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Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association

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Solving a Major Odor Problem In a Chemical


J. F. Byrd , H. A. Mills , C. H. Schellhase & H. E. Stokes

To cite this article: J. F. Byrd , H. A. Mills , C. H. Schellhase & H. E. Stokes (1964) Solving a
Major Odor Problem In a Chemical Process, Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association, 14:12,
509-516, DOI: 10.1080/00022470.1964.10468324

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Engineering Division,
Soap Process Development,
Engineering Division, Solving a Major Odor Problem
Procter and Gamble Company,
Cincinnati, Ohio,
Group Manager,
In a Chemical Process
Procter and Gamble
Manufacturing Company,
Kansas City, Kansas

Nature of the Odorous Material CH 3 quantities of di-methyl amine which

New and improved products for the N—H
could be allowed to escape into the
consumer requires new processes and atmosphere without causing an odor
new chemical raw materials. Un- CH.3 nuisance 2500 feet away at the nearest
fortunately, some of these new chemi- Di-Methyl Amine (DMA) residential area. In essence, we had
cals have highly unpleasant odors. to reduce the odor to quantitative,
At concentrations in excess of 100 objective values rather than the usual
This paper describes the control of a ppm the odor of these amines are nearly
highly objectionable odor from one of qualitative, subjective, emotional evalu-
identical to that of ammonia. A slight ations. A rational design basis is as
these raw materials which we are han- odor of NH3 in the process area can
dling at our Kansas City Plant for ulti- necessary for odor control efforts as
appear most innocuous and harmless to for any engineering project. There-
mate use in the manufacture of syn- operating personnel. Unfortunately,
thetic detergents. Included in this fore, the first part of this talk will
the material has Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde discuss our techniques for placing odor
paper will be a discussion of methods characteristics and, as its wafts its way
of actually placing a quantitative con- on a quantitative basis. The first step
downwind, can take on an odor resem- was to determine the concentration of
cept on odor to determine the maximum bling fish which has been too long in the
discharge of odorous material to the amines at the threshold odor value.
sun. As the concentration falls below The threshold odor concentration of a
atmosphere without creating an odor 100 ppm the fish odor begins to pre-
problem. Our engineering design ap- material is that concentration of the
dominate over the ammonia odor. given material in air which imparts to
proaches to odor abatement, the failures During the early design stages of
as well as successes, will be discussed the air a barely detectable odor.
the chemical processing plant we were,
since our initial failures sired our final of course, quite aware of the unpleasant Odor Measurement
successes. nature of the odor. However, to design
The raw material we are concerned Our approaches to odor measurement
odor control devices we needed a quan- and the determination of odor threshold
with is di-methyl amine, [NH(CH3)2], titative idea of the maximum allowable
a gaseous material which boils at about values are straightforward and sim-
40°F at atmospheric pressure. The ple.1' -• 3 From an atmosphere con-
nuiUTUil i< a fir<f cnu-in of ammonia
taining a known amount of DMA we
(XIIs) with two of tlio three hvdioiicn
withdraw 100 cc of the gaseous mixture
:itoin< of ammonia irplured by two
into an odor sample syringe (Fig. 1).
"rniipiim-. ^C"IT:si.
A small measured quantity of the
odorous gas is transferred to another
syringe—the mixing or dilution
syringe—into which a measured amount
of odor-free air has been drawn. The
dilution syringe is given to one of four

Fig. 1. Medical syringe used for odor sampling Fig. 2a. Odor panel observer preparing to
and measurement. eject odorous sample into nostrils. Fig. 2b. Odor panel.

