Task Risk Assessment Form

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Job Title: Brief Description of Job:
Area /Location:
Work Permit Set No:
Date Performed:
Date of Work Site Visit:
Contractor JSA/SWMS No:
TRA Facilitator
Name Position Signature Date

I agree with the residual risk levels and control measures required to perform the tasks based on the identified tasks and
hazards. I have instructed the TRA Team Members in the TRA process and their roles and have verified that the team
understands the assessment process and what the process is trying to achieve. Additionally, I attest that the members of the
TRA team have visited the job site to identify and document hazards associated with the physical layout of the area which are
pertinent to the permit related tasks to be performed.

TRA Team Members List of Tasks Involved in Performing Job:

Name Position Signature Date Tasks

We confirm we have been instructed in the TRA process and understand our role in this process. We agree with the residual
risk levels and control measures required to perform the tasks based on the identified tasks and hazards, and therefore
recommend the task for the appropriate approval.

TRA Approval
Approval Authority Position Signature Date

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Revision 2
Copies required for Performing Authority, Site Office and Issuing Authority. March 2012
Job Title: Brief Description of Job:
Area /Location:
Work Permit Set No:
Date Performed:
Date of Work Site Visit:
Contractor JSA/SWMS No:
TRA Facilitator
Name Position Signature Date

I agree with the residual risk levels and control measures required to perform the tasks based on the identified tasks and
hazards. I have instructed the TRA Team Members in the TRA process and their roles and have verified that the team
understands the assessment process and what the process is trying to achieve. Additionally, I attest that the members of the
TRA team have visited the job site to identify and document hazards associated with the physical layout of the area which are
pertinent to the permit related tasks to be performed.

TRA Team Members List of Tasks Involved in Performing Job:

Name Position Signature Date Tasks

I agree with the residual risk levels and control measures required to perform the tasks based on the identified tasks and
hazards and approve the use of this Level 2 TRA (signed approval required which can be recorded with use of fax, email or
other electronic means). Details of the Approver of the Highest Residual Risk required below as per ANZ Level 2 Approval

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Revision 2
Copies required for Performing Authority, Site Office and Issuing Authority. March 2012
Job Title: 0 Brief Description of Job:
Area /Location: 0 0
Work Permit Set No: 0
Date Performed: 12/30/1899
Date of Work Site Visit: 12/30/1899
Contractor JSA/SWMS No: 0

Risk Assessment

Describe all hazards identified for each Decide on the Level of Risk using
Describe all controls applicable for each the Level 2 RA Matrices. Is the Who is responsible to implement
List the tasks required to perform the activity in Select the relevant TASK. Consider Task Hazards, Job site
hazard. Use the Hierarchy of Controls Task safe to do? the control measure identified?
the sequence they are carried out Source of Energy hazards, Process hazards, SIMOP’s and
located on the following page. Name Required of person
Human Factors
C P Risk Level

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Copies required for Performing Authority, Site Office and Issuing Authority. March 2012

Describe all hazards identified for each Decide on the Level of Risk using
Describe all controls applicable for each the Level 2 RA Matrices. Is the Who is responsible to implement
List the tasks required to perform the activity in Select the relevant TASK. Consider Task Hazards, Job site
hazard. Use the Hierarchy of Controls Task safe to do? the control measure identified?
the sequence they are carried out Source of Energy hazards, Process hazards, SIMOP’s and
located on the following page. Name Required of person
Human Factors
C P Risk Level

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Revision 2
Copies required for Performing Authority, Site Office and Issuing Authority. March 2012
Job Title: 0 Brief Description of Job:
Area /Location: 0 0
Work Permit Set No: 0
Date Performed: 12/30/1899
Date of Work Site Visit: 12/30/1899
Contractor JSA/SWMS No: 0


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Revision 2
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Additional Document Aids

Energy sources Description / guidance Energy sources Description / guidance

Biological Mechanical
Biological - covers the many sources of energy in life forms, including wildlife Mechanical - includes mobile equipment as well as moving parts on stationary
and viruses or bacteria, e.g., as found in sewage systems, drain lines, cooling equipment and rotating equipment. Even though items are non-powered, their
towers). momentum as they are moved may crush or cut people or vulnerable equipment.
Also includes sharp edges of tools and / or equipment.

