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Green sustainable buildings in Middle-east as resources for energy

Conservation and less Maintenance

Conference Paper · November 2015


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Hossam Hassan Elborombaly

Ain Shams University


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Green Sustainable Buildings in Middle-East as Resources for
energy Conservation
And less Maintenance
Prof.Hossam Hassan Elborombaly
Professor of Architecture and Urban Conservation
Effat University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
The idea of sustainability is an important part of contemporary architecture. Problem related to the creation of sustainable
architecture, sometimes wrongly narrowed down to “low energy building” concept, go far beyond the energetic issues. The
architectural concept represents one of the first holistic approaches to the creation of sustainable architecture of the office
buildings. Green sustainable buildings use key resources such as energy, water, and materials more efficiency than buildings
that are simply built to code. Sustainable or ''green'' buildings can create healthier work environment by providing more natural
light, better indoor air quality, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions, all of which contribute to greater productivity in the
workplace. These buildings are called high performance buildings which are most effective in the long run, saving money by
reducing costs from operations, maintenance and utility bills. Rapidly becoming more common in administrative construction,
green building can produce healthier living condition in the place as well. This research aimed to define clearly the three
dimensions of sustainable development which are the environment, the economy, and the society. Since sustainable architecture
is part of a bigger “Sustainable Cities” concept, sustainable cities emphasizes the use of renewable resources, minimizing
resources consumption, and managing resources in a way that maximizes its recovery and usage. The research then highlights
the definition, objectives, features, characteristics, benefits of high performance buildings (HPB) and its development with the
aim of providing a clear understanding of HPB and its future prospects. These benefits include energy savings, reduced indoor
environment quality, greater employee comfort and productivity, high employee morale, increased turnover of companies,
reduced employee health costs, and lower operations and maintenance costs. Finally, three cases study are presented and
analyzed to show how buildings can be supporting by the sustainable design achieving it goals to be a high performance building.

Key Words: Green Building, Renewable resources, Sustainable Cities, zero energy building

Green building, with its use of renewable energy, recycling and reduction of pollution and waste involves more responsible,
rational and sustainable use of land, raw materials, energy and water. This in turn should lead to a healthier more comfortable
environment and a stronger economy.
The green building observes important criteria which secure the attainment of the required quality and efficiency of buildings.
It covers guidance, location preparation and careful study, consideration of optimal methods for water consumption including
recycling of used water for other industrial and agricultural purposes, studies on lighting, air conditioning, natural ventilation
and the renewable energy sources such as the solar and wind energy systems. These technologies now exist, but it is crucial
that they are promoted.
The concept of green building involves the proper location of buildings, the provision of their transport infrastructure, their
water and energy supplies, the materials they are made from.
Globalization is the process of transformation of local or regional phenomena into global ones. It can be described as a process
by which the people of the world are unified into a single society and function together. This process is a combination of
economic, technological, socio-cultural and political forces.( Sheila L. Croucher, 2004)
Globalization is often used to refer to socio-economic globalization, that is, integration of national economics into the
international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows, migration, and the spread of technology.1
1. Sustainable Architecture
Sustainable architecture is a general term that describes environmentally-conscious design techniques in the field of
architecture. It seeks to minimize the negative environmental impact of building enhancing efficiency and moderation in the
use of materials, energy, and development space. 2

High performance building

Figure (1-1): Concept of sustainable architecture (Yeang Ken, 1999, p.272)

Sustainable architecture is a philosophy of design dealing with the response to the environment and the cultural needs of society.
According to this philosophy, the building will always be able to meet its
Demands without harming the environment. It consumes the least possible amount of the natural resources and energy sources
(minimum inputs) not only in the stage of construction but also in the stage of running the building. In doing so it relies on
renewable or recyclable resources as well as on renewable, clean energy sources. Waste resources and energy are reused or
recycled whenever possible. Thus the building produces a minimum amount of final waste (minimum outputs). The application
of this concept enables the building to operate for an infinite period of time as the environment will always be able to support

1.1 Green Building

Green building is the practice of increasing the efficiency with which buildings use resources – energy, water, and materials –
while reducing building impacts on human health and the environment during the building's life cycle, through better sitting,
design, construction, operation, maintenance, and removal. (16)
Green buildings are designed, constructed, and operated to boost environmental, economic, health and productivity performance
over that of conventional building. (17)
The overall impact of the built environment on human health and the natural environment by:
 Efficient using energy, water, and other resources.
 Protecting occupant health and improving employee productivity.
 Reducing waste, pollution and environmental degradation.

A similar concept is natural building, which is usually on a smaller scale and tends to focus on the use of natural materials that
are available locally. Other commonly used terms include sustainable design and green architecture. (17)
Despite its own relatively low level of greenhouse gasses emissions, Egypt is considered to be one of the most countries at risk
from the impacts of global climate change. It is therefore of critical importance that the Nation follows the lead of others in
rationalizing energy use, managing the use of water and other natural resources, and reduction of waste.
It has been estimated that around 50% of total carbon-related emissions typically come from buildings and their use. This means
that the design, construction and use of buildings are of utmost importance to efforts to mitigate the potentially disastrous
impact of the changes we are facing.
Given that around half of total carbon-related emissions come from buildings and their use, sustainable building development
and green building, should be recognized to be of crucial importance. The government of the Arab Republic of Egypt,
represented in the Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Development has an interest in promoting green building as part of
the Ministry’s overall sustainable development policies. Green building should reduce pollution and enhance the efficiency of
energy and water use. Furthermore, green buildings are designed and constructed in such a way that the activities of their
occupiers and users do not endanger the environment or human health and well-being.
It is a generally accepted fact that in order to control or properly manage anything there is a need to be able to measure it. This
very fact underlines the urgent need for a national system for rating the green credentials of buildings. The Green Pyramid
Rating System (GPRS) has been developed to meet this need.

1.2 General Overview of the Green Pyramid Rating System

The Green Pyramid Rating System is a national environmental rating system for buildings. It provides definitive criteria by
which the environmental credentials of buildings can be evaluated, and the buildings themselves can be rated. Additionally, the

System should assist building designers, constructors and developers to make reasoned choices based upon the environmental
impact of their decisions. 4

Certification and levels of Rating

To earn Green Pyramid certification, a project must satisfy all the stated Mandatory Minimum Requirements and may obtain
Credit Points by meeting certain criteria. Projects will be rated, based on Credit Points accumulated, according to the following
rating system:
- GPRS Certified: 40–49 credits
- Silver Pyramid: 50–59 credits
- Gold Pyramid: 60–79 credits
- Category Weightings
Green Pyramid Category Weightings are as follows:
Table (1-1): Green Pyramid Category Weightings
Category Points
Sustainable sites 15
Water efficiency 25
Energy & atmosphere 30
Materials & resources 10
Indoor environmental quality 10
Management 10
Total 100
Innovation & added value Bonus

