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Griselda Castro

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 12:00 PM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler; Brett Bums
Cc: 'Wells, Andrew'; Stacy A Miller
Subject: RE: URGENT: October 7th Day of Protest


Thank you. This is a good starting point for the information I will be providing to UCOP. We haven't had time to finalize
the name of team yet but the work is the most important thing. Feel free to call if on my cell if you need to reach me for

Thanks again.


From: Anne Reynolds Myler

Sent: Friday, October 01, 20109:24 AM
To: Brett Burns; Griselda Castro
Ce: 'Wells, Andrew'
Subject: RE: URGENT: October 7th Day of Protest

Griselda and Brett,

The Freedom of Expression Resource Team will be activated and present at activities throughout the Day of Action on
October 7. We will be in place to support freedom of expression, maintain safety and assist in preventing disruption of
normal campus activities. Discretion will be required in the implementation of time, place and manner regulations to
achieve our goal of supporting freedom of expression and safety.

As we monitor Facebook and website announcements to get a better idea of activities for the day, we will finalize the
shift schedule for our 16 member resource team. We will follow our activism response protocol: Andrew Wells and I
will coordinate throughout the day in communication with you and the AVC team. I assume Fred will have the campus
leadership team in place to make decisions as issues arise throughout the day. You can indicate whether we will activate
the Emergency Operations Center. The resource team will have an emergency contact list for campus resources from
Police, Labor Relations, Campus Counsel and Student Affairs, including CAPS and CAN counselors. As always, we will
work in collaboration with Police and other campus staff on site.

A general assembly of students has been called for Monday, October 4, at 7pm outside Wellman Hall to plan October 7
activities. As plans are not likely to be communicated on the usuallistservs, Student Affairs staff and Labor Relations can
be asked to report everything they hear to you so that we can be prepared to support students and maintain safety. If
there are faculty teach-ins or walkouts, we should expect to hear announcements about them soon.

I also assume Student Affairs will consult with Police and the leadership team in advance to confirm whether we will
handle things in a similar fashion to March 4 (e.g., if students march through classroom buildings or the library or occupy
a bus terminal area, will we just keep them moving rather than block access). If you think UCOP wants to know today
how the campus will support or respond to certain activities, that will require a leadership team decision.

Please let me know if you need more information for the response. Also, can you ask Stacy to forward links to any
announcements your staff finds?


Griselda Castro

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Thursday, September 23,20109:47 PM
To: Fred E Wood; Emily Galindo; Lora Jo Bossio
Subject: RE: Conference Call re: Oct. 7 - Day of Action

Thanks, Fred. This date is on the calendar or our Activism Team. We don't yet have a sense
on how big this will be at UCD.


From: Fred E Wood

Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2010 8:31 PM
To: Emily Galindo; Griselda Castro; Lora Jo Bossio
Subject: FW: Conference Call re: Oct. 7 - Day of Action


-----Original Message-----
From: Vice Chancellors of Student Affairs ONLY [mailto:VCSA-ONLY-L@LISTSERV.UCOP.EDU] On
Behalf Of Felicia McGinty
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2010 9:30 AM
Subject: Conference Call re: Oct. 7 - Day of Action
Hi All,

I'm writing to touch base on a question I raised during our last conference call regarding
the Oct. 7 Defend Public Education Day of Action. I understand this is intended to be
another one of those actions to be observed by activities across the nation. Based on
previous experience and the continued issues surrounding affordability, we know this will
garner significant activity among some UC campuses.
During move in, our students and union representatives distributed fliers publicizing the
event. We are anticipating significant demonstration activity that day and I surmise other
campuses will also.
Here's a link htto:{/defendcapubliceducation.wordpress.coml
<>and the flier that was distributed om my
campus is attached. As you can see, there's a good bit of buzz starting. The anarchist
graffiti is already appearing on our campus, their involvement invariably creates problems ...
Are you all interested in a conference call to share how your campus is approaching this
issue, or could you please reply to this message and give me a sense of the level of activity
you're anticipating and how you plan to respond.
Hope the fall is off to a good beginning for you!


Felicia E. McGinty, Ed.D.

Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs
University of California, Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
(831) 459-2474 Telephone
(831) 459-5683 Fax

Griselda Castro

From: Annette M Spicuzza

Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 12:36 PM
To: Griselda Castro
Cc: Anne Reynolds Myler; Fred E Wood
Subject: RE: Thank You!

Always my pleasure.


Annette M. Spicuzza
Chief of Police
UC Davis Police Department
Davis, CA 95616
530-752-3113 Office
530-752-0176 Fax

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 12:33 PM
To: Annette M Spicuzza
Cc: Anne Reynolds Myler; Fred E Wood
Subject: Thank You!

Dear Annette,

Thank you for taking the time from your busy schedule to present and participate in our "Student Activism Team"
training session yesterday. Your presentation and participation in the discussion was extremely helpful and valuable to
our training efforts. Thank you again, for your presence and contributions.



Twitter: @UCDavis_Morain

Griselda Castro

From: Matthew Carmichael

Sant: Thursday, September 16, 2010 7:18 AM
To: Griselda Castro; ''; Ken Ealy
Cc: ''; Annette M Spicuzza; ''; Anne Reynolds
Myler; Stacy A Miller
Subject: Re: meeting AFSME3299 guy

Fyi. I have been receiving calls from individuals and groups for protest info. The typical questions are, where can I go and
how big of sign can I bring.

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 11:23 PM
To: Claudia M. Morain <>; Ken Ealy; Matthew Carmichael
Cc:. Mitchel Benson <>; Annette M Spicuzza; Steven Drown <>; Anne
Reynolds Myler; stacy A Miller
Subject: RE: meeting AFSME3299 guy


You may also want to copy Elizabeth Meyer. Karen has given me her name as the primary point person for labor
relations activism. Although, I believe she is away from campus until Monday.


From: Claudia M. Morain []

Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 20107:07 PM
To: Ken Ealy; Griselda Castro; Matthew Carmichael
Cc: Mitchel Benson; Annette M Spicuzza; Steven Drown
Subject: meeting AFSME3299 guy

Hi all:

I've left a voicemail for Mike Roth of AFSME 3299 proposing a 10 a.m. meeting tomorrow, Thursday, Sept. 16, in the
Vanderhoef quad with the four of us (Ken of labor relations, Griselda of student affairs, Lt. Matt, and me). Mike
represents a coalition of labor folks who plan to protest at the debate, including CNA, SEIU, labor Federation, and
"several others," he said.

I'll confirm tomorrow when I've heard back from Mike.


Claudia Morain
News Service Director
University CommunIcations
UC Davis

Desk: (530) 752-9841

Cell: (530) 574-3280
Fax: (530) 752-4068

5:00 Rally outside the debate
(Vanderhoef Quad, east side of Mondavi Center)

6:00 Live screening

7:00 Post-debate rally

Griselda Castro
From: Joyce Souza
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 11 :58 AM
To: Griselda Castro
Subject: RE: Update: Student Activism Activity at Debate

Thanks I!

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Tuesday, September 21,2010 1:08 PM
To: Mitchel Benson; 'Claudia M. Morain';;;;
Anne Reynolds Myler
Cc: Steven Drown; Fred E Wood; John Meyer; Joyce Souza; Annette M Spicuzza; Matthew Carmichael; Emily Galindo;
Lora Bosslo; Stacy A Miller
Subject: Update: Student Activism Activity at Debate


This message just got posted to the CALPIRG website. Additionally, I just talked with our AS President and he informed
me students from UC Berkeley and around the region are expected to come to the campus during the event. He also
informed me that the Davis College Democrats have teamed up with the Brown Campaign and that they moved their
viewing party from Chem 194 to the Bistro 33. They reserved the entire restaurant and Jerry Brown might join them
after the debate. If things pan out, we may have a capacity issue at Vanderhoef Quad.


This is what is posted on the Calprig website:

CALPIRG - UC Davis Chapter We're excited for the new year! There's a healthcare Press Conference on Thursday @ 11 to
educate students about how the new Healthcare plan affects them at the new Student Medical Center

Then we're hosting the first Gubernatorial Debate on Tuesday the 28th!

Come get involved!!

15 hours ago
CALPIRG - UC Davis Chapter The first debate of a hotly contested governor's race will be held at UC Davis on September

Students want their next governor to have a plan to make college affordable!

Let's make sure Meg Whitman, Jerry Brown and reporters from across California see hundreds of students outside the
debate asking for real answers o ... n higher education!

We'll have a huge screen outside where you can watch the debate live, and we'll be passing out t-shirts with slogans like
"Make College Affordable", "Got Loans?" and "Dude, Where's My Tuition?"

Students are coming from all over northern California forthis debate. We were fortunate enough to have this at our
own school! So lets make sure the UCD Aggies are well represented !I

5:88 Rally outside the debate
(Vanderhoef Quad, east side of Mondavi Center)

6:8a Live screening

7:88 Post-debate rally

Mitchel Benson
Assistant Vice Chancellor for University Communications University of California, Davis
Office: (538) 752-9844
Cell: (538) 228-8863
Fax: (538) 752-4868
Email: <>
.-;,;.- . ----..-- .... - ..... -.,.; ... .,.;--- ;,.---;;.--.,.;,;,; --. ;,;--..;-,;; .- . ..;--. - - - - - -. -- - - - - - -~- - -. - --
UC Davis University Communications
334 Mrak Hall
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616-8687

Griselda Castro

From: Mitchel Benson [mdbenson@ucdavis.edul

Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:28 PM
To: Griselda Castro; Claudia M. Morain; Julia Ann Easley; Marjorie M. Dickinson; Jason W.
Murphy; Anne Reynolds Myler
Cc: Steven Drown; Fred E Wood; John Meyer; Joyce Souza; Annette MSpicuzza; Matthew
Carmichael; Emily Galindo; Lora Bossio; Stacy A Miller
Subject: Re: Student Activism Activity at Debate

Thanks Griselda

On 9/21/10 1:07 PM, "Griselda Castro" <gcastro@ucdavis,edu> wrote:


This message just got posted to the CALPIRG website, Additionally, I just talked with .our AS
President and he informed me students from UC Berkeley and around the region are expected to
come to the campus during the event, He also informed me that the Davis College Democrats
have teamed up with the Brown Campaign and that they moved their viewing party from Chem 194
to the Bistro 33, They reserved the entire restaurant and Jerry Brown might join them after
the debate, If things pan out, we may have a capacity issue at Vanderhoef Quad,


This is what is posted on the Cal prig website:

CALPIRG - UC Davis Chapter <

Chapter/13527182564> We're excited for the new year! There's a healthcare Press Conference
on Thursday @11 to educate students about how the new Healthcare plan affects them at the
new Student Medical Center

Then we're hosting the first Gubernatorial Debate on Tuesday the 28th!
Come get involved!!
15 hours ago
CALPIRG - UC Davis Chapter <
Chapter/13527182564> The first debate of a hotly contested governor's race will be held at
UC Davis on September 28th!

Students want their next governor to have a plan to make college affordable!

Let's make sure Meg Whitman, Jerry Brown and reporters from across California see hundreds of
students outside the debate asking for real answers O •.. n higher education!
We'll have a huge screen outside where you can watch the debate live, and we'll be passing
out t-shirts with slogans like "Make College Affordable", "Got Loans?" and "Dude, Where's My

Students are coming from allover northern California for this debate. We were fortunate
enough to have this at our own schooli So lets make sure the UCD Aggies are well
represented! !

Cc: Griselda Castro; Joyce Souza; Anne Reynolds Myler; Jason W. Murphy; Marjorie M.
Dickinson; Matthew Carmichael; Annette M Spicuzza
Subject: Re: Another proposed student activity outside of the Mondavi Center
I'd suggest a building farther from mondavi, and one built with student fees. Either they
really want a large viewing party or they want to make a scene and disrupt. We need to
determine which, if possible.

Mitchel Benson
Assist. Vice Chancellor for
University Communications
University of California, Davis
(0) 530-752-9844
(C) 530-220-0863
(F) 530-752-4086<><>

On Sep 22, 2010, at 6:37 AM, "Claudia M. Morain"

<<» wrote:

Can you get freeborn? I

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 21, 201a, at 7:39 PM, "Griselda Castro"

«><» wrote:

Dear Mitchel and Joyce,

While I was out at Fall Welcome events, left me a long message.

He is trying to organize a viewing event not get tickets outside of
the Mondavi during the debate. He would like to invite a "few hundred students" (his words)
to view debate on their computers and possibility put up a "projection screen" outside of the

I called him back but was not able to reach him. When I talk with him, I'll let him know the
ground rules--no screens. However,clearly, this has been become a regional event and I am
concerned about the number of students from other campuses who may show up for the activities
outside of the Mondavi Center. If we have a large number of people trying to watch the
debate outside, I wonder if we should revisit the option of opening up the conference center
for viewing opportunities inside between 6 and 7 pm. I know there is concern about providing
security at another venue but it may be easier than trying to manage a large crowd outside
along with the politics of a highly visible "private viewing party" at the GSM building. The
Student Affairs Activism Team will be activated and could be assigned to the Conference
Center Ballroom if needed. The ballroom is already reserved by the event sponsors. What are
your thoughts at this point?

Griselda Castro

From: Fred EWood

Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 9:34 PM
To: Griselda Castro
Subject: RE: Another proposed student activity outside of the Mondavi Center


Well stated. I hope they are listening.


