Chapter 4 Assignment

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1. Why is it important for the Engineer Manager to acquire skills in organizing?

Organizing is all about keeping things in proper order. For any business, organization plays a
significant role in helping you achieve your goals. Practicing effective organizational skills will help you
personally and professionally, and your good organization skills will be reflected in the completion of
all of your everyday responsibilities. One of the main benefits of organization is a sense of control that
allows for increased productivity.
This means having to balance many tasks efficiently and effectively. If a business' systems are
not properly organized, tasks pile up, paperwork gets lost and valuable time is spent on finding
information that should be readily available. Good organizational skills can save a business owner time
and reduce stress.

2. How may organizing be defined?

Organizing involves assigning tasks, grouping tasks into departments, delegating authority, and
allocating resources across the organization. During the organizing process, managers coordinate

employees, resources, policies, and procedures to facilitate the goals identified in the plan. Organizing is

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highly complex and often involves a systematic review of human resources, finances, and priorities.

Before a plan can be implemented, managers must organize the assets of the business to

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execute the plan efficiently and effectively. Understanding specialization and the division of work is key

to this effort, since many of the “assets” are employees.

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3. What purpose do organizational structures serve?
An organizational structure is a system that outlines how certain activities are directed in order
to achieve the goals of an organization. These activities can include rules, roles, and responsibilities.

The organizational structure also determines how information flows between levels within the
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company. For example, in a centralized structure, decisions flow from the top down, while in a
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decentralized structure, decision-making power is distributed among various levels of the organization.
Having an organizational structure in place allows companies to remain efficient and focused.

4. What must be the concern of the Engineer Manager when structuring the organization?
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When structuring an organization the engineer manager must be concerned with the
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determining the scope of work and how it is combined in a job. This refers to division of labor .

5. What is the purpose of the formal organization?


Formal organizations are designed to achieve certain goals through the collective work of the

individuals who are its members. They rely on a division of labor and hierarchy of power and authority to
ensure that the work is done in a unified and efficient manner. Within a formal organization, each job or
position has a clearly defined set of responsibilities, roles, duties, and authorities to whom it reports.

A formal organization is a social system structured by clearly laid out rules, goals, and practices
and that functions based on a division of labor and a clearly defined hierarchy of power. Examples in
society are wide-ranging and include business and corporations, religious institutions, the judicial
system, schools, and government, among others.

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6. What are informal groups? Why are they formed?
The Informal groups are those groups that get created spontaneously as soon as individuals start
interacting with each other.
The informal groups are formed by the individuals to satisfy their social needs of affiliation, and
they emerge on their own and hence not created by the management of the organization. Now the
question arises that how the informal groups come into the existence? For this, various theories have
been proposed by several theorists, which are as follows:

1. Propinquity Theory: The propinquity means nearness, hence an individual forms an affiliation
with others due to the geographical proximity amongst them. In the organizational context, it is often
seen that individuals working in the same department tend to affiliate with each other more than with
the others who work in different departments.
2. Homan’s Interaction Theory: According to this theory, the affiliations are based on the
interactions, activities and sentiments. It is assumed that more activities people share with each other
more will be the interaction among them and more sentiments they generate for each other. Here, the

groups are formed not only on the basis of physical proximity but also to accomplish some common

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group goal.

3. Balance Theory: This theory posits that people get attracted towards each other on the basis of

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the similar attitudes and common behavior they carry towards the given set of objects or goals. Once the

group is formed on these common traits the group members try to maintain that balance and in case the

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balance is not restored, the group gets dissolved.
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4. Exchange Theory: This theory is based on the assumption that people involve in social affiliation
on the basis of perceived reward-cost relationship, i.e. what an individual gets or has to forego to be a
member of a certain group. The reward here means, gratifying the needs while the cost is in the form of

anxiety, embarrassment, fatigue, etc.

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The important thing to note is that these groups are not formal and hence are not controlled and
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regulated by the organization.

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