Analytic Versus Holistic Recognition of Chinese Words Among L2 Learners

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Analytic Versus Holistic Recognition

of Chinese Words Among L2 Learners

University of Maryland, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, 3215 Jimenez Hall, College Park, MD
20742 Email:
Beijing Language and Culture University, Center for Studies of Chinese as a Second Language, No. 15 Xueyuan
Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100083 China Email:
Beijing Language and Culture University, Center for Studies of Chinese as a Second Language, No. 15 Xueyuan
Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100083 China Email:

In studying the relationship between word recognition and reading development, a distinction is made
between analytic and holistic processing of words. These strategies are often assessed in a length effect in
an alphabetic language or in a stroke-number effect in a logographic language. Analytical processing is
associated with a robust length or stroke-number effect while holistic processing is reflected in smaller or
a lack of such effects. Research has shown that skilled readers employ holistic processing while less skilled
readers rely more on analytical processing. The present study examined analytic versus holistic word
recognition among second language learners by comparing learners of Chinese as a second language
(CSL) and Chinese native speakers (NSs) in a lexical decision task. Thirty Chinese NSs and 28 CSL
learners were tested on 90 disyllabic Chinese words that varied in stroke number from 5 to 27. A robust
stroke-number effect was found among CSL participants but not among NS controls. The findings raised
a number of theoretical and pedagogical issues in relation to word recognition and reading development
among CSL learners and among second language learners in general.
Keywords: Chinese as a second language; word recognition; analytic processing; holistic processing;
stroke-number effect