-----Original Message-----
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 12:10 PM
To :rred E Wood
Subject: FW: Another proposed student activity outside of the Mondavi Center


-----Original Message-----
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 12:10 PM
To: 'Mitchel Benson'; Claudia M. Morain
Cc: Joyce Souza; Anne Reynolds Myler; Jason W. Murphy; Marjorie M. Dickinson; Matthew
Carmichael; Annette M Spicuzza
Subject: RE: Another proposed student activity outside of the Mondavi Center

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you to all you for sharing your thoughts as I work with students. It will be helpful to
have the ground rules in writing as soon as possible. Things are always very fluid with
students (and off campus folks) but at this point, I don't have the sense that they want to
"make a scene and disrupt". I believe they want the same thing Mike Roth talked about, an
opportunity to be part of the energy of the event and some will want to take advantage of the
media and get their messages across in a way that shapes and influences the news of the day
during the noon, five o'clock and eleven o'clock news. Its unfortunate the MU renovations
will not be completed in time to have viewing parties at the coffee house and that ARC
ballroom is booked. Everyone will access to the debate on their computers or televisions or
at private viewing parties but it's the excitement and energy about being at the location
that might fill the quad area that day. I appreciate and understand the reasons for not
opening up the conference center as expressed by Claudia and Joyce and we will encourage
students to respect the ground rules. I think it's safe to assume the crowd will stay as long
as the media is around.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mitchel Benson []
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 6:48 AM
To: Claudia M. Morain



Griselda Castro
From: Claudia M. Morain []
Sent: Wednesday, September 22,20108:45 AM
To: Griselda Castro; Mitchel Benson; Joyce Souza
Cc: Anne Reynolds Myler; Jason W. Murphy; Marjorie M. Dickinson; Matthew Carmichael; Annette
Subject: RE: Another proposed student activity outside of the Mondavi Center

Hi all:

We're going to use the conference center ballrooms for KCRA's "fact check" segment with a panel of about 8 of our
students and 2 of our professors. Political Science and UC Center Sacramento are identifying the students, with possible
help from GSM and law. Jim Sweeney and I have one instructor lined up and are working on the other.

Conference center will remain closedtothe general public. louisewill work with us on appropriate staffing - probably
one person who is familiar with the conference center.

-- Claudia

Claudia Morain
News Service Director
University Communications
UC Davis

From: Griselda castro [mailto:gcastro@ucdavis.edul

Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 7:39 PM
To: Mitchel Benson; Joyce Souza
Cc: Anne Reynolds Myler; Jason W. Murphy; Marjorie M. Dickinson; Claudia M. Morain; Matthew carmichael; Annette M
Subject: Another proposed student activity outside of the Mondavi Center

Dear Mitchel and Joyce,

While I was out at Fall Welcome events, left me a long message.
He is trying to organize a viewing get tickets outside of
the Mondavi during the debate. He would like to invite a "few hundred students" (his words)
to view debate on their computers and possibility put up a "projection screen" outside of the

I called him back but was not able to reach him. When I talk with him, I'll let him know the
ground rules--no screens. However,clearly, this has been become a regional event and I am
concerned about the number of students from other campuses who may show up for the activities
outside of the Mondavi Center. If we have a large number of people trying to watch the
debate outside, I wonder if we should revisit the option of opening up the conference center
for viewing opportunities inside between 6 and 7 pm. I know there is concern about providing
security at another venue but it may be easier than trying to manage a large crowd outside
along with the politics of a highly visible "private viewing party" at the GSM building. The
Student Affairs Activism Team will be activated and could be assigned to the Conference
Center Ballroom if needed. The ballroom is already reserved by the event sponsors. What are
your thoughts at this point?

Griselda Castro
From: Joyce Souza
Sent: Tuesday, September 21,20108:19 PM
To: Griselda Castro
Subject: RE: Another proposed student activity outside of the Mondavi Center

Not sure I would offer a venue that would actually keep them in the area. If they really want to watch the debate they
should probably be directed to one of the locations away from Vanderhoff Quad.
My thoughts no reason to encourage them hanging around once the 5:30 news shots are over.

Captain Joyce Souza

Police Department
University of California,
625KleiberHall Dr.
Davis, CA. 95616
--- ------------------_._---_.._ -
From: Griselda castro
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 7:39 PM
To: Mitchel Benson; Joyce Souza
Cc: Anne Reynolds Myler; Jason W. Murphy; Marjorie M. Dickinson; Claudia M. Morain; Matthew carmichael; Annette M
Subject: Another proposed student activity outside of the Mondavi Center

Dear Mitchel and Joyce,

While I was out at Fall Welcome events, left me a long message.

He is trying to organize a viewing event get tickets outside of
the Mondavi during the debate. He would like to invite a "few hundred students" (his words)
to view debate on their computers and possibility put up a "projection screen" outside of the

I called him back but was not able to reach him. When I talk with him, I'll let him know the
ground rules--no screens. However,clearly, this has been become a regional event and I am
concerned about the number of students from other campuses who may show up for the activities
outside of the Mondavi Center. If we have a large number of people trying to watch the
debate outside, I wonder if we should revisit the option of opening up the conference center
for viewing opportunities inside between 6 and 7 pm. I know there is concern about providing
security at another venue but it may be easier than trying to manage a large crowd outside
along with the politics of a highly visible "private viewing party" at the GSM building. The
Student Affairs Activism Team will be activated and could be assigned to the Conference
Center Ballroom if needed. The ballroom is already reserved by the event sponsors. What are
your thoughts at this point?


Griselda Castro

From: Claudia M. Morain [cmmorain@ucdavis.eduj

Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 7:05 AM
To: Griselda Castro
Cc: Mitchel Benson; Joyce Souza; Anne Reynolds Myler; Jason W. Murphy; Marjorie M.
Dickinson; Matthew Carmichael; Annette MSpicuzza
Subject: Re: Another proposed student activity outside of the Mandavi Center

One last thought: might be helpful to know background -- conf center was reserved by ucomm as
a backup filing room in case wireless/cellular/power failed in the VST filing room. We are
still reserving it for that purpose.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 21, 213113, at 7:39 PM, "Griselda Castro"

<<» wrote:

Dear Mitchel and Joyce,

While I was out at Fall Welcome events, left me a long message.

He is trying to organize a viewing get tickets outside of
the Mandavi during the debate. He would like to invite a "few hundred students" (his words)
to view debate on their computers and possibility put up a "projection screen" outside of the

I called him back but was not able to reach him. When I talk with him, I'll let him know the
ground rules--no screens. However,clearly, this has been become a regional event and I am
concerned about the number of students from other campuses who may show up for the activities
outside of the Mondavi Center. If we have a large number of people trying to watch the
debate outside, I wonder if we should revisit the option of opening up the conference center
for viewing opportunities inside between 6 and 7 pm. I know there is concern about providing
security at another venue but it may be easier than trying to manage a large crowd outside
along with the politics of a highly visible "private viewing party" at the GSM building. The
Student Affairs Activism Team will be activated and could be assigned to the Conference
Center Ballroom if needed. The ballroom is already reserved by the event sponsors. What are
your thoughts at this point?



Griselda Castro

From: Claudia M. Morain []

Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 6:59 AM
To: Griselda Castro
Cc: Mitchel Benson; Joyce Souza; Anne Reynolds Myler; Jason W. Murphy; Marjorie M.
Dickinson; Matthew Carmichael; Annette MSpicuzza
Subject: Re: Another proposed student activity outside of the Mondavi Center

My last reply sent accidentally before I finished. Others may overrule me, but I think this
is impractical and would stretch our team to the point that something else would suffer. The
conference center is reserved by ucomm and the sponsors -- bee, cpr, kcra -- are splitting
the hefty fee for it (we weren't able to cancel and get money back). I hope the students
don't consider it empty and available. Even if money could be found to reimburse ucomm and
the sponsors for the fee, rent a screen, hire mediaworks to set it up, pay for additional
security and any other costs, I don't see how our logistics group could pull this off less
thana week before the event. I'm all for indudingstudents and started loBBYing to have
student viewing organized back in august. It is too late to add another big event to the
quad. One not insignificant concern is that bringing hundreds of students onto the quad with
laptops might overwhelm the wireless/cellular infrastructure Communications Resources has put
in place to support the spin room and kcra. We have many other walls on campus where students
can project the webcast. Claudia
Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 21, 2010, at 7:39 PM, "Griselda Castro"

<<» wrote:

Oear Mitchel and Joyce,

While I was out at Fall Welcome events, left me a long message.

He is trying to organize a viewing get tickets outside of
the Mondavi during the debate. He would like to invite a "few hundred students" (his words)
to view debate on their computers and possibility put up a "projection screen" outside of the

I called him back but was not able to reach him. When I talk with him, I'll let him know the
ground rules--no screens. However,clearly, this has been become a regional event and I am
concerned about the number of students from other campuses who may show up for the activities
outside of the Mondavi Center. If we have a large number of people trying to watch the
debate outside, I wonder if we should revisit the option of opening up the conference center
for viewing opportunities inside between 6 and 7 pm. I know there is concern about providing
security at another venue but it may be easier than trying to manage a large crowd outside
along with the politics of a highly visible "private viewing party" at the GSM building. The
Student Affairs Activism Team will be activated and could be assigned to the Conference
Center Ballroom if needed. The ballroom is already reserved by the event sponsors. What are
your thoughts at this point?

Griselda Castro
From: Mitchel Benson [mdbenson@ucdavis.eduj
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 6:48 AM
To: Claudia M. Morain
Cc: Griselda Castro; Joyce Souza; Anne Reynolds Myler; Jason W. Murphy; Marjorie M.
Dickinson; Matthew Carmichael; Annette MSpicuzza
Subject: Re: Another proposed student activity outside of the Mondavi Center

I'd suggest a building farther from mondavi, and one built with student fees. Either they
really want a large viewing party or they want to make a scene and disrupt. we need to
determine which, if possible.

Mitchel Benson
Assist. Vice Chancellor for
University Communications
University of California, Davis
(0) 538-752-9844
(C) 538-228-8863
(F) 538-752-4886<<

On 5ep 22, 2818, at 6:37 AM, "Claudia M. Morain"

<<» wrote:

Can you get freeborn? I

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 21, 2818, at 7:39 PM, "Griselda Castro"

«><» wrote:

Dear Mitchel and Joyce,

While I was out at Fall Welcome events, left me a long message.

He is trying to organize a viewing get tickets outside of
the Mondavi during the debate. He would like to invite a "few hundred stUdents" (his words)
to view debate on their computers and possibility put up a "projection screen" outside of the

I called him back but was not able to reach him. When I talk with him, I'll let him know the
ground rules--no screens. However,clearly, this has been become a regional event and I am
concerned about the number of students from other campuses who may show up for the activities
outside of the Mondavi Center. If we have a large number of people trying to watch the
debate outside, I wonder if we should revisit the option of opening up the conference center
for viewing opportunities inside between 6 and 7 pm. I know there is concern about providing
security at another venue but it may be easier than trying to manage a large crowd outside
along with the politics of a highly visible "private viewing party" at the GSM building. The
Student Affairs Activism Team will be activated and could be assigned to the Conference
Center Ballroom if needed. The ballroom is already reserved by the event sponsors. What are
your thoughts at this point?


Griselda Castro

From: Annette M Spicuzza

Sent: Friday, October 01,201012:18 PM
To: Fred EWood
Cc: Griselda Castro; Matthew Carmichael; Joyce Souza
Subject: RE: General Assembly - Preparation for 1017

Thanks Fred. Will do. And we'll keep an eye out for the 'general assembly."


Annette M. Spicuzza
Chief of Police
UC Davis Police Department
Davis, CA 95616
530-752-3113 Office
530-752-0176 Fax

From: Fred E Wood

Sent: Friday, October '01, 2010 12:14 PM
To: Annette M Spicuzza
Cc: Griselda Castro
Subject: General Assembly - Preparation for 10/7


Anne reported that during the yesterday's rally a student bystander indicated that a "general assembly" would be held
outside Wellman Hall on Monday at 7 PM to prepare for the 10/7 event. I wanted to be sure you knew about this. We
don't presently expect any problems on Monday. We are still not sure what to expect on 10/7. let's keep the
communication lines fully open as the week rolls out. Thank you.


Hi Matt, the Student Activism Team is aware ofthe statewide efforts and we are trying
to keep up with plans for UCD but info is sketchy at this point.

Annette, can you, Joyce or Matt join the conference call of the Student Affairs Student
Activism Team on Monday at 9:30 am? Anne Myler, Andrew, Elizabeth from Labor
Relations and I check in on Mondays to see where things stand and we know thus far. If
so, please let me know who can join the conference call and Stacy will send the phone



From: Matthew Carmichael

Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2010 8:52 AM
To:GriseldaCastro;linafiorLayiktez; Mal"jorieM. Dickinson; 'Louise F. Uota'
Cc: Annette M Spicuzza; Joyce Souza
Subject: FW: UCSC Demonstration set for Tuesday, Nov. 16th

Check out this link for a planned strike on the 16th •

http://ucrebelradio. wordpress.coml20 1011 0/22/call-for-uc-general-strike-nov-


From: Stacy A Miller
Sent: Friday, November 05, 2010 2:43 PM
To: Matthew Carmichael; Joyce Souza
Cc: Griselda Castro; Annette M Spicuzza
Subject: RE: UCSC Demonstration set for Tuesday, Nov. 16th

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Friday, November 05, 2010 2:41 PM
To: Annette M Spicuzza
Cc: Matthew Carmichael; Linaflor Layiktez; Maljorie M. Dickinson; louise F. Uota; Joyce Souza; Matthew
Carmichael; Joyce Souza; Stacy A Miller; Anne Reynolds Myler; Elizabeth Meyer
Subject: Re: UCSC Demonstration set for Tuesday, Nov. 16th

Thank you. Stacy will send them the number.


Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 5, 2010, at 2:37 PM, "Annette M Spicuzza" <> wrote:


Sorry, but I will be at court. I will make sure to 'cc' both Lt. Carmichael and Captain
Souza to notify them of the call.


From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Friday, November 05, 2010 2:07 PM
To: Matthew Carmichael; Linaflor Layiktez; Maljorie M. Dickinson; 'Louise F. Uota'
Cc: Annette M Spicuzza; Joyce Souza; Stacy A Miller; Anne Reynolds Myler; Elizabeth
Subject: RE: UCSC Demonstration set for Tuesday, Nov. 16th

Griselda Castro
From: Linaflor Layiktez
Sent: Friday, November 05,20108:01 PM
To: Griselda Castro
Cc: Stacy A Miller; Matthew Carmichael
Subject: Re: UCSC Demonstration set for Tuesday, Nov. 16th

I can try to call in. I will be doing print checks but could potentially call from the road.


Sent from my iPad

On Nov 5, 2010, at 16:43, "Griselda Castro" <> wrote:

Hi Lina,

Would you like to join this conference calion Monday morning? Since the conference agenda is on the
website and students registering for the conference are not being screened, we should touch base
about how we are going to handle potential activism inside the Mondavi Center following the noontime
rally. That is about when the Governor is scheduled to speak.


From: Stacy A Miller

Sent: Friday, November 05,20102:52 PM
To: Lisa Harry
Cc: Griselda Castro
Subject: FW: UCSC Demonstration set for Tuesday, Nov. 16th

Hi lisa,

Griselda asked me to forward this e-mail to you.



Griselda Castro
From: Robert Loessberg-Zahl []
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 8:34 PM
To: Fred E Wood; Griselda Castro
Cc: Maril Stratton; Carmen Raycraft; Lisa Kay Chance
Subject: RE: Nov. 16 Teach Out flyer

Dear Colleagues:

At this point we're thinking of locking down the 5 floor of Mrak starting mid-morning. What do you think?


From: Maril Stratton

Sent:-Tuesday, November 09,2010 2:14 PM
To: Robert Loessberg-Zahl; Carmen Raycraft; Lisa Chance
Subject: Nov. 16 Teach Out flyer

Fyi. ...


From: Griselda Castro []

Sent: Monday, November 08, 20109:12 AM
To: Fred E Wood
Cc: Janet Roche; Maril Stratton; stacy A Miller
Subject: FW: Nov. 16 Teach Out flyer


Attached is the flyer for what is being proposed for November 16-an all day 'Teach Out" at the Quad. I have arranged
for a 9:30 am conference call this morning with our Student Activism Team Coordinators, Elizabeth Meyer, Mat!
Carmichael and Joyce Souza. At this point, I will plan for staff coverage at multiple locations:

• Quad-all day
• Mrak Hall and Mondavi Center (following noon time rally)

However, this is subject to change as the event unfolds.


Griselda Castro

From: Claudia M. Morain [cmmorain@ucdavis.eduj

Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 4:38 PM
To: Griselda Castro
Cc: Mitchel Benson; Julia Ann Easley; Anne Reynolds Myler
Subject: Re: Activism Plans for November 16

Thanks so much, Griselda.

Sent from my iphone

On NOV 12, 2010, at 4:14 PM, "Griselda Castro"

<<» wrote:

Hi Claudia,

I know you will all be busy with the GGCS3 event but I wanted to keep you in the loop about
the "Tead-Out" plans for November 16. At this point, the activity is focused on the quad.
The Student Affairs "Activism Team" will be on site and will monitor the day's events as they


"Defend Public Education"




gam - Spm
Speakers at Noon

A teach out event to bring broader awareness to our current crisis in public education has
been scheduled for November 16th at UC Davis. Concerned graduate and undergraduate students
will come together on the quad to create a different kind of classroom space - one that is
collaborative, communal, and public. TA's and AI's will be able to bring their classes to
workshops and discussions or to cover their normal course material in public and in
solidarity and unity with others. UC undergrads are facing another fee increase, and grad
students continue to work without a contract and are preparing for a potential strike! Let's
make it clear that we share this struggle; that our working conditions and our learning
conditions are the same! And that together: WE ARE THE UNIVERSITY!

If you'd like more info or would like someone to facilitate a discussion for your class,
please contact: ucd-in-defense-of-public-<mailto:ucd-in-defense->

> 2070 Allston Way, Suite 205
> Berkeley, CA 94704"
> phone: (510) 549-3863 / fax: (510) 549-2514
> UAW 2865 2070 Allston Way Suite 205 Berkeley CA 94704 USA
> This message was launched into cyberspace to

> Of UAW 2865
> Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 11:51 PM
> To: Chancellor Katehi
> subject: Bargaining Update
> November 9, 2010
> Dear UAW Local 2865 members,
> We concluded another bargaining session with the UC administration
> this evening. The UC made significant movement toward us in the area
> of childcare, undoubtedly due to the activism of members around the
> state. This progress, however, was overshadowed by a proposal the
> Regents will consider next week to change the name of the Educational
> Fees to "Tuition."
> Today we learned from sources not on the UC's bargaining committee t
> hatUChas been planning this change for months; although they had n
> ot planned to reveal it publicly until tomorrow. Here's a document 0
> utlining their proposal:
> <
> > • Despite its implications for our members, the UC's bargaining co
> mmittee never told us about this proposed change. When confronted ab
> out this information today, UC's bargaining committee would not deny
> that this name change is an attempt to eliminate our fee remissions .
> As such, the UC proposal is regressive and unlawful.
> Moreover, Educational Fees cost academic student employees from
> $9,402 to $10,206 a year. If the intention of the proposed name change
> is to shift this economic burden back on to ASEs, this is an outrage
> and must be stopped.
> Once again, UC ended negotiations unlawfully and unilaterally saying
> they did not have the authority to finish bargaining the contract and
> would not schedule another bargaining session. Our contract is set to
> expire on Monday.
> In addition to continuing to mobilize for an unfair labor practice
> strike, we are working with other UC unions and the UC Students
> Association to protest proposed fee hikes and the change from fees to
> tuition at the upcoming Regents meeting, which will be held at UCSF
> November 16-18.
> If you're in Northern California (or can be) please plan on joining
> the protest. For more information or to get involved, please reply t 0
> this email or contact your campus office
> (
> ).
> In solidarity,
> UAW Local 2865 Bargaining Committee
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> UAW 2865
> education and each other. There will be a number of speakers at
> noon, including award-winning investigative reporter Peter Byrne. As
> a TA, your class could attend a workshop or speech, or you could
> offer one. You could cover the assigned course material or you could
> devote your working hours to discussing the crisis of public
> education or your own working/learning conditions at UCD - just do
> it outside. No matter how you take part, we want to fill the
> quad, the lawns, and the sidewalks to make our work and our education
> visible, as one and the same public good, in solidarity with each
> other.
> Please sign the petition at
> and ask your fellow students and TAs to join us in the Teach Out
> for Public Education!
) 'Fhis "TeacchOut" was a significant topic of discussion at this week's
> CODVC Brown Bag lunch. Karen has informed the CODVC that E&LR will be
> on call during the day as needed if things get out of hand. Student
> Affairs has teams scheduled throughout the day to keep tabs on
> unfolding events. This is also the last day of the Governor's Global
> Climate Summit 3 so that may enter into the equation. I ask that you
> keep your calendar's flexible on the 16th in case we may be needed.
> Thanks a bunch.
> Elizabeth A. Meyer
> UCDavis Human Resources
> Director, Employee & Labor Relations
> 530-752-1769
> 530-752-1289 (FAX)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chancellor Katehi []
> Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 3:04 PM
> To: Karen Hull; Elizabeth Meyer; Barbara Aguirre; Robert Loessberg-
> Zahl
> Cc: Maril Stratton; Carmen Raycraft; Lisa Kay Chance
> Subject: FW: Bargaining Update
> Importance: High
> Dear Folks,
> FYI.
> I have not copied the Chancellor or Provost on this message.
. > Lori
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf
Griselda Castro
From: Fred EWood
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2010 5:20 AM
To: Griselda Castro
Subject: Re: Bargaining Update

I think we should call them once an organized demonstration begins or they should plan to
just show up at around 11:45, Thank you,

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 12, 201a, at 4:26 PM, "Griselda Castro" <>

> Anne and Andrew,
> FYI--this unfolded pretty much as I suspected during our last
> conference call.
> Griselda
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Elizabeth Meyer
> Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 12:35 PM
> To: HR-Employee-&-Labor-Relations
> Cc: Karen Hull; Joyce Souza; Griselda Castro
> Subject: FW: Bargaining Update
> Importance: High
> All,
> Please note the communication below from UAW related to the outcome of
> the bargaining session on Tuesday. Obviously, my optimism was
> misplaced regarding the achievement of a contract, and the likely lack
> of interest on the part of grad students or the UAW to participate in
> the advertised "Teach Out" that we have learned has been proposed for
> November 16, This "Teach Out" has been called by a grass roots
> movement called the General Assembly. Please see their announcement
> below:
> On November 16th, there will be a TEACH OUT for public education
> held on the quad at UC Davis. We are calling on all students - both
> grad and undergrad - to come together in public to show the
> university how many of us are affected by the continued assault on
> public education in California. On these days, we want to attend
> our classes, lectures, office hours, and discussion sections in
> public on the quad, and we want you to hold ... them there.
> During this all-day Teach-Out, our classes should be held as
> scheduled, but we won't hide our numbers or our commitment to
Elizabeth A. Meyer
UCDavis Human Resources
Director. Employee & Labor Relations
530-752-1289 (FAX)

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 4:00 PM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler; Matthew Carmichael; Elizabeth Meyer; Joyce Souza
Cc: Annette M Spicuzza; Roger M Harper; Fred E Wood
Subject: FYI--Actlvism Info for Nov 16-18 Regent's Meeting

FYI--Focus of activism at UCSF site

Schedule for November 16-18 Regent's Meeting

Once again, the Regents will meet to increase fees, decrease access to the UC and give themselves big bonuses.
Let's stop them!

Nov. 16: Early morning picket of California Hall. Be there at 6:30 AM SO we can greet the senior
administrators as they come in to work. We're demanding that they actively oppose the fee increase, abandon
Operational Excellence and its 200 layoffs, end the repression of student protesters via the widely-criticized
Office of Student Conduct, and endorse and help negotiate a fair contract for GSls and other staff in contract
negotiations. Please arrive at 6:30 AM. We will be there all morning. Rally @ 12 noon.

Nov. 17: Early AM protest at the Regents' Meeting (UCSF, Rutter Center). Let's shut it down! We need as
many people as possible at the Regents Meeting as early as possible. From the East Bay, take BART to the
downtown San Francisco Embarcadero Station and then transfer to the MUNI T -Line. There are some buses
leaving from UC Berkeley. You can reserve a seat here.

Finally, here are links to some inspiring news from London, where 52,000 people have mobilized in defense of
education and against austerity. It's nice to be reminded that we are part of a global anti-austerity movement:

http://www. guardian. co. nk/uk/blo g/20 I O/novII 0/demo-20 I O-student-protests-live


Griselda Castro
From: Elizabeth Meyer
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 8:34 AM
To: Fred E Wood
Cc: Annette M Spicuzza; Roger M Harper; Griselda Castro; Anne Reynolds Myler; Matthew
Carmichael; Joyce Souza
Subject: RE: FYI--Activism Info for Nov 16-18 Regent's Meeting


Thank you, that makes more sense. I couldn't quite figure out how the UCD SCC initiative could have risen to the level of
a Regents meeting protest. Too far out!

Elizabeth A. Meyer
UCDavis Human Resources
Director. Employee & Labor Relations
53()'752·1289 (FAX)

From: Fred E Wood

Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2010 9:02 PM
To: Elizabeth Meyer
Cc: Annette M Spicuzza; Roger M Harper; Griselda Castro; Anne Reynolds Myler; Matthew Carmichael; Joyce Souza
Subject: RE: FYI--Activism Info for Nov 16-18 Regent's Meeting


The reference relates to the situation at UCB. Thank you.


From: Elizabeth Meyer

Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 4:03 PM
To: Griselda Castro; Anne Reynolds Myler; Matthew Carmichael; Joyce Souza
Cc: Annette M Spicuzza; Roger M Harper; Fred E Wood
Subject: RE: FYI--Activism Info for Nov 16-18 Regent's Meeting

Do you think Operational Excellence is referring to our Organizational Excellence initiative?

Nov. 16: Early morning picket of California Hall. Be there at 6:30 AM so we can greet the senior
administrators as they come in to work. We're demanding that they actively oppose the fee increase, abandon
Operational Excellence and its 200 layoffs, end the repression of student protesters via the widely-criticized
Office of Student Conduct, and endorse and help negotiate a fair contract for GSls and other staff in contract
negotiations. Please arrive at 6:30 AM. We will be there all morning. Rally@ 12 0000.

