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TUPvian News BTMT-1B

The unspoken Heroes of the Negros Revolution
As we all know the hero of the Cinco
de Noviembre is Juan Araneta, who led his
forces with makeshift guns and cannons that
made the Spaniards surrender to them due to
their sheer numbers. This ingenuity has led
our fellow Filipinos to success in the fight
against the Spaniards and his actions marked
the history with his success, in November 4 he
was able to gather forces from his hacienda
and persuade all the southern mayors to
muster their forces in a revolt against the invaders of our land in a meeting held
secretly by that time, Aniceto Lacson, a rich landlord of Talisay City had joined the
Katipunan, and Juan Araneta, Rafael Ramos, Carlos Gemora, Venura, and other leaders
of what would become the revolution of 1898 were negotiating with their comrades in
Iloilo and were arming themselves., he then led along with the other leaders a revolt in
November 5 with sheer numbers of forces and they have managed to corner Spanish
garrison that was entrenched in a municipal building surrender in without a fight due to
the determination of the townspeople to get rid of them by burning the whole building,
in November 6, a thousand men has showed up in the rivers and this has made the
Governor of the province, Isidro de Castro think that defending would just result to a
bloodshed and has withdrawn all of his hostile forces to form a treaty against these
men who outnumbered their forces vastly along with their makeshift prop weapons of
bamboo rifles and nipa cannons has severely lowered the morale of the foreigners with
their ingenuity, this action alone was able to demoralize the Spanish forces in the fight
against them and fully surrender their authority unconditionally to the new government
formed by the locals who joined forces to make the Spaniards surrender.
The revolution that was sparked by the event led by Juan Araneta and many others in
Cinco de Noviembre has led to regaining of our territory in the whole Negros Occidental
as days after their takeover in Bacolod with their new government also led to the
reclamation of the provinces of Negros Oriental, ultimately the city of Dumaguete that
was also a major hotspot of the Spanish rule in the island, with the help of the locals
who were also revolting against the Spanish rule, Dumaguete was left by the Spaniards
due to the overwhelming numbers of the Negrenses that have led them to their
withdrawal. Thus, liberating the whole island of Negros from the rule of the Spaniards
that has forced our fellow Filipino people to work for them for years without the proper
treatment and pay and was forced to obey their rules as they settled their own
Government that has ruled the whole island of Negros for centuries. This revolution has
marked the success of our heroes as they were able to gain the freedom our fellow
countrymen has wanted for years under the Spanish rule, it was indeed a success due
to the fact that the Negrenses was able to fight back in unison against the colonial rule
of the Spanish forces on the whole island. We modern Negrenses are forever indebted
for the freedom that they had given us and we will forever thank them for their service
to the Filipino nation for their bravery for the benefit of our fellow countrymen.
These townspeople, rebels, and workers are
the heroes of this story, the honor was given
to their leader Juan Araneta and along with
the other revolutionary leaders but if it wasn’t
for them the whole revolution was not possible
for our heroine, these heroes worked behind
the scenes to fulfill the freedom that was
needed by our fellow Filipinos by that time,
the freedom that we Filipinos in the modern
times now enjoy. If it wasn’t for the unity that
was made in this revolution there could’ve been no freedom for us Negrenses due to
the fact that we were also conquered by the Spaniards for centuries and has deeply
colonized our lands with visible traces of it like the Spanish themed houses at Silay City,
the San Sebastian Cathedral in Bacolod City that was constructed in 1825, and even the
religious influence that they have left making the majority of our population Roman
Catholics due to their influence.
As TUPvian student, we are inspired by those people who gave their lives and put them
in the line in service of our fellow countrymen, this is a tribute to their efforts in
liberating our beloved motherland are deeply appreciated as we reflect on their
endeavors, they have made to give us the freedom that we now enjoy. They are deeply
and sincerely recognized by us students and look at them as examples of people with a
strong sense of justice, drive for freedom, and heroism that led us to what we now call
happy lives despite the challenges we still face up to now.

“We are here today to pay tribute to all the soldiers who risked their lives to defend
freedom. Even though they did not enjoy those freedoms back home.”

—Sam Smith

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