM
Subject: Police asking employees to leave the building

The police have asked that employees leave the building. Most are probably gone, but some may still be around and
the\,-snou IlfalsoleaVe.

Exit through either stairwell.


Cheryl L. Davis
Personnel Services Manager, Administrative Services
Offices of the Chancellor and Provost
One Shields Avenue
Davis, California 95616
Phone: (530) 754-6985
Fax: (530) 752-2400
Web site:

Griselda Castro

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 2:10 PM
To: Griselda Castro; 'Robert Loessberg-Zahl'; 'Maril Stratton'; 'Linda Katehi'; Fred E Wood
Cc: Stacy A Miller; Janet Roche; Lori Hubbard
Subject: RE: Quad Update

Our activism team is negotiating to get the students out of the bank. The police are present but they don't feel they
need Emily and me there at this pOint. The students were asking the teller to provide scholarships for students.


From: Griselda Castro·

SenEThursaay;Novembeiis;iolof:48 PM
To: 'Robert Loessberg-Zahl'; Maril Stratton; Linda Katehi; Fred E Wood
Cc: Stacy A Miller; Janet Roche
Subject: FW: Quad Update

I received a report from Steven Baissa. Anne gave US Bank a head up about the chatter. The group is trying to attract a
bigger crowd before they go into the MU and give US Bank a message about loan indebtedness but it's not happening
and they haven't gone in yet. I am waiting to hear back from Anne, don't know if they will head this way.

This is the schedule for tomorrow's Student Activism Team support activities on campus. I've
also attached the flyer that's distributed to advertise the Teach-Out on campus ... please feel free
to take a look at the flyer to familiarize yourselves with the messaging that is going out to
graduate and undergraduate students. Please also take a look at this website:
http://bicyclebarricade.wordpress.comlfor more info on what's being said about campus
activism here at UCD.

At the beginning of your 'shift', please contact Anne - via phone or in person - to check in with
her and find out the best place for you to head. It may be Mrak, the Quad, or Mondavi - we'll be
playing that by ear. If the demonstrations wrap up earlier than we've anticipated, Anne will
contact you at the phone number we have on this sheet, and let you know that you are 'released'
from your commitment. © Cross your fingers!

Please note the contact information on this spreadsheet is confidential. Also: the fust page of the
spreadsheet is formatted to be printable, however the grid at the bottom isn't very printer-
friendly •••

Thank you in advance for all of your support for our students - both the activists, and those that
are attending class and avoiding the demonstrations!

-Andrew & Anne

Andrew Wells
Conduct Coordinator, Tercero Area

Student Housing
University of California, Davis
Office: (530) 754-6397
FAX: (530) 752-4345

Griselda Castro

From: Anne Reynolds Myler

Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 1:56 PM
To: Griselda Castro; Wells, Andrew
Cc: Ayesha Alcala; Jeff Austin;; Joyce Cleaver;; Donald Dudley;;;; Kathryn Maloney;;;;;;; Wells, Andrew
Subject: RE: Student Activism Team - Tomorrow, Nov. 16th (CONFIDENTIAL)

Student Activism Team,

Many thanks to all of you who provided support for the rally and march yesterday. It is so helpful to be prepared and
. gre~t'oYhel1""eh~ ...eJhe()Rpgr1:~nilYlojust-beob.servers,-as. . we. didonTuesday_

We appreciate your response to the call for presence yesterday and your continued support for our students!

Andrew and Anne

Anne Reynolds Myler

Associate Director
Campus Unions Center for Student Involvement
University of California Davis
--------------- - - - ------_.._..... -------_.-._----
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 10:59 PM
To: Wells, Andrew
Cc: Ayesha Alcala; Jeff Austin;; Joyce Cleaver;; Donald Dudley;
klhaggins@ucdavis_edu;;; Kathryn Maloney;;;;;;;
Anne Reynolds Myler; Wells, Andrew
Subject: Re: Student Activism Team - Tomorrow, Nov. 16th (CONADENTIAL)

Dear Student Affairs Team,

Thank you for your calm and gentle presence today. It's very reassuring to everyone (students and staff) to
know that you are with a eye toward safety.


Sent from my iPad

On Nov 15,2010, at 3:47 PM, "Wells, Andrew" <>wrote:

Hi All,

event on that day, Also, do you know the status of the TA contract? If the negotiations are still in the process, do you
anticipate a strike on November 1st ?


~------.------- ~~-~-~. -~~----------

From: Griselda Castro

sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 11 :41 AM
To: Elizabeth Meyer
Cc: Anne Reynolds Myler; Fred E Wood; Brett Burns; Karen Hull; HR-Employee-&-Labor-Relations
Subject: RE: October 24 Rally


Thank you for your response. This is very helpful! Have a great day.


From: Elizabeth Meyer

sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 8:56 AM
To: Griselda Castro
Cc: AnlleReynoldst-l}'ler; Ered~ EWood;Brett~Burns;Karen Hull; HR-Employee.&.Labor-Relations
Subject: RE: October 24 Rally


I haven't heard anything about an event on Sunday. CUE is now affiliated with the Teamsters. Thus far, CUE has not
been involved in any of the union activism and when I talked to them about their role in the debate activities they in fact
said that they were "absolutely not" going to be involved. We have a good relationship with our local CUE. As to the
November 1 possible strike, the University has notified the UAW that such a strike would be illegal because we are still
actively bargaining. I am also told that the negotiations are nearing completion and that there is hope that we will have
a contract soon (I.e., before November 1- of course that is confidential so please don't discuss that piece of info). The
union has an obligation to officially notify the University if they intend to strike, and thus far we have not received
notification. I will undoubtedly learn more on our regular Wednesday call and will pass along any info that is different
from this.

Elizabeth A. Meyer
UCDavis Human Resources
Director, Employee & Labor Relations
530-752-1289 (FAX)

From: Griselda Castro

sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 7:44 PM
To: Elizabeth Meyer
Cc: Anne Reynolds Myler; Fred E Wood; Brett Burns
Subject: October 24 Rally

Hi Elizabeth,

Are you aware of any plans for a "Teamster" event on October 24th? If so, what is our relationship with the Teamster
Union? It appears the students who organized the October 7 "Day of Action" are considering a rally at a Teamsters
Griselda Castro
From: Anne Reynolds Myler
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 1:56 PM
To: Griselda Castro
Cc: Stacy A Miller
Subject: RE: October 24 Rally

Hi Griselda,

Stacy has us down for me to call you at 4:15pm,


8DJleReYDoJds MyJer
Associate Director
Campus Unions Center for Student Involvement
University of California Davis

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 1:35 PM
To: Anne Myler
Cc: Stacy A Miller
Subject: RE: October 24 Rally

HI Anne,

I have an opening on my calendar at 4:30, are you available for a phone call at that time?


From: Anne Reynolds Myler

Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 12:02 PM
To: Griselda Castro
Subject: RE: October 24 Rally

Hi Griselda,

What have you heard about student involvement in the Oct. 24 activity and is it taking place on campus? FYI, I will be
out on Monday, Oct. 25.


Anne Reynolds Myler

Associate Director
Campus Unions Center for Student Involvement
University of California Davis

Can you get freeborn? I

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 21, 2818, at 7:39 PM, "Griselda Castro"

«><» wrote:

Dear Mitchel and Joyce,

While I was out at Fall Welcome events, left me a long message.

He is trying to organize a viewing get tickets outside of
the Mondavi during the debate. He would like to invite a "few hundred students" (his words)
to view debate on their computers and possibility put up a "projection screen" outside of the
. Mondavi.

I called him back but was not able to reach him. When I talk with him, I'll let him know the
ground rules--no screens. However,clearly, this has been become a regional event and I am
concerned about the number of students from other campuses who may show up for the activities
outside of the Mondavi Center. If we have a large number of people trying to watch the
debate outside, I wonder if we should revisit the option of opening up the conference center
for viewing opportunities inside between 6 and 7 pm. I know there is concern about providing
security at another venue but it may be easier than trying to manage a large crowd outside
along with the politics of a highly visible "private viewing party" at the GSM building. The
Student Affairs Activism Team will be activated and could be assigned to the Conference
Center Ballroom if needed. The ballroom is already reserved by the event sponsors. What are
your thoughts at this point?


