Test 16 Section 1

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Test 16 Section 1
You will hear a number of different recordings, and you have to answer questions on what you
hear. There will be time for you to read the instructions and
questions, and you will have a chance to check your work. All the recordings will be played once
only. The test is in four sections, at the end of the test,
you will be given ten minutes to transfer your answer to answer sheet. Now turn to section 1.
Section 1, You will hear a woman talking to a man about joining a drama club.
First you have some time to look at questions 1 to 6. Pause the recording for thirty seconds.. Now
listen carefully and answer questions 1 to 6.
You will see there is am example which has been done for you, on this occasion only, the
conversation relating to this will be played first.
man: Hello, Robert Gladwell speeking.
woman: Oh, hi, my name is Chloe Martin, I was given your name and phone number by Ben
I work with him, and he said you'r a member of Nickbry drama club.
man: Yes, I am.
woman: Well, I've just moved to the area, I'm keen to join a drama club.
man: Great, Yes, I can give you some information, we are one of the oldest drama clubs in this
area, as the club started in 1957,
we now have about 60 members, our youngest member is 10, and our oldest member is 78.
woman: Oh, I think I've saw a picture of newspaper the other day, some of the members being
presented with a prize.
man: Yes, the youth section did very well in a competition, and won 100 pounds, which will
help with their next production.
Anyway, tell me a bit more about yourself.
woman: Well, I've done a bit of acting, I was in a couple of musicals when I was at a university,
and historical play more recently.
man: Mm, we mainly do comedy plays, we get good audiences of that kind of thing. We have't
attempt to musical yet, but we might to do one soon.
woman: Oh, when did you usually meet?
man: On Tuesdays.
woman: My presumably I'll need to do an audition.
man: Yes, there are a few auditions last Tuesday, and we'll be doing more at our next meeting
which is in two weeks' time,
that's on Tuesday, the 12th of March. There'll be another opportunity two weeks after that,
which will be on the 26th of March.
woman: Oh, I can come to you next meeting, if I don't get an acting pass in a play, I'll be happy
to help with something else,
I've designed publicity before.
man: Great, we are very short of people who can do that, so that would be really good. There
are a lot of people who like making sceneries,
so we get plenty of help with that, but we haven't get enough people to do the lights of the
moments, so if you think you can do that,
or you have any friends who would like to, do bring them along, we can show you what to

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do, if you haven't got any experience.

woman: I'll have to think about it. So do you meet in the theater?
man: We do have performances in the Manor Theater, but we only hire that for the nights of the
actual performances.
We need to rehearse every Tuesday evening in the community hall, we rent a room there.
woman: Oh, I'm not sure where that is, I'll be coming by a car because I don't live in the town
man: It's on Ashburton road. As you're coming towards the center and down Regent Street, you
need to turn left at the crossroads.
woman: Oh, I know, there is a big car park down there, just before you get to a hotel, It's on the
other side of the road from the sports center.
man: That's it, that's the closest place to leave your car, and you don't have to pay in the evening
to park there. We meet at 7:30, and we
usually finish at 9:30 or 10:00.
woman: OK.
Before you hear the rest of the talk, you have some time to look at the questions 7 to 10.
Pause the recording for 30 seconds.. Now listen and answer questions 7 to 10.
man: I haven't mentioned that we have to make a charge. Everyone pays a subscription of 180
pounds to be a member for a year.
You can pay for the whole year at once, or you can pay 15 pounds every month, it works out
the same.
There are reductions for retired people and under-18s, but I don't think you come into either
woman: No, I am 26.
man: Oh, haha. That fee covers all the costs like photo coping of scripts, and producing the
posters, but it excludes the costumes for the performances.
We ask people to pay for the hire of those themselves. It does mean they look after them
properly, as they know they won't get the
deposit back otherwise.
woman: Mm, can I come along to the next meeting then?
man: Of course. We love to see you. And if you want to know more about how we run the
auditions or the next play we doing,
why don't you give our secretary a ring, she'll be very pleased to help you.
woman: Oh, what's her name?
man: It's Serah Sawdicott. That's S-a-w-d-i-c-o-t-t.
woman: Got that, and her phone number?
man: I've only got a mobile number for her, Ur, just a minute, let me find it, Aah, it's
woman: Great, thanks for your help.
That is the end of section 1, you now have half a minute to check your answers.


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Midbury Drama Club

prize recently won by 1 _________ section

usually performs 2_________ plays

next auditions will be on Tuesday 3 _________

help is needed with 4 _________ and _________
rehearsals take place in the 5_________ hall
nearest car park for rehearsals is in Ashburton Road opposite the 6_________

annual membership fee is 7£ _________

extra payment for 8_________

secretary’s name is Sarah 9_________

secretary’s phone number is 10_________

Question 1. Answer: Youth

Question 2. Answer: comedy

Question 3. Answer: 12 March

Question 4. Answer: publicity

Question 5. Answer: community

Question 6. Answer: sports center

Question 7. Answer: 180

Question 8. Answer: costumes

Question 9. Answer: Sawdicott

Question 10. Answer: 07955240063.

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