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Spamming is very poor Netiquette and means

• sending in lines of nonsensical garbage in a chat
1. Why would you use a smiley face? conversation.
• To express an emotion that might be hard to do • posting a message that contains graphic
in writing. descriptions of something really gross.
• spilling the juice of meat-byproducts into your
• It looks like it's shouting. • posting or emailing unsolicited advertising
• Words are misspelled. messages to a wide audience.
• It's not punctuated correclty.
• All of the above. 13. Knowledge and understanding of netiquette is
useful because
3.) What's the purpose of using abbreviations? • it will help you create a positive impression on
• They're funny. those you meet in cyberspace
• To save keystrokes. • it explains some of the technical limitations of
• They have no real purpose. online communications.
• To appear illiterate. • it explains the conventions already being used
by millions of cybernauts.
5. Why should you be careful about what you post in • all of the above.
an online discussion?
• Your post might be saved & come back to haunt 14. Appropriate content for email messages includes
you. • anything you wouldn't mind having subpoenaed
• You will be billed for it. as part of a court proceeding.
• You might be funny. • anything you wouldn't mind seeing on the
• All of the above. evening news.
• anything you wouldn't mind your grandmother
6. Typing in all capitals in electronic seeing.
communications means: • All of the above
• this message is very important.
• you are shouting. 15. When writing an email, include a subject line
• it's okay to forward this message to others. • only when you are writing an official memo.
• nothing special--typing in all caps is normal. • only in personal memos.
• if the person you are sending it to requires one.
7. It is OK to forward or post an email message that • in all e-mail messages.
you received if
• the message is typed in all capitals. 16. What is Netiquette?
• the author of the message has given you • The proper use of manners and etiquette on the
permission to forward or post it. Internet.
• it does not contain any copyrighted material. • Using a net to catch fish.
• the author of the message hasn't marked it as • Being mean to other people on Facebook.
confidential. • Using proper manners at the dinner table.

8. Before posting to a discussion group you should 17. Which of these is cyber-bullying?
• read the FAQ. • Flame mail.
• find the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) • Hate mail.
document. • Posting mean comments on a discussion board.
• read some of the existing posts to get an idea of • All of the above.
the tone and character of the group.
• all of the above.
18. If you receive a text or email from someone you
9. A flame is don't know, what should you do?
• a post or email message that expresses a strong • Open it immediately and reply.
opinion or criticism. • Call the police.
• an expert programmer. • Delete it without opening it.
• a person who consistently breaks the rules of • Leave it in your inbox until you figure out who it
Netiquette. is.
• an online chain letter. 19. You should never give out which of the following
on the Internet?
• Your name.
10. The Golden Rule of Netiquette is • Your age.
• remember the human! • Your address.
• a smiley in every message. • All of the above.
• don't follow the rules of netiquette.
• type in all caps when you're angry. 20. To avoid being cyber-bullied you should always...
• • Give out personal information to anyone who
11. The phrase "lurk before you leap" means asks.
• send your post to the moderator via email before • Strike first - post mean things about other people
posting it to a discussion group. on your Wall on Facebook.
• make sure there isn't a host moderating the chat • Observe proper netiquette rules.
before you scroll the chat screen. • Ignore any requests from people to be your
• post test messages to several USENET friend online.
newsgroups before posting a real message.
• familiarize yourself with a discussion group 21. What do you do if you feel you are being cyber-
before actively participating bullied?
• Tell a trusted adult like a parent or teacher.
• Tell no one, it's embarrassing.
• Just delete anything referring to you on the
• Call the police.

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