Digital Transformation

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Digital Transformation

Project Report


Digital Transformation in Healthcare - NVIDIA


“The digital transformation in the healthcare industry has been concerned with the challenges of
lowering the costs and focusing on the initiatives of virtualization and patient services. The
industry is facing problems of shortage of physicians. In this report we have researched how
NVIDIA as a processor manufacturing company is trying to disrupt the healthcare industry. The
company has focused on innovation of new technologies for this healthcare industry. The
healthcare industry has forecasted a 50-100 times demand for telemedicine as compared to the
previous year. “Artificial intelligence in healthcare is expected to expand at a compound annual
growth rate of 46.21 percent from 2018 to reach $33.42 billion by 2026”.

Industry Overview:

“In the healthcare industry digital transformation has been emerged with a lot of technologies.
The industry has been disrupted with the application of telemedicine, Artificial Intelligence (AI)
and blockchain technology. These technologies are trying to reshape the industry with respect to
interacting with health professionals and how the professionals are planning about treatment of
their patients in an updated manner. These innovations help the health professionals to optimize
the system and improve patient outcomes. However, these digital transformation technologies
reduce the human errors and lowers the cost through mobile and web experiences. The
healthcare AI tools market is expected to be $34 billion by 2025. The industry offers chatbots
and virtual health assistant technologies which are becoming familiar with the patients.”

Company Overview:

“In February 2019 the Digital technology company NVIDIA partnered with Healthcare
Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) to transform the healthcare industry.
Currently, in this industry most healthcare organizations are facing problems in improving
quality of care while lowering their costs. In such scenarios telemedicine and virtual care
initiatives are gaining popularity rapidly. NVIDIA has been transforming the industry with
serving virtualized PCs, AI, and clinical informatics. The company is providing high quality
virtual experiences including medical images, conducting a telemedicine session. “NVIDIA’s
single platform for computing optimizes virtualized PCs, clinical informatics and AI to serve the
needs of physicians, data scientists, business analysts and IT administrators”. “It can run machine
learning analytics, build and apply AI applications, and provide staff with a high-quality virtual
experience while working with medical images, watching a training video or conducting a
telemedicine session”.”

Importance of digital transformation:

● “According to the Association of American medical colleges, it predicts a shortage of

around 120,000 healthcare personnel by 2030. It will be difficult to find assistants for
● “More than 70% of medical imaging research has been using deep learning for care and
population health.”
● “According to an estimation of Gartner by 2025, around 65% of the healthcare industry
will include AI technology.”
● “To securely access the patient’s data the company enables virtualization and makes it a
crucial technology for telemedicine.”

NVIDIA Virtual GPU Solutions:

“NVIDIA virtual GPU (vGPU) software enables powerful GPU performance for workloads
ranging from graphics-rich virtual workstations to data science and AI, allowing IT to take
advantage of both virtualization's management and security benefits as well as the performance
of NVIDIA GPUs required for modern workloads. NVIDIA vGPU software, which may be
installed on a real GPU in a cloud or business data centre server, produces virtual GPUs that can
be shared across many virtual machines and accessible from any device, anywhere.”
The NVIDIA virtual GPU available in three editions

1. NVIDIA RTX virtual workstation

“The NVIDIA RTX Virtual Workstation (vWS) is suitable for radiologists, doctors, and
specialists who need to virtualize PACS pictures. “

● “Remote access to pictures for 3D volumetric viewing and editing”
● “With support for up to two 8K displays and high frame buffer capacities, the ability to
accommodate big and complicated medical pictures is possible”
● “Ability to complement diagnostic work and do diagnostic work remotely “
● “Increase the number of people who can see photos that are stored in the data centre”
● “IT management costs are reduced”
● “For real-time ray tracing, support the newest RTX-enabled apps”

2. NVIDIA Virtual PC and Virtual Apps

“Doctors, physicians, nurses, and staff can use NVIDIA Virtual PC (vPC) and Virtual Apps
(vApps) for general-purpose VDI in healthcare environments.”