Projects with less than 40 credits will be classified as ‘Uncertified’. 5

A zero energy building (ZEB) or net zero energy building is a general term applied to a building's use with zero net energy
consumption and zero carbon emissions annually.
Zero energy buildings can be used autonomously from the energy grid supply – energy can be harvested on-site. The net zero
design principle is over laid on the requested comfort of the building occupant. Generally, the more extreme the exposure to
the elements the more energy is needed to achieve a comfortable environment of human use. 6
The zero fossil energy consumption principle is gaining considerable interest as renewable energy harvesting is a means to cut
greenhouse gas emissions. Traditional building use consumes 40% of the total fossil energy in the US and European Union. In
developing countries many people have to live in zero-energy buildings out of necessity.
Anyone involved in building design, procurement or maintenance in recent years will have been confronted in one way or
another by the term sustainability. The term remains elusive to many, and while a number of definitions exist, they give little
indication of how to apply principles of sustainability in practice. Moreover, these definitions differs lightly, one from another,
and in any attempt to implement sustainable development it inessential that the meaning of sustainability be understood. It is
generally agreed that sustainability fundamentally affects the way we live; consequently, personal ethics will influence the way
an individual interprets its aims. Like architecture as a whole, sustainability involves addressing a wide spectrum of issues,
sometimes, seemingly, Conflicting ones. Acquiring a basic knowledge of these issues is the first step towards establishing or
clarifying personal values and moving towards a more sustainable future. (30)

- Sustainability can be defined as the ability to meet the needs of the present without comprising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs. When we think about sustainability we need to look beyond the traditional
bottom line. True sustainability has three key aspects: Green Pyramid: 80 credits and above

Economics- Environmental- Social responsibility7

The Green Pyramid Rating System (GPRS), first edition- April 2011
The Green Pyramid Rating System (GPRS), first edition- April 2011
Low Energy Building Engineering, Basil Hoyle, first edition, 2011
EPA, Basic Information, Green Building
Figure (1-2): The Three Dimensions of Sustainability

These aspects make up the triple bottom line. The three aspects succinctly describe the goal of sustainability. In practical terms,
triple bottom line accounting means expanding the traditional reporting framework to take into account ecological and social
performance in additional to financial performance.
The triple bottom lines are defined are:
Ecological (environmental) sustainability: the ability of an ecosystem to maintain ecological processes, functions, biodiversity
and productivity into the future.
Social sustainability: improving the lives of those with whom the building interacts. The well- being of a building’s workers,
occupants, community members, neighbors, and other stakeholder interests should be interdependent.
Economic sustainability: a business is sustainable if it has adapted its practices for the use of renewable resources and is
accountable for the environmental impacts of its activities that produce a long-term, positive economic impact.
Sustainable architecture can minimize the negative environmental impact of the buildings by enhancing efficiency and
moderation in the use of materials, energy, and development space. 8
In short, high performance buildings are designed and built to minimize resource consumption, reduce life cycle costs, maximize
health and productivity for the building’s occupants, and improve environmental performance.
Everywhere you turn these days you can’t help but hear about green buildings, global warming, and rising energy prices. While
we used to consider these issues someone else’s problem, or something a future generation would have to worry about, now
we are realizing the issues are impacting our daily lives and are our problem today. Energy prices have gone from 7.73 cents
may not seem like a large price increase until you convert into commercial real estate terms.9
Sustainable development
Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs.
Conditions for society to meet in order to achieve sustainability:
 Its rates of use of renewable resources do not exceed their rates of regeneration.
 Its rates of use of non-renewable resources do not exceed the rate at which sustainable substitutes are developed.
 Its rates of pollution emissions do not exceed the assimilative capacity of the environment. (30)
Sustainable building design
Sustainability is not an academic pursuit or even a professional activity; it is a way of life affecting everything an individual
does. Knowing what kind of a relationship we want to have with the global and local environment is the first consideration.
Then we should address how to achieve this relationship. To move from theory into practice it is necessary to understand the
impacts associated with our work- and life-related activities.(4)
Buildings, their construction, use and disposal, have a significant impact on the natural environment and social fabric of our
society. Sustainable architecture can help put into practice and even encourage a sustainable way of life. But how can buildings
be designed and built to contribute positively to the sustainability agenda, to achieve economically strong, socially inclusive,
stable communities while minimizing the impact on the environment? There are perhaps two main aims for sustainable
architectural design.

Energy Information Administration, January 15, 2009
– First, sustainable buildings should metaphorically ‘tread lightly on the Earth’ by minimizing the environmental impacts
associated with their construction, their life in use and at the end of their life. Sustainable buildings should have small ecological
– Second, buildings should make a positive and appropriate contribution to the social environment they inhabit, by addressing
people’s practical needs while enhancing their surrounding environment and their psychological and physical well-being.10

No matter how energy- and water-efficient a building might be, it becomes a waste of resources and a potential detriment to the
community if no one wants to occupy it. Also, making a positive contribution to the community environment means addressing
more than just practical requirements, it means addressing the aesthetic and psychological needs of people. Buildings that are
loved become part of the community’s own culture, have long lives and are economically sustainable. The concept of economic
sustainability is well understood among architects: successful buildings make money, sell quickly, command more rent, have
long lives or help induce the regeneration of an area. Sustainable buildings are those that can be an asset for many years to

Green building budget items

Consider the life cycle cost of each green technology and strategy. A high- efficiency HVAC system may cost 10% more
upfront, but the simple payback may be 5 years and after the building will save 20% every year on energy bills.

Building costs
Looking down the line to ultimately save dollars impacts the economic bottom line, because of the impact of rising fuel costs
and energy costs. In the past when constructing a new building the long term costs were never taken into consideration.
Green building studies have shown the cost of the building green can be the same as that of traditional building. Green building
projects have hard and soft costs just like traditional building, but the project team also considers life cycle costs.11
A life cycle cost (LCC) is the sum of all recurring and one-time (non-recurring) costs over the full life span or a specified period
of a good, service, structure, or system. The life cycle cost includes the purchase price, installation cost, operation costs,
maintenance and upgrade costs, and remaining (residual or salvage) value at the end of ownership or its useful life. Traditional
building processes look only at design and construction costs, or first costs, and not life-cycle costs.
A life cycle cost differs from life-cycle analysis (LCA), which is investigation and valuation of the environmental impacts of a
given product or service caused or necessitated by its existence. LCA addresses environmental impacts while LCC addresses
economic impacts.
Green building also differs from traditional design by considering the operation and maintenance costs of the building over its
lifetime, not just the construction costs. A life cycle cost analysis helps define the long-term operations and maintenance costs.
For example, if a carpet A costs $10,000 but only lasts 5 years, and carpet B costs $20,000 but lasts 20 years, carpet B is a better
choice because it has lower lifecycle costs

2. High Performance Buildings

In the wider sense, High Performance, Sustainable, and Green building have parallel meanings and are frequently used
interchangeably to express the need to enhance the built environment in our modern world. They share the mainstream of
modern city planning, architectural design, and building technologies.
This expresses the need to manage the resources in order to secure long-term harmony between man and nature; equilibrium
between man-made and natural environment.
The starting points for concern are numerous, they include diminishing reserved natural resources, toxic wastes, air pollution,
hazards on human health, over consumption of energy, water and materials.
Buildings are fixed capital: the French call them immobile capital, as distinct from mobile types, like money and equity. They
are a form of investment, vehicles of value and product of exchange, through fixed in physical space during their entire lifetimes.

