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Tata Steel

Tata Steel Limited is an Indian mult inat ional st eel-making company based in Jamshedpur,
Jharkhand, and is headquart ered in Mumbai, Maharasht ra, India. It is a subsidiary of t he Tat a
Tat a St eel Limit ed

Formerly Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited (TISCO)

Type public

Traded as BSE: 500470 (



BSE SENSEX Constituent

NSE NIFT Y 50 Constituent

ISIN INE081A01012 (


Industry Steel

Founded 26 August 1907 at Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India

Founder Jamsetji Tata

Headquarters Mumbai, Maharashtra, India[1]

Area served Worldwide

Key people Natarajan Chandrasekaran

T. V. Narendran
(CEO & Managing Director, Tata Steel Ltd.)

Products Steel
Long steel products
Structural steel
Wire products
Steel casing pipes
Household goods
Revenue ₹157,189 crore (US$21 billion) (2021)[2]

Operating income ₹21,123 crore (US$2.8 billion) (2021)[2]

Net income ₹7,862 crore (US$1.0 billion) (2021)[2]

Total assets ₹245,487 crore (US$33 billion) (2021)[2]

Total equity ₹73,041 crore (US$9.7 billion) (2021)[2]

Number of employees 32,364 (2021)[2]

Parent Tata Group

Subsidiaries Tata Steel Europe

Tata Steel Long Products
Tata Steel Thailand
Tata Tinplate
Tayo Rolls
Jamshedpur FC

Website (


Formerly known as Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited (TISCO), Tat a St eel is among t he t op
st eel producing companies in t he world wit h an annual crude st eel capacit y of 34 million t onnes
per annum. It is one of t he world's most geographically-diversified st eel producers, wit h
operat ions and commercial presence across t he world. The group (excluding SEA operat ions)
recorded a consolidat ed t urnover of US$19.7 billion in t he financial year ending 31 March 2020. It
is t he second largest st eel company in India (measured by domest ic product ion) wit h an annual
capacit y of 13 million t onnes aft er St eel Aut horit y of India Lt d. (SAIL).[3]

Tat a St eel operat es in 26 count ries wit h key operat ions in India, Net herlands and Unit ed
Kingdom, and employs around 80,500 people.[4] It s largest plant (10 MTPA capacit y) is locat ed in
Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. In 2007, Tat a St eel acquired t he UK-based st eel maker Corus.[5][4] It was
ranked 486t h in t he 2014 Fort une Global 500 ranking of t he world's biggest corporat ions.[6] It was
t he sevent h most valuable Indian brand of 2013 according t o Brand Finance.[7][8][9]

In July 2019 Tat a St eel Kalinganagar (TSK) was included in t he list of t he World Economic
Forum's (WEF's) Global Light house Net work, showing leadership in applying Fourt h Indust rial
Revolut ion t echnologies t o drive financial and operat ional impact
which was subscribed for only about 50% of it s t ot al value - Rs 60-crore. Due t o
undersubscript ion, t he promot ers acquired t hem, as result Tayo Rolls became a Tat a St eel
Subsidiary. Tat a St eel owns 55.24% of t he Tayo Rolls.[24][25]

Steel Engineering and Vinausteel in 2007: Tat a St eel t hrough it s wholly owned Singapore
subsidiary, Nat St eel Asia Pt e Lt d, acquired cont rolling st ake in bot h rolling mill companies
locat ed in Viet nam: St ruct ure St eel Engineering Pt e Lt d (100% st ake) and Vinaust eel Lt d (70%
st ake). The ent erprise value for t he acquisit ion was $41 million. Wit h t his acquisit ion, Tat a St eel
got hold of t wo rolling mills, a 250,000 t onnes per year bar/wire rod mill operat ed by SSE St eel
Lt d. and a 180,000 t onnes per year reinforcing bar mill operat ed by Vinaust eel Lt d.[26][27]

