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TED –ED listening

Task 1: What would happen if you didn’t drink water

Questions 1-8   Listen from here
Provide TWO answers of  NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each questions
Which TWO organs in our body are almost 75% water?
1  ______________________________.
2  ______________________________.
Which are the two extremes of water consumption?
3 ______________________________. 
4  ______________________________.
What does the recommended water intake depend on?
5  _______________________________.
6  _______________________________.
Where else can you find your necessary water intake?
7 _______________________________.
8 _______________________________.
Questions 9-12   Listen from here
For each questions choose the correct answer A, B, or  C. 
9. What percentage of a human baby is made of water at birth?
A   55%
B   65%
C   75%
10. How do we mainly loose water each day?
A   Breathing
B   Urinating- đi tiểu
C   both of the above
11. What problem does a dehydrated brain have?
A   Shrinks
B   Shakes
C   Melts
12. What’s the amount of water consumption recommended for women
A   2.5 to 2.7
B   2 to 2.7
C   2.5 to 3.7

Task 2: How playing an instrument benefit your brain?

Questions 1-6     Listen from here
Watch the video and choose A, B, C, or  D  for each of the questions. 

1. What happens when we listen to music?

A   Certain areas of the brain start working

B   Work for just a second while we are listening
C   There is simultaneous activity in many areas of the brain
D   Different areas work at intervals to process melody, rhytm, etc

2. Which areas of our brain are involved when playing a musical instrument?

A   Visual, motor and cerebral cortices

B   Motor, cerebral and auditory cortices
C   Visual, auditory, and motor cortices 
D   Cerebral, motor and fine motor cortices

3. What’s the left hemisphere involved in?

A   Precision skills like Maths and Language

B   Fine motor skills
C   Creativity
D   Dancing and tapping skills

4. What’s the bridge between the two brain hemispheres called?

A   Corpum callum
B   Coopco coolism
C   Capum cullim
D   Corpus callosum

5. How do musicians improve their memory skills?

A   By  bringing them to life more quickly

B   By assigning multiple tags to their memories
C   By linking them through cognitive analysis
D   By showing them through music

6. What have scientists found?

A   Playing a music instrument enhance brain functions more than other activities
B   Musicians and Sports players have the same cognitive abilities
C   All artists have enhanced cognitive abilities
D   All of the above
Task 3: Where did English come from?
Questions 1-7   Listen from here
Complete the text with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS in each blank

Words with Latin origins came into English with an invasion of England happening in 1-
__________ . Thanks to this invasion and the new words a new language evolved known as 2____
______  .Other languages also added to language mix and it is possible to trace them thanks to 3__
________  . Which studies sound patterns and specific vocabulary. Studies in the area have shown
that English , brother languages like 4__________   and 5__________  , descend from Proto
Germanic spoken centuries before Christ. This in turn has its 6 __________  in an older language

spoken in today Ukraine and Russia. However, historical and 7__________   won’t allow us to go
deeper in the study.

Questions 8-12   Listen from here

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Listening Passage?
In boxes  8-12 on your answer sheet, write

if the statement agrees with the

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
if there is no information on this

8   English shares many words with Italian

9   Beowulf is an example of Old English

10   Words that start with a “pf” sound in German start with “p” in English.

11   The Indo European family compresses all the languages spoken round the world.

12   More than 3 billion people around the world are studying English
Task 4: New Headlines
Questions 1-3   Listen from here
Tick the  THREE other items which are mentioned in the news headlines.

A    Rivers flood in the north


B   Money promised for drought victims

C   Nurses on strike in Melbourne V

D   Passengers rescued from ship

E   Passengers rescued from plane V

F   Bus and train drivers national strike threat

G   Teachers demand more pay

H   New uniform for QANTAS staff

I   National airports under new management V

Questions 4-11   Listen from here

Complete the notes below by writing  NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS  in the spaces provided.
The Government plans to give 4. $250 MILLION  to assist the farmers. This money was to
be spent on improving Sydney’s 5 ROAD SYSTEM  but has now been re-allocated. Australia has
experienced its worst drought in over fifty years. Farmers say that the money will not help them
because it is 6 TOO LATE____________ An aeroplane which was carrying a group of 7
SCHOOL CHIILDREN was forced to land just 8 THREE minutes after take-off. The passengers
were rescued by 9 THE BOYS BOATS, PLEASURE CRAFT . The operation was helped because of
the good weather. The passengers thanked the 10BOYS PILOT for saving their lives but
unfortunately they lost their 11 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.

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