Griselda Castro

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Wednesday, September 22,201012:10 PM
To: 'Mitchel Benson'; Claudia M. Morain
Cc: Joyce Souza; Anne Reynolds Myler; Jason W. Murphy; Marjorie M. Dickinson; Matthew
Carmichael; Annette MSpicuzza
Subject: RE: Another proposed student activity outside of the Mandavi Center

Dear Colleagues,
Thank you to all you for sharing your thoughts as I work with students. It will be helpful to
have the ground rules in writing as soon as possible. Things are always very fluid with
students (and off campus folks) but at this point, I don't have the sense that they want to
"make a scene and disrupt" . I believe they want the same thingMike Roth tall<~.a_b.QutLan
opportunny tooo·paFt"·oftneenergyoftn-e-eventancj-somewiu· wanttil-1::ake-advantage of the
media and get their messages across in a way that shapes and influences the news of the day
during the noon, five o'clock and eleven o'clock news. Its unfortunate the MU renovations
will not be completed in time to have viewing parties at the coffee house and that ARC
ballroom is booked. Everyone will access to the debate on their computers or televisions or
at private viewing parties but it's the excitement and energy about being at the location
that might fill the quad area that day. I appreciate and understand the reasons for not
opening up the conference center as expressed by Claudia and Joyce and we will encourage
students to respect the ground rules. I think it's safe to assume the crowd will stay as long
as the media is around.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mitchel Benson]
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 6:48 AM
To: Claudia M. Morain
Cc: Griselda Castro; Joyce Souza; Anne Reynolds Myler; Jason W. Murphy; Marjorie M.
Dickinson; Matthew Carmichael; Annette MSpicuzza
Subject: Re: Another proposed stUdent activity outside of the Mondavi Center
I'd suggest a building farther from mondavi, and one built with student fees. Either they
really want a large viewing party or they want to make a scene and disrupt. We need to
determine which, if possible.
Mitchel Benson
Assist. Vice Chancellor for
University Communications
University of California, Davis
(0) 530-752-9844
(C) 530-220-0863
(F) 530-752-4086<><>

On Sep 22, 2010, at 6:37 AM, "Claudia M. Morain"

<<» wrote:

(F) 530-752-4086<><>

On Sep 22, 2010, at 6:37 AM, "Claudia M. Morain"

<<» wrote:
Can you get freeborn? I

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 21, 2010, at 7:39 PM, "Griselda Castro"

«><» wrote:


While I was out at Fall Welcome events, left me a long message.

He is trying to organize a viewing get tickets outside of
the Mondavi during the debate. He would like to invite a "few hundred students" (his words)
to view debate on their computers and possibility put up a "projection screen" outside of the

I called him back but was not able to reach him. When I talk with him, I'll let him know the
ground rules--no screens. However,clearly, this has been become a regional event and I am
concerned about the number of students from other campuses who may show up for the activities
outside of the Mondavi Center. If we have a large number of people trying to watch the
debate outside, I wonder if we should revisit the option of opening up the conference center
for viewing opportunities inside between 6 and 7 pm. I know there is concern about providing
security at another venue but it may be easier than trying to manage a large crowd outside
along with the politics of a highly visible "private viewing party" at the GSM building. The
Student Affairs Activism Team will be activated and could be assigned to the Conference
Center Ballroom if needed. The ballroom is already reserved by the event sponsors. What are
your thoughts at this point?

Griselda Castro

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Wednesday, September 22,201012:10 PM
To: Fred EWood
Subject: FW: Another proposed student activity outside of the Mondavi Center

-----Original Message-----
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: wednesday, September 22, 2010 12:10 PM
To: 'Mitchel Benson'; Claudia M. Morain
Cc: Joyce Souza; Anne Reynolds Myler; Jason W. Murphy; Marjorie M. Dickinson; Matthew
Carmi ~hll~l ;Al'lnetIeJ1£pj,q)zzll ....
Subject: RE: Another proposed student activity outside of the Mondavi Center
Dear Colleagues,
Thank you to all you for sharing your thoughts as I work with students. It will be helpful to
have the ground rules in writing as soon as possible. Things are always very fluid with
students (and off campus folks) but at this point, I don't have the sense that they want to
"make a scene and disrupt". I believe they want the same thing Mike Roth talked about, an
opportunity to be part of the energy of the event and some will want to take advantage of the
media and get their messages across in a way that shapes and influences the news of the day
during the noon, five o'clock and eleven o'clock news. Its unfortunate the MU renovations
will not be completed in time to have viewing parties at the coffee house and that ARC
ballroom is booked. Everyone will access to the debate on their computers or televisions or
at private viewing parties but it's the excitement and energy about being at the location
that might fill the quad area that day. I appreciate and understand the reasons for not
opening up the conference center as expressed by Claudia and Joyce and we will encourage
students to respect the ground rules. I think it's safe to assume the crowd will stay as long
as the media is around.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mitchel Benson []
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 6:48 AM
To: Claudia M. Morain
Cc: Griselda Castro; Joyce Souza; Anne Reynolds Myler; Jason W. Murphy; Marjorie M.
Dickin~on; Matthew Carmichael; Annette MSpicuzza
Subject: Re: Another proposed student activity outside of the Mondavi Center
I'd suggest a building farther from mondavi, and one built with student fees. Either they
really want a large viewing party or they want to make a scene and disrupt. We need to
determine which, if possible.
Mitchel Benson
Assist. Vice Chancellor for
University Communications
University of California, Davis
(0) 530-752-9844
(C) 530-220-0863
Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 7:40 PM
Subject: FW: Another proposed student activity outside of the Mondavi Center

FYI--sending this from the web browser, the server is still down for my desk computer.

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 7:39 PM
Cc: Anne Reynolds Myler; Jason W. Murphy; Mqrjorie M, Dickinson; Claudia M. Morain; Matthew Carmichael; Annette M
Subject: Another proposed student activity outside of the Mondavi Center

Dear Mitchel and Joyce,

While I was out at Fall Welcome events, left me a long message.

He is trying to organize a viewing not get tickets outside of
the Mondavi during the debate. He would like to invite a "few hundred students" (his words)
to view debate on their computers and possibility put up a "projection screen" outside of the
I called him back but was not able to reach him. When I talk with him, I'll let him know the
ground rules--no screens. However,clearly, this has been become a regional event and I am
concerned about the number of stUdents from other campuses who may show up for the activities
outside of the Mondavi Center. If we have a large number of people trying to watch the
debate outside, I wonder if we should revisit the option of opening up the conference center
for viewing opportunities inside between 6 and 7 pm. I know there is concern about providing
security at another venue but it may be easier than trying to manage a large crowd outside
along with the politics of a highly visible "private viewing party" at the GSM building. The
Student Affairs Activism Team will be activated and could be assigned to the Conference
Center Ballroom if needed. The ballroom is already reserved by the event sponsors. What are
your thoughts at this point?


for groups that want to make the 12noon news, and then again around 4pm, but we'll see what
the day brings,
» Groups have been told the campus will be flexible regarding amplified sound. Although
normally requiring a permit, in support of freedom of expression, bullhorns may be allowed
until media complain that they are interfering with broadcasts. The Communications staff
should take the lead on this and Labor Relations will address unions. There will also be
some flexibility regarding structures because of the heat. If the media are allowed shade
canopies, groups coming to rally will be allowed to bring them as well. In any case, our
role is not to police these issues but to observe and report. Where students are involved,
we can find out if they have any questions and provide information as needed to support them
and promote safety.
» It will be hot, so please bring water with you. All buildings adjacent to Mondavi are
likely to be locked down, so the nearest restrooms may be the portable facilities set up
behind Mondavi and Mrak Hall.
» Call or text me if you have any questions and I'll see you this afternoon.
» Anne
» Anne Reynolds Myler
» Associate Director
» Campus Unions Center for Student Involvement University of California
» Davis
» 530-752-7441
» <Resource Team Schedule and Contact Info.doc>