Nov. 17: Early AM protest at the Regents' Meeting (UCSF, Rutter Center). Let's shut it down! We need as
many people as possible at .the Regents Meeting as early as possible. From the East Bay, take BART to the
downtown San Francisco Embarcadero Station and then transfer to the MUNI T-Line. There are some buses
leaving from UC Berkeley. You can reserve a seat here.

Finally, here are links to some inspiring news from London, where 52,000 people have mobilized in defense of
education and against austerity. It's nice to be reminded that we are part of a global anti-austerity movement:
http://www.cnn.coml201 O/WORLD/europe/ll1l O/uk.protestlindex.html?hpt=T2

Griselda Castro
From: Fred EWood
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2010 9:02 PM
To: Elizabeth Meyer
Cc: Annette M Spicuzza; Roger M Harper; Griselda Castro; Anne Reynolds Myler; Matthew
Carmichael; Joyce Souza
Subject: RE: FYI--Activism Info for Nov 16-1 B Regent's Meeting


The reference relates to the situation at UCB. Thank you.


From: Elizabeth Meyer

Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 4:03 PM
To: Griselda castro; Anne Reynolds Myler; Matthew carmichael; Joyce Souza
Cc: Annette M Spicuzza; Roger M Harper; Fred E Wood
Subject: RE: FYI--Activism Info for Nov 16-18 Regent's Meeting

Do you think Operational Excellence is referring to our Organizational Excellence initiative?

Elizabeth A. Meyer
UCDavis Human Resources
Director, Employee & Labor Relations
530·752-1289 (FAX)

From: Griselda castro

Sent: Friday, November 12, 20104:00 PM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler; Matthew carmichael; Elizabeth Meyer; Joyce Souza
Cc: Annette M Spicuzza; Roger M Harper; Fred E Wood
Subject: FYI--Activism Info for Nov 16-18 Regent's Meeting

FYI--Focus of activism at UCSF site

Schedule for November 16-18 Regent's Meeting

Once again, the Regents will meet to increase fees, decrease access to the UC and give themselves big bonuses.
Let's stop them!
Schedule for November 16-18 Regent's
Once again, the Regents will meet to increase fees, decrease access to the DC and give
themselves big bonuses. Let's stop them!

Nov. 16: Early morning picket of California Hall. Be there at 6:30 AM so we can greet the
senior administrators as they come in to work. We're demanding that they actively oppose the
fee increase, abandon Operational Excellence and its 200 layoffs, end the repression of student
protesters via the widely-criticized Office of Student Conduct, and endorse and help negotiate a
fair contract for GSls and other staff in contract negotiations. Please arrive at 6:30 AM. We will
be there all morning. Rally @ 12 DOOD.
Nov. 17: Early AM protest at the Regents' Meeting (UCSF, Rutter Center). Let's shut it down!
we need as many people as possible attheRegents Meeting aseadyas possible, FromtheEast
Bay, take BART to the downtown San Francisco Embarcadero Station and then transfer to the
MUNI T-Line. There are some buses leaving from DC Berkeley. You can reserve a seat here.
Finally, here are links to some inspiring news from London, where 52,000 people have
mobilized in defense of education and against austerity. It's nice to be reminded that we are part
of a global anti-austerity movement: . uk/uk/blog/20 I O/nov/! O/demo-20 I O-student-protests-live
http://www.cnn.coml20 I O/WORLD/europe/II /1 OInk. protestlindex.htrnl ?hpt=T2

Griselda Castro
From: Matthew Carmichael
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 7:22 PM
To: Griselda Castro; Elizabeth Meyer
Cc: Anne Reynolds Myler; Joyce Souza; Annette M Spicuzza; Roger M Harper; Fred E Wood
Subject: RE: FYI--Activism Info for Nov 16-18 Regent's Meetingf

It still appears the students are not interested in the G3 which is good. Hopefully the positive influence of the event and
the fact this event will showcase our campus will overpower the need to disrupt it. What can I say, I am an optimist.

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 6:16 PM
To: Elizabeth Meyer
Cc: Anne Reynolds Myler; Matthew Carmichael; Joyce Souza; Annette M Spicuzza; Roger M Harper; Fred E Wood
Subject: Re: FYI--Activism Info for Nov 16-18 Regent's Meetingf


yes .... the concern is about union workers getting laid off.
Sent from my iPad

On Nov 12,2010, at 4:02 PM, "Elizabeth Meyer" <>wrote:

Do you think Operational Excellence is referring to our Organizational Excellence initiative?

<imageOOl. be

Elizabeth A. Meyer
UCDavis Human ResDurces
Director, Employee & Labor Relations
53rJ.752-1289 (FAX)

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 4:00 PM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler; Matthew Carmichael; Elizabeth Meyer; Joyce Souza
Cc: Annette M Spicuzza; Roger M Harper; Fred E Wood
Subject: FYI--Activism Info for Nov 16-18 Regent's Meeting

FYI--Focus of activism at UCSF site
Griselda Castro

From: Annette M Spicuzza

Sent: Thursday, November 18, 201010:20 AM
To: 'Robert Loessberg-Zahl'; Maril Stratton
Cc: Griselda Castro; Fred Meyers
Subject: RE: Close Mrak?

I would agree. We are monitoring the campus and as of yet I've not been notified of any disruptions. Thanks.


Annette M. Spicuzza
Chief of Police
UC Davis Police Department
One Shields Ave.
530-752-3113 Office
530-752-0176 Fax

From: Robert Loessberg-Zahl []

Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 9:37 AM
To: Maril Stratton
Cc: Annette M Spicuzza; Griselda Castro; Fred Meyers
Subject: Close Mrak?

Dear Maril,

I conveyed the Chancellor's query about closing Mrak to Fred. At this point, we both feel strongly that locking down the
building entirely would have more costs (disruption of business for students and staff, symbolic-fortress Mrak, the
image of angry students pounding on the doors) than benefits. We have no indication at this pOint that there is any plan
among the students to do anything besides peaceful protest-Griselda is continuing to do her careful work with them
from the inside. Therefore, we propose to continue to monitor the situation at noon on the quad. If at any time we
sense that the intent of the students has changed and that there is a threat to staff who work in the building, we will
lock down (just as we did when the students marched to the freeway last year).

Robert J. Loessberg-Zahl
Assistant Executive Vice Chancellor
Offices of the Chancellor and Provost
University of California, Davis
1 Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616

Phone: (530)752-6550
Fax: (530)752-2400

Davis, CA 95616
530-752-3113 Office
530-752-0176 Fax

From: Robert Loessberg-Zahl [mailto:dloessb@ucdavis.eduJ

Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010 7:39 AM
To: Fred E Wood; Griselda Castro; Annette M Spicuzza; Lora Jo Bossio; Carmen Raycraft; Steven Drown; Michael
Sweeney; Maril Stratton; Rahim Reed
Subject: Short phone call--strategy review for today?
Importance: High

Dear Colleagues:

I'm hoping that we can get together virtually, by email, and see if we can come up to date without a phone meeting to
discuss the prospect of further student activity in Mrak and sort out how we will respond to it.

For now, I plan to start out with the fifth floor locked down. I am asking Carmen to assess the meeting traffic in 203 to
see if we can lock it down without too much disruption. However, if I hear from Griselda and Lora Jo that we may have a
pause in activity pending next week's meetings, I think that it may be ok to go off lockdown. Please let me know what
you think.

If we do have more student activity today-Annette, I understand that your team may be spread thin with other
Chancellor-related obligations. Should that fact change our strategy in regard to Mrak Hall secrurity. Our strategy
yesterday was not to lock down the building in advance of the student's arrival, thinking it was better from a number of
perspectives to have a noisy, but not too angry crowd inside than have an angry crowd outside-even if that meant the
possibility of having to remove students later. Is there a reason to rethink that strategy today?

Robert J. Loessberg-Zahl
Assistant Executive Vice Chancellor
Offices of the Chancellor and Provost
University of California, Davis
1 Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616

Phone: (530)752-6550
Fax: (530)752-2400

perspectives to have a noisy, but not too angry crowd inside than have an angry crowd outside-even if that meant the
possibility of having to remove students later. Is there a reason to rethink that strategy today?

Robert J. Loessberg-Zahl
Assistant Executive Vice Chancellor
Offices of the Chancellor and Provost
University of California, Davis
1 Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616

Phone: (530)752-6550
Fax: (530)752-2400

Griselda Castro

From: Annette M Spicuzza

Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010 8:22 AM
To: 'Robert Loessberg-Zahl'; Fred E Wood; Griselda Castro; Lora Jo Bossio; Carmen Raycraft;
Steven Drown; Michael Sweeney; Maril Stratton; Rahim Reed
Subject: RE: Short phone cali--strategy review for today?

We are working with the chancellor today, but that should affect Lt. Pike and possibly one other officer. Dur staffing is
slightly thinner today, but if needed we would call for mutual aid. I think we will know more by the noon hour. Our
officers are on alert for any gatherings and will report in with that info. We are comfortable with keeping the building
open. If the fifth floor closure doesn't cause any real issues and it makes the staff feel safer, then I would suggest
keeping it locked down.


Annette M. Spicuzza
Chief of Police
UC Davis Police Department
One Shields Ave.
Davis, CA 95616
530-752-3113 Office
530-752-0176 Fax

From: Robert Loessberg-Zahl [mailto:dloessb@ucdavis.edul

Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010 7:39 AM
To: Fred E Wood; Griselda castro; Annette M Spicuzza; Lora Jo Bossio; carmen Raycraft; Steven Drown; Michael
Sweeney; Maril Stratton; Rahim Reed
Subject: Short phone call--strategy review for today?
Importance: High

Dear Colleagues:

I'm hoping that we can get together virtually, by email, and see if we can come up to date without a phone meeting to
discuss the prospect of further student activity in Mrak and sort out how we will respond to it.

For now, I plan to start out with the fifth floor locked down. I am asking Carmen to assess the meeting traffic in 203 to
see if we can lock it down without too much disruption. However, if I hear from Griselda and Lora Jo that we may have a
pause in activity pending next week's meetings, I think that it may be ok to go off lockdown. Please let me know what
you think.

If we do have more student activity today-Annette, I understand that your team may be spread thin with other
Chancellor-related obligations. Should that fact change our strategy in regard to Mrak Hall secrurity. Our strategy
yesterday was not to lock down the building in advance of the student's arrival, thinking it was better from a number of

CaISll»It Contact"
Col/ege Administration Publications I P,O. Box 600430 I St. John's I FL I 32260

Donald Dudley
Interim Director
Student Judicial Affairs
3200 Dutton Hall
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
(530) 752-1128 (main office number)
(530) 754-6195 (fax)

the individual(s) to whom it is addressed. It should not be shown to anyone not employed by the
University and should be shown to University employees on a legitimate educational interest
basis only. If you have any questions regarding confidentiality, please contact me.

Donald Dudley
Interim Director
Student Judicial Affairs
3200 Dutton Hall
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
(530) 752-1128 (main office number)
(530) 754-6195 (fax)

THIS MESSAGE IS A CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION and intended only for the use of the
individual(s) to whom it is addressed. It should not be shown to anyone not employed by the University and
should be shown to University employees on a legitimate educational interest basis only. If you have any
questions regarding confidentiality, please contact me.


Distinguisbing lawful beckling from unlawful disruption

The June 15,2010 Los Angeles Times and other national media have reported on
the proposed suspension of a Muslim student group at the University of California
at Irvine ("UC Irvine recommends suspension of campus' Muslim student
group"). The suspension was prompted by a finding that the group disrupted a
February 8, 2010 campus speech by Israeli ambassador Michael Oren.

According to the Times:

[Ambassador] Oren was shouted down repeatedly by Muslim students who stood
up and delivered statements such as "Michael Oren, propagating murder is not an I
expression of free speech." Supporters cheered as the students were escorted away
by police, and each time Oren attempted to resume his speech, another student
jumped up with another outburst.
The UC-Irvine case raises a perennial campus issue: How should educators
distinguish between lawful heckling and unlawful disruption? A leading case on
this topic is In re Kay, 464 P.2d 142 (Cal. 1970). In Kay the California Supreme
Court set aside the conviction of four protesters who had participated with others
in "rhythmical clapping and some shouting for about five or ten minutes" during a
Congressman's speech. The court wrote that:

"Audience activities, such as heckling, interrupting, harsh

questioning, and booing, even though they may be impolite and
discourteous, can nonetheless advance the goals of the First
Amendment. For many citizens such participation in public
meetings, whether supportive or critical of the speaker, may
constitute the only manner in which they can express their views to
a large number of people; the Constitution does not require that the

effective expression of ideas be restricted to rigid and
predetennined patterns ... "

The right to heckle, however, isn't absolute. The court in Kay

stated that:
"[T]he state retains a legitimate concern in ensuring that some individuals' unruly
assertion of their rights of free expression does not imperil other citizens' rights of
free association and discussion ... Freedom of everyone to talk at once can
destroy the right of anyone effectively to talk at all. Free expression can expire as
tragically in the tumult of license as in the silence of censorship ... "

The Kay court then set forth the following standard:

[Punishment may be pennitted if] the defendant substantially impaired the
conduct. of the Il1eetillg 1:>yintentio1J,llIlYc:Qmmittingactsinviolation of implicit
customs or usages or of explicit rules for governance of the meeting, of which he
knew, or as a reasonable man should have known. In applying these standards, the
nature of a meeting necessarily plays a major role ... The customs and usages at
political conventions may countenance prolonged, raucous, boisterous
demonstrations as an accepted element of the meeting process; similar behavior
would violate the customs and usages of a church service. Audience participation
may be enthusiastically welcomed at a bonfire football rally or an athletic contest,
but considered taboo at a solemn ceremony of a fraternal order. Explicit rules
governing the time and place of pennitted nonviolent expressions ... may in
some circumstances fix the limits of pennissible conduct. Violation of such
customs or rules by one who knew or as a reasonable man should have known of
them would justify the application of [sanctions].