AN INDIVIDUAL MAY RECOGNIZE A processes differ in the size of the processing units.
written word by its component letters one at Where a serial (or analytic, sublexical) strategy
a time. Alternatively, multiple letters may be is taken, a word is processed by its component
recognized at the same time. In studying the units (e.g., letters or graphemes), one at a time
relationship between word recognition and read- at the stage of visual input analysis. In parallel
ing development, a distinction is often made (or global, lexical) processing, all or multiple
between these two types of visual word recogni- components are processed at the same time.1
tion processes or strategies: serial processing and
parallel processing (e.g., Bijeljac–Babic et al.,
2004; Marinus, Nation, & de Jong; 2015). Similar ASSESSING SERIAL AND PARALLEL
distinctions have been made between analytic PROCESSING: THE LENGTH AND
and holistic (or global, whole-word) processing, STROKE-NUMBER EFFECTS
and between sublexical and lexical processing Such reading strategies are often assessed
(e.g., Grainger et al., 2012; Hawelka, Gagl, & through the word length effect in alphabetic lan-
Wimmer, 2010; Kuo et al., 2014; Pritchard et al., guages such as English. The length effect refers
2018; Rau, Moeller, & Landerl, 2014). The two to a longer reaction time (RT)—and sometimes
a lower accuracy rate as well—while responding
The Modern Language Journal, 104, 3, (2020) to longer words. For example, if we are asked to
DOI: 10.1111/modl.12662 read aloud 30 three-letter words and 30 five-letter
0026-7902/20/567–580 $1.50/0 words that are matched in other lexical proper-
© National Federation of Modern Language Teachers ties, and the mean RTs are 500 and 600 ms, respec-
Associations tively, then there is a length effect of 100 ms. The
568 The Modern Language Journal 104 (2020)
presence of a length effect, or a stronger length Rau et al., 2014, 2015). These results suggested
effect, is often taken as an indication of serial pro- that developing or impaired readers were able
cessing; the absence of or smaller length effects to process high-frequency words in a parallel
are taken as evidence for parallel processing (e.g., fashion while skilled readers were likely to adopt
Hawelka et al., 2010; Juphard, Carbonnel, & Val- a parallel strategy for words across a wide range of
dois, 2004; Price & Humphreys, 1995). frequency.
Through the examination of the length effect, Finally, research has also demonstrated that
several findings have been reported about the reading development involves a transition from
relationship between word recognition strategies more serial to more parallel processing in the
and reading development. First, serial processing first years of reading experience. For example,
is associated with less skilled reading while paral- Bijeljac–Babic et al. (2004) tested 3rd graders, 5th
lel processing is associated with more developed graders, and adults in identification and naming
reading skills. For example, Marinus et al. (2015) tasks involving words of varying length. The re-
divided English-speaking 3rd and 4th graders sults showed a decreasing trend in the length ef-
into slower and faster reading groups based on fect across the three age groups, with a robust
their reading performance. The participants were length effect for the 3rd graders and an absence of
asked to read aloud words of three to five letters this effect among adults. In comparing 2nd, 3rd,
in length. They found that only the slower read- 4th graders and adults, Rau et al. (2014) found
ers showed a length effect. It took them 112 ms different performance patterns for different age
longer to read words of five letters compared to groups. The 2nd graders did not only produce
words of three letters. The faster readers, however, a larger length effect but also showed no inter-
showed no such difference. These results sug- action between length and frequency, suggesting
gested that faster readers seemed to adopt a par- that they adopted a serial strategy for all words.
allel or holistic processing strategy and were thus The 3rd graders showed a smaller length effect
not affected by word length, while slower read- as well as an interaction between length and fre-
ers adopted a serial strategy. Where school chil- quency, suggesting that they began to adopt a
dren and adults have been compared, children parallel strategy for high-frequency words. Simi-
have often produced a stronger length effect than lar findings were reported by Aghababian & Nazir
adults (e.g., Rau et al., 2014), with the latter group (2000). They showed that the length effect in
often showing no length effect (e.g., Bijeljac– correctly identifying words decreased across five
Babic et al., 2004; Tiffin–Richards & Schroeder, grade groups, with 1st graders producing the
2015; Weekes, 1997). Additionally, dyslexic read- strongest length effect. Thus, developing readers
ers were found to produce a stronger length ef- start by using serial processing strategies for their
fect than age-matched individuals (e.g., Hawelka first 2 years of reading experiences but begin to
et al., 2010; Martens & de Jong, 2006; Ziegler adopt parallel processing in their 3rd year, begin-
et al., 2003; Zoccolotti et al., 2005). Thus, slower, ning from high-frequency words. By the end of
developing, and dyslexic readers are more likely the 4th year, they may be characterized as paral-
to adopt a serial processing strategy than skilled lel readers.
readers. The length effect is less relevant to the logo-
Second, the length effect has also been found graphic Chinese language, whose words are writ-
to interact with lexical frequency or familiarity, ten in a square space of the same size. Instead,
such that the length effect was stronger or only Chinese characters differ in visual complexity in
present for lower frequency words, and this terms of the number of strokes, among other
interaction is particularly pronounced for de- measures. Some characters contain fewer strokes
veloping or slower readers. Tiffin–Richards and such as  ‘big’ and  ‘small,’ both contain-
Schroeder (2015) tested 103 2nd graders and 24 ing three strokes, and other characters consist
adults in a sentence-reading task where words of of many more strokes such as  ‘hide’ and 
different length and frequency were embedded ‘win,’ each containing 17 strokes. This difference
in stimulus sentences. Eye-tracking data showed extends to disyllabic words such as   ‘adult’
a robust interaction of length and frequency for (5 strokes) and  ‘road’ (25 strokes).2 Thus,
the 2nd graders but not for the adults. Similarly, strokes may be considered as similar to letters as
the dyslexic participants showed a length × fre- component units of words, and stroke number
quency interaction in the number of fixations but may be considered as a parallel factor to length
unimpaired participants did not (Hawelka et al., that affects visual word recognition.
2010). Similar findings have also been reported Following this analysis, we may consider
in other studies (e.g., Hyönä & Olson, 1995; a stroke-number effect (i.e., a longer RT in
Nan Jiang, Fengyun Hou, and Xin Jiang 569
responding to words of more strokes) as similar was a clear trend for lower skill participants to pro-
to the length effect in reflecting the type of duce a stronger complexity effect. The interaction
