Department of Education: Oral Communication in Context

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Second Quarter Summative Assessment 1
Name: _______________________________ Grade / Section: ______________ Score: ________
Name of Parent and Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ________
Test I. Multiple Choice.
Direction: Read each item carefully. Encircle the letter of the best answer. Please follow instruction.
1. Successful communication requires _______
a. Understanding word-sentence relationships
b. Understanding word-sentence relationships and its speech acts
c. Letters A and B are true
d. Letters A and B are not true
2. It represents a particular topic, clearly, truthfully and saying only relevant details
a. Nomination c. Turn-taking
b. Restriction d. Termination
3. It is a speech context where the speaker acts both as the sender and the receiver of the message.
a. Enterpersonal c. Intrapersonal
b. Interpersonal d. Entrapersonal
4. It is a communication that occurs between two people.
a. Dyad c. Mono
b. Small group d. Peer Group
5. The following are advantages of delivering information to a group EXCEPT ______.
a. The message is driven by informational purposes
b. The channels are more exaggerated
c. The audience is bigger and information range is wider
d. Vested interest.
6. It refers to the distinctive way of communicating which consists of pattern linguistic, vocal and non-verbal
a. Speech context c. Speech act
b. Speech style d. Speech Competence
7. This context in communication is information driven because it is presented to or in front of a group.
a. Mass communication c. Interpersonal communication
b. Public communication d. Intrapersonal Communication
8. It is a sample context that speakers participate in a discussion during an organizational meeting.
a. Small group c. Dyad
b. Interpersonal d. Perlocutionary
9. When you deliver a valedictory address, you will consider the following, EXCEPT ______.
a. Deliver a message to a group c. Hand gestures
b. Loudness of voice d. Share message through other media like radio
10. You provided comfort to a friend who was feeling depressed from a heartbreak. What speech context is
used in this situation?
a. Public c. Dyad
b. Interpersonal d. Interpersonal
11. Which of the following situations need a consultative speech style?
a. A campaign speech delivery
b. Counseling session with the guidance counselor
c. A talk of encouragement for a son/daughter
d. A speech delivery of a president during a press conference
12. Which of the following situations need a casual speech style?
a. A talk with a friend while jogging c. oratorical speech delivery
b. Leading a prayer before meal d. a talk to a guidance counselor
13. This style is private and occurs between or among close family members or individuals.
a. Consultative c. Formal
b. Intimate d. Frozen
14. The following situations use formal speech style EXCEPT
a. Inquiring at a hotel c. a homily from a priest
b. delivering an oratorical speech d. State of the Nation Address of the President
15. This speech style uses jargons, slang or the vernacular language.
a. Casual c. Frozen
b. Consultative d. Intimate
16. This style is one-way and is used in formal settings.
a. Frozen c. Formal
b. Intimate d. Consultative
17. The speech style in question #16 uses _________ in situations where speech is improvised and not
prepared ahead of time, and no editing is done.
a. Casual language c. Intimate
b. Formal Language d. Frozen
18. These are the defining devices in a casual/informal style.
a. Ellipsis c. specially chosen words
b. Unconventional English d. profanity
19. Non-verbal communication is highly observed in this speech style, such as eye contact, gestures, and facial
expression showing sympathy.
a. Formal style c. casual style
b. Intimate style d. consultative style
20. In this style, the speaker supplies background information while the listener participates continuously.
a. Formal style c. consultative style
b. Intimate style d. casual style
21. This refers to the ability of the speaker to use linguistic knowledge to effectively communicate with others.
a. Interpersonal communication c. Social interaction
b. Communicative competence d. communicative strategy
22. Which of the following statements show a commissive speech act?
a. I want to eat some cake c. I’ll be here tomorrow at 6pm.
b. She went out! d. I’m sorry I am so angry at you yesterday.
23. Which of the following is NOT a speech context?
a. Intrapersonal communication c. Long distance communication
b. Dyad communication d. Mass communication
24. Restriction in communication refers to any ____________________ you may have as a speaker.
a. Limitation c. noises
b. Ideas d. internal conflict
25. Which statement reflects termination?
a. “Well then, I think we’re good. See you.” c. “So, have you heard about the COVID patient who died”
b. “I didn’t know about that” d. “You’re hired!”
Test II. DIFFERENTIATED ILLUSTRATION. You will answer according to your preference. Choose base on your skill,
talent and capability. Express yourself by choosing how you will answer the test.

DIRECTIONS: Create something that will show how the communicative strategy helps you become an effective
communicator in various speech situation. Be creative in your work. Choose from the table below how you will
present your learnings / answer. Put a check mark of the choice you have on the item in the table. (Choose 1 only).


The following rubric is the basis for grading of your work. Please refer to this.
4 3 2 1
All Most Most information Information
information information presented in had several
Information and presented in presented in was clear and inaccuracies __ / 4
Relevance was clear, was clear, accurate, but OR was
accurate and accurate and was not usually usually not
thorough. thorough. thorough. clear.
All aspects of Some aspect A little aspect of
Creativity the work is of the work is the work is No creativity
__ / 4
creative creative creative
Some of the A little of the
presentation The
presentation is presentation is
Presentation is always presentation
concise and concise and __ / 4
Style concise and cannot be
easily easily
easily understood
understood understood
Some of the A few of the
Organization presentation is presentation is Not organized
is well __ / 4
organized organized
The student
The student
understood The student
the topic in- seemed to The student
understood the __ / 4
depth and understand the did not show
Understanding topic in-depth
presented main points of an adequate
of Topic and presented
their the topic and understanding
information presented those of the topic.
forcefully and with ease.
with ease.
TOTAL SCORE: ___ / 20

========================== G O O D L U C K =========================

“The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said”. - Peter F. Drucker

1. C
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. D
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. D
10. B
11. D
12. A
13. B
14. A
15. A
16. C
17. A.
18. C
19. A
20. C
21. B
22. C
23. C
24. A
25. A

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