> Stacy requested the information for the Activism Team roster but the CAN Counselors were
hesitant to give her their cell phone numbers for this purpose. The numbers are only for
Anne Myler and myself and will not go on the roster at this point.
> Griselda
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kristee Haggins [mailto:klhaggins@ucdavis.eduj
> Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 11:04 AM
> To: Griselda Castro
> Cc: 'Renee Lopez'j Anne Reynolds Mylerj stacy A Miller
> Subject: Re: Final Debate Schedule/Contact Info
> Hi,
> I believe Stacy gathered these earlier this summer? I'm running late to another meeting
right now and will need to take some time to track them down during the noon hour if that is __ ~lease_letme.know •. _.
> ---Kristee
> *******************************************************************
> This is a CONFIDENTIAL communication. If you have received this e-mail
> in error, please notify sender and destroy
> ******************************************************************
> Kristee L. Haggins, Ph.D.
> Associate Director, Consultation, Outreach, Peer, Education (COPE)
> Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)
> 219 North Hall
> One Shields Avenue
> University of California, Davis
> Davis, California 95616
> Office: (530) 752-0871 ext. 28
> Fax: (530) 752-9923
> *****************************************************************
> On Sep 28, 2010, at 10:03 AM, Griselda Castro wrote:
» Hi Kristee,
» I don't believe we will need the CAN Counselors this afternoon but would like to have
their cell phones numbers just in case. Can you please send me their cell phone numbers?
Only Anne Myler and I will keep them. Thank you.
» Griselda
» From: Anne Reynolds Myler
» Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 9:39 AM
» To: 'Wells, Andrew'; ''j '';
» 'Petitt, Branden'; ''j 'Mark Champagne'; Joyce
» Cleaverj Kathryn MaloneYj Donald Dudley
» Cc: Griselda Castro; Brett Burns
» Subject: Final Debate Schedule/Contact Info
» Good morning team members,
» Attached is our final schedule and cell contacts for resources and each other. Thank you
again for providing support for the debate activity today. We expect some rallies at 11am
Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Tuesday, September 28,20101:00 PM
To: 'Kristee Haggins'
Cc: Anne Reynolds Myler; Stacy A Miller; Listserv CAN
Subject: RE: Final Debate Schedule/Contact Info

Great I Thanks Kristee.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kristee Haggins []
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 12:16 PM
-'Fo:--Griselda-eastro--------- ---
Cc: Anne Reynolds Myler; Stacy A Miller; Listserv CAN
Subject: Re: Final Debate Schedule/Contact Info

Hi Griselda, Anne and Stacy (cc: Community Counselors):

As requested, here are the CAN staff's cell phone numbers to be limited for your use only as
indicated below. FYI, Carolyn is not on campus today and therefore would not be available
however I have included her info in case it's needed in the future. The other community
counselors may/not be available later this afternoon ••••
Carolyn Rm'n""
Roxana Rn~N,an
Jezzie FlI'l m,'n
Paul Kim

This is a CONFIDENTIAL communication. If you have received this e-mail in error, please
notify sender and destroy
Kristee l. Haggins, Ph.D.
Associate Director, Consultation, Outreach, Peer, Education (COPE)
Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)
219 North Hall
One Shields Avenue
University of California, Davis
Davis, California 95616
Office: (530) 752-0871 ext. 28
Fax: (530) 752-9923

On Sep 28, 2010, at 11:44 AM, Griselda Castro wrote:

> Hi Kristee,
> Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2a1a 9:39 AM
> To: 'Wells, Andrew'; ''; '';
> 'Petitt, Branden'; ·'; 'Mark Champagne'; Joyce
> Cleaver; Kathryn Maloney; Donald Dudley
> Cc: Griselda Castro; Brett Burns
> Subject: Final Debate Schedule/Contact Info
> Good morning team members,
> Attached is our final schedule and cell contacts for resources and each other. Thank you
again for providing support for the debate activity today. We expect some rallies at 11am
for groups that want to make the 12noon news, and then again around 4pm, but we'll see what
the day brings.
> Groups have been told the campus will be flexible regarding amplified sound. Although
normally requiring a permit, in support of freedom of expression, bullhorns may be allowed
~unU-}~~media·~~complain-that~they-are--interferl:ng-with-broadcasts~~ ~ -rhe--~Communicati-on-s-~staTf~
should take the lead on this and Labor Relations will address unions. There will also be
some flexibility regarding structures because of the heat. If the media are allowed shade
canopies, groups coming to rally will be allowed to bring them as well. In any case, our
role is not to police these issues but to observe and report. Where students are involved,
we can find out if they have any questions and provide information as needed to support them
and promote safety.
> It will be hot, so please bring water with you. All buildings adjacent to Mondavi are
likely to be locked down, so the nearest rest rooms may be the portable facilities set up
behind Mondavi and Mrak Hall.
> Call or text me if you have any questions and I'll see you this afternoon.
> Anne
> Anne Reynolds Myler
> Associate Director
> Campus Unions Center for Student Involvement University of California
> Davis
> S3a-7S2-7441
> <Resource Team Schedule and Contact Info.doc>

Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: TuesdaY,September 28, 2010 11:45 AM ~
To: 'Kristee Haggins' §
'Renee L6pez'; Anne Reynolds Myler; Stacy A Miller
RE: Final Debate Schedule/Contact Info I
Hi Kristee, Ii
Stacy requested the information for the Activism Team roster but the CAN Counselors were
hesitant to give her their cell phone numbers for this purpose. The numbers are only for I
Anne Myler and myself and will not go on the roster at this point. I!
Griselda ~

-----Original Message-----
From: Kristee Haggins [mailto:klhaggins@ucdavis.edul
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 11:04 AM m
To: Griselda Castro ~
Cc: 'Renee L6pez'; Anne Reynolds Myler; Stacy A Miller m
Subject: Re: Final Debate Schedule/Contact Info I


I believe Stacy gathered these earlier this summer? I'm running late to another meeting !
right now and will need to take some time to track them down during the noon hour if that is
not the case. Please let me know ...
---Kristee ~
****~************************************************* ************* W
This is a CONFIDENTIAL communication. If you have received this e-mail in error, please
notify sender and destroy
****************************************************************** 1
Kristee L. Haggins, Ph.D. i.
Associate Director, Consultation, Outreach, Peer, Education (COPE)
Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)
219 North Hall
One Shields Avenue
university of California, Davis
Davis, California 95616
Office: (530) 752-0871 ext. 28
Fax: (530) 752-9923

On Sep 28, 2010, at 10:03 AM, Griselda Castro wrote:

> Hi Kristee,
> I don't believe we will need the CAN Counselors this afternoon but would like to have their
cell phones numbers just in case. Can you please send me their cell phone numbers? Only
Anne Myler and I will keep them. Thank you.
> Griselda
> From: Anne Reynolds Myler
Gubernatorial Debate Resource Team Schedule
Tuesday, September 28
Vanderhoef Quad

1-3PM 3-5PM 5-7PM 7-9PM

Coordinators: Anne Myler Anne Myler, Anne Myler Anne Myler
Andrew Wells Andrew Wells

Resource Team: N/A Amanda Seguin Sara Hawkes Katy Maloney

N/A Kelly Cole Mark Cham~gne Don DudleL
N/A Branden Petitt (Joyce Cleaver?)

Resource Contacts
Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Tuesday, September 28,20109:45 AM
To: Fred E Wood; Lora Jo Bossio; Emily Galindo
Cc: Stacy A Miller; Janet Roche; Tzvetelina Vaskova-Totten; Katie Port
Subject: FW: Final Debate Schedule/Contact Info
Attachments: Resource Team Schedule and Contact Info.doc

FYI-Our "Student Activism Team" will on site this afternoon per the attached schedule.

Griselda ._-_._-_._..-.-_..•_ - - - -

.G_o_o.d moming team memb.ers, ..

Attached is our final schedule and cell contacts for resources and each other. Thank you again for providing support for
the debate activity today. We expect some rallies at 11am for groups that want to make the 12noon news, and then
again around 4pm, but we'll see what the day brings.

Groups have been told the campus will be flexible regarding amplified sound. Although normally requiring a permit, in
support of freedom of expression, bullhorns may be allowed until media complain that they are interfering with
broadcasts. The Communications staff should take the lead on this and Labor Relations will address unions. There will
also be some flexibility regarding structures because of the heat. If the media are allowed shade canopies, groups
coming to rally will be allowed to bring them as well. In any case, our role is not to police these issues but to observe
and report. Where students are Involved, we can find out if they have any questions .and provide information as needed
to support them and promote safety.

