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Refraction - Critical Angle and Total Internal Reflection

Q1) The absolute refractive index for three transparent substances is as follows:
( Substance A = 1.10, Substance B = 1.30, Substance C = 1.55 )
Calculate the critical angle for light passing from
(a) Substance B to Substance A.
(b) Substance C to Substance A.
(c) Is it possible to calculate the critical angle for light passing from Substance B
to Substance C? Explain your answer.
Q2) What will the wavelength of a blue ray of light be when it leaves air and goes
into water which has an index of refraction of 1.33? (λBlue = 450 nm)
Q3) Calculate the critical angle for the boundary between glass (μ = 1.50) and
water (μ = 1.33).
Q4) An incident ray in air (μ = 1.0) is approaching the boundary with an unknown
material at an angle of incidence of 65.6°. The angle of refraction is 41.4°.
Determine the refractive index of the unknown material.
Q5) What is the speed of light in a material with an refractive index of 1.75?
Q6) Find the critical angle for light traveling from glycerine (μ = 1.473) into air.
Q7) Find the critical angle for light traveling from glycerine (μ = 1.473) into water
(μ = 1.33).
Q8) Find the critical angle for light traveling from ice (μ = 1.309) into air.
Q9) Which has a smaller critical angle in air, diamond (μ = 2.419) or cubic
zirconia (n = 2.20)?
Q10) Refractive index for water and glycerine are 1.33 and 1.47 respectively.
What is the critical angle for a light ray going from latter to former?
Refraction - Real Depth and Apparent Depth

Q1) A glass block 3.0 cm thick is placed over a stamp. Calculate the height
through which the image of the stamp is raised. Refractive index of glass is 1.54.
Q2) 1. A coin is placed at a depth of 15 cm in a beaker containing water. The
refractive index of water is 4/3. Calculate height through which the image of the
coin is raised.
Q3) The floor of a water tank appears at a depth of 2.5 m. If the refractive index
of water is 1.33, find the actual depth of water.
Q4) The depth of water in a bucket is 40 cm but its bottom appears to be raised
by 10 cm. What is the refractive index of water?
Q5) A glass ( μ = 1.5 ) block of thickness 2.7 cm is placed on a postage stamp.
What would be the apparent depth of the stamp if it is viewed (i) normally and (ii)
obliquely above the glass slab?
Q6) A small air bubble in a glass slab appears to be 2.4 cm from the surface.
Calculate the real depth of the bubble if the (μ = 1.5)
Q7) A postage stamp placed under a glass, appears raised by 8 mm. If the
refractive index of glass is 1.5, calculate the actual thickness of the glass slab.
Q8) A stone placed at the bottom of a water tank appears raised by 80 cm . If the
refractive index of water is 4/3, find the actual depth of water in the tank.
Q9) A postage stamp kept below a rectangular glass block of refractive index 1.5
when viewed vertically above it, appears to be raised by 7.0mm.Calculate the
thickness of the glass block.

A1) (a) sin-1 (11/13) ; (b) sin-1 (22/31) ; (c) Not possible because Sine of an angle
is never > 1.
A2) 338.35 nm
A3) sin-1 (8/9)
A4) 1.37
A5) 1.7 × 108 m/s
A6) sin-1 (1/1.473)
A7) sin-1 (1.33/1.473)
A8) sin-1 (1/1.309)
A9) Diamond: sin-1 (1/1.2419) and Cubic Zirconia: sin-1 (1/2.2). Hence, Diamond
has a smaller critical angle.
A10) sin-1 (0.91)

A1) 1.06 cm
A2) 3.75 cm
A3) 3.325 m
A4) 1.33 cm
A5) (i) No shift, 2.7 cm. (ii) 1.8 cm
A6) 3.6 cm
A7) 24 mm (or) 2.4 cm
A8) 320 cm (or) 3.2 m
A9) 2.1 cm

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