● “Remote access to medical records can be made possible by virtualizing EMR software”
● “Support for Windows 10's growing graphics needs and contemporary productivity
● “Up to four HD monitors can be supported for greater productivity”
● “Scaling VDI throughout business at a lower cost”
● “Increase the number of people who can access images and patient data stored in the data
● “IT management costs are reduced”
3 .NVIDIA Virtual Compute Server

“The NVIDIA Virtual Compute Server (vCS) is designed for data and laboratory scientists that
need to execute computationally heavy workloads such as AI, data science, and HPC

● “In a virtualized environment, run containerized apps for machine learning, deep
learning, scientific computing, or cryo-electron microscopy”
● “To increase application performance, use several GPUs in a single VM, which is crucial
for high-throughput and real-time processing of medical imaging investigations”
● “Use the same hypervisor management tools for both computing and graphics workloads
to break down data centre silos”
● Run compute-intensive operations at night, when VDI usage is lower, to maximise
infrastructure utilisation

From the health to the automotive sector GPUs have been of immense importance, Accenture
has used GPUs to store the large volumes of data they have.
Recently, it has been noticed that there is no space left where AI hasn’t spread its roots, and
Nvidia is probably the first company to conquer the same.

Its data center is booming and with organizations being highly dependent on data, it is the need
of the hour. Many cloud computing companies have to rely on GPUs for the same. They use
them to accelerate their processing capabilities as well as ML models.

“Nvidia is also making huge investments in edge computing which is about delivering
high-performance computing closer to the source of data for a particular company. It has released
chips specifically for the same.”
“Self or automatic driving cars are of big value at the moment hence they have been proved to be
a significant part of Nvidia’s recent and future disruptions. They have recently launched the
DRIVE AGX Pegasus platform which delivers unparalleled performance and the ability to
implement Level 5 self-driving capability.”

A lot of universities have also invested in GPUs to keep their data safe and secure and to record
large units of data.

● “Nvidia's new A100 GPU is already shipping to customers around the globe. It will be
used by the biggest names in cloud computing, including Alibaba, Amazon, Baidu,
Google, and Microsoft. The companies operate huge server farms that house the world's
data. Netflix, Reddit, and most other online services rely on cloud operators to keep their
sites up and running. Nvidia said that Microsoft, with its Azure cloud, will be one of the
first companies to use the A100.”

● “Using the NVIDIA EGX platform, Walmart is able to compute in real-time more than
1.6 terabytes of data generated a second. It can use AI for a wide variety of tasks, such as
automatically alerting associates to restock shelves, retrieve shopping carts, or opens up
new checkout lanes”

● “Finally, there's the next-generation Drive AGX Pegasus platform for Level 5
autonomous robot axis that combines two Orin SoCs with two Ampere GPUs providing a
total of 2,000 TOPS compute at 800W (compared to 320 TOPS for the current
Turing-based DRIVE AGX Pegasus). Vehicles powered by this advanced Pegasus
platform would need absolutely no human intervention and could help revolutionize the
transportation industry.”

● “Cloud and service providers are designing their data centers for the best efficiency. They
are big hardware spenders and every improvement they are able to make can easily result
in big savings. Hyperscalers such as Microsoft and Amazon are already working hard in
this direction and many others, even smaller ones, are doing the same.”
“All this goes to show how Nvidia is clearly taking a lead over Intel in the space of AI
computing with its chips and the associated developer platform. Where Nvidia has not been able
to gain a significant advantage is in the traditional CPU business where Intel (data center and
laptops) and other companies like Qualcomm (mobile) have most of the market share. And this is
where the proposed acquisition of ARM by Nvidia comes into play. To be clear, ARM in itself
doesn’t develop any of the processors, they license the instruction set which other companies use
to design and then eventually manufacture the chip-sets. This poses a direct competition to Intel
which uses its own ISA (x86) to design and manufacture and does not allow others to license.
Apple, Qualcomm, Samsung have all been licensing ARM’s ISA to design and develop chips in
the case of mobile and laptops. This means that there is no clear or direct advantage to Nvidia in
acquiring ARM. But ARM could play an important role in the future in the space of data center
business specifically. ARM-designed processors for data centers are generally less power-hungry
and could be designed as per the needs of the company through licensing. Intel on the other hand
has a closed model and the server technology it provides comes as an integrated product and
many companies are realizing that it’s probably not the most efficient way to run your data
center. As pointed out in this article.”

“Nvidia is building a data center platform and it wants to utilize the strength of ARM as well as
its partner ecosystem to promote the same. If Nvidia is able to do this, the meaning of data center
in itself will change, enabling medium-sized and smaller companies to redesign their data centers
replacing Intel. This enables NVIDIA to move upmarket in its most traditional sense and
dislodge an incumbent proving to be yet another quintessential example of Christensen’s theory.
But, the data center is a big investment for any company and this makes it slow in terms of new
changes. This can give Intel and other competitors time to play catch up. Only time will tell
though. For now, Nvidia’s position as a market leader in AI computing seems entrenched and
gaining strength with every step.”