High Performance Buildings are simply good buildings. They provide greater comfort to help us perform better in our jobs.
They serve their function well and use resources efficiently. In an environmental sense, they are good neighbors to our children
and our children's children. They use minimum resources during operation and over their lifetime. They provide security and
safety for occupants, and ultimately, they are community resources in which we can all take pride.12

LEED Green Associate,
Green Building and LEED fundamentals, 2009, Page 3, 8, 10
High Performance Building, 2011, Page 1
Many successful new building projects are taking shape today, calling into question the performance level of more typical
construction endeavors. At the head of the class are a series of energy- and resource-efficient projects that are reaping
meaningful energy and cost savings along with important associated benefits. Buildings like the Federal Courthouse in Denver,
a new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency facility in North Carolina, the Gap’s new San Bruno, California, headquarters,
Four Times Square (the Condé Nast building), and the Natural Resources Defense Council boast numerous value added
features, commonly known as ‘green,’ ‘sustainable,’ or simply ‘high performance.
(Luis M. Tormenta, 1999)

High Performance Buildings

Figure (2-1): High Performance Building Conceptual Diagram (Features of HPB)1

It's called "High Performance Buildings" by the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, "Sustainable
Buildings" by the owner-builder teams that create them and “Green Buildings by the others. Their common goal is better
buildings that are more energy efficient, cost effective and people friendly.
A high performance building is synonymous with a green building or a sustainable building (also a curious term, since even
our best buildings are not truly sustainable). Since the term is gaining popularity, we need to stand back every now and then to
ask, what are we really talking about when a High performance building is viewed as simply a good building, meaning one that
performs its functions well and uses resources efficiently. Moreover, its occupants perform better because they are comfortable
and healthy. The reason we build buildings in the first place is so that we can live, work, and play productively. If the building
helps us do that with greater productivity, then it is a high performance building.13
Value of High Performance Building
Because these other benefits are more difficult to quantify than direct energy savings, the real value of high performance
buildings can be easily be underestimated by traditional accounting methods that do not recognize ‘external’ municipal and
regional costs and benefits. High performance building cost evaluations should address, in some measure, the economic, social,
and environmental benefits that accompany green buildings.14(Luis M.Tormenta, 1999)

Increased productivity in the workplace is one of the key benefits of a high performance building. The money we spend on
constructing our buildings and even the money we spend on energy, water, and maintenance places in comparison to the money
we spend on salaries. If we could prove that high performance buildings significantly increase productivity, they would be an
easy to sell. Common sense tells us that we are more productive if we are comfortable and healthy, but proving it is another
matter.15 Sustainable design is an exciting area of architecture and building which is moving into the mainstream. And there’s
a good reason that ‘green’ or sustainable buildings are also known as ‘high performance buildings’, they not only tend to save
on running costs, there is also growing evidence that they can increase productivity and well-being for occupants through
improved lighting and air quality.

High Performance Building, 2011, Page 1
Where office buildings have been designed or refurbished to be more sustainable, productivity gains in terms of better quality
of work and reduce absenteeism can often dwarf the reductions in energy bills. Refits which are more sustainable can therefore
yield faster returns on investment than is commonly expected.16
As green materials and sources of energy become more affordable and pervasive, the temptation is strong among businesses to
choose an eco-friendly office for their needs. Typically, the vast majority of buildings are rated “green” by the Leadership in
Energy and Environmental Design Building Rating system. This system was developed by the U.S. Green Building Council,
and it comes in a number of tiers that designate office space as less green or more green, based on the construction materials
and green-friendly designs within a given building. While this is a highly desirable classification, it can be a little confusing
and difficult to find. There are some things to know when pursuing LEED certified office space for lease that will save plenty
of headaches for business professionals.17
LEED Certified Buildings Tend to be Newer Construction
The simple fact of the matter is that some of the oldest office buildings were built in ways that would make even today’s non-
environmentalists blush. Their materials, resources, and energy use, are far above what should be considered efficient, let alone
green. While some of these buildings are currently being retrofitted to adhere to LEED standards for at least a basic certification,
most of them use outdated energy technologies and exhibit a poor use of space and natural resources.

Instead of looking at older buildings, office professionals looking for a new space should check into those buildings constructed
in the last ten or fifteen years. The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design standards were only agreed upon in 1998,
so it’s likely that any building before that year simply won’t measure up to the U.S. Green Building Council’s requirements.
Anticipate Added Costs when Choosing a LEED Certified Building
Producers of renewable energy and other earth-friendly building materials have made great strides in lowering the overall cost
associated with buying those materials during the construction process in recent years. The earliest green buildings were
exceedingly expensive to build, and those costs were passed onto landlords and eventually tenants. Luckily for today’s office
hunters, the disparity in price between traditional building materials and those which are green-friendly has largely been
minimized in the last five years. This has prompted construction of more LEED certified space overall, and lesser rents for
business tenants when they choose such a space.
However, “lesser” rents should not be considered the same as “equal” rents when it comes to deciding between LEED spaces
and those which are far less green. Indeed, a price disparity between these two facilities does still linger, and businesses would
be well-advised to prepare for a rent increase of between five and fifteen percent when opting for LEED certified office space
for lease.
Total financial benefits of green buildings are over 10 times the average initial investment required. Energy savings alone
exceed the average increased cost of building green. The relatively large impact of productivity and health gains reflects the
fact that the direct and indirect cost of employees is far larger than the cost of construction or energy. Even small changes in
productivity and health translate into large financial benefits.18

A Non-LEED Building Can Still Host a LEED Certified Office

While the most typically way to move into a LEED certified office facility is simply to pick a building which was constructed
while adhering to the advisory board’s standards, that’s actually not the only way to enjoy a green office experience. The U.S.
Green Building Council actually allows individual office facilities in a non-LEED building to get a form of LEED certification
based on the way they use their office space, the type of construction they do, and where they get their utilities from. The last
part is especially important in states where the local utilities have been deregulated and consumers can choose from traditional
or green sources of energy.
In general, the U.S. Green Building Council prefers that new office tenants perform minimal construction when they move into
their space. If they do any such construction, they’ll need to save their receipts and prove that the materials used were green-
friendly. They’ll also need to document how they’re meeting their actual business’ energy needs. This means making good use
of windows (especially in urban environments with floor-to-ceiling windows in most offices), getting utilities like electricity
from a green source, and following basic procedures to save energy.
If this can be proven, individual businesses could actually move into just about any office building and still have the satisfaction
of running an environmentally-friendly operation. It’s a great way to promote sustainable business while the market for office
rentals adjusts its own philosophies and approaches for LEED certification.
Not All Green Office Space Acquires a LEED Certification