December 1964 / Volume 14, No. 12 509

to the atmosphere from the process or 2.8 X 106 cu ft/min
area. Using the odor threshold value As you recall, this latter figure is by
as a basis we must place some quantita- definition equivalent to 2,800,000 odor
tive value on odor in order to apply the units per minute. Now we have an
various atmospheric diffusion equations actual expression for quantity of odor
for predicting odor intensities at various discharged which can be plugged into
downwind points. Therefore, a pre- the various atmospheric diffusion equa-
requisite to any such calculations is a tions.
concept of the unit of measurement of I will now briefly discuss three of the
odor. The odor unit has been estab- equations which have yielded for us
Fig. 3. Obtaining amine gas sample of known lished and defined; one odor unit is the fairly reliable values. They are the
concentration for odor threshold determination. amount of odor necessary to con- Bosanquet-Pearson stack diffusion
taminate one cubic foot of clean air to equation, the Halitsky expression for
the threshold or barely perceptible discharge of gas from roof type vents,
or so observers on the odor panel. level.1-2> 3 and Sutton's equation for a continuous
The observer (Fig. 2a) inserts the tip of For instance, if a sample of an emis- point source. In very general terms
the syringe into one nostril. He sus- sion contained 10 odor units per cubic these expressions are all very similar
pends breathing and expells the 100 cc foot the figure merely means that one in several respects. The downwind
of diluted sample into his nostril. The part of the sample can be diluted with concentration of the odor (or any other
observer then states whether or not he nine parts of odor-free air, and the pollutant) is inversely proportional to
detected any odor. Various dilutions resultant mixture will still contain a wind speed and inversely proportional
are made up and given to the observers barely detectable odor. In this ex- to some exponential function of the
(Fig. 2b) until a concentration or level ample, the 10 odor units per cubic foot distance from the source of the pollu-
is reached at which the observers barely is analogous to a dust loading figure, tant. This exponent is somewhat less
detect the odor. This by definition is i.e., it is a concentration but it states than the power of two. However, good
the threshold odor value. Any further nothing about the total dust emission approximations for the purposes of esti-
dilution results in a negative odor in pounds per hour. Therefore, as in mation can be obtained by assuming the
pickup whereas any less dilutions will the case of particulate discharges, it is odor concentration varies inversely as
yield an easily detectable odor. Usu- necessary to know the flow in the duct the square of the distance from the
ally no two panelists will agree on or stack. The product of the total source of odor. The Bosanquet-
exactly the same dilution value as the flow times the odor intensity gives the Pearson stack diffusion equation, of
olfactory senses vary between in- total odor emission. course, also takes into account the
dividuals. An average is taken of all To be specific, if an odor source had height of the emission. The ground
the panelists. a concentration of 10 odor units per level concentration at any given point
For example, let's assume we have cubic foot, and the rate of flow of the at ground level being inversely pro-
withdrawn from a 2000 ccflaskwith our odorous gases was 10 cfm, then the total portional to an exponential function
odor syringe a sample of gas containing odor output would be 100 odor units roughly the square of the height of the
100 ppm DMA in air (Fig 3). This per minute. emission above ground level.
quantity of DMA vapor in the flask can Now let's get down to practicalities. (1) We have applied most frequently
be either measured directly using in the Bosanquet-Pearson stack dif-
straightforward analytical methods or fusion equation which, strictly speak-
can be calculated fairly closely if we know ing, is applicable to stacks. However,
the DMA concentration in the water Calculations of Carrying
assuming about a 25 foot average level
solution in the flask. The calculation Power of Odor
of odor emission above the ground from
is based upon the vapor pressure exerted our various process vessels and a ju-
by DMA at various concentrations of What is the effect of 10 pounds per dicious choice of proper atmospheric
DMA in water. Let's say we found hour emission of DMA to the atmos- diffusion constants, the equation checks
that 200 parts of odor-free air was re- phere in terms of odor intensities at the fairly closely observed values as well
quired to dilute one part of the gaseous front porch of our hypothetical Mrs. as those calculated from Halitsky's
sample containing 100 ppm of DMA to Jones 2500 feet away? Ten pounds per data on roof vents and Sutton's con-
reach the average odor threshold of our hour of DMA is equivalent to about tinuous point source equation. We
odor panelists. This 200 fold dilution 85 cubic feet per hour of this material. utilize the following form of the equa-
yielded a mixture of 0.5 ppm DMA 10 lbs DMA/hr tion:
by volume, the odor threshold value. X 379 cu ft/mole = The Bosanquet-Pearson Equation (4)
45 lbs DMA/mole
Definition of Odor Units 1000M 1
85 cu ft/hr of DMA
Well, so we have determined the odor
threshold of di-methyl amine. So As you recall from the measurements vx* x
what? Is the number of mere academic of odor threshold, .5 ppm by volume
interest? What does it mean in prac- is the threshold odor value or, saying
it another way, 1/2 cubic feet is capable where
tical engineering terms? Of course, it
is obvious that a threshold of .5 ppm of contaminating 1,000,000 cubic feet Co = "average maximum" concen-
by volume says in effect that if 1/i of odor-free air to the threshold odor tration odor units per cu ft
cubic feet of gaseous DMA is mixed value. Therefore, our 10 pounds per where one odor unit is threshold
with 1,000,000 cubic feet of odor-free hour DMA released to the atmosphere odor concentration; Maximum
air the resultant mixture will just barely in tnis example will contaminate 168,- values of one to five minute
have a fishy odor at the odor threshold 000,000 cubic feet of air per hour or duration every y 2 to one hour.
for the average nose used in the odor 2,800,000 cubic feet per minute. This value is five to 10 times
panel. This does not tell us whether 85 cu ft/hr DMA an overall "average" value of