The implications for contemporary student protests are clear.

College officials need to define "implicit customs or usages" for
meeting governance--establishing that disruptive heckling which
"substantially impairs" the meeting is not permitted. A model
statement in this regard can be found in the Yale University
"Report of the Committee on Freedom of Expression." Please see
excerpts in the POSTSCRIPT below.

POSTSCRIPT Excerpts from the Report of the Committee on Freedom of

Expression at Yale University (1975).
(] "There is no right to protest within a University building in such a way that any
University activity is disrupted. The administration, however, may wish to permit
some symbolic dissent within a building but outside the meeting room, for
example, a single picket or a distributor ofhandbiIIs ... "

(] "In the room where the invited speaker is to talk, all members of the audience
are under an obligation to comply with a general standard of civility. This means
that any registration of dissent that materially interferes with the speaker's right to
proceed is a punishable offense ... [A] member of the audience may protest in
silent, symbolic fashion, for example, by wearing a black arm band. More active
forms of protest may be tolerated such as briefly booing, clapping hands or
heckling. But any disruptive activity must stop when the chair or an appropriate
University official requests silence. Failure to quit in response to a reasonable
request for order is a punishable offense ... "

[] "Nor are racial insults or any other 'fighting words' a valid ground for disruption
or physical attack--certainly not from a voluntary audience invited but in no way
compelled to be present. Only if speech advocates immediate and serious illegal
action, such a burning down a library, and there is danger the audience will
proceed to follow such an exhortation, may it be stopped, and then only by an
authorized university official or law enforcement officer ... "

[] "The banning or obstruction oflawful speech can never be justified on such

grounds as that the speech or the speaker is deemed irresponsible, offensive,
unscholarly, or untrue."

:ommpht 2010 and prior years.

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sought. Subscription rates: $95 six month trial subscription for new subscribers; $185 annual
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Email Marketing by
Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Friday, June 25, 20104:55 PM
To: 'Donald Dudley'
Cc: Anne Reynolds Myler; Stacy A Miller
Subject: RE: FYI; lawful expression vs. disruption


That will be greatl We'll add you the list.


From: Donald Dudley []

. 5ent:Frlday; Jurie25,20ro 4:42 PM
To: Griselda Castro
Subject: RE: FYI; lawful expression vs. disruption


Since I had not been added to the SALTandAssistants list, I didn't receive the prior e-mails about the Response
Team. If you still need volunteers, I am happy to participate.

Don Dudley

Thank you, Donald. This is an excellent article for our activism discussion and training.


From: Donald Dudley []

Sent: Friday, June 25, 20109:04 AM
To: Griselda Castro; Janet Gong
Subject: FYI; lawful expression vs. disruption

Interesting discussion regarding freedom of expression at speaking engagements.

Don Dudley

DRAFT Appointment letter for ART


Thank you for agreeing to serve on the Student Affairs Activism Response Team (ART) for 2010-2011. ART
is charged with coordinating campus response needs related to student activism, including demonstrations and
other large public actions that require campus coordination and management.

UC Davis student activism is recognized as a legitimate exercise of freedom of expression and an important
learning opportunity. The primary role of the Division of Student Affairs in responding to student activism is to
support freedom of expression, promote student safety, educate the campus on free speech policy and assist in
prevefitil1gdisIiijJtioh6fh6ril:lalcampus activitk:stfuougheducation ariaiinplementatlon oftllIle, place and
manner regulations. Student Affairs staff members communicate with students to identify issues of concern and
make campus administration aware ofthose concerns and potential activity.

The Assistant Vice Chancellor-Student Life coordinates campus response to student activism and implements
the response protocol (as applicable) in coordination with the Campus Unions Center for Student Involvement
(CSI) and the Activism Response Team. This effort will be led by Assistant Vice Chancellor Griselda Castro
and CSI Associate Director, Anne Myler who will communicate with senior leadership, as needed, for
concurrence, decision making, implementation of policy and coordination, as appropriate, with Police.

Thank you, again, for your willingness to participate in this important campus initiative. Anne Myler will be
touch with you soon with dates and times for training opportunities in September.

Sincerely, i
Fred Wood
Vice Chancellor
Student Affairs

Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2010 11 :50 AM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler
Cc: Stacy A Miller; Brett Burns
Subject: RE: Draft Letter to Activism Response Team

Thanks Anne. I will ask Janet Roche to prepare the letters for Fred's signature. I'll be tomorrow but have been called for
Jury duty on Wednesday.


From: Anne Reynolds Myler

Sent: Monday, June 28, 2010 11:35 AM
To:-GriselaaCiistro .. .
Cc: Stacy A Miller; Brett Burns
Subject: RE: Draft Letter to Activism Response Team

Hi Griselda,

This looks good and I made mostly minor changes (see below). I think we can cover possible activation of EOC in
training, so perhaps that doesn't need to be emphasized in this letter. I did add a reference to Police, however, so folks
realize we will have that support when needed.

I'm out tomorrow but will look at the calendar and be in touch with possible training dates.


Anne Reynolds Myler

Interim Associate Director
Campus Unions-Center for Student Involvement
University of California Davis

From: Griselda castro

Sent: Friday, June 25, 20105:50 PM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler
Cc: Stacy A Miller; Brett Burns
Subject: Draft Letter to Activism Response Team

Hi Anne,

Here is a quick first draft of the appointment letter for ART. Feel free to take it apart and make
suggestions. I was not sure how to incorporate the relationship to the EOC. My Jury Duty got
postponed to Wednesday so I will be here on Monday. I hope we can finalize this on Monday and
send it off next week.
Have a great weekend!

Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Thursday, October 21 , 2010 12:41 PM
To: Stacy A Miller
Subject: FW: Josh O'Connor onto Activism Team


From: Anne Reynolds Myler

Sent: Thursday, October 21, 20109:01 AM
To: 'Papagni, lisa'
Cc: 'Wells, Andrew'; Griselda castro; Brett Burns
Subject: RE: Josh O'Connor onto Activism Team

Hi Lisa;

Absolutely. that would be great! Please thank Josh and could you ask him to send me his cell phone number?


Anne Reynolds Myler

Associate Director
Campus Unions Center for Student Involvement
University of California Davis

From: Papagnl, lisa [mailto:ldpapagnl@ucdavis.eduJ

Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2010 8:36 AM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler
Subject: Josh O'Connor onto Activism Team

Hi Anne,

Can we have Josh O'Connor added to the Activism Team? He is one of our conduct coordinators and would like to be


Lisa D. Papagni
Assistant Director, Residential Education
UC Davis Student Housing
(530) 752-1736
fax: (530) 752-4345

Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Monday, November 08, 20102:58 PM
To: Fred EWood
Cc: Janet Roche
Subject: Student Activism Team Name


I have been meaning to bring this up during our updates but this item has slipped off the radar list given the
length of my list lately, As you will recall, you and I decided to shorten the name of the "Student Activism
Response Team" to the ;'Student Activism Team" (SA T). The team talked about the name and didn't land
where we landed. They wanted to have a more positive descriptor. They like the name, "Freedom of
ExpressionResource Team" (FERT). The StudentActivismTeamis quick (thr~e words)J!lld includes the
word, "Student" in it, which is an important distinction from Labor Relations activity. It works well for me but
I want to be sensitive to the team's focus on "positive" language and contributions. We could consider,'
"Student Freedom of Expression Team" (SFERT) but it rather long. What are your thoughts on this? I told the
group, I would consult with you and get back to them. Thanks, Fred.


Andrew Wells
Conduct Coordinator, Tercero Area

Student Housing
University of California, Davis
Office: (530) 754-6397
FAX: (530) 752-4345

Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 3:56 PM
To: Fred EWood
Subject: FW: Student Activism Team - Tomorrow, Nov. 16th (CONFIDENTIAL)
Attachments: Teach_Out_Petition (2).pdf; Student Activism Team 11.16.10.xlsx

Importance: High


From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Monday, November 15, 20103:55 PM
To: 'Wells, Andrew'
Cc: Anne Reynolds Myler; StaeyAMiller; Elizabeth Meyer
Subject: FW: Student Activism Team - Tomorrow, Nov. 16th (CONADENTIAL)
Importance: High

Andrew, did you confirm Lieut. Carmichael's cell phone? Elizabeth, Anne and I will also keep the PD
number._ handy tomorrow.


From: Wells, Andrew [mailto:amwells@ucdavis.edul

Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 3:47 PM
To: Ayesha Alcala; Jeff Austin;; Joyce Cleaver;; Donald Dudley;;; khuneke@ucdavjs.edui Kathryn Maloney; nmoses@ucdavis,edu;;;;;
Cc: Anne Reynolds Myler; Wells, Andrew; Griselda Castro
Subject: Student Activism Team - Tomorrow, Nov. 16th (CONADENTIAL)
Importance: High

Hi All,
This is the schedule for tomorrow's Student Activism Team support activities on campus. I've also attached the flyer
that's distributed to advertise the Teach-Out on campus ... please feel free to take a look at the flyer to familiarize
yourselves with the messaging that is going out to graduate and undergraduate students. Please also take a look at this
website: more info on what's being said about campus activism here at UCD.

At the beginning of your 'shift', please contact Anne - via phone or in person - to check in with her and find out the best
place for you to head. It may be Mrak, the Quad, or Mondavi - we'll be playing that by ear. If the demonstrations wrap
up earlier than we've anticipated, Anne will contact you at the phone number we have on this sheet. and let you know
that you are 'released' from your commitment. © Cross your fingers!

Please note the contact information on this spreadsheet is confidential. Also: the first page of the spreadsheet is
formatted to be printable, however the grid at the bottom isn't very printer-friendly ...

Thank you in advance for all of your support for our students - both the activists, and those that are attending class and
avoiding the demonstrations!

-Andrew & Anne

From: Griselda Castro [mailto:gcastro@ucdavis.eduJ
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 3:55 PM
To: 'Wells, Andrew'
Cc: Anne Reynolds Myler; Stacy A Miller; Elizabeth Meyer
Subject: FIN: Student Activism Team - Tomorrow, Nov. 16th (CONFIDENTIAL)
Importance: High

Thank you Andrew, did you confirm Lieut_ Carmichael's cell phone? Elizabeth, Anne and I will also keep the PD
number,_ handy tomorrow.


- - -- ----" .. - - - - - --------------- .
From: Wells, Andrew [mailto:amwells@ucdavis.eduJ
Sent: MondllV, ~ov~fI1i:lE!.r l!i,:!'Ql0~:'1Z F'M
To: Ayesha Alcala; Jeff Austin;; Joyce Cleaver;;
Donald Dudley;;;; Kathryn Maloney;;;;;;
Cc: Anne Reynolds Myler; Wells, Andrew; Griselda Castro
Subject: Student Activism Team - Tomorrow, Nov. 16th (CONADENTIAL)
Importance: High

Hi All,
This is the schedule for tomorrow's Student Activism Team support activities on campus. I've also attached the flyer
that's distributed to advertise the Teach-Out on campus ...please feel free to take a look at the flyer to familiarize
yourselves with the messaging that is going out to graduate and undergraduate students. Please also take a look at this
website: http://bicyclebarricade.wordpress.comffor more info on What's being said about campus activism here at UCD.

At the beginning of your 'shift', please contact Anne -via phone or in person - to check in with her and find out the best
place for you to head. It may be Mrak, the Quad, or Mondavi -we'll be playing that by ear. If the demonstrations wrap
up earlierthan we've anticipated, Anne will contact you atthe phone number we have on this sheet, and let you know
that you are 'released' from your commitment. © Cross your fingers!

Please note the contact information on this spreadsheet is confidential. Also: the first page of the spreadsheet is
formatted to be printable, however the grid at the bottom isn't very printer-friendly ...

Thank you in advance for all of your support for our students - both the activists, and those that are attending class and
avoiding the demonstrations!

-Andrew & Anne

Andrew Wells
Conduct Coordinator, Tercero Area

Student Housing
University of California, Davis
Office: (530) 754-6397
FAX: (530) 752-4345

Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 4:10PM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler; 'Wells, Andrew'
Subject: RE: Student Activism Team - Tomorrow, Nov. 16th (CONFIDENTIAL)

Anne and Andrew,

Thank for the confirmation. I copied Elizabeth in my email response with the attachments included. Great work


Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 4:00 PM
To: 'Wells, Andrew'; Griselda castro
Subject: RE: Student Activism Team - Tomorrow, Nov. 16th (CONFIDENTIAL)

That is Lt. Carmichael's number. I think Joyce and Matt have our numbers, but Griselda, do you want to forward the list
to them and Elizabeth, or just your and my info?