It will be hot, so please bring water with you. All buildings adjacent to Mondavi are likely to be locked down, so the
nearest restrooms may be the portable facilities set up behind Mondavi and Mrak Hall.

Call or text me if you have any questions and I'll see you this afternoon.


Anne Reynolds Myler

Associate Director
Campus Unions Center for Student Involvement
University of California Davis

Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Tuesday, September21, 2010 1:08 PM
To: Mitchel Benson; 'Claudia M. Morain';;;; Anne Reynolds Myler
Cc: Steven Drown; Fred E Wood; John Meyer; Joyce Souza; Annette M Spicuzza; Matthew
Carmichael; Emily Galindo; Lora Bossio; Stacy A Miller
Subject: Update: Student Activism Activity at Debate


This message just got posted to the CALPIRG website. Additionally, I just talked with our AS President and he informed
me students from UC Berkeley and around the region are expected to come to the campus during the event. He also
viewing party from Chern 194 tothe Bistro 33. They reserved the entire restaurant and Jerry Brown might join them
after the debate. If things pan out, we may have a capacity issue at Vanderhoef Quad.


This is what is posted on the Calprig website:

CALPIRG - UC Davis Chapter We're excited for the new year! There's a healthcare Press Conference on Thursday @ 11 to
educate students about how the new Healthcare plan affects them at the new Student Medical Center

Then we're hosting the first Gubernatorial Debate on Tuesday the 28th!

Come get involved!!

15 hours ago
CALPIRG - UC Davis Chapter The first debate of a hotly contested governor's race will be held at UC Davis on September

Students want their next governor to have a plan to make college affordable!

Let's make sure Meg Whitman, Jerry Brown and reporters from across California see hundreds of students outside the
debate asking for real answers o ... n higher education!

We'll have a huge screen outs',de where you can watch the debate live, and we'll be passing out t-shirts with slogans like
"Make College Affordable", "Got Loans?" and "Dude, Where's My Tuition?"

Students are coming from all over northern California for this debate. We were fortunate enough to have this at our
own school! So lets make sure the UCD Aggies are well represented!!


5:00 Rally outside the debate

(Vanderhoef Quad, east side of Mondavi Center)

6:00 Live screening

7:00 Post-debate rally

Good Morning Mitchel,

Just a gentle reminder to please add Anne Myler and me to the policy subcommittee for the
debate, I am not sure if there is a meeting tomorrow.

Thank you.


From: Anne Reynolds Myler

Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 6:52 PM
To: Griselda Castro
Cc: Brett Burnsj stacy A Miller
Subject: Debate Friday meeting, Labor Relations


I'm still not on the list for Friday debate policy meetings, but don't need to go as long as
you can pass along any updates related to protest preparation. I would like to know how
early we should be present. When does the KCRA pre-debate broadcast from Vanderhoef Quad
Since it sounds as if there will be much union activity (we were told the Nurse's union is
soliciting support from other unions), can you confirm that Labor Relations is taking the
lead on this one? I will make sure we have our team there covering students, but we won't be
able to address any issues with unions.


Anne Reynolds Myler

Interim Associate Director
Campus Unions-Center for Student Involvement University of California Davis

Mitchel Benson
Assistant Vice Chancellor for University Communications University of California, Davis
Office: (530) 752-9844
Cell: (530) 220-0863
Fax: (530) 752-4068
Email: <>
UC Davis university Communications
334 Mrak Hall
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616-8687

Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 1: 17 PM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler; Stacy A Miller
Cc: Stacy A Miller
Subject: RE: Debate meeting today


I don't think this group will have all answers. I think you and I can meet and make those
decisions based on what we know by the end of the week. By way of this email, I'll ask Stacy
to get us together on Monday or Tuesday for a phone appt or in person. I can answer the labor
relations question as soon as I hear back from Karen Hull.


-----Original Message-----
From: Anne Reynolds Myler
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2919 9:S7 AM
To: Griselda Castro; Stacy A Miller
Subject: FW: Debate meeting today

Griselda and Stacy,

Mitchel's note below says the debate meeting is today at 4pm, not Friday, and I'm sorry but
I'm unable to attend. Stacy, if you go, questions are:

Is there any update on expectations regarding possible protests?

What time should our activism team be there?
Who will be the Labor Relations person site with whom we can work?

Stacy, if you can't go, let me know and I'll forward these questions to Marj.

Anne Reynolds Myler

Interim Associate Director
Campus Unions-Center for Student Involvement University of California Davis

-----Original Message-----
From: Mitchel Benson []
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2919 9:19 AM
To: Griselda Castro
Cc: Claudia M. Morain; Marjorie M. Dickinson; Stacy A Miller; Anne Reynolds Myler
Subject: Re: Debate Friday meeting, Labor Relations

The meeting is today at 4 pm in 63 mrak

On 9/15/19 9:92 AM, "Griselda Castro" <> wrote:

Interim Associate Director
Campus Unions-Center for Student Involvement University of California Davis

Mitchel Benson
Assistant Vice Chancellor for University Communications University of California, Davis
Office: (530) 752-9844
Cell: (530) 220-0863
Fax: (530) 752-4068
Email: <>
UC Davis University Communications
.. 334--MrakHa11
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616-8687

stacy, if you can't go, let me know and I'll forward these questions to Marj.
Anne Reynolds Myler
Interim Associate Director
Campus Unions-Center for student Involvement University of California Davis

----·Original Message-----
From: Mitchel Benson []
sent: Wednesday, september 15, 2616 9:16 AM
.Io.:._Grls.eld.a.Ca stro..
(c: Claudia M. Morain; Marjorie M. Dickinson; Stacy A Miller; Anne Reynolds Myler
subject: Re: Debate Friday meeting, Labor Relations

The meeting is today at 4 pm in 63 mrak

On 9/15/16 9:62 AM, "Griselda Castro" <> wrote:

Good Morning Mitchel,
Just a gentle reminder to please add Anne Myler and me to the policy subcommittee for the
debate, I am not sure if there is a meeting tomorrow.
Thank you.

From: Anne Reynolds Myler

Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2616 6:52 PM
To: Griselda Castro
Cc: Brett Burns; Stacy A Miller
Subject: Debate Friday meeting, Labor Relations
I'm still not on the list for Friday debate policy meetings, but don't need to go as long as
you can pass along any updates related to protest preparation. I would like to know how
early we should be present. When does the KCRA pre-debate broadcast from Vanderhoef Quad
Since it sounds as if there will be much union activity (we were told the Nurse's union is
soliciting support from other unions), can you confirm that Labor Relations is taking the
lead on this one? I will make sure we have our team there covering students, but we won't be
able to address any issues with unions.
Anne Reynolds Myler
Griselda Castro

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 1: 10 PM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler
Subject: RE: Debate meeting today

Yes, please.


-----Original Message-----
From: Anne Reynolds Myler
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2919 12:13 PM
To: Stacy A Miller
G~~--Gl"iselda -Eas-t'ro--
Subject: RE: Debate meeting today

Thanks, Stacy. I will be able to attend the final meeting on Monday morning. Griselda, do
you want me to go to the logistics meeting on Tuesday morning, 9/21?

Anne Reynolds Myler
Interim Associate Director
Campus Unions-Center for Student Involvement University of California Davis

-----Original Message-----
From: Stacy A Miller
Sent: wednesday, September 15, 2919 19:99 AM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler; Griselda Castro
Subject: RE: Debate meeting today

Hi Anne,
I can attend.

-----Original Message-----
From: Anne Reynolds Myler
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2919 9:57 AM
To: Griselda Castro; Stacy A Miller
Subject: FW: Debate meeting today

Griselda and Stacy,

Mitchel's note below says the debate meeting is today at 4pm, not Friday, and I'm sorry but
I'm unable to attend. Stacy, if you go, questions are:
Is there any update on expectations regarding possible protests?
what time should our activism team be there?
who will be the Labor Relations person site with whom we can work?
• Justin is also a graduating senior double majoring in Philosophy and
Political Science. He has interned for Los Angeles City
Councilmember Jack Weiss and for Congressmen Brad Sherman
through the UC Washington DC Program and served as ASUCD
Senator in 2009-2010.