Mrs. Jones at her cottage 2500 feet X 106 cu ft = 30 minutes duration.
V2 cu ft
away will wrinkle her nose when 10 M = total emission in odor units
pounds per hour of material is released 168 X 106 cu ft/hr per second
510 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association
DISTANCES ( by vorious olmospheric diffusion equations)
Now let's see what happens to our charged from the process. One is a
10 pounds per hour DMA as it drifts relatively small hydrogen stream rich in
downwind using these three equations. amines and the other is a large hydrogen
Figure 4 reveals graphically the travels stream rather lean in amines. The
of our whiff of odor, the 10 pounds per first stream contains about 35% by
hour DMA, which was discharged from volume of amines and 65% hydrogen.
the process using the three expressions This mixture passes through a packed
discussed above. For something as rel- water scrubber. The scrubber water
atively inexact as atmospheric diffusion from the packed scrubber containing
equations, the calculated values of the about 15 to 20% DMA is discharged
three equations are fairly close to each to an amine recovery column. The
other. You will note that up to about packed scrubber removes about 95%
1000 feet away from the odor source, the DMA from the gas stream. It operates
Fig. 4. Downwind odor concentration at odor is detectable. Beyond about 1500 at 50 psi. There is nothing unique
ground level comparison of various diffusion feet the odor concentration under nor- about this column. Conventional cal-
equations. mal atmospheric conditions and moder- culations of mass transfer were em-
ate winds (eight mph in this example) ployed. Coefficients of diffusion and
X = distance from source—feet is below the odor threshold of people heights of transfer units for NH3 were
V = wind velocity—feet per second whose odor sensitivity is equivalent to found applicable for amines.
h = ht. of odor source, assume our odor panel which determined the A 95% removal of DMA in the water
about 25 feet for an average threshold odor of DMA. The calcu- scrubber is absolutely inadequate and
figure from process area. lated values obtained prior to start-up a severe odor problem would result from
(2) Halitsky Vent Equation (5)— checked fairly closely the observed the discharge of this material to the
Normally applicable to roof vents but values of our many odor patrols through- atmosphere. Hence, the gaseous efflu-
can be more generally applied for good out the neighborhood under most condi- ent from this water scrubber combined
approximations quickly arrived at. tions. Our experience elsewhere prior with a stream of hydrogen mentioned
to this time confirmed the validity above containing only small amounts
D = M(3.16 + OAR)* of calculating downwind odor con- of DMA was further treated in an acid
D = number of dilutions at distance centrations using atmospheric diffusion scrubber (Fig. 5). DMA reacts with
R equations. However, for unusual mete- the acid forming a sulfate of di-methyl
R = distance in vent diameters— orological conditions such as extremely amine which exerts no vapor pressure.
for general cases an assumed light winds (one to two mph) the odors Therefore, practically complete DMA
value of 12 inches for vent could be detected several times the removal and odor elimination was
diameter will yield realistic calculated distance, as far as 2000 feet realized. The spent acid solution bled
dilution values and facilitates to 4000 feet away. So our hypothetical off from the acid scrubber was neutral-
calculations Mrs. Jones should be free of the fishy ized with caustic. This reaction re-
M = turbulence coefficient—value of odor even during most abnormal con- leased DMA back to its pure state for
three conservative except for ditions although it is conceivable that recovery in the recovery column. Na2-
extreme cases of poor mixing she could on occasion pick up a brief, SO4 was formed as a side reaction. The
where one is used. Formula as- stray sensation from 10 pounds per hour effectiveness of this approach was estab-
sumes eight mph wind. emission. Since downwind odor con- lished by laboratory work.
(S) Sutton's equation (6)—Ground centration is directly proportional to the So much for the actual control equip-
level point source quantities of emission at our source, ment which was quite simple. There
observe what happens if our discharge is nothing extraordinary in our approach
2Q of DMA increased to say, 10 pounds
X = at this point. We, of course, realized
irCyCzUX2-" per hour to the atmosphere. The odor that if allowable DMA discharge was
2500 feet away is well above the thresh- to be limited to 10 pounds per hour,
where old. Mrs. Jones is no longer hypotheti- the performance of the scrubber was not
X = odor units/cm —odor thresh- cal but an irate reality as she calls the the only factor to be scrutinized. Amine
old is still one whether ex- plant manager to register her quite losses from leaking flanges, pump pack-
pressed in odor units per cm3 valid complaint. ings, and other potential sources must
or odor units per cu ft3 We must point out that these cal- be eliminated through proper equipment
Q = odor units/sec—for use in this culations are, at best, very good ap- design and maintenance. Routine in-
equation multiply by 2.7 X 10" proximations based upon equations spection and maintenance procedures
to convert to cm3 from cubic which were never designed to be exact. were established which we hoped would
feet—Odor units is defined as Meteorological conditions and the hu- minimize the chances for major odor dis-
the amount of odor which man olfactory senses do not yield to
can contaminate one cubic foot rigorous mathematics. However, we
of odor-free gas to threshold at least have from these curves reason-
odor level. This same odor able design criteria based upon valid
unit can contaminate 2.7 X 104 calculations.
cm3 of gas
U = wind velocity in cm/sec Process Odor Control—Phase I
X = distance from point source in cm You will note my use of the term
Cy = 0.4 cm1/8 (diffusion coefficient-y "Phase I." This Phase I of our odor
direction-normal atm. condi- control efforts assumed that control
ditions) devices with usual conventional pre-
Cz = 0.2 cm1/s(diffusion coefficient-z cautions would suffice to avoid a neigh-
direction-normal atm. condi- borhood nuisance. Let's review our
tions) engineering approach and take a look
n = V8 (atm stability factor-nor- at the results.
mal atm conditions) Basically, two waste streams are dis- Fig. 5. Acid scrubber.

