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Environmental pollution is a phenomenon of

polluted natural environment, and the physical,

chemical and biological properties of the
environment are altered, causing harms to human
health and other organisms. Environmental
pollution is mainly caused by human activities and
Pollution began in prehistoric times, when humans
created the first fires.
There are some main types of pollution we will
bring to you.

1st, land is a valuable resource, people use land in

agricultural activities to ensure food supply for
humans. But with the current population growth
rate and the speed of industrial development and
urbanization, the cultivated land area is getting
narrowed, land quality is deteriorating. Particularly
in Vietnam alone, the degradation of land resource
is a serious problem need to worry about .

Water pollution is a negative change in the physical

- chemical - biological properties of water, with the
appearance of strange substances in liquid and solid
forms, making water sources toxic to human and
organisms, erode the biodiversity. This is suppose to
be more serious than soil pollution.
In the oceans, the main cause of pollution is oil
spills. It comes from chemicals, waste from factories
discharged into rivers, seas, oceans without
processing. It’s also comes from fertilizers and
pesticides in the field, domestic sewage discharged
from residential areas. Those toxic substances are
released to the sea again and cause the "red tide"
phenomenon, causing heavy pollution and killing
aquatic creatures. In recent years, there has been a
phenomenon called marine desertification due to
water pollution. We need to fix this quickly to
protect our marine ecosystem.

At present, air pollution is a hot news issue of the

world, not just one country. Air pollution comes
from both humans and nature. Every year people
exploit and use billions tons of fossil fuels. At the
same time, we also discharges into the environment
a large amount of different wastes such as:
domestic waste, waste from factories, causing the
concentration of toxic gases to increase rapidly. Air
pollution also coming from gas from vehicles. Air
pollution causes many diseases for humans. It also
produces acid rain that destroys forests and fields.
The most worrying thing is that people release toxic
gases such as CO2 causing greenhouse effect and
damage the ozone layer .

Other types of pollution

Radioactive contamination
Noise pollution
Light pollution
All these types of pollution cause more or less the
impact on all living creatures in the world.
For human health
Air pollution can kill many living organisms including
humans. Ozone pollution can cause respiratory
diseases, cardiovascular diseases, sore throat, chest
pain, shortness of breath. Water pollution causes
approximately 14,000 deaths every day, mainly
from eating with dirty water that has not been
treated in developing countries. An estimated 500
million Indians do not have proper toilets, and
about 580 Indians die each day from water
pollution. Nearly 500 million Chinese lack safe
drinking water. A 2010 analysis estimated that 1.2
million people die prematurely a year in China due
to air pollution. In 2007, it was estimated in India
that air pollution was believed to cause 527,700
deaths. Studies estimate the annual death toll in the
United States can be more than 50,000. The heavy
chemicals and metals in food and drink can cause
cancer that cannot be cured.
For ecosystem
Contaminated soil can reduce the pH of the soil to
become barren, unsuitable for crops. This will affect
other living organisms in the food web.
Animals can compete for habitat and endanger
other species, thereby reducing biodiversity.
The CO2 generated from factories and vehicles also
increases the greenhouse effect, causing the Earth
to heat up, the existing ecological zones are
gradually destroyed.
Without some way to control pollutants, wastes
from human consumption, production and other
activities, this will reduce the quality of the
environment. We all need to do something do
protect our environment right now.
1. Planting lots of green trees helps protect the

Trees are a source of oxygen for the atmosphere

and they are also a source of carbon sequestration,
reducing soil erosion and ecosystems. Should plant
a lot of trees around the house to enjoy the fresh
air created by the tree, so keeping indiscriminately
untidy is one of the environmental protection
measures you should do.

2. Handling the surrounding sanitation environment

In daily life, people and animals emit a large amount

of waste and garbage if not collected and treated
properly, which will pollute the surrounding areas
such as water, air, and waste will fall into the sewer
otherwise. The sewage collection system causes
sewage to drain the sewage, causing stagnant water
flow to pollute. To avoid these, we should build
waste collection by septic tanks and cleaning rules
regularly, besides emptying septic tanks periodically
to avoid overflowing. Reduced use of plastic bags

3. Limit the use of plastic bags

Nilon is a non-biodegradable material in a normal

environment that can last for hundreds of years. If
many plastic bags are used without proper
handling, it will have great consequences in the
future. In order to minimize plastic bags and plastic
bags, we replace them with paper bags or other
easily biodegradable bags. Prefer recycled products

4. Take advantage of solar energy to use

The environmental protection measures that
highlight the use of solar energy are clean, infinite
natural energy sources and provide long-lasting and
high efficiency. The amount of solar to reduce
pollution minimizes the current natural resources.
Use natural materials
Use clean energy

5. Apply modern science to life

Previously when science was not expanded, the

application of science and technology was still
limited, but now science has developed a lot, many
devices are friendly to the environment and reduce
pollution. Using energy-saving devices reduces the
power consumption and saves the resources
generated by electricity. Or the devices that can be
recycled are used to reduce the amount of waste to
the human environment.
The above is about sharing the most common
environmental protection measures we can take to
reduce environmental pollution to the extent
possible. However, the implementation of the
above is still very difficult. That is the need for a
harmonious combination between many parties
and the collective individuals and each of us.
Therefore, through today's article, we believe that
every individual's sense of keeping the environment
clean will play a tremendous role in protecting the
overall environment of the planet.

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