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Santacera, Cleah Ann G.


Discuss why the gifts of the Holy Spirit are of such importance for living the mature Christian

God has given us spiritual gifts for so many purposes and reasons and all of these gifts
have been provided to us to glorify God. I think that the spiritual gifts’ purposes are to build up,
encourage and comfort the church and its people. These gifts help us to change things to the
way they should be. To serve as our guidance and help us to clearly see what needs to be done
and to know how to respond the way God wants us to. Each gift has its own way to help us with
our salvation, and to grow our faith in God. To submit to His will, is a profound decision for
every Christian to make. Though for us Christians, it is so hard not to make a sin or two, the
spiritual gifts are providing us the broad knowledge to identify what is right and good from the
wrong and bad. And because of this knowledge, we repent to our sins and live as faithful
followers of God most especially in difficult situations.

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