processing strategies individuals adopt. A stroke- of stroke number and frequency may also be seen
number effect may be interpreted as indicating across studies. In the absence of a stroke-number
a serial or analytical processing strategy, and the effect in several experimental studies (Chen et al.,
absence of a stroke-number effect may reflect a 1996; Chen & Yung, 1989; Gao et al., 1995),
parallel or holistic strategy. This was indeed the all norming studies reported a significant stroke-
rationale adopted in several studies that have number effect (Lee et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2007;
considered the effect of stroke numbers in Chi- Sun et al., 2018; Tsang et al., 2018; Tse et al., 2017).
nese word recognition (e.g., Chen & Yung, 1989; A common feature of the norming studies was the
Just & Carpenter, 1987; Su & Samuels, 2010). large number of words involved: 2,423 words in
A great deal of research has been reported on Liu et al.; 3,423 words in Lee et al.; over 12,000
the stroke-number effect in Chinese word recog- words in Tsang et al.; over 25,000 in Tse et al.; and
nition. An overview of this literature suggests approximately 40,000 words in Sun et al. (they
that the findings were quite inconsistent across were norming studies, after all). The inclusion of
studies. A number of studies reported a stroke- a large number of words inevitably means the in-
number effect when Chinese native speakers clusion of low-frequency words, which may be re-
(NSs) were asked to perform a naming, lexical sponsible for the observation of a stroke-number
decision, or reading task, in that the participants effect.
were slower in responding to Chinese characters Similar to what was found in English, a transi-
with more strokes (e.g., Just & Carpenter, 1987; tion from analytic to holistic processing has also
Peng & Wang, 1997; Tan & Peng, 1990; Yu & Cao, been reported in children learning to read Chi-
1992). Several recent norming studies have also nese. Su and Samuels (2010) tested 2nd, 4th, and
reported a significant relation between stroke 6th graders and adults in Taiwan in a word recog-
number and RT (Lee et al., 2015; Liu, Shu, & nition task (deciding whether they knew the stim-
Li, 2007; Sun et al., 2018; Tsang et al., 2018; Tse ulus). Only 2nd graders showed a stroke-number
et al., 2017). Other studies, however, reported effect; the 4th and 6th graders and adults showed
no stroke-number effect in similar tasks. For no such effects. The authors interpreted this re-
example, Chen and Yung (1989) included words sult as suggesting that “beginning Chinese read-
of different stroke numbers (4–6, 8–11, 13–15) ers process characters in an analytical way, but that
in a lexical decision task and the participants the decoding process changes gradually from an-
showed no main effect of stroke number. Chen, alytic to holistic as their reading skills develop”
Allport, and Marshall (1996) also included a (p. 1,085).
stroke-number manipulation in their study. In sum, a distinction is made between serial
Again, the participants did not show a stroke- (or analytic) and parallel (or holistic) visual word
number effect in a same–different comparison recognition strategies. They have been assessed
task. Similarly, Gao, Zhong, & Zen (1995) found in terms of a length effect in an alphabetic lan-
no stroke-number effect in a naming task. guage or a stroke-number effect in a logographic
This research has also reported findings that language. A length or a stroke-number effect is
were parallel to the length effect in word recog- considered as reflecting the adoption of a se-
nition in an alphabetic language. One of them rial and analytical processing strategy, which in
is an interaction between stroke number and fre- turn are associated with different levels of reading
quency. Leong, Cheng, and Mulcahy (1987) asked skills or development. Early or less skilled readers
Chinese readers to perform two tasks of naming tend to use an analytical processing strategy, and
(Experiment 1) and lexical decision (Experiment skilled readers are more likely to rely on a paral-
2). Independent variables included participants’ lel or holistic strategy in visual word recognition.
reading skills, lexical frequency, and visual com- Reading development often entails a transition
plexity of the test items (mean stroke number be- from analytic to holistic processing in visual word
ing 7.4 and 13.7, respectively, for the simple and recognition.
complex conditions of the visual complexity vari-
able). There was a main effect for all three vari- ANALYTICAL AND GLOBAL PROCESSING
ables and an interaction of frequency and com- IN L2 CHINESE
plexity. The stroke-number effect applied only to
low-frequency words. Even though statistical anal- The issue of serial versus parallel processing of
yses were not reported regarding the interaction words among second language (L2) learners has
of reading skill and the complexity effect, there not received much attention. Even though quite
570 The Modern Language Journal 104 (2020)
a number of studies have considered whether L2 a stroke-number effect in the Chinese literature.
words are represented and processed holistically, The effect has been found in RT and/or error rate
these studies have focused on complex words and (ER) in a variety of tasks, such as naming, lexical
multiword units such as formulaic expressions decision, and word identification (e.g., You, 2003;
and collocations (see Jiang, 2018, Chapter 5, for Zhang, 2008), but other studies have reported no
a review). Little research has examined the role such effect (e.g., Hao, 2018; Liu, 2008). More im-
of sublexical units such as letters and strokes in portantly, none of these studies included a native-
L2 word recognition. In this study, we examined speaker control group for comparison. As a result,
this issue by exploring the stroke-number effect it is not clear whether the observation or the lack
among learners of Chinese as a second language of a stroke-number effect was a unique effect for
(CSL). CSL speakers.
One may speculate that Chinese word recogni-
tion may be more analytical among CSL learners
than among Chinese NSs. The first reason has to THE PRESENT STUDY
do with how Chinese characters are taught and
learned in a CSL context. It is a common prac- The purpose of this study was to explore if
tice to emphasize character components such as indeed CSL speakers adopted a more analytical
strokes and radicals in both teaching and learn- strategy in processing written Chinese words
ing to read and write Chinese characters (e.g., than native Chinese speakers. To this end, we
Everson, 2011; Hsiung et al., 2017; Ke, 1998; Shen, compared how stroke number affected word
2004, 2005; Shen & Ke, 2007; Taft & Chung, 1999; recognition time and accuracy in Chinese NSs
Zhu & Hong, 2005). This is likely to result in and CSL learners in a lexical decision task. Stroke
the adoption of an analytical strategy in process- number was chosen rather than the number of
ing Chinese characters, emphasizing the identi- stroke patterns or radicals because the stroke is
fication of strokes and radicals and how they re- the most basic unit in Chinese character writing
late to each other. Second, processing strategies and is the easiest to define and operationalize.