• As I turn the mic over to Melissa and Justin, I would like to thank
everyone again for your hard work, your collegiality and your support.
I wish you all the best throughout the new academic year. Melissa
and Justin, it all yours ...

the first week of October. I want to especially thank Anne Myler
for her work in helping me coordinate this effort, and again,
everyone that has stepped up to help us with this important
divisional endeavor.

• In another effort to make our campus work for all students, I

want to also let you know the Chancellor will be commissioning
a faculty, staff, and student workgroupto help us better assist
AS 540 students under the leadership of StUdent Affairs. We are
anticipating a California Supreme Court ruling on the legal challenge
to our state in-state tuition law following oral arguments scheduled for
October 5th but either way, our work will continue.

• Lastly, I want to share with you something else I am very excited

about in the coming year .... our 2010-11 Student Assistants to the
Chancellor! They are truly exemplary student leaders and I am very
excited about working with them. At this time, I would like to
introduce Melissa Muganzo and Justin Gold and welcome them
to podium. Melissa is a graduating senior majoring in
Community and Regional Development with a minor in Social
and Ethnic Relations. She recently served as the Retention
Coordinator for ACE in the Student Recruitment and Retention
Center and served on the Chancellor'S Undergraduate Student
AdviSOry Board. She has been involved in many campus
organizations and volunteer activities. She is also a talented Nigerian
dancer and choreographer!
to reduce incidents of hate, bias and intolerance on campus
now. I want to let you know that the University of California has
developed a new a systemwide uniform "Campus Climate
Reporting" system to track, record, and respond to incidents of
hate and bias on all ten campuses. Student Affairs will be teaming
with the Office of Campus and Community Relations in receiving and
relaying the reports to the appropriate departments for investigation
anclaaron.We will be undergoing tra[nil1g for this-endeavor ill the
coming weeks and I will keep you posted once the campus protocol is

• Lastly, we want to recognize that freedom of expression is not only

essential to our democracy as a nation but an important learning
opportunity for our students even when manifested in student
activism. Our primary role in Student Affairs is to support
freedom of expression, promote campus safety and educate
students about the rights and responsibilities that come with
freedom of expression. Towards that end, over the summer
months, we have put together a "Student Activism or Freedom of
Expression Resource Team" (the team is still working on the name)
and I want to thank everyone in the division that volunteered to
participate in this important workgroupl I also want to thank the
supervisors who supported your participation. For all the things Fred
mentioned, we think it's going to be another challenging year and we
couldn't get through it without your help. We recently concluded two
half days of training and will be partiCipating in a two hour workshop
on "Understanding the First Amendment" with Campus Council during
earlier than expected if all continues to go well. The underground
infrastructure preparation for the site has gone very well and faster
than expected due to no surprises underground. I am especially
thankful for the good work and positive energy of our building
contractor, Flinco. The SCC is indeed good news and something to
look forward to as the year progresses. As early as the middle of
next year, the Cross Cultural Center, the LGBT Resource Center and
ffieStudent Recruitment Center (in-partnership with Women's
Resources and Research Center) will have new and improved space
from which to build community and collaborate across communities.
Leadership and student development opportunities will be
enhanced by collaboration with the Undergraduate Research
Center to be located in the second floor of the building. This
configuration of services will create expanded opportunities for
diverse students to succeed academically, to participate in
undergraduate research, and break open pathways to graduate and
professional education. The Student Community Center will include a
small cafe, community kitchen, 24 hr study lounge, an lET Media lab
and a quiet reflection room and garden. I like to think that the
Student Community Center will expand the heart of the campus
both literally and figuratively and I can't wait to welcome all of
you to the grand opening!

• While the Student Community Center will provide the campus

with another opportunity to bring our Principles of Community
to everyday life, we must re-dedicate ourselves as a community
Student Affairs Fall Gathering
September 16, 2010
Freeborn Hall

Griselda Castro Remarks

• Colleagues, welcome back! Welcome to the 2010-11 academic year!

.. Iwouldlike-to-builda-littleon-f're-ct'sremarks: ····In-delrd;-tnetimes····
make it necessary for us rebuild and reinvent our division. For
those of you that have been here as long I have, I know it's hard not
to look back on what has been familiar and comfortable in the past
and at times, long for "the way we were". But as Fred has so
eloquently illustrated, the past cannot be our future. Together,
we must be creative, we must be strong, and we must be
resourceful architects of change in a changing world. I would
like to share with you where we are with some innovative approaches
toward building inclusive learning communities that allow our
students to grow, learn, and develop the leadership skills necessary
for today's fast paced and complex global community.

• If you have walked over to the Silo neighborhood for lunch lately, you
may have noticed the construction site in motion for the new Student
Community Center. Since students voted to tax themselves for this
facility in 2004, the building has been in the works through a
community vetting process and is finally becoming a reality! The
building was originally slated to open in spring 2012. However, I am
happy to report that we are ahead of schedule and may actually open
Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Thursday, September 16,20101:58 PM
To: Fred E Wood; Emily Galindo; Lori Hubbard
Cc: Stacy A Miller; Janet Roche; Tzvetelina Vaskova-Totten; Katie Port
Subject: FW: Griselda's Fall Gathering Talking Points 2010.docx
Attachments: Griselda's Fall Gathering talking points 201 O.docx


Please replace my remarks with this updated version. I did some minor edits and cleaned it up a bit.



From: Stacy A Miller

Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 1:07 PM
To: Griselda Castro
Subject: PIN: Griselda's Fall Gathering Talking Points 2010.docx

From: Stacy A Miller

Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 9:20 AM
To: Fred E Wood; Emily Galindo; Lora Jo Bossio
Cc: Janet Roche; Tzvetelina Vaskova-Totten; Katie Port
Subject: Griselda's Fall Gathering Talking Points 2010.docx

Dear All,

Attached are Griselda's talking points for this afternoon.

Thank you,

-----_ ... -----------_.
From: Janet Roche
__ ._---_.------_._--._-- -----'------
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 10:58 AM
To: Emily Galindo; Lora Jo Bossio; Griselda castro
Cc: Tzvetelina Vaskova-Totten; Katie Port; Stacy A Miller
Subject: Student Affairs Fall Gathering Speech 2010.docx
Importance: High

Dear AVes,.

Fred has asked me to send his speech for tomorrow's Fall Gathering to you for final review. Please send any comments
to me no later than 5:00 today. After that time no changes will be made.

Please note that we have only inserted Emily's draft talking points into this document; if I receive any more I will drop
them in as well.


Janet Roche
Student Affairs

Griselda Castro
From: Janet Roche
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 3:08 PM
To: Griselda Castro
Subject: RE: Student Affairs Fall Gathering Speech 2010.docx

Importance: High

Follow Up Flag: Follow up

Flag Status: Flagged

Thanks so much for your prompt response, Griselda!

... IhanksJof-youf.comments-lthinkit's.going-to·bean interestingpresentation-this-year,lam-curious-tosee-the-turnout···

and the responses we get.


Janet Roche
Student Affairs

From: Griselda castro

Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 20102:58 PM
To: Janet Roche
Cc: Fred E Wood; Stacy A Miller; Emily Galindo; Lora Jo Bossio
Subject: FW: Student Affairs Fall Gathering Speech 2010.docx
Importance: High


Fred's comments look good! I know the section about his Dad's view of work is important to him so he should keep it. I
am sure he is aware of this, but I can see a single parent working in an entry level job (for example) feeling offended.
They may feel they don't have the lUxury to see work as a volunteer activity.

I will pick up the comments on the Student Community Center on the last page of Emily's comments per our discussion
at AVC today. Here are the bullet points for my part:

• Student Community Center Construction Project Update

• .hank the "Student Activism Team" volunteers, and give an overview of the team goals and training efforts for
the year
• Introduce the systemwide Bias Reporting website and campus protocol to come
• Introduce the 2010-11 Student Assistants to the Chancellor (Melissa and Justin)

Melissa and Justin will introduce themselves and mention one project or goal they are excited about this year.

That's it for me. I will write out the talking points tonight. Thanks.


responsible for receiving, reviewing, and forwarding the
complaint to the appropriate person or office for
investigating. I imagine that this would be no different
than what is currently in place when complaints are
registered with the OP site. We just need you to describe
your process so that we are able to articulate it to key
constituencies when asked.

