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YEAR 2020-2021

A Research Paper
Presented to the Faculty of
Senior High School Department
Bernardo College
City of Las Piñas

In Partial Fulfilment of
the Requirements for
Practical Research 2
(Quantitative Research)


December 2020


Mathematics is a broad-ranging field of study in which the properties and

interactions of idealized objects are examined. It is included in the curriculum from

earlier school years through a variety of specific subjects up until further specified

on the latter years of studying.

Mathematical anxiety is the sense of fear, agitation, hesitation and a dread

of failure about taking a math class, fulfilling math problems and taking a math

exam. It also involves feelings of tension and anxiety that interfere with the

manipulation of numbers and the solving of mathematical problems in a wide

variety of ordinary life and academic situations. Many adults, with and without

disabilities, do not feel confident in their ability to do math (Duffy & Furner, 2002).

This has been a matter of concern in education for a long time (Ashcraft, 2002;

Ashcraft and Ridley, 2005). A range of studies suggested that this phenomenon is a

highly prevalent problem among students from elementary schools to universities

(Betz, 1978; Ma and Xu, 2004; Rodarte-Luna and Sherry, 2008; Jain and Dowson,

2009; Gunderson et al., 2018).

Philippines had implemented K to 12 Curriculum. This program covers

Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years of primary education, four

years of Junior High School, and two years of Senior High School) to provide

sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and
prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development,

employment, and entrepreneurship. On two years of senior high school, students

are required to choose their specific tracks and strands of learning of where their

career paths might or might not come from. Academic Track includes different

strands such as Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM),

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM), Humanities and Social Sciences

(HUMSS), General Academic Strand (GAS). The other tracks are Technical

Vocational Livelihood (TVL), Sports and Arts and Design. These have a variation

of subjects according to their specialization.

One of the reasons of the students for not attaining an academic track such

as Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) and any other math-

related strand is the mindset of thinking negatively about mathematics which

further results to having anxiety. Furner and Gonzalez-Dehass (2011) explained

that this math anxiety is a real issue that can impact a young person’s goals, many

career-related decisions they may make in life and their overall future.

Background of the Study

In this new generation students are becoming really good in hiding their

true feelings about a certain situation and this could lead to things like stress,

depression, frustrations and especially what most students experiences, anxiety.

This study will provide a deep understanding about the concept of mathematical

anxiety. It is very relevant nowadays that people tend to have a hard time in
choosing their paths just because they are anxious about something. When people

are asked to solve a mathematical problem some experience tension and anxiety

that could lead into a weak and low performance (Curr Dir Psychol Sci 11:181–

185, 2002).

Anxiety is a normal reaction to a certain situation. A small level of anxiety

is normal, but severe anxiety can be a serious problem. Academic anxiety can

become more detrimental over time. As a student’s academic performance suffers,

the anxiety level related to certain academic tasks increases (Huberty, 2012). Grade

10 students are the one who is capable and obligated to pick what track would they

take for their Senior High School semi-course strand that could help them pursue

their own careers. This track should serve as their background for college but then

it gives them anxiety when making a choice of which they’re going to take

especially considering those with Math subjects. So, this anxiety that students are

experiencing during their Junior High School, in grade 10, they encounter so much

vexation and this study will help them to know statistically what are the factors

affecting those frustrations.

According to Ader and Erktin (2010), most teachers will have students with

social anxiety and/or academic anxiety. Teaching students self-regulation can

reduce anxiety and increase academic performance. This anxiety could have a big

impact to those students that are afraid to take math subjects or tracks with math

subjects. The mathematical anxiety may decrease the rate of choosing academic
strands that includes variety of math subjects. Although mathematics anxiety and

self-efficacy are relatively well-researched, there are several uninvestigated

terrains. In particular, there is little research on how mathematics anxiety and

mathematics self-efficacy are associated with deep comprehensive and surface

superficial approaches to learning among STEM and social sciences students. The

aim of the current work was to provide insights into this domain.

Competing with the global standard students must be good in Math and

Sciences for them to meet this quality and it is important for them to spend more of

their time improving what they lack and this could help them to exceed in schools,

colleges or in jobs. In determining what could be the possible gaps that are

forgotten in the situation of students picking their academic tracks and its effects

among grade 10 students with regards in the issue of mathematical anxiety in

taking course with subjects that is focused on understanding and learning

mathematics resulting stressful environment, this study will be conducted.

Statement of the Problem

Previous studies have shown that the higher the level of mathematics

anxiety, the more likely is the student to avoid mathematics-related tasks, courses

or careers (Betz, 1 978; Zettle & Houghton, 1998). Waldington, Austin & Bitner

(1983), found that people who have poor mathematics attitudes are fearful of

mathematics or have intense negative emotions about anything remotely dealing

with mathematics (Sherman & Christian, 1999). Whereas high achieving students
in mathematics have low anxiety (Aiken, 1970, 1976; Clute, 1984; Crosswhite,

1972; Hendel, 1977; Richardson & Suinn, 1972). Fennema (1980) found that there

is an undeniable relationship between mathematics anxiety and mathematics-related

performance and between mathematics anxiety and career choice (Hackett, 1985).

In determining the effect of mathematical anxiety on the senior high school

track preference of grade 10 students from Bernardo College for academic year

2020-2021, the study attempts to answer the following questions: (a) Is there a

significant relationship between mathematical anxiety of the students and their

senior high school track preference? (b) How does this mathematical anxiety affect

the senior high school track preference of the students?