are related to the amount of exposure to visual Disyllabic high-frequency words were used for
input, as shown by the findings reviewed earlier two reasons: to ensure they were familiar to the
(e.g., Bijeljac–Babic et al., 2004; Rau et al., 2014; prospective CSL participants, and to create a con-
Su & Samuels, 2010). As learners of a new lan- dition where Chinese NSs were less likely to show
guage and often a new script, CSL learners are a stroke effect. If CSL speakers adopted an ana-
likely to have limited exposure to Chinese charac- lytical strategy, we would expect them to produce
ters, which may also lead to the use of an analytical a robust stroke-number effect, that is, responding
strategy as a favored or default one, more so than more slowly to words with more strokes than
native Chinese speakers. words of fewer strokes. Native Chinese speakers
There is little empirical evidence in the English would either produce a significantly smaller
literature about this phenomenon. In the only effect or no effect. Given the fact that the stimuli
study we found that considered the role of visual were of relative high frequency and the lack of
complexity in word recognition among CSL learn- a stroke-number effect among adult NSs (e.g.,
ers in the English literature, Wang, Perfetti, and Chen & Yung, 1989; Su & Samuels, 2010), we were
Liu (2003) examined the variables of frequency more inclined to expect no stroke-number effect
and visual complexity in lexical decision and nam- among NSs. A direct comparison of NSs and CSL
ing. In manipulating the latter, they included Chi- speakers under the same experimental condi-
nese characters that consisted of a single stroke tions (the same stimuli and task) will provide
pattern (e.g., ) or multiple stroke patterns that more unequivocal evidence for understanding
were referred to as radicals (e.g., , consisting of whether word recognition is more analytical
a right and a left radical). They found a main ef- among L2 learners. Also considered in the study
fect of complexity and an interaction of complex- were the factors of familiarity and frequency and
ity and frequency, in that the complexity effect was their interaction with the stroke-number factor.
reliable only for low-frequency words in the lexical
decision data, but no complexity effect was found
in the naming data. Even though radical number METHOD
and stroke number may often be correlated, they Participants
are not identical, as shown in Chen et al. (1996).
Thus, the results do not speak specifically to the The participants of the study included 30 Chi-
stroke-number effect. Some studies have reported nese NSs and 28 CSL learners. All participants
Nan Jiang, Fengyun Hou, and Xin Jiang 571
Descriptive Information for the Test Materials
(n = 90) In analyzing results, a mean familiarity score
was calculated for each word. The participants
Characteristic Mean SD Min Max produced a mean familiarity score of 8.33 on a
1–10 scale, suggesting the words as a whole were
Number of strokes 15.03 4.4 5 27 highly familiar to the participants. These scores,
Familiarity (1–10) 8.33 1.7 3 10 along with stroke number and frequency infor-
Frequency 104.00 176.4 1 1110
mation, served as predictor variables. A mean RT
(per million)
and a mean error rate (ER) score were also com-
Note. SD = standard deviation; Min = minimum; Max = puted for each word for each participant group,
maximum. thus creating four dependent variables: RT and
ER for NS participants and RT and ER for CSL
were college students and in their 20s except for participants. While doing so, conventional data
one NS and four CSL speakers, who were in their treatment procedures were applied. Any partici-
early 30s. All NSs and 11 of the CSL learners were pant who made an ER of 25% or higher was ex-
tested in China, and 17 CSL speakers were tested cluded. This affected two CSL participants, with
in the United States. All CSL speakers were En- 26 CSL participants remaining. RTs for incorrect
glish NSs who were in their 3rd-year Chinese pro- responses were excluded. Any RT data point that
gram or higher. was 2.5 standard deviations below or above the
mean of the same participants, or any RT that
was below 300 ms or above 5,000 ms, were treated
Materials as outliers and trimmed. This procedure affected
2.6% of the data for both NS and CSL partici-
Ninety disyllabic Chinese words were selected. pants. The mean RT and ER for the NS group
All these words were selected for their famil- were 564 ms and 2.59%, and those for the CSL
iarity to prospective CSL participants. They in- group were 987 ms and 15.1%.
cluded some words from the textbooks used in the While performing statistical analysis, RT data
United States. They varied in stroke number from were all log transformed to improve the normal
5 to 27. Frequency information was also collected distribution. All values were then transformed
based on Cai & Brysbaert (2010). The descriptive into z scores before standardized multiple lin-
information for the test materials is summarized ear regressions were run. The regression mod-
in Table 1. Ninety nonwords were constructed by els included three predictor variables: familiarity,
combining two Chinese characters such that they stroke number, and frequency. All three predic-
did not form a word or make sense. See the Ap- tor variables were entered in the model at first;
pendix for the word stimuli. the variable that had the highest t value was then
excluded one at a time until no variable had a sig-
Procedure nificant effect with a p value set at .05. Table 2 dis-
plays the regression results for all three predictor
The participants were tested individually. In- variables for the four dependent variables.
structions were provided both on an instruction Several findings emerged from this analysis, as
sheet and on the computer monitor. The test be- is clear from Table 2. First, familiarity affected the
gan with 10 practice items followed by 180 test performance of both groups in terms of both RT
items displayed in a different random order for and ER. Items of higher familiarity were associ-
each participant. The participants were asked to ated with faster RTs and lower ERs. Frequency
decide whether a stimulus displayed on a com- was also predictable of both groups’ RTs, but not
puter monitor was a word as quickly and accu- ERs. The participants tended to be faster in re-
rately as possible. They responded by pressing one sponding to words of higher frequency than those
of the designated keys on a keyboard. A subset of lower frequency but not always more accurate
of 16 CSL participants tested in China and in the with the former. More importantly, the variable of
United States rated their familiarity with the stim- stroke number was predictable of the RT data of
ulus words after the test. The rating was done on the CSL group only. Words of more strokes led to
a 1–10 scale with 10 indicating the highest level of longer RTs among this group, but the NS group
familiarity. Test material display and data collec- was not affected by stroke number. The relation-
tion were done using DMDX (Forster & Forster, ship between stroke number and response time
2003). for the two groups is shown in Figure 1.
572 The Modern Language Journal 104 (2020)
Standardized Multiple Linear Regression Analyses of the Reaction Time (RT) and Error Rate (ER) Data