Please send your outreach and communication plan and your

process for handling complaints to George and cc me before
Wednesday, August 18?

You should expect to hear from me again regarding additional

important inf0l1llatioIl~b()utcan1PI)sreqllireIl1entsJortlJel'roject.

Finally, as we get closer to the launch date, the President will be

sending to the Chancellors information about the CanJpus Climate
Report form/website, including his expectations about
communicating to the campus community and its implementation.
You will be copied on that communication.

Thank you for your assistance and please do not hesitate to reply or
call with your questions. I expect as much given the wealth of
information presented here. Again, thank you.


----.- End of Forwarded Message

- soon after the semester campuses are in session and before the
quarter campuses begin.

Here are a few important items requiring your attention:

• Please complete the attached Case Assignment grid, which

asks you to identify individuals (staff, faculty,
administrators) on your qunpus who should be "notified"
when a case has been submitted, and those individuals who
should have "access" to the reporting information.

• Notify means that you will receive an email alert informing

you that a complaint has been filed.

-Access-means that you will be able to access the incident

fonn/website to review the case and monitor the response.
For example, a police department representative should be
automatically notified when issue types that are illegal,
such as physical violence, vandalism, etc. are filed. You
would want to check with the Police Chiefs regarding who
they want to be listed for those particular issue types.
Similarly, if an issue type involves staff, someone from
HR might be automatically notified, and perhaps have
access; and iffaculty, someone from the Provost's office. I
imagine that if sexual harassment/assault cases are
reported, the Title IX staff might be included to receive
automatic notices and access, depending on how your
Office currently handles such cases.

• The person responsible for the investigation, if one is

warranted, should have access, though you are allowed to
put as many names in the "access" and "notify" column as
you wish. And, since we here at OP manage these
designations, we can update as frequently as you need.
Please return the completed grid to and cc me before

Friday, August 13.

• The Provost is asking for your plans for outreach and

communication to the campus community that will inform
them of the existence and expected use ofthe reporting
form. You might consider: tabling at welcome week
activities (we have sample flyers if you're interested),
information on your student portals and campus websites,
including HR, Equity & Inclusion, and other related sites.

• The Provost also wants to know what your process will be

for handling complaints. Based on our conversations with
staff, we understand that there is generally one point of
contact in the Vice Chancellors' office who is currently
I came into to the office and am meeting with Rahim at 11:00 am. The Police Chief is away on vacation but I will try to
reach the Captain after I speak with Rahim. In the past, these types of complaints have been filed with the Office for
Campus Climate and Community. I will be in touch shortly.


From: Fred E Wood

Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 9:04 AM
To: 'Jerlena Griffin-Oesta'
Cc: George Zamora; Griselda Castro; Stacy A Miller
Subject: RE: Action Required: Campus Climate Report Form

I have asked Griselda to take the lead in responding, and we are presently both on vacation. (I am especially glad that
Griselda has managed to get away for an extended period as she was about to lose both furlough and vacation time.) 1
am confident that Griselda will respond after she returns from vacation next week. Thank you.


From: Jerlena Griffin-Desta [mailto:jerlena.griffin~esta@ucop.edul

Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 8:28 AM
To: Fred E Wood; Griselda Castro
Cc: George Zamora
Subject: FW: Action Required: Campus Climate Report Form
Importance: High

Good morning Fred and Griselda,

Just checking in to see the status of this request. Please contact me if you have any questions.

------ FOIWarded Message

From: Jerlena Griffm-Desta <>
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 201019:55:15 -0700
To: "VCSA-L@LISTSERV. EDU" <VCSA-L@LlSTSERV.UCOP.EDU>, Assistant/Associate Vice
Chancellors for Student Life/Deans of Students <AVC-DOS-L@LISTSERV.UCOP.EDU>, George Zamora
Conversation: Action Required: Campus Climate Report Form
Subject: Action Required: Campus Climate Report Form


The Campus Climate Reporting website is in its final stages of

development. Thanks to you and your staffs for providing very
useful feedback, which served to strengthen both the quality of the
reporting information and the ease of the website's navigation.
The projected "go live" date for the project is September 1, 2010

Griselda Castro
From: Fred E Wood
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 5:03 PM
To: Griselda Castro
Subject: RE: Acfion Required: Campus Climate Report Form

Hi Griselda,

Yes, it seems to be heating up earlier every year. I'll look forward to seeing you in about a week, if I can stay away that

How about "Student Activism Team" (SAT)?

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:11 PM
To: Fred E Wood
Subject: RE: Action Required; Campus Oimate Report Form

Hi Fred,

No problem. Summer is pretty much over---I attend the STEP Parent Luncheon on Saturday and the "Fireside Chat" last
night. I have also been working with Anne on the Activism Response Team. We are thinking of changing the name to
the "Student Activism Support Team" or the "Freedom of Expression Support Team". At UC Irvine, they have recently
constituted a "Freedom of Expression Advocacy Team". This sounds a little more positive. What do you think?

I hope you are enjoying your time in Oregon and not spending too much time on the computer. I came into to meet
with Rahim on the BSU proposal and the Campus Climate Report FC?rm. The Chancellor has commissioned him to roll
out a "Hate Free Campus Initiative"•.. .lots to talk about when you get back.

From: Fred E Wood
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 11 ;01 AM
To: Griselda Castro
Subject: RE: Action Required; Campus Climate Report Form


I am very sorry you are having to work on this while "on vacation"! Thank you.


From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 10:54 AM
To: Fred E Wood; 'Jerlena Griffin-Desta'
Cc: George Zamora; Stacy A Miller
Subject: RE; Action Required; Campus Climate Report Form

Dear Jerlena and Fred,

Griselda Castro
From: Donald Dudley
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 8:29 AM
To: Griselda Castro
Cc: Stacy A Miller
Subject: Recent 3rd Circuit case regarding overbroad speech codes


The court case referenced In the following article regarding the University of Virgin Islands Code of Conduct includes a
good discussion of the importance of free speech in higher education Including expression that one would conSider to be
highly offensive. The University of California Policy on Student Conduct has mostly limited its codes not to be found as
"speech codes" but a summary of the court case could be useful for the Activism Response Team. I would be glad to
summarize some of this information.

Appeals Court Rejects Speech Code

The u.s. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit on Wednesday rejected as unconstitutional several parts of the code of
conduct for students at the University of the Virgin Islands. Specifically, the court rejected bans on "offensive" speech and
on language that causes "emotional distress," finding that such regulations were far too broad, and could easily limit
legitimate freedom of expression. The ruling was consistent with other federal appeals courts rulings, which have
generally barred public universities from regulating similar categories of speech.

Donald Dudley
Interim Director
Student Judicial Affairs
3200 Dutton Hall
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616

(530) 752-1128 (main office number)
(530) 754-6195 (fax)

THIS MESSAGE IS A CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION and intended only for the use of the individual(s) to whom it is
addressed. It should not be shown to anyone not employed by the University and should be shown to University
employees on a legitimate educational interest basis only. If you have any questions regarding confidentiality, please
contact me.

who will be attending the Summit.

Please could you designate a representative from Student Affairs to join our planning group meetings on Fridays at 2:00
in the board room of Gallagher Hall? We'd like to include someone from your shop who can advise on the feasibility of
the idea, etc. Your designee should contact my assistant, Nancy, about joining the email list for the planning group.

Best regards,


Steven C. Currall
Dean and Professor of Management
Graduate School of Management
University of California, Davis
Personal: I
Assistant: Nancy Enomoto
530.752.4600 I email:

Cc: Janet Roche
Subject: RE: Governor's Global Climate Solutions Conference - student attendees


Do we have time to discuss this at AVC? I am happy to help but wonder if we should include someone like Mark
Champagne given ASUCD programs on the environment. Do you know if the Governor plans to attend? If so, we should
prepare for possible activism.


From: Fred E Wood

Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:29 PM
To: Emily Galindo; Griselda Castro; Lora Jo Bosslo
Cc: Janet Roche
Importance: High

Dear Colleagues,

I do think being involved in this international conference could be a great opportunity for our students. Who would be
the appropriate representative to attend these meetings in the long run and who might be able to attend the meeting
on Friday? Thank you.