Body Mechanics Noise Noise - A form of pressure energy.

Body Mechanics - human strength and agility applied to a task involving lifting, Consideration should be given to whether:
pushing, pulling, climbing or positioning.  The task is in a high noise area.
 Noisy tools / equipment will be used.
 Noise could cause communication problems, including in any
Chemical - energy in the form of reactive or like-threatening gases, liquids,
Pressure Pressure - air, water, pneumatics, springs, gases are all possible sources of
solids, e.g., water, methane, nitrogen, process chemicals, etc.
significant pressure energy.
Consideration should be given to:
Electrical Electrical - includes all types and voltages of electricity including high voltage  Non-Return Valves (NRVs) where system contents may be trapped
power systems (Alternating Current (AC)), battery systems (Direct Current (DC)) between the NRV and an isolation point.
and static.
 Section of equipment in which trapped or undrained contents may
Consideration should be given to whether the task: remain.
 Requires equipment related to the task or in the area of the task to be  General equipment / line condition, e.g., area of corrosion, where a
isolated. pressured leak is foreseeable.
 Involves electricity powered equipment.  Reaction forces from a pressure leak, which may move an unrestrained
 Is in an area where there is vulnerable electrical equipment such as item, such as a hose, cylinder or pipe segment.
insulated cabling, un-insulated overheads power lines, etc. Radiation
 Involves transfer of fluids, powers, etc. or friction between non-
Radiation - in the form of sunlight, radio waves or ionizing radiation
conducting materials which could generate static electrical charges. Are
systems and equipment where this could occur adequately grounded
and / or bonded.
Gravity Thermal
Gravity - a naturally occurring energy that causes tools, equipment or people to Thermal - energy associated with hot or cold surfaces and fluids, undesired
fall or move. This affects lifting task, work at height and potential dropped objects chemical reactions and / or ambient temperatures.

Human Factors – Consideration should be given to the following

SIMOPS – Separate activities or works that take place at the same time with • Clear Work Procedure & Control of Work documentation
• Team behaviours’ in Risk Assessment
the potential to impact each other. • Recognizing hazards introduced by humans
• Communication
SIMOPS Human Factors • Cultural aspects
• Competency
• General Public
• Physical Attributes

Revision 2 3 copies required to be printed on completion. March 2012

Copies required for Performing Authority, Site Office and Issuing Authority.
Co ns e que nce Probability
He alth and s afe ty Enviro nm e nt No n-financial im pact
im pact le ve l 1 2 3 4 5
3 or m ore fatalities (or ons e t of life - Future im pact as below or gre ater- Severe e nforce m e nt action or los s of Re m o te S im ilar e ve nt
thre ate ning health e ffe cts ) licence to ope rate , in re s pe ct of a m ate rial Like ly to Eve nt like ly to Co m m o n
Exte nsive dam age to a non-s e nsitive po s s ibility - A has o ccurre d
30 or m ore injurie s or he alth e ffe cts , e nvironm e nt or localized dam age to a ass e t in any m arke t, or any as s e t or in a o ccur o nce o r o ccur s e ve ral o ccurrence (at
m ajor m arke t, (US, European Union (EU), Im pact s im ilar e ve nt s om e w he re in
eithe r pe rm anent or re quiring s ens itive e nvironm ent, all of w hich can be tw ice in tim es in the le as t
Rus s ia) or the thre at of global los s of Le ve l has no t ye t o ur indus try
hos pitalis ation for m ore than 24 re s tore d to an e quivale nt capability in a life tim e o f the life tim e o f the annually) at
hours. period of around 1 ye ar. licence to ope rate . o ccurre d in and w ithin
facility facility the facility
D Wide s pread dam age to a non-s ens itive Interve ntions from gove rnm e nts . o ur indus try the BP g ro up
e nvironm e nt or e xte nsive dam age to a Public or inve s tor outrage .
(Inclus ive of s ens itive e nvironm ent, all of w hich can be ‘Intere st group’ outrage in a m ajor m arket.
A, B & C) re s tored to an equivale nt capability in a
Prolonge d adverse national or international D H VH VH VH VH
period of m onths .
m edia atte ntion.
Wide s pre ad advers e s ocial im pact.
Dam age to re lations hips w ith key
s take holders of bene fit to the Group or E L M H VH VH
s egm e nt.