Sustainable office design

Sustainable office design,
The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design guidelines are by far the most popular way to design a new office building
to be green, or convert an existing space to green design and resources. While popular, however, this is not the only standard
that office developers are adhering to when creating sustainable office facilities for business customers. Indeed, a non-LEED
certified space might still advertise itself as green and it may actually be just as eco-friendly as anything the U.S. Building
Council promotes. When looking for an eco-friendly place to do business, don’t get blinded by the important “LEED” acronym
and simply assume that there’s no other way to pick a green office.
Pay close attention to rental listings for office space for lease and look for any mention of “green” technologies. Those
businesses who have it will surely want to flaunt it, as the green trend continues to pick up steam in both consumer and
commercial real estate. In the absence of a LEED certification at a green building, simply ask the right questions and understand
the source of the materials used in the building as well as where the building gets its energy from. This can help if a business
itself applies for a LEED certification that pertains to its own individual offices in that building.
Going Green is Worth the Extra Work and Small Extra Cost
Securing a green office facility is easily the most common-sense decision a business professional can make, especially as it
reaches cost parity with non-green spaces. There are really no downsides to choosing a sustainable office environment,
especially because they can help control costs in the future as fossil fuel sources of energy come increasingly expensive and
tax the business’ utility budget. Ask questions, do research, and prepare to do the earth a favor in a new, green office facility.
Sustainable design is an exciting area of architecture and building which is moving into the mainstream. And there’s a good
reason that ‘green’ or sustainable buildings are also known as ‘high performance buildings’, they not only tend to save on
running costs, there is also growing evidence that they can increase productivity and well-being for occupants through improved
lighting and air quality.
Where office buildings have been designed or refurbished to be more sustainable, productivity gains in terms of better quality
of work and reduced absenteeism can often dwarf the reductions in energy bills. Refits which are more sustainable can therefore
yield faster returns on investment than is commonly expected.19
2.1 Sustainable Design Buildings
“Technology and the growth of computers allow you a much freer palette as an architect. Also, the study of nature and the way
plants grow is more and more available. Bring these things together and there is quite a strong human response. Combine with
a better understanding of materials, and then we are in for a much richer phase of architecture.” (Nick Grim haw)
People & planet

Sustainable design creates products, places, processes and systems which optimize human well-being now and in the future
without compromising the well-being of the planet.
Architecture is one of the most exciting, visible and burgeoning areas for sustainable design with a rich array of techniques,
systems, technologies and materials already in place that can drastically reduce the effects buildings have on the environment

Sustainable office design,

while bringing about a step change in comfort and efficiency. Buildings can be self-sufficient in energy, purifying their own
air, and treating at least some of their own waste.20

2.1.1 Performance & productivity

Sustainable office design can deliver higher performance in energy and other resource use, and higher productivity in human
terms. People simply work, see and think better in offices that have more natural lighting, fresher and cleaner air, and where
they have more control over their immediate lighting or temperature levels. At a practical level, it simultaneously minimizes
the number, amount, volume, weight, toxicity, and use of materials, energy and water. While maximizing the use of materials,
energy and other components that are:
clean and safe
easy to repair, reuse, recycle or refurbish
and benign towards the environment

“A minimal upfront investment of about two percent of construction costs typically yields life cycle savings of more than ten
times the initial investment.” The chief, tempting benefits of making your office more sustainable are:
Lower running costs due to virtuous circles of energy and material savings.
Rising productivity due to happier and healthier employees.
They go hand in hand though productivity gains often dwarf reductions in running costs. There is growing evidence that even
where the initial costs are higher than conventional design, the payback, for example through reduced energy bills, can be fairly
fast. When gains in productivity are factored in, the payback can be very fast – staff costs usually hugely outweigh energy costs,
so a small gain in productivity can translate into a heftier financial gain.
The growth of green building is driven partly by energy efficiency and other cost savings but also by the need of businesses to
attract the best employees. These buildings can make very attractive workplaces.21

Site is the beginning of any project, so locating the project and taking care of site will give the building more ability to reduce
energy and to be a high performance building or a green building. And this is by the following items:
Encourage development in desert areas, redevelopment in informal areas and avoid projects which negatively affect
archaeological, historical and protected areas.
Exterior, Hardscape and Landscape Management:

Sustainable office design,
Sustainable office design,
A building that can be placed in the shade of trees or another structure will remain cooler, thereby reducing the required cooling
Building management employs a comprehensive hardscape management plan to ensure that the building exterior remains clean
with minimal impact on the environment. Aspects of the plan include: using a vinegar and water solution to clean windows,
mulching grass clippings, electric-powered maintenance equipment, low-VOC exterior paints and sealants, an efficient
irrigation system, organic fertilizers, an integrated pest management program, and environmentally sensitive outdoor
construction practices accompanied by erosion-prevention standards.
When it came time for the project team to institute an outdoor pest-management and hardscape plan, management wanted to
ensure the least amount of environmental impact possible. The team worked with a landscape contractor to create a practical
and site-specific plan that adjusts the watering times of plants based on site-specific information regarding rain, wind and
temperature, introduces predatory insect species, uses local organic compost as an alternative to chemical fertilizers, and uses
insect pheromone traps to effectively manage the best population without harmful chemicals.

Figure (2-3): showing a comprehensive landscape

Vegetated open space
Alternative transportation- public transportation access.
To minimize pollution and traffic congestion from car use.
It offers many alternative transportation options to limit the environmental impact of employees’ commutes. From subsidizing
the use of public transportation to offering housing vouchers for employees living close by, the incentives for using alternative
modes of transportation are numerous. Secured bike parking, lockers and showers are provided. Also provided are air pumps
for tires and bulletin boards to promote community activities. Carpoolers receive a 25% discount on parking, van pools park
for free, and there are charging stations for electric cars. By educating and incentivizing employees, management has gotten
over 60% of employees to use alternative forms of transportation, not including those who bike and carpool.

Figure (2-4): showing the using of the bi-cycles in the high performance
Locating the project near residential areas, providing
buildingoccupants with cycle racks, changing facilities, preferred parking, and
access to mass transit and alternative fuel fueling stations can encourage use of alternative forms of transportation.
Alternative transportation- bicycle storage and changing rooms.
Alternative transportation- Low emitting and fuel efficient vehicles.
Urban Heat Island
These surfaces absorb incoming solar radiation and radiate that heat to the surrounding areas. So it preferred the use of light,
reflective surfaces for parking areas, walkways, and other surfaces contributes to the heat island effect.
By having a parking garage integrated into the main building, 5055 Wilshire was able to achieve LEED for Existing Buildings:
Operations & Maintenance credits for reducing its urban heat island effect. The project was designed to provide covered parking
for 92% of all parking spaces, thereby reducing the amount of heat absorbed and radiated by the pavement, cooling the
environment around the building. A separate four-story parking structure was utilized to complement the seven stories of
parking incorporated into the office tower. The roof of the parking deck is covered with a light gravel material, which has an
SRI value of 37.

Figure (2-5): Example for the covered parking for 92% of all parking spaces

Figure (2-6): showing the solar reflecting index

Minimize potable use for irrigation, water can be recycled, such as using the grey-water from hand-washing to flush toilets or
water the garden. It can then be used to water gardens or flush toilets, or for cooling systems.22
Off-site renewable energy choosing a place near to wind turbines in which wind energy comes from wind turning turbines that
generate electricity.

