Skeletal System Worksheet

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Kriza T.

Pinili 9/10/2021
BIO124D Worksheet 1


Oral Orbital

Cervical Buccal

Acromial Sternal

Axillary Thoracic








Kriza T. Pinili 9/10/2021
BIO124D Worksheet 1









Fibular Popliteal

Kriza T. Pinili 9/10/2021
BIO124D Worksheet 1

1. right hypochondriac
2. right lumbar region
3. right iliac region
4. epigastric region
5. umbilical region
6. hypogastric region
7. left hypochondriac
8. left lumbar region
9. left iliac region
Kriza T. Pinili 9/10/2021
BIO124D Worksheet 1
Label the body planes and the anatomical directions using the letters in the diagram. Then color the
words to match the arrows and planes. In the space provided five a brief description of each word.

Body Planes
Body is divided into equal
Midsagittal A
right and left parts
Divides the body into
Frontal C
anterior and posterior parts
Divides the body into
Transverse D
superior and inferior parts
Anatomical directions
Towards the front of body Anterior (ventral) G
Further from point of
attachment of a limb to the Distal L
body trunk
Below Inferior F
To the side of the body Lateral J
To the middle of the body Medial I
To the back of the body Posterior(dorsal) H
Closer to the point of
attachment of a limb to the Proximal K
body trunk
Above Superior E
Kriza T. Pinili 9/10/2021
BIO124D Worksheet 1
Section A: Intro to A&P

1. Define anatomy.
Anatomy is the study of the parts, shape, structure, and relationship of the body.

2. Define physiology.
Physiology is the study of how the structures of the body function.

3. How does the anatomy of an organ determine its function? Provide an example.

It’s called the complementarity of structure and function; something is made a certain way so
that it can function a certain way. An example would be the heart, it’s made up of cardiac muscle
tissue so that it can pump blood and do it involuntarily.
4. Which type of anatomy?

a. If asked to study organs in the abdominal cavity. Regional anatomy

b. If asked to study how the skin changes as one ages. Surface anatomy
c. If asked to identify epithelial tissue within the body. Microscopic anatomy
d. If asked to examine organs in the cardiovascular system. Systemic anatomy
5. Identify the levels of organization starting with the simplest and concluding with the most
The first level of organization is the chemical, this deals with the subatomic particles and
elements that comprise the body. The next level is the cell which is the smallest functional unit of
life. Next is tissue which is a group of similar cells and their surrounding material. Next level is the
organ, which is comprised of two or more tissues, types that serve one or more functions. The next
level would be the organ system level which comprises organs that work in tandem with each other
to serve function or functions. The last level of organization is the organism which is organ systems
that work together to keep the organism alive.
6. What do you call a group of cells that perform similar functions?
A group of cells that perform similar functions are called tissue.
Kriza T. Pinili 9/10/2021
BIO124D Worksheet 1
Section B: Systems

1. Locate the following organs using diagrams in the textbook. For each organ listed, indicate what
organ system belongs to it. after filling in the chart, find the organs on the model.

Organ Organ system

Heart Cardiovascular
Trachea Respiratory
Larynx Respiratory
Esophagus Digestive
Stomach Digestive
Small intestines Digestive
Kidneys Urinary
Urinary bladder Urinary
Brain Nervous
Ovaries Reproductive

Spinal cord Skeletal

2. State the general function of each organ system listed.

Organ system General function

Protects, supports, and is the framework for muscles to enable
movement; stores minerals and makes blood cells.
Muscular Enables motion, facial expression, and maintains posture.
Glands secrete hormones that regulate body processes like growth,
reproduction, etc.
Respiratory Supplies blood with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide.
Breaks down food into nutrients that enter the blood for distribution to
the cells; indigestible waste is eliminated.
Eliminates nitrogen-containing wastes from the body; regulates water,
electrolyte, and acid-base balance of the blood.
Blood vessels transport blood, which carries oxygen, nutrients,
hormones, carbon dioxide, wastes, and etc.
The control system of the body; responds to stimuli to activate the
proper response from the body.
Protects the internal organs from injury; synthesizes vitamin D; pain
Integumentary receptors collect stimuli for the body to react; forms the external
covering of the body.
Kriza T. Pinili 9/10/2021
BIO124D Worksheet 1

1. right hypochondriac region

2. epigastric region
3. left hypochondriac region
4. right lumbar region
1 2 3 5. umbilical region
6. left lumbar region
7. right iliac region
4 5 6
8. hypogastric region
9. left iliac region

7 8 9

a. right upper quadrant

b. left upper quadrant
c. right lower quadrant
d. left lower quadrant

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