December 1964 / Volume 14, No. 12 511


Fig. 8. Pilot plant flare stack '/soo scale model.

actions. In effect, the NH3 acted as

Fig. 6. Typical portions of processing area Fig. 7. Typical portions of processing area an inert, noncondensible gas building
handling amines. handling amines. up in the system. The result was
over-pressuring of various vessels and
charges. Figures 6 and 7 are evidence the odor problem developed we called popping of pressure relief valves which
of the extremely complex nature of the the press before the odor was traced to released to the atmosphere large
process consisting of many potential our premises. amounts of di-methyl amine along with
sources of amine leaks and chances for We also took the initiative in making the ammonia. There are few, if any,
misoperation as well as malfunctioning sure the local government was informed relief valves available on the market
of equipment. of developments at all times. We in- which remain absolutely tight once they
You will recall that amines in higher vited the city, county, and state public discharge. Therefore, once opened re-
concentrations have a weak ammonia- health officers to the plant to review the lief valves became chronic sources of
like odor which rapidly fatigues the situation with us. We were able to odor until the valves were reset.
olfactory senses. Amidst many amine assure these officials that the odors were As a temporary expedient during the
leaks the operators of the process can be not toxic and in no way constituted a initial run, some waste gas streams
living in a fool's paradise oblivious of health problem. We engineers de- were routed to a separate once-through
the neighborhood nuisance they may be scribed the nature of the raw material water scrubber to remove this build-up
creating. Therefore, it was planned to to the governmental authorities. The of inert ammonia in the system which
check for leaks on a routine basis several maximum allowable concentration contributed to the discharging of relief
times per week using SO2 bottles. (MAC) of di-methyl amine for personnel valves. The spent scrubber waters were
When SO2 is sprayed on an amine leak, safety is several hundred times higher disposed directly to the nearby Kaw
a visible cloud results. In addition, than the levels which were creating an River.
routine odor tours at a distance of V2 to odor nuisance. Our factory Commu- However, this water absorption was
one mile downwind were initially nity Relations Supervisor personally impractical over the long haul for
planned on a twice weekly basis. visited every individual who called the several good reasons. The quantities
Pressure relief valves were discharged factory and would identify himself. of DMA discharged with the NH3 were
directly to the atmosphere. It was The public relations facets of this great enough to render the scrubber
believed that enough instrumentation odor problem would be a story in itself. water excessively odorous in the sewer
and alarms were available to prevent This paper concerns the engineering lines until dilution in the Kaw River was
over-pressure. approach to abating the odor nuisance. achieved. Neutralization of the amines
I have merely touched upon the public with H2SO4 could control the odor
The Results relations angle to emphasize its impor- evolved from the scrubber water but
Our approach seemed reasonable. tance in a nuisance problem of this sort. the acid usage would be costly. More
Normal precautions were taken for what It is difficult to divorce the engineering important, the pollution load on the
we believed was an average odorous aspects and the public relations aspects Kaw River would exceed the proposed
process. However, this was not a in a nuisance situation of this nature. legal limit in terms of biochemical oxy-
normal "business as usual" type of We had to have the indulgence of the gen demand (50 ppm upper limit) and
process but in some respects bordered community to limp along for sufficient dissolved solids (300 ppm upper limit).
on the unique. During our start-up time to identify our problems. Our These facts emphasize one concept
period the usual minor malfunctions and public relations people performed a which we have become more and more
misoperations associated with getting yeoman service for us. aware of—the close relationship of
new equipment on the line created a problems of air pollution and water
major odor incident. On some of our Back to the Drawing Board— pollution. Removal of air pollutants
worst days when the wind was not Phase II of Process Odor Control by water scrubbing frequently merely
favoring us we received over a half Just what did occur which created transfers a problem from the realm of
dozen calls a day, some as far as several the odor nuisance? I will discuss each the air pollution control officer to the
miles away. cause and the solution. stream sanitation commission. The
During the succeeding six weeks the A side reaction aggravated by the reverse is also true. This was no ex-
process was operated on a "stop and go" intermittent nature of the start-up ception. We could discharge our wastes
basis as we tried to plug the gaps in our produced much larger quantities of neither up nor down. We were left with
odor control defense. During this pe- ammonia than originally predicted. one alternative—destruction of the
riod of travail, the public relations as- The recovery of ammonia along with pollutants to innocuous compounds. In
pects of the problem were as important di-methyl amine in the water and acid a word, our only feasible alternative
as the engineering approaches to solve scrubbers resulted in a build-up of NH3 was combustion. We decided that a
the problem. We made every effort to in the system. The ammonia did not flare stack was our 1)est bet. A ground
keep the press informed of our actions condense in recovery systems nor, once flare as well as a furnace had certain
to correct the odor nuisance. The day formed, did it enter into further re- built-in risks of explosions due to

512 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association

Pilot Plant Flare Stack Tests
FLOW (SCFM to Burner)
Total — H<, % . DMA . •TMA- . — NH, Fuel Gas
i %Vol. SCFM % Vol. SCFM % Vol. SCFM % Vol.
3.8 2.0 52.5 0.36 9.5 — 0 0.36 9.5 0.08 2.0 1.0 26.5
7.0 3.4 48.5 0.76 10.9 0.36 5.1 1.48 21. 1.0 14.5
5.0 _ — 2.16 43.2 0.36 7.2 1.48 29.6 1.0 20.
3.4 _ — 0.4 11.8 2.0 58.7 1.0 29.5
5.0 _ — .—. —
— 2.16 43.2 0.36 7.2 1.48 29.6 1.0 20.