Anne Reynolds Myler

Associate Director
Campus Unions Center for Student Involvement
University of California Davis

From: Wells, Andrew [mailto:amwells@uodavis.eduJ

Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 3:57 PM
To: Griselda castro
Cc: Anne Reynolds Myler
Subject: RE: Student Activism Team - Tomorrow, Nov. 16th (CONFIDENTIAL)

I was under the impression the phone numbers we have on file are permanent - I did not check to see if Lt. Carmichael's
number was different.
Also, I did not include anybody "outside" the SAT in my email- nobody from Police Services, or outside of Student
Affairs, really. Should I have? I figured they would contact Griselda or Anne if they needed anything from Student
Affairs ...

Andrew Wells
Conduct Coordinator, Tercero Area

Student Housing
University of California, Davis
Office: (530) 754-6397
FAX: (530) 752-4345

Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 10: 12 AM
To: Kathryn Maloney
Subject: RE: Student Activism Team" Call for today, 11/18

Thanks Katyl


From: Kathryn Maloney

Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 10:08 AM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler; Griselda Castro; Wells, Andrew
~U\ygShaAI,_ala;_JeffAustin;mrchampagne@ucda\;Joyce Cleaver;;·DonaldDudley;;;;;;;;;; Wells, Andrew
Subject: RE: Student Activism Team" Call for today, 11/18

Hi Anne,
I can be there from 12-1.

From: Anne Reynolds Myler

Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 8:50 AM
To: Griselda Castro; Wells, Andrew
Cc: Ayesha Alcala; Jeff Austin;; Joyce Cleaver;; Donald Dudley;;;; Kathryn Maloney;;
Wells, Andrew
Subject: Student Activism Team" Call for today. 11/18

Dear Team,

Another activity is planned for today (see below). It may be just a gathering to educate students or it could build in light
of what's happening at the Regents' meeting and elsewhere.

If you are available to meet at the MU Patio anytime between 12noon and 4pm today, please let me know.

Thank you!

DeleDd MOe EdDWlIDf

Gathering of Students Against Fee Increases
. Let your voice be heard!!!
Speakers & Silkscreen t-shirts
Today Thursday Nov. lStb @12pm (MU)

1. No to the 8% increase

2. Fully fund the WRRC's Joy Fergoda Library

-Due to lack of funding, the library will be shut down by the end ofthe school year

3. T.A. contracts must be extended permanently reflecting T.A.'s demands

[Update: T.A.'s and their union UAW have settled an agreement with the university]
-T.A.'s are in the process of renewing their contract. The T.A.s are demanding a fair pay and better benefits.

4. All outside corporations at UC Davis must fund full ride scholarships for AB540 students in order to
operate on campus.
-UC Davis allows for big corporations to come onto campus and make billions of dollars off of students. AB
540 students are hurt the most during these tuition fee increases because they must fully fund their education
without financial aid and without being able to "legally" work. This demand requires for these on-campus
corporations to have to fund AB 540 scholarships as a requirement to be on-campus.

5. Financial Aid Office (Front Desk) must be open from 9-5pm, Monday- Friday, for student support
services. In addition, the phone call cap must be eliminated.
-Currently the Financial Aid Office is open from 10-2pm M-F and could only answer 200 calls per day. The
Financial Aid Office must service the students during normal university hours to ensure that finances are not an
obstacle to students' education.

6. Have University and City of Davis officials review leasing contract policies that conflict with
financial aid distribution.
-Students are expected to pay rent on September 15t regardless of their financial situation. We are asking for
administration to work with the City of Davis to create a housing contract policy that will allow students to not
have to pay rent until financial aid has been distributed.

7. Have UC Davis officials pressure the UC Regents to appoint a peer elected student representative
per campus to be a voting member ofthe UC Regents.
-Currently there is only one UC student representative for the entire UC system while the majority of the
other 18 Regent members are CEOs of major corporations which are one of the reasoning for the
privatization of the UC system. We need more student representation in a system of education where the
interests of the students are met and not the interest of the people running the UC system.


People oreo]o!' Unite


Anne Reynolds Myler

Associate Director
Campus Unions Center for Student Involvement
University of California Davis
http://csi .

Griselda Castro

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Thursday, November 18, 201010:32 AM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler
Subject: RE: Student Activism Team - Call for today, 11118

Thanks Anne. Great work.


From: Anne Reynolds Myler

Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 8:50 AM
To: Griselda Castro; Wells, Andrew
CC: . Ayesh(lAlcala;.JE!ff.A,!stii1;;JpyceCJea\ler;;.Donald.Dudley;;;; Kathryn Maloney;;;;;;;
Wells, Andrew
Subject: Student Activism Team - Call for today, 11/18

Dear Team,

Another activity is planned for today (see below). It may be just a gathering to educate students or it could build in light
of what's happening at the Regents' meeting and elsewhere.

If you are available to meet at the MU Patio anytime between 12noon and 4pm today, please let me know.

Thank you!

Delend MDe Edu£lOon!

Gathering of Students Against Fee Increases
Let your voice be heard!!!
Speakers & Silkscreen t-shirts
Today Thursday Nov. 18th @12pm (MU)

I. No to the 8% increase

2. Fully fund the WRRC's Joy Fergoda Library

-Due to lack of funding, the library will be shut down by the end of the school year

3. T.A. contracts must be extended pennanentIy reflecting T.A.'s demands

[Update: T.A. 's and their union UAW have settled an agreement with the university]
-T.A. 's are in the process of renewing their contract. The T.A.s are demanding a fair pay and better benefits.

4. All outside corporations at UC Davis must fund full ride scholarships for AB540 students in order to
operate on campus.

-UC Davis allows for big corporations to come onto campus and make billions of dollars off of students. AB
540 students are hurt the most during these tuition fee increases because they must fully fund their education
without financial aid and without being able to "legally" work. This demand requires for these on-campus
corporations to have to fund AB 540 scholarships as a requirement to be on-campus.

5. Financial Aid Office (Front Desk) must be open from 9-5pm, Monday- Friday, for student support
services. In addition, the phone call cap must be eliminated.
-Currently the Financial Aid Office is open from 10-2pm M-F and could only answer 200 calls per day. The
Financial Aid Office must service the students during normal university hours to ensure that finances are not an
obstacle to students' education.

6. Have University and City of Davis officials review leasing contract policies that conflict with
financial aid distribution.
-Students are expected to pay rent on September 1st regardless oftheir financial situation. We are asking for
administration to work with the City of Davis to createa housing contractpolicy that WillllllQW stl!dents to not
. nave to pay rent until firianchil aid hasheen distributed.
7. Have UC Davis officials pressure the UC Regents to appoint a peer elected student representative
per campus to be a voting member of the UC Regents.
-Currently there is only one UC student representative for the entire UC system while the majority of the
other 18 Regent members are CEOs of major corporations which are one ofthe reasoning for the
privatization of the UC system. We need more student representation in a system of education where the
interests of the students are met and not the interest of the people running the UC system.


People or ColoI' Unite


Anne Reynolds Myler

Associate Director
Campus Unions Center for Student Involvement
University of California Davis

Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Wednesday, December 01,20104:05 PM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler
Cc: Stacy A Miller
Subject: Re: Activism Response Protocol

Thank you Anne.

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 1, 213113, at 2:15 PM, "Anne Reynolds Myler"

<> wrote:
> Griselda,
> Attached is a revised protocol. We never changed the original name,
> Student Activism Team, but I deleted names and just included the
> positions involved. Hope this works for you! Have a good trip and
> meeting.
> Anne
> Anne Reynolds Myler
> Associate Director
> Campus Unions Center for Student Involvement
> University of California Davis
> 5313-752-7441
> <Student Activism Response Protocol Fall 2e1e.doc>

Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 20104:08 PM
To: Tzvetelina Vaskova-Totten
Subject: Fwd: Activism Response Protocol
Attachments: Student Activism Response Protocol Fall 201 O.doc; ATT00001.htm


Here is the upfated draft for copies. Thank you

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Anne Reynolds Myler <>

Date: December 1,20102:15:19 PM PST
To: Griselda Castro <>
Cc: Stacy A Miller <>
Subject: Activism Response Protocol


Attached is a revised protocol. We never changed the original name, Student Activism Team,
but I deleted names and just included the positions involved. Hope this works for you! Have a
good trip and meeting.


Anne Reynolds Myler

Associate Director

Campus Unions Center for Student Involvement

University of California Davis


Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 20109:17 AM
To: 'Michael Sweeney'


I am glad you were ok with my comments and additions. Have a great day! ©


From: Michael Sweeney [mailto:mfsweeney@ucdavis.eduJ

. Sent: Tuesday, October 12; 20108:22 PM
To: Griselda Castro; Steven Drown
Cc: Fred E Wood; Anne Reynolds Myler

Hi Griselda,

Our pleasure. I enjoyed facilitating the discussion with the team, and was impressed with the excellent responses. I also
appreciated your assistance throughout the discussion. Thank you.


From: Griselda Castro []

Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 8:12 PM
To: Michael Sweeney; Steven Drown
Cc: Fred E Wood; Anne Reynolds Myler

Dear Steven and Mike,

I just wanted to send a belated but very sincere thank you for the First Amendment training session you presented to
the Student Affairs Student Activism Team on Friday afternoon. The session was very informative and provided a great
staff development opportunity for our staff. The packet you prepared will be an important part of our "Freedom of
Expression Tool Kit" as we prepare for another busy year.

We are very fortunate to have you as a resource on campus. Thank you so much!



Griselda Castro

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 12:33 PM
To: Annette M Spicuzza
Cc: Anne Reynolds Myler, Fred E Wood
Subject: Thank You!

Dear Annette,

Thank you for taking the time from your busy schedule to present and participate in our '''Student Activism Team"
training session yesterday. Your presentation and participation in the discussion was extremely helpful and valuable to
our training efforts. Thank you again, for your presence and contributions.



Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 12:23 PM
To: 'Rahim Reed';
Cc: Anne Reynolds Myler; Fred E Wood; 'Claudia M. Morain'
Subject: Thank You!

Dear Rahim and Julia Ann,

Thank you so much for your presentation today at our "Student Activism Team" training session. Your presentation
added to the toolkit our staff will have in helping us with student freedom of expression activity on campus. Both of you
did an excellent job. Again, thank you for your contributions to the team.




Thank you for the interesting training yesterday - I hope that I'm able to contribute positively to
student activism in the future! In that sense, I would like to let you know - if you are still looking
for an additional coordinator on the group/team, I would be interested in assisting. Just let me
know ...

Thanks again,


Andrew Wells, M. Ed.

Conduct Coordinator, Tercero Area

Student Housing
Universily-ofCalifomia, Davis
Office: (530) 754-6397
FAX: (530) 752-4345

From: Anne Reynolds Myler []

Sent: Monday, August 23, 20104:58 PM
To: ''; ''; ''; Anthony Volkar;
Cc: Griselda castro
Subject: Thank you

Hi Chuck, Lisa, Amanda, Anthony and Andrew,

It was a real pleasure meeting with you today and I look forward to working with you this year
on the Student Activism Team. Thank you for your leadership and willingness to participate.
I'll be in touch with any updates regarding the team and upcoming events.

Best wishes with staff training and all your preparation for opening!


Anne Reynolds Myler

Interim Associate Director
Campus Unions-Center for Student Involvement
University of California Davis

Regardless, I am looking forward to working with you this upcoming year and we can only hope
it is a quiet one! Ha!

Take care and I'll be in touch soon.

Branden M. Petitt
UC-Dms, student Housing

Dffice or Student Development

Davis, CA 95616
(530) 752-1736

--------._--------- -----.-
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 2:09 PM
To: 'Petitt, Branden'
Cc: Griselda Castro
Subject: Activism Team Coordination

Hi Branden,

I was very pleased to receive the following message from Andrew who has generously offered to
assist in coordinating the activism team. As you know, I had just earlier invited Lisa and Chuck
to serve in this role if interested and available. I would be very pleased to work with Andrew as
well. Since Griselda is hoping to have experienced people providing oversight on the ground,
I'm hoping you can either suggest or confer with your staff on who might be most appropriate in
terms of both experience and availability. It would be ideal to have two people in addition to me
sharing this role.

It was very encouraging to meet with your folks yesterday and I'm so grateful for Student
Housing staff's willingness to serve on the team.



Anne Reynolds Myler

Interim Associate Director
Campus Unions-Center for Student Involvement
,university of California Davis
From: Wells, Andrew]
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:46 PM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler
Subject: RE: Thank you

Hi Anne,

Griselda Castro

From: Griselda Castro

Sent: Sunday, September 05, 2010 6:46 AM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler
Subject: Re: Activism Team Coordination

Hi Anne

Yes,let me know what he says.


Sent from my iPad

On Sep 2, 2010, at 4:35 PM, "Anne Reynolds Myler" <>wrote:

Griselda, I haven't heard back from Branden on which of his staff will serve in the Coordinator
role. Are you okay with me following up or do you want to ask him?



Anne Reynolds Myler

Interim Associate Director
Campus Unions-Center for Student Involvement
University of California Davis

From: Petitt, Branden

Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 8:52 AM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler
ee: Griselda castro
Subject: RE: Activism Team Coordination

Thanks Anne.

I'm sorry to have missed the training. Let me know ifthere was the other session you were
planning or if I should coordinate a special meeting with you.