Coefficient Estimate Std. Error t value Pr (>|t|) R-squared

Familiarity −.480 .096 −4.980 3.3e–06*** .248
Frequency −.254 .103 −2.457 .016* .047
Stroke number −.067 .106 −.637 .526
Familiarity −.294 .106 −2.756 .007** .079
Frequency −.048 .106 −.457 .648
Stroke number −.084 .103 −.821 .414
Familiarity −.556 .076 −7.269 1.64e–10*** .527
Frequency −.238 .076 −3.129 .002** .232
Stroke number .235 .073 3.184 .002** .074
Familiarity: stroke number .194 .079 2.455 .016*
Familiarity −.799 .067 −11.827 <2e–16*** .631
Frequency −.017 .067 −.255 .799
Stroke number .034 .065 .530 .597

*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .005.

Relation Between Stroke Number and Reaction Time for NS (Left) and CSL (Right) Participants

Note. NS = native speaker; CSL = Chinese as a second language; RT = reaction time.

To confirm the group difference in the stroke- words were 5–25 and 15, respectively, and those
number effect, we took data from Tsang et al. for familiarity rating were 2.9–10 and 8.5. We ran
(2018) who reported RT data in a lexical deci- a multiple regression analysis with lexical deci-
sion task on 12,578 Chinese words from 504 Chi- sion data from the 2018 study with stroke num-
nese NSs.3 A subset of 63 of the 90 words in the ber and familiarity included in the model. There
present study were included in their megastudy. was a significant effect for the familiarity variable,
The range and mean stroke numbers of these 63 t = 1.999, p = .05; but not for stroke number,
Nan Jiang, Fengyun Hou, and Xin Jiang 573
t = .193, p = .847. In contrast, the data from the familiarity and frequency in affecting visual word
CSL speakers in the present study for the same set recognition performance.
of 63 words showed a significant effect for both The more important finding was the observa-
variables: familiarity, t = −5.068, p = 4.13e–06; tion of a stroke-number effect among CSL learn-
stroke, t = 1.985, p = .051. These results provided ers while NSs showed no such effect under the
further confirmation of the NS–CSL group differ- same experimental conditions (i.e., with the same
ence in the stroke-number effect. materials, task, and procedure). To our knowl-
Finally, some previous studies have reported an edge, this is the first direct comparison between
interaction between length and frequency (e.g., CSL speakers and Chinese NSs in the stroke-
Tiffin–Richards & Schroeder, 2015) or between number effect. This finding suggests that CSL
stroke number and frequency (e.g., Leong et al., learners seemed to adopt a Chinese word recogni-
1987), with a length or stroke-number effect ob- tion process or strategy that is different from that
served only for low-frequency words. Interactions of NSs. Their visual word recognition is more ana-
of stroke number and the other two variables were lytical, considering one stroke or one component
also included in the regression model to explore of a character at a time. In contrast, NSs are more
this relationship. Only one significant interaction likely to process multiple component strokes si-
was found—between stroke number and familiar- multaneously, thus making them less susceptible
ity for the CSL group (see Table 2). To explore to stroke-number variations.
the nature of this interaction—that is, whether It should be pointed out that the lack of a
the stroke-number effect was only present for low- stroke-number effect for NSs in the present study
familiarity words, thus mimicking what has been does not mean that NSs process all words holisti-
found in NS of English and Chinese—the 90 items cally. As is shown in the earlier review of the liter-
were divided into two sets, each with 45 items ature, previous studies have produced conflicting
based on their mean familiarity scores. The mean results regarding the stroke-number effect among
familiarity scores for the high- and low-familiarity NSs. This inconsistency is likely to have arisen
sets were 9.6 (range 8.9–10.0) and 7.0 (range 2.9– from the words used in a specific study. A study
8.9), respectively. Regression analyses showed an including a large number of low-frequency words
opposite pattern to the previous findings: The may be more likely to produce a stroke-number
high-familiarity items showed a significant stroke- effect than a study without many low-frequency
number effect, coefficient = 3.817e–01, standard words. In the present study, the comparison of
error = 1.291e–01, t = 2.958, p = .005; but the low- NSs and CSL learners made it necessary for us to
familiarity items did not, coefficient = 2.000e–01, concentrate on words of higher frequency and fa-
standard error = 1.313e–01, t = 1.523, p = .131. miliarity (a mean frequency of 104 occurrences
per million), which may have contributed to the
DISCUSSION lack of a stroke-number effect among NSs. Hence,
we are by no means implying, categorically, that
The current study produced three findings: (a) NSs are always holistic and CSL speakers are al-
there was a frequency and familiarity effect for ways analytical in visual word recognition.
both NSs and CSL speakers, (b) only CSL speak- We also found an interaction between stroke-
ers showed a stroke-number effect, and (c) there number effect and familiarity among CSL speak-
was an interaction of familiarity and stroke num- ers. However, in contrast to the finding among
ber among CSL speakers only. NSs of English and Chinese that the length or
stroke-number effect was only present for low-
Interpretation of the Findings familiarity words, separate analysis of CSL data
from high- and low-familiarity words showed an
The finding of a familiarity effect and a fre- opposite pattern. High-familiarity words showed a
quency effect is expected. Reliable familiarity ef- stroke-number effect but the low-familiarity words
fects and frequency effects have been found in did not. This difference may reflect the fact that
lexical decisions for both NSs and L2 speakers, low-familiarity items happened to have a smaller
and when the two effects were compared, the stroke-number range (7 to 25 strokes) than the
familiarity effect was usually more reliable (e.g., high-familiarity items did (5 to 27 strokes). Given
NSs: Connine et al., 1990; Gernsbacher, 1984; Ku- its current t and p values (t = 1.523, p = .131),
perman & Van Dyke, 2013; L2: de Groot et al., increasing the range may produce a significant