Fig. 9. Various test conditions for model flare stack.

fluctuating loads from our process flows. ever, it was possible that due to certain flame whipped about in the wind (the
A flare stack obviated these objections. incomplete products of combustion of tests were run outdoors for safety
However, for effective elimination of the amines such as, say, oxides of nitro- reasons). Inadvertently, as the tube
the nuisance problem, almost total de- gen, a mild odor problem could remain. was moved around in an attempt to
struction of the amines is necessary We, therefore, took gas samples from keep it in the dancing flame, some of the
because of the extremely low odor the periphery of the flame with our odor sample was drawn from the cool inner
threshold of DMA. syringe. These samples were taken to core of the flame where the amines still
an odor-free room for dilution as neces- existed in an undecomposed state.
Flare Stack Design— sary and observation by our odor panel. Nevertheless, these quantitative anal-
Pilot Plant Work A barely discernible odor was noted, yses for the amines with all their short
To determine the effectiveness of a probably some oxide of nitrogen, but comings did confirm at least the near-
flare stack we built a small model pilot the fish odor was, fortunately, con- absence of amine. The possibility of
stack for test purposes. A bunsen spicuous by its absence. the formation of a black plume at our
burner was rigged to the stack to simu- (3) Being engineers, however, we were flare stack consisting of unburned carbon
late the pilot flame. This model handled not completely satisfied with subjective particles formed from thermal decom-
flows of Vsoo the actual design flows. approaches. Engineers like to express postition of the gaseous compounds and
A maximum of 7.0 cfm of the several facts with numbers. So we actually incomplete combustion of these parti-
constituents of the exhaust gases were drew samples from the outer periphery cles appeared to us as highly unlikely
metered to the pilot model flare stack. of the flame through a midget impinger because of the small ratio of carbon
These flows included various combina- sampling train consisting of a midget atoms to hydrogen atoms and the low
tions of hydrogen, di-methyl amine, impinger containing .01 normality HC1, molecular weight of the gaseous com-
ammonia, nitrogen, and fuel gas. Fuel a rotameter for measuring the gas sam- pounds.7- 9 In practice this assump-
gas is considered a necessary ingredient pling rate, and an eductor to provide the tion proved entirely correct. The flare
at all times. Hydrogen normally pres- motivating force for the gas sample stack has not smoked.
ent would support combustion. How- (Fig. 10). Amine hydrochlorides were
ever, we could foresee various process formed in the impingers. In the labo- Flare Stack Design
conditions where the waste gases might ratory, these amines were evolved over So we installed a flare stack in place
consist of no hydrogen but merely solid KOH in large excess within a of the acid scrubber and never regretted
purging nitrogen containing enough sealed chamber. The evolved gas was the decision (Fig. 11). The flare stack
amines to create a major odor problem then chromatographed. This techni- purchased from the John Zink Company
but not enough to support combustion. que did show thy presence of several is 100 feet high. The bottom section
These conditions could occur at any parts per million amines in the gases of is six feet in diameter by 10 feet high
time. Therefore, sweetening fuel gas is combustion. While this quantity would and acts as a knock-out drum to remove
required on a continuous basis in the be too insignificant to be an odor prob- liquid material. The top two feet of
total effluent streams discharged to the lem at the closest homes and represented the stack is lined with castable refrac-
flare stack. a better than 99.9% removal, we still tory on the inside for protection against
The various gases were fed from high should have detected this odor with our heat from the flame. Similarly, the
pressure gas bottles through calibrated noses since the odor threshold of amines upper eight feet is stainless steel. The
rotameters into a manifold and thence is much less than one ppm. stack is designed to handle various
to the model flare stack (Fig. 8). Feed The reason for this apparent but combinations of amines, ammonia, hy-
rates of the constituents discharged to slight inconsistency is simple. The drogen, and nitrogen plus sweetening
the flare during several test conditions gas sample collection tube had to be gas, i.e., natural gas, to assure a com-
are shown in Fig. 9. manually held in the flame since the bustible mixture under worst conditions.
We checked the efficiency of odor
removal of the amines by three
(1) Direct a small stream of SO2 at
the tip of the flame to determine vis-
ually if there were any remnants of
unburned amines. Amines combine
with SO2 to form a thick, white visible
fume. The test is a rather sensitive
qualitative approach. At the tip of the
ilame and around the periphery no
white fumes were noticed. At the
cooler base there was only the slightest
indication of the presence of amines.
{2) Odor tests—Observers in the im-
mediate area of the flame noticed no Fig. 10. Midget impinger test unit for measur- Fig. 1 1 . Sketch—full scale flare stack as
sign of the distinctive fish odor. How- ing amine concentrations. designed.

December 1964 / Volume 14, No. 12 513

Fig. 12. Flare stack in operation. Fig. 1 3. Flare stack in operation. Fig. 14. Base of flare stack.