GPU Virtualization:
“Graphic Processing Unit Virtualization allows every virtual machine to benefit from a GPU in
the same way that a physical desktop, workstation, or server does. Graphic Processing Unit has
offloaded the word which used to be done by CPU, which improved the user experience and
helped by supporting the users. Graphic Processing Unit virtualization can also be used to run
compute-intensive server workloads such as AI, data science, and High-Performance Computing
(HPC) on a virtual machine and reap the benefits of improved manageability and security. GPU
processing helps organizations implement and deploy their analytics solution more easily and aid
in the overall improvement and deployment of GPU-based applications.”

Need for NVIDIA in Healthcare and its opportunities:

“Digital transformation in healthcare providers takes place in the deep Virtual Desktop
Infrastructure penetration within the industry, decreasing costs and also enabling advanced
security. However, because many of these traditional Virtual Desktop Infrastructure solutions
lack Graphic Processing Unit virtualization, they struggle to keep up with modern, more
graphics-intensive applications. Furthermore, big data analytics and Artificial Intelligence are
becoming much more common in healthcare, from AI-based resource scheduling of patient
appointments to AI- assisted annotation of radiographic images to assessing DNA sequences for
early disease detection. AI will have an impact on every aspect of healthcare, from predictive
diagnostics that will drive prevention programs and precision surgery for better outcomes to
increasingly precise diagnoses that will lead to more personalised treatments and systems that
will create more efficient operations and drive down costs. It will have an impact not only on
hospitals and other healthcare facilities, but also on other industries ranging from
pharmaceuticals and drug development to clinical research. Healthcare organizations are yielding
significant benefits from incorporating NVIDIA Virtual Graphic Processing Unit solutions into
their Virtual Desktop Infrastructure environments, including improved performance and
increased productivity at a lower cost. The impact of NVIDIA virtual Graphic Processing Unit
has been extensive:”


More healthcare professionals can now access data from any location, at any time, and on a
variety of devices thanks to a native-like PC experience.This portability and quick access to
information leads to faster decision-making and better diagnostic accuracy. Furthermore,
mobility improves the completeness and accuracy of patient records, as well as the speed of
input, resulting in better clinical outcomes. Nvidia Clara is introduced by them for Medical
Imaging, Genomics, Smart hospitals, Drug Discovery and Medical instruments. Graphic
Processing Unit is helping NVIDIA to create a new world in the healthcare industry by
enhancing productivity. When it comes to mobility, now due to the pandemic people have
worked from home and the data is available to their desks without any hassle.”

“REDUCE INFRASTRUCTURE COSTS: Healthcare organisations can now virtualize

Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS)
applications and deliver them at a low cost to all users. IT can support the Bring Your Own
Device movement by replacing thick clients with thin or zero clients without sacrificing user
experience. Total cost of ownership is reduced further by streamlining enterprise data
management with visibility across your entire virtualized infrastructure, including end-to-end
management of your virtual Graphic Processing Unit infrastructure.”

“UNCOMPROMISED SECURITY: The healthcare industry is dealing with an ongoing data

explosion, as well as a growing trend to support a more mobile workforce and Bring Your Own
Device programs. IT can now extend virtualization to more users while still adhering to the
federally mandated Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and
Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act.”

“IMPROVE QUALITY OF CARE: Allowing healthcare professionals to access information

from any location and on any device improves collaboration among doctors and specialists as
well as information sharing with patients. Because information is now readily available at their
fingertips, physicians no longer must waste significant amounts of time during patient rounds
accessing, retrieving, and recording data. This increased efficiency allows for more time to be
spent on direct patient care. Improvement in various terms as already mentioned like medical
imaging, genomics, smart hospitals, drug discovery and medical instruments- the quality of
treatment and the care shown towards the patient is increasing because of GPU virtualization.”

“SUPPORT ANY WORKLOAD: IT can use the same infrastructure used for Virtual Desktop
Infrastructure to run compute-intensive workloads such as AI, data science, and
High-Performance Computing to support researchers and other hospital departments such as
radiology, neurology, and cardiology. Due to new ways of handling the technology, the workload
is heavy to handle by normal software, Graphic Processing Unit can support the new era
technology and supports it.”

“Organizations, which undermine daily operations and compromise private patient information,
are more vulnerable to assaults online. Long and hectic days mean that health workers don't have
the time and resources to learn about the hazards online. The possible disruption produced by a
full internet security upgrade is just too great to be taken into account by many companies.”