From: Fred E Wood

Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:26 PM
To: Steven C. Currall
Cc: Janet Roche
Subject: RE: Governor's Global Climate Solutions Conference - student attendees


It is good to hear from you and thank you for possibly involving our students. This would appear to be a fabulous
opportunity for our students. Let me confer with my folks about the best person to be involved in the long run, and to
be sure that we have someone join your meeting this Friday if only as a temporary representative. Janet Roche will
contact Nancy as soon as we have additional information. Thank you.


From: Steven C. Currall

Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 9:31 PM
To: Fred E Wood
Cc: Anya Reid; Nancy K Enomoto
Subject: Governor's Global Climate Solutions Conference - student attendees


I hope that you are well. I am leading the planning group for the upcoming Governor's Global Climate Summit at UC
Davis, 15-16 November.

The planning group had an idea of involving students as ambassadors for the 500-600 delegates from around the world
Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Thursday, July 29,2010 1:55 PM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler
Subject: RE: Governor's Global Climate Solutions Conference - student attendees

Great, thanks Anne. Enjoy your vacation!

From: Anne Reynolds Myler
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 11:16 AM
To: Griselda Castro
-Subjectf-RE:Governor's-Global-elimateSolutionsConference--student· attendees""

Thanks. I've got Nov. 15-16 on my calendar. Once we have more info, we can prepare a response team plan.

Anne Reynolds Myler

Interim Associate Director
Campus Unions-Center for Student Involvement
University of California Davis

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 9:54 AM
To: An ne Reynolds Myler
Subject: FW: Governor's Global Climate Solutions Conference - student attendees



From: Fred E Wood

Sent: Wednesday, July 28,2010 7:14 PM
To: Griselda Castro
ee: Janet Roche; Emily Galindo; Lora Jo Bossio
Subject: RE: Governor's Global Climate Solutions Conference - student attendees


Yes, I am certain the Governor will be in attendance and so we should prepare for activism. Mark may well be the best
longer-term candidate to represent us, but would you be able to attend this first meeting so we can better understand
the event and their plans for students? Thank you.


--- ---------
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 2:19 PM
To: Fred E Wood; Emily Galindo; Lora Jo Bossio
Claudia Morain
News Service Director
University Communications
UC Davis
From: Griselda Castro fmallto:gcastro@ucdavis.edul
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 3: 10 PM
To: Fred E Wood; Lora Jo Bosslo; Emily Galindo
Cc: Janet A. Roche; Stacy A Miller; Katie Port; Ellen Yoshimura; Annette M Spicuzza; Joyce Souza; Claudia M. Morain
Subject: FW: October 7 Resource Team Schedule


Attached is the Student Activism Team volunteer schedule for tomorrow. At this point, we think the rally will begin
around 12:30 at Quad and we'll see where things go from there. The facebook page indicates the activity will be from
12:30 pm to 10:00 pm but it's hard to tell ifthe students are ramped up this early inthe year for an action thatl()rlg.l,Iv"~
-snoullfoejfrejfarea-foTasnLifaowifortnefi-fth floor: --- - --- ---- ------- --- - - - - - - - -

Again, the role of the team is simply to observe, listen, answer any questions students may have and point out any
safety issues. Anne will be in communication with me throughout the day. I will be in communication with Fred and
Chief Spicuzza. Please let me know if you have any questions.



Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 6:56 PM
To: 'Claudia M. Morain'
Cc: Julia Ann Easley
Subject: RE: October 7 Resource Team Schedule

Great! Thank you, Claudia. I will copy Julia Anne in any correspondence that may go tomorrow.


From: Claudia M, Morain [mailto:cmmoraln@ucdavis.edul

Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 6:44 PM
Cc: Julia Ann Easley
Subject: RE: October 7 Resource Team Schedule

Thanks, Griselda. I meant to cc Julia Ann on my e-mail to you. Can you please include her in additional e-mails about
tomorrow's activities? (I have been trying to protect her time so that she can do some heavy lifting on Shared Services,
but it's important that she is in the protest loop - and it looks like she has managed Shared Services work so well that
she will be available tomorrow should PIR help be needed - which is a huge relief for me!).

-- Claudia

Claudia Morain
News Service Director
University Communications
UC Davis
. _ - - ._._..... _ - - - - - - - - - _ . --_ ... _-
From: Griselda castro [mailto:gcastro@ucdavis.edul
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 6:39 PM
To: Claudia M, Morain; Fred E Wood; Lora Jo Bossio; Emily Galindo
Cc: Janet A. Roche; Stacy A Miller; Katie Port; Ellen Yoshimura; Annette M Spicuzza; Joyce Souza
Subject: RE: October 7 Resource Team Schedule

Thank you, Claudia. I will be in touch if any media arrive.


From: Claudia M. Morain [malllo:cmmorain@ucdavis.edul

Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 6:29 PM
To: Griselda castro; Fred E Wood; Lora Jo Bossio; Emily Galindo
Cc: Janet Roche; Stacy A Miller; Katie Port; Ellen Yoshimura; Annette M Spicuzza; Joyce Souza
Subject: RE: October 7 Resource Team Schedule

Thanks, Griselda. Julia Ann Easley and I are available to help with any media issues.

-- Claudia

Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 5:10 PM
To: Eric Heng
cc: Fred E Wood; Anne Reynolds Myler; Manl Stratton; Annette M Spicuzza
Subject: Campus Plans for October 7


Per your request, I am providing the information requested for October 7th. So far, not much information is
available. However, the campus temperature is running high following an incident of vandalism
on a historical multicultural mural at the campus Memorial Union and that may feed interest in
the Day of Action. A general assembly of students has been called for Monday, October 4, at
.......... lpm-outsideWellman-l-fall-to-plan-Qctober-7-aGtivitiesand-wewill-know-more-by'Fuesday;As····
plans are not likely to be communicated on the usuallistservs, Student Affairs staff and Labor
Relations will rely on informal communication networks. We are also monitoring Facebook
and website announcements to get a better idea of activities for the day as they develop.

During the summer months, Student Affairs commissioned a student activism team to assist
us with student demonstrations and protests. We have held two half-day training sessions
already and will hold a First Amendment training next week. The team will be activated and
present at activities throughout the Day of Action on October 7. The team will be in place to
listen, educate and advice students in support of freedom of expression, and to provide
communication in support of campus efforts to maintain safety and prevent disruption of
normal campus activities. We will finalize the shift schedule for our 16 member resource
team by Tuesday of next week. We will follow our activism response protocol: Andrew Wells
and Anne Myler will coordinate the volunteers throughout the day as needed and stay in
communication with me. I will keep Vice Chancellor Wood and the AVC team informed
throughout the day, and the campus leadership team will be in place to make decisions as
issues arise throughout the day. At this point, we don't anticipate this happening, but if the
event were to become larger than expected and students were to attempt unsafe tactics (such
as getting on a freeway), we will activate the Emergency Operations Center. The resource
team will have an emergency contact list for campus resources from Police, Labor Relations,
Campus Counsel and Student Affairs, including CAPS and our Community Network
Counselors. As always, we will work in collaboration with Police and other campus staff on
site as needed. Based on present information we will handle things in a similar fashion to
March 4 (e.g., if students march through classroom buildings or the library or occupy a bus
terminal area, will we just keep them moving rather than block access). I hope this is helpful.


Griselda Castro
Assistant Vice Chancellor--Student Affairs

infonnation you have regarding student activities
planned for that day, and any infonnation regarding
administrative plans in preparation for anticipated
student activities..

We have been asked to deliver this infonnation to

the President before the close of business tomorrow
(Friday) and therefore would appreciate your
prompt response ASAP.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


and protests. We held two half-day training sessions already
and will hold a First Amendment training next week. The team
will be activated and present at activities throughout the Day of
Action on October 7. The team will be be in place to listen,
educate and advice students in support of freedom of
expression, and to provide communication in support of campus
efforts to maintain safety and prevent disruption of normal
campus activities. We will finalize the shift schedule for our 16
member resource team. We will follow our activism response
protocol: Andrew Wells and Anne Myler will coordinate the
volunteers throughout the day as needed and stay in
communication with me. I will keep the Vice Chancellor and the
AVC Team informed throughout the day, and the campus
leadership team will be in place to make decisions as issues
arise throughout the day. At this point, we don't anticipate this
... happeiiing~but if theevenTwereto-liecomelarger-than
expected and attempt unsafe tactics (such as getting on a
freeway), we will activate the Emergency Operations Center.
The resource team will have an emergency contact list for
campus resources from Police, labor Relations, Campus Counsel
and Student Affairs, including CAPS and Community Network
Counselors. As always, we will work in collaboration with
Police and other campus staff on site as needed.

