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The Benefits of Electronic Medical Records in Developing Countries

[CHIKAL] Rapid development of information technology in various fields is a common

phenomenon in today's digital era. Including in the health sector, one of its forms is the use of
information systems in health services. The use of information systems in health services can
provide many benefits that benefit serviceproviders, in this case hospitals, clinics, and so on.
Another form of advances in information technology in the health sector is electronic medical

Philip Orbeta (2010) in the journal A Service-Oriented Approach to Electronic Medical Records in
Developing Countries states that electronic medical records have an important role in improving
the quality of health systems around the world. Where electronic medical records can be
developed to overcome barriers with interoperability, efficiency, and flexibility in dealing with
changes that occur.

[CHINTIYA] On the other hand, the World Health Organization (2016) states that there has been
a steady growth in the adoption of electronic medical records over the past 15 years - and a
46% global increase in the last five years.

Success factors in implementing electronic medical records include thorough planning,

dedicated team members and support from facility management, funders and computer system
developers, as stated by Ramadhani Jumanne Mashokaa et al (2019).

Amatayakul (2013) also states that the application of good electronic medical records is
inseparable from the success factors that are considered, namely financing and acquisition
strategies; workflow and process mapping, functional strategy; data strategy; technical strategy,
vendor selection strategy, implementation strategy and realization of benefits.

[RIMA] Researchers consider that the application of electronic medical records in developing
countries really needs to be developed. One form of follow-up is to learn more about the
benefits from economic, clinical, and information access aspects.

Based on the book Health Record A Practical Guide For Professionals And Organizations. Fifth Edit
by Amatayakul (2013), the ideal application of electronic medical records is one that has 3
(three) benefits including economic benefits; clinical; and access to information.

Economic Benefits

1.   Cost savings

2.   Cost efficiency

3.   Cost effectiveness

[LAILA] This is shown by identifying the use of costs more clearly so as to overcome waste and
fraud. So that efforts can be made toreduce unnecessary service and / or maintenance costs,
and to better utilize resources.

4.   Improve the accuracy of service charge billing

With the ability to record all requests for services, medicines and resources used, as evidenced
by the application of EDIS in Tanzania.

5.   Provides benefits to management

Facilitatesactivities monitoring and evaluationand improves organizational efficiency

[WILLIAN] Clinical Benefits

1.   Quality of health care: Can reduce medical errors, thus improving patient safety.

2.   Documentation aspect: Electronic medical records can improve data readability, because
documentation is done computerized so as to minimize reading errors and data loss. In addition,
complete and accurate data will make it easier for care professionals to monitor, evaluate and
improve care.

3.   Increased productivity of medical personnel: Respondents stated that the use of electronic
medical records allows them to complete tasks faster, save time and simplify their work.

[ZULFAH] Benefits of Access to Clinical Information

1.   Increase the accessibility of patient history information: So that doctors can better understand
the patient's medical history, make earlier diagnoses, and reduce medication errors

2.   This convenience can also help in terms of reporting and certain research.

3.   Can allow patients to access their medical information via the internet.

4.   Security aspects: Can increase patient confidentiality by recording and activating password
protection, and make patient confidential data only accessible to authorized doctors

5.   Can be an effort to improve communication between medical personnel: This is because patient
data is easier to read, can minimize data loss, and is more accurate.

6.   Assist in the decision-making process.

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