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Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson's disease is a central nervous system degenerative condition that affects
many people. It is a debilitating condition that affects mobility and locomotion in the
elderly population. It's referred to as a movement disorder. Parkinson's disease
causes motor symptoms due to progressive destruction to dopamine-producing cells
in the "substantia nigra" of the basal ganglia, a portion of the brain located below the
cerebral cortex and known as the mid-brain. Parkinson's disease, often known as
idiopathic Parkinson's disease, can be genetic or sporadic.

Signs and symptoms of Parkinson's can include tremors, slow motion, stiff muscles,
posture and balance impairments, and changes in speech.
Some neurons in the brain gradually collapse or die in Parkinson's disease. Many of
the symptoms are because of neuronal loss that causes a chemical messenger
called dopamine in your brain. The decrease of dopamine leads to abnormal brain
activity, which impairs motion and other symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Because
Parkinson's cause is unknown, it is a mystery that has proven ways to prevent the
disease.Some other studies have shown that people who use caffeine — found in
the cup, tea, and cola — are less likely to have Parkinson's disease than those who
do not. The risk of developing Parkinson's disease is also related to Green Tea. It
remains unknown, however, whether caffeine actually prevents Parkinson's disease
or is otherwise associated. A newly diagnosed patient's life span may be 10-15 years
or more in some situations. PD progresses very slowly. Other neurodegenerative
diseases, such as multi-system atrophy (MSA), do occur, however, but develop very
quickly to gradually break down autonomous body functions. All these patients need
strong support from family and society.
Parkinson's disease cannot be cured, but medications are often dramatically able to
help control your symptoms. The operation may be advisable in some more
advanced cases. Your doctor may also recommend changes in your lifestyle,
particularly continuous aerobics. In some instances, equilibrium and extending
physical therapy are also necessary. Your speech problems can be helped by a
pathologist speaking the language. The most common form of deep brain stimulation
is in people with advanced Parkinson's disease with unstable medication (levodopa).
DBS can stabilize the fluctuations in medicine, reduce or stop the involuntary
movement of the patient (dyskinesia).
Parkinson's disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease affecting the
elderly, and it's linked to higher morbidity and mortality rates. The neuropathology of
Parkinson's disease and its development across the nervous system has made
tremendous progress. None of these treatments, however, are curative. Because of
the severity of treatment-resistant motor issues and non-motor symptoms, PD
remains a progressive condition that eventually causes severe disability.
Parkinson's disease has a multifactorial etiology that combines genetic,
environmental, and possibly immunological factors, many of which have still been
unknown or misunderstood. A variety of research techniques have led to increasing
evidence that oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and protein degradation
deficiencies, like UPS, are interlinked.

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