2002; Lemhöfer et al., 2008). This is exactly what stroke-number effect for low-familiarity items as
was found in the present study. Thus, this find- well. What is important about this interaction is
ing provided further confirmation for the role of that it did not produce the same patterns as those
574 The Modern Language Journal 104 (2020)
observed among English or Chinese NSs (Leong development: Language experience determines
et al., 1987; Tiffin–Richards & Schroeder, 2015). the employment of reading strategies.
This means that the CSL participants were not in a A different scenario to suggest is that CSL
transitional phase moving from analytical to holis- speakers will stick with the initial analytical pro-
tic processing in visual word recognition. cessing approach even as they gain more read-
ing experience in the language. As a result, read-
Theoretical and Pedagogical Implications ing will remain less efficient for CSL learners.
There is little evidence available for this sugges-
The demonstration of the use of a unique tion at this point, but some parallel phenomena
analytical word recognition strategy among CSL have been reported. For example, adult L2 learn-
learners may not be surprising or significant by ers often associate L2 words with first-language
itself. After all, Chinese instructors are known or (L1) translations while learning new words, a phe-
encouraged to take advantage of the component nomenon well recognized and documented (e.g.,
strokes and radicals in teaching Chinese charac- Blum & Levenston, 1978; Ecke, 2015; Ellis, 1997;
ters (e.g., Everson, 2011; Taft & Chung, 1999; Zhu Giacobbe, 1992; Ringbom, 1983). At the initial
& Hong, 2005) and learners are known to employ stage of vocabulary acquisition, this is desirable
such analytical strategies in the process of learn- as L1 translations may serve both as an access
ing Chinese characters (e.g., Hsiung et al., 2017; point for the word’s semantic and syntactic infor-
Ke, 1998; Shen, 2005; Shen & Ke, 2007). However, mation and as an anchor linking the new word
this finding is important because it raises a num- to the existing memory system, as Jiang (2000)
ber of theoretical and pedagogical issues that have pointed out. Recent behavioral and electrophys-
received little attention in research and in class- iological evidence suggests that L1 translations
room instruction. were automatically activated in L2 word recog-
The first issue is whether CSL learners will nition even among advanced L2 speakers, indi-
eventually adopt a native-like holistic processing cating the continued involvement of the L2–L1
strategy as their proficiency and experiences links initially established (e.g., Jiang, Li, & Guo,
increase in the new language. Two different 2020; Thierry & Wu, 2004, 2007; Wu & Thierry,
scenarios may be considered. The first one is 2010). The same phenomenon has been observed
to recognize such a possibility. As their expe- in bimodal bilinguals whose first language was a
riences increase, CSL learners may increase sign language (Meade et al., 2017; Morford et al.,
their processing units, from strokes to radicals 2011; Villameriel et al., 2016). These results sug-
and other stroke patterns and eventually to the gest that the initial mode or route of lexical ac-
whole character. This transition may occur first cess is not abandoned with increased L2 expe-
for high-frequency words. In this sense, reading rience. Returning to word recognition by CSL
development is essentially the same between CSL learners, one may hypothesize that after the ini-
learners and Chinese NSs: Increasing reading tial adoption of an analytical strategy, subsequent
experience helps them move from more ana- reading experience may help reinforce the use of
lytical processing to more holistic processing in this strategy rather than weaken and replace it.
visual word recognition. Two caveats should be We may consider this process to be similar to that
noted, though. First, given limited language ex- of “self-reinforcing” proposed by Iverson et al.
perience, CSL speakers are likely to continue to (2003) in explaining L2 speakers’ difficulty in de-
use a combination of both processing strategies. veloping native-like phonological representation.
While more reading experiences will lead to in- The second issue concerns whether the find-
creasingly more Chinese words being processed ing of analytical processing among CSL learners
in a holistic fashion, thus improving reading in the present study represents a universal phe-
efficiency, a large number of low-familiarity words nomenon of L2 word recognition or reflects the
may remain to be processed analytically. Second, unique outcome of an emphasis on strokes and
if it takes 2–3 years of reading experiences for radicals in CSL instruction. If we assume that the
NS children to develop holistic reading, as shown whole-word representations of L2 words are usu-
by Su & Samuels (2010), and Bijeljac–Babic ally weaker than those of L1 words, as suggested
et al. (2004), it is likely to take much longer for by Lemhöfer, Koester, & Schreuder (2011), L2
classroom CSL learners to achieve the same— learners may have to rely on analytical process-
again due to their limited exposure to written ing to a greater extent than L1 speakers do. A
language. The recognition of the prospect of a review of L2 word recognition studies showed a
native-like processing strategy and the two caveats small number of studies that produced different
are all motivated by a single principle of reading results in this regard. De Groot et al. (2002) asked
Nan Jiang, Fengyun Hou, and Xin Jiang 575
Dutch–English bilinguals to perform lexical de- are likely to be inevitable. Furthermore, as re-
cision and naming on words in their L1 Dutch viewed in the introduction, analytical processing
and L2 English. The study examined 18 predic- is characteristic of all early readers, even in L1.
tor variables, including length (operationalized in Thus, avoiding an analytical approach to charac-
terms of number of letters, phonemes, syllables, ter teaching is neither practical nor necessary.
morphemes), and included 440 words in each lan- At the same time, one has to be aware of the
guage. A significant correlation between number risk associated with analytical teaching. An ana-