2, 2 Design Stage
Architecture & structural stage
A well-designed envelope allows the building to provide comfort for the occupants and respond efficiently to heating, cooling,
ventilating, and natural lighting needs.
Many older buildings were constructed with the minimum amount of insulation as required by the local code, or have no
insulation in the floor, ceiling, or walls.

2.2.1 Orientation of Performance Building

Choosing the orientation of the building to the sun and prevailing winds affect heating, light, and cooling cost in with the
southern exposing is the best in which it takes advantage of sun in the daylight and passive solar heating in the night.

Sustainable office design,
Orientation is an important variable affecting energy performance in a building. Building orientation will have impacts on the
building's heating, cooling, and lighting, as well as relating it to the natural environment in terms of access to daylight,
ventilation and views. Differences in annual electricity use between orientations are driven by solar gain affecting cooling and
daylight affecting electric lighting. Depending on the climate, certain low-E coatings will allow or reject the solar heat gain
through the glazing system. In a cold climate this passive solar gain may be desired while in a hot climate it is not.23
Orientation, in combination with window area and the type of glass, also affects the amount of light that can enter a space.
Appropriate levels of light entering a space may result in the reduction in the use of electric lighting. This is usually achieved
by using a glazing system with a high visible transmittance. Glare issues need to be considered.
In most climates, a southern orientation is preferred due to the ability to shade the summer sun to reduce unwanted solar gain
while still capturing daylight to reduce the lighting energy load. The angle of the summer sun is much higher while the angle
of the sun in the winter is lower which allows the light and heat to possibly enter the space. Light-redirecting strategies, such
as light shelves, work well on a south facade.
North oriented facades receive good ambient and indirect daylight. Solar heat gain, too much direct light, and glare issues are
minimized. In colder climates, possible heat loss through the window unit should be considered.
Due to low sun angles, glare and increased solar heat gain is harder to control on the east and west facades. 24

Figure (2-7): Example of different building orientations

Orientation is simply what compass direction the building faces. Does it face directly south? 80° east- northeast?
Along with massing, orientation can be the most important step in providing a building with passive thermal and visual
comfort. Orientation should be decided together with massing early in the design process, as neither can be truly optimized
without the other.
Orientation is measured by the azimuth angle of a surface relative to true north. Successful orientation rotates the building to
minimize energy loads and maximize free energy from the sun and wind. 25
Successful orientation can also take advantage of other site conditions, such as rainwater harvesting driven by prevailing
winds. It can even help the building contribute to the health and vitality of the surrounding social and economic communities,
by orienting courtyards or other social spaces to connect to street life.26

Figure (2-8): showing that orientation 1 is worst for day lighting, and
orientation 3 is good, and orientation 2 is the best


As with massing for visual comfort, buildings should usually be oriented east-west rather than north-south. This orientation
lets you consistently harness daylight and control glare along the long faces of the building. It also lets you minimize glare
from the rising or setting sun.
If the building has cutouts to maximize day lighting, the orientations of these cutouts should also be chosen to maximize north
and south walls. With good building massing, such cutouts can also act as their own shading to prevent glare. 27 Maximizing
these too were very leaky. In cooler climates, the result of the high infiltration rate is a waste of energy due to heat loss.
However, one benefit of the high air-change rate was good air quality.
Example for how the architect designed a building’s elevations and lighting:

Figure (2-9): showing the best Orientation of the building

Natural day light and ventilation to reduce the need for artificial lighting and cooling can lead to a huge reduction in energy
use, particularly if combined with energy efficient systems.

Figure (2-10): showing the using of energy efficient systems for natural day
light and ventilation

Many candidate buildings will have high rates of infiltration. This is particularly true of buildings constructed using pre-cast
concrete components, and panel and curtain wall systems, with dry linings – typical construction techniques of the 1960s to
1980s era. In buildings with original glazing systems,

Figure (2-11): showing the air- conditioning systems for how to design
elevations and lighting

This shows firstly how the measures interact, and secondly provides some evidence as to how their cost effectiveness could be
ranked, although the cost of the measures is not given explicitly.28
The cases explored are as follows:
Case 1 base case
Case 2 base case + low-e glazing
Case 3 base case + boiler efficiency increased from 65 per cent to 85 percent
Case 4 base case + high efficiency lighting

The Handbook of Sustainable Refurbishment, Non-Domestic Building, Nick V. Baker
Case 5 (4) + vent rate reduced 1.5ac/h to1.0ac/h, boiler efficiency increased from 65 per cent to 85 per cent
Case 6 (5) + photoelectric lighting controls
Case 7 (6) + low-e glazing
Case 8 (7) + insulated opaque envelope
Case 9 (8) + reduced glazing area
Case 10 (9) + summer high vent
Case 11 (10) + night ventilation
Case 12 (11) + high thermal mass
Case 1.The building starts with high heating, lighting and cooling loads. Without air-conditioning, overheating is around 45
days per year, about ten times an acceptable level. Clearly the air-conditioning was essential.
Case 2.Here the envelope is identified as having poor thermal performance and it is proposed to re-glaze with low-e double
glazing. This is an expensive option and the results are disappointing with only a 10 per cent reduction in energy.
Case 3.This shows a much cheaper option of increasing the boiler efficiency from 0.65 to 0.85per cent which shows a saving
of 8 per cent. In reality, this may reduce emissions further due to improved combustion. It will also cause much less disturbance
to the use of the building.
Case 4.This returns to the single glazing to concentrate on the other large component, lighting. The existing lighting situation
is bad, with poor efficiency lamps and luminaries only delivering20 useful lumens per watt (l/w) with a design luminance of
300 lux. This can easily be improved to 40l/w and the design luminance reduced to 200 lux, made possible due to the wide
spread use of self-luminous computer screens, and task lighting where necessary. This halves the lighting energy. But there is
a penalty to pay in heating, and about half of the decrease of energy is lost. However the net effect for the air-con case is a
reduction of 21 per cent, and 30per cent for the naturally ventilated case, and is thus, together with the increased boiler
efficiency, certain to be far more cost effective than the low-e glazing. Note too, that there is a significant reduction in
overheating days, which had actually increased with the low-e glazing. However, overheating days are still around 28, which
is unacceptable.
Case 5.The increase in heating load prompts two measures to improve the thermal performance. One is to improve the
airtightness of the envelope, reducing the infiltration from 1.5 to1.0 air changes per hour (ac/h), which may prove to be a
technical challenge, and secondly to improve the heating plant further to an efficiency of 0.9, achievable with a condensing
boiler. This largely compensates for the loss of heat gains from the lighting.
Case 6.Lighting energy is reduced further by the installation of photo-sensitive controls. A scan be expected for a shallow-plan
building with (more than) adequate glazing area, a large saving is made, reducing the lighting energy to about35 per cent of the
uncontrolled value. It is worth noting, that if this had been applied before the efficiency of the lighting had been improved, the
absolute savings for this measure, and thus its cost effectiveness, would be even greater. In this case the reduction in lighting
energy has only led to an increase in heating energy of about 10 percent, and this is probably because the lights are going off
in the middle part of the day, when for most of the year net heating loads are very small.29
However, together with case 4 it does demonstrate the dependence of heating loads on casual gains. Over-heating has steadily
reduced, down to 20days, and there is now a real possibility of abandoning air-conditioning. So from now on, we will
concentrate on the natural ventilation option.
Cases 7 and 8.We now return to test the effects of improvements to the envelope, and in case 7low-e glazing is installed again.
This results in a load. When combined with insulation to the walls and roof (case 8) the reduction in heating load is 64 per cent
(of case 6).This is of course a very expensive measure, and still could be of relatively poor cost effectiveness. However, if there
was already a need for fabric improvements due to failure in weathering function, much of this cost would be offset.
Case 9.In case 9 the glazing area is reduced from 70 to 35 per cent on both south and north facades. This has little effect on
energy balance –there is only a small increase in lighting energy, and the reduction of heat loss from the north façade is
compensated by a loss of useful heat gains on the south facade. However, this strategy carries two important advantages. Firstly
it reduce sun wanted solar gains, significantly reducing overheating; secondly, it reduces the cost of low-e glazing; and thirdly,
if expensive shading treatment is necessary, it will be needed on a much smaller area. It should be noted that the reduction
would have had a much bigger impact on heat loads had the glazing not already been up graded to low-e.
Case 10.However, the improved thermal performance of the envelope has had a down side with a disappointing increase in
overheating due to the reduced heat losses (case 8), only partially compensated by the reduced glazing area. How do we increase
heat losses on demand? By opening windows. When air-conditioning had been installed, the windows were sealed. By
reinstating open able windows, high air-change rates are possible in summer.
Case 11.But overheating is still around 14 days per year. Night ventilation is known to be effective in cooling the structure at
night with the cooler night air, and preparing the thermal mass to absorb gains made in the daytime. Case 11with night
ventilation shows a significant reduction to seven days.

