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11 “One-Spoonful” Hacks to Lose Weight

If you’re looking to lose weight fast, don’t turn to diet pills or dangerous drugs. These one spoonful
hacks will help curb your appetite and provide your body with nutrients and healthy substances it
needs to get back on track and shed the pounds.
1. A Spoonful of Apple Cider Vinegar for Blood Sugar Support

Apple cider vinegar has a number of uses around the home as well as externally
and internally for the body. When you add a teaspoonful to a 12 ounce glass of
water you’ll be adding in nutrients that you just wouldn’t get from water alone,
and hydrate yourself at the same time. You’ll also be helping to keep your blood
sugar levels stable.

The best apple cider vinegar is organic and unpasteurized, and contains “mother
of vinegar”. One brand that is highly recommended and easily found locally or
online is Braggs.

Why It Works: Monitoring your blood sugar, or at least keeping it in mind when you’re crafting and
timing your meals, is a good way to avoid spikes that can lead to weight gain. Research into how
ACV helps your blood sugar is very promising, and worth making it a part of your daily weight loss

2. A Spoonful of Raw Organic Honey for Digestive Enzymes

There are enzymes and antioxidants in unprocessed honey that are

beneficial to the body, but sadly aren’t found in the majority of honey
found nationwide. The amount of enzymes in honey that hasn’t been
processed is amazing, thousands of different enzymes designed to help
the digestive system. Processed honey, the most commonly found
honey, has these enzymes stripped away, and therefore doesn’t
provide the same benefit. Be sure the container lists both organic and raw on the label. Although
there’s no such thing as organic bees, the fields surrounding the honey production facility will be
certified organic.

Why It Works: Keeping your digestive system happy is a major component for losing weight. The
digestive enzymes and antioxidants in raw organic honey support the digestive system and the body
as a whole, helping you slim down without exerting much effort.

3. A Spoonful of Coconut Oil to Suppress Your Appetite

Coconut oil has several benefits, and when you’re looking to lose weight the most important of these
is its ability to help with weight loss. When comparing oils it’s easy to see that coconut oil has more
saturated fat than some of the most commonly used oils, but it also contains healthy fats, and the
saturated fat it contains is not the same sort of saturated fat found in a cheeseburger.
You can use it in your cooking, or you can take a spoonful directly if you’re looking to hold yourself
over between meals. It has a delicious buttery flavor that will make you feel like you’re not even on a
weight loss program.

Why It Works: Coconut oil is rich in fatty acids that not only help you feel full when you eat it, but
go to work increasing your metabolism so that you’ll naturally burn fat.

4. A Spoonful of Ginger to Aid in Fat Loss

Ginger is a spice that will help you get rid of fat specifically, not just overall body weight. This is
important when trying to hack your weight loss because you want to make sure that it’s fat you’re
losing and not simply water weight or muscle mass.

You don’t have to stuff a spoonful of ginger powder or minced ginger in your mouth to get the
benefit. Add a teaspoon or a tablespoon to a dish that you’re making and you’ll get the positive
effects it entails. It can help spice up a soup or chili, and can even give a smoothie a punch.

Why It Works: Ginger works on the body in two ways, it helps to improve your digestion, which
alone will help you lose weight if you’ve struggled with a sluggish digestion. It also acts as a
metabolism booster, which means you’ll be burning more calories per hour than before, leading to
effortless weight loss.

5. A Spoonful of Thyme for Antioxidants and Vitamins

If it doesn’t taste good, the chances of you taking a spoonful of

anything are rather low. In this case, thyme is a seasoning that you can use in your cooking or make
into a tea for added weight loss benefits.
Thyme will add plenty of flavor to chicken breast, as well as lean turkey breast. Sprucing up these
lean proteins is important, because they’ll help you lose weight as well, and when you combine them
with a tasty herb you’ll find it pleasurable eat them, rather than a chore.

Why It Works: Thyme isn’t just a tasty herb, it’s loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals
that will help keep the cells of the body protected and able to cope with the stress that comes with
losing weight. It’s also a diuretic, which can help release store up water weight and toxins.
6. A Spoonful of Turmeric for Antioxidants

Turmeric is a spice that is often used in Indian cuisine, but hasn’t gotten
much traction in other types of food. It’s easily recognizable by its
bright orange-yellow color, and adds its distinct flavor to a meal. It also
adds plenty of antioxidants and helps you burn fat.