“Health executives are prepared to raise cybersecurity expenditure. However, with daily new
dangers revealed, it is hard to determine where an organisation should invest its cash best.”

● “Cyber-Security
“Cyber safety in health and information protection is essential for companies' regular
operations in today's technological environment. Many healthcare organisations,
including EHR-System, EP-System, Practice management assistance systems, Clinical
decision support systems, Radiology Information Systems have different sorts of
specialised hospital information systems. In addition, the Internet of Things must be
secured by thousands of devices. Intelligent lifts, intelligent heating, air conditioning and
ventilation (HVAC) systems, infusion pumps, remote patient control devices among
others. The Forms of attacks include e-mail, phishing etc.”

Healthcare Stakeholders
● Patient
“Patients need to know how to interact safely with their health workers. In addition,
patients must grasp privacy and security regulations and also how to keep information
secure and privately held whether they interact practically with their healthcare
professionals whether through a telehealth platform, television sessions, secure texting or
other things.”

● Workforce Members
“Workers need to grasp the healthcare organization's privacy and security rules. Regular
training on safety awareness is crucial for cyber security in medical care so that
employees know the dangers and what to do in real safety situations. Members of the
staff must also know who to call in case of an issue or issue. In essence, the eyes and ears
of the cyber security team might be employees. This will assist the cyber security team
understand how the information infrastructure and information is operating and what is
not working in order to safeguard it.”

● C-Suite
“More medical companies now have a CISO in place for the executive decision-making
process for the cyber security programme. The CISOs are usually working on a plan,
while cybersecurity team members reporting to the CISO implement the strategy
according to the CISO requirements. The Chief Financial Officer and Head Information
Officer are preferably the same CIOs as other C-suite officers, for example. The more the
management buy-in, the higher the top-down buy-in of the cybersecurity programme of a

● Market Supplier

“A large shop was compromised on its vendor system for heating, cooling and air
conditioning as a result of a significant cyber assault. To get into the retailers' systems,
stolen HVAC credentials were utilised. This was essentially a supply chain attack as the
cyberattackers had compromised the supplier to target the retailer ultimately. After this
assault, the cyber supply chain is attacked by stolen credentials from suppliers to
vulnerable health information systems.”

● “Digital User Experience

“ It is an important task to design goods that work properly and are user-friendly, like the
linked heart monitor, smartphone application, or any other digital product or service. In
all forms of technology, the end user must be considered in order to develop a simple to
use product or service. This is super-important in the healthcare business as many goods
are utilised by patients and professionals alike.”

What is the adoption of Digital Healthcare?

“The application of modern technology to improve accessibility, affordability and
efficiency of health care for all is the basis of digital healthcare adoption.”

“Digital medicine is a wider worldview with topics like eHealth and telemedicine.
Adoption by the healthcare business is to discuss or avoid future health issues with

Advantages of Digital Health

1. “Making healthcare affordable”

2. “A central medical record portal for individuals”
3. “More sophisticated advantages such as robot operations, improved research
stages via data availability, and health services in remote locations.”
4. “Prevention of health problems using data and algorithms for AI/ML prediction.”

"NVIDIA has done well recently, but it could yet make some changes, in particular in its future
posture. Jenen Huang said, "Everywhere there is a pixel, that is the place we would like to go" in
an interview with Wired Magazine in 2002. Recent advertisements from custom game monitors
seem to be true to this idea, but there is so much to explore in other marketplaces." The emphasis
as a company should be redefined by NVIDIA. The aim should be to promote gambling,
artificial intelligence and faster computing, without distracting from peripheral growth. NVIDIA
must continue to pursue collaborations in the game and autonomous car industries in respect to
other businesses. "The brand identity it has developed for itself is reinforced by NVIDIA that
remains relevant to these businesses. NVIDIA seems to focus on two major areas: visuals and
fast processing." So far, a unified underlying architecture has been used and used for two quite
distinct use cases, but it could not always be practicable. Changes in architecture for one
application may not be beneficial for the other application. “As these markets continue to grow,
it will be important for NVIDIA to accept technological advances that might only be beneficial
to one area.” “NVIDIA should restructure the company and resources to be better aligned with
these markets. Operations should be reorganized into two separate segments, and the product
lines redistributed accordingly”. Furthermore, research and development on the Tegra processor
should taper-off, as GPU and CPU design are significantly different, and it is not the best use of
NVIDIA’s resources when partnerships with CPU manufacturers can easily be reached. This
proposed restructure would allow NVIDIA to co-locate people and resources dedicated to
solving very similar problems and developing products and applications with very clear
overlapping concerns in close proximity to each other. “Likely, this organization is already used
to some degree, but making it more intentional could enable increased productivity since more
coworkers would be working in the same domain and have a better understanding of the
challenges faced.” “There also may come a time when the underlying architecture will need to
split, and if that time comes, allocating resources like this will enable a more efficient transition.”
“By making these two segments more independent, performance can be tracked easier and
adjustments can be made easier to achieve a more even distribution of revenue than the estimated
85-15 split currently seen between the GPU and Tegra segments of today.””