The Handbook of Sustainable Refurbishment, Non-Domestic Building, Nick V. Baker
Case 12.Here an attempt to make further improvements is tested, where during the fit-out, structural mass is exposed by
removing suspended ceilings and carpeted floors. This reduces overheating to four days, but at the expense of some extra
heating due to intermittent occupation.30
The series of cases shows the interaction between measures and their varying impact. Although generic costs are not provided
explicitly, it is quite clear that the measures will vary widely in cost effectiveness, and this should be borne in mind when
establishing the priority of upgrading measures. It also demonstrates that a critical point intemperate climate is the ability to
move from air-conditioning to natural ventilation. This is partly because air-conditioning carries a large overhead of fan and
pump energy, which is not directly proportionate to the cooling (or heating) load. The result, in this case, of moving from the
air-conditioned base case, to the naturally ventilated final case is a reduction in primary energy consumption of 81 per cent. It
must be pointed out, however, that improvements could have been made in the efficiency of the air-conditioning system that
are not tested here, and which would have reduced the final difference. Although some of the discussion has referred to
percentage changes, in order to indicate impact, ultimately it is the absolute reduction of energy or CO2 emissions against
which a measure should be judged. Thus a further large percentage reduction to a load that has already been reduced to a small
value is less cost effective. This implies that the order that measures are applied is important.31
Climate will affect the relative impact of measures. In warmer and sunnier climates, insulation will have less impact in the
naturally ventilated case, and measures to reduce overheating more. Similarly, building type will influence the relative impact
of measures. A building such as a junior school occupied for the middle part of the day will benefit more from improvements
to day lighting than, say, a hospital, occupied for 24 hours per day, whereas in the case of thermal improvements to the fabric,
the reverse may be true.32Maximize day lighting through windows, clerestories and redirecting systems which can extend
daylight deeper into the building than the usual 3-4 meters light perimeter provided by normal windows. This reduces energy
use and heat generation.
Day lighting
Architects responded by a whole typology of window and roof light designs, readily accepting the need for shallow plans, light
wells and courtyards. This constraint was reinforced by the same need for shallow plan to achieve good natural ventilation.
Whilst, of course, artificial light had to be employed after the hours of darkness, daylight was always the preferred source in
the daytime, and artificial light was regarded as inferior both technically and on health grounds
Finally, the benefits of day lighting and good window design extend beyond the saving of energy. There is growing evidence
that the view from windows and the perception of the presence of daylight, even without direct views, is valued by occupants.
This can lead to increased well-being and productivity, and also increased tolerance of non-neutral environmental conditions.
The latter offers significant support to the adoption of a passive strategy.33
A further important function may be the provision of night ventilation to cool the structural mass. The principle is illustrated in
Figure. This function will also require large open able areas in the envelope, and unobstructed flow paths within the building.
Furthermore, it is essential that the ventilating air can be thermally coupled with the thermal mass of the building. These
requirements may present design challenges, particularly in relation to security and noise control.34

Figure (2-12): The principle of night ventilation: The mass of the building is
cooled at night to provide a heat sink for internal gains during the day

The Handbook of Sustainable Refurbishment, Non-Domestic Building, Nick V. Baker
The Handbook of Sustainable Refurbishment, Non-Domestic Building, Nick V. Baker
The Handbook of Sustainable Refurbishment, Non-Domestic Building, Nick V. Baker
The Handbook of Sustainable Refurbishment, Non-Domestic Building, Nick V. Baker
The Handbook of Sustainable Refurbishment, Non-Domestic Building, Nick V. Baker
Solar Photovoltaic
Solar photovoltaics’ (PVs) create electricity directly from sunlight. They are the most common form of on-site clean energy
generation. Many people generically refer to them as "solar panels" or "solar power".
Solar PV is useful because it makes electricity without any pollution, moving parts, or noise on-site. It is also abundant. 35

Figure (2-13): PV Panel Array

Solar power production at any given moment is measured in watts, but the important variable to measure is energy generation
(kWh) per day or month or year. Because of sunlight's intermittency, PV panels may generate very high wattages some of the
time but low wattages other times, and will generate no wattage for much of every day.
Every day, the sun showers the Earth with over 5,000 times as much energy as is used by all of humanity. However, PV panels
have limited efficiency, buildings have limited area for them, their cost is generally high, and some climates receive less sunlight
than others, so PVs are not appropriate for all occasions. In all cases, buildings should reduce energy demand with passive
solar design as much as is practical before making up the rest of their energy demand with solar electricity generation.36
Predicting PV Power Production
The amount of energy produced by PVs depends on five main factors:
The site conditions: latitude, longitude, and local weather
The orientation and exposure of the panels to the sun
The efficiency of the panels
The available area for panels
The power conversion electronics
System Orientation

Figure (2-14): Sun- tracking PV installation

The more directly the sun shines on solar panels, the more energy they generate.
The rule of thumb for the angle to mount PV panels for optimal power generation over the course of the year is to use the same
angle as the latitude (in degrees). To maximize winter production, add 15 degrees. To maximize summer production, subtract
15 degrees. While this is a good starting point, the analysis tools can help you design your system more precisely than these
rules of thumb.
In latitudes farther from the equator, panels placed at the angle of the sun can generate as much as 20% more electricity than
panels placed flat.