You can use it as part of your cooking, make it into a tea by adding hot water and stirring until it’s
dissolved. But perhaps the easiest way to eat more turmeric is to add it to lean meats, from lean beef
to chicken breast. It has the ability not only to give the dish an amazing color, but also a delicious
flavor that plays nice with other spices.

Why It Works: Turmeric is one of the lesser-known spices that is effective for weight loss. It acts as
an anti-inflammatory, so it will help you ache less and give you more get-up-and-go that results in
quick weight loss when combined with a healthy diet.

7. A Spoonful of Flaxseed for Omega-3s

Flax will not only help keep you satiated until your next meal, it contains antioxidants and fiber that
make it more likely that your weight loss strategy will pay dividends.

Adding ground flax to your diet is as easy as using a spoon. It sprinkles over the top of a salad, and
can quickly be added to a soup or smoothie to boost its nutrition without changing the taste much.

Why It Works: Getting enough of both types of omega-3s is important if you want your body to be
able to do its job the way it is designed to. Many times weight gain occurs from a nutrient deficiency,
so making up for that shortage is priority one. You’ll be surprised at what a difference it makes when
you start getting all of what you need.

8. A Spoonful of Cinnamon for Essential Minerals and Fiber

Cinnamon is not just a tasty spice that makes desserts taste nice, it’s a tool you can use as part of a
comprehensive approach to weight loss. When used at the right time, and in the right way, cinnamon
can be a powerful ally that will spur on results.
One popular mix for weight loss is cinnamon and honey.
Take a spoonful of each and mix them together in hot water
to form a sort of tea. You can drink this anytime of day to
help with your weight loss strategy.

Why It Works: Cinnamon contains minerals that your

body needs each day, and is a surprising source of fiber. By
helping you meet your fiber requirement for the day, a
spoonful of cinnamon will help you maintain a healthy weight, or get you to one if you’re not there

9. A Spoonful of Lemon Juice to Support the Immune System

Lemons are often used for their astringent properties in cleaning products, and the same cleaning
power can go to work to help your body lose weight, and help you feel good along the way.
Add a spoonful of lemon juice to a glass of hot water first thing in the morning and you’ll be helping
your digestion and starting your day off with a blast of Vitamin C. Add lemon to your water
throughout the day and you’ll be helping to alkalinize the body which helps with weight loss.

Why It Works: Having a properly functioning immune system is key to losing weight. Not only will
you be less likely to come down with a cold that can put your exercising on ice, but Vitamin C can
help turn your body into a fat-burning device rather than a fat-storing one.

10. A Spoonful of Dark Cacao Powder for Antioxidants

You’ve probably heard of the beneficial effects of dark chocolate,

that it’s loaded with antioxidants and doesn’t have the added sugar
that’s in milk chocolate. One of the most accessible ways to enjoy
dark chocolate is with dark cacao powder.

Add a spoonful of dark chocolate powder into a smoothie and

you’ll not only be adding in the key chocolate flavor that will curb
cravings, you’ll be boosting your antioxidants for better health and easier pound shedding.
Why It Works: The polyphenols in cacao powder are what makes this work. They have a positive
impact on your digestion which leads to a better functioning body, less stored body waste, and a
lighter you.
11. A Spoonful of Mashed Avocado for Healthy Fats

When in doubt of what to eat and wondering how to lose weight fast, grab an avocado. There’s really
no time of day that isn’t suited for the soft and refreshing taste of avocado, and you can add it to a
breakfast smoothie, use it as a snack between meals, on salads, or as a garnish at dinner.

Mashing it up makes it even easier to digest, and a spoonful will give you a jump on the amount of
fiber you’ll need to consume each day in order to facilitate weight loss. Always be sure that you’re
getting enough fiber, a minimum of 25 grams and up to 35 grams if you can manage it. Start slowly
to increase your fiber and you’ll see results via the weight you lose.

Why It Works: Avocados are full of healthy fats which will actually help you to burn fat rather than
gain it. They’re also a great source of potassium, an important mineral when trying to lose weight.

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