Based on present information we will handle things in a similar

fashion to March 4 (e.g., if students march through classroom
buildings or the library or occupy a bus terminal area, will we
just keep them moving rather than block access).

I hope this is helpful.

Griselda Castro

Assistant Vice Chancellor--Student Affairs

Begin forwarded message:

From: Eric Heng <Eric.Heng@UCOP.EDU>

Date: September 30, 2010 4:17:55 PM PD
Subject: URGENT: October 7th Day of Protest
Reply-To: Eric Heng <Eric.Heng@UCOP.EDU>



The President has requested infonnation regarding

the October 7th Day of Protest. Please send
Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Friday, October 01,20104:49 PM
To: Stacy A Miller
Subject: Re: Revision to Response for UCOP re Oct. 7

Thanks Stacy. Please delete last sentence starting with "Based on present.... "


Sent from my iPad

On Oct I, 2010, at 4:41 PM, "Stacy A Miller" <>\Vl'0te:

I will check for his revisions and add them into yours and re-send.

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 4:45 PM
To: Fred E Wood
Cc: Stacy A Miller; Janet Roche
Subject: Re: Revision to Response for UCOP re Oct. 7

Sent from my iPad

On Oct I, 2010, at 4:35 PM, "Fred E Wood" <> wrote:


I just talked with Griselda and she asked me to look this over and send any revisions to
you. Please send this final version to Eric before 5 PM. Thank you.


So far, not much information is available on the October 7 Day

of Action plans at UC Davis. However, the campus temperature
is running high following an incident of vandalism on a historical
multicultural mural on the campus union and that may feed an
interest in the Day of Action. A general assembly of stUdents
has been called for Monday, October 4, at 7pm outside
Wellman Hall to plan October 7 activities and we will know
more by Tuesday. As plans are not likely to be communicated
on the usuallistservs, Student Affairs staff and Labor Relations
will rely on informal communication networks. We are also
monitoring Facebook and website announcements to get a
better idea of activities for the day as they develop.

During the summer months, Student Affairs commissioned a

student activism team to assist us with student demonstrations
I am sorry to take more of your time but we have another request from UCOP. Can you send me
the tentative plan for our "Student Freedom of Expression" team response for October 7? UCOP
wants to know the preparation plans by tomorrow.


Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: Eric Heng <Eric.Heng@UCOP.EDU>

Date: September 30,2010 4:17:55 PM PD
Subject: URGENT: October 7th Day of Protest
Reply-To: Eric Heng <Eric.Heng@UCOP.EDU>



The President has requested information regarding the October 7th Day of Protest.
Please send information you have regarding student activities planned for that
day, and any information regarding administrative plans in preparation for
anticipated student activities.

We have been asked to deliver this information to the President before the close
of business tomorrow (Friday) and therefore would appreciate your prompt
response ASAP.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


As we monitor Facebook and website announcements to get a better idea of activities for the day, we will finalize the
shift schedule for our 16 member resource team. We will follow our activism response protocol: Andrew Wells and I
will coordinate throughout the day in communication with you and the AVC team. I assume Fred will have the campus
leadership team in place to make decisions as issues arise throughout the day. You can indicate whether we will activate
the Emergency Operations Center. The resource team will have an emergency contact list for campus resources from
Police, labor Relations, Campus Counsel and Student Affairs, including CAPS and CAN counselors. As always, we will
work in collaboration with Police and other campus staff on site.

A general assembly of students has been called for Monday, October 4, at 7pm outside Wellman Hall to plan October 7
activities. As plans are not likely to be communicated on the usuallistservs, Student Affairs staff and labor Relations can
be asked to report everything they hear to you so that we can be prepared to support students and maintain safety. If
there are faculty teach-ins or walkouts, we should expect to hear announcements about them soon.

I also assume Student Affairs will consult with Police and the leadership team in advance to confirm whether we will
handle things in a similar fashion to March 4 (e.g., if students march through classroom buildings or the library or occupy
a bus terminal area, will we just keep them movingrather 11:!<L'lbloclLa~cessJ.-JLYDu-thinkUCOP-wants-to-knowtoday
'-h<:>wtne carirpLiswilrs-upport or-respond to-ie-riain activities, that will require a leadership team decision.

Please let me know if you need more information for the response. Also, can you ask Stacy to forward links to any
announcements your staff finds?


Anne Reynolds Myler

Associate Director
Campus Unions Center for Student Involvement
University of California Davis

From: Brett Burns

-----------------_._--_._--._-_ .. _,.-_..•
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 7:25 PM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler
Subject: Fwd: URGENT: October 7th Day of Protest

Let me know how I can help.

Brett Burns

Begin forwarded message:

From: Griselda Castro <>

Date: September 30, 2010 5:03:00 PM PDT
To: Anne Reynolds Myler <>
Cc: Stacy A Miller <>
Subject: Fwd: URGENT: October 7th Day of Protest

Hi Ann,

Griselda Castro
From: Anne Reynolds Myler
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 12:37 PM
To: Griselda Castro; Brett Burns
Cc: 'Wells, Andrew'; Stacy A Miller
Subject: Revision to Response for UCOP re Oct. 7


How about this per Brett's feedback that it's not the resource team's role to maintain safety and prevent disruption:

The team will be in place to listen, educate and advise students in support offreedom of expression, and to provide
communication in support of campus efforts to maintain safety and prevent disruption of normal campus activities.


Anne Reynolds Myler

Associate Director
Campus Unions Center for Student Involvement
University of California Davis
- _ . _ - - - - ---------,._-,---------_._--
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 12:00 PM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler; Brett E\urns
Ce: 'Wells, Andrew'; Stacy A Miller
Subject: RE: URGENT: October 7th Day of Protest


Thank you. This is a good starting point for the information I will be providing to UCOP. We haven't had time to finalize
the name of team yet but the work is the most important thing. Feel free to call if on my cell if you need to reach me for

Thanks again.


From: Anne Reynolds Myler

Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 9:24 AM
To: Brett Burns; Griselda Castro
Ce: 'Wells, Andrew'
Subject: RE: URGENT: October 7th Day of Protest

Griselda and Brett,

The Freedom of Expression Resource Team will be activated and present at activities throughout the Day of Action on
October 7. We will be in place to support freedom of expression, maintain safety and assist in preventing disruption of
normal campus activities. Discretion will be required in the implementation oftime, place and manner regulations to
achieve our goal of supporting freedom of expression and safety.

We have been asked to deliver this information to the President before the close
of business tomorrow (Friday) and therefore would appreciate your prompt
response ASAP.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Anne Reynolds Myler
Associate Director
Campus Unions Center for Student Involvement
University of California Davis

From: Brett Burns

Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 7:25 PM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler
Subject: Fwd: URGENT: October 7th Day of Protest

Let me know how I can help.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Griselda Castro <>

Date: September 30, 2010 5:03:00 PM PDT
To: Anne Reynolds Myler <>
Cc: Stacy A Miller <>
Subject: Fwd: URGENT: October 7th Day of Protest

Hi Ann,

I am sorry to take more of your time but we have another request from UCOP. Can you send me
the tentative plan for our "Student Freedom of Expression" team response for October 7? UCOP
wants to know the preparation plans by tomorrow.


Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: Eric Heng <Eric.Heng@UCOP.EDU>

Date: September 30,20104:17:55 PM PD
Subject: URGENT: October 7th Day of Protest
Reply-To: Eric Heng <Eric.Heng@UCOP.EDU>



The President has requested infonnation regarding the October 7th Day of Protest.
Please send infonnation you have regarding student activities planned for that
day, and any infonnation regarding administrative plans in preparation for
anticipated student activities.

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