DD1 Practice Activities - Answers

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Practice Activity for DD 1.1 to 1.

Gery J. Sumual (01123574291-53)

1.1 Introduction to the Oracle Academy

Try It / Solve It:
1. Business programmer:
a. They maintain existing systems, maintain and document SQL code to produce monthly
web reports, and also analyze, design, develop and test Pl/SQL packages, functions and
procedures for data manipulation.
b. They have to have analytical and detail-oriented thinking, and also troubleshooting skills
for problem solving. The technical skills that are required are fluency in mysql, java,
javascript, and php. Business programmer also must have good communication skills in
order to communicate effectively with stakeholders, managers, and other workers.
c. The physical demands of the job are to sit for long periods of time, repeat the same
movements, use hands to handle, control, or feel objects, tools, or controls. It is also
important to be able to see details of objects that are less than a few feet away,
understand the speech of another person, speak clearly, focus on one source of sound
and ignore others, and see differences between colors, shades, and brightness.
d. Most Business programmers job required a bachelor degree in either computer science,
business, information technology, or any related field. It doesn’t necessarily require a
training but it does require a good experience gained from previously related job in which
a training might be required.
e. There is currently a similar job opening of a programmer in PT Murni Solusindo Nusantara
that I inquired from jobstreet.com
f. Virtually every kind of business that deals with decent amount of data from which a
conclusion can be acquired that would be of benefit to the business.
g. The range of its monthly salary is between Rp 8 million and Rp 12 million.
h. There is currently an entry-level job opening in CPNS formation in KEMKOMINFO that
have similar description to a business programmer which named data and information
2. Taking and completing all the courses in this academy would be a valuable asset to start with
in order to pave the way into the business programmer career. It would equip students with
technical, business, and logic skills to pursue a wide range of opportunities in the related field
out there in the world.
1.2 Data Vs. Information
Vocabulary: Database, Data, Information
Try It / Solve It:
1. Gender, test scores, grades, disciplinary behavior, achievements, attendance, family
background, etc. Information that could be gathered using all these data are the students’
future academic and professional prospects, and also the qualification of each student for
(not limited to) scholarship, acceleration class, and dropout intervention,
2. Online database reviewed is http://www.historyworld.net:
a. The data of global disease pandemic like the black plague, spain flu, or the recently
SARS, MERS and swine flu can be used as reflection for the current pandemic in many
kind of ways that are helpful.
b. Data collections of this type is very important, history is the thing that define humanity
and the reason we are the fittest to survive so far, history prepares us for what comes
3. Information gleaned from the data of the top 10 highest rated movie on IMDb site:
a. Until now, there is no movie rated in the range perfect 10 by them, which differs from
other movie database websites like rotten tomatoes or Metacritic.
b. There is no movie from the last ten years
c. All of them are Hollywood titles
d. No female director in any of them
e. There are no standalone movies from the year 2000 onward, all of them are part of
4. Example of data becomes information in:
a. Film/movie industry: the list of holidays can be used to decide when a studio release a
movie, actor popularity, or director achievement can act as leverage for the movie
they’re in.
b. Hospital/healthcare: blood check result helps in determining disease, patient’s data
help the doctor to diagnose and prescribe drugs

5. From the lunchroom data report:

a. It means that data was taken from five consecutive days in a week, and the
Hamburger/Taco bar is the most demanding food in the lunchroom
b. Each day sales of three type of lunch and the number of student and faculty/staff that
bought any of them in the lunchroom
c. Most sales are on the first day of the week, then decreasing as the week goes.
d. By reading the report, they can adjust accordingly the food supply each day of a week to
minimize loss
e. Healthy is not popular, and therefore not satisfying for most people; the last day of the
week has the least amount of customer.
f. How many students that bought each type of lunch every day?; How many staff that
bought each type of lunch every day?

1.3 History of database

Vocabulary: Table instance chart, primary key, foreign key, nulls, unique, data type.
Try it/ Solve it:
1. 1960’s: computer becomes cost-effective for private companies, and the storage capacity
1980’s: SQL emerged as the intergalactic standard
1990’s: Industry shakeout begins, few companies survive including Oracle.
2000’s: As the information and communication technology advances, database application
follows. The examples are online commercial websites like amazon, google, and yahoo, also
the governmental and institutional systems.
2. False
3. Two important historical contributions in database development and design are, first, the
relational model (Codd, 1972) that disconnects logical organization from the physical storage
of data. The second, entity-relationship model (Chenn, 1976) for database design.
4. The first two major tasks in building a database are gathering the data and information
about which the database will be built upon, and then creating and refining a corresponding
data model to finally be used for realizing the physical form of the database, preferably with
1.4 Major Transformations in Computing
Vocabulary: hardware, grid computing, software, mainframe, operating system, application,
client, server.
Try it/Solve it:
1. A definition and an example of hardware, operating system, and software:
a. Hardware is the instrument to computer programs, much like the piano to the sonata.
For example, the central processing unit or CPU, the graphical processing unit or GPU,
the memory like RAM or SSD, Wi-Fi card, etc.
b. Operating System is the software that operates its underlying hardware. Examples are
Windows, Android, Chrome, etc.
c. Software is the set of instructions that tell the hardware of the computer what to do,
enabling the computer to be programmable. The examples are operating systems and
2. The service repair company can now provide their service through a phone application, in
which, a potential consumer can easily and remotely contact the company. When a service
repair commences, the company can tell the progress to the customers through the phone
app and keep them in touch.
3. Three e-businesses that use database software:
a. Tokopedia: They use database software to keep track, edit, and maintain the data of
products, transactions, sales, accounts, etc.
b. Gojek: One example of how they use their database software is managing the spatial
data of customers, drivers, and places to ensure the order to be done properly.
c. Tiket.com: They manage and optimize the data of customer's needs and specifications
to get the appropriate transportation, hotel, and event.
4. Steps in credit card transactions:
a. Credit card swipes at the point of sales for approval.
b. The credit card is authorized.
c. The credit card is approved.
d. The seller or merchant processes the credit card transactions, usually by the end of the
e. The credit card issuer bills the owner, usually every month for all the transactions each

The information on the transaction will first go to the merchant, then to the merchant
bank via either a phone line or internet, then to the credit card network (Visa, MasterCard,
etc), then to the credit card issuer, and finally to the customer account.

The role of a database is very obvious and vital in credit card transactions, the database
should be able to keep track of the transaction data while maintaining its integrity. If one
step is incomplete, then the database software should act accordingly and inform the

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