Bhushan Steel in 2018: Tat a St eel acquired t he ent ire company in 2017–18, when Insolvency
proceedings were init iat ed against t he former company on 26 July 2017 under IBC. Tat a st eel
emerged as t he highest bidder and t ook over t he company t hrough it s wholly owned subsidiary
Bamnipal St eel Lt d. The company was renamed as Tat a St eel BSL. Lat er in 2021 Tat a St eel
amalgamat ed Bamnipal St eel Lt d. and Tat a St eel BSL t hereby t he lat t er became a direct
subsidiary of Tat a St eel (72.65%).[28][29][30]

Joint Ventures

In 2006, Tat a St eel and BlueScope St eel launched Tat a BlueScope St eel Lt d., as a joint vent ure
for t he manufact uring pre-engineered st eel product s.[31]

In 2014, Tat a St eel launched Jamshedpur Cont inuous Annealing and Processing Company Pvt
Lt d (JCAPCPL), as a joint vent ure wit h Nippon St eel producing cont inuous annealed product s
int ended for aut omot ive indust ry. The plant had a capacit y of 600,000 t onnes and was set up
wit h an invest ment of 2,750 Crores. Tat a St eel held 51% of t he joint vent ure.[32]


Tat a St eel is headquart ered in Mumbai, Maharasht ra, India and has it s market ing headquart ers at
t he Tat a Cent re in Kolkat a, West Bengal. It has a presence in around 50 count ries wit h
manufact uring operat ions in 26 count ries including: India, Malaysia, Viet nam, Thailand, UAE, Ivory
Coast , Mozambique, Sout h Africa, Aust ralia, Unit ed Kingdom, The Net herlands, France and
Tat a St eel primarily serves cust omers in t he aut omot ive, const ruct ion, consumer goods,
engineering, packaging, lift ing and excavat ing, energy and power, aerospace, shipbuilding, rail and
defence and securit y sect ors.[34]

Upcoming plans

Tat a St eel has set a t arget of achieving an annual product ion capacit y of 100 million t ons by
2015; it is planning for capacit y expansion t o be balanced roughly 50:50 bet ween greenfield
development s and acquisit ions.[35][36] Overseas acquisit ions have already added an addit ional
21.4 million t onnes of capacit y, including Corus (18.2 million t onnes), Nat St eel (2 million t onnes)
and Millennium St eel (1.2 million t onnes). Tat a plans t o add anot her 29 million t onnes of capacit y
t hrough acquisit ions.[35][36]
Major greenfield st eel plant expansion project s planned by Tat a St eel include:[35]

1. A 6 million t onne per annum capacit y plant in Kalinganagar, Odisha, India;[37]

2. An expansion of t he capacit y of it s plant in Jharkhand, India from 6.8 t o 10 million t onnes

per annum;[37]

3. A 5 million t onne per annum capacit y plant in Chhat t isgarh, India (Tat a St eel signed a
memorandum of underst anding wit h t he Chhat t isgarh government in 2005; t he plant is
facing st rong prot est from t ribal people);[38]

4. A 3 million t onne per annum capacit y plant in Iran;[39][40]

5. A 2.4 million t onne per annum capacit y plant in Bangladesh;[41]

. A 10.5 million t onne per annum capacit y plant in Viet nam (feasibilit y st udies are underway);

7. A 6 million t onne per annum capacit y plant in Haveri, Karnat aka.[43]

Issues with Europe business

Since Tat a St eel's Corus acquisit ion in 2007, Tat a St eel's Europe unit faced issues from
oversupply in market , labor unions, inexpensive import s from Chinese St eel makers, and pressure
from regulat ors for decarbonisat ion (green t axes) which forced Tat a St eel t o consolidat e it s
businesses in Europe.[44][45]

In 2015, Tat a St eel was looking t o sell it s facilit ies in Port Talbot , Hart lepool, Rot herham and
St ocksbridge, which was put on hold due t o Brexit . In April 2016, Tat a St eel's Long Product s

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