I appreciate you including me on these e-mails and the opportunities for the staff to get more
involved. I would prefer to only volunteer one staff member from our unit and I am currently
working with the three you've been in contact with to determine which one that might be. We
are already spread a little thin in various areas over here but I do see this as a good opportunity
for them. Perhaps there are other campus units or specific people that can assist as well?

Student Activism Response Protocol
Division of Student Affairs

UC Davis student activism is recognized as a legitimate exercise of freedom of expression and

an important learning opportunity (see Attachment A). The primary role of the Division of
Student Affairs in responding to student activism is to support freedom of expression, promote
student safety, educate the campus on free speech policy and assist in preventing disruption of
normal campus activities through education and implementation of time, place and manner
regulations. Student Affairs staff members communicate with students to identify issues of
concern and make campus administration aware of those concerns and potential activity.

The Assistant Vice Chancellor-Student Life coordinates campus response to student activism and
implements the following protocol (as applicable) in coordination with the Campus Unions
Center for Student Involvement and the Activism Response Team.

Campus Unions Center for Student Involvement routinely:

I. Monitors Memorial Union Patio and Quad activity and assists students with options for
carrying out their activity within campus time, place and manner regulations.

2. When possible and applicable, works with registered student organizations planning
rallies and those planning counter demonstrations in advance of event. Clarifies to each
how to hold the event and counter demonstration while respecting each other's rights.
Reviews basic event planning principles and time, place and manner regulations (e.g.,
amplified sound is allowed only in specific areas from 12:00-1 :00 pm).

3. Keeps A VC-Student Life informed as registered student organization plans develop or I

activity progresses.

AVC-Student Life:

I. Receives information from Student Affairs staff regarding aU anticipated student actions,
not just those of registered student organizations.

2. Determines what level of Response Team support is needed for planned or spontaneous
event, in consultation with Associate Director-Center for Student Involvement and
Leadership Team when appropriate. AD-CSI activates corresponding Response Team

3. Informs Police and requests standby support if appropriate.

4. Consults with Labor Relations and requests support when union involvement is indicated.

5. Notifies News Service as appropriate.

6. Maintains communication with Response Team in field via AD-CSI and keeps VC
Student Affairs, and Leadership Team if applicable, informed.

7. In the event of a potentially disruptive activity, consults with Leadership Team and
Campus Counsel to determine if an activity should be confronted. Examples of
potentially disruptive activity:
a. Individual or group physically blocks and prevents speaker from addressing audience
at reserved event or prevents activity from proceeding at reserved event.
b. Individual or group deliberately acts in manner that violates express rules or implicit
customs of a public meeting and substantially impairs the ability to conduct the
c. Individual or group blocks buildirrgentrance/exitotpedestrianlvehlcIe traffic.
d. Individual or group attempts to occupy campus building, disrupt classes or campus
e. Individual or group engages in unlawful act or poses clear and present danger of

Response Team:

1. Provides presence at student actions and rallies.

2. Accompanies students if action moves through campus.

3. Provides support by speaking with students as appropriate and possible and answering or
referring any questions.

4. Points out any safety issues and risks to students as possible.

5. Offers action sponsors suggestions on how to handle the crowd, counter demonstrators
and their own supporters. Advises counter demonstrators how to hold their activity
without disrupting the event.

6. Offers support and First Amendment education to students, faculty and staff who are
offended by some speech or activity. Explains why the University does not suppress
speech. Discusses their rights to express a dissenting opinion and ideas/options for such
expression. Explains that signs and yelling are to be expected at outdoor events and are
acceptable within the audience. They might only be considered disruptive if they are
preventing the audience from seeing or hearing the speaker.

7. Updates AVC-Student LifelAD-CSI on situation and requests additional Response Team

support if situation escalates.

8. Monitors students engaged in heated exchanges. If possible, asks event or counter

demonstration sponsors or friends to intervene if exchange escalates. Does not get in
middle of heated exchanges or potentially physical altercations. Requests Police
presence if needed.

9. Alerts AVC-Student Life/AD-CSI to the need for follow-up support from CAPS or other·
Student Affairs staff when students are hurt by offensive speech.

10. At rallies with amplified sound, consults with AVC-Student Life/AD-CSI in determining
what discretion to use in allowing sound without a permit or outside permitted hours of

II. Continues to update AVC-Student Life/AD-CSI until action ends.

12. Continues to monitor heated situations in crowd interaction following event as long as

13. Alerts AVC-Student Life/AD-CSI to potentially disruptive activity. AVC-Student Life

consults with Leadership Team and Campus Counsel to determine if an activity should be
confronted as disruptive.

14. In the event it is determined that a disruptive group or individual should be confronted by
staff rather than Police, AVC-Student Life and AD-CSI will identify appropriate
Response Team partners to make contact. Designated team will:
a. At all times have back-up present from other administrators and/or Police.
b. Introduce/identify themselves as University staff.
c. Inform individual or group that their actions are disruptive to reserved event or
campus business.
d. Ask individual or group to cease the behavior considered disruptive.
e. After giving first notice or warning, if the individual or group continues to be
disruptive, direct them to change location or cease activity, as appropriate.
f. If they fail to comply and the non-compliance involves students, inform the
individual or group that they are being directed under Student Conduct Code, Section
102.16, "Failure to comply with the directions of a University official." Ask for
identification and clearly document the following:
1) Name of individual and group
2) Time and location
3) Behavior/actions that were considered disruptive
4) Directives that were given to the individual group
5) Any complaints from event sponsors
6) Any comments that were directed toward staff.
g. Inform individual or student group that this information will be documented and
referred to Student Judicial Affairs and/or Student Housing for further review based
on possible conduct and campus policy violations.
h. For non-compliance involving non-UCD affiliates: Follow steps a-f above. Secure
prior approval of AVC-Student Life to invoke Penal Code 626.6 and order the person
to leave UCD properties (per PPM 390-20).
Attachment A: Freedom of Expression, Peaceful Protest, and Civil Disobedience on Campus
Attachment B: Student Affairs Activism Response Team On-Call List
Attachment C: UCD Police Protocol ??
Attachment D: PPM 270-20.Il.A, Use of University Properties
Attachment E: PPM 390-20, Maintenance of Order
Attachment F: PPM 390-30, Violence, Threats and Disruption in the Workplace

Student Activism Response Protocol
Division of Student Affairs

UC Davis student activism is recognized as a legitimate exercise of freedom of expression and an

important learning opportunity (see Attachment A). The primary role ofthe Division of Student Affairs
in responding to student activism is to support freedom of expression, promote student safety, educate the
campus on free speech policy and assist in preventing disruption of normal campus activities through
education and implementation of time, place and manner regulations. Student Affairs staff members
communicate with students to identilY issues of concern and make campus administration aware ofthose
concerns and potential activity.

TiteAssistant Vice Chancellor-Student Life coordinates campus ·response to student activism and
implements the following protocol (as applicable) in coordination with the Campus Unions Center for
Student Involvement and the Freedom of Expression Support Team.

Campus Unions Center for Student Involvement routinely:

I. Monitors Memorial Union Patio and Quad activity and assists students with options for carrying
out their activity within campus time, place and manner regulations.

2. When possible and applicable, works with registered student organizations planning rallies and
those planning counter demonstrations in advance of event. Clarifies to each how to hold the
event and counter demonstration while respecting each other's rights. Reviews basic event
planning principles and time, place and manner regulations (e.g., amplified sound is allowed only
in specific areas from 12:00-1:00 pm).

3. Keeps AVC-Student Life informed as registered student organization plans develop or activity

AVC-Student Life:

1. Receives information from all Student Affairs staff regarding any anticipated student actions, not
just those of registered student organizations.

2. Determines what level of Support Team presence is needed for planned or spontaneous event, in
consultation with Associate Director-Center for Student Involvement and Leadership Team when
appropriate. AD-CSI activates corresponding Support Team presence.

3. Informs Police and requests standby support if appropriate.

4. Consults with Labor Relations and requests support when union involvement is indicated.

5. Notifies and maintains communication with News Service as appropriate.

6. Maintains communication with Support Team in field via Team Coordinator and keeps VC
Student Affairs, and Leadership Team if applicable, informed.
7. In the event of a potentially disruptive activity, consults with Leadership Team and Campus
Counsel to determine if an activity should be confronted. Examples of potentially disruptive
activity by individual or group:
a. Physically blocks and prevents speaker from addressing audience at reserved event or
prevents activity from proceeding at reserved event.
b. Deliberately acts in manner that violates express rules or implicit customs of a public meeting
and substantially impairs the ability to conduct the meeting.
c. Blocks building entrance/exit or pedestrian/vehicle traffic.
d. Attempts to disrupt classes or campus offices or occupy campus building.
e. Engages in unlawful act or poses clear and present danger of violence.

SupPOrt Team:

I. Provides presence at student actions and rallies.

2. Accompanies students if action moves through campus.

3. Provides support by speaking with students as appropriate and possible and answering or
referring any questions.

4. Points out any safety issues and risks to students as possible.

5. Offers action sponsors suggestions on how to handle the crowd, counter demonstrators and their
own supporters. Advises counter demonstrators how to hold their activity without disrupting the

6. Offers support and First Amendment education to students, faculty and staff who are offended by
some speech or activity. Explains why the University does not suppress speech. Discusses their
rights to express a dissenting opinion and ideas/options for such expression. Explains that signs
and yelling are to he expected at outdoor events and are acceptable within the audience. They
might only be considered disruptive if they are preventing the audience from seeing or hearing
the speaker.

7. Updates Team Coordinator on situation and requests additional Support Team members if
situation escalates.

8. Monitors students engaged in heated exchanges. If possible, asks event or counter demonstration
sponsors or friends to intervene if exchange escalates. Does not get in middle ofheated
exchanges or potentially physical altercations. Requests CAPS, other appropriate staff or Police
presence if needed.

9. Alerts Team Coordinator to the need for follow-up support from CAPS or other Student Affairs
staff when students are hurt by offensive speech.

10. At rallies with amplified sound, consults with Team Coordinator in determining what discretion
to use in allowing sound without a permit or outside permitted hours of 12-I pm.

II. Continues to update Team Coordinator until action ends.

12. Continues to monitor heated situations in crowd interaction following event as long as needed.
13. Alerts Team Coordinator to potentially disruptive activity. AVC-Student Life consults with
Leadership Team and Campus Counsel to determine if an activity should be confronted as

14. Assisting students in complying with University policy is the responsibility of all staff. In the
event it becomes necessary to confront behavior, the Team Coordinator or designated shift leader
a. At all times have back-up present from other administrators and/or Police.
b. Introduce/identify themselves as University staff.
c. Inform individual or group that their actions are disruptive to reserved event or campus
d. Ask individual or group to cease the behavior considered disruptive.
e. After giving first notice or warning, if the individual or group continues to be disruptive,
direct them to change location or cease activity, as appropriate.
f. If they fa11 to comply and the non-compliance involves students, inform the individual or
group that they are being directed under Student Conduct Code, Section 102.16, "Failure to
comply with the directions of a University officia!." Ask for identification and clearly
document the following:
1) Name of individual and group
2) Time and location
3) Behavior/actions that were considered disruptive
4) Directives that were given to the individual group
5) Any complaints from event sponsors
6) Any comments that were directed toward staff.
g. Inform individual or student group that this information will be documented and referred to
Student Judicial Affairs and/or Student Housing for furtber review based on possible conduct
and campus policy violations.
h. For non-compliance involving non-UCD affiliates: Follow steps a-f above. Secure prior
approval of AVC-Student Life to invoke Penal Code 626.6 and order the person to leave
UCD properties (per PPM 390-20).

Attachment A: Freedom of Expression, Peaceful Protest, and Civil Disobedience on Campus

Attachment B: Freedom of Expression Support Team On-Call List

Other Resources:
PPM 270-20.II.A, Use of University Properties
PPM 390-20, Maintenance of Order
PPM 390-30, Violence, Threats and Disruption in the Workplace

Freedom of Expression Support Team


1:00 Welcome/Goals, Griselda Castro, Asst. Vice Chancellor-Student Life

Campus Approach and Philosophy
Charge to Support Team

I: 15 Meet Your Team, Anne Myler, Assoc. Director, Campus Unions Center for Student Involvement

I :35 Police Role and Approach, Captain Joyce Souza, Police Department

1:50 Role of Emergency Operations Center, Valerie Lucas-McEwen, Emergency Manager

2:00 Activism Response Protocol

2:40 Activism Support in PracticelExpectations of Team

Your role is to:

a. Be on site at the action and accompany students if the action moves through campus.
b. Provide support just by speaking with student leaders and participants as appropriate and
possible and answering or referring any questions.
c. Observe the situation and keep AVC Castro or designee informed.
d. Facilitate communication between activists and administration. departments and Police if
directed to do so and if possible.
e. Point out safety issues and risks to students as possible.
f. If needed in case counter protest arises, remind all parties of our commitment to freedom
of expression and try to facilitate location of different factions to allow presence of all.
g. Update staff arriving for next shift.
h. Frequently, you will just be present on the sidelines.

Your role is NOT to:

a. Stop student activity.
b. Stop Police response.
c. Be on the front line or in harm's way at any time.
d. Get between parties in conflict.
e. Speak on behalf of the administration.
f. Make decisions about campus response to activity.

