Tle - Programming: Quarter 1: Week 1

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Learning Activity Sheets

Quarter 1: Week 1
Code using standard algorithms

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(Computer Programming –Specialization G10)

Name of Learner: ___________________________________ Grade Level: _________

Section: __________________________________________ Date: _______________


Background Information for Learners

It is very important to assess one's personal entrepreneurial competencies (PECs)
in order to know the strengths and weaknesses of the entrepreneur. These PECs include
characteristics, attributes, lifestyles, skills, or traits. Likewise, when one aligns these
competencies with the competencies of successful practitioners or entrepreneurs, he or
she will be ready to face the experiences of starting a business or being employed.

• Develop and strengthen PECs needed in Computer Programming

Activity 1: Matching Type

Directions: Match the entrepreneurial competencies in column A with their meaning in
column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each
____1. Creative A. makes wise decisions towards the set objectives
____2. Profit-oriented B. strategic thinking and setting of goals
____3. Disciplined C. trusting in one’s ability
____4. Sound decision maker D. adoptable to change
____5. Possess people skills E. innovates to have an edge over other
____6. Excellent Planner F. solid dedication
____7. Confident G. skillful in record keeping
____8. Hardworking H. always sticks to the plan
D Ability to accept change
____9. I. work diligently
____10. Committed J. effective and efficient communication
skills and relates well to people
K. always looking for an opportunity to
have/earn income.
Activity2: Guide Questions
Directions: The following are guide questions which covers the entire module. Write your
answers on your assignment notebook. Discuss / share these to the class.

A. Explain why entrepreneurial activities are important to social development and

economy progress.
B. What entrepreneurial activities related to Computer Programming do you know
and can do?
C. If you were given the opportunity to own a business that relates to Computer
Programming, do you think you will be confident to manage it? Explain your answer.
D. What do you think are the most important competencies one must possess in order
to be successful in running a chosen business?
E. Name successful entrepreneurs from your province whose businesses are related to
Computer Programming. Make sure you will be able to share with the class the PECs that
made them successful.

ACTIVITY 3: Preparation of a Plan of Action

Directions: Use in a separate sheet of paper / in your notebook the information generated from
task 5 (Interview) and prepare an action plan that indicates alignment of your PECs to the PECs
of a successful entrepreneur in computer hardware servicing in your province.

Time Expected
Objective Area Activities Strategies
Frame Outcome
To align my Characteristics
PECs with the
PECs of a
in Computer



ACTIVITY 4: PECs Checklist

Directions: Using the PECs checklist, assess yourself by putting a check ( ) mark in either
strengths or development areas column. Interpret the results by counting the total number of check
marks in each of the columns. After accomplishing the checklist, form a group and share your
insights on the result of the personal assessment.

Table 1: PECs Checklist

Personal Assessment in terms of:
Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies
(PECs) of an Entrepreneur
Strengths Development

- Works diligently

- Self-reliance in one’s ability

- Always stick to the plan
- Solid dedication

Ability to accept changes

- Adaptable

- Innovative to have edge over other

- Always looking for an opportunity to
have/earn income

Excellent planner
- Strategic thinking and setting of goals

Possess people skill

- Effective and efficient communication
skills and relates well to people

Sound decision maker

- Makes wise decisions towards the set


Interpretation or Insight:



VI – References
• Module 5, Project EASE, Effective and Affordable Secondary Education
Answers’ Key
Activity 1:

1. E innovates to have an edge over other competitors

2. K always looking for an opportunity to have/earn income.
3. H always sticks to the plan
4. A makes wise decisions towards the set objectives
5. J effective and efficient communication skills and relates well to people
6. B strategic thinking and setting of goals
7. C trusting in one’s ability
8. H always sticks to the plan
9. D adoptable to change
10. F solid dedication

Activity 2:

A. Explain why entrepreneurial activities are important to social development and

economy progress.
Answer: Entrepreneurial activities raises the social economic status through gaining
profits and opening more doors for business. It promotes social development and
economic progress through helping others to be employed and supporting events,
outreaches feeding and other social responsibility of an entrepreneur.
B. What entrepreneurial activities related to Computer Programming do you know
and can do?
Answer: Entrepreneurial activities related to computer programming what you know
and are able to conduct business in the effort do it. For example: Website or Software
Application Business or other business related to computer programming.
C. If you were given the opportunity to own a business that relates to Computer
Programming, do you think you will be confident to manage it? Explain your
Answer: The answer to the question is If will be given a chance to put up a business,
it is Yes, I am confident enough to manage the business in related to Computer
Programming. Computer Programming is more on Computer coding, debugging, the
safety measures one could do while doing these technical tasks. The main reason I
would be pursuing the business is because I would like to contribute something to my
country and that is to share my knowledge and at the same time, earning a little
because of what I have shared. Also, having the knowledge is not enough, one should
also learn safety procedures and the danger they could get without practicing safety
measures in the process of programming.
D. What do you think are the most important competencies one must possess in
order to be successful in running a chosen business?
Answer: Managing business is a challenging task of every Entrepreneur,
Entrepreneur really need to put all his/her efforts in order to gain profit and be on the
top over all competitors. Success is the main goal of every business owner thus he/she
needs to do everything, strategies and tactics to survive competitively. A victorious
business lies in the hand of the owner whether he/she is gaining profit or losses.
Hence, a business owner must competent in order to stand in the midst of a close
competition. Here are the most important competencies a businessman needs to run a
business successfully, he must be Hardworking, Confident, Disciplined, Committed,
Adaptable, Creative, Profit-oriented, Excellent planner and Sound decision maker
E. Name successful entrepreneurs from your province whose businesses are related
to Computer Programming. Make sure you will be able to share with the class
the PECs that made them successful.
Answer: Jason Guevarra a free-lance computer programmer that caters to those
private or public owned business who wants to have a personal website. He possesses
all personal entrepreneurial competency that because of this he is now a successful
web developer who now resides in Australia.

ACTIVITY 3: Preparation of a Plan of Action

Objective Area Activities Strategies Time Expected
Frame Outcome

Identify a Interview 1 to 2 Identified

Characteristics successful weeks differences of
To align my
entrepreneur in the PEC’s of
PECs with
programming and the Successful
the PECs of a
assess the PEC’s entrepreneur in
that he/she possess Programming
then compare it
in Computer Compared to
with my own
Programming my PEC’s

Identify a Interview 1 to 2 Identified

successful weeks differences of
Skills entrepreneur in the skills of the
programming and Successful
assess the skills entrepreneur in
that he/she possess Programming
then compare it
Compared to
with my own skills
my skills

Identify a Interview 1 to 2 Identified

successful weeks differences of
entrepreneur in the attributes of
Attribute programming and the Successful
assess the attributes entrepreneur in
that he/she possess Programming
then compare it
Compared to
with my own
my attributes

Identify a Interview 1 to 2 Identified

successful weeks differences of
entrepreneur in the traits of the
Traits programming and Successful
assess the traits that entrepreneur in
he/she possess then Programming
compare it with my
C own traits Compared to
my traits

ACTIVITY 4: PECs Checklist

Table 1: PECs Checklist
Personal Assessment in terms of:
Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies
(PECs) of an Entrepreneur
Strengths Development

- Works diligently

- Self-reliance in one’s ability

- Always stick to the plan

- Solid dedication

Ability to accept changes

- Adaptable

- Innovative to have edge over other

H Profit-oriented
- Always looking for an opportunity to
have/earn income

Excellent planner
Strategic thinking and setting of goals
Possess people skill
- Effective and efficient communication
skills and relates well to people

Sound decision maker

- Makes wise decisions towards the set
8 2

Interpretation or Insight:
There is a need to address the development areas because this competencies are vital to
the success of the business.

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