Some PV systems are mounted on poles and motorized arrays to track the sun from east to west as it moves through the
day. These tracking systems can increase productivity as much as 35%, but add significant cost (source: US Department of
Energy dating calculations). Thus they usually make financial sense for use with high-efficiency panels.
Types of PV panels:
There are a wide variety of PV panels: crystalline silico, thin film, and concentrating are three overall categories that each
comprises many different kinds. The kind of panel determines the efficiency with which sunlight is converted into electricity.37

Figure (2-15): Different PV panels: crystalline silicon, amorphous silicon,

and dye-sensitized
Generally, crystalline silicon
panels are higher-efficiency than thin-film panels, but this depends on many factors, such as age, manufacturing process, and
the sunlight conditions. Crystalline silicon systems tend to lose more performance in overcast skies and partial shade than thin-
film panels do, and concentrating panels generally require full direct sun.
Typical commercially-available PV panels have efficiencies from 5 - 20%. Any given panel will have a "nominal power" rating
in watts. This must be converted to an estimate of annual energy production, using the climate data of the local site
conditions. Then the size of the system can be estimated.
Efficiency vs. Cost
Most people assume that higher efficiency is better, but when sunlight is so abundant and free, that it not always true. More
efficient panels are generally more expensive, and are only necessary when the available area is limited. Less expensive panels
covering a larger area can produce more power.
The limiting variable for many projects, then, is not energy efficiency but cost efficiency. The amount of money per watt drives
how much solar power can be installed.38

Reducing heat gain, by using lighter colored exterior surfaces to reflect sunlight from the building, shading devices, or increased
daylight buildings that breathe – using natural ventilation as far as possible
Low-emission furniture, materials, paints.
greenery, both indoors for shading and air purification
use light colors for walls and other surfaces to reduce the need for artificial lighting39
minimize glare from natural and artificial light sources
Shading devices to reduce direct sunlight, glare and heat.
Photocell sensors at perimeter window zones
Light shelves fitted in windows can reduce glare at the perimeter and increase • lighting at the interior, reducing the need for
artificial lighting and the contrast of glare and shade which is hard on the eyes.
Low volatile organic compound (VOC) emitting paints and finishes.
All paints, coatings, adhesives and sealants specified and implemented in the interior have allowed VOC level complying with
SCAQMD and Green Seals standards.
Using renewable energy in design the building such as solar power, colored solar cells, silver glass, photovoltaic cells, in with
they reduce energy.
Reduce the need for heating through insulation, though more is not necessarily better.
Design floors to save more energy by reducing the heat and cooling
Solid ground floors
Original floor: Solid ground slab with screed finish, non-insulated
There is some uncertainty about the actual insulation value of non-insulated ground floors. It is very dependent upon the
properties of the subsoil. The literature provides values ranging from 0.3 for large buildings to 1.0 for small shallow- plan
buildings. The dependence on size is due to the three-dimensional nature of the heat flow. The outcome is that large buildings

Sustainable office design,
may have relatively low floor U-values already, and the cost benefit of floor insulation may be poorer than for other parts of
the envelope.40 Insulation options
Option 1: Load-bearing insulation above slab with reinforced screed above.
This provides some insulated thermal mass, which will offer some of the beneficial functions of thermal storage associated with
heavyweight construction. The beneficial effects of thermal mass will be fully realized if dense conductive materials (e.g.
ceramic tiles) are used as a floor finish, but reduced if finishes such as carpet are used. For screed thickness of up to 75mm,
this amount of thermal storage would be significant for 24-hour cycles only, due to its isolation from the thicker ground slab.
Option 2: Load-bearing insulation above slab with lightweight decking above.
This behaves as a lightweight construction since the mass is isolated by the insulation. The floor finish will have little effect on
thermal response.
Option 3: Raised floor with rigid or non-rigid insulation (quilt) on original floor.
Raised floors are used where access to communications wiring and services are required across the whole floor. They may also
be of value where under floor voids are to be used as part of a natural ventilation system. It must be noted however, that with
wireless IT technology the demand for raised floors for IT servicing has diminished.
Option 4: Replaced slab with rigid insulation beneath.
This would only take place in major refurbishment, or in new parts of a building. It offers both high insulation and large thermal
mass. These options are illustrated in Figure 3.1.41
Under floor heating or cooling
Under floor heating (or cooling) pipes can be incorporated in floor options 1, 2 and 4. The thermal mass of the screed in option
1 will result in a slow response emitter which could lead to control problems where rapid changes in heat loads and gains are
expected. Option 4 will have a very slow response (days rather than hours), and would give control problems in all but
continuously occupied buildings with very constant gains profiles.42

Suspended ground floors

The insulation value of the non-insulated suspended floor is dependent on the degree of ventilation of the under floor void. For
traditional timber floors, this is often quite high and results in the U-value being significantly higher – typically around 1.5 –
than for a solid floor. Reducing the ventilation rate would reduce this but would lead to high humidity and subsequent decay of
the timber. For non-timber floors the void is also normally ventilated, to avoid condensation.
Original floor A– screed on hollow ceramic pots between steel joists, or concrete blocks between reinforced concrete joists,
over void or crawl space.
Original floor B – timber (solid or timber-derived product) decking on timber joists.
Insulation options
For floor A as options 1, 2 and 3 for solid floors, with similar thermal behavior, and (Figure 2.2):
Option 5: If access to crawl space permits, it may be possible to apply insulation to the underside of the floor, or lay it onto the
ground or over site concrete.43
For floor B – insulation, or; as option 2
Option 6: Remove deck and apply rigid or semi-rigid insulation between joists. Cold bridging is tolerable due to relatively high
thermal resistance of timber. Thermal behavior as light weight.
Under floor heating or cooling Heating pipes can be incorporated in the above deck screed or insulation as in options 1 and 2.
Pipes can also be installed in the top surface of the between-joist insulation in option 5.44
Maintenance schedule for HVAC filters: Dirty filter can cause sensory irritation. Hence, appropriate maintenance schedule can
prevent this to happen.

Use of low emitting materials: Use of materials that have low VOC content for products such as indoor carpets, rubber flooring,
sub-floor materials, ceramics and ties, plasterboards, or other sealants and adhesives. Also internal construction materials with
low formaldehyde content can be helpful.