Co ns e que nce
1 or 2 fatalities Future im pact- Other advers e e nforcem e nt action by
10 or m ore injurie s or he alth e ffe cts , Localize d dam age or e xte nsive damage to a regulators .
eithe r pe rm anent or re quiring hospital non-se ns itive e nvironm e nt, w hich can be Lim ite d ‘inte re s t-group’ outrage F L M H H VH
tre atm e nt for m ore than 24 hours. re s tore d to an e quivale nt capability in a Short-te rm adve rse national or inte rnational
period of around 1 ye ar, or a pe riod of m edia cove rage .
E m onths , re s pe ctively.
Dam age to re lations hips w ith key
Localize d dam age or e xte nsive damage to a s take holde rs of be ne fit to the Strategic
s ens itive e nvironm ent, w hich can be G L L M H H
Pe rform ance Unit (SPU).
re s tore d to an e quivale nt capability in a
period of m onths, or a period of days or
w e e ks re spective ly.

Pe rm ane nt partial dis ability(ie s ) Future im pact- Re gulatory com pliance is sue that does not H L L M M H
Se ve ral non-perm ane nt injuries or Localize d dam age to a non-s e ns itive le ad to regulatory or other highe r s everity
health im pacts . e nvironm e nt or an im m e diate area dam age le vel Cons e quence .

DAFWC (Days Aw ay From Work to a s ens itive e nvironm e nt all of w hich can Prolonge d local m edia cove rage .
Cas e ) be res tored to an equivale nt capability in a Local adve rs e social im pact.
F period of m onths .
Dam age to re lations hips w ith key
Exte nsive dam age to a non-s e nsitive s take holde rs of be ne fit to the Pe rform ance
e nvironm e nt or localize d dam age to a Unit (PU).
s ens itive e nvironm ent all of w hich can be
re s tore d to an e quivale nt capability in a
period of days or w eeks .

Single or m ultiple re cordable injury or Future im pact- Short-te rm local m edia cove rage .
health e ffects from com m on Im m ediate are a dam age or localize d Som e dis ruption to local ope rations , e .g.,
source /e ve nt. dam age to a non-s e ns itive e nvironm e nt, los s of s ingle road acces s les s than 24
w hich can be re s tored to an equivale nt hours .
capability in a period of m onths or in a Ve ry Hig h Not allow e d
period of days or w e eks , res pe ctive ly.
G Future im pact with localize d dam age to a
non-se ns itive e nvironm e nt and that m ay be Hig h Re fe r to Individual Bus ine s s Unit Approval Table
re s tore d to an e quivale nt capability.
Im m ediate are a dam age to a s e nsitive
e nvironm e nt that can be res tore d to an
Me dium Re fe r to Individual Bus ine s s Unit Approval Table
e quivalent capability in a pe riod of days or
w e e ks . Lo w Re fe r to Individual Bus ine s s Unit Approval Table
Firs t aid Future im pact with im m ediate are a dam age Is olated and s hort -te rm com plaints from
to a non-s ens itive e nvironm ent that can be neighbours , (e.g., com plaints about s pe cific
H Single or m ultiple ove r-expos ure s
causing noticeable irritation but no re s tore d to an e quivale nt capability in a noise e pisode).
actual he alth effe cts period of days or w e eks .

Revision 2 3 copies required to be printed on completion. March 2012

Copies required for Performing Authority, Site Office and Issuing Authority.

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