of letters and naming time was found for L2 En- lytical strategy adopted in the initial recognition
glish but not for L1 Dutch. This finding was con- of a character may reinforce itself through sub-
sistent with the view that L2 speakers are more sequent encounters with the character. For ex-
analytical in visual word recognition. In a sim- ample, a teacher may introduce the character 
ilar large-scale regression study involving 1,025 ‘mother’ as one of horizontal configuration with
English words, Lemhöfer et al. (2008) tested L2 the semantic radical  ‘woman’ on the left side
English speakers from three different L1 back- and the phonetic radical  ‘horse’ which indi-
grounds (French, German, and Dutch) and En- cates its pronunciation on the right. Under this
glish NSs in a visual word recognition study. Fif- circumstance, character recognition becomes a
teen predictor variables were examined includ- process of examining the left and then the right
ing the length variable (as assessed in the number radical. A learner is likely to continue to do so
of letters, range: 3–5 letters) in this megastudy. in subsequent encounters with the character. As
Both L2 speakers and NS showed a length effect.4 a result, they may become entrenched in the an-
However, none of these studies was specifically de- alytical strategy. This is detrimental to efficient
signed to compare the length effect between NSs reading.
and L2 speakers. Thus, whether L2 speakers gen- A sensible solution to this dilemma is to develop
erally adopt a more analytic strategy, as shown instructional interventions to help learners move
among the CSL speakers in the present study, is from analytical to holistic processing in a timely
yet to be explored. manner. At least two issues have to be considered
The findings raise some important pedagogi- in this process. The first is the identification of ef-
cal questions as well. Developing efficient read- fective means to achieving this goal. As there are
ing skills is one of the primary goals of CSL in- no established methods for this new challenge,
struction and L2 instruction in general. In light there is a great deal of room for innovation and
of the finding that holistic processing is a more exploration. For example, special training tasks
efficient word recognition strategy in reading de- such as fast naming may be used where the char-
velopment (e.g., Hawelka et al., 2010; Marinus acters are displayed only briefly and the students
et al., 2015; Ziegler et al., 2003), language teach- are asked to name the characters as quickly as
ers should strive to help learners develop holistic possible. Gradually decreasing the display dura-
word recognition strategies. However, an analyt- tion, for example, from 1,000 milliseconds (ms)
ical approach that emphasizes the identification to 800 ms to 500 ms, may encourage holistic char-
of strokes, radicals, and their configurations has acter recognition by preventing learners from re-
been quite common and believed to be effective lying on their analytical strategies. The second is
in Chinese character teaching (e.g., Chang et al., the timing of the intervention. Holistic training
2014; Everson, 2011; Hsiung et al., 2017; Ke, 1998; before a character can be accurately recognized
Shen, 2004, 2005; Shen & Ke, 2007; Taft & Chung, may cancel the benefit of analytical processing
1999; Zhu & Hong, 2005). There is thus an ap- and cause setback and frustration. Holistic train-
parent conflict between the widely adopted ana- ing may become less effective after a learner has
lytical approach to character teaching and the de- become entrenched in the analytical recognition
velopment of holistic word recognition strategies of a character. Both classroom innovation and sys-
required for efficient reading. tematic research are needed to discover the best
Do we have to abandon an analytical teach- approach to facilitate the transition from analyti-
ing approach and teach new Chinese characters cal to holistic processing.
more holistically? The answer is probably nega-
tive. Strokes are the basic units of the Chinese CONCLUSION
script, and Chinese characters distinguish them-
selves in terms of what strokes are used and how This study explored analytic versus holistic
the strokes are configured in a two-dimensional visual word recognition among CSL learners
space. For CSL learners who are not familiar with through the stroke-number effect. It represented
the script, stroke-based explanation and teaching the first effort, to our knowledge, to demonstrate
576 The Modern Language Journal 104 (2020)
analytical Chinese character recognition among
CSL learners through the comparison of CSL NOTES
learners with Chinese NSs under the same ex-
perimental settings. The findings raised a num- 1 Researchers often use these three pairs of terms in-
ber of research and pedagogical issues that have
terchangeably, but the terms analytic and holistic are used
not received much attention in CSL research and more frequently in discussing Chinese word recogni-
practice. tion (e.g., Kuo et al., 2014, 2015; Leong et al., 1987; Su
From a broader perspective, the present study & Samuels, 2010). Su and Samuels suggested that it is
helped bring to the spotlight the topic of analytic more appropriate to refer to the early reading strategy
versus holistic word recognition among L2 learn- used by Chinese readers as analytic rather than serial be-
ers in general. A great deal of research has been cause Chinese characters have the shape of a square of
done on this topic involving L1 learners, most of interconnected strokes rather than a sequence of letters.
whom seem to have no difficulty in developing ef- We use analytic and holistic processing while discussing
Chinese word recognition and use serial and analytic on
fective word recognition strategies. It is L2 learn-
the one hand and parallel and holistic on the other in-
ers who are more likely to become entrenched in
terchangeably elsewhere.
a less effective analytical processing strategy, due 2 Word length has also been used by some scholars
to factors such as limited reading experiences and (e.g., Tsang et al., 2018) to refer to Chinese words that
how an L2 is taught. However, this topic has re- differ in the number of component characters.
ceived little attention in L2 processing research. 3 The data are available for free download at