The Handbook of Sustainable Refurbishment, Non-Domestic Building, Nick V. Baker
The Handbook of Sustainable Refurbishment, Non-Domestic Building, Nick V. Baker
42The Handbook of Sustainable Refurbishment, Non-Domestic Building, Nick V. Baker
The Handbook of Sustainable Refurbishment, Non-Domestic Building, Nick V. Baker
The Handbook of Sustainable Refurbishment, Non-Domestic Building, Nick V. Baker
Figure (2-16): shows Insulation options for solid ground floors

3. Case studies and findings

The benefits of green buildings for the Middle East are not only environmental, but also economic and social. Long-term
operating costs are lowered via reduced energy consumption, reduced emissions, improved water conservation and management,
temperature moderation, and reduced waste. Avoiding scarce natural resources, like water, opting instead to recycle, can cut
down building costs by an estimated 10 percent.
With a third of the world's energy being utilized in construction and building operation, the concept of green buildings is
becoming more and more popular worldwide. General construction work uses excessive amounts of energy, water and raw
materials and tends to generate large amounts of waste and potentially harmful atmospheric emissions. As a result, companies
are facing demands to build environmentally friendly and eco-efficient buildings, while minimizing their actual impact on the

The Middle East region faces a unique set of challenges in terms of sustainable buildings and cities. For example, water shortage
is mitigated by costly desalination and we are faced with high water consumption which leads to a higher carbon footprint and
ultimately impacts climate change. Middle Eastern countries are at the top of the list of largest per capita ecological footprints.
Qatar has the highest per capita level of carbon dioxide emissions, at 44 metric tons per person annually. Kuwait is second with
30.3 tons, followed by the UAE with 22.6. Therefore, integrating energy efficiency is a critical need.
The full ranking is as follows:

Total GSM of LEED-
certified and Total number of LEED-
Rank Nation certified space
registered space certified and registered projects
1 Canada 17.74 58.66 4,068
2 China 14.30 96.22 1,638
3 India 11.64 66.22 1,657
4 3.84 16.61 242
5 Taiwan 2.98 6.97 114
6 Germany 2.90 7.32 365
7 Brazil 2.85 23.24 829
8 Singapore 2.16 3.86 91
9 Arab 1.82 47.16 850
10 Finland 1.45 3.56 148

3.1 Dutch- Embassy Amman

Fig ( ) Dutch- Embassy Amman

3.2 District cooling in Qatar

In recent years, Qatar is making itself a benchmark for all future sustainable and renewable initiatives in the Middle East. Qatar
is committed to creating a cleaner and more energy efficient environment which is expected to make significant contributions
in addressing climate change challenges and moving towards a more sustainable future. However, these positive moves will
not be enough to cover up the fact that Qatar, much as the other oil-producing countries in the Gulf, has still not made any
commitment as part of the UN climate talks.
District cooling has the potential to provide a viable solution to meet air conditioning requirements in the Middle East. Low
energy requirement, peak saving potential, eco-friendliness and cost-effectiveness are major hallmarks of district cooling
networks. District cooling can play a vital role in fostering sustainable development in Middle East nations. Apart from
providing cooling needs, district cooling can reduce the need for new power plants, slash fossil fuel requirements and
substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the region.

The irony here is clear: the first international LEED certified housing complex is built by an oil research facility in Saudi Arabia.
Though in some ways, the construction of the King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KEPSARC) is not so
surprising. - See more at:

Fig ( ) District cooling in Qatar

Tagged Advantages of District Cooling, Air Conditioning, CHP, District Cooling, District Cooling in Middle East, District
Cooling in the Middle East, District Cooling Systems, energy efficiency, GCC, Green Buildings, Helsinki, Integrated District
Cooling Plant, Middle East, Qatar, Refrigeration, Stockholm, Trigeneration, What is District Cooling.

UAE: Emirates GBC launches EGBC 2015 Awards - Asia Green Buildings
Emirates Green Building Council (Emirates GBC), an independent forum aimed at conserving the environment by
strengthening and promoting green building...
Middle East Centre for Sustainable Development - Major Projects

UAE: Emirates GBC Honours Best Practices In Sustainable Development - Asia Green

At a glittering award ceremony, Emirates Green Building Council (Emirates GBC), an independent forum aimed at
conserving the environment by strengthening and promoting green building practices, honored the winners of the EGBC

Big Oil's Saudi Aramco Builds LEED Certified Homes in Riyadh...

In addition to 191 houses with 11 house types, the residential campus boasts conference areas, a data center, four utility
buildings and communal areas such as library, dining hall, recreation center, natatorium, mosque and supermarket. The
somewhat isolated community is meant to serve as a spacious and modern community for KAPSARC’s international
employees and their families. The 200-hectare site also includes a photovoltaic (solar) energy field and bio retention swales,
which are meant as both functional and visual statements. - See more at:
4. Conclusion and Recommendations
Due to their extensive range of environmental and economic benefits, particularly their insulation and cooling properties,
ability to significantly reduce rainwater runoff and urban heat island effect, as well as improve air quality and their value in
promoting biodiversity and habitat in urban areas, green roofs have become important elements of sustainable and green
construction in many countries. While the green roof industry is growing in popularity, the industry is still young with many
areas needing advancement.
The major barriers to green roof expansion in the Middle East include a lack of governmental support, high installation costs,
lack of awareness and education about green roofs, and limited data quantifying green roof benefits. However, with proper
support these barriers can be easily overcome through research and innovation in design by the green roof industry.
Figure (1-3): Categories of the LEED system
Through understandings of sustainability, sustainable city and sustainability in architecture have been presented leading to
sustainable buildings and sustainable design. It became apparent that human activity was having an increasingly negative impact
on the environmental balance.
Definitions of sustainability have been provided which defined that sustainability is development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs.
The three dimensions of sustainability are environment, economy and society. Achieving sustainability in all of them results in
a human well-being. Achieving sustainable buildings is not only by considering them in buildings but at the city level where
we should have a sustainable city through emphasizing the reuse of renewable resources, minimizing the resource consumption
and managing resources in a way that maximizes recovery and reuse.
As a society's economic status improves, its demand for architectural resources will increase. This in turn increases the
combined impact of architecture on global system, thus sustainable architecture became necessary to be achieved through
sustainable design for sustainable buildings. A building can be considered as sustainable building through some indicators of
sustainable design. Buildings that are durable and adaptable are more sustainable than those that are not. The more people that
can use a building, the longer are the building useful life.
Use of renewable energy, such as solar, wind or biomass energy, to meet energy requirements can significantly reduce carbon
footprints of such buildings. Other green trends that are currently being advocated include carbon neutral communities, public
transport and no-car cities, self-sustaining urban planning, on-site water treatment plants, and cultural sensitivity incorporating
traditional design elements.

The goals of green building can be summarized as:

Efficient, effective and sustainable site location (including transport needs).
Efficient, effective and sustainable design of structure, façade and fenestration.
Efficient, effective and sustainable use of water, energy, and materials.
Efficient, effective and sustainable operation and maintenance.
Efficient, effective and sustainable indoor environmental quality.
Maintaining the long-term viability of supporting ecosystems.
Buildings use a minimum of non-renewable energy, produce a minimum of pollution and wastes and cost, a minimum of energy
dollars, while increasing the health, safety, and welfare of the people who live and work on them.

Sustainable buildings are significantly better than standard buildings. They use less energy, save money overtime, provide better
occupant health and comfort, and are better for the environment.
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2. Akbari, H. (2005). Energy Saving Potentials and Air Quality Benefits of Urban Heat Island Mitigation. 1-19
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