Objectives of the Study

The primary objective of this study is to determine the effect of

mathematical anxiety on the senior high school track preference of grade 10

students. Moreover, there is a specific range of possible objectives that can be seen

in this research, including:

1. To measure the different mathematical anxiety levels of the grade 10


2. To determine the different senior high school track preference of the grade

10 student-respondents;

3. To assess the relationship of having mathematical anxiety in choosing any

of senior high school track.

Hypotheses of the Study

The following hypotheses were tested in the study:

1. Having mathematical anxiety can lead to poor mathematical academic


2. Students’ senior high school track preferences have a wide variation.

3. There is no significant relationship between mathematical anxiety of the

students and their senior high school track preference.

Significance of the Study

This study will benefit the Department of Education, students, teachers,

school administration, parents, and future researchers.

The Department of Education has a big role in implementing programs to

improve students’ performance. This study will benefit the said government agency

for it will help them to be more aware of what’s happening around about students’

welfare and to make actions or programs to lessen the mathematical anxiety of the

students, encouraging the teachers and students to have better communication with

each other.

This study will be beneficial to students, especially for incoming Senior

High School students. This study will provide significant numerical data about

mathematical anxiety and its relationship in choosing an academic track. Through

this, students will attain awareness about the said phenomenon – mathematical
anxiety and have a more complex understanding of its specific effects on their

academic track preference.

Teachers and school administrators only want what's the best for their

students. Knowing students’ respective strengths and weaknesses help them to

deeply understand students and to do actions that are student-friendly. This study

will really be a big help to teachers for this will provide them information on what

mathematical anxiety is and how it affects the students. Teachers’ awareness will

lead to solutions that will provide the students’ additional understanding and

support regarding their lives.

Every parent wants the best for their children. Most of the time parents

influence their children on what track will they take as senior high approaches. This

study will benefit the parents for they will have an overview of each senior high

school track. It can also be a gateway in addressing the mathematical anxiety

phenomenon and its relationship to students’ choices. It will raise awareness for the

parents about the relationship between the said phenomenon and their children’s

life choices. With that awareness, deep understanding and possible solutions may

follow that will help both the parents and their children addressing this concern.

Lastly, this study will help future researchers to obtain more accurate

information regarding the scope of this study. This research will open new doors

that will encourage new generation learners to further study mathematical anxiety
and its effects and to embrace their skills and their mental stability for picking a

track in academic learning.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study only covered the specific locale of the researchers – Bernardo

College, Las Piñas City and within a specific time frame only – Academic Year


This study focused only on the effects of mathematical anxiety on the senior

high school track preference of grade 10 students from Bernardo College on

Academic Year 2020-2021. Since the study requires grade 10 students, the student-

respondents were selected purposively. Survey questionnaires will be made only

for the target student-respondents and only for them. The data provided will be up

to the extent of its availability. Other external factors will not be entertained all

throughout the study.

Definition of Terms

Academic Track is one of the senior high school tracks of the K-12 Curriculum. It

prepares students for the most common college courses such as business

management, engineering, and the sciences.

Accountancy, Business, and Management is one of the strands under the

Academic Track of K to 12 curriculum. It focuses on the basic concepts of financial

management, business management, corporate operations, and all things that are

accounted for.
Anxiety refers to a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an

imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.

Arts and Design Track is one of the senior high school tracks of the K-12

Curriculum. It includes old and modern art, as well as the means and channels of

multimedia, production, and creative fields.

Effect refers to a strong and often bad outcome on something. It is the one being

determined in order to know if there is a relationship between mathematical anxiety

and senior high school track preference of grade 10 students.

General Academic Strand is one of the strands under the Academic Track of K to

12 curriculum. It is a strand where a student can choose electives from the different

academic strands under this track.

Humanities and Social Sciences is one of the strands under the Academic Track of

K to 12 curriculum. It is a strand for those who are considering taking up

journalism, communication arts, liberal arts, education, and other social science-

related courses in college.

Mathematical Anxiety also known as math phobia, is an anxiety about one's ability

to do mathematics. It is the independent variable of the study which is believed to

have an effect on the senior high school track preference of grade 10 students.

Mathematics is a broad-ranging field of study in which the properties and

interactions of idealized objects are examined. This is the subject causing anxiety

for the students in this study.

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Sciences is one of the

strands under the Academic Track of K to 12 curriculum. It develops the students’

ability to evaluate simple to complex societal problems and be responsive and

active in the formulation of its solution through the application and integration of

scientific, technological, engineering, and mathematical concepts.

Sports Track is one of the senior high school tracks of the K-12 Curriculum. It

prepares students for physical careers ahead.

Strand refers to a more specific category of options for senior high school paths

under the K to 12 curriculum. Different tracks consist of specific strands.

Preference refers to the feeling of liking something more than another.

Senior High School refers to the last two years of the K to 12 curriculum where

students are required to choose their preferred tracks and strands for their respective

future paths.

Student is a person who is studying at a school or college.

Track refers to a broader category of options for senior high school paths under the

K to 12 curriculum. It has four different categories – Academic, Arts and Design,

Technical-Vocational-Livelihood, and Sports.

Technical-Vocational-Livelihood is one of the senior high school tracks of the K-

12 Curriculum. It equips the students with job-ready skills in the future and invests

primarily on skills that can gain the students requisite COCs (Certificates of
Competency) and NCs (National Certifications) which would be essential when

looking for better career opportunities in agriculture, electronics, and trade.

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