HOPE - STEM 12-5 Activity 1 - Zahra S. Unda

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Name: Zahra S.

Grade & Strand: STEM 12-5

Activity 1. Distinguish Recreation, Leisure and Play.

To begin with, according to the definition in our lesson, recreation, leisure, and sporting events
play an important role in societies. People's prosperity is reinforced, they add to person
strengthening, and they work with the development of comprehensive social orders, among
other things. Individuals, small groups, teams, or whole communities may take part in
recreational, leisure, and sports exercises, which are appropriate for individuals, everything
being equal, in abilities and capacity levels.

Furthermore, my own understanding of Recreation, Leisure, and Play, drew on how I discerned
it, is that when it comes to Recreation, Recreation is an activity that individuals appreciate
doing in their extra time and that they see as having socially redeeming qualities. Recreational
activities are programmed inside that setting since recreation has a meaning of being ethically
satisfactory not exclusively to the individual yet additionally to society in general. Recreational
exercises can take a wide range of structures, they should all add to society one way or another
that society acknowledges. An examples of Recreational activities are camping, cycling, caving,
rock climbing, running, sailing, sky diving, art, dancing, bowling, health clubs, fitness center and
more that are too many to mention.

Not only Recreation but also Leisure as I have mentioned is an important role in society,
specifically on one's own. But opulence, populace designs, and expanded commercialization of
sporting contributions are generally factors that add to the expanded part of amusement.
Whereas Leisure is considered and said to be "spare time". Said spare time is a time not
devoured by the necessities of life, moreover, others accept that relaxation is a power that
urges individuals to consider and ponder the qualities and real factors that are ignored in their
every day lives

Other than Recreation and Leisure, we also have play. Play is the most understandable among
the three as we often use the term itself in which play is an activity that is not taken seriously
instead taken lightly in pleasure and inhibition.

Coupled with that, Recreation is an activity that are beneficial in one's self in terms of gain in
physical, psychological and social needs. For example, let us say an Arts. However an arts can
also be considered as Leisure. But the difference is if arts is done with an an intention of
receiving a rewards like gaining a beneficial outcome then it is Recreational. On the contrary, if
it is done with a goal of enjoyment, work and reward in and of itself then it describes as a
Leisure activity. It merely states that this activity qualify as leisure because they occur during
time away from work and are not undertaken for the sole purpose of surviving. Lastly, to wrap
it all up, play is an activity that is performed not as an unfortunate obligation but rather for its
natural delight. Your motivations for playing arise entirely from within rather than out of a
desire to gain some type of external rewards.

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