“Restructuring and reallocation of resources can sometimes be costly. However, since NVIDIA’s
main resources are people, it is a little easier. A plan should be put in place to move people
around so that they can be in close proximity to those working in similar areas. The timeline
could vary depending on the extensiveness of the reorganization of the workspaces. Moving
desks or buildings in the same complex could be accomplished in hours or days. A typical
remodeling project could take up to 3-4 months to complete if the working spaces themselves
need to be adjusted. Relocation into other states or countries would probably not be necessary
given modern levels of telecommunication connectivity, but could prove to be beneficial, and
would likely take 6 months to a year before transitions could be completed. Since this
recommendation looks at adjusting the relative allocation of resources within NVIDIA, some
contingency plans should be developed to address possible negative impacts. One possible
impact with the increased focus on AI, accelerated computing, and other similar areas is that the
gaming and design markets could suffer. As mentioned previously, market share and
benchmarking should be used to determine when changes to this plan are necessary. If market
share drops below 55% in discrete GPU sales or if competitors’ benchmark scores exceed
NVIDIA’s consistently at a similar price, resources should be focused back towards graphics.
Losing the edge NVIDIA has maintained over the past 15+ years in both market share and
performance would severely impact the profitability of the company. As research turns more
industrial in the AI and accelerated computing fields, there will be potential applications for
NVIDIA to capitalize on. However, if one year goes by without seeing sustained growth quarter
over quarter, the company should re-evaluate the profitability of those markets. These will serve
as the trigger points to reallocate resources back towards the more traditional structure the
company had, focusing more heavily on the gaming and design markets where profits have been
the strongest historically.”

The Future of NVIDIA:

“The world of supercomputing is evolving. Work once limited to high-performance computing

(HPC) on-premises clusters and traditional HPC scenarios, is now being performed at the edge,
on-premises, in the cloud, and everywhere in between. Whether it’s a manufacturer running
advanced simulations, an energy company optimizing drilling through real-time well monitoring,
an architecture firm providing professional virtual graphics workstations to employees who need
to work remotely, or a financial services company using AI to navigate market risk, Microsoft’s
collaboration with NVIDIA makes access to NVIDIA graphics processing units (GPU) platforms
easier than ever.

“These modern needs require advanced solutions that were traditionally limited to a few
organizations because they were hard to scale and took a long time to deliver. Today, Microsoft
Azure delivers HPC capabilities, a comprehensive AI platform, and the Azure Stack family of
hybrid and edge offerings that directly address these challenges.”

Visualization and GPU workstations

“Azure enables a wide range of visualization workloads, which are critical for desktop
virtualization as well as professional graphics such as computer-aided design, content creation,
and interactive rendering. Visualization workloads on Azure are powered by NVIDIA’s
world-class GPUs and Quadro technology, the world’s preeminent visual computing platform.
With access to graphics workstations on Azure cloud, artists, designers, and technical
professionals can work remotely, from anywhere, and from any connected device. See our
NV-Series virtual machines (VMs) for Windows and Linux.”

Artificial intelligence

“We’re sharing the release of the updated execution provider in ONNX Runtime with integration
for NVIDIA TensorRT 7. With this update, ONNX Runtime can execute open Open Neural
Network Exchange (ONNX) models on NVIDIA GPUs on Azure cloud and at the edge using the
Azure Stack Edge, taking advantage of the new features in TensorRT 7 like dynamic shape,
mixed precision optimizations, and INT8 execution.”

