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37 (MCOM–4) 4.21



Paper : 4·21
Full Marks : 80
Time : Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate
full marks for the questions.

1. Choose the correct answer from the options

given below : 1×5=5
(i) GATT was replaced by ________ in 1995.
(B) World Bank

(ii) The Govt. of India imposing a very high
duty on foreign made electronic gadgets
falling under luxury category is an
example of ________ .
(A) Prohibitive Duty
(B) Advalorem Duty
(C) Embargo
(D) Countervailing Duty.

(iii) In India, Current Account transactions

are :
(A) Non-convertible
(B) Fully convertible
(C) Partially convertible
(D) None of the above.

(iv) The number of units of foreign currency

for per unit of home currency of a
country is represented by ________ .
(A) Direct Quote
(B) Indirect Quote
(C) Bid Price
(D) Ask Price

37 (MCOM–4) 4.21/G 2
(v) When two firms in the same industry
but in different stages of the value chain
merge, it is called a ________ .
(A) Horizontal Merger
(B) Vertical Merger
(C) Conglomerate Merger
(D) Franchising

2. Write short notes on the following : (any

five) 5×5=25
(a) Foreign Direct Investment
(b) European Union and BREXIT
(c) Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers
(d) GATT and WTO
(e) Duty Entitlement Pass Book (DEPB)
(f) Special Drawing Rights
(g) Functions of World Bank.

3. Answer the following questions : (any five)

(a) Put your argument in favour and
against the presence of Multinational
Corporations in less-developed
countries. 10

37 (MCOM–4) 4.21/G 3 Contd.

(b) Explain Regional Trade Agreement
(RTA) and highlight the recent trends
in RTA. Discuss the benefits of RTA.
(c) Discuss briefly the impacts of COVID-
19 on International Trade. Elaborate
the various categories of Intellectual
Property Rights. 5+5=10
(d) Explain Foreign Exchange Exposure, its
types and the strategies to manage
such exposure. 10
(e) Explain the meaning of ADRs and
GDRs. Discuss the role of Foreign
Institutional Investors (FIIs) in Indian
Capital Market. 4+6=10
(f) What do you mean by currency
convertibility ? Discuss the role of IMF
in International Finance. 2+8=10
(g) What is Merger and Acquisition ? How
is it different from Amalgamation ?
Discuss the various factors that
motivate International Mergers and
Acquisitions. 2+2+6=10


37 (MCOM–4) 4.21/G 4 100

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