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THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES v. most unwanted to join them.

If they met at
CRESENCIO DOBLE his house it was only because it was near
the landing place of the banca, and so he
G.R. No. L-30028. May 31, 1982
invited them to his house while waiting for
the banca to arrive. Thus, not make Simeon
an accomplice and was acquitted.
 The circumstances pointed out would not
 Late in the night, around 11pm of June 13, make appellants liable as co-principals in
1966, ten men, almost all of them are the crime charged. At the most their liability
heavily armed with pistols, carbines and would be that of mere accomplices. They
thompsons, left the shores of Manila in a joined in the criminal design when
banca and proceeded to Rizal to rob the Cresencio consented to look for a banca
Navotas Brach of the Prudential Bank and and Romaquin provided it when asked by
Trust Company which resulted to shooting. the gang leader Joe Intsik, and then
 The Prudential Bank and Trust Company brought the malefactors to the scene of the
branch office located at Navotas, Rizal has robbery, despite knowledge of the evil
an unusual banking hours. It opens at purpose for which the banca was to be
midnight and closes at 8:00 in the morning used. It was the banca that brought the
 The participation of Cresencio consisted in malefactors to the bank to be robbed and
his having been asked by the leader of the carried them away from the scene after the
malefactors, just a few hours before the robbery to prevent their apprehension.
robbery, to look for a banca, and in Appellants thus cooperated but not in an
accompanying him to Antonio whose banca indispensable manner. Even without
they used. appellants providing the banca, the robbery
 Cresencio and Antonio remained in the could have been committed, specially with
banca during the actual robbery and the boldness and determination shown by
shooting. Later, only Antonio was given the robbers in committing the crime.
money in the amount of P441.00 by the
The penalty imposable upon appellants
Cresencio Doble and Antonio Romaquin, as
ISSUE: accomplices for the crime of robbery in band is
prision mayor minimum which has a range of 6
WON Cresencio, Simeon and Antonio are an years, 1 day to 8 years as provided in Article
accomplice to the felony. 295 of the Revised Penal Code in relation to
Article 294, paragraph 5 of the same code. The
commission of the crime was aggravated by
RULINGS: nighttime and the use of a motorized banca.
There being no mitigating circumstance, both
 The only link between Simeon and the
appellants should each be sentenced to an
crime is his house having been used as the
indeterminate penalty of from five (5) years,
meeting place of the malefactors for their
four (4) months, twenty-one (21) days of
final conference before proceeding to
prision correccional to eight (8) years of prision
Navotas to rob the Prudential Bank branch
mayor as maximum, and to indemnify the heirs
thereat. He did not join them because of a
of each of the deceased in the sum of
5-year old foot injury which would make him
P12,000.00 not P6,000.00 as imposed by the
only a liability, not one who can help in the
trial court.
devilish venture. To the malefactors he was

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