“Dynamic shape support enables users to run variable batch size, which is used by ONNX
Runtime to process recurrent neural network (RNN) and Bidirectional Encoder Representations
from Transformers (BERT) models. Mixed precision and INT8 execution are used to speed up
execution on the GPU, which enables ONNX Runtime to better balance the performance across
CPU and GPU. Originally released in March 2019, TensorRT with ONNX Runtime delivers
better inferencing performance on the same hardware when compared to generic GPU

“Additionally, the Azure Machine Learning service now supports RAPIDS, a high-performance
GPU execution accelerator for data science framework using the NVIDIA CUDA platform.
Azure developers can use RAPIDS in the same way they currently use other machine learning
frameworks, and in conjunction with Pandas, Scikit-learn, PyTorch, and TensorFlow. These two
developments represent major milestones towards a truly open and interoperable ecosystem for
AI. We’re working to ensure these platform additions will simplify and enrich those developer

“Microsoft provides various solutions in the Intelligent Edge portfolio to empower customers to
make sure that machine learning not only happens in the cloud but also at the edge. The solutions
include Azure Stack Hub, Azure Stack Edge, and IoT Edge .”

“Whether you are capturing sensor data and inferencing at the Edge or performing end-to-end
processing with model training in Azure and leveraging the trained models at the edge for
enhanced inferencing operations Microsoft can support your needs however and wherever you
need to.”

Supercomputing scale

“Time-to-decision is incredibly important with a global economy that is constantly on the move.
With the accelerated pace of change, companies are looking for new ways to gather vast amounts
of data, train models, and perform real-time inferencing in the cloud and at the edge. The Azure
HPC portfolio consists of purpose-built computing, networking, storage, and application services
to help you seamlessly connect your data and processing needs with infrastructure options
optimized for various workload characteristics.”

Azure Stack Hub announced preview

“Microsoft, in collaboration with NVIDIA, is announcing that Azure Stack Hub with Azure
NC-Series Virtual Machine (VM) support is now in preview. Azure NC-Series VMs are
GPU-enabled Azure Virtual Machines available on the edge. GPU support in Azure Stack Hub
unlocks a variety of new solution opportunities. With our Azure Stack Hub hardware partners,
customers can choose the appropriate GPU for their workloads to enable Artificial Intelligence,
training, inference, and visualization scenarios.”

“Azure Stack Hub brings together the full capabilities of the cloud to effectively deploy and
manage workloads that otherwise are not possible to bring into a single solution. We are offering
two NVIDIA-enabled GPU models during the preview period. They are available in both
NVIDIA V100 Tensor Core and NVIDIA T4 Tensor Core GPUs. These physical GPUs align
with the following Azure N-Series VM types as follows:”

● “NCv3 (NVIDIA V100 Tensor Core GPU): These enable learning, inference, and
visualization scenarios. See Standard_NC6s_v3 for a similar configuration.”
● “TBD (NVIDIA T4 Tensor Core GPU): This new VM size (available only on Azure
Stack Hub) enables light learning, inference, and visualization scenarios.”

“Hewlett Packard Enterprise is supporting the Microsoft GPU preview program as part of its
HPE ProLiant for Microsoft Azure Stack Hub solution.“The HPE ProLiant for Microsoft Azure
Stack Hub solution with the HPE ProLiant DL380 server nodes are GPU-enabled to support the
maximum CPU, RAM, and all-flash storage configurations for GPU workloads,” said Mark
Evans, WW product manager, HPE ProLiant for Microsoft Azure Stack Hub, at HPE. “We look
forward to this collaboration that will help customers explore new workload options enabled by
GPU capabilities.”

“As the leading cloud infrastructure provider1, Dell Technologies helps organizations remove
cloud complexity and extend a consistent operating model across clouds. Working closely with
Microsoft, the Dell EMC Integrated System for Azure Stack Hub will support additional GPU
configurations, which include NVIDIA V100 Tensor Core GPUs, in a 2U form factor. This will
provide customers increased performance density and workload flexibility for the growing
predictive analytics and AI/ML markets. These new configurations also come with automated
lifecycle management capabilities and exceptional support.”

Azure Stack Edge preview

“We also announced the expansion of our Microsoft Azure Stack Edge preview with the
NVIDIA T4 Tensor Core GPU. Azure Stack Edge is a cloud-managed appliance that provides
processing for fast local analysis and insights into the data. With the addition of an NVIDIA
GPU, you’re able to build in the cloud then run at the edge.”

“NVIDIA is performing well as a company, enjoying increased revenue and high demand for
their products. A recommendation to shift the business segments and accompanying resources
was made to increase efficiency and streamline operations. This recommendation will also allow
the company to be more transparent in its resource allocation, further increasing stockholder
confidence. For the most part, no changes to NVIDIA’s operations were recommended due to its
excellent performance. Overall, NVIDIA is well-positioned to remain a leader of the graphics,
artificial intelligence, and accelerated computing industries.”

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