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REFLECTION: The Definition of Art

When I was young, I used to limit art to the drawings I see everywhere, to

paintings. What is art, but a bunch of colors splashed together, lines strung in place,

and patterns emphasized? As I grow, I learn that art is so much more---it is eternal.

Ever since, I’ve always thought of art as something fluid. It varies from style to style,

color to color, from artist to artist. Everything around us was art; we, ourselves, is art.

In a comment I saw on the video, a user quoted Oscar Wilde, “to define is to limit,” and

I full-heartedly agree. It is an experience—for which both the artist and the audience

wallow in. An experience is indefinable, as a person may look at a painting and retract

nostalgia, whereas another looks at the same painting and harbor sadness. This may

be why art comes in multiple forms. Every artist materializes their ideas through styles

they find fitting, and thus may affect the message they convey. Art is so subjective, in

the sense that the audiences may understand the piece based on how they perceive it,

but the artist’s real meaning is for he/she to bestow. In my opinion, the definition of art

won’t change. I’d like if it stays the same, for the day we define art as something, is the

day art ceases to exist.

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