3 :00 Questions
Feedback on name ofteam

3:20 Wrap-up:
Anticipated Fall Quarter activity
Freedom of Expression brochure
September 10, 9-11 :30am: Freedom of Expression with Campus Counsel Mike Sweeney

3:30 Adjourn

Agenda Handout (Stacy)

Modified Team Contact List (Stacy)
Activism Response Protocol (Stacy)
Freedom of Expression brochure (Anne)
2:10 Review Protocol Anne

2:40 Activism Support in Practice/Expectations of Team Griselda!Anne

I. Leadership Team determines what level of support to mobilize

2. With advance notice of action, you will be:

a. asked to indicate which shift(s) you can take.
b. provided with information known about the action (e.g., possible student leaders,
activities, destinations).
c. given contact information for AVC to whom you will report information from the field,
as well as other contacts and emergency resources.
d. assigned a shift(s) that you usually will share with another team member; typically other
concerned Student Affairs staff are also present.

3. With no advance notice of action, you may be:

a. C()u1:llCted-!illdrequested to go to an action immediately Or at a specific time if at all
b. Provided contact and reporting information and updates by phone.

4. Your role is to:

a. Be on site at the action and accompany students if the action moves through campus.
b. Provide support just by speaking with student leaders and participants as appropriate and
possible and answering or referring any questions.
c. Observe the situation and keep AVC Castro or designee informed.
d. Facilitate communication between activists and administration, departments and Police if
directed to do so and if possible.
e. Point out safety issues and risks to students as possible.
f. If needed in case counter protest arises, remind all parties of our commitment to freedom
of expression and try to facilitate location of different factions to allow presence of all.
g. Update staff arriving for next shift.
h. Frequently, you will just be present on the sidelines.

5. Your role is NOT to:

a. Stop student activity.
b. Stop Police response.
c. Be on the front line or in harm's way at any time.
d. Get between parties in conflict.
e. Speak on behalf of the administration.
f. Make decisions about campus response to activity.

6. Leadership Team will monitor situation from information provided by Support Team and
Police in consultation with the Chancellor. They will keep staff participants updated on
campus response decisions via A VC Castro or designee.

3:00 Questions All

Feedback on name oftearn

3 :20 Update on anticipated Fall Quarter activity Griselda

Freedom of Expression Anne
Join us if possible on September 10, 9·1 1:30am, Alumni Center

3:30 Adjourn
Freedom of Expression Support Team Orientation
Student Housing, 8/23/10


1:00 Welcome and thank you for serving on team Griselda

Critical role in supporting students and maintaining safety
Today's goals:
• Present campus approach to activism
• Clarity purpose and role of Freedom of Expression Support Team
• Identity operational protocol
• Get acquainted
• Respond to your questions and get feedback on name ofteam

1:05 Overview Griselda

I. Campus Approach and Philosophy
2. Charge:
The purpose of the Freedom of Expression Support Team is to support student expression and
promote campus safety through:
a. Providing presence at student actions and rallies
b. Answering or referring student questions
c. Promoting and encouraging safety by:
I) Monitoring situation
2) Communicating with students on risks and hazards as possible
3) Sharing information with any administrators or Police on site
4) Maintaining communication with campus Leadership Team through AVC Griselda
Castro or other designated AVC
5) Encouraging and facilitating respect for freedom of expression of all points of view

1:15 Meet Your Team Members Anne

I. Help us get to know you by sharing a little about yourself on and off campus
2. Briefly share an activism experience you've had either as a student or campus staff
3. What do you contribute to the team?
4. What questions or concerns do you have about serving on the team?

I :35 Police Role and Approach Capt. Souza

I :50 Emergency Operations Center Role Griselda and Valerie Lucas-McEwen

2:00 Activism Response Protocol

Chain of Command During Action: Griselda

Leadership Team: VC Wood, Provost Lavernia, VC Meyer, Campus Counsel

Makes decisions in communication with Chancellor, Chief of Police and AVC Castro.
Coordinator: A VC Castro and A VCs
Coordinates information from the field and communicates with Police and Leadership Team.
Provides instructions to Support Team.
Support Team: Student Affairs staff, coordinated by Anne Myler
Provides on-site observation and support.
Griselda Castro
From: Griselda Castro
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 20102:57 PM
To: Anne Reynolds Myler
Subject: FW: Monday's draft agenda and revised protocol
Attach ments: Student Housing Orientation Facilitator Agenda.doc; Student Housing Orientation Handout
Agenda.doc; Student Activism Response Protocol. 1O.doc


Thank you for letting me talk this through on the phone ... much faster for me.

---- ...." . " " " " - - - - " " " " ' ' ' - - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , , - ' ' ' ' ' ' , , - , , -
From: Anne Reyr\Olds Myler
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:41 PM
To: Griselda Castro
Cc: Stacy A Miller
Subject: Monday's draft: agenda and revised protocol

Hi Griselda,

Attached are the following for your review:

1. Facilitator agenda for Monday's Student Housing Orientation

2. Handout agenda for team participants
3. Revised Activism Response Protocol (a few more changes in red)

If you can send me any changes by Friday afternoon orfirst thing Monday, I can review and get final docs to Stacy for
copying. She will attach the modified team contact list without cell numbers and I will bring the Freedom of Expression
brochures. Call me if you have questions.

Somehow I think we should keep the name, "Student Activism Protocol," even though we are changing the name of the
support team. It seems less confusing. What do you think?

Let me know if we need anything else for Monday. I invited Don Dudley to come both Monday and in September, but it
doesn't look as if he will be able to come.

Thanks and hope you get a few more hours offurlough!


Anne Reynolds Myler

Interim Associate Director
Campus Unions-Center for Student Involvement
University of California Davis

Student Activism Response Protocol
Division of Student Affairs

UC Davis student activism is recognized as a legitimate exercise of freedom of expression and an

important learning opportunity (see Attachment A). The primary role of the Division of Student Affairs
in responding to student activism is to support freedom of expression, promote student safety, educate the
campus on free speech policy and assist in preventing disruption of normal campus activities through
education and implementation of time, place and manner regulations. Student Affairs staff members
communicate with students to identify issues of concern and make campus administration aware of those
concerns and potential activity.

Th<:AssisllIDt Vice Chancellor-Student Life coordinates campus response to student activism and
implements the following protocol (as applicable) in coordination with the Campus Unions Center for
Student Involvement and the Freedom of Expression Support Team.

Campus Unions Center for Student Involvement routinely:

I. Monitors Memorial Union Patio and Quad activity and assists students with options for carrying
out their activity within campus time, place and manner regulations.

2. When possible and applicable, works with registered student organizations planning rallies and
those planning counter demonstrations in advance of event. Clarifies to each how to hold the
event and counter demonstration while respecting each other's rights. Reviews basic event
planning principles and time, place and manner regulations (e.g., amplified sound is allowed only
in specific areas from 12:00-1:00 pm).

3. Keeps AVC-Student Life informed as registered student organization plans develop or activity

AVC-Student Life:

I. Receives information from all Student Affairs staff regarding any anticipated student actions, not
just those of registered student organizations.

2. Determines what level of Support Team presence is needed for planned or spontaneous event, in
consultation with Associate Director-Center for Student Involvement and Leadership Team when
appropriate. AD-CSI activates corresponding Support Team presence.

3. Informs Police and requests standby support if appropriate.

4. Consults with Labor Relations and requests support when union involvement is indicated.

S. Notifies and maintains communication with News Service as appropriate.

6. Maintains communication with Support Team in field via Team Coordinator and keeps VC
Student Affairs, and Leadership Team if applicable, informed.
7. In the event of a potentially disruptive activity, consults with Leadership Team and Campus
Counsel to determine if an activity should be confronted. Examples of potentially disruptive
activity by individual or group:
a. Physically blocks and prevents speaker from addressing audience at reserved event or
prevents activity from proceeding at reserved event.
b. Deliberately acts in manner that violates express rules or implicit customs of a public meeting
and substantially impairs the ability to conduct the meeting.
c. Blocks building entrance/exit or pedestrian/vehicle traffic.
d. Attempts to disrupt classes or campus offices or occupy campus building.
e. Engages in unlawful act or poses clear and present danger of violence.

Support Team:

I. Provides presence at student actions and rallies.

2. Accompanies students if action moves through campus.

3. Provides support by speaking with students as appropriate and possible and answering or
referring any questions.

4. Points out any safety issues and risks to students as possible.

5. Offers action sponsors suggestions on how to handle the crowd, counter demonstrators and their
own supporters. Advises counter demonstrators how to hold their activity without disrupting the

6. Offers support and First Amendment education to students, faculty and staff who are offended by
some speech or activity. Explains why the University does not suppress speech. Discusses their
rights to express a dissenting opinion and ideas/options for such expression. Explains that signs
and yelling are to be expected at outdoor events and are acceptable within the audience. They
might only be considered disruptive if they are preventing the audience from seeing or hearing
the speaker.

7. Updates Team Coordinator on situation and requests additional Support Team members if
situation escalates.

8. Monitors students engaged in heated exchanges. If possible, asks event or counter demonstration
sponsors or friends to intervene if exchange escalates. Does no! get in middle of heated
exchanges or potentially physical altercations. Requests CAPS, other appropriate staff or Police
presence if needed.

9. Alerts Team Coordinator to the need for follow-up support from CAPS or other Student Affairs
staff when students are hurt by offensive speech.

10. At rallies with amplified sound, consults with Team Coordinator in determining what discretion
to use in allowing sound without a permit or outside permitted hours of 12-1 pm.

11. Continues to update Team Coordinator until action ends.

12. Continues to monitor heated situations in crowd interaction following event as long as needed.
13. Alerts Team Coordinator to potentially disruptive activity. AVC-Student Life consults with
Leadership Team and Campus Counsel to determine if an activity should be confronted as

14. Assisting students in complying with University policy is the responsibility of all staff. In the
event it becomes necessary to confront behavior, the Team Coordinator 0" designated shift leader
a. At all times have back-up present from other administrators and/or Police.
b. Introduce/identifY themselves as University staff.
c. Inform individual or group that their actions are disruptive to reserved event or campus
d. Ask individual or group to cease the behavior considered disruptive.
e. After giving first notice or warning, if the individual or group continues to be disruptive,
direct them to change location or ceaseactivity, as apprQpriate.
f. Iftliey fail to comply and the non-compliance involves students, inform the individual or
group that they are being directed under Student Conduct Code, Section 102.16, "Failure to
comply with the directions ofa University official." Ask for identification and clearly
document the following:
I) Name ofindividual and group
2) Time and location
3) Behavior/actions that were considered disruptive
4) Directives that were given to the individual group
5) Any complaints from event sponsors
6) Any comments that were directed toward staff.
g. Inform individual or student group that this information will be documented and referred to
Student Judicial Affairs and/or Student Housing for further review based on possible conduct
and campus policy violations.
h. For non-compliance involving non-UCD affiliates: Follow steps a-f above. Secure prior
approval of AVC-Student Life to invoke Penal Code 626.6 and order the person to leave
UCD properties (per PPM 390-20).

Attachment A: Freedom of Expression, Peaceful Protest, and Civil Disobedience on Campus

Attachment B: Freedom of Expression Support Team On-Call List

Other Resources:
PPM 270-20.!I.A, Use of University Properties
PPM 390-20, Maintenance of Order
PPM 390-30, Violence, Threats and Disruption in the Workplace


Agenda Handout (Stacy)

Modified Team Contact List (Stacy)
Activism Response Protocol (Stacy)
Freedom of Expression brochure (Anne)
2:10 Review Protocol Anne

2:40 Activism Support in PracticelExpectations of Team Griselda!Anne

I. Leadership Team determines what level of support to mobilize

2. With advance notice of action, you will be:

a. asked to indicate which shift(s) you can take.
b. provided with information known about the action (e.g., possible student leaders,
activities, destinations).
c. given contact information for AVC to whom you will report information from the field,
as well as other contacts and emergency resources.
d. assigned a shift(s) that you usually will share with another team member; typically other
concerned Student Affairs staff are also present.

3. With no advance notice of action, you may be:

a. Contacted and requested to go to an action immediately or at a specific time if at all
b. Provided contact and reporting information and updat~ by phone.

4. Your role is to:

a. Be on site at the action and accompany students if the action moves through campus.
b. Provide support just by speaking with student leaders and participants as appropriate and
possible and answering or referring any questions.
c. Observe the situation and keep AVC Castro or designee informed.
d. Point out safety issues and risks to students as possible.
e. If needed in case counter protest arises, remind all parties of our commitment to freedom
of expression and try to facilitate location of different factions to allow presence of all.
f. Update staff arriving for next shift.
g. Frequently, you will just be present on the sidelines.

5. Your role is NOT to:

a. Stop student activity.
b. Stop Police response.
c. Be on the front line or in harm's way at any time.
d. Get between parties in conflict.
e. Speak on behalf ofthe administration.
f. Make decisions about campus response to activity.

6. Leadership Team will monitor situation from information provided by Support Team and
Police in consultation with the Chancellor. They will keep staff participants updated on
campus response decisions via AVC Castro or designee.

3:00 Questions All

Feedback on name ofteam

3:20 Update on anticipated Fall Quarter activity Griselda

Freedom of Expression Anne
Join us if possible on September 10, 9-11 :30am, Alumni Center

3:30 Adjourn

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