Many questions await to be explored. For exam-

ple, it is not clear how factors such as length (or 017-0944-0#Sec13
4 The discrepancy between the two studies—that is,
stroke number) itself and L1 backgrounds may af-
fect the adoption of word recognition strategies. NSs showing a length effect in Lemhöfer et al. (2008)
but not in de Groot et al. (2002)—can be explained by
Related to the length factor, New et al. (2006)
considering the difference in the number of words used
found that the patterns of the length effect varied
in the studies. The significantly larger number of words
according to word length. For words of 3–5 letters, used in Lemhöfer et al. meant it was more likely for the
longer words produced faster RTs. Length had no study to have included low-frequency words than in de
effect on RTs for words of 5–8 letters, and length Groot et al.’s study. The two studies provided different
had an inhibitory effect for words of 8–13 letters. frequency information in describing the materials—the
It would be interesting to explore whether word logarithm of frequency in de Groot et al. and frequency
length itself affects the length effect in the same counts per million in Lemhöfer et al.—so there was no
way among L2 speakers. Additionally, research by information to confirm this speculation.
Ziegler et al. (2001) demonstrated that the or-
thography of a language may affect how words
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Chinese Words and Nonwords Used in the Study

 ‘population’  ‘child’  ‘foreign language’  ‘court’
 ‘individual’  ‘friend’  ‘in advance’  ‘law’
 ‘afternoon’  ‘literature’  ‘in charge’  ‘difficulty’

 ‘afternoon’  ‘opportunity’ 
‘evening’  ‘government’
 ‘around the world’  ‘that year’  ‘exactly’  ‘late years’
 ‘winter’  ‘sequentially’  ‘tradition’  ‘minority’
 ‘fair’  ‘everywhere’  ‘knowledge’  ‘effect’
 ‘lies in’  ‘role’  ‘understand’  ‘egg’
 ‘lose’  ‘failure’  ‘current state’  ‘hope’
 ‘many’  ‘fall’  ‘number’  ‘insurance’
 ‘how many’  ‘confidence’  ‘a great deal’  ‘president’
 ‘form’  ‘television’  ‘refuse’  ‘business’
 ‘tool’  ‘breakfast’  ‘impression’  ‘forced to’
 ‘price’  ‘go overseas’  ‘competition’  ‘solve’
 ‘university’  ‘habit’  ‘after school’  ‘investigate’
 ‘in the mind’  ‘trash’  ‘food’  ‘information’
 ‘–ing’  ‘bread’  ‘still’  ‘lunch’
 ‘fruit’  ‘friendship’  ‘that way’  ‘read’
 ‘dust’  ‘newspaper’
 ‘sky’  ‘duty’  ‘photo’  ‘interesting’
 ‘unbelievably’  ‘following’  ‘care’  ‘restaurant’
 ‘news’  ‘avoid’  ‘road’
 ‘environment’  ‘pretty’  ‘difficult matter’






Additional supporting information may be found online in the Supporting Information section at the
end of the article.

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