The addition of natural gas provides a from the system the NH3 which built level in case of flame failure was not a
minimum of 350 to 400 Btu/cubic feet up in the system from a side reaction design criteria for the height of our
of exhaust gases entering the flare stack. and over-pressured some of the pro- stack because of the relatively innocuous
We had been advised that 250 Btu/cubic cessing and storage tanks. During our nature of the waste gases.
feet of exhaust gases is probably ade- first run we installed additional inter- These relief valve surge tanks nor-
quate but our pilot plant tests showed locks and alarms to avoid those mis- mally operated at two psig or so. How-
the need of a higher heat value to be operations which could over-pressure ever, the maximum allowable pressure
sure of combustion. We did not want the process vessels. However, in even of the tanks was set at 30 psig by our
to risk a flame-out and a major odor the best managed of families, relief safety people for various process safety
nuisance again. The stack was valves do discharge and once opened do considerations. Combined surge tank
equipped with four natural gas pilot not reset well. We just could not af- capacity was 3200 cubic feet. There-
lights to assure ignition of all combus- ford the risk of further major nuisance fore, at 30 psig they were capable of
tibles released from the stack. Ignition espisodes. Therefore, in our revised handling 6400 standard cubic feet of
of the pilots is accomplished by a remote system (Phase II) the discharges from emission from the relief valves. The
"flame front" ignition system. About all major relief valves are fed into a contents of these surge tanks could be
400 feet of pipeline to the pilot light 16 inch collection header and thence to discharged to the flare stack at a con-
isfilledwith a proper mixture of natural two large storage tanks which act as trolled rate so as not to exceed the
gas and air. A spark is generated by a surge tanks to contain the discharges design capacity of the flare stack.
spark plug and the flame is propogated from the relief valves. These relief The one Achilles heel in this scheme of
along the length of the pipe line to the valve surge tanks meter their contents things is the large relief valve protecting
pilot lights. About 25 cfm of natural gas slowly into the flare stack for destruc- these surge tanks. It discharges to the
is fed to the four pilots (Fig. 12 to 14). tion of the odorous organic material. atmosphere. The theoretical rate of
Aside from the elimination of a stream The normal emissions also pass through discharge from this relief valve was
pollution problem and total destruction these surge tanks which constitutes a tremendous, too large for a flare stack
of odorous compounds the flare stack wide place in the line and therefore serve of reasonable dimensions. However,
proved far more reliable than the pre- the purpose of a knock-out drum to with our alarm and interlock system for
vious odor control device, the acid remove any liquid from the gaseous vessel over-pressures, we believed that
scrubber. The latter was, of course, a stream prior to discharge to the flare the over-pressure of our surge tanks
chemical process requiring some atten- stack. We wanted to avoid the possi- would rarely, if ever, occur. A year's
tion. Several odor episodes were cre- bility of flaming particles of liquid operation confirms this reasoning.
ated by malfunctioning or misoperation dropping down toward the ground.
of the scrubber. The troubles included One might be tempted to ask why
malfunctioning of the pH control, Storage Tank Vent System
the surge tank for the relief valve dis-
failure to deliver acid to the scrubber, charges. Why not pipe the relief A number of storage tanks operating
flooding of the scrubber, clogging of the valves directly to the flare stack? at or near atmospheric pressure con-
recirculation pump with broken bits of These relief valves were designed for tain stocks normally free of odorous
berl saddles, ad infinitum. Much oper- large peak flows and the discharge amines. However, misoperation could
ating and maintenance attention was from a number of these valves could result in amine contamination of the
required by the acid scrubber. On the peak simultaneously. To have de- stocks in the tanks and odor discharges
other hand, the flare stack is given only signed the flare stack to burn the in- to the atmosphere from the vents of
a bare minimum of maintenance and stantaneous peaking of all these sources the tanks. We therefore collect the
operational time. It just keeps on at once would have resulted in a flare vents of various groupings of tanks
burning. After a year on the line there stack of record breaking height, diam- and discharge them to the atmosphere
has been no period of misoperation or eter, and cost. One of the key cal- through a water scrubber. The spent
malfunctioning, resulting in flame out culations in flare stack heights in- scrubber water normally is clean and,
and an odor nuisance. The amines volves flame lengths for given heat therefore, sent directly to the sewer and
entering the flare stack have been to- loads.7'8 Safety dictates a flare stack thence to the river at an outfall near a
tally destroyed. be of such height that the flame length heavily trafficked bridge. However,
for the design heat load will not en- short and infrequent periods of mis-
Pressure Relief Valve Discharges danger life or property. A surge tank operation could result in a scrubber
Our earlier troubles during the first to receive the relief valve discharges water discharge contaminated with
runs (Phase I) involved frequent pop- obviates the necessity for the flare stack enough amines to render the odor of the
ping of pressure relief valves. We par- to be so large and costly. Just as an spent water objectionable. Therefore,
tially solved the problem by bleeding aside, toxic concentrations at ground all spent scrubber water passes through
514 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association
The plant manager, group manager, and STORAGE a WORK TANK VENT SYSTEMS

the department manager review the re-

ports regularly. This review tends to X .,mKnM...nn
spur the efforts to abate odor. One of
the key elements to our ultimate success
in eliminating our odor nuisance is the
attitude of the process operating per-
sonnel, both supervisory and hourly
people, toward odor control. Our
people have taken a personal interest
in maintaining an odor-free operation.
Summary Fig. 16. Tank vent odor control and sewer
neutralization system.
What were the results of all these
efforts to solve the odor nuisance prob-
lem? Our first start-up previously de- abatement equipment because of the
Fig. 1 5. Flare stack control panel including ig- scribed (Phase I) resulted in complaints pressures to meet production schedules
nition points for four pilot lights. reaching upwards of perhaps 100 or so and quality control standards. This
in six weeks. We identified the prob- leads to the need for consideration of the
a sewer neutralization system (Fig. 15). lems and then shut down to take all normally much simpler combustion pro-
Amines, begin similar to ammonia, are the actions which I have just described. cesses as a means of odor eliminat'on
basic and small amounts in the range of It was not in vain! In a period span- over the more complex chemical
perhaps a 1000 ppm can raise the pH ning one year we have to date received methods.
to nine or ten. Consequently, a pH perhaps a half dozen mild complaints. (5) Solving an air pollution problem
sensing device effectively monitors the Our improvement was by a margin of can create a water pollution problem.
spent waters. Should amine be pres- several hundred fold. We decreased The two are frequently inseparable.
ent, sulfuric acid is automatically the odor by at least several orders of Again, destruction by combustion may
metered into the spent water thus magnitude. The odor problem is either solve both problems.
neutralizing the amines and rendering negligible or nonexistent at the present (6) Sometimes an air pollution prob-
them innocuous as to odors. time. I think we can and should draw lem can be solved more cheaply and
some conclusions of a general nature to effectively by certain revisions in the
Odor Inspections and Odor Tours serve as guide lines for odor control in process rather than by installation of
One of the chief sources of odor during any complex process based upon the control equipment. This approach
our first start-up was leaks from pump experiences during our first abortive should be investigated in the early
packing, valve packing, flanges, etc. run followed by our successful elimina- stages of design.
Re-design of pumps and stuffing boxes tion of the problem. (7) Lab and pilot plant tests are
of pumps and agitators helped alleviate (1) Odor should be placed as much as necessary pre-requisites to many forms
this problem. Nevertheless, we decided possible on an objective, quantitative of odor control except the most con-
to have one man full time do nothing basis rather than an emotional, qualita- ventional approaches. Combustion
else but police the equipment for leaks tive, subjective basis. This approach process must be checked out on a small
using the highly sensitive SO2 test. The proved invaluable to us in establishing scale to ascertain whether complete
intensity of leaks could be estimated goals for the proper degree of odor con- combustion of organic materials in a
using the midget impinger unit described trol and indicating to us the extent of given time at a given temperature is
above. Knowing the carrying power an odor problem which might develop possible. Furthermore, it is necessary
per pound of di-methyl amine, we could from leaking equipment. to determine if combustion results in
make some good educated guesses as to {2) All process equipment such as complete decomposition of the material
how far the odor might be detected by pumps, valves, etc. should be designed to CO2, H2O, N2, etc. If not, a knowl-
a given leak. Most leaks could be with odor control considerations loom- edge of the products of combustion is
fixed on the run. However, if the leak ing as important in the minds of the necessary. The partially decomposed
was major and could be detected ac- designer as the conventional considera- compounds might constitute as much
cording to our calculations over 2000 tions of corrosion, maintenance, ease of a nuisance as the original compound.
feet to 2500 feet away but could not of operation, cost, etc. Lavish use of (8) Last, but not least, are the
be repaired while the process was on the odor control equipment alone is not the public relations facets of the problem.
line, our management's established answer. During nuisance episodes every effort
policy was immediate shut-down for (3) Vigilant supervision must be con- must be made to keep the citizens, the
repairs. stantly exercised over both operation press, and the regulatory agencies in-
To check on the effectiveness of our and maintenance phases of the process. formed of the situation. A candid
operational and maintenance proce- Indoctrination of hourly as well as presentation of facts in the long run is
dures, we instituted an odor tour on a supervisory people is indispensible to far more effective than a secretive, cloak
twice per shift basis. These six daily successful nuisance abatement. Fre- and dagger approach. However, words
odor tours were conducted by trained quent inspection of equipment and are cheap. Ultimately, action and
individuals from other departments with neighborhood odor tours are excellent progress toward solving the problem are
no axe to grind. The odor patrols re- checks on the effectiveness of an odor the best public relations of all. The
mained objective and clinical in their control program. Our successful runs excellent handling of the situation by
observations. If an odor is detected after the first abortive start should be our plant management and public rela-
over 2500 feet away and appeared major credited to the efforts and attitudes of tions people, however, allowed us time
in nature, the odor patrol has been in- the operating people, both supervisory to "cripple" along to pin-point our prob-
structed to use the radio-telephone as well as hourly. lems so that we could effectively and
system provided in the company car (4) Air pollution control equipment quickly solve them without lawsuits and
to inform the process foreman about the must be designed as trouble-free as injunctions.
situation. Otherwise, the report awaits possible. There is always an under- It is hoped that our initial failures as
the patrol's arrival back into the plant. standable tendency to neglect pollution well as our ultimate successes as de-
December 1964 / Volume 14, No. 12 515
scribed in this paper will be of help to
others in solving their particular odor
problems by the exercise of sound basic
principles applicable to any process. Bay Area
Acknowledgments A new regulation to control organic emissions in the six county Bay Area Air
Credit is due to Messrs. R. A. Hent- Pollution Control District was urged by the District's Advisory Council.
ges, J. R. Smith, R. D. Walker, L. The need for such a regulation, which will affect industrial, commercial, residential
Altamirano, R. K. Guthrie, R. C. and agricultural interests in the Bay Area was determined after exhaustive studies by
Peterson, Hugh Tassey, Ladd Duryea, the Council's Technical Committee and Ad Hoc Committee on Organic Emissions.
W. Daly, and others of the Procter and The Council approved the committees' report and directed the District's staff
Gamble Company for their contribu- to prepare a draft of a regulation for submission to the Technical Committee by
tions to the Odor Abatement Program January, 1965.
described in this paper. According to the report 49% of the organic compounds that form Bay Area
smog conies from gasoline-powered automobiles, diesels and aircraft. Forty-one
REFERENCES percent is emitted by organic solvent
users, backyard burning, commercial Columbia University Drafting Re-
1. J. F. Byrd, "Demonstration—Syringe
Odor Measurement Technique," J. of and apartment house incinerators, and search, under a U. S. Public Health
Air Poll. Control Assoc, 7: 58-59 (May agricultural operations. The remaining Service grant, with the co-operation of
1957). 10% comes from petroleum marketing air pollution control authorities both
2. J. F. Byrd, E. L. Dewey, "Venturi here and in other sections of the coun-
Scrubber in Odor Control," Chem. Eng. and refining, combustion of natural
Progress, 3 : 9, 447-451 (September gases, chemical and metallurgical opera- try. It became official after its adop-
1957). tions, and ships and railroads. tion by the Air Pollution Control
3. V. E. Gex, E. A. Fox, "Method of In order to attack the smog problem Board and it is expected to become a
Determining Odor Concentrations in model for the nation.
Air and Gases," / . Air Poll. Control effectively, the Council recommended
Assoc, 7: 60-61 (May 1957). that the proposed regulation be timed The complete code is distributed by
4. C. H. Bosanquet, J. L. Pearson, "The so that all of the major sources would the office of: The City Record, 2213
Spread of Smoke and Gases from be controlled concurrently. Municipal Building, New York, New
Chimneys," Transactions of the Fara- York 10007, at a price of Si.00; by
day Society, 32 : 1249-1264 (1936). mail $1.10.
5. J. Halitsky, "Diffusion of Vented Gas New York City
Around Buildings," / . Air Poll. Control
Assoc, 12: 2, 74-80. The Text of New York City's new
6. O. G. Sutton, "Micrometeorology," Air Pollution Control Code which be- MVPCB GIVES OUTLINE
McGraw-Hill, New York (1953). came effective October 1 has been made
7. F. T. Bodurtha, "Flare Stacks—How public by Commissioner Arthur J. OF FIVE WARNINGS
Tall," Chem. Eng. Progress, 177-180
(December 15, 1958). Benline. RE CRANKCASE CHECK-UP
8. G. E. McElroy, C. E. Brown, L. B. By far the most sweeping provision
Berger, and H. H. Schoenk, "Dilution in the new code is that which restricts Five warning signals that call for
of Stack Effluents," Technical papers the sulfur content of fuel used in most checking of crankcase ventilation sys-
657, U. S. Dept. of Interior, Bureau of tems now on most newer model cars
Mines (1944). apartment buildings and commercial
9. A. G. Gaydon and H. G. Wolfherd, and industrial establishments. The have been outlined by Donald A.
"Flames, Their Structure, Radiation, provision spells out a staggered program Jensen, Executive Officer of the State
and Temperature," London, Chapman over a five-year period which requires Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Board.
and Hall, Ltd. (1953). "The things to watch for," Mr. Jensen
the reduction in sulfur in fuel oil and
solid fuel to three percent in the first said, "are fumes coming out of the
year. In 1965 the allowable content engine when the car is idling (lift the
will be 2.8 percent. By 1968 the per- hood to check), oil on top of the engine,
centage will drop to 2.5 and by 1969 it rough idle, excessive stalling in traffic,
The Staff will have been reduced to 2.2 percent. and engine hesitation.
The code, which expands the powers "If any of these are present, ask your
of the Commissioner in numerous ways, mechanic or service station man to
At APCA Headquarters contains scores of changes. Some of check the crankcase ventilation system
the important ones which affect a large valve and tubes. This can be done- in
majority of the city's residents follow: a moment or two and save unnecessary
Extends Best Wishes (1) Expands the jurisdiction of the concern over engine performance."
department to include air contaminants He said all that may be needed is to
For a Merry Christmas such as smoke, dust, fumes and vapors. clean or replace the valve. Cost for
The department was originally created this work averages about $2.50.
solely for the control of smoke. Approved crankcase devices have
And a Happy New Year (2) Limits smoke from boilers, in- been on all new cars registered in Cali-
cinerators, etc., to a period of four fornia, starting with the 1961 model.
minutes per hour. This refers to No. Many used cars are also equipped, but
1 smoke, or smoke that is 20 % visible. the bulk of the used car population will
Previously there was no limitation on come under the mandatory installation
CLASSIFIED this degree of smoke, though smoke of phase of the law next year.
higher density was totally banned. Mr. Jensen said that starting in 1966
ASSOCIATE AIR POLLUTION (3) Prohibits the idling of any motor every car with a crankcase device, and
CONTROL ENGINEER $677 to $842— vehicle for a period of more than three registered in a metropolitan county will
Fast growing area. Requires chemical, minutes. Idling motors, it was ex- require an annual inspection at an offi-
mechanical or related engineering degree plained, emit prodigious amounts of cial station.
plus 2 yrs. exp. in similar field. toxic and injurious gases. He pointed out that the device is like
CIVIL SERVICE DEPT.—Court- Commissioner Benline said that the any other part of the car needing peri-
house, San Bernardino, California exhaustive code was drafted